Пример #1
 def __init__(self, channel, symbols):
     self.channel = channel
     self.symbols = symbols
     self.memory = Memory()
     self.specializer = MessageSpecializer(memory=self.memory)
     self.parser = MessageParser(memory=self.memory)
     self.flow_parser = FlowParser(memory=self.memory)
Пример #2
    def specialize(self, memory=None, generationStrategy=None, presets=None):
        """Specialize and generate an hexastring which content
        follows the fields definitions attached to the field of the symbol.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field(domain=ASCII(nbChars=5))
        >>> f0 = Field(domain=Size(f1))
        >>> s = Symbol(fields=[f0, f1])
        >>> result = s.specialize()
        >>> print(result[0])
        >>> print(len(result))

        You can also preset the value of some variables included in the symbol definition.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field(domain=ASCII("hello "))
        >>> f2 = Field(domain=ASCII(nbChars=(1,10)))
        >>> s = Symbol(fields = [f1, f2])
        >>> presetValues = dict()
        >>> presetValues[f2] = TypeConverter.convert("antoine", ASCII, BitArray)
        >>> print(s.specialize(presets = presetValues))
        b'hello antoine'

        A preseted valued bypasses all the constraints checks on your field definition.
        For example, in the following example it can be use to bypass a size field definition.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field()
        >>> f2 = Field(domain=Raw(nbBytes=(10,15)))
        >>> f1.domain = Size(f2)
        >>> s = Symbol(fields=[f1, f2])
        >>> presetValues = {f1: TypeConverter.convert("\xff", Raw, BitArray)}        
        >>> print(s.specialize(presets = presetValues)[0])

        :keyword generationStrategy: if set, the strategy will be used to generate the fields definitions
        :type generaionrStrategy: :class:``

        :return: a generated content represented as a Raw
        :rtype: :class:`str``
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.GenerationException` if an error occurs while generating a message

        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Domain.Specializer.MessageSpecializer import MessageSpecializer
        msg = MessageSpecializer(memory=memory, presets=presets)
        spePath = msg.specializeSymbol(self)

        if spePath is not None:
            return TypeConverter.convert(spePath.generatedContent, BitArray,
Пример #3
    def specialize(self, memory=None, generationStrategy=None, presets=None):
        """Specialize and generate an hexastring which content
        follows the fields definitions attached to the field of the symbol.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field(domain=ASCII(nbChars=5))
        >>> f0 = Field(domain=Size(f1))
        >>> s = Symbol(fields=[f0, f1])
        >>> result = s.specialize()
        >>> print(result[0])
        >>> print(len(result))

        You can also preset the value of some variables included in the symbol definition.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field(domain=ASCII("hello "))
        >>> f2 = Field(domain=ASCII(nbChars=(1,10)))
        >>> s = Symbol(fields = [f1, f2])
        >>> presetValues = dict()
        >>> presetValues[f2] = TypeConverter.convert("antoine", ASCII, BitArray)
        >>> print(s.specialize(presets = presetValues))
        b'hello antoine'

        A preseted valued bypasses all the constraints checks on your field definition.
        For example, in the following example it can be use to bypass a size field definition.

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> f1 = Field()
        >>> f2 = Field(domain=Raw(nbBytes=(10,15)))
        >>> f1.domain = Size(f2)
        >>> s = Symbol(fields=[f1, f2])
        >>> presetValues = {f1: TypeConverter.convert("\xff", Raw, BitArray)}        
        >>> print(s.specialize(presets = presetValues)[0])

        :keyword generationStrategy: if set, the strategy will be used to generate the fields definitions
        :type generaionrStrategy: :class:``

        :return: a generated content represented as a Raw
        :rtype: :class:`str``
        :raises: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.AbstractField.GenerationException` if an error occurs while generating a message

        from netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Domain.Specializer.MessageSpecializer import MessageSpecializer
        msg = MessageSpecializer(memory=memory, presets=presets)
        spePath = msg.specializeSymbol(self)

        if spePath is not None:
            return TypeConverter.convert(spePath.generatedContent, BitArray,
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, channel, symbols):
     self.channel = channel
     self.symbols = symbols
     self.memory = Memory()
     self.specializer = MessageSpecializer(memory=self.memory)
     self.parser = MessageParser(memory=self.memory)
     self.flow_parser = FlowParser(memory=self.memory)
Пример #5
class AbstractionLayer(object):
    """An abstraction layer specializes a symbol into a message before
    emitting it and on the other way, abstracts a received message
    into a symbol.

    >>> from netzob.all import *
    >>> symbol = Symbol([Field(b"Hello Zoby !")], name = "Symbol_Hello")
    >>> channelIn = UDPServer(localIP="", localPort=8889)
    >>> abstractionLayerIn = AbstractionLayer(channelIn, [symbol])
    >>> abstractionLayerIn.openChannel()
    >>> channelOut = UDPClient(remoteIP="", remotePort=8889)
    >>> abstractionLayerOut = AbstractionLayer(channelOut, [symbol])
    >>> abstractionLayerOut.openChannel()
    >>> abstractionLayerOut.writeSymbol(symbol)
    >>> (receivedSymbol, receivedMessage) = abstractionLayerIn.readSymbol()
    >>> print(receivedSymbol.name)
    >>> print(receivedMessage)
    b'Hello Zoby !'

    The abstraction layer can also handle a message flow.

    >>> symbolflow = Symbol([Field(b"Hello Zoby !Whats up ?")], name = "Symbol Flow")
    >>> symbol1 = Symbol([Field(b"Hello Zoby !")], name = "Symbol_Hello")
    >>> symbol2 = Symbol([Field(b"Whats up ?")], name = "Symbol_WUP")
    >>> channelIn = UDPServer(localIP="", localPort=8889)
    >>> abstractionLayerIn = AbstractionLayer(channelIn, [symbol1, symbol2])
    >>> abstractionLayerIn.openChannel()
    >>> channelOut = UDPClient(remoteIP="", remotePort=8889)
    >>> abstractionLayerOut = AbstractionLayer(channelOut, [symbolflow])
    >>> abstractionLayerOut.openChannel()
    >>> abstractionLayerOut.writeSymbol(symbolflow)
    >>> (receivedSymbols, receivedMessage) = abstractionLayerIn.readSymbols()
    >>> print(receivedSymbols)
    [Symbol_Hello, Symbol_WUP]

    def __init__(self, channel, symbols):
        self.channel = channel
        self.symbols = symbols
        self.memory = Memory()
        self.specializer = MessageSpecializer(memory=self.memory)
        self.parser = MessageParser(memory=self.memory)
        self.flow_parser = FlowParser(memory=self.memory)

    def writeSymbol(self, symbol):
        """Write the specified symbol on the communication channel
        after specializing it into a contextualized message.

        :param symbol: the symbol to write on the channel
        :type symbol: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Symbol.Symbol`
        :raise TypeError if parameter is not valid and Exception if an exception occurs.
        if symbol is None:
            raise TypeError(
                "The symbol to write on the channel cannot be None")

        self._logger.debug("Specializing symbol '{0}' (id={1}).".format(
            symbol.name, symbol.id))

        dataBin = self.specializer.specializeSymbol(symbol).generatedContent

        self.memory = self.specializer.memory
        self.parser.memory = self.memory
        data = TypeConverter.convert(dataBin, BitArray, Raw)

        self._logger.debug("Writing to commnunication channel done..")

    def readSymbols(self, timeout=EmptySymbol.defaultReceptionTimeout()):
        """Read from the abstraction layer a flow and abstract it with one or more consecutive symbols
        The timeout parameter represents the amount of time (in millisecond) above which
        no reception of a message triggers the reception of an  :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`. If timeout set to None
        or to a negative value means it always wait for the reception of a message.

        :keyword timeout: the time above which no reception of message triggers the reception of an :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`
        :type timeout: :class:`int`
        :raise TypeError if the parameter is not valid and Exception if an error occurs.

        self._logger.debug("Reading data from communication channel...")
        data = self.channel.read(timeout=timeout)
        self._logger.debug("Received : {}".format(repr(data)))

        symbols = []

        # if we read some bytes, we try to abstract them
        if len(data) > 0:
                symbols_and_data = self.flow_parser.parseFlow(
                    RawMessage(data), self.symbols)
                for (symbol, alignment) in symbols_and_data:
            except Exception as e:

            if len(symbols) > 0:
                self.memory = self.flow_parser.memory
                self.specializer.memory = self.memory

        if len(symbols) == 0 and len(data) > 0:
            msg = RawMessage(data)

        return (symbols, data)

    def readSymbol(self, timeout=EmptySymbol.defaultReceptionTimeout()):
        """Read from the abstraction layer a message and abstract it
        into a message.
        The timeout parameter represents the amount of time (in millisecond) above which
        no reception of a message triggers the reception of an  :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`. If timeout set to None
        or to a negative value means it always wait for the reception of a message.

        :keyword timeout: the time above which no reception of message triggers the reception of an :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`
        :type timeout: :class:`int`
        :raise TypeError if the parameter is not valid and Exception if an error occurs.

        self._logger.debug("Reading data from communication channel...")
        data = self.channel.read(timeout=timeout)
        self._logger.debug("Received : {}".format(repr(data)))

        symbol = None

        # if we read some bytes, we try to abstract them
        if len(data) > 0:
            for potential in self.symbols:
                    self.parser.parseMessage(RawMessage(data), potential)
                    symbol = potential
                    self.memory = self.parser.memory
                    self.specializer.memory = self.memory
                except Exception:
                    symbol = None

        if symbol is None and len(data) > 0:
            msg = RawMessage(data)
            symbol = UnknownSymbol(message=msg)
        elif symbol is None and len(data) == 0:
            symbol = EmptySymbol()

        return (symbol, data)

    def openChannel(self):
        self._logger.debug("Communication channel opened.")

    def closeChannel(self):
        self._logger.debug("Communication channel close.")

    def reset(self):
        self._logger.debug("Reseting abstraction layer")
        self.memory = Memory()
        self.specializer = MessageSpecializer(memory=self.memory)
        self.parser = MessageParser(memory=self.memory)
        self.flow_parser = FlowParser(memory=self.memory)
Пример #6
 def reset(self):
     self._logger.debug("Reseting abstraction layer")
     self.memory = Memory()
     self.specializer = MessageSpecializer(memory=self.memory)
     self.parser = MessageParser(memory=self.memory)
     self.flow_parser = FlowParser(memory=self.memory)
Пример #7
class AbstractionLayer(object):
    """An abstraction layer specializes a symbol into a message before
    emitting it and on the other way, abstracts a received message
    into a symbol.

    >>> from netzob.all import *
    >>> symbol = Symbol([Field(b"Hello Zoby !")], name = "Symbol_Hello")
    >>> channelIn = UDPServer(localIP="", localPort=8889)
    >>> abstractionLayerIn = AbstractionLayer(channelIn, [symbol])
    >>> abstractionLayerIn.openChannel()
    >>> channelOut = UDPClient(remoteIP="", remotePort=8889)
    >>> abstractionLayerOut = AbstractionLayer(channelOut, [symbol])
    >>> abstractionLayerOut.openChannel()
    >>> abstractionLayerOut.writeSymbol(symbol)
    >>> (receivedSymbol, receivedMessage) = abstractionLayerIn.readSymbol()
    >>> print(receivedSymbol.name)
    >>> print(receivedMessage)
    b'Hello Zoby !'

    The abstraction layer can also handle a message flow.

    >>> symbolflow = Symbol([Field(b"Hello Zoby !Whats up ?")], name = "Symbol Flow")
    >>> symbol1 = Symbol([Field(b"Hello Zoby !")], name = "Symbol_Hello")
    >>> symbol2 = Symbol([Field(b"Whats up ?")], name = "Symbol_WUP")
    >>> channelIn = UDPServer(localIP="", localPort=8889)
    >>> abstractionLayerIn = AbstractionLayer(channelIn, [symbol1, symbol2])
    >>> abstractionLayerIn.openChannel()
    >>> channelOut = UDPClient(remoteIP="", remotePort=8889)
    >>> abstractionLayerOut = AbstractionLayer(channelOut, [symbolflow])
    >>> abstractionLayerOut.openChannel()
    >>> abstractionLayerOut.writeSymbol(symbolflow)
    >>> (receivedSymbols, receivedMessage) = abstractionLayerIn.readSymbols()
    >>> print(receivedSymbols)
    [Symbol_Hello, Symbol_WUP]


    def __init__(self, channel, symbols):
        self.channel = channel
        self.symbols = symbols
        self.memory = Memory()
        self.specializer = MessageSpecializer(memory=self.memory)
        self.parser = MessageParser(memory=self.memory)
        self.flow_parser = FlowParser(memory=self.memory)

    def writeSymbol(self, symbol, rate=None, duration=None, presets=None):
        """Write the specified symbol on the communication channel
        after specializing it into a contextualized message.

        :param symbol: the symbol to write on the channel
        :type symbol: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Symbol.Symbol`

        :param rate: specifies the bandwidth in octets to respect durring traffic emission (should be used with duration= parameter)
        :type rate: int

        :param duration: tells how much seconds the symbol is continuously written on the channel
        :type duration: int

        :param presets: specifies how to parameterize the emitted symbol
        :type presets: dict

        :raise TypeError if parameter is not valid and Exception if an exception occurs.


        if symbol is None:
            raise TypeError(
                "The symbol to write on the channel cannot be None")

        len_data = 0
        if duration is None:
            len_data = self._writeSymbol(symbol, presets=presets)

            t_start = time.time()
            t_elapsed = 0
            t_delta = 0
            while True:

                t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
                if t_elapsed > duration:

                # Specialize the symbol and send it over the channel
                len_data += self._writeSymbol(symbol, presets=presets)

                if rate is None:
                    t_tmp = t_elapsed
                    t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
                    t_delta += t_elapsed - t_tmp
                    # Wait some time to that we follow a specific rate
                    while True:
                        t_tmp = t_elapsed
                        t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
                        t_delta += t_elapsed - t_tmp

                        if (len_data / t_elapsed) > rate:

                # Show some log every seconds
                if t_delta > 1:
                    t_delta = 0
                    self._logger.debug("Rate rule: {} ko/s, current rate: {} ko/s, sent data: {} ko, nb seconds elapsed: {}".format(round(rate / 1024, 2),
                                                                                                                                    round((len_data / t_elapsed) / 1024, 2),
                                                                                                                                    round(len_data / 1024, 2),
                                                                                                                                    round(t_elapsed, 2)))
        return len_data

    def _writeSymbol(self, symbol, presets=None):
        """Write the specified symbol on the communication channel after
        specializing it into a contextualized message.

        :param symbol: the symbol to write on the channel
        :type symbol: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Symbol.Symbol`

        :param presets: specifies how to parameterize the emitted symbol
        :type presets: dict

        :raise TypeError if parameter is not valid and Exception if an exception occurs.


        self._logger.debug("Specializing symbol '{0}' (id={1}).".format(
            symbol.name, symbol.id))

        self.specializer.presets = presets
        dataBin = self.specializer.specializeSymbol(symbol).generatedContent
        self.specializer.presets = None

        self.memory = self.specializer.memory
        self.parser.memory = self.memory
        data = TypeConverter.convert(dataBin, BitArray, Raw)

        len_data = self.channel.write(data)
        self._logger.debug("Writing {} octets to commnunication channel done..".format(len_data))
        return len_data

    def readSymbols(self, timeout=EmptySymbol.defaultReceptionTimeout()):
        """Read from the abstraction layer a flow and abstract it with one or more consecutive symbols
        The timeout parameter represents the amount of time (in millisecond) above which
        no reception of a message triggers the reception of an  :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`. If timeout set to None
        or to a negative value means it always wait for the reception of a message.

        :keyword timeout: the time above which no reception of message triggers the reception of an :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`
        :type timeout: :class:`int`
        :raise TypeError if the parameter is not valid and Exception if an error occurs.

        self._logger.debug("Reading data from communication channel...")
        data = self.channel.read(timeout=timeout)
        self._logger.debug("Received : {}".format(repr(data)))

        symbols = []

        # if we read some bytes, we try to abstract them
        if len(data) > 0:
                symbols_and_data = self.flow_parser.parseFlow(
                    RawMessage(data), self.symbols)
                for (symbol, alignment) in symbols_and_data:
            except Exception as e:

            if len(symbols) > 0:
                self.memory = self.flow_parser.memory
                self.specializer.memory = self.memory

        if len(symbols) == 0 and len(data) > 0:
            msg = RawMessage(data)

        return (symbols, data)

    def readSymbol(self, timeout=EmptySymbol.defaultReceptionTimeout()):
        """Read from the abstraction layer a message and abstract it
        into a message.
        The timeout parameter represents the amount of time (in millisecond) above which
        no reception of a message triggers the reception of an  :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`. If timeout set to None
        or to a negative value means it always wait for the reception of a message.

        :keyword timeout: the time above which no reception of message triggers the reception of an :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`
        :type timeout: :class:`int`
        :raise TypeError if the parameter is not valid and Exception if an error occurs.

        self._logger.debug("Reading data from communication channel...")
        data = self.channel.read(timeout=timeout)
        self._logger.debug("Received : {}".format(repr(data)))

        symbol = None

        # if we read some bytes, we try to abstract them
        if len(data) > 0:
            for potential in self.symbols:
                    self.parser.parseMessage(RawMessage(data), potential)
                    symbol = potential
                    self.memory = self.parser.memory
                    self.specializer.memory = self.memory
                except Exception:
                    symbol = None

        if symbol is None and len(data) > 0:
            msg = RawMessage(data)
            symbol = UnknownSymbol(message=msg)
        elif symbol is None and len(data) == 0:
            symbol = EmptySymbol()

        return (symbol, data)

    def openChannel(self):
        self._logger.debug("Communication channel opened.")

    def closeChannel(self):
        self._logger.debug("Communication channel close.")

    def reset(self):
        self._logger.debug("Reseting abstraction layer")
        self.memory = Memory()
        self.specializer = MessageSpecializer(memory=self.memory)
        self.parser = MessageParser(memory=self.memory)
        self.flow_parser = FlowParser(memory=self.memory)
Пример #8
 def reset(self):
     self._logger.debug("Reseting abstraction layer")
     self.memory = Memory()
     self.specializer = MessageSpecializer(memory=self.memory)
     self.parser = MessageParser(memory=self.memory)
     self.flow_parser = FlowParser(memory=self.memory)
Пример #9
class AbstractionLayer(object):
    """An abstraction layer specializes a symbol into a message before
    emitting it and on the other way, abstracts a received message
    into a symbol.

    >>> from netzob.all import *
    >>> symbol = Symbol([Field(b"Hello Zoby !")], name = "Symbol_Hello")
    >>> channelIn = UDPServer(localIP="", localPort=8889)
    >>> abstractionLayerIn = AbstractionLayer(channelIn, [symbol])
    >>> abstractionLayerIn.openChannel()
    >>> channelOut = UDPClient(remoteIP="", remotePort=8889)
    >>> abstractionLayerOut = AbstractionLayer(channelOut, [symbol])
    >>> abstractionLayerOut.openChannel()
    >>> abstractionLayerOut.writeSymbol(symbol)
    >>> (receivedSymbol, receivedMessage) = abstractionLayerIn.readSymbol()
    >>> print(receivedSymbol.name)
    >>> print(receivedMessage)
    b'Hello Zoby !'

    The abstraction layer can also handle a message flow.

    >>> symbolflow = Symbol([Field(b"Hello Zoby !Whats up ?")], name = "Symbol Flow")
    >>> symbol1 = Symbol([Field(b"Hello Zoby !")], name = "Symbol_Hello")
    >>> symbol2 = Symbol([Field(b"Whats up ?")], name = "Symbol_WUP")
    >>> channelIn = UDPServer(localIP="", localPort=8889)
    >>> abstractionLayerIn = AbstractionLayer(channelIn, [symbol1, symbol2])
    >>> abstractionLayerIn.openChannel()
    >>> channelOut = UDPClient(remoteIP="", remotePort=8889)
    >>> abstractionLayerOut = AbstractionLayer(channelOut, [symbolflow])
    >>> abstractionLayerOut.openChannel()
    >>> abstractionLayerOut.writeSymbol(symbolflow)
    >>> (receivedSymbols, receivedMessage) = abstractionLayerIn.readSymbols()
    >>> print(receivedSymbols)
    [Symbol_Hello, Symbol_WUP]

    def __init__(self, channel, symbols):
        self.channel = channel
        self.symbols = symbols
        self.memory = Memory()
        self.specializer = MessageSpecializer(memory=self.memory)
        self.parser = MessageParser(memory=self.memory)
        self.flow_parser = FlowParser(memory=self.memory)

    def writeSymbol(self, symbol, rate=None, duration=None, presets=None):
        """Write the specified symbol on the communication channel
        after specializing it into a contextualized message.

        :param symbol: the symbol to write on the channel
        :type symbol: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Symbol.Symbol`

        :param rate: specifies the bandwidth in octets to respect durring traffic emission (should be used with duration= parameter)
        :type rate: int

        :param duration: tells how much seconds the symbol is continuously written on the channel
        :type duration: int

        :param presets: specifies how to parameterize the emitted symbol
        :type presets: dict

        :raise TypeError if parameter is not valid and Exception if an exception occurs.


        if symbol is None:
            raise TypeError(
                "The symbol to write on the channel cannot be None")

        len_data = 0
        if duration is None:
            len_data = self._writeSymbol(symbol, presets=presets)

            t_start = time.time()
            t_elapsed = 0
            t_delta = 0
            while True:

                t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
                if t_elapsed > duration:

                # Specialize the symbol and send it over the channel
                len_data += self._writeSymbol(symbol, presets=presets)

                if rate is None:
                    t_tmp = t_elapsed
                    t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
                    t_delta += t_elapsed - t_tmp
                    # Wait some time to that we follow a specific rate
                    while True:
                        t_tmp = t_elapsed
                        t_elapsed = time.time() - t_start
                        t_delta += t_elapsed - t_tmp

                        if (len_data / t_elapsed) > rate:

                # Show some log every seconds
                if t_delta > 1:
                    t_delta = 0
                        "Rate rule: {} ko/s, current rate: {} ko/s, sent data: {} ko, nb seconds elapsed: {}"
                        .format(round(rate / 1024, 2),
                                round((len_data / t_elapsed) / 1024, 2),
                                round(len_data / 1024, 2), round(t_elapsed,
        return len_data

    def _writeSymbol(self, symbol, presets=None):
        """Write the specified symbol on the communication channel after
        specializing it into a contextualized message.

        :param symbol: the symbol to write on the channel
        :type symbol: :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.Symbol.Symbol`

        :param presets: specifies how to parameterize the emitted symbol
        :type presets: dict

        :raise TypeError if parameter is not valid and Exception if an exception occurs.


        self._logger.debug("Specializing symbol '{0}' (id={1}).".format(
            symbol.name, symbol.id))

        self.specializer.presets = presets
        dataBin = self.specializer.specializeSymbol(symbol).generatedContent
        self.specializer.presets = None

        self.memory = self.specializer.memory
        self.parser.memory = self.memory
        data = TypeConverter.convert(dataBin, BitArray, Raw)

        len_data = self.channel.write(data)
            "Writing {} octets to commnunication channel done..".format(
        return len_data

    def readSymbols(self, timeout=EmptySymbol.defaultReceptionTimeout()):
        """Read from the abstraction layer a flow and abstract it with one or more consecutive symbols
        The timeout parameter represents the amount of time (in millisecond) above which
        no reception of a message triggers the reception of an  :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`. If timeout set to None
        or to a negative value means it always wait for the reception of a message.

        :keyword timeout: the time above which no reception of message triggers the reception of an :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`
        :type timeout: :class:`int`
        :raise TypeError if the parameter is not valid and Exception if an error occurs.

        self._logger.debug("Reading data from communication channel...")
        data = self.channel.read(timeout=timeout)
        self._logger.debug("Received : {}".format(repr(data)))

        symbols = []

        # if we read some bytes, we try to abstract them
        if len(data) > 0:
                symbols_and_data = self.flow_parser.parseFlow(
                    RawMessage(data), self.symbols)
                for (symbol, alignment) in symbols_and_data:
            except Exception as e:

            if len(symbols) > 0:
                self.memory = self.flow_parser.memory
                self.specializer.memory = self.memory

        if len(symbols) == 0 and len(data) > 0:
            msg = RawMessage(data)

        return (symbols, data)

    def readSymbol(self, timeout=EmptySymbol.defaultReceptionTimeout()):
        """Read from the abstraction layer a message and abstract it
        into a message.
        The timeout parameter represents the amount of time (in millisecond) above which
        no reception of a message triggers the reception of an  :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`. If timeout set to None
        or to a negative value means it always wait for the reception of a message.

        :keyword timeout: the time above which no reception of message triggers the reception of an :class:`netzob.Model.Vocabulary.EmptySymbol.EmptySymbol`
        :type timeout: :class:`int`
        :raise TypeError if the parameter is not valid and Exception if an error occurs.

        self._logger.debug("Reading data from communication channel...")
        data = self.channel.read(timeout=timeout)
        self._logger.debug("Received : {}".format(repr(data)))

        symbol = None

        # if we read some bytes, we try to abstract them
        if len(data) > 0:
            for potential in self.symbols:
                    self.parser.parseMessage(RawMessage(data), potential)
                    symbol = potential
                    self.memory = self.parser.memory
                    self.specializer.memory = self.memory
                except Exception:
                    symbol = None

        if symbol is None and len(data) > 0:
            msg = RawMessage(data)
            symbol = UnknownSymbol(message=msg)
        elif symbol is None and len(data) == 0:
            symbol = EmptySymbol()

        return (symbol, data)

    def openChannel(self):
        self._logger.debug("Communication channel opened.")

    def closeChannel(self):
        self._logger.debug("Communication channel close.")

    def reset(self):
        self._logger.debug("Reseting abstraction layer")
        self.memory = Memory()
        self.specializer = MessageSpecializer(memory=self.memory)
        self.parser = MessageParser(memory=self.memory)
        self.flow_parser = FlowParser(memory=self.memory)