Пример #1
    def test_forward(self):
        a_cpu = np.random.normal(size=(10, 3)).astype('float32')
        b_cpu = np.random.normal(size=(10, 3)).astype('float32')
        c_ref = np.cross(a_cpu, b_cpu)
        a_gpu = chainer.cuda.to_gpu(a_cpu)
        b_gpu = chainer.cuda.to_gpu(b_cpu)

        c_cpu = neural_renderer.cross(a_cpu, b_cpu).data
        c_gpu = neural_renderer.cross(a_gpu, b_gpu).data

        chainer.testing.assert_allclose(c_ref, c_cpu)
        chainer.testing.assert_allclose(c_ref, chainer.cuda.to_cpu(c_gpu))
Пример #2
    def render_normal(self, vertices, faces):
        # fill back
        if self.fill_back:
            faces = cf.concat((faces, faces[:, :, ::-1]), axis=1).data

        # normal
        faces_normal = nr.vertices_to_faces(vertices, faces)

        (bs, nf) = faces_normal.shape[:2]
        faces_normal = faces_normal.reshape((bs * nf, 3, 3))
        v10 = faces_normal[:, 0] - faces_normal[:, 1]
        v12 = faces_normal[:, 2] - faces_normal[:, 1]
        normals = cf.normalize(nr.cross(v10, v12))
        normals = normals.reshape((bs, nf, 3))

        textures = normals[:, :, None, None, None, :]
        textures = cf.tile(textures, (1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1))

        # viewpoint transformation
        if self.camera_mode == 'look_at':
            vertices = nr.look_at(vertices, self.eye)
        elif self.camera_mode == 'look':
            vertices = nr.look(vertices, self.eye, self.camera_direction, self.up)

        # perspective transformation
        if self.perspective:
            vertices = nr.perspective(vertices, angle=self.viewing_angle)

        # rasterization
        faces = nr.vertices_to_faces(vertices, faces)
        images = nr.rasterize(
            faces, textures, self.image_size, self.anti_aliasing, self.near, self.far, self.rasterizer_eps,
        return images
Пример #3
def look_at(vertices, eye, at=None, up=None):
    "Look at" transformation of vertices.
    assert (vertices.ndim == 3)

    xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(vertices)
    batch_size = vertices.shape[0]
    if at is None:
        at = xp.array([0, 0, 0], 'float32')
    if up is None:
        up = xp.array([0, 1, 0], 'float32')

    if isinstance(eye, list) or isinstance(eye, tuple):
        eye = xp.array(eye, 'float32')
    if eye.ndim == 1:
        eye = cf.tile(eye[None, :], (batch_size, 1))
    if at.ndim == 1:
        at = cf.tile(at[None, :], (batch_size, 1))
    if up.ndim == 1:
        up = cf.tile(up[None, :], (batch_size, 1))

    # create new axes
    z_axis = cf.normalize(at - eye)
    x_axis = cf.normalize(neural_renderer.cross(up, z_axis))
    y_axis = cf.normalize(neural_renderer.cross(z_axis, x_axis))

    # create rotation matrix: [bs, 3, 3]
    r = cf.concat((x_axis[:, None, :], y_axis[:, None, :], z_axis[:, None, :]),
    if r.shape[0] != vertices.shape[0]:
        r = cf.broadcast_to(r, (vertices.shape[0], 3, 3))

    # apply
    # [bs, nv, 3] -> [bs, nv, 3] -> [bs, nv, 3]
    if vertices.shape != eye.shape:
        eye = cf.broadcast_to(eye[:, None, :], vertices.shape)
    vertices = vertices - eye
    vertices = cf.matmul(vertices, r, transb=True)

    return vertices
Пример #4
def look(vertices, viewpoints, direction=None, up=None):
    "Look at" transformation of vertices.
    assert (vertices.ndim == 3)

    xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(vertices)
    if direction is None:
        direction = xp.array([0, 0, 1], 'float32')
    if up is None:
        up = xp.array([0, 1, 0], 'float32')

    if isinstance(viewpoints, list) or isinstance(viewpoints, tuple):
        viewpoints = xp.array(viewpoints, 'float32')
    if viewpoints.ndim == 1:
        viewpoints = viewpoints[None, :]
    if direction.ndim == 1:
        direction = direction[None, :]
    if up.ndim == 1:
        up = up[None, :]

    # create new axes
    z_axis = cf.normalize(direction)
    x_axis = cf.normalize(neural_renderer.cross(up, z_axis))
    y_axis = cf.normalize(neural_renderer.cross(z_axis, x_axis))

    # create rotation matrix: [bs, 3, 3]
    r = cf.concat((x_axis[:, None, :], y_axis[:, None, :], z_axis[:, None, :]),
    if r.shape[0] != vertices.shape[0]:
        r = cf.broadcast_to(r, vertices.shape)

    # apply
    # [bs, nv, 3] -> [bs, nv, 3] -> [bs, nv, 3]
    if vertices.shape != viewpoints.shape:
        viewpoints = cf.broadcast_to(viewpoints[:, None, :], vertices.shape)
    vertices = vertices - viewpoints
    vertices = cf.matmul(vertices, r, transb=True)

    return vertices
Пример #5
def look_at(vertices, eye, at=None, up=None):
    "Look at" transformation of vertices.
    assert (vertices.ndim == 3)

    xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(vertices)
    batch_size = vertices.shape[0]
    if at is None:
        at = xp.array([0, 0, 0], 'float32')
    if up is None:
        up = xp.array([0, 1, 0], 'float32')

    if isinstance(eye, list) or isinstance(eye, tuple):
        eye = xp.array(eye, 'float32')
    if eye.ndim == 1:
        eye = cf.tile(eye[None, :], (batch_size, 1))
    if at.ndim == 1:
        at = cf.tile(at[None, :], (batch_size, 1))
    if up.ndim == 1:
        up = cf.tile(up[None, :], (batch_size, 1))

    # create new axes
    z_axis = cf.normalize(at - eye)
    x_axis = cf.normalize(neural_renderer.cross(up, z_axis))
    y_axis = cf.normalize(neural_renderer.cross(z_axis, x_axis))

    # create rotation matrix: [bs, 3, 3]
    r = cf.concat((x_axis[:, None, :], y_axis[:, None, :], z_axis[:, None, :]), axis=1)
    if r.shape[0] != vertices.shape[0]:
        r = cf.broadcast_to(r, (vertices.shape[0], 3, 3))

    # apply
    # [bs, nv, 3] -> [bs, nv, 3] -> [bs, nv, 3]
    if vertices.shape != eye.shape:
        eye = cf.broadcast_to(eye[:, None, :], vertices.shape)
    vertices = vertices - eye
    vertices = cf.matmul(vertices, r, transb=True)

    return vertices
Пример #6
def lighting(faces,
             color_ambient=(1, 1, 1),
             color_directional=(1, 1, 1),
             direction=(0, 1, 0)):
    xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(faces)
    bs, nf = faces.shape[:2]

    # arguments
    if isinstance(color_ambient, tuple) or isinstance(color_ambient, list):
        color_ambient = xp.array(color_ambient, 'float32')
    if isinstance(color_directional, tuple) or isinstance(
            color_directional, list):
        color_directional = xp.array(color_directional, 'float32')
    if isinstance(direction, tuple) or isinstance(direction, list):
        direction = xp.array(direction, 'float32')
    if color_ambient.ndim == 1:
        color_ambient = cf.broadcast_to(color_ambient[None, :], (bs, 3))
    if color_directional.ndim == 1:
        color_directional = cf.broadcast_to(color_directional[None, :],
                                            (bs, 3))
    if direction.ndim == 1:
        direction = cf.broadcast_to(direction[None, :], (bs, 3))

    # create light
    light = xp.zeros((bs, nf, 3), 'float32')

    # ambient light
    if intensity_ambient != 0:
        light = light + intensity_ambient * cf.broadcast_to(
            color_ambient[:, None, :], light.shape)

    # directional light
    if intensity_directional != 0:
        faces = faces.reshape((bs * nf, 3, 3))
        v10 = faces[:, 0] - faces[:, 1]
        v12 = faces[:, 2] - faces[:, 1]
        normals = cf.normalize(neural_renderer.cross(v10, v12))
        normals = normals.reshape((bs, nf, 3))

        if direction.ndim == 2:
            direction = cf.broadcast_to(direction[:, None, :], normals.shape)
        cos = cf.relu(cf.sum(normals * direction, axis=2))
        light = (light + intensity_directional * cfmath.mul(
            *cf.broadcast(color_directional[:, None, :], cos[:, :, None])))

    # apply
    light = cf.broadcast_to(light[:, :, None, None, None, :], textures.shape)
    textures = textures * light
    return textures
Пример #7
def lighting(
        faces, textures, intensity_ambient=0.5, intensity_directional=0.5, color_ambient=(1, 1, 1),
        color_directional=(1, 1, 1), direction=(0, 1, 0)):
    xp = chainer.cuda.get_array_module(faces)
    bs, nf = faces.shape[:2]

    # arguments
    if isinstance(color_ambient, tuple) or isinstance(color_ambient, list):
        color_ambient = xp.array(color_ambient, 'float32')
    if isinstance(color_directional, tuple) or isinstance(color_directional, list):
        color_directional = xp.array(color_directional, 'float32')
    if isinstance(direction, tuple) or isinstance(direction, list):
        direction = xp.array(direction, 'float32')
    if color_ambient.ndim == 1:
        color_ambient = cf.broadcast_to(color_ambient[None, :], (bs, 3))
    if color_directional.ndim == 1:
        color_directional = cf.broadcast_to(color_directional[None, :], (bs, 3))
    if direction.ndim == 1:
        direction = cf.broadcast_to(direction[None, :], (bs, 3))

    # create light
    light = xp.zeros((bs, nf, 3), 'float32')

    # ambient light
    if intensity_ambient != 0:
        light = light + intensity_ambient * cf.broadcast_to(color_ambient[:, None, :], light.shape)

    # directional light
    if intensity_directional != 0:
        faces = faces.reshape((bs * nf, 3, 3))
        v10 = faces[:, 0] - faces[:, 1]
        v12 = faces[:, 2] - faces[:, 1]
        normals = cf.normalize(neural_renderer.cross(v10, v12))
        normals = normals.reshape((bs, nf, 3))

        if direction.ndim == 2:
            direction = cf.broadcast_to(direction[:, None, :], normals.shape)
        cos = cf.relu(cf.sum(normals * direction, axis=2))
        light = (
            light + intensity_directional * cfmath.mul(*cf.broadcast(color_directional[:, None, :], cos[:, :, None])))

    # apply
    light = cf.broadcast_to(light[:, :, None, None, None, :], textures.shape)
    textures = textures * light
    return textures
def inflation_loss(vertices, faces, degrees, eps=1e-5):
    assert vertices.ndim == 3
    assert faces.ndim == 2

    v0 = vertices[:, faces[:, 0], :]
    v1 = vertices[:, faces[:, 1], :]
    v2 = vertices[:, faces[:, 2], :]
    batch_size, num_faces = v0.shape[:2]
    v0 = cf.reshape(v0, (batch_size * num_faces, 3))
    v1 = cf.reshape(v1, (batch_size * num_faces, 3))
    v2 = cf.reshape(v2, (batch_size * num_faces, 3))
    norms = neural_renderer.cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0)  # [bs * nf, 3]
    norms = cf.normalize(norms)
    v0_t = (v0 + norms).data
    v1_t = (v1 + norms).data
    v2_t = (v2 + norms).data
    loss_v0 = cf.sum(cf.sqrt(cf.sum(cf.square(v0_t - v0), 1) + eps))
    loss_v1 = cf.sum(cf.sqrt(cf.sum(cf.square(v1_t - v1), 1) + eps))
    loss_v2 = cf.sum(cf.sqrt(cf.sum(cf.square(v2_t - v2), 1) + eps))
    loss = loss_v0 + loss_v1 + loss_v2
    loss /= batch_size
    return loss
Пример #9
def sample_points(faces, num_points=16384):
    if faces.ndim == 3:
        faces = faces[None, :, :]
    batch_size = faces.shape[0]
    v1 = faces[:, :, 1] - faces[:, :, 0]
    v2 = faces[:, :, 2] - faces[:, :, 0]
    s = (neural_renderer.cross(v1.reshape((-1, 3)), v2.reshape(
        (-1, 3))).data**2).sum(-1)**0.5
    s = s.reshape((batch_size, -1))
    s = s / s.sum()
    c = s.cumsum(1)
    p = cp.tile(np.arange(0, 1, 1. / num_points)[None, :], (batch_size, 1))
    i = (p[:, :, None] <= c[:, None, :]).argmax(2)
    vs = cp.zeros((batch_size, num_points, 3), 'float32')
    for bn in range(batch_size):
        v0 = faces[bn, i[bn], 0]
        v1 = faces[bn, i[bn], 1]
        v2 = faces[bn, i[bn], 2]
        r1 = cp.tile(cp.random.uniform(0, 1, v1.shape[0])[:, None], (1, 3))
        r2 = cp.tile(cp.random.uniform(0, 1, v1.shape[0])[:, None], (1, 3))
        v = (v0 * (1 - (r1**0.5)) + v1 * (r1**0.5) * (1 - r2) + v2 *
             (r1**0.5) * r2)
        vs[bn] = v
    return vs