Пример #1
def test_segment_iteration():

           [(0, 11),(11, 111),(11, 112),
            (0, 12),(12, 121),(121,1211),
            (1211,12111),(1211,12112),(12, 122)])

           [(0, 11), (11, 111),(11, 112)])

                    [(11, 111)])

                    [(11, 112)])

           [(0, 12), (12, 121), (121, 1211),
            (1211, 12111), (1211, 12112), (12, 122)])

                    [(12, 121), (121, 1211), (1211, 12111), (1211, 12112)])

                    [(12, 122)])
Пример #2
def test_segment_iteration():

    nt.assert_equal(list(val_iter(isegment(REF_TREE))), [(0, 11), (11, 111),
                                                         (11, 112), (0, 12),
                                                         (12, 121),
                                                         (121, 1211),
                                                         (1211, 12111),
                                                         (1211, 12112),
                                                         (12, 122)])

                    [(0, 11), (11, 111), (11, 112)])

                    [(11, 111)])

                    [(11, 112)])

                    [(0, 12), (12, 121), (121, 1211), (1211, 12111),
                     (1211, 12112), (12, 122)])

                    [(12, 121), (121, 1211), (1211, 12111), (1211, 12112)])

                    [(12, 122)])
Пример #3
def calculate_and_plot_end_to_end_distance(path):
    '''Calculate and plot the end-to-end distance vs the number of segments for
    an increasingly larger part of a given path.

    Note that the plots are not very meaningful for bifurcating trees.'''
    end_to_end_distance = [morphmath.point_dist(segment[1], path.value)
                           for segment in tree.val_iter(tree.isegment(path))]
    make_end_to_end_distance_plot(np.arange(len(end_to_end_distance)) + 1, end_to_end_distance,
Пример #4
def neurite_centre_of_mass(neurite):
    '''Calculate and return centre of mass of a neurite.'''
    centre_of_mass = np.zeros(3)
    total_volume = 0
    for segment in tree.val_iter(tree.isegment(neurite)):
        seg_volume = morphmath.segment_volume(segment)
        centre_of_mass = centre_of_mass + seg_volume * segment_centre_of_mass(segment)
        total_volume += seg_volume
    return centre_of_mass / total_volume
Пример #5
def radius_of_gyration(neurite):
    '''Calculate and return radius of gyration of a given neurite.'''
    centre_mass = neurite_centre_of_mass(neurite)
    sum_sqr_distance = 0
    N = 0
    for segment in tree.val_iter(tree.isegment(neurite)):
        sum_sqr_distance = sum_sqr_distance + distance_sqr(centre_mass, segment)
        N += 1
    return np.sqrt(sum_sqr_distance / N)
Пример #6
def neurite_centre_of_mass(neurite):
    '''Calculate and return centre of mass of a neurite.'''
    centre_of_mass = np.zeros(3)
    total_volume = 0
    for segment in tree.val_iter(tree.isegment(neurite)):
        seg_volume = morphmath.segment_volume(segment)
        centre_of_mass = centre_of_mass + seg_volume * segment_centre_of_mass(
        total_volume += seg_volume
    return centre_of_mass / total_volume
Пример #7
def radius_of_gyration(neurite):
    '''Calculate and return radius of gyration of a given neurite.'''
    centre_mass = neurite_centre_of_mass(neurite)
    sum_sqr_distance = 0
    N = 0
    for segment in tree.val_iter(tree.isegment(neurite)):
        sum_sqr_distance = sum_sqr_distance + distance_sqr(
            centre_mass, segment)
        N += 1
    return np.sqrt(sum_sqr_distance / N)
Пример #8
def nonzero_segment_lengths(neuron, threshold=0.0):
    '''Check presence of neuron segments with length not above threshold

        neuron: Neuron object whose segments will be tested
        threshold: value above which a segment length is considered to be non-zero
    Return: list of (first_id, second_id) of zero length segments
    l = [[s for s in val_iter(isegment(t)) if segment_length(s) <= threshold]
         for t in neuron.neurites]
    return [(i[0][COLS.ID], i[1][COLS.ID]) for i in chain(*l)]
Пример #9
def test_segment_upstream_iteration():
    leaves = [l for l in ileaf(REF_TREE2)]
    ref_paths = [[(1111, 11111), (111, 1111), (11, 111), (0, 11)],
                 [(1111, 11112), (111, 1111), (11, 111), (0, 11)],
                 [(1111, 11113), (111, 1111), (11, 111), (0, 11)],
                 [(11, 112), (0, 11)],
                 [(1211, 12111), (121, 1211), (12, 121), (0, 12)],
                 [(1211, 12112), (121, 1211), (12, 121), (0, 12)],
                 [(12, 122), (0, 12)]]

    for l, ref in zip(leaves, ref_paths):
        nt.assert_equal([s for s in val_iter(isegment(l, iupstream))], ref)
Пример #10
def _check_trees(trees):
    for t in trees:
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.ileaf(t))) == 11)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.iforking_point(t))) == 10)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.ipreorder(t))) == 211)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.ipostorder(t))) == 211)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.isegment(t))) == 210)
        leaves = [l for l in tree.ileaf(t)]
        # path length from each leaf to root node.
        branch_order = [21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 101, 111, 111]
        for i, l in enumerate(leaves):
            nt.ok_(len(list(tree.iupstream(l))) == branch_order[i])
Пример #11
def nonzero_segment_lengths(neuron, threshold=0.0):
    '''Check presence of neuron segments with length not above threshold

        neuron: Neuron object whose segments will be tested
        threshold: value above which a segment length is considered to be non-zero
    Return: list of (first_id, second_id) of zero length segments
    l = [[s for s in val_iter(isegment(t))
          if segment_length(s) <= threshold]
         for t in neuron.neurites]
    return [(i[0][COLS.ID], i[1][COLS.ID]) for i in chain(*l)]
Пример #12
def _check_trees(trees):
    for t in trees:
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.ileaf(t))) == 11)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.iforking_point(t))) == 10)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.ipreorder(t))) == 211)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.ipostorder(t))) == 211)
        nt.ok_(len(list(tree.isegment(t))) == 210)
        leaves = [l for l in tree.ileaf(t)]
        # path length from each leaf to root node.
        branch_order = [21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 101, 111, 111]
        for i, l in enumerate(leaves):
            nt.ok_(len(list(tree.iupstream(l))) == branch_order[i])
Пример #13
def i_segment_radial_dist(pos, tree):
    '''Return an iterator of radial distances of tree segments to a given point

    The radial distance is the euclidian distance between the mid-point of
    the segment and the point in question.

        pos: origin to which disrances are measured. It must have at least 3
        components. The first 3 components are (x, y, z).

        tree: tree of raw data rows.

    return tr.imap_val(lambda s: mm.segment_radial_dist(s, pos), tr.isegment(tree))
Пример #14
def test_segment_upstream_iteration():
    leaves = [l for l in ileaf(REF_TREE2)]
    ref_paths = [
        [(1111, 11111), (111, 1111), (11, 111), (0, 11)],
        [(1111, 11112), (111, 1111), (11, 111), (0, 11)],
        [(1111, 11113), (111, 1111), (11, 111), (0, 11)],
        [(11, 112), (0, 11)],
        [(1211, 12111), (121, 1211), (12, 121), (0, 12)],
        [(1211, 12112), (121, 1211), (12, 121), (0, 12)],
        [(12, 122), (0, 12)]

    for l, ref in zip(leaves, ref_paths):
        nt.assert_equal([s for s in val_iter(isegment(l, iupstream))], ref)
Пример #15
def i_segment_radial_dist(pos, tree):
    '''Return an iterator of radial distances of tree segments to a given point

    The radial distance is the euclidian distance between the mid-point of
    the segment and the point in question.

        pos: origin to which disrances are measured. It must have at least 3
        components. The first 3 components are (x, y, z).

        tree: tree of raw data rows.

    return tr.imap_val(lambda s: mm.segment_radial_dist(s, pos),
Пример #16
def tree3d(tr, new_fig=True, new_axes=True, subplot=False, **kwargs):
    '''Generates a figure of the tree in 3d.

        tr: Tree
        neurom.Tree object

        linewidth: float \
            Defines the linewidth of the tree, \
            if diameter is set to False. \
            Default value is 1.2.
        alpha: float \
            Defines throughe transparency of the tree. \
            0.0 transparent through 1.0 opaque. \
            Default value is 0.8.
        treecolor: str or None \
            Defines the color of the tree. \
            If None the default values will be used, \
            depending on the type of tree: \
            Basal dendrite: "red" \
            Axon : "blue" \
            Apical dendrite: "purple" \
            Undefined tree: "black" \
            Default value is None.
        new_fig: boolean \
            Defines if the tree will be plotted \
            in the current figure (False) \
            or in a new figure (True) \
            Default value is True.
        subplot: matplotlib subplot value or False \
            If False the default subplot 111 will be used. \
            For any other value a matplotlib subplot \
            will be generated. \
            Default value is False.
        diameter: boolean
            If True the diameter, scaled with diameter_scale factor, \
            will define the width of the tree lines. \
            If False use linewidth to select the width of the tree lines. \
            Default value is True.
        diameter_scale: float \
            Defines the scale factor that will be multiplied \
            with the diameter to define the width of the tree line. \
            Default value is 1.
        white_space: float \
            Defines the white space around \
            the boundary box of the morphology. \
            Default value is 1.

        A 3D matplotlib figure with a tree view.
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Line3DCollection

    # Initialization of matplotlib figure and axes.
    fig, ax = common.get_figure(new_fig=new_fig, new_axes=new_axes,
                                subplot=subplot, params={'projection': '3d'})

    # Data needed for the viewer: x,y,z,r
    bounding_box = get_bounding_box(tr)

    def _seg_3d(seg):
        '''2d coordinates needed for the plotting of a segment'''
        horz = getattr(COLS, 'X')
        vert = getattr(COLS, 'Y')
        depth = getattr(COLS, 'Z')
        parent_point = seg[0]
        child_point = seg[1]
        horz1 = parent_point[horz]
        horz2 = child_point[horz]
        vert1 = parent_point[vert]
        vert2 = child_point[vert]
        depth1 = parent_point[depth]
        depth2 = child_point[depth]
        return ((horz1, vert1, depth1), (horz2, vert2, depth2))

    segs = [_seg_3d(seg) for seg in val_iter(isegment(tr))]

    linewidth = get_default('linewidth', **kwargs)

    # Definition of the linewidth according to diameter, if diameter is True.
    if get_default('diameter', **kwargs):
        # TODO: This was originally a numpy array. Did it have to be one?
        linewidth = [2 * d * get_default('diameter_scale', **kwargs) for d in i_segment_radius(tr)]

    # Plot the collection of lines.
    collection = Line3DCollection(segs,
                                  color=common.get_color(get_default('treecolor', **kwargs),
                                  linewidth=linewidth, alpha=get_default('alpha', **kwargs))


    kwargs['title'] = kwargs.get('title', 'Tree 3d-view')
    kwargs['xlabel'] = kwargs.get('xlabel', 'X')
    kwargs['ylabel'] = kwargs.get('ylabel', 'Y')
    kwargs['zlabel'] = kwargs.get('zlabel', 'Z')
    kwargs['xlim'] = kwargs.get('xlim', [bounding_box[0][0] - get_default('white_space', **kwargs),
                                         bounding_box[1][0] + get_default('white_space', **kwargs)])
    kwargs['ylim'] = kwargs.get('ylim', [bounding_box[0][1] - get_default('white_space', **kwargs),
                                         bounding_box[1][1] + get_default('white_space', **kwargs)])
    kwargs['zlim'] = kwargs.get('zlim', [bounding_box[0][2] - get_default('white_space', **kwargs),
                                         bounding_box[1][2] + get_default('white_space', **kwargs)])

    return common.plot_style(fig=fig, ax=ax, **kwargs)
Пример #17
def i_segment_area(tree):
    ''' return an iterator of tree segment areas
    return tr.imap_val(mm.segment_area, tr.isegment(tree))
Пример #18
def i_segment_volume(tree):
    ''' return an iterator of tree segment volumes
    return tr.imap_val(mm.segment_volume, tr.isegment(tree))
Пример #19
def i_segment_radius(tree):
    ''' return an iterator of tree segment radii
    return tr.imap_val(mm.segment_radius, tr.isegment(tree))
Пример #20
def i_segment_volume(tree):
    ''' return an iterator of tree segment volumes
    return tr.imap_val(mm.segment_volume, tr.isegment(tree))
Пример #21
def tree3d(tr, new_fig=True, new_axes=True, subplot=False, **kwargs):
    """Generates a figure of the tree in 3d.

        tr: Tree
        neurom.Tree object

        linewidth: float \
            Defines the linewidth of the tree, \
            if diameter is set to False. \
            Default value is 1.2.
        alpha: float \
            Defines throughe transparency of the tree. \
            0.0 transparent through 1.0 opaque. \
            Default value is 0.8.
        treecolor: str or None \
            Defines the color of the tree. \
            If None the default values will be used, \
            depending on the type of tree: \
            Basal dendrite: "red" \
            Axon : "blue" \
            Apical dendrite: "purple" \
            Undefined tree: "black" \
            Default value is None.
        new_fig: boolean \
            Defines if the tree will be plotted \
            in the current figure (False) \
            or in a new figure (True) \
            Default value is True.
        subplot: matplotlib subplot value or False \
            If False the default subplot 111 will be used. \
            For any other value a matplotlib subplot \
            will be generated. \
            Default value is False.
        diameter: boolean
            If True the diameter, scaled with diameter_scale factor, \
            will define the width of the tree lines. \
            If False use linewidth to select the width of the tree lines. \
            Default value is True.
        diameter_scale: float \
            Defines the scale factor that will be multiplied \
            with the diameter to define the width of the tree line. \
            Default value is 1.
        white_space: float \
            Defines the white space around \
            the boundary box of the morphology. \
            Default value is 1.

        A 3D matplotlib figure with a tree view.
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Line3DCollection

    # Initialization of matplotlib figure and axes.
    fig, ax = common.get_figure(new_fig=new_fig, new_axes=new_axes, subplot=subplot, params={"projection": "3d"})

    # Data needed for the viewer: x,y,z,r
    bounding_box = get_bounding_box(tr)

    def _seg_3d(seg):
        """2d coordinates needed for the plotting of a segment"""
        horz = getattr(COLS, "X")
        vert = getattr(COLS, "Y")
        depth = getattr(COLS, "Z")
        parent_point = seg[0]
        child_point = seg[1]
        horz1 = parent_point[horz]
        horz2 = child_point[horz]
        vert1 = parent_point[vert]
        vert2 = child_point[vert]
        depth1 = parent_point[depth]
        depth2 = child_point[depth]
        return ((horz1, vert1, depth1), (horz2, vert2, depth2))

    segs = [_seg_3d(seg) for seg in val_iter(isegment(tr))]

    linewidth = get_default("linewidth", **kwargs)

    # Definition of the linewidth according to diameter, if diameter is True.
    if get_default("diameter", **kwargs):
        # TODO: This was originally a numpy array. Did it have to be one?
        linewidth = [2 * d * get_default("diameter_scale", **kwargs) for d in i_segment_radius(tr)]

    # Plot the collection of lines.
    collection = Line3DCollection(
        color=common.get_color(get_default("treecolor", **kwargs), get_tree_type(tr)),
        alpha=get_default("alpha", **kwargs),


    kwargs["title"] = kwargs.get("title", "Tree 3d-view")
    kwargs["xlabel"] = kwargs.get("xlabel", "X")
    kwargs["ylabel"] = kwargs.get("ylabel", "Y")
    kwargs["zlabel"] = kwargs.get("zlabel", "Z")
    kwargs["xlim"] = kwargs.get(
            bounding_box[0][0] - get_default("white_space", **kwargs),
            bounding_box[1][0] + get_default("white_space", **kwargs),
    kwargs["ylim"] = kwargs.get(
            bounding_box[0][1] - get_default("white_space", **kwargs),
            bounding_box[1][1] + get_default("white_space", **kwargs),
    kwargs["zlim"] = kwargs.get(
            bounding_box[0][2] - get_default("white_space", **kwargs),
            bounding_box[1][2] + get_default("white_space", **kwargs),

    return common.plot_style(fig=fig, ax=ax, **kwargs)
Пример #22
def i_segment_area(tree):
    ''' return an iterator of tree segment areas
    return tr.imap_val(mm.segment_area, tr.isegment(tree))
Пример #23
def n_segments(tree):
    Return number of segments in tree
    return sum(1 for _ in tr.isegment(tree))
Пример #24
def i_segment_length(tree):
    ''' return an iterator of tree segment lengths
    return tr.imap_val(mm.segment_length, tr.isegment(tree))
Пример #25
def tree3d(tr, new_fig=True, new_axes=True, subplot=False, **kwargs):
    Generates a figure of the tree in 3d.
    If the tree contains one single point the plot will be empty \
    since no segments can be constructed.

        tr: Tree \
        neurom.Tree object
        linewidth: float \
            Defines the linewidth of the tree, \
            if diameter is set to False. \
            Default value is 1.2.
        alpha: float \
            Defines throughe transparency of the tree. \
            0.0 transparent through 1.0 opaque. \
            Default value is 0.8.
        treecolor: str or None \
            Defines the color of the tree. \
            If None the default values will be used, \
            depending on the type of tree: \
            Basal dendrite: "red" \
            Axon : "blue" \
            Apical dendrite: "purple" \
            Undefined tree: "black" \
            Default value is None.
        new_fig: boolean \
            Defines if the tree will be plotted \
            in the current figure (False) \
            or in a new figure (True) \
            Default value is True.
        subplot: matplotlib subplot value or False \
            If False the default subplot 111 will be used. \
            For any other value a matplotlib subplot \
            will be generated. \
            Default value is False.
        diameter: boolean \
            If True the diameter, scaled with diameter_scale factor, \
            will define the width of the tree lines. \
            If False use linewidth to select the width of the tree lines. \
            Default value is True.
        diameter_scale: float \
            Defines the scale factor that will be multiplied \
            with the diameter to define the width of the tree line. \
            Default value is 1.
        white_space: float \
            Defines the white space around \
            the boundary box of the morphology. \
            Default value is 1.

        A 3D matplotlib figure with a tree view.
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Line3DCollection

    # Initialization of matplotlib figure and axes.
    fig, ax = common.get_figure(new_fig=new_fig, new_axes=new_axes,
                                subplot=subplot, params={'projection': '3d'})

    # Data needed for the viewer: x,y,z,r
    bounding_box = get_bounding_box(tr)

    def _seg_3d(seg):
        '''2d coordinates needed for the plotting of a segment'''
        horz = getattr(COLS, 'X')
        vert = getattr(COLS, 'Y')
        depth = getattr(COLS, 'Z')
        parent_point = seg[0]
        child_point = seg[1]
        horz1 = parent_point[horz]
        horz2 = child_point[horz]
        vert1 = parent_point[vert]
        vert2 = child_point[vert]
        depth1 = parent_point[depth]
        depth2 = child_point[depth]
        return ((horz1, vert1, depth1), (horz2, vert2, depth2))

    segs = [_seg_3d(seg) for seg in val_iter(isegment(tr))]

    linewidth = get_default('linewidth', **kwargs)

    # Definition of the linewidth according to diameter, if diameter is True.
    if get_default('diameter', **kwargs):
        # TODO: This was originally a numpy array. Did it have to be one?
        linewidth = [2 * d * get_default('diameter_scale', **kwargs)
                     for d in iter_neurites(tr, segment_radius)]
        if len(linewidth) == 0:
            linewidth = get_default('linewidth', **kwargs)

    # Plot the collection of lines.
    collection = Line3DCollection(segs,
                                  color=common.get_color(get_default('treecolor', **kwargs),
                                  linewidth=linewidth, alpha=get_default('alpha', **kwargs))


    kwargs['title'] = kwargs.get('title', 'Tree 3d-view')
    kwargs['xlabel'] = kwargs.get('xlabel', 'X')
    kwargs['ylabel'] = kwargs.get('ylabel', 'Y')
    kwargs['zlabel'] = kwargs.get('zlabel', 'Z')
    kwargs['xlim'] = kwargs.get('xlim', [bounding_box[0][0] - get_default('white_space', **kwargs),
                                         bounding_box[1][0] + get_default('white_space', **kwargs)])
    kwargs['ylim'] = kwargs.get('ylim', [bounding_box[0][1] - get_default('white_space', **kwargs),
                                         bounding_box[1][1] + get_default('white_space', **kwargs)])
    kwargs['zlim'] = kwargs.get('zlim', [bounding_box[0][2] - get_default('white_space', **kwargs),
                                         bounding_box[1][2] + get_default('white_space', **kwargs)])

    return common.plot_style(fig=fig, ax=ax, **kwargs)
Пример #26
def tree(tr, plane='xy', new_fig=True, subplot=False, **kwargs):
    Generates a 2d figure of the tree's segments. \
    If the tree contains one single point the plot will be empty \
    since no segments can be constructed.

        tr: Tree \
            neurom.Tree object
        plane: str \
            Accepted values: Any pair of of xyz \
            Default value is 'xy'.treecolor
        linewidth: float \
            Defines the linewidth of the tree, \
            if diameter is set to False. \
            Default value is 1.2.
        alpha: float \
            Defines throughe transparency of the tree. \
            0.0 transparent through 1.0 opaque. \
            Default value is 0.8.
        treecolor: str or None \
            Defines the color of the tree. \
            If None the default values will be used, \
            depending on the type of tree: \
            Basal dendrite: "red" \
            Axon : "blue" \
            Apical dendrite: "purple" \
            Undefined tree: "black" \
            Default value is None.
        new_fig: boolean \
            Defines if the tree will be plotted \
            in the current figure (False) \
            or in a new figure (True) \
            Default value is True.
        subplot: matplotlib subplot value or False \
            If False the default subplot 111 will be used. \
            For any other value a matplotlib subplot \
            will be generated. \
            Default value is False.
        diameter: boolean
            If True the diameter, scaled with diameter_scale factor, \
            will define the width of the tree lines. \
            If False use linewidth to select the width of the tree lines. \
            Default value is True.
        diameter_scale: float \
            Defines the scale factor that will be multiplied \
            with the diameter to define the width of the tree line. \
            Default value is 1.
        limits: list or boolean \
            List of type: [[xmin, ymin, zmin], [xmax, ymax, zmax]] \
            If False the figure will not be scaled. \
            If True the figure will be scaled according to tree limits. \
            Default value is False.
        white_space: float \
            Defines the white space around \
            the boundary box of the morphology. \
            Default value is 1.

        A 2D matplotlib figure with a tree view, at the selected plane.
    if plane not in ('xy', 'yx', 'xz', 'zx', 'yz', 'zy'):
        return None, 'No such plane found! Please select one of: xy, xz, yx, yz, zx, zy.'

    # Initialization of matplotlib figure and axes.
    fig, ax = common.get_figure(new_fig=new_fig, subplot=subplot)

    # Data needed for the viewer: x,y,z,r
    bounding_box = get_bounding_box(tr)

    def _seg_2d(seg):
        '''2d coordinates needed for the plotting of a segment'''
        horz = getattr(COLS, plane[0].capitalize())
        vert = getattr(COLS, plane[1].capitalize())
        parent_point = seg[0]
        child_point = seg[1]
        horz1 = parent_point[horz]
        horz2 = child_point[horz]
        vert1 = parent_point[vert]
        vert2 = child_point[vert]
        return ((horz1, vert1), (horz2, vert2))

    segs = [_seg_2d(seg) for seg in val_iter(isegment(tr))]

    linewidth = get_default('linewidth', **kwargs)
    # Definition of the linewidth according to diameter, if diameter is True.
    if get_default('diameter', **kwargs):
        scale = get_default('diameter_scale', **kwargs)
        # TODO: This was originally a numpy array. Did it have to be one?
        linewidth = [2 * d * scale for d in iter_neurites(tr, segment_radius)]
        if len(linewidth) == 0:
            linewidth = get_default('linewidth', **kwargs)

    # Plot the collection of lines.
    collection = LineCollection(segs,
                                color=common.get_color(get_default('treecolor', **kwargs),
                                linewidth=linewidth, alpha=get_default('alpha', **kwargs))


    kwargs['title'] = kwargs.get('title', 'Tree view')
    kwargs['xlabel'] = kwargs.get('xlabel', plane[0])
    kwargs['ylabel'] = kwargs.get('ylabel', plane[1])
    kwargs['xlim'] = kwargs.get('xlim', [bounding_box[0][getattr(COLS, plane[0].capitalize())] -
                                         get_default('white_space', **kwargs),
                                         bounding_box[1][getattr(COLS, plane[0].capitalize())] +
                                         get_default('white_space', **kwargs)])
    kwargs['ylim'] = kwargs.get('ylim', [bounding_box[0][getattr(COLS, plane[1].capitalize())] -
                                         get_default('white_space', **kwargs),
                                         bounding_box[1][getattr(COLS, plane[1].capitalize())] +
                                         get_default('white_space', **kwargs)])

    return common.plot_style(fig=fig, ax=ax, **kwargs)
Пример #27
def path_length(tree):
    '''Get the path length from a sub-tree to the root node'''
    return np.sum(s for s in
                  tr.imap_val(mm.segment_length, tr.isegment(tree, tr.iupstream)))
Пример #28
def path_length(tree):
    '''Get the path length from a sub-tree to the root node'''
    return np.sum(s for s in tr.imap_val(mm.segment_length,
                                         tr.isegment(tree, tr.iupstream)))
Пример #29
def n_segments(tree):
    Return number of segments in tree
    return sum(1 for _ in tr.isegment(tree))
Пример #30
 def segments(self):
     '''Returns segment iterator
     return isegment(self._tree)
Пример #31
    centre_mass = neurite_centre_of_mass(neurite)
    sum_sqr_distance = 0
    N = 0
    for segment in tree.val_iter(tree.isegment(neurite)):
        sum_sqr_distance = sum_sqr_distance + distance_sqr(centre_mass, segment)
        N += 1
    return np.sqrt(sum_sqr_distance / N)

def mean_rad_of_gyration(neurites):
    '''Calculate mean radius of gyration for set of neurites.'''
    return np.mean([radius_of_gyration(n) for n in neurites])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #  load a neuron from an SWC file
    filename = 'test_data/swc/Neuron.swc'
    nrn = ezy.load_neuron(filename)

    # for every neurite, print (number of segments, radius of gyration, neurite type)
    print([(sum(1 for _ in tree.isegment(nrte)),
            radius_of_gyration(nrte), nrte.type) for nrte in nrn.neurites])

    # print mean radius of gyration per neurite type
    print('Mean radius of gyration for axons: ',
          mean_rad_of_gyration(n for n in nrn.neurites if n.type == ezy.TreeType.axon))
    print('Mean radius of gyration for basal dendrites: ',
          mean_rad_of_gyration(n for n in nrn.neurites if n.type == ezy.TreeType.basal_dendrite))
    print('Mean radius of gyration for apical dendrites: ',
          mean_rad_of_gyration(n for n in nrn.neurites if n.type == ezy.TreeType.apical_dendrite))
Пример #32
def i_segment_length(tree):
    ''' return an iterator of tree segment lengths
    return tr.imap_val(mm.segment_length, tr.isegment(tree))
Пример #33
        N += 1
    return np.sqrt(sum_sqr_distance / N)

def mean_rad_of_gyration(neurites):
    '''Calculate mean radius of gyration for set of neurites.'''
    return np.mean([radius_of_gyration(n) for n in neurites])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #  load a neuron from an SWC file
    filename = 'test_data/swc/Neuron.swc'
    nrn = ezy.load_neuron(filename)

    # for every neurite, print (number of segments, radius of gyration, neurite type)
    print([(sum(1 for _ in tree.isegment(nrte)), radius_of_gyration(nrte),
            nrte.type) for nrte in nrn.neurites])

    # print mean radius of gyration per neurite type
        'Mean radius of gyration for axons: ',
        mean_rad_of_gyration(n for n in nrn.neurites
                             if n.type == ezy.TreeType.axon))
        'Mean radius of gyration for basal dendrites: ',
        mean_rad_of_gyration(n for n in nrn.neurites
                             if n.type == ezy.TreeType.basal_dendrite))
        'Mean radius of gyration for apical dendrites: ',
        mean_rad_of_gyration(n for n in nrn.neurites
                             if n.type == ezy.TreeType.apical_dendrite))
Пример #34
def i_segment_radius(tree):
    ''' return an iterator of tree segment radii
    return tr.imap_val(mm.segment_radius, tr.isegment(tree))
Пример #35
def tree(tr, plane='xy', new_fig=True, subplot=False, **kwargs):
    '''Generates a 2d figure of the tree.

        tr: Tree \
            neurom.Tree object

        plane: str \
            Accepted values: Any pair of of xyz \
            Default value is 'xy'.treecolor
        linewidth: float \
            Defines the linewidth of the tree, \
            if diameter is set to False. \
            Default value is 1.2.
        alpha: float \
            Defines throughe transparency of the tree. \
            0.0 transparent through 1.0 opaque. \
            Default value is 0.8.
        treecolor: str or None \
            Defines the color of the tree. \
            If None the default values will be used, \
            depending on the type of tree: \
            Basal dendrite: "red" \
            Axon : "blue" \
            Apical dendrite: "purple" \
            Undefined tree: "black" \
            Default value is None.
        new_fig: boolean \
            Defines if the tree will be plotted \
            in the current figure (False) \
            or in a new figure (True) \
            Default value is True.
        subplot: matplotlib subplot value or False \
            If False the default subplot 111 will be used. \
            For any other value a matplotlib subplot \
            will be generated. \
            Default value is False.
        diameter: boolean
            If True the diameter, scaled with diameter_scale factor, \
            will define the width of the tree lines. \
            If False use linewidth to select the width of the tree lines. \
            Default value is True.
        diameter_scale: float \
            Defines the scale factor that will be multiplied \
            with the diameter to define the width of the tree line. \
            Default value is 1.
        limits: list or boolean \
            List of type: [[xmin, ymin, zmin], [xmax, ymax, zmax]] \
            If False the figure will not be scaled. \
            If True the figure will be scaled according to tree limits. \
            Default value is False.
        white_space: float \
            Defines the white space around \
            the boundary box of the morphology. \
            Default value is 1.

        A 2D matplotlib figure with a tree view, at the selected plane.
    if plane not in ('xy', 'yx', 'xz', 'zx', 'yz', 'zy'):
        return None, 'No such plane found! Please select one of: xy, xz, yx, yz, zx, zy.'

    # Initialization of matplotlib figure and axes.
    fig, ax = common.get_figure(new_fig=new_fig, subplot=subplot)

    # Data needed for the viewer: x,y,z,r
    bounding_box = get_bounding_box(tr)

    def _seg_2d(seg):
        '''2d coordinates needed for the plotting of a segment'''
        horz = getattr(COLS, plane[0].capitalize())
        vert = getattr(COLS, plane[1].capitalize())
        parent_point = seg[0]
        child_point = seg[1]
        horz1 = parent_point[horz]
        horz2 = child_point[horz]
        vert1 = parent_point[vert]
        vert2 = child_point[vert]
        return ((horz1, vert1), (horz2, vert2))

    segs = [_seg_2d(seg) for seg in val_iter(isegment(tr))]

    linewidth = get_default('linewidth', **kwargs)
    # Definition of the linewidth according to diameter, if diameter is True.
    if get_default('diameter', **kwargs):
        scale = get_default('diameter_scale', **kwargs)
        # TODO: This was originally a numpy array. Did it have to be one?
        linewidth = [2 * d * scale for d in i_segment_radius(tr)]

    # Plot the collection of lines.
    collection = LineCollection(segs,
                                color=common.get_color(get_default('treecolor', **kwargs),
                                linewidth=linewidth, alpha=get_default('alpha', **kwargs))


    kwargs['title'] = kwargs.get('title', 'Tree view')
    kwargs['xlabel'] = kwargs.get('xlabel', plane[0])
    kwargs['ylabel'] = kwargs.get('ylabel', plane[1])
    kwargs['xlim'] = kwargs.get('xlim', [bounding_box[0][getattr(COLS, plane[0].capitalize())] -
                                         get_default('white_space', **kwargs),
                                         bounding_box[1][getattr(COLS, plane[0].capitalize())] +
                                         get_default('white_space', **kwargs)])
    kwargs['ylim'] = kwargs.get('ylim', [bounding_box[0][getattr(COLS, plane[1].capitalize())] -
                                         get_default('white_space', **kwargs),
                                         bounding_box[1][getattr(COLS, plane[1].capitalize())] +
                                         get_default('white_space', **kwargs)])

    return common.plot_style(fig=fig, ax=ax, **kwargs)
Пример #36
    '''Calculate and plot the end-to-end distance vs the number of segments for
    an increasingly larger part of a given path.

    Note that the plots are not very meaningful for bifurcating trees.'''
    end_to_end_distance = [morphmath.point_dist(segment[1], path.value)
                           for segment in tree.val_iter(tree.isegment(path))]
    make_end_to_end_distance_plot(np.arange(len(end_to_end_distance)) + 1, end_to_end_distance,

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #  load a neuron from an SWC file
    filename = 'test_data/swc/Neuron_3_random_walker_branches.swc'
    nrn = ezy.load_neuron(filename)

    # print mean end-to-end distance per neurite type
    print('Mean end-to-end distance for axons: ',
          mean_end_to_end_dist(n for n in nrn.neurites if n.type == ezy.TreeType.axon))
    print('Mean end-to-end distance for basal dendrites: ',
          mean_end_to_end_dist(n for n in nrn.neurites if n.type == ezy.TreeType.basal_dendrite))
    print('Mean end-to-end distance for apical dendrites: ',
          mean_end_to_end_dist(n for n in nrn.neurites if n.type == ezy.TreeType.apical_dendrite))

    print 'End-to-end distance per neurite (nb segments, end-to-end distance, neurite type):'
    for nrte in nrn.neurites:
        # plot end-to-end distance for increasingly larger parts of neurite
        # print (number of segments, end-to-end distance, neurite type)
        print(sum(1 for _ in tree.isegment(nrte)),
              path_end_to_end_distance(nrte), nrte.type)