Пример #1
 def connection_lost(self, stream):
     if runner_core.test_is_running():
         LOG.debug("RendezVous: don't _schedule(): test in progress")
     if self._task:
         LOG.debug("RendezVous: don't _schedule(): we already have a task")
Пример #2
def runner_api(stream, request, query):

    ''' Implements /api/runner '''

    response = Message()

    # DO NOT allow to start a test when another test is in
    # progress because I have noticed that is confusing both
    # from
    # command line and WUI.
    if runner_core.test_is_running():
        raise ConfigError('A test is already in progress, try again later')

    # If there is not a query string this API is just
    # a no-operation and returns an empty JSON body to
    # keep happy the AJAX code.
    if not query:
        response.compose(code='200', reason='Ok', body='{}',
        stream.send_response(request, response)

    options = cgi.parse_qs(query)

    # If the query does not contain the name of the
    # test, this is an error and we must notify that
    # to the caller.  Raise ConfigError, which will
    # be automatically transformed into a 500 message
    # with the proper body and reason.
    if not 'test' in options:
        raise ConfigError('Missing "test" option in query string')

    # Extract the test name and then attempt to map it
    # to the related negotiate URI.  If that fails, tell
    # the caller, using ConfigError, which will be auto-
    # matically transformed into a 500 message with the
    # proper body and reason.
    test = options['test'][0]
    negotiate_uri = runner_lst.test_to_negotiate_uri(test)
    if not negotiate_uri:
        raise ConfigError('Cannot map test name to negotiate URI')

    # Simple case: the caller does not want to follow the
    # test via log streaming.  We can immediately start
    # the test using the runner and, if everything is OK,
    # we can send a succesful response, with an empty JSON
    # body to keep happy the AJAX code.
    if not 'streaming' in options or not utils.intify(options['streaming'][0]):
        runner_core.run(test, negotiate_uri, runner_api_done)
        response.compose(code='200', reason='Ok', body='{}',
        stream.send_response(request, response)

    # More interesting case: the caller wants to see the log
    # messages during the test via the log streaming API.
    # We prepare a succesful response terminated by EOF and
    # then arrange things so that every new log message will
    # be copied to the HTTP response.
    # Then we kick off the runner, and note that we do that
    # AFTER we setup the response for eventual runner errors
    # to be copied to the HTTP response.
    # The runner core will automatically close all attached
    # streams at the end of the test.
    response.compose(code='200', reason='Ok',
      up_to_eof=True, mimetype='text/plain')
    stream.send_response(request, response)
    runner_core.run(test, negotiate_uri, runner_api_done)