Пример #1
    def test_opt_1(self):
        cellmodel = "ADEXP"

        if cellmodel == "IZHI":
            model = model_classes.IzhiModel()
        if cellmodel == "MAT":
            model = model_classes.MATModel()
        if cellmodel == "ADEXP":
            model = model_classes.ADEXPModel()

        dtc = DataTC()
        dtc.backend = cellmodel
        dtc._backend = model._backend
        dtc.attrs = model.attrs
        dtc.params = {
            k: np.mean(v)
            for k, v in MODEL_PARAMS[cellmodel].items()
        other_params = BPO_PARAMS[cellmodel]
        dtc = dtc_to_rheo(dtc)
        assert dtc.rheobase is not None
        vm, plt, dtc = inject_and_plot_model(dtc, plotly=False)
        model = dtc.dtc_to_model()
 def test_get_ss(self):
     from neuronunit.optimization.data_transport_container import DataTC
     dtc = DataTC()
     dtc.scores = {'score1': 1}
     self.assertEqual(dtc.get_ss(), 1)
     dtc.scores = {'score1': 1, 'score2': 2}
     self.assertEqual(dtc.get_ss(), 3)
Пример #3
 def transform(ind):
     from neuronunit.optimization.data_transport_container import DataTC
     dtc = DataTC()
     param_dict = {}
     for i, j in enumerate(ind):
         param_dict[td[i]] = str(j)
     dtc.attrs = param_dict
     dtc.evaluated = False
     return dtc
 def model_to_dtc(self):
     dtc = DataTC()
     dtc.attrs = self.attrs
         dtc.backend = self.get_backend()
         dtc.backend = self.backend
     if hasattr(self, 'rheobase'):
         dtc.rheobase = self.rheobase
     return dtc
Пример #5
 def test_frp(self):
     from neuronunit.models.reduced import ReducedModel
     from neuronunit.optimization import get_neab
     model = ReducedModel(get_neab.LEMS_MODEL_PATH,name=str('vanilla'),backend=('NEURON'))
     attrs = {'a':0.02, 'b':0.2, 'c':-65+15*0.5, 'd':8-0.5**2 }
     from neuronunit.optimization.data_transport_container import DataTC
     dtc = DataTC()
     from neuronunit.tests import fi
     from neuronunit.optimization import get_neab
     rtp = get_neab.tests[0]
     rheobase = rtp.generate_prediction(model)
Пример #6
    def model_to_dtc(self, attrs=None):
            DTC is a simulator indipendent data transport container object.
        from neuronunit.optimization.data_transport_container import DataTC

        dtc = DataTC(backend=self.backend)
        print('gets here model to dtc')
        dtc.attrs = self.attrs
        return dtc
    def transform(ind):
        import dask.bag as db
        from neuronunit.optimization.data_transport_container import DataTC
        dtc = DataTC()
        import neuronunit
        LEMS_MODEL_PATH = str(neuronunit.__path__[0])+str('/models/NeuroML2/LEMS_2007One.xml')
        if backend is not None:
            dtc.backend = backend
            dtc.backend = 'NEURON'

        dtc.attrs = {}
        for i,j in enumerate(ind):
            dtc.attrs[str(td[i])] = j
        dtc.evaluated = False
        return dtc
 def test_ap_threshold(self):
     from neuronunit.models.reduced import ReducedModel
     from neuronunit.optimization import get_neab
     from neuronunit.tests.waveform import InjectedCurrentAPThresholdTest as T
     from neuronunit.optimization.optimization_management import format_test
     from neuronunit.optimization.data_transport_container import DataTC
     dtc = DataTC()
     dtc.rheobase = self.rheobase
     dtc = format_test(dtc)
     self.model = ReducedModel(get_neab.LEMS_MODEL_PATH,
                               backend=('NEURON', {
                                   'DTC': dtc
     #score = self.run_test(T)
     score = self.run_test(T, pred=self.rheobase)
     assert score.norm_score is not None
     self.assertTrue(score.norm_score is not None)
Пример #9
def transform(xargs):
    (ind, td, backend) = xargs

    # The merits of defining a function in a function
    # is that it yields a semi global scoped variables.
    # conisider refactoring outer function as a decorator.
    dtc = DataTC()

    LEMS_MODEL_PATH = str(
        neuronunit.__path__[0]) + str('/models/NeuroML2/LEMS_2007One.xml')
    dtc.backend = 'RAW'
    dtc.attrs = {}
    for i, j in enumerate(ind):
        dtc.attrs[str(td[i])] = j

    dtc.evaluated = False
    return dtc
Пример #10
    def transform(ind):
        # The merits of defining a function in a function
        # is that it yields a semi global scoped variables.
        dtc = DataTC()
        LEMS_MODEL_PATH = str(neuronunit.__path__[0])+str('/models/NeuroML2/LEMS_2007One.xml')
        if backend is not None:
            dtc.backend = backend
            dtc.backend = 'NEURON'

        dtc.attrs = {}
        if isinstance(ind, Iterable):
            for i,j in enumerate(ind):
                dtc.attrs[str(td[i])] = j
            dtc.attrs[str(td[0])] = ind
        dtc.evaluated = False
        return dtc
 def generate_prediction(self,model = None):
     if self.prediction is None:
         dtc = DataTC()
         dtc.backed = model.backend
         dtc.attrs = model.attrs
         dtc.rheobase = model.rheobase
         dtc.tests = [self]
         dtc = three_step_protocol(dtc)
         dtc,ephys0 = allen_wave_predictions(dtc,thirty=True)
         dtc,ephys1 = allen_wave_predictions(dtc,thirty=False)
         if self.name in ephys0.keys():
             feature = ephys0[self.name]
             self.prediction = {}
             self.prediction['value'] = feature
             #self.prediction['std'] = feature
         if self.name in ephys1.keys():
             feature = ephys1[self.name]
             self.prediction = {}
             self.prediction['value'] = feature
             #self.prediction['std'] = feature
         return self.prediction
 def model_test_eval(self, tests):
     Take a model and some tests
     Evaluate a test suite over them.
     from sciunit import TestSuite
     if type(tests) is TestSuite:
         not_suite = TSD({t.name: t for t in tests.tests})
     OM = OptMan(tests, backend=self._backend)
     dtc = DataTC()
     dtc.attrs = self.attrs
     assert set(self._backend.attrs.keys()) in set(self.attrs.keys())
     dtc.backend = self._backend
     dtc.tests = copy.copy(not_suite)
     dtc = dtc_to_rheo(dtc)
     if dtc.rheobase is not None:
         dtc.tests = dtc.format_test()
         dtc = list(map(OM.elephant_evaluation, [dtc]))
     model = dtc.dtc_to_model()
     model.SM = dtc.SM
     model.obs_preds = dtc.obs_preds
     return dtc[0], model
Пример #13
def impute_check(pop, dtcpop, td, tests):

    delta = len(pop) - len(dtcpop)
    # if a rheobase value cannot be found for a given set of dtc model more_attributes
    # delete that model, or rather, filter it out above, and impute
    # a new model from the mean of the pre-existing model attributes.
    impute_pop = []
    if delta != 0:
        impute = []
        impute_gene = []  # impute individual, not impute index
        for i in range(0, len(pop[0])):
            impute_gene.append(np.mean([p[i] for p in pop]))

        ind = WSListIndividual(impute_gene)
        # newest functioning code.
        # other broken transform should be modelled on this.
        ## what function transform should consist of.
        dtc = DataTC()
        LEMS_MODEL_PATH = str(
            neuronunit.__path__[0]) + str('/models/NeuroML2/LEMS_2007One.xml')
        dtc.backend = 'RAW'
        dtc.attrs = {}
        for i, j in enumerate(ind):
            dtc.attrs[str(td[i])] = j

        ## end function transform

        xarg = (dtc, tests[0], 'RAW')
        dtc = dtc_to_rheo(xarg)
        ind.rheobase = dtc.rheobase
        print(dtc.attrs, dtc.rheobase, 'still failing')

        if type(ind.rheobase) is type(None):

    return dtcpop, pop
Пример #14
     def generate_prediction(self, model):

        inputs a population of genes/alleles, the population size MU, and an optional argument of a rheobase value guess
        outputs a population of genes/alleles, a population of individual object shells, ie a pickleable container for gene attributes.
        Rationale, not every gene value will result in a model for which rheobase is found, in which case that gene is discarded, however to
        compensate for losses in gene population size, more gene samples must be tested for a successful return from a rheobase search.
        If the tests return are successful these new sampled individuals are appended to the population, and then their attributes are mapped onto
        corresponding virtual model objects.

        def check_fix_range(dtc):
            Inputs: lookup, A dictionary of previous current injection values
            used to search rheobase
            Outputs: A boolean to indicate if the correct rheobase current was found
            and a dictionary containing the range of values used.
            If rheobase was actually found then rather returning a boolean and a dictionary,
            instead logical True, and the rheobase current is returned.
            given a dictionary of rheobase search values, use that
            dictionary as input for a subsequent search.
            import numpy as np
            import quantities as pq
            import copy

            dtc.rheobase = 0.0
            for k,v in dtc.lookup.items():

                if v == 1:
                    #A logical flag is returned to indicate that rheobase was found.
                    dtc.rheobase = float(k)
                    dtc.current_steps = 0.0
                    dtc.boolean = True
                    return dtc
                elif v == 0:
                elif v > 0:

            sub = np.array(sub)
            supra = np.array(supra)
            if 0. in supra and len(sub) == 0:
                dtc.boolean = True
                dtc.rheobase = -1
                #score = scores.InsufficientDataScore(None)

                return dtc

            if len(sub)!=0 and len(supra)!=0:
                #this assertion would only be occur if there was a bug
                assert sub.max()<=supra.min()
            if len(sub) and len(supra):
                center = list(np.linspace(sub.max(),supra.min(),9.0))
                center = [ i for i in center if not i == sub.max() ]
                center = [ i for i in center if not i == supra.min() ]
                steps = [ i*pq.pA for i in center ]

            elif len(sub):
                steps = list(np.linspace(sub.max(),2*sub.max(),9.0))
                steps = [ i for i in steps if not i == sub.max() ]
                steps = [ i*pq.pA for i in steps ]

            elif len(supra):
                step = list(np.linspace(-2*(supra.min()),supra.min(),9.0))
                steps = [ i for i in steps if not i == supra.min() ]
                steps = [ i*pq.pA for i in steps ]

            dtc.current_steps = steps
            dtc.rheobase = None
            return copy.copy(dtc)

        def check_current(ampl,dtc):
            Inputs are an amplitude to test and a virtual model
            output is an virtual model with an updated dictionary.
            import copy
            import os
            import quantities
            from neuronunit.models.reduced import ReducedModel
            import neuronunit
            LEMS_MODEL_PATH = str(neuronunit.__path__[0])+str('/models/NeuroML2/LEMS_2007One.xml')
            dtc.model_path = LEMS_MODEL_PATH
            model = ReducedModel(dtc.model_path,name='vanilla', backend=(str(dtc.backend), {'DTC':dtc}))

            import copy

            DELAY = 100.0*pq.ms
            DURATION = 1000.0*pq.ms
            params = {'injected_square_current':
                      {'amplitude':100.0*pq.pA, 'delay':DELAY, 'duration':DURATION}}

            dtc = copy.copy(dtc)
            ampl = float(ampl)
            if ampl not in dtc.lookup or len(dtc.lookup) == 0:
                current = params.copy()['injected_square_current']
                uc = {'amplitude':ampl}
                current = {'injected_square_current':current}
                dtc.run_number += 1
                dtc.previous = ampl
                n_spikes = model.get_spike_count()
                dtc.lookup[float(ampl)] = n_spikes
                if n_spikes == 1:
                    dtc.rheobase = float(ampl)
                    dtc.boolean = True
                    return dtc

                return dtc
            if float(ampl) in dtc.lookup:
                return dtc

        def init_dtc(dtc):
            import numpy as np
            import copy

            if dtc.initiated == True:
                # expand values in the range to accomodate for mutation.
                # but otherwise exploit memory of this range.

                if type(dtc.current_steps) is type(float):
                    dtc.current_steps = [ 0.75 * dtc.current_steps, 1.25 * dtc.current_steps ]
                elif type(dtc.current_steps) is type(list):
                    dtc.current_steps = [ s * 1.25 for s in dtc.current_steps ]
                dtc.initiated = True # logically unnecessary but included for readibility

            if dtc.initiated == False:
                import quantities as pq
                import numpy as np
                dtc.boolean = False
                steps = np.linspace(0,250,7.0)
                steps_current = [ i*pq.pA for i in steps ]
                dtc.current_steps = steps_current
                dtc.initiated = True
            return dtc

        def find_rheobase(self, dtc):
            import dask.bag as db
            cnt = 0
            assert os.path.isfile(dtc.model_path), "%s is not a file" % dtc.model_path
            # If this it not the first pass/ first generation
            # then assume the rheobase value found before mutation still holds until proven otherwise.
            # dtc = check_current(model.rheobase,dtc)
            # If its not true enter a search, with ranges informed by memory
            cnt = 0
            while dtc.boolean == False:
                dtc_clones = [ dtc for s in dtc.current_steps ]
                b0 = db.from_sequence(dtc.current_steps, npartitions=8)
                b1 = db.from_sequence(dtc_clones, npartitions=8)
                dtcpop = list(db.map(check_current,b0,b1).compute())
                for dtc_clone in dtcpop:
                dtc = check_fix_range(dtc)
                cnt += 1
            return dtc

        dtc = DataTC()
        dtc.attrs = {}
        for k,v in model.attrs.items():
            dtc.attrs[k] = v
        dtc = init_dtc(dtc)
        dtc.model_path = model.orig_lems_file_path
        dtc.backend = model.backend
        assert os.path.isfile(dtc.model_path), "%s is not a file" % dtc.model_path
        prediction = {}
        prediction['value'] = find_rheobase(self,dtc).rheobase * pq.pA
        return prediction
Пример #15
from neuronunit.models.reduced import ReducedModel
from neuronunit.optimization.model_parameters import model_params, path_params
from neuronunit.optimization import model_parameters as modelp

mp = modelp.model_params
import pdb
from neuronunit.optimization.data_transport_container import DataTC

dtc = DataTC()
from neuronunit.tests import np, pq, cap, VmTest, scores, AMPL, DELAY, DURATION

opt_keys = ['a', 'b', 'vr']
nparams = len(opt_keys)
import numpy as np

attrs = {
    'a': np.median(mp['a']),
    'b': np.median(mp['b']),
    'vr': np.median(mp['vr'])
dtc.attrs = attrs
model = ReducedModel(path_params['model_path'],
                     backend=('NEURON', {
                         'DTC': dtc

params = {
    'injected_square_current': {
        'amplitude': 10.0 * pq.pA,
        'delay': DELAY,
Пример #16
    def test_opt_1(self):
        specimen_id = self.ids[1]
        cellmodel = "ADEXP"

        if cellmodel == "IZHI":
            model = model_classes.IzhiModel()
        if cellmodel == "MAT":
            model = model_classes.MATModel()
        if cellmodel == "ADEXP":
            model = model_classes.ADEXPModel()

        target_num_spikes = 8
        dtc = DataTC()
        dtc.backend = cellmodel
        dtc._backend = model._backend
        dtc.attrs = model.attrs
        dtc.params = {
            k: np.mean(v)
            for k, v in MODEL_PARAMS[cellmodel].items()

        dtc = dtc_to_rheo(dtc)
        assert dtc.rheobase is not None
        vm, plt, dtc = inject_and_plot_model(dtc, plotly=False)
        fixed_current = 122 * qt.pA
        model, suite, nu_tests, target_current, spk_count = opt_setup(
        model = dtc.dtc_to_model()
        model.seeded_current = target_current['value']
        model.allen = True
        model.NU = True
        cell_evaluator, simple_cell = opt_setup_two(model,
        NGEN = 15
        MU = 12

        mapping_funct = dask_map_function
        final_pop, hall_of_fame, logs, hist = opt_exec(MU, NGEN, mapping_funct,
        opt, target = opt_to_model(hall_of_fame, cell_evaluator, suite,
                                   target_current, spk_count)
        best_ind = hall_of_fame[0]
        fitnesses = cell_evaluator.evaluate_with_lists(best_ind)
        assert np.sum(fitnesses) < 0.7
        self.assertGreater(0.7, np.sum(fitnesses))

        #obnames = [obj.name for obj in cell_evaluator.objectives]

        gen_numbers = logs.select('gen')
        min_fitness = logs.select('min')
        max_fitness = logs.select('max')
        avg_fitness = logs.select('avg')
        plt.plot(gen_numbers, max_fitness, label='max fitness')
        plt.plot(gen_numbers, avg_fitness, label='avg fitness')
        plt.plot(gen_numbers, min_fitness, label='min fitness')
        plt.plot(gen_numbers, min_fitness, label='min fitness')
        plt.xlabel('generation #')
        plt.ylabel('score (# std)')
        plt.xlim(min(gen_numbers) - 1, max(gen_numbers) + 1)
        #model = opt.dtc_to_model()
        plt.plot(opt.vm15.times, opt.vm15)
        plt.plot(opt.vm15.times, opt.vm15)
        target.vm15 = suite.traces['vm15']
        plt.plot(target.vm15.times, target.vm15)
        target.vm15 = suite.traces['vm15']
        check_bin_vm15(target, opt)
    def generate_prediction(self, model):
        def check_fix_range(dtc):
            Inputs: lookup, A dictionary of previous current injection values
            used to search rheobase
            Outputs: A boolean to indicate if the correct rheobase current was found
            and a dictionary containing the range of values used.
            If rheobase was actually found then rather returning a boolean and a dictionary,
            instead logical True, and the rheobase current is returned.
            given a dictionary of rheobase search values, use that
            dictionary as input for a subsequent search.

            steps = []
            dtc.rheobase = None
            sub, supra = get_sub_supra(dtc.lookup)

            if (len(sub) + len(supra)) == 0:
                # This assertion would only be occur if there was a bug
                assert sub.max() <= supra.min()
            elif len(sub) and len(supra):
                # Termination criterion

                steps = np.linspace(sub.max(), supra.min(),
                                    cpucount + 1) * pq.pA
                steps = steps[1:-1] * pq.pA
            elif len(sub):
                steps = np.linspace(sub.max(), 2 * sub.max(),
                                    cpucount + 1) * pq.pA
                steps = steps[1:-1] * pq.pA
            elif len(supra):
                steps = np.linspace(supra.min() - 100, supra.min(),
                                    cpucount + 1) * pq.pA
                steps = steps[1:-1] * pq.pA

            dtc.current_steps = steps
            return dtc

        def get_sub_supra(lookup):
            sub, supra = [], []
            for current, n_spikes in lookup.items():
                if n_spikes < self.observation['range'][0]:
                elif n_spikes > self.observation['range'][1]:

            sub = np.array(sorted(list(set(sub))))
            supra = np.array(sorted(list(set(supra))))
            return sub, supra

        def check_current(dtc):

            #Inputs are an amplitude to test and a virtual model
            #output is an virtual model with an updated dictionary.

            dtc.boolean = False

            model = dtc.dtc_to_model()

            params = {'injected_square_current':
                      {'amplitude':100.0*pq.pA, 'delay':DELAY, 'duration':DURATION}}

            ampl = float(dtc.ampl)
            if ampl not in dtc.lookup or len(dtc.lookup) == 0:
                uc = {'amplitude':ampl*pq.pA,'duration':DURATION,'delay':DELAY}

                dtc.run_number += 1
                n_spikes = model.get_spike_count()

                if float(ampl) < -1.0:
                    dtc.rheobase = None
                    dtc.boolean = True
                    return dtc

                #target_spk_count = self.observation['range']
                if self.observation['range'][0] <= n_spikes <= self.observation['range'][1]:
                    dtc.lookup[float(ampl)] = n_spikes
                    dtc.rheobase = {}
                    dtc.rheobase['value'] = float(ampl)*pq.pA
                    dtc.target_spk_count = None
                    dtc.target_spk_count = dtc.rheobase['value']
                    dtc.boolean = True
                    if self.verbose >2:
                        print('gets here',n_spikes,target_spk_count,n_spikes == target_spk_count)
                    return dtc

                dtc.lookup[float(ampl)] = n_spikes
            return dtc

        def init_dtc(dtc):
            Exploit memory of last model in genes.
            # check for memory and exploit it.
            if dtc.initiated == True:

                dtc = check_current(dtc)
                if dtc.boolean:

                    return dtc

                    # Exploit memory of the genes to inform searchable range.

                    # if this model has lineage, assume it didn't mutate that far away from it's ancestor.
                    # using that assumption, on first pass, consult a very narrow range, of test current injection samples:
                    # only slightly displaced away from the ancestors rheobase value.

                    if type(dtc.current_steps) is type(float):
                        dtc.current_steps = [
                            0.75 * dtc.current_steps, 1.25 * dtc.current_steps
                    elif type(dtc.current_steps) is type(list):
                        dtc.current_steps = [
                            s * 1.25 for s in dtc.current_steps
                    dtc.initiated = True  # logically unnecessary but included for readibility
            if dtc.initiated == False:

                dtc.boolean = False

                steps = np.linspace(0, 85, 8.0)

                steps_current = [i * pq.pA for i in steps]
                dtc.current_steps = steps_current
                dtc.initiated = True
            return dtc

        def find_target_current(self, dtc):
            cnt = 0
            sub = np.array([0, 0])
            supra = np.array([0, 0])
            #if dtc.backend is 'GLIF':
            #    big = 100
            big = 55

            while dtc.boolean == False and cnt < big:

                # negeative spiker
                if len(sub):
                    if sub.max() < -1.0:
                        #use_diff = True # differentiate the wave to look for spikes

                #be = dtc.backend
                dtc_clones = [dtc for i in range(0, len(dtc.current_steps))]
                for i, s in enumerate(dtc.current_steps):
                    dtc_clones[i] = copy.copy(dtc_clones[i])
                    dtc_clones[i].ampl = copy.copy(dtc.current_steps[i])
                    dtc_clones[i].backend = copy.copy(dtc.backend)

                dtc_clones = [d for d in dtc_clones if not np.isnan(d.ampl)]
                #    b0 = db.from_sequence(dtc_clones, npartitions=npartitions)
                #    dtc_clone = list(b0.map(check_current).compute())
                set_clones = set([float(d.ampl) for d in dtc_clones])
                dtc_clone = []
                for dtc, sc in zip(dtc_clones, set_clones):
                    dtc = copy.copy(dtc)
                    dtc.ampl = sc * pq.pA
                    dtc = check_current(dtc)

                for dtc in dtc_clone:
                    if dtc.boolean == True:
                        return dtc

                for d in dtc_clone:
                dtc = check_fix_range(dtc)

                sub, supra = get_sub_supra(dtc.lookup)
                if len(supra) and len(sub):
                    delta = float(supra.min()) - float(sub.max())
                    #if str("GLIF") in dtc.backend:
                    #    tolerance = 0.0
                    tolerance = 0.0
                    #tolerance = tolerance
                    if delta < tolerance or (str(supra.min()) == str(
                        if self.verbose >= 2:
                                'a neuron, close to the edge! Multi spiking rheobase. # spikes: ',
                        if len(supra) < 100:
                            dtc.rheobase['value'] = float(supra.min())
                            dtc.boolean = True
                            dtc.lookup[float(supra.min())] = len(supra)
                            if type(dtc.rheobase) is type(None):
                                dtc.rheobase = {}
                                dtc.rheobase['value'] = None
                                dtc.boolean = False
                                dtc.lookup[float(supra.min())] = len(supra)

                        return dtc

                if self.verbose >= 2:
                    print('not rheobase alg')
                    print("Try %d: SubMax = %s; SupraMin = %s" % \
                    (cnt, sub.max() if len(sub) else None,
                    supra.min() if len(supra) else None))
                cnt += 1
            return dtc

        dtc = DataTC()
        dtc.attrs = {}
        for k, v in model.attrs.items():
            dtc.attrs[k] = v

        # this is not a perservering assignment, of value,
        # but rather a multi statement assertion that will be checked.
        dtc.backend = model.backend
        dtc = init_dtc(dtc)

        #if hasattr(model,'orig_lems_file_path'):
        #    dtc.model_path = model.orig_lems_file_path
        #    assert os.path.isfile(dtc.model_path), "%s is not a file" % dtc.model_path

        prediction = {}

        temp = find_target_current(self, dtc).rheobase
        if type(temp) is not type(None):
            if type(temp) is not type(dict()):
                prediction['value'] = float(temp) * pq.pA
            elif type(temp) is type(dict()):
                if type(temp['value']) is not type(None):
                    prediction['value'] = float(temp['value']) * pq.pA
                    prediction['value'] = None
            elif type(temp) is type(None):
                prediction['value'] = None  # float(temp['value'])* pq.pA

            prediction = None
        return prediction
    def generate_prediction(self, model):
        def check_fix_range(dtc):
            Inputs: lookup, A dictionary of previous current injection values
            used to search rheobase
            Outputs: A boolean to indicate if the correct rheobase current was found
            and a dictionary containing the range of values used.
            If rheobase was actually found then rather returning a boolean and a dictionary,
            instead logical True, and the rheobase current is returned.
            given a dictionary of rheobase search values, use that
            dictionary as input for a subsequent search.

            steps = []
            dtc.rheobase = {}
            dtc.rheobase['value'] = None
            sub, supra = get_sub_supra(dtc.lookup)
            if (len(sub) + len(supra)) == 0:
                # This assertion would only be occur if there was a bug
                assert sub.max() <= supra.min()
            elif len(sub) and len(supra):
                # Termination criterion

                steps = np.linspace(sub.max(), supra.min(),
                                    cpucount + 1) * pq.pA
                steps = steps[1:-1] * pq.pA
            elif len(sub):
                steps = np.linspace(sub.max(), 2 * sub.max(),
                                    cpucount + 1) * pq.pA
                steps = steps[1:-1] * pq.pA
            elif len(supra):
                steps = np.linspace(supra.min() - 100, supra.min(),
                                    cpucount + 1) * pq.pA
                steps = steps[1:-1] * pq.pA

            dtc.current_steps = steps
            return dtc

        def get_sub_supra(lookup):
            sub, supra = [], []
            for current, n_spikes in lookup.items():
                if n_spikes < self.observation['value']:
                elif n_spikes > self.observation['value']:
                delta = n_spikes - self.observation['value']
                #print(delta,'difference \n\n\n\nn')
            sub = np.array(sorted(list(set(sub))))
            supra = np.array(sorted(list(set(supra))))
            return sub, supra

        def check_current(dtc):
            Inputs are an amplitude to test and a virtual model
            output is an virtual model with an updated dictionary.
            dtc.boolean = False

            model = dtc.dtc_to_model()
            model._backend.attrs = dtc.attrs
            params = {
                'injected_square_current': {
                    'amplitude': None,
                    'delay': DELAY,
                    'duration': DURATION

            ampl = float(dtc.ampl)
            if ampl not in dtc.lookup or len(dtc.lookup) == 0:
                uc = {
                    'amplitude': ampl * pq.pA,
                    'duration': DURATION,
                    'delay': DELAY
                dtc.run_number += 1
                #if model.backend is str("JIT_MATBackend"):
                #    vm = model._backend.inject_square_current(**uc)
                #    n_spikes = len(model._backend.spikes)
                #print(n_spikes,model._backend.attrs,'gets here?')

                if str("JIT_") in model.backend:
                    _ = model._backend.inject_square_current(**uc)
                    n_spikes = model._backend.get_spike_count()

                if float(ampl) < -10.0:
                    dtc.rheobase = {}
                    dtc.rheobase['value'] = None
                    dtc.boolean = True
                    return dtc

                target_spk_count = self.observation['value']
                if n_spikes == target_spk_count:

                    dtc.lookup[float(ampl)] = n_spikes
                    dtc.rheobase = {}
                    dtc.rheobase['value'] = float(ampl) * pq.pA
                    dtc.target_spk_count = None
                    dtc.target_spk_count = dtc.rheobase['value']
                    dtc.boolean = True
                    if self.verbose > 2:
                        print('gets here', n_spikes, target_spk_count,
                              n_spikes == target_spk_count)
                    return dtc

                dtc.lookup[float(ampl)] = n_spikes
            return dtc

        def init_dtc(dtc):
            Exploit memory of last model in genes.
            if dtc.initiated == True:

                dtc = check_current(dtc)
                if dtc.boolean:

                    return dtc


                    if type(dtc.current_steps) is type(float):
                        dtc.current_steps = [
                            0.75 * dtc.current_steps, 1.25 * dtc.current_steps
                    elif type(dtc.current_steps) is type(list):
                        dtc.current_steps = [
                            s * 1.25 for s in dtc.current_steps
                    dtc.initiated = True  # logically unnecessary but included for readibility
            if dtc.initiated == False:

                dtc.boolean = False

                if str('PYNN') in dtc.backend:
                    steps = np.linspace(100, 1000, 7.0)

                    steps = np.linspace(-10.0, 65, 7.0)

                steps_current = [i * pq.pA for i in steps]
                dtc.current_steps = steps_current
                dtc.initiated = True
            return dtc

        def find_target_current(self, dtc):
            # This line should not be necessary:
            # a class, VeryReducedModel has been made to circumvent this.
            #if hasattr(dtc,'model_path'):
            #    assert os.path.isfile(dtc.model_path), "%s is not a file" % dtc.model_path
            # If this it not the first pass/ first generation
            # then assume the rheobase value found before mutation still holds until proven otherwise.
            # dtc = check_current(model.rheobase,dtc)
            # If its not true enter a search, with ranges informed by memory
            cnt = 0
            sub = np.array([0, 0])
            supra = np.array([0, 0])
            if dtc.backend is 'GLIF':
                big = 50
            big = 100

            while dtc.boolean == False and cnt < big:

                # negeative spiker
                if len(sub):
                    if sub.max() < -1.0:
                dtc_clones = [dtc for i in range(0, len(dtc.current_steps))]
                for i, s in enumerate(dtc.current_steps):
                    dtc_clones[i] = copy.copy(dtc_clones[i])
                    dtc_clones[i].ampl = copy.copy(dtc.current_steps[i])
                    dtc_clones[i].backend = copy.copy(dtc.backend)

                dtc_clones = [d for d in dtc_clones if not np.isnan(d.ampl)]
                set_clones = set([float(d.ampl) for d in dtc_clones])
                dtc_clone = []
                for dtc, sc in zip(dtc_clones, set_clones):
                    dtc = copy.copy(dtc)
                    dtc.ampl = sc * pq.pA
                    dtc = check_current(dtc)

                for dtc in dtc_clone:
                    if dtc.boolean == True:
                        return dtc

                for d in dtc_clone:
                dtc = check_fix_range(dtc)

                sub, supra = get_sub_supra(dtc.lookup)
                if len(supra) and len(sub):
                    delta = float(supra.min()) - float(sub.max())
                    if str("GLIF") in dtc.backend:
                        tolerance = 0.0
                        tolerance = 0.0

                if self.verbose >= 2:
                    print('not rheobase alg')
                    #print("Try %d: SubMax = %s; SupraMin = %s" % \
                    #(cnt, sub.max() if len(sub) else None,
                    #supra.min() if len(supra) else None))
                cnt += 1
                reversed = {v: k for k, v in dtc.lookup.items()}
                #target_current = reversed[self.observation['value']]
                #dtc.target_current = target_current
            return dtc

        dtc = DataTC()
        dtc.attrs = {}
        for k, v in model.attrs.items():
            dtc.attrs[k] = v

        # this is not a perservering assignment, of value,
        # but rather a multi statement assertion that will be checked.
        dtc.backend = model.backend

        dtc = init_dtc(dtc)

        #if hasattr(model,'orig_lems_file_path'):
        #    dtc.model_path = model.orig_lems_file_path
        #    assert os.path.isfile(dtc.model_path), "%s is not a file" % dtc.model_path

        prediction = {}
        temp = find_target_current(self, dtc).rheobase

        if type(temp) is not type(None) and not type(dict):
            prediction['value'] = float(temp) * pq.pA
        elif type(temp) is not type(None) and type(dict):
            if temp['value'] is not None:
                prediction['value'] = float(temp['value']) * pq.pA
                prediction = None
            prediction = None
        return prediction
Пример #19
    def test_opt(self):
        ids = [
            324257146, 325479788, 476053392, 623893177, 623960880, 482493761,

        specimen_id = ids[1]
        cellmodel = "MAT"

        if cellmodel == "IZHI":
            model = model_classes.IzhiModel()
        if cellmodel == "MAT":
            model = model_classes.MATModel()
        if cellmodel == "ADEXP":
            model = model_classes.ADEXPModel()

        specific_filter_list = [
            'ISI_log_slope_1.5x', 'mean_frequency_1.5x',
            'adaptation_index2_1.5x', 'first_isi_1.5x', 'ISI_CV_1.5x',
            'median_isi_1.5x', 'Spikecount_1.5x', 'all_ISI_values',
            'ISI_values', 'time_to_first_spike', 'time_to_last_spike',
            'time_to_second_spike', 'spike_times'
        simple_yes_list = specific_filter_list
        target_num_spikes = 8
        dtc = DataTC()
        dtc.backend = cellmodel
        dtc._backend = model._backend
        dtc.attrs = model.attrs
        dtc.params = {
            k: np.mean(v)
            for k, v in MODEL_PARAMS[cellmodel].items()
        dtc = dtc_to_rheo(dtc)
        vm, plt, dtc = inject_and_plot_model(dtc, plotly=False)
        fixed_current = 122 * qt.pA
        model, suite, nu_tests, target_current, spk_count = opt_setup(
        model = dtc.dtc_to_model()
        model.seeded_current = target_current['value']
        model.allen = True
        model.NU = True
        cell_evaluator, simple_cell = opt_setup_two(model,
        NGEN = 15
        MU = 12

        mapping_funct = dask_map_function
        final_pop, hall_of_fame, logs, hist = opt_exec(MU, NGEN, mapping_funct,
        opt, target = opt_to_model(hall_of_fame, cell_evaluator, suite,
                                   target_current, spk_count)
        best_ind = hall_of_fame[0]
        fitnesses = cell_evaluator.evaluate_with_lists(best_ind)
        assert np.sum(fitnesses) < 0.7
        self.assertGreater(0.7, np.sum(fitnesses))

        #obnames = [obj.name for obj in cell_evaluator.objectives]

        gen_numbers = logs.select('gen')
        min_fitness = logs.select('min')
        max_fitness = logs.select('max')
        avg_fitness = logs.select('avg')
        plt.plot(gen_numbers, max_fitness, label='max fitness')
        plt.plot(gen_numbers, avg_fitness, label='avg fitness')
        plt.plot(gen_numbers, min_fitness, label='min fitness')
        plt.plot(gen_numbers, min_fitness, label='min fitness')
        plt.xlabel('generation #')
        plt.ylabel('score (# std)')
        plt.xlim(min(gen_numbers) - 1, max(gen_numbers) + 1)
        #model = opt.dtc_to_model()
        plt.plot(opt.vm15.times, opt.vm15)
        plt.plot(opt.vm15.times, opt.vm15)
        target.vm15 = suite.traces['vm15']
        plt.plot(target.vm15.times, target.vm15)
        target.vm15 = suite.traces['vm15']
        check_bin_vm15(target, opt)