Пример #1
def test_hrv_time():
    ecg_slow = nk.ecg_simulate(duration=60,
    ecg_fast = nk.ecg_simulate(duration=60,

    _, peaks_slow = nk.ecg_process(ecg_slow, sampling_rate=1000)
    _, peaks_fast = nk.ecg_process(ecg_fast, sampling_rate=1000)

    hrv_slow = nk.hrv_time(peaks_slow, sampling_rate=1000)
    hrv_fast = nk.hrv_time(peaks_fast, sampling_rate=1000)

    assert np.all(hrv_fast["HRV_RMSSD"] < hrv_slow["HRV_RMSSD"])
    assert np.all(hrv_fast["HRV_MeanNN"] < hrv_slow["HRV_MeanNN"])
    assert np.all(hrv_fast["HRV_SDNN"] < hrv_slow["HRV_SDNN"])
    assert np.all(hrv_fast["HRV_CVNN"] < hrv_slow["HRV_CVNN"])
    assert np.all(hrv_fast["HRV_CVSD"] < hrv_slow["HRV_CVSD"])
    assert np.all(hrv_fast["HRV_MedianNN"] < hrv_slow["HRV_MedianNN"])
    assert np.all(hrv_fast["HRV_MadNN"] < hrv_slow["HRV_MadNN"])
    assert np.all(hrv_fast["HRV_MCVNN"] < hrv_slow["HRV_MCVNN"])
    assert np.all(hrv_fast["HRV_pNN50"] == hrv_slow["HRV_pNN50"])
    assert np.all(hrv_fast["HRV_pNN20"] < hrv_slow["HRV_pNN20"])
    assert np.all(hrv_fast["HRV_TINN"] < hrv_slow["HRV_TINN"])
    assert np.all(hrv_fast["HRV_HTI"] > hrv_slow["HRV_HTI"])
Пример #2
    def showData(ecg, data, sampling_rate):
        #Funkcja umożliwiająca wyświetlenie przeanalizowanych danych
        a.plot(ecg[0], ecg[1])
        a.plot(data["R_peaks"][0], data["R_peaks"][1], "ro", label = "R peaks")
        a.plot(data["P_peaks"][0], data["P_peaks"][1], "bv", label = "P peaks")
        a.plot(data["Q_peaks"][0], data["Q_peaks"][1], "kv", label = "Q peaks")
        a.plot(data["S_peaks"][0], data["S_peaks"][1], "wv", label = "S peaks")
        a.plot(data["T_peaks"][0], data["T_peaks"][1], "yv", label = "T peaks")
        a.plot(data["P_onsets"][0], data["P_onsets"][1], "b^", label = "P onsets")
        a.plot(data["P_offsets"][0], data["P_offsets"][1], "b^", label = "P offsets")
        a.plot(data["R_onsets"][0], data["R_onsets"][1], "r^", label = "R onsets")
        a.plot(data["R_offsets"][0], data["R_offsets"][1], "r^", label = "R offsets")
        a.plot(data["T_onsets"][0], data["T_onsets"][1], "y^", label = "T onsets")
        a.plot(data["T_offsets"][0], data["T_offsets"][1], "y^", label = "T offsets")
        plt.xlabel('time [s]')
        plt.ylabel('voltage [mV]')

        hrv_time = nk.hrv_time(data["R_peaks"][1], sampling_rate=sampling_rate, show=True)
        hrv_non = nk.hrv_nonlinear(data["R_peaks"][1], sampling_rate=sampling_rate, show=True)

def get_HRVs_values(data, header_data):

    filter_lowcut = 0.001
    filter_highcut = 15.0
    filter_order = 1

    tmp_hea = header_data[0].split(' ')
    ptID = tmp_hea[0]
    num_leads = int(tmp_hea[1])
    sample_Fs = int(tmp_hea[2])
    gain_lead = np.zeros(num_leads)

    for ii in range(num_leads):
        tmp_hea = header_data[ii + 1].split(' ')
        gain_lead[ii] = int(tmp_hea[2].split('/')[0])

    # for testing, we included the mean age of 57 if the age is a NaN
    # This value will change as more data is being released
    for iline in header_data:
        if iline.startswith('#Age'):
            tmp_age = iline.split(': ')[1].strip()
            age = int(tmp_age if tmp_age != 'NaN' else 57)
        elif iline.startswith('#Sex'):
            tmp_sex = iline.split(': ')[1]
            if tmp_sex.strip() == 'Female':
                sex = 1
                sex = 0
        elif iline.startswith('#Dx'):
            label = iline.split(': ')[1].split(',')[0]

    signal = data[1]
    gain = gain_lead[1]

    ecg_signal = nk.ecg_clean(signal * gain,
    _, rpeaks = nk.ecg_peaks(ecg_signal, sampling_rate=sample_Fs)
    hrv_time = nk.hrv_time(rpeaks, sampling_rate=sample_Fs)
    # hrv_non = nk.hrv_nonlinear(rpeaks, sampling_rate=sample_Fs)
        signal_peak, waves_peak = nk.ecg_delineate(ecg_signal,
        p_peaks = waves_peak['ECG_P_Peaks']
    except ValueError:
        print('Exception raised!')

    p_peaks = np.asarray(p_peaks, dtype=float)
    p_peaks = p_peaks[~np.isnan(p_peaks)]
    p_peaks = [int(a) for a in p_peaks]
    mean_P_Peaks = np.mean([signal[w] for w in p_peaks])

    hrv_time['mean_P_Peaks'] = mean_P_Peaks
    hrv_time['age'] = age
    hrv_time['label'] = label
    # df = pd.concat([hrv_time, hrv_non], axis=1)

    return hrv_time
Пример #4
def nothing():
    # Quality check algorithms
    # qcqrs = run_qc(signal=data.filtered, epoch_len=15, fs=fs, algorithm="averageQRS", show_plot=False)

    # Removing invalid data based on QC thresholdling
    #t = threshold_averageqrs_data(signal=data.filtered, qc_signal=qc, epoch_len=10, fs=fs, pad_val=0,
    #                              thresh=.95, method='exclusive', plot_data=False)

    p, pc = find_peaks(signal=data.filtered,
    hrv = nk.hrv_time(peaks=pc, sampling_rate=data.sample_rate, show=False)

    freq = nk.hrv_frequency(peaks=pc,

    # df_events, info = test_ecg_process_func(signal=data.filtered[15000:15000+1250], start=0, n_samples=int(10*125), fs=fs, plot_builtin=True, plot_events=False)

    # heartbeats = segment_ecg(signal=d, fs=fs)

    waves, sigs = nk.ecg_delineate(ecg_cleaned=data.filtered,

    intervals, ecg_rate, ecg_hrv = nk.ecg_intervalrelated()

# Organizing
# Signal quality in organized section --> able to pick which algorithm
Пример #5
def process_bvp(bvp, show_fig=False):
        Compute BVP signal features (more info: https://neurokit2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/functions.html#module-neurokit2.ppg).
        Compute HRV indices (more info: https://neurokit2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/functions.html#module-neurokit2.hrv)
        bvp : dict [timestamp : value]
            EDA signal.

        bvp_signals : DataFrame
        bvp_info : dict

    bvp_signals, bvp_info = nk.ppg_process(bvp['value'], sampling_rate=64)

    # First 5 seconds of the signal.
    # Find peaks
    peaks = bvp_signals['PPG_Peaks'][:320]

    # Compute HRV indices
    time_hrv = nk.hrv_time(peaks, sampling_rate=64, show=show_fig)

    hrv_base = time_hrv
    hrv_base['type'] = 'base'

    # The rest part of the signal.
    # Find peaks
    peaks = bvp_signals['PPG_Peaks'][320:]

    # Compute HRV indices
    phase_hrv = nk.hrv_frequency(peaks, sampling_rate=64, show=show_fig)
    time_hrv = nk.hrv_time(peaks, sampling_rate=64, show=show_fig)
    nonlinear_hrv = nk.hrv_nonlinear(peaks, sampling_rate=64, show=show_fig)

    hrv_indices = pd.concat([phase_hrv, time_hrv, nonlinear_hrv], axis=1)
    hrv_indices['type'] = 'stimul'

    hrv_indices = pd.concat([hrv_indices, hrv_base])

    return bvp_signals, bvp_info, hrv_indices
def my_hrv(peaks, sampling_rate):
    result = []
    result.append(nk.hrv_time(peaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate))
                         vlf=(0.01, 0.04),
                         lf=(0.04, 0.15),
                         hf=(0.15, 0.4),
                         vhf=(0.4, 1)))
    return pd.concat(result, axis=1)
Пример #7
import warnings

ecg_leads, ecg_labels, fs, ecg_names = load_references(
)  # Importiere EKG-Dateien, zugehörige Diagnose, Sampling-Frequenz (Hz) und Name                                                # Sampling-Frequenz 300 Hz

features = np.array([])
detectors = Detectors(fs)  # Initialisierung des QRS-Detektors
labels = np.array([])

for idx, ecg_lead in enumerate(ecg_leads):
    if (ecg_labels[idx] == "N") or (ecg_labels[idx] == "A"):
        peaks, info = nk.ecg_peaks(ecg_lead, sampling_rate=fs)
        peaks = peaks.astype('float64')
        hrv = nk.hrv_time(peaks, sampling_rate=fs)
        hrv = hrv.astype('float64')
        features = np.append(features, [
            hrv['HRV_CVNN'], hrv['HRV_CVSD'], hrv['HRV_HTI'], hrv['HRV_IQRNN'],
            hrv['HRV_MCVNN'], hrv['HRV_MadNN'], hrv['HRV_MeanNN'],
            hrv['HRV_MedianNN'], hrv['HRV_RMSSD'], hrv['HRV_SDNN'],
            hrv['HRV_SDSD'], hrv['HRV_TINN'], hrv['HRV_pNN20'],
        features = features.astype('float64')
        labels = np.append(labels, ecg_labels[idx])

features = features.reshape(int(len(features) / 14), 14)
x = np.isnan(features)
# replacing NaN values with 0
features[x] = 0
Пример #8
def signals_analysis(signals, is_out=False, is_show=False, out_path="figs"):
    数据的分析 主要是特征参数的获取
    :param signals:     初步处理过的数据
    :param is_out:
    :param is_show:
    :param out_path:
    sampling_rate = signals["Sampling Rate"]
    feature_points = signals["Feature Points"]
    cleaned_pulses = feature_points["Cleaned Pulses"]
    peaks = feature_points["Peaks"]

    title = "Time Analysis"
    hrv_time = nk.hrv_time(peaks, sampling_rate, show=is_show)
    if is_out:
        no = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
        out_name = os.path.join("outputs",
                                str(out_path) + "___" + no + title + ".png")
        plt.savefig(out_name, dpi=300)
    if is_show:

    title = "Frequency Analysis"
    hrv_freq = nk.hrv_frequency(peaks, sampling_rate, show=is_show)
    if is_out:
        no = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
        out_name = os.path.join("outputs",
                                str(out_path) + "___" + no + title + ".png")
        plt.savefig(out_name, dpi=300)
    if is_show:

    title = "Nonlinear Analysis"
    hrv_nonlinear = nk.hrv_nonlinear(peaks, sampling_rate, show=is_show)
    if is_out:
        no = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
        out_name = os.path.join("outputs",
                                str(out_path) + "___" + no + title + ".png")
        plt.savefig(out_name, dpi=300)
    if is_show:

    # 傅里叶分析  对应给的文章
    xFFT = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(cleaned_pulses) / len(cleaned_pulses))
    xFFT = xFFT[:600]
    xFreqs = np.linspace(0, sampling_rate // 2, len(cleaned_pulses) // 2 + 1)
    xFreqs = xFreqs[:600]
    # 滤波处理 平滑去噪 只处理前200个信号即可
    # TODO 去噪方法可以调节
    cleaned_xFFT = nk.signal_smooth(xFFT, method="loess")
    # 计算特征值
    # F1值
    cleaned_FFT = cleaned_xFFT.copy()
    locmax, props = spsg.find_peaks(cleaned_xFFT)
    hr_hz_index = np.argmax(cleaned_xFFT)
    f1 = np.argmax(xFFT)
    fmax = np.argmax(cleaned_xFFT[locmax])
    cleaned_xFFT[locmax[fmax]] = np.min(cleaned_xFFT)
    f2s = np.argmax(cleaned_xFFT[locmax])
    if f2s - fmax != 1:
        hr_hz_index = locmax[0] + int(np.sqrt(locmax[1] - locmax[0]))
    # F2值
    f2 = locmax[np.argmax(cleaned_xFFT[locmax])]
    F1 = np.round(xFreqs[f1], 2)
    F2 = np.round(xFreqs[f2], 2)
    # 相位差
    F2_F1 = F2 - F1
    # 心率
    HR_FFT = xFreqs[hr_hz_index] * 60

    if is_show:
        plt.plot(xFreqs, cleaned_FFT)
                    label="F1 = " + str(F1) + "HZ")
                    label="F2 = " + str(F2) + "HZ")
        plt.legend(loc="upper right")
        title = "FFT analysis"
        if is_out:
            no = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
            out_name = os.path.join(
                str(out_path) + "___" + no + title + ".png")
            plt.savefig(out_name, dpi=300)
    hrv_new = {
        "Power": xFFT,
        "Freq": cleaned_FFT,
        "X": xFreqs,
        "F1": F1,
        "F2": F2,
        "F2_F1": F2_F1,
        "HR_FFT": HR_FFT
    return {
        "HRV New": hrv_new,
        "HRV Time": hrv_time,
        "HRV Frequency": hrv_freq,
        "HRV Nonlinear": hrv_nonlinear
Пример #9
def compute_features(data, condition, sampling_rate=700, window_size=60, window_shift=0.25):

    index = 0
    init = time.time()

    # data cleaning
    ## ECG
    ecg_cleaned = nk.ecg_clean(data["ECG"][condition].flatten(), sampling_rate=sampling_rate)
    ## == OLD
    # ecg_rpeaks, _ = nk.ecg_peaks(ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate=sampling_rate)
    # ecg_hr = nk.signal_rate(ecg_rpeaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate)
    ## ==
    ## EDA
    ## 5Hz lowpass filter
    eda_highcut = 5
    eda_filtered = nk.signal_filter(data['EDA'][condition].flatten(), sampling_rate=sampling_rate, highcut=eda_highcut)
    eda_cleaned = nk.standardize(eda_filtered)
    # TODO: not sure about the approach. cvxeda takes longer periods
    # phasic_tonic = nk.eda_phasic(cleaned, sampling_rate=700, method='cvxeda')
    eda_phasic_tonic = nk.eda_phasic(eda_cleaned, sampling_rate=sampling_rate)
    eda_phasic_tonic['t'] = [(1 / sampling_rate) * i for i in range(eda_phasic_tonic.shape[0])]
    eda_scr_peaks, scr_info = nk.eda_peaks(eda_phasic_tonic['EDA_Phasic'], sampling_rate=sampling_rate)
    ## EMG
    ## For 5 sec window signal
    ## More on DC Bias https://www.c-motion.com/v3dwiki/index.php/EMG:_Removing_DC_Bias
    emg_lowcut = 50
    emg_filtered_dc = nk.signal_filter(data['EMG'][condition].flatten(), sampling_rate=sampling_rate, lowcut=emg_lowcut)
    # OR 100 Hz highpass Butterworth filter followed by a constant detrending
    # filtered_dc = nk.emg_clean(chest_data_dict['EMG'][baseline].flatten(), sampling_rate=700)
    ## For 60 sec window signal
    # 50Hz lowpass filter
    emg_highcut = 50
    emg_filtered = nk.signal_filter(data['EMG'][condition].flatten(), sampling_rate=sampling_rate, highcut=emg_highcut)
    ## Resp
    ## Method biosppy important to appply bandpass filter 0.1 - 0.35 Hz
    resp_processed, _ = nk.rsp_process(data['Resp'][condition].flatten(), sampling_rate=sampling_rate, method='biosppy')

    print('Elapsed Preprocess', str(timedelta(seconds=time.time() - init)))
    init = time.time()

    chest_df_5 = pd.DataFrame() # For 5 sec window size
    chest_df = pd.DataFrame()

    window = int(sampling_rate * window_size)
    for i in range(0, data['ACC'][condition].shape[0] - window, int(sampling_rate * window_shift)):

        # ACC
        w_acc_data = data['ACC'][condition][i: window + i]
        acc_x_mean, acc_y_mean, acc_z_mean = np.mean(w_acc_data, axis=0)  # Feature
        acc_x_std, acc_y_std, acc_z_std = np.std(w_acc_data, axis=0)  # Feature
        acc_x_peak, acc_y_peak, acc_z_peak = np.amax(w_acc_data, axis=0)  # Feature
        acc_x_absint, acc_y_absint, acc_z_absint = np.abs(np.trapz(w_acc_data, axis=0))  # Feature
        xyz = np.sum(w_acc_data, axis=0)
        xyz_mean = np.mean(xyz)  # Feature
        xyz_std = np.std(xyz)  # Feature
        xyz_absint = np.abs(np.trapz(xyz))  # Feature

        # == OLD
        # ## ECG
        # w_ecg_rpeaks = ecg_rpeaks[i: window + i]
        # # HR
        # w_ecg_hr = ecg_hr[i: window + i]
        # hr_mean = np.mean(w_ecg_hr)  # Feature
        # hr_std = np.std(w_ecg_hr)  # Feature
        # # HRV Time-domain Indices
        # # HRV_MeanNN
        # # HRV_SDNN
        # # HRV_pNN50
        # # HRV_RMSSD -> Root mean square of the HRV
        # # HRV_HTI -> Triangular interpolation index
        # hrv_time = nk.hrv_time(w_ecg_rpeaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, show=False)
        # hrv_mean = hrv_time.loc[0, 'HRV_MeanNN']  # Feature
        # hrv_std = hrv_time.loc[0, 'HRV_SDNN']  # Feature
        # # TODO: NN50
        # # hrv_NN50 = 
        # hrv_pNN50 = hrv_time.loc[0, 'HRV_pNN50']  # Feature
        # hrv_TINN = hrv_time.loc[0, 'HRV_HTI']  # Feature
        # hrv_rms = hrv_time.loc[0, 'HRV_RMSSD']  # Feature

        # # HRV Frequency-domain Indices
        # # TODO: get NaN values within windows (*)
        # # HRV_ULF *
        # # HRV_LF *
        # # HRV_HF 
        # # HRV_VHF
        # # HRV_LFHF - Ratio LF/HF *
        # # HRV_LFn *
        # # HRV_HFn
        # hrv_freq = nk.hrv_frequency(w_ecg_rpeaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, ulf=(0.01, 0.04), lf=(0.04, 0.15), hf=(0.15, 0.4), vhf=(0.4, 1.))
        # hrv_ULF = hrv_freq.loc[0, 'HRV_ULF']  # Feature
        # hrv_LF = hrv_freq.loc[0, 'HRV_LF']  # Feature
        # hrv_HF = hrv_freq.loc[0, 'HRV_HF']  # Feature
        # hrv_VHF = hrv_freq.loc[0, 'HRV_VHF']  # Feature
        # hrv_lf_hf_ratio = hrv_freq.loc[0, 'HRV_LFHF']  # Feature
        # hrv_f_sum = np.nansum(np.hstack((hrv_ULF, hrv_LF, hrv_HF, hrv_VHF)))
        # # TODO: rel_f
        # # hrv_rel_f = 
        # hrv_LFn = hrv_freq.loc[0, 'HRV_LFn']  # Feature
        # hrv_HFn = hrv_freq.loc[0, 'HRV_HFn']  # Feature
        # ==

        ## ECG 
        w_ecg_cleaned = ecg_cleaned[i: window + i]
        _, ecg_info = nk.ecg_peaks(w_ecg_cleaned, sampling_rate=sampling_rate)
        w_ecg_rpeaks = ecg_info['ECG_R_Peaks']
        ecg_nni = pyhrv.tools.nn_intervals(w_ecg_rpeaks)
        # HR
        rs_hr = pyhrv.time_domain.hr_parameters(ecg_nni)
        hr_mean = rs_hr['hr_mean']  # Feature
        hr_std = rs_hr['hr_std']  # Feature
        # HRV-time
        rs_hrv = pyhrv.time_domain.nni_parameters(ecg_nni)
        hrv_mean = rs_hrv['nni_mean']  # Feature
        hrv_std = pyhrv.time_domain.sdnn(ecg_nni)['sdnn']  # Feature
        rs_nn50 = pyhrv.time_domain.nn50(ecg_nni)
        hrv_NN50 = rs_nn50['nn50']  # Feature
        hrv_pNN50 = rs_nn50['pnn50']  # Feature
        hrv_time = nk.hrv_time(w_ecg_rpeaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, show=False)
        hrv_TINN = hrv_time.loc[0, 'HRV_TINN']  # Feature
        hrv_rms = pyhrv.time_domain.rmssd(ecg_nni)['rmssd']  # Feature
        # HRV-freq
        hrv_freq = pyhrv.frequency_domain.welch_psd(ecg_nni, fbands={'ulf': (0.01, 0.04), 'vlf': (0.04, 0.15), 'lf': (0.15, 0.4), 'hf': (0.4, 1)}, mode='dev')
        # hrv_freq = hrv_freq.as_dict()
        hrv_freq = hrv_freq[0]
        hrv_ULF = hrv_freq['fft_abs'][0]  # Feature
        hrv_LF = hrv_freq['fft_abs'][1]  # Feature
        hrv_HF = hrv_freq['fft_abs'][2]  # Feature
        hrv_VHF = hrv_freq['fft_abs'][3]  # Feature
        hrv_lf_hf_ratio = hrv_freq['fft_ratio']  # Feature
        hrv_f_sum = hrv_freq['fft_total']  # Feature
        hrv_rel_ULF = hrv_freq['fft_rel'][0]  # Feature
        hrv_rel_LF = hrv_freq['fft_rel'][1]  # Feature
        hrv_rel_HF = hrv_freq['fft_rel'][2]  # Feature
        hrv_rel_VHF = hrv_freq['fft_rel'][3]  # Feature
        hrv_LFn = hrv_freq['fft_norm'][0]  # Feature
        hrv_HFn = hrv_freq['fft_norm'][1]  # Feature

        # EDA
        w_eda_data = eda_cleaned[i: window + i]
        w_eda_phasic_tonic = eda_phasic_tonic[i: window + i]

        eda_mean = np.mean(w_eda_data)  # Feature
        eda_std = np.std(w_eda_data)  # Feature
        eda_min = np.amin(w_eda_data)  # Feature
        eda_max = np.amax(w_eda_data)  # Feature
        # dynamic range: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_range
        eda_slope = get_slope(w_eda_data)  # Feature
        eda_drange = eda_max / eda_min  # Feature
        eda_scl_mean = np.mean(w_eda_phasic_tonic['EDA_Tonic'])  # Feature
        eda_scl_std = np.std(w_eda_phasic_tonic['EDA_Tonic'])  # Feature
        eda_scr_mean = np.mean(w_eda_phasic_tonic['EDA_Phasic'])  # Feature
        eda_scr_std = np.std(w_eda_phasic_tonic['EDA_Phasic'])  # Feature
        eda_corr_scl_t = nk.cor(w_eda_phasic_tonic['EDA_Tonic'], w_eda_phasic_tonic['t'], show=False)  # Feature
        eda_scr_no = eda_scr_peaks['SCR_Peaks'][i: window + i].sum()  # Feature
        # Sum amplitudes in SCR signal
        ampl = scr_info['SCR_Amplitude'][i: window + i]
        eda_ampl_sum = np.sum(ampl[~np.isnan(ampl)])  # Feature
        # TODO: 
        # eda_t_sum = 

        scr_peaks, scr_properties = scisig.find_peaks(w_eda_phasic_tonic['EDA_Phasic'], height=0)
        width_scr = scisig.peak_widths(w_eda_phasic_tonic['EDA_Phasic'], scr_peaks, rel_height=0)
        ht_scr = scr_properties['peak_heights']
        eda_scr_area = 0.5 * np.matmul(ht_scr, width_scr[1])  # Feature

        # EMG
        ## 5sec
        w_emg_data = emg_filtered_dc[i: window + i]
        emg_mean = np.mean(w_emg_data)  # Feature
        emg_std = np.std(w_emg_data)  # Feature
        emg_min = np.amin(w_emg_data)
        emg_max = np.amax(w_emg_data)
        emg_drange = emg_max / emg_min  # Feature
        emg_absint = np.abs(np.trapz(w_emg_data))  # Feature
        emg_median = np.median(w_emg_data)  # Feature
        emg_perc_10 = np.percentile(w_emg_data, 10)  # Feature
        emg_perc_90 = np.percentile(w_emg_data, 90)  # Feature
        emg_peak_freq, emg_mean_freq, emg_median_freq = get_freq_features(w_emg_data)  # Features
        # TODO: PSD -> energy in seven bands
        # emg_psd = 

        ## 60 sec
        peaks, properties = scisig.find_peaks(emg_filtered[i: window + i], height=0)
        emg_peak_no = peaks.shape[0]
        emg_peak_amp_mean = np.mean(properties['peak_heights'])  # Feature
        emg_peak_amp_std = np.std(properties['peak_heights'])  # Feature
        emg_peak_amp_sum = np.sum(properties['peak_heights'])  # Feature
        emg_peak_amp_max = np.abs(np.amax(properties['peak_heights']))
        # https://www.researchgate.net/post/How_Period_Normalization_and_Amplitude_normalization_are_performed_in_ECG_Signal
        emg_peak_amp_norm_sum = np.sum(properties['peak_heights'] / emg_peak_amp_max)  # Feature

        # Resp
        w_resp_data = resp_processed[i: window + i]
        ## Inhalation / Exhalation duration analysis
        idx = np.nan
        count = 0
        duration = dict()
        first = True
        for j in w_resp_data[~w_resp_data['RSP_Phase'].isnull()]['RSP_Phase'].to_numpy():
            if j != idx:
                if first:
                    idx = int(j)
                    duration[1] = []
                    duration [0] = []
                    first = False
                # print('New value', j, count)
                idx = int(j)
                count = 0 
            count += 1
        resp_inhal_mean = np.mean(duration[1])  # Feature
        resp_inhal_std = np.std(duration[1])  # Feature
        resp_exhal_mean = np.mean(duration[0])  # Feature
        resp_exhal_std = np.std(duration[0])  # Feature
        resp_inhal_duration = w_resp_data['RSP_Phase'][w_resp_data['RSP_Phase'] == 1].count()
        resp_exhal_duration = w_resp_data['RSP_Phase'][w_resp_data['RSP_Phase'] == 0].count()
        resp_ie_ratio = resp_inhal_duration / resp_exhal_duration  # Feature
        resp_duration = resp_inhal_duration + resp_exhal_duration  # Feature
        resp_stretch = w_resp_data['RSP_Amplitude'].max() - w_resp_data['RSP_Amplitude'].min()  # Feature
        resp_breath_rate = len(duration[1])  # Feature
        ## Volume: area under the curve of the inspiration phase on a respiratory cycle
        resp_peaks, resp_properties = scisig.find_peaks(w_resp_data['RSP_Clean'], height=0)
        resp_width = scisig.peak_widths(w_resp_data['RSP_Clean'], resp_peaks, rel_height=0)
        resp_ht = resp_properties['peak_heights']        
        resp_volume = 0.5 * np.matmul(resp_ht, resp_width[1])  # Feature

        # Temp
        w_temp_data = data['Temp'][condition][i: window + i].flatten()
        temp_mean = np.mean(w_temp_data)  # Feature
        temp_std = np.std(w_temp_data)  # Feature
        temp_min = np.amin(w_temp_data)  # Feature
        temp_max = np.amax(w_temp_data)  # Feature
        temp_drange = temp_max / temp_min  # Feature
        temp_slope = get_slope(w_temp_data.ravel())  # Feature

        # chest_df_5 = chest_df_5.append({
        #     'ACC_x_mean': acc_x_mean, 'ACC_y_mean': acc_y_mean, 'ACC_z_mean': acc_z_mean, 'ACC_xzy_mean': xyz_mean,
        #     'ACC_x_std': acc_x_std, 'ACC_y_std': acc_y_std, 'ACC_z_std': acc_z_std, 'ACC_xyz_std': xyz_std,
        #     'ACC_x_absint': acc_x_absint, 'ACC_y_absint': acc_y_absint, 'ACC_z_absint': acc_z_absint, 'ACC_xyz_absint': xyz_absint,
        #     'ACC_x_peak': acc_x_peak, 'ACC_y_peak': acc_y_peak, 'ACC_z_peak': acc_z_peak,
        #     'EMG_mean': emg_mean, 'EMG_std': emg_std, 'EMG_drange': emg_drange, 'EMG_absint': emg_absint, 'EMG_median': emg_median, 'EMG_perc_10': emg_perc_10,
        #     'EMG_perc_90': emg_perc_90, 'EMG_peak_freq': emg_peak_freq, 'EMG_mean_freq': emg_mean_freq, 'EMG_median_freq': emg_median_freq
        # }, ignore_index=True)

        chest_df = chest_df.append({
            'ACC_x_mean': acc_x_mean, 'ACC_y_mean': acc_y_mean, 'ACC_z_mean': acc_z_mean, 'ACC_xzy_mean': xyz_mean,
            'ACC_x_std': acc_x_std, 'ACC_y_std': acc_y_std, 'ACC_z_std': acc_z_std, 'ACC_xyz_std': xyz_std,
            'ACC_x_absint': acc_x_absint, 'ACC_y_absint': acc_y_absint, 'ACC_z_absint': acc_z_absint, 'ACC_xyz_absint': xyz_absint,
            'ACC_x_peak': acc_x_peak, 'ACC_y_peak': acc_y_peak, 'ACC_z_peak': acc_z_peak,
            'ECG_hr_mean': hr_mean, 'ECG_hr_std': hr_std, 'ECG_hrv_NN50': hrv_NN50, 'ECG_hrv_pNN50': hrv_pNN50, 'ECG_hrv_TINN': hrv_TINN, 'ECG_hrv_RMS': hrv_rms,
            'ECG_hrv_ULF': hrv_ULF, 'ECG_hrv_LF': hrv_LF, 'ECG_hrv_HF': hrv_HF, 'ECG_hrv_VHF': hrv_VHF, 'ECG_hrv_LFHF_ratio': hrv_lf_hf_ratio, 'ECG_hrv_f_sum': hrv_f_sum,
            'ECG_hrv_rel_ULF': hrv_rel_ULF, 'ECG_hrv_rel_LF': hrv_rel_LF, 'ECG_hrv_rel_HF': hrv_rel_HF, 'ECG_hrv_rel_VHF': hrv_rel_VHF, 'ECG_hrv_LFn': hrv_LFn, 'ECG_hrv_HFn': hrv_HFn,
            'EDA_mean': eda_mean, 'EDA_std': eda_std, 'EDA_mean': eda_mean, 'EDA_min': eda_min, 'EDA_max': eda_max, 'EDA_slope': eda_slope,
            'EDA_drange': eda_drange, 'EDA_SCL_mean': eda_scl_mean, 'EDA_SCL_std': eda_scl_mean, 'EDA_SCR_mean': eda_scr_mean, 'EDA_SCR_std': eda_scr_std,
            'EDA_corr_SCL_t': eda_corr_scl_t, 'EDA_SCR_no': eda_scr_no, 'EDA_ampl_sum': eda_ampl_sum, 'EDA_scr_area': eda_scr_area,
            'EMG_mean': emg_mean, 'EMG_std': emg_std, 'EMG_drange': emg_drange, 'EMG_absint': emg_absint, 'EMG_median': emg_median, 'EMG_perc_10': emg_perc_10,
            'EMG_perc_90': emg_perc_90, 'EMG_peak_freq': emg_peak_freq, 'EMG_mean_freq': emg_mean_freq, 'EMG_median_freq': emg_median_freq,
            'EMG_peak_no': emg_peak_no, 'EMG_peak_amp_mean':  emg_peak_amp_mean, 'EMG_peak_amp_std':  emg_peak_amp_std, 'EMG_peak_amp_sum':  emg_peak_amp_sum,
            'EMG_peak_amp_norm_sum':  emg_peak_amp_norm_sum,
            'RESP_inhal_mean': resp_inhal_mean, 'RESP_inhal_std': resp_inhal_std, 'RESP_exhal_mean': resp_exhal_mean, 'RESP_exhal_std': resp_exhal_std,
            'RESP_ie_ratio': resp_ie_ratio, 'RESP_duration': resp_duration, 'RESP_stretch': resp_stretch, 'RESP_breath_rate': resp_breath_rate, 'RESP_volume': resp_volume,
            'TEMP_mean': temp_mean, 'TEMP_std': temp_std, 'TEMP_min': temp_min, 'TEMP_max': temp_max, 'TEMP_drange': temp_drange, 'TEMP_slope': temp_slope
        }, ignore_index=True)

        # index += 1
        # if index % 10 == 0:
        #     break
    print('Elapsed Process', condition.shape[0], str(timedelta(seconds=time.time() - init)))
    return chest_df, chest_df_5
def process_epochs_neurokit(signal, window_len=300, jump_len=300):

    t = datetime.now()

    indexes = np.arange(0, len(signal), int(jump_len * data.sample_rate))
        f"\nRunning NeuroKit analysis in {window_len}-second windows with jump interval of {jump_len} seconds"
        f"({len(indexes)} iterations)...")

    # Within-epoch processing using NeuroKit to match Cardioscope output
    df_nk = pd.DataFrame([[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
                          [], [], []]).transpose()
    df_nk.columns = [
        "Timestamp", "Index", "Quality", "HR", "meanRR", "sdRR", "meanNN",
        "SDNN", "pNN20", 'pNN50', "VLF", "LF", "HF", "LF/HF", "LFn", "HFn"

    print("\nProcessing data in epochs with NeuroKit2...")

    for start in indexes:

        print(f"{round(100*start/len(signal), 1)}%")

            s, i = nk.ecg_process(signal[start:start +
                                         int(data.sample_rate * window_len)],
            s = s.loc[s["ECG_R_Peaks"] == 1]
            inds = [i for i in s.index]

            hrv = nk.hrv_time(peaks=inds,
            freq = nk.hrv_frequency(peaks=inds,

            rr_ints = [(d2 - d1) / data.sample_rate
                       for d1, d2 in zip(inds[:], inds[1:])]
            mean_rr = 1000 * np.mean(rr_ints)
            sd_rr = 1000 * np.std(rr_ints)

            out = [
                data.timestamps[start], start, 100 * s["ECG_Quality"].mean(),
                s["ECG_Rate"].mean().__round__(3), mean_rr, sd_rr,
                hrv["HRV_MeanNN"].iloc[0], hrv["HRV_SDNN"].iloc[0],
                hrv["HRV_pNN20"].iloc[0], hrv["HRV_pNN50"].iloc[0],
                freq["HRV_VLF"].iloc[0], freq["HRV_LF"].iloc[0],
                freq["HRV_HF"].iloc[0], freq["HRV_LFHF"].iloc[0],
                freq["HRV_LFn"].iloc[0], freq["HRV_HFn"].iloc[0]

            df_out = pd.DataFrame(out).transpose()
            df_out.columns = df_nk.columns
            df_nk = df_nk.append(df_out, ignore_index=True)

        except (ValueError, IndexError):
            out = [
                data.timestamps[start], start, None, None, None, None, None,
                None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None

            df_out = pd.DataFrame(out).transpose()
            df_out.columns = df_nk.columns
            df_nk = df_nk.append(df_out, ignore_index=True)

    t1 = datetime.now()
    td = (t1 - t).total_seconds()
    print(f"100% ({round(td, 1)} seconds)")

    df_nk["Timestamp"] = pd.date_range(start=bf["Timestamp"].iloc[0],

    return df_nk
Пример #11
def predict_labels(ecg_leads, fs, ecg_names, use_pretrained=False):
    model_name : str
        Dateiname des Models. In Code-Pfad
    ecg_leads : list of numpy-Arrays
    fs : float
        Sampling-Frequenz der Signale.
    ecg_names : list of str
        eindeutige Bezeichnung für jedes EKG-Signal.

    predictions : list of tuples
        ecg_name und eure Diagnose
    # Euer Code ab hier
    #     model_name = "model.npy"
    #     if use_pretrained:
    #         model_name = "model_pretrained.npy"
    #     with open(model_name, 'rb') as f:
    #         th_opt = np.load(f)         # Lade simples Model (1 Parameter)
    #     detectors = Detectors(fs)        # Initialisierung des QRS-Detektors
    #     predictions = list()
    #     for idx,ecg_lead in enumerate(ecg_leads):
    #         r_peaks = detectors.hamilton_detector(ecg_lead)     # Detektion der QRS-Komplexe
    #         sdnn = np.std(np.diff(r_peaks)/fs*1000)
    #         if sdnn < th_opt:
    #             predictions.append((ecg_names[idx], 'N'))
    #         else:
    #             predictions.append((ecg_names[idx], 'A'))
    #         if ((idx+1) % 100)==0:
    #             print(str(idx+1) + "\t Dateien wurden verarbeitet.")
    # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #     return predictions # Liste von Tupels im Format (ecg_name,label) - Muss unverändert bleiben!

    # Load test-dataset
    #     from tqdm import tqdm
    #     import os
    #     from os import listdir
    #     from os.path import isfile, join
    #     import cv2

    #     THRESHOLD = 0.5

    #     def precision(y_true, y_pred, threshold_shift=0.5 - THRESHOLD):

    #         # just in case
    #         y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, 0, 1)

    #         # shifting the prediction threshold from .5 if needed
    #         y_pred_bin = K.round(y_pred + threshold_shift)

    #         tp = K.sum(K.round(y_true * y_pred_bin)) + K.epsilon()
    #         fp = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_pred_bin - y_true, 0, 1)))

    #         precision = tp / (tp + fp)
    #         return precision

    #     def recall(y_true, y_pred, threshold_shift=0.5 - THRESHOLD):

    #         # just in case
    #         y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, 0, 1)

    #         # shifting the prediction threshold from .5 if needed
    #         y_pred_bin = K.round(y_pred + threshold_shift)

    #         tp = K.sum(K.round(y_true * y_pred_bin)) + K.epsilon()
    #         fn = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true - y_pred_bin, 0, 1)))

    #         recall = tp / (tp + fn)
    #         return recall

    #     def fbeta(y_true, y_pred, threshold_shift=0.5 - THRESHOLD):
    #         beta = 1

    #         # just in case
    #         y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, 0, 1)

    #         # shifting the prediction threshold from .5 if needed
    #         y_pred_bin = K.round(y_pred + threshold_shift)

    #         tp = K.sum(K.round(y_true * y_pred_bin)) + K.epsilon()
    #         fp = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_pred_bin - y_true, 0, 1)))
    #         fn = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true - y_pred, 0, 1)))

    #         precision = tp / (tp + fp)
    #         recall = tp / (tp + fn)

    #         beta_squared = beta ** 2
    #         return (beta_squared + 1) * (precision * recall) / (beta_squared * precision + recall)


    # ecg_leads,ecg_labels,fs,ecg_names = load_references('../test/') # Importiere EKG-Dateien, zugehörige Diagnose, Sampling-Frequenz (Hz) und Name                                                # Sampling-Frequenz 300 Hz

    #     test_set = ecg_leads
    #     if os.path.exists("../test/ecg_images"):
    #         print("File exists.")
    #     else:
    #         os.mkdir("../test/ecg_images")
    #     for i in tqdm(range(len(test_set))):
    #         data = ecg_leads[i].reshape(len(ecg_leads[i]), 1)
    #         plt.figure(figsize=(60, 5))
    #         plt.xlim(0, len(ecg_leads[i]))
    #         # plt.plot(data, color='black', linewidth=0.1)
    #         plt.savefig('../test/ecg_images/{}.png'.format(ecg_names[i]))

    #     onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir("../test/ecg_images") if isfile(join("../test/ecg_images", f))]

    #     df = pd.read_csv("../test/REFERENCE.csv", header=None)
    #     x = []
    #     y = []
    #     name_test =[]

    #     for i in range(len(onlyfiles)):
    #         if (df.iloc[i][1] == "N") or (df.iloc[i][1] == "A"):
    #             image = cv2.imread("../test/ecg_images/{}".format(onlyfiles[i]))
    #             gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    #             resize_x = cv2.resize(gray, (128, 1024))
    #             reshape_x = np.asarray(resize_x).reshape(resize_x.shape[0], resize_x.shape[1], 1)
    #             x.append(reshape_x)
    #             y.append(df.iloc[i][1])
    #             name_test.append(df.iloc[i])

    #     for n, i in enumerate(y):
    #         if i == "N":
    #             y[n] = 0
    #         elif i == "A":
    #             y[n] = 1

    #     x = np.asarray(x).astype(int)
    #     y = np.asarray(y).astype(int)

    #     test_images, test_labels = x, y
    # # Normalize pixel values to be between 0 and 1
    #     test_images = test_images / 255.0

    #     import keras
    #     import tensorflow as tf
    #     from keras.models import load_model

    # model = load_model('./pred_model.h5', custom_objects={'fbeta': fbeta})
    #     model = tf.keras.models.load_model('./pred_model.h5', custom_objects={'fbeta': fbeta})
    # model = tf.keras.models.load_model('./pred_model.h5', custom_objects={'fbeta': fbeta})
    # converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(model)  # .from_saved_model(saved_model_dir)
    # tflite_model = converter.convert()
    # open("model.tflite", "wb").write(tflite_model)

    #     pred_labels = model.predict_classes(test_images)

    #     pred_labels = np.asarray(pred_labels).astype('str')
    #     for n, i in enumerate(pred_labels):
    #         if i == '0':
    #             pred_labels[n] = "N"
    #         elif i == '1':
    #             pred_labels[n] = "A"
    ''' Gradient Boosting Classfier '''
    # import warnings
    # warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
    # test_features = np.array([])
    # for idx, ecg_lead in enumerate(ecg_leads):
    #     peaks, info = nk.ecg_peaks(ecg_lead, sampling_rate= 200)
    #     peaks = peaks.astype('float64')
    #     hrv = nk.hrv_time(peaks, sampling_rate= fs)
    #     hrv = hrv.astype('float64')
    #     test_features = np.append(test_features, [hrv['HRV_CVNN'], hrv['HRV_CVSD'], hrv['HRV_HTI'], hrv['HRV_IQRNN'], hrv['HRV_MCVNN'], hrv['HRV_MadNN'],  hrv['HRV_MeanNN'], hrv['HRV_MedianNN'], hrv['HRV_RMSSD'], hrv['HRV_SDNN'], hrv['HRV_SDSD'], hrv['HRV_TINN'], hrv['HRV_pNN20'],hrv['HRV_pNN50'] ])
    #     test_features = test_features.astype('float64')
    # test_features= test_features.reshape(int(len(test_features)/14), 14)
    # x = np.isnan(test_features)
    # # replacing NaN values with 0
    # test_features[x] = 0
    # X_test = test_features
    # # with trained model to predict
    # loaded_model = joblib.load('GradientBoostingClassifier')
    # pred_labels = loaded_model.predict(X_test)

    # # a list of tuple
    # predictions = list()
    # for idx in range(len(X_test)):
    #     predictions.append((ecg_names[idx], pred_labels[idx]))
    ''' Convolutional Neural Network '''
    # import warnings
    # warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
    # from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
    # from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import SGD
    # import numpy as np
    # ###
    # def f1(y_true, y_pred):
    #     def recall(y_true, y_pred):
    #         """Recall metric.
    #         Only computes a batch-wise average of recall.
    #         Computes the recall, a metric for multi-label classification of
    #         how many relevant items are selected.
    #         """
    #         true_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true * y_pred, 0, 1)))
    #         possible_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true, 0, 1)))
    #         recall = true_positives / (possible_positives + K.epsilon())
    #         return recall
    #     def precision(y_true, y_pred):
    #         """Precision metric.
    #         Only computes a batch-wise average of precision.
    #         Computes the precision, a metric for multi-label classification of
    #         how many selected items are relevant.
    #         """
    #         true_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_true * y_pred, 0, 1)))
    #         predicted_positives = K.sum(K.round(K.clip(y_pred, 0, 1)))
    #         precision = true_positives / (predicted_positives + K.epsilon())
    #         return precision
    #     precision = precision(y_true, y_pred)
    #     recall = recall(y_true, y_pred)
    #     return 2 * ((precision * recall) / (precision + recall + K.epsilon()))
    # def f1_weighted(true, pred):  # shapes (batch, 4)
    #     # for metrics include these two lines, for loss, don't include them
    #     # these are meant to round 'pred' to exactly zeros and ones
    #     # predLabels = K.argmax(pred, axis=-1)
    #     # pred = K.one_hot(predLabels, 4)
    #     ground_positives = K.sum(true, axis=0) + K.epsilon()  # = TP + FN
    #     pred_positives = K.sum(pred, axis=0) + K.epsilon()  # = TP + FP
    #     true_positives = K.sum(true * pred, axis=0) + K.epsilon()  # = TP
    #     # all with shape (4,)
    #     precision = true_positives / pred_positives
    #     recall = true_positives / ground_positives
    #     # both = 1 if ground_positives == 0 or pred_positives == 0
    #     # shape (4,)
    #     f1 = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall + K.epsilon())
    #     # still with shape (4,)
    #     weighted_f1 = f1 * ground_positives / K.sum(ground_positives)
    #     weighted_f1 = K.sum(weighted_f1)
    #     return 1 - weighted_f1  # for metrics, return only 'weighted_f1'
    # ###
    # cnn_best_model = load_model('cnn_best_model.h5', custom_objects={'f1_weighted': f1_weighted, 'f1': f1})
    # sgd = SGD(lr=0.00005, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)
    # cnn_best_model.compile(optimizer=sgd,  # change: use SGD
    #                        loss=f1_weighted,  # 'binary_crossentropy' #'mean_squared_error' #categorical_crossentropy
    #                        metrics=[f1, "binary_accuracy"])
    # test_features = np.array([])
    # for idx, ecg_lead in enumerate(ecg_leads):
    #     peaks, info = nk.ecg_peaks(ecg_lead, sampling_rate= 200)
    #     peaks = peaks.astype('float64')
    #     hrv = nk.hrv_time(peaks, sampling_rate= fs)
    #     hrv = hrv.astype('float64')
    #     test_features = np.append(test_features, [hrv['HRV_CVNN'], hrv['HRV_CVSD'], hrv['HRV_HTI'], hrv['HRV_IQRNN'], hrv['HRV_MCVNN'], hrv['HRV_MadNN'],  hrv['HRV_MeanNN'], hrv['HRV_MedianNN'], hrv['HRV_RMSSD'], hrv['HRV_SDNN'], hrv['HRV_SDSD'], hrv['HRV_TINN'], hrv['HRV_pNN20'],hrv['HRV_pNN50'] ])
    #     test_features = test_features.astype('float64')
    # test_features= test_features.reshape(int(len(test_features)/14), 14)
    # x = np.isnan(test_features)
    # # replacing NaN values with 0
    # test_features[x] = 0
    # X_test = test_features
    # X_test_arr = np.array(X_test).reshape(np.array(X_test).shape[0], np.array(X_test).shape[1], 1)
    # # with trained model to predict
    # y_pred = cnn_best_model.predict(X_test_arr)
    # pred_labels = [np.argmax(y, axis=None, out=None) for y in y_pred]
    # for n, i in enumerate(pred_labels):
    #     if i == 0:
    #         pred_labels[n] = 'N'
    #     if i == 1:
    #         pred_labels[n] = 'A'
    # predictions = list()
    # for idx in range(len(X_test)):
    #     predictions.append((ecg_names[idx], pred_labels[idx]))
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------
    ''' AdaBoost Classifier '''
    # import warnings
    # warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
    # test_features = np.array([])
    # for idx, ecg_lead in enumerate(ecg_leads):
    #     peaks, info = nk.ecg_peaks(ecg_lead, sampling_rate= 200)
    #     peaks = peaks.astype('float64')
    #     hrv = nk.hrv_time(peaks, sampling_rate= fs)
    #     hrv = hrv.astype('float64')
    #     test_features = np.append(test_features, [hrv['HRV_CVNN'], hrv['HRV_CVSD'], hrv['HRV_HTI'], hrv['HRV_IQRNN'], hrv['HRV_MCVNN'], hrv['HRV_MadNN'],  hrv['HRV_MeanNN'], hrv['HRV_MedianNN'], hrv['HRV_RMSSD'], hrv['HRV_SDNN'], hrv['HRV_SDSD'], hrv['HRV_TINN'], hrv['HRV_pNN20'],hrv['HRV_pNN50'] ])
    #     test_features = test_features.astype('float64')
    # test_features= test_features.reshape(int(len(test_features)/14), 14)
    # x = np.isnan(test_features)
    # # replacing NaN values with 0
    # test_features[x] = 0
    # X_test = test_features
    # # with trained model to predict
    # loaded_model = joblib.load('AdaBoostClassifier')
    # pred_labels = loaded_model.predict(X_test)
    ''' XGBoost Classifier '''
    import warnings

    test_features = np.array([])

    for idx, ecg_lead in enumerate(ecg_leads):
        peaks, info = nk.ecg_peaks(ecg_lead, sampling_rate=fs)
        peaks = peaks.astype('float64')
        hrv = nk.hrv_time(peaks, sampling_rate=fs)
        hrv = hrv.astype('float64')
        test_features = np.append(test_features, [
            hrv['HRV_CVNN'], hrv['HRV_CVSD'], hrv['HRV_HTI'], hrv['HRV_IQRNN'],
            hrv['HRV_MCVNN'], hrv['HRV_MadNN'], hrv['HRV_MeanNN'],
            hrv['HRV_MedianNN'], hrv['HRV_RMSSD'], hrv['HRV_SDNN'],
            hrv['HRV_SDSD'], hrv['HRV_TINN'], hrv['HRV_pNN20'],
        test_features = test_features.astype('float64')

    test_features = test_features.reshape(int(len(test_features) / 14), 14)
    x = np.isnan(test_features)
    # replacing NaN values with 0
    test_features[x] = 0

    X_test = test_features

    # with trained model to predict
    loaded_model = joblib.load('XGBoostClassifier')
    pred_labels = loaded_model.predict(X_test)

    # a list of tuple
    predictions = list()

    for idx in range(len(X_test)):
        predictions.append((ecg_names[idx], pred_labels[idx]))

    return predictions  # Liste von Tupels im Format (ecg_name,label) - Muss unverändert bleiben!
Пример #12
    ecg_array[unique_id]['P_width_mean'] = np.nanmean(waves_cwt['ECG_P_width'])
    ecg_array[unique_id]['P_width_median'] = np.nanmedian(
    ecg_array[unique_id]['P_width_std'] = np.nanstd(waves_cwt['ECG_P_width'])
    ecg_array[unique_id]['P_width_min'] = np.nanmin(waves_cwt['ECG_P_width'])
    ecg_array[unique_id]['P_width_max'] = np.nanmax(waves_cwt['ECG_P_width'])

    ecg_array[unique_id]['QRS_width_mean'] = np.nanmean(
    ecg_array[unique_id]['QRS_width_median'] = np.nanmedian(
    ecg_array[unique_id]['QRS_width_std'] = np.nanstd(
    ecg_array[unique_id]['QRS_width_min'] = np.nanmin(
    ecg_array[unique_id]['QRS_width_max'] = np.nanmax(

    hrv = nk.hrv_time(rpeaks, sampling_rate=500, show=True)

    ecg_array[unique_id]['HRV_MeanNN'] = hrv['HRV_MeanNN'][0]
    ecg_array[unique_id]['HRV_SDNN'] = hrv['HRV_SDNN'][0]
    ecg_array[unique_id]['HRV_MedianNN'] = hrv['HRV_MedianNN'][0]
    ecg_array[unique_id]['label'] = df_train[df_train['unique_id'] ==
    if (i % 100 == 0):
        plt.cla()  # Clear the current axes
        plt.clf()  # Clear the current figure
    i += 1
Пример #13
def get_HRVs_values(data, header_data):

    filter_lowcut = 0.001
    filter_highcut = 15.0
    filter_order = 1

    tmp_hea = header_data[0].split(' ')
    ptID = tmp_hea[0]
    num_leads = int(tmp_hea[1])
    sample_Fs= int(tmp_hea[2])
    gain_lead = np.zeros(num_leads)
    for ii in range(num_leads):
        tmp_hea = header_data[ii+1].split(' ')
        gain_lead[ii] = int(tmp_hea[2].split('/')[0])

    # for testing, we included the mean age of 57 if the age is a NaN
    # This value will change as more data is being released
    for iline in header_data:
        if iline.startswith('#Age'):
            tmp_age = iline.split(': ')[1].strip()
            age = int(tmp_age if tmp_age != 'NaN' else 57)
            # age = int(tmp_age)
        elif iline.startswith('#Sex'):
            tmp_sex = iline.split(': ')[1]
            if tmp_sex.strip()=='Female':
                sex =1
        elif iline.startswith('#Dx'):
            label = iline.split(': ')[1].split(',')[0]

    signal = data[1]
    gain = gain_lead[1]

    ecg_signal = nk.ecg_clean(signal*gain, sampling_rate=sample_Fs, method="biosppy")
    _ , rpeaks = nk.ecg_peaks(ecg_signal, sampling_rate=sample_Fs)
    hrv_time = nk.hrv_time(rpeaks, sampling_rate=sample_Fs)
    peaks, idx = detect_peaks(signal, sample_Fs, gain)
    # print(len(signal), len(idx))
    rr_intervals = idx / (sample_Fs * 1000)
    rr_intervals = pd.Series(rr_intervals)
    rr_ma = rr_intervals.rolling(3)

        signal_peak, waves_peak = nk.ecg_delineate(ecg_signal, rpeaks, sampling_rate=sample_Fs)
        p_peaks = waves_peak['ECG_P_Peaks']
    except ValueError:
        print('Exception raised!')
    p_peaks = np.asarray(p_peaks, dtype=float)
    p_peaks = p_peaks[~np.isnan(p_peaks)]
    p_peaks = [int(a) for a in p_peaks]
    p_time = [x/sample_Fs for x in p_peaks]
    p_diff = np.diff(p_time)
    # mean_P_Peaks = np.mean([signal[w] for w in p_peaks])
    hrv_time['var_P_time'] = stats.tvar(p_diff)
    hrv_time['var_P_peaks'] = stats.tvar(signal[np.array(p_peaks)])
    hrv_time['age'] = age
    hrv_time['label'] = label
    return hrv_time