def DLC_pos(filtered=True, force_reload=False, save=False): """ Load position from DLC files (*.h5) and returns it as a nts.TsdFrame """ files = os.listdir() if ('positions.h5' in files) and (force_reload == False): data = pd.read_hdf('positions.h5') pos = nts.TsdFrame(data) return pos for f in files: if filtered and f.endswith('filtered.h5'): filename = f break if not filtered and not f.endswith('filtered.h5') and f.endswith( '.h5'): filename = f break data = pd.read_hdf(filename) data = data[data.keys()[0][0]] TTL = digitalin('digitalin.dat')[0, :] tf = bk.compute.TTL_to_times(TTL) if len(tf) > len(data): tf = np.delete(tf, -1) data.index = tf * 1_000_000 if save: data.to_hdf('positions.h5', 'pos') pos = nts.TsdFrame(data) return pos
def getPeaksandTroughs(lfp, min_points): """ At 250Hz (1250/5), 2 troughs cannont be closer than 20 (min_points) points (if theta reaches 12Hz); """ import neuroseries as nts import scipy.signal if isinstance(lfp, nts.time_series.Tsd): troughs = nts.Tsd(lfp.as_series().iloc[scipy.signal.argrelmin( lfp.values, order=min_points)[0]], time_units='us') peaks = nts.Tsd(lfp.as_series().iloc[scipy.signal.argrelmax( lfp.values, order=min_points)[0]], time_units='us') tmp = nts.Tsd( troughs.realign(peaks, align='next').as_series().drop_duplicates( 'first')) # eliminate double peaks peaks = peaks[tmp.index] tmp = nts.Tsd( peaks.realign(troughs, align='prev').as_series().drop_duplicates( 'first')) # eliminate double troughs troughs = troughs[tmp.index] return (peaks, troughs) elif isinstance(lfp, nts.time_series.TsdFrame): peaks = nts.TsdFrame(lfp.index.values, np.zeros(lfp.shape)) troughs = nts.TsdFrame(lfp.index.values, np.zeros(lfp.shape)) for i in lfp.keys(): peaks[i], troughs[i] = getPeaksandTroughs(lfp[i], min_points) return (peaks, troughs)
def calc_Angular_velocity(decoded_angles): #Calculate angular_velocity as a function of time... ang_vector = [] for i in range(len(decoded_angles)): ang_vector.append(nts.TsdFrame((decoded_angles[i]).index.values[:-1],np.diff(decoded_angles[i]), time_units = 'us')) ts = [] for i in range(len(ang_vector)): ts.append((ang_vector[i]).index.values) ang_vec = [] for i in range(len(decoded_angles)): y1 = np.absolute(np.diff(decoded_angles[i])) ang_vec.append(nts.TsdFrame(np.arange(len(ts[i])), np.where(y1> np.pi, 2*np.pi - y1, y1)/np.diff(decoded_angles[i].index.values))) return ang_vec
def lfp(start, stop, n_channels=90, channel=64, frequency=1250.0, precision='int16', verbose=False): p = session + ".lfp" if verbose: print('Load LFP from ' + p) # From Guillaume viejo import neuroseries as nts bytes_size = 2 start_index = int(start * frequency * n_channels * bytes_size) stop_index = int(stop * frequency * n_channels * bytes_size) #In order not to read after the file if stop_index > os.path.getsize(p): stop_index = os.path.getsize(p) fp = np.memmap(p, np.int16, 'r', start_index, shape=(stop_index - start_index) // bytes_size) data = np.array(fp).reshape(len(fp) // n_channels, n_channels) if type(channel) is not list: timestep = np.arange(0, len(data)) / frequency + start return nts.Tsd(timestep, data[:, channel], time_units='s') elif type(channel) is list: timestep = np.arange(0, len(data)) / frequency + start return nts.TsdFrame(timestep, data[:, channel], time_units='s')
def speed(pos, value_gaussian_filter, columns_to_drop=None): body = [] for i in pos: body.append(i[0]) body = np.unique(body) all_speed = np.empty((len(pos) - 1, 5)) i = 0 for b in body: x_speed = np.diff(pos.as_units('s')[b]['x']) / np.diff( pos.as_units('s').index) y_speed = np.diff(pos.as_units('s')[b]['y']) / np.diff( pos.as_units('s').index) v = np.sqrt(x_speed**2 + y_speed**2) all_speed[:, i] = v i += 1 all_speed = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(all_speed, value_gaussian_filter, axis=0) all_speed = nts.TsdFrame(t=pos.index.values[:-1], d=all_speed, columns=body) if columns_to_drop != None: all_speed = all_speed.drop(columns=columns_to_drop) return all_speed
def loadLFP(path, n_channels=90, channel=64, frequency=1250.0, precision='int16'): import neuroseries as nts if type(channel) is not list: f = open(path, 'rb') startoffile =, 0) endoffile =, 2) bytes_size = 2 n_samples = int((endoffile - startoffile) / n_channels / bytes_size) duration = n_samples / frequency interval = 1 / frequency f.close() with open(path, 'rb') as f: data = np.fromfile(f, np.int16).reshape( (n_samples, n_channels))[:, channel] timestep = np.arange(0, len(data)) / frequency return nts.Tsd(timestep, data, time_units='s') elif type(channel) is list: f = open(path, 'rb') startoffile =, 0) endoffile =, 2) bytes_size = 2 n_samples = int((endoffile - startoffile) / n_channels / bytes_size) duration = n_samples / frequency f.close() with open(path, 'rb') as f: data = np.fromfile(f, np.int16).reshape( (n_samples, n_channels))[:, channel] timestep = np.arange(0, len(data)) / frequency return nts.TsdFrame(timestep, data, time_units='s')
def processed_files(animal_id, date): 'input to the function must be a strings' data_dir = 'D:/EphysData/Experiments/' + date + '/' + animal_id + '-' + date + '/' + animal_id + '-' + date + '/Analysis' dir = 'D:/EphysData/Experiments/' + date + '/' + animal_id + '-' + date + '/' + animal_id + '-' + date epochs = nts.IntervalSet(pd.read_hdf(data_dir + '/BehavEpochs.H5')) position = pd.read_hdf(data_dir + '/' + 'Position.H5') position = nts.TsdFrame(t=position.index.values, d=position.values, columns=position.columns, time_units='s') spikes, shank = loadSpikeData( dir) #shank tells the number of cells on each shank tcurv = {} for i in range(len(epochs)): tcurv[i] = computeAngularTuningCurves( spikes, position['ry'], nts.IntervalSet(epochs.loc[i, 'start'], epochs.loc[i, 'end']), 60) 'tuning curves are computed based on entire epoch, to restrict it, just modify the end time above' #load tuning curve #np.load(dir+'/'+animal_id+'.npy').item(), animal_id), tcurv) return spikes, epochs, position, tcurv
def lfp( channel, start=0, stop=1e8, fs=1250.0, n_channels_local=None, precision=np.int16, dat=False, verbose=False, memmap=False, p=None, volt_step=0.195, ): if (np.isnan(channel)) or (channel is None): return None if p is None: p = session + ".lfp" if dat: p = session + ".dat" if n_channels_local is None: n_channels = xml()["nChannels"] else: n_channels = n_channels_local if verbose: print("Load data from " + p) print(f"File contains {n_channels} channels") # From Guillaume viejo import neuroseries as nts bytes_size = 2 start_index = int(start * fs * n_channels * bytes_size) stop_index = int(stop * fs * n_channels * bytes_size) # In order not to read after the file if stop_index > os.path.getsize(p): stop_index = os.path.getsize(p) fp = np.memmap(p, precision, "r", start_index, shape=(stop_index - start_index) // bytes_size) if memmap == True: print("/!\ memmap is not compatible with volt_step /!\ ") return fp.reshape(-1, n_channels)[:, channel] data = np.array(fp).reshape(len(fp) // n_channels, n_channels) * volt_step if type(channel) is not list: timestep = np.arange(0, len(data)) / fs + start return nts.Tsd(timestep, data[:, channel], time_units="s") elif type(channel) is list: timestep = np.arange(0, len(data)) / fs + start return nts.TsdFrame(timestep, data[:, channel], time_units="s")
def getPhase(lfp, fmin, fmax, nbins, fsamp, power=False): """ Continuous Wavelets Transform return phase of lfp in a Tsd array """ import neuroseries as nts from Wavelets import MyMorlet as Morlet if isinstance(lfp, nts.time_series.TsdFrame): allphase = nts.TsdFrame(lfp.index.values, np.zeros(lfp.shape)) allpwr = nts.TsdFrame(lfp.index.values, np.zeros(lfp.shape)) for i in lfp.keys(): allphase[i], allpwr[i] = getPhase(lfp[i], fmin, fmax, nbins, fsamp, power=True) if power: return allphase, allpwr else: return allphase elif isinstance(lfp, nts.time_series.Tsd): cw = Morlet(lfp.values, fmin, fmax, nbins, fsamp) cwt = cw.getdata() cwt = np.flip(cwt, axis=0) wave = np.abs(cwt)**2.0 phases = np.arctan2(np.imag(cwt), np.real(cwt)).transpose() cwt = None index = np.argmax(wave, 0) # memory problem here, need to loop phase = np.zeros(len(index)) for i in range(len(index)): phase[i] = phases[i, index[i]] phases = None if power: pwrs = cw.getpower() pwr = np.zeros(len(index)) for i in range(len(index)): pwr[i] = pwrs[index[i], i] return nts.Tsd(lfp.index.values, phase), nts.Tsd(lfp.index.values, pwr) else: return nts.Tsd(lfp.index.values, phase)
def load_continuous_tsd(paths, t_min=None, t_max=None, downsample=None, columns=None): """ read data for a specific time interval from a list of files (or ContinuousFile objects) Args: paths: a list of pathnames or ContinuousFile objects t_min: the low end of the time interval to read t_max: the high end of the time interval to read downsample: if not None, it should be an integer and acts as a downsampling factor (useful to get e.g. LFP) columns: a list of column names for the resulting TsdFrame. If None, the labels from the ContinuousFile objects are used Returns: a TsdFrame with the data """ import scipy.signal as ss if isinstance(paths, str): paths = (paths, ) elif not is_sequence(paths): raise TypeError("paths must be a string or list of strings.") if isinstance(paths[0], str): cf = [ContinuousFile(p) for p in paths] else: cf = paths data, tstamps = cf[0].read_interval(t_min, t_max) if downsample: data = ss.decimate(data, downsample, zero_phase=True) data = data.reshape((-1, 1)) columns_from_files = False if columns is None: columns = [cf[0].label] columns_from_files = True if isinstance(columns, tuple): columns = list(columns) for f in cf[1:]: d, ts1 = f.read_interval(t_min, t_max) assert len(ts1) == len(tstamps) if downsample: d = ss.decimate(d, downsample, zero_phase=True) data = np.hstack((data, d.reshape((-1, 1)))) if columns_from_files: columns.append(f.label) if downsample: tstamps = tstamps[::downsample] data = data[:, :len(tstamps)] cont_tsd = nts.TsdFrame(tstamps, data, columns=columns) return cont_tsd
def downsample(tsd, up, down): import scipy.signal import neuroseries as nts dtsd = scipy.signal.resample_poly(tsd.values, up, down) dt = tsd.as_units('s').index.values[np.arange(0, tsd.shape[0], down)] if len(tsd.shape) == 1: return nts.Tsd(dt, dtsd, time_units='s') elif len(tsd.shape) == 2: return nts.TsdFrame(dt, dtsd, time_units='s', columns=list(tsd.columns))
def pos(save=False): # BK : 04/08/2020 # Return a NeuroSeries DataFrame of position whith the time as index # session_path = get_session_path(session_name) import csv pos_clean = + "/posClean.mat")["posClean"] # if save == True : # with open('position'+'.csv', 'w') as csvfile: # filewriter=csv.writer(csvfile) return nts.TsdFrame(t=pos_clean[:, 0], d=pos_clean[:, 1:], columns=["x", "y"], time_units="s")
def load_Positions(path, ep): #Load the position HDF file as TsDFrame #Epoch to be selected from all the recording time. Available options : 'wake', 'presleep', 'postsleep' import os import neuroseries as nts if not os.path.exists(path): print("The path "+path+" doesn't exist; Exiting ...") sys.exit() new_path = os.path.join(path, 'Analysis/') if os.path.exists(new_path): new_path = os.path.join(path, 'Analysis/') store = pd.HDFStore(new_path + 'Positions.h5') pos = store['positions'] try: presl = (pos.loc[ep]) positions_vs_t = nts.TsdFrame(t = (presl['timestamp']).values, d = presl[['x','y','angle']].values, columns = presl[['x','y','angle']].columns, time_units = 's') return positions_vs_t except: print("Specific epoch name didn't exist is the position data. Exiting.....") sys.exit()
def loadLFP(path, n_channels=90, channel=64, frequency=1250.0, precision="int16"): """ LEGACY """ # From Guillaume Viejo import neuroseries as nts if type(channel) is not list: f = open(path, "rb") startoffile =, 0) endoffile =, 2) bytes_size = 2 n_samples = int((endoffile - startoffile) / n_channels / bytes_size) duration = n_samples / frequency interval = 1 / frequency f.close() with open(path, "rb") as f: print("opening") data = np.fromfile(f, np.int16).reshape( (n_samples, n_channels))[:, channel] timestep = np.arange(0, len(data)) / frequency return nts.Tsd(timestep, data, time_units="s") elif type(channel) is list: f = open(path, "rb") startoffile =, 0) endoffile =, 2) bytes_size = 2 n_samples = int((endoffile - startoffile) / n_channels / bytes_size) duration = n_samples / frequency f.close() with open(path, "rb") as f: data = np.fromfile(f, np.int16).reshape( (n_samples, n_channels))[:, channel] timestep = np.arange(0, len(data)) / frequency return nts.TsdFrame(timestep, data, time_units="s")
def loadPosition(path, events=None, episodes=None, n_ttl_channels=1, optitrack_ch=None, names=['ry', 'rx', 'rz', 'x', 'y', 'z'], update_wake_epoch=True): """ load the position contained in /Analysis/Position.h5 Notes: The order of the columns is assumed to be ['ry', 'rx', 'rz', 'x', 'y', 'z'] Args: path: string Returns: neuroseries.TsdFrame """ if not os.path.exists(path): # Checking for path print("The path " + path + " doesn't exist; Exiting ...") sys.exit() new_path = os.path.join(path, 'Analysis') if not os.path.exists(new_path): os.mkdir(new_path) file = os.path.join(path, 'Analysis', 'Position.h5') if not os.path.exists(file): makePositions(path, events, episodes, n_ttl_channels, optitrack_ch, names, update_wake_epoch) if os.path.exists(file): store = pd.HDFStore(file, 'r') position = store['position'] store.close() position = nts.TsdFrame(t=position.index.values, d=position.values, columns=position.columns, time_units='s') return position else: print("Cannot find " + file + " for loading position") sys.exit()
def det_pos(data_directory, ID, color, path2save): #load the angular value at each time steps and make a nts frame of it data = np.genfromtxt(data_directory + ID + '_PosHD.txt') mouse_position = nts.TsdFrame(d=data[:, [1, 2, 3]], t=data[:, 0], time_units='s') # But TsdFrame is a wrapper of pandas and you can change name of columns in pandas # So let's change the columns name mouse_position.columns = ['x', 'y', 'ang'] #Plot position plt.figure() plt.plot(mouse_position['x'].values, mouse_position['y'].values, color) plt.xlabel("x position (cm)") plt.ylabel("y position (cm)") plt.title("Position of the mouse in the arena") if path2save == 'a': plot_curve = './plots/' + 'position_' + '.pdf' elif path2save == 'b': plot_curve = r'cd /home/grvite/Dropbox (Peyrache Lab)/Peyrache Lab Team Folder/Projects/DreamSpeed - Gilberto/figs/' + 'position_' + '.pdf' plt.savefig return (mouse_position)
def loadLFP(path, n_channels=90, channel=64, frequency=1250.0, precision='int16'): import neuroseries as nts f = open(path, 'rb') startoffile =, 0) endoffile =, 2) bytes_size = 2 n_samples = int((endoffile - startoffile) / n_channels / bytes_size) duration = n_samples / frequency interval = 1 / frequency f.close() fp = np.memmap(path, np.int16, 'r', shape=(n_samples, n_channels)) timestep = np.arange(0, n_samples) / frequency if type(channel) is not list: timestep = np.arange(0, n_samples) / frequency return nts.Tsd(timestep, fp[:, channel], time_units='s') elif type(channel) is list: timestep = np.arange(0, n_samples) / frequency return nts.TsdFrame(timestep, fp[:, channel], time_units='s')
def loadBunch_Of_LFP(path, start, stop, n_channels=90, channel=64, frequency=1250.0, precision='int16'): import neuroseries as nts bytes_size = 2 start_index = int(start * frequency * n_channels * bytes_size) stop_index = int(stop * frequency * n_channels * bytes_size) fp = np.memmap(path, np.int16, 'r', start_index, shape=(stop_index - start_index) // bytes_size) data = np.array(fp).reshape(len(fp) // n_channels, n_channels) if type(channel) is not list: timestep = np.arange(0, len(data)) / frequency return nts.Tsd(timestep, data[:, channel], time_units='s') elif type(channel) is list: timestep = np.arange(0, len(data)) / frequency return nts.TsdFrame(timestep, data[:, channel], time_units='s')
# pos_sws_ep = pos_sws_ep.intersect(nts.IntervalSet(pos_sws_ep['start'].iloc[0], pos_sws_ep['end'].iloc[0] + 60*60*1000*1000)) # if pre_sws_ep.tot_length()/1000/1000/60 > 30.0 and pos_sws_ep.tot_length()/1000/1000/60 > 30.0: if pre_ep.tot_length() / 1000 / 1000 / 60 > 3.0 and post_ep.tot_length( ) / 1000 / 1000 / 60 > 3.0: for hd in range(2): index = np.where(hd_info_neuron == hd)[0] allpop = all_pop[index].copy() if allpop.shape[1] and allpop.shape[1] > 2: eigen = compute_eigen(allpop) ############################################################################################################### # SHANK LOOP ############################################################################################################### for shank in np.unique(shankIndex): index2 = np.where((shankIndex[index] == shank))[0] prepop = nts.TsdFrame(pre_pop[index2].copy()) pospop = nts.TsdFrame(pos_pop[index2].copy()) pre_score = compute_score(prepop.copy(), eigen[:, index2]) pos_score = compute_score(pospop.copy(), eigen[:, index2]) prerip_score = compute_rip_score( rip_tsd.restrict(pre_ep), pre_score, bins2) posrip_score = compute_rip_score( rip_tsd.restrict(post_ep), pos_score, bins2) a = pd.DataFrame(index=prerip_score.index.values, data=gaussFilt( prerip_score.mean(1).values,
sws_ep = loadEpoch(data_directory, 'sws') rem_ep = loadEpoch(data_directory, 'rem') # Next step is to load the angular value at each time steps # We need to load Mouse12-120806_PosHD.txt which is a text file # We can use the function genfromtxt of numpy that load a simple text file data = np.genfromtxt(data_directory + 'Mouse12-120806_PosHD.txt') # Check your variable by typing data # It's an array, we can check the dimension by typing : data.shape # It has 40858 lines and 4 columns # The columns are respectively [times | x position in the arena | y position in the arena | angular value of the head] # So we can use the TsdFrame object of neuroseries as seen in mouse_position = nts.TsdFrame(d=data[:, [1, 2, 3]], t=data[:, 0], time_units='s') # Check your variable mouse_position # By defaut, TsdFrame does not take column name as input mouse_position.columns # But TsdFrame is a wrapper of pandas and you can change name of columns in pandas # So let's change the columns name mouse_position.columns = ['x', 'y', 'ang'] # It's good to always check the data by plotting them # To see the position of the mouse in the arena during the session # you can plot the x position versus the y position import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.plot(mouse_position['x'].values, mouse_position['y'].values)
def compute_population_correlation(session): # for session in sessions: start_time = time.clock() print(session) store = pd.HDFStore("/mnt/DataGuillaume/population_activity_hd/" + session) rip_pop = store['rip'] rem_pop = store['rem'] wak_pop = store['wake'] store.close() ############################################################################################################### # POPULATION CORRELATION FOR EACH RIPPLES ############################################################################################################### #matrix of distance between ripples in second interval_mat = np.vstack(nts.TsdFrame(rip_pop).as_units( 's').index.values) - nts.TsdFrame(rip_pop).as_units('s').index.values rip_corr = np.ones(interval_mat.shape) * np.nan # doing the upper part of the diagonal # rip_corr = np.eye(interval_mat.shape[0]) # bad tmp = np.zeros_like(rip_corr) tmp[np.triu_indices(interval_mat.shape[0], 1)] += 1 tmp[np.tril_indices(interval_mat.shape[0], 300)] += 1 index = np.where(tmp == 2) for i, j in zip(index[0], index[1]): rip_corr[i, j] = scipy.stats.pearsonr(rip_pop.iloc[i].values, rip_pop.iloc[j].values)[0] rip_corr[j, i] = rip_corr[i, j] # print(rip_corr[i,j]) allrip_corr = pd.DataFrame(index=interval_mat[index], data=rip_corr[index]) rip_corr = pd.DataFrame(index=rip_pop.index.values, data=rip_corr, columns=rip_pop.index.values) np.fill_diagonal(rip_corr.values, 1.0) rip_corr = rip_corr.fillna(0) ############################################################################################################### # POPULATION CORRELATION FOR EACH THETA CYCLE OF REM ############################################################################################################### # compute all time interval for each ep of theta interval_mat = np.vstack(nts.TsdFrame(rem_pop).as_units( 's').index.values) - nts.TsdFrame(rem_pop).as_units('s').index.values rem_corr = np.ones(interval_mat.shape) * np.nan # index = np.where(np.logical_and(interval_mat < 3.0, interval_mat >= 0.0)) # rem_corr = np.eye(interval_mat.shape[0]) # bad tmp = np.zeros_like(rem_corr) tmp[np.triu_indices(interval_mat.shape[0], 1)] += 1 tmp[np.tril_indices(interval_mat.shape[0], 300)] += 1 index = np.where(tmp == 2) for i, j in zip(index[0], index[1]): rem_corr[i, j] = scipy.stats.pearsonr(rem_pop.iloc[i].values, rem_pop.iloc[j].values)[0] rem_corr[j, i] = rem_corr[i, j] allrem_corr = pd.DataFrame(index=interval_mat[index], data=rem_corr[index]) rem_corr = pd.DataFrame(index=rem_pop.index.values, data=rem_corr, columns=rem_pop.index.values) np.fill_diagonal(rem_corr.values, 1.0) rem_corr = rem_corr.fillna(0) ############################################################################################################### # POPULATION CORRELATION FOR EACH THETA CYCLE OF WAKE ############################################################################################################### # compute all time interval for each ep of theta interval_mat = np.vstack(nts.TsdFrame(wak_pop).as_units( 's').index.values) - nts.TsdFrame(wak_pop).as_units('s').index.values wak_corr = np.ones(interval_mat.shape) * np.nan # index = np.where(np.logical_and(interval_mat < 3.0, interval_mat >= 0.0)) # wak_corr = np.eye(interval_mat.shape[0]) # bad tmp = np.zeros_like(wak_corr) tmp[np.triu_indices(interval_mat.shape[0], 1)] += 1 tmp[np.tril_indices(interval_mat.shape[0], 300)] += 1 index = np.where(tmp == 2) for i, j in zip(index[0], index[1]): wak_corr[i, j] = scipy.stats.pearsonr(wak_pop.iloc[i].values, wak_pop.iloc[j].values)[0] wak_corr[j, i] = wak_corr[i, j] allwak_corr = pd.DataFrame(index=interval_mat[index], data=wak_corr[index]) wak_corr = pd.DataFrame(index=wak_pop.index.values, data=wak_corr, columns=wak_pop.index.values) np.fill_diagonal(wak_corr.values, 1.0) wak_corr = wak_corr.fillna(0) ############################################################################################################### # STORING ############################################################################################################### store = pd.HDFStore("/mnt/DataGuillaume/corr_pop_hd/" + session) store.put('rip_corr', rip_corr) store.put('allrip_corr', allrip_corr) store.put('wak_corr', wak_corr) store.put('allwak_corr', allwak_corr) store.put('rem_corr', rem_corr) store.put('allrem_corr', allrem_corr) store.close() print(time.clock() - start_time, "seconds") return time.clock() - start_time
end = start + binsize if ((start.values[0] >= first_spike) and (last_spike >= end.values[0])): spikes_in_interval = my_neuron.as_units( 's').loc[start.values[0]:end.values[0]] firing_rate[i] = len(spikes_in_interval) firing_rate = nts.Tsd(t=np.arange(rem_start, rem_end, binsize), d=firing_rate, time_units='s') if j == HD_index[0]: sleep_spikes = firing_rate else: sleep_spikes = np.vstack([sleep_spikes, firing_rate]) sleep_spikes = sleep_spikes.transpose() time_bins = np.arange(rem_start, rem_end, binsize) sleep_spikes = nts.TsdFrame(t=time_bins, d=sleep_spikes, time_units='s') sleep_spikes.columns = HD_index #Compute tuning curves for each neuron using the wake epoch mouse_position = np.genfromtxt(data_directory + 'Mouse12-120806_PosHD.txt') mouse_HD = nts.TsdFrame(t=mouse_position[:, 0], d=mouse_position[:, 3], time_units='s') wake_ep = loadEpoch(data_directory, 'wake') wake_start = wake_ep.as_units('s')['start'].values[0] wake_end = wake_ep.as_units('s')['end'].values[0] duration = wake_end - wake_start duration = duration + 0.1 num_points = duration / binsize num_points = int(num_points) head_direction = np.zeros(num_points)
wake_ep = loadEpoch(data_directory, 'wake') # The function will automaticaly search for the rigth file # You can check your variables by typing them # Next step is to load the angular value at each time steps # We need to load Mouse12-120806_PosHD.txt which is a text file # We can use the function genfromtxt of numpy that load a simple text file data = np.genfromtxt('../data_matlab/Mouse12-120806/Mouse12-120806_PosHD.txt') # Check your variable by typing it # It's an array, we can check the dimension by typing : data.shape # It has 40858 lines and 4 columns # The columns are respectively [times | x position in the arena | y position in the arena | angular value of the head] # So we can use the TsdFrame object of neuroseries as seen in mouse_position = nts.TsdFrame(d=data[:, [1, 2, 3]], t=data[:, 0], time_units='s', columns=['x', 'y', 'ang']) # It's good to always check the data by plotting them # To see the position of the mouse in the arena during the session # you can plot the x position versus the y position figure() plot(mouse_position['x'].values, mouse_position['y'].values) xlabel("x position (cm)") ylabel("y position (cm)") show() # Now we are going to compute the tuning curve for all neurons during exploration # The process of making a tuning curve has been covered in # So here we are gonna define a function that will be looped over each HD neurons
# spikeshd = {k:spikes[k] for k in np.where(hd_info_neuron==1)[0] if k not in []} # position = pd.read_csv(data_directory+session+"/"+session.split("/")[1] + ".csv", delimiter = ',', header = None, index_col = [0]) # angle = nts.Tsd(t = position.index.values, d = position[1].values, time_units = 's') # tcurves = computeAngularTuningCurves(spikeshd, angle, wake_ep, nb_bins = 60, frequency = 1/0.0256) # neurons = tcurves.idxmax().sort_values().index.values #################################################################################################################### # POSITION X Y #################################################################################################################### position = pd.read_csv(data_directory + session + "/" + session.split("/")[1] + "_XY.csv", delimiter=',', header=None, index_col=[0]) position = nts.TsdFrame(t=position.index.values, d=position.values, time_units='s') spikesnohd = { k: spikes[k] for k in np.where(hd_info_neuron == 0)[0] if k not in [] } placefield, extent = computePlaceFields(spikesnohd, position, wake_ep, nb_bins=40, frequency=1 / 0.0256) #################################################################################################################### # PHASE SPIKE NO HD
session.split("/")[1] + ".csv", delimiter=',', header=None, index_col=[0]) angle = nts.Tsd(t=position.index.values, d=position[1].values, time_units='s') wakangle = pd.Series(index=np.arange(len(bins) - 1)) tmp = angle.groupby( np.digitize(angle.as_units('ms').index.values, bins) - 1).mean() wakangle.loc[tmp.index] = tmp wakangle.index = data.index wakangle = wakangle.interpolate(method='nearest') data = nts.TsdFrame(t=data.index.values, d=data.values, time_units='ms') abins = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 61) wakangle = wakangle.dropna() data = data.loc[wakangle.index] index = np.digitize(wakangle.values, abins) - 1 a = data.groupby(index).mean() data = data.restrict(theta_ep) imap = Isomap(n_neighbors=100, n_components=2).fit_transform(data.values[0:20000])
def compute_population_correlation(nuc, session): start_time = time.clock() print(session) store = pd.HDFStore("/mnt/DataGuillaume/population_activity/"+session+".h5") rip_pop = store['rip'] rem_pop = store['rem'] wak_pop = store['wake'] store.close() # WHICH columns to keep mappings = pd.read_hdf("/mnt/DataGuillaume/MergedData/MAPPING_NUCLEUS.h5") tmp = mappings[mappings.index.str.contains(session)]['nucleus'] == nuc neurons = tmp.index.values[np.where(tmp)[0]] idx = np.array([int(n.split("_")[1]) for n in neurons]) rip_pop = rip_pop[idx] rem_pop = rem_pop[idx] wak_pop = wak_pop[idx] ############################################################################################################### # POPULATION CORRELATION FOR EACH RIPPLES ############################################################################################################### #matrix of distance between ripples in second interval_mat = np.vstack(nts.TsdFrame(rip_pop).as_units('s').index.values) - nts.TsdFrame(rip_pop).as_units('s').index.values rip_corr = np.ones(interval_mat.shape)*np.nan # doing the upper part of the diagonal # rip_corr = np.eye(interval_mat.shape[0]) # bad tmp = np.zeros_like(rip_corr) tmp[np.triu_indices(interval_mat.shape[0], 1)] += 1 tmp[np.tril_indices(interval_mat.shape[0], 300)] += 1 index = np.where(tmp == 2) for i, j in zip(index[0], index[1]): rip_corr[i,j] = scipy.stats.pearsonr(rip_pop.iloc[i].values, rip_pop.iloc[j].values)[0] rip_corr[j,i] = rip_corr[i,j] # print(rip_corr[i,j]) allrip_corr = pd.DataFrame(index = interval_mat[index], data = rip_corr[index]) rip_corr = pd.DataFrame(index = rip_pop.index.values, data = rip_corr, columns = rip_pop.index.values) np.fill_diagonal(rip_corr.values, 1.0) rip_corr = rip_corr.fillna(0) ############################################################################################################### # POPULATION CORRELATION FOR EACH THETA CYCLE OF REM ############################################################################################################### # compute all time interval for each ep of theta interval_mat = np.vstack(nts.TsdFrame(rem_pop).as_units('s').index.values) - nts.TsdFrame(rem_pop).as_units('s').index.values rem_corr = np.ones(interval_mat.shape)*np.nan # index = np.where(np.logical_and(interval_mat < 3.0, interval_mat >= 0.0)) # rem_corr = np.eye(interval_mat.shape[0]) # bad tmp = np.zeros_like(rem_corr) tmp[np.triu_indices(interval_mat.shape[0], 1)] += 1 tmp[np.tril_indices(interval_mat.shape[0], 300)] += 1 index = np.where(tmp == 2) for i, j in zip(index[0], index[1]): rem_corr[i,j] = scipy.stats.pearsonr(rem_pop.iloc[i].values, rem_pop.iloc[j].values)[0] rem_corr[j,i] = rem_corr[i,j] allrem_corr = pd.DataFrame(index = interval_mat[index], data = rem_corr[index]) rem_corr = pd.DataFrame(index = rem_pop.index.values, data = rem_corr, columns = rem_pop.index.values) np.fill_diagonal(rem_corr.values, 1.0) rem_corr = rem_corr.fillna(0) ############################################################################################################### # POPULATION CORRELATION FOR EACH THETA CYCLE OF WAKE ############################################################################################################### # compute all time interval for each ep of theta interval_mat = np.vstack(nts.TsdFrame(wak_pop).as_units('s').index.values) - nts.TsdFrame(wak_pop).as_units('s').index.values wak_corr = np.ones(interval_mat.shape)*np.nan # index = np.where(np.logical_and(interval_mat < 3.0, interval_mat >= 0.0)) # wak_corr = np.eye(interval_mat.shape[0]) # bad tmp = np.zeros_like(wak_corr) tmp[np.triu_indices(interval_mat.shape[0], 1)] += 1 tmp[np.tril_indices(interval_mat.shape[0], 300)] += 1 index = np.where(tmp == 2) for i, j in zip(index[0], index[1]): wak_corr[i,j] = scipy.stats.pearsonr(wak_pop.iloc[i].values, wak_pop.iloc[j].values)[0] wak_corr[j,i] = wak_corr[i,j] allwak_corr = pd.DataFrame(index = interval_mat[index], data = wak_corr[index]) wak_corr = pd.DataFrame(index = wak_pop.index.values, data = wak_corr, columns = wak_pop.index.values) np.fill_diagonal(wak_corr.values, 1.0) wak_corr = wak_corr.fillna(0) ############################################################################################################### # STORING ############################################################################################################### store = pd.HDFStore("/mnt/DataGuillaume/corr_pop_nucleus/"+nuc+"/"+session+".h5") store.put('rip_corr', rip_corr) store.put('allrip_corr', allrip_corr) store.put('wak_corr', wak_corr) store.put('allwak_corr', allwak_corr) store.put('rem_corr', rem_corr) store.put('allrem_corr', allrem_corr) store.close() print(time.clock() - start_time, "seconds") return time.clock() - start_time
spikes = { n: spikes[n] for n in spikes.keys() if len(spikes[n].restrict(sws_ep)) } n_neuron = len(spikes) n_channel, fs, shank_to_channel = loadXML(data_directory + session + "/" + session.split("/")[1] + '.xml') # lfp_hpc = loadLFP(data_directory+session+"/"+session.split("/")[1]+'.eeg', n_channel, hpc_channel, float(fs), 'int16') # lfp_hpc = downsample(lfp_hpc, 1, 5) store = pd.HDFStore("../data/phase_spindles/" + session.split("/")[1] + ".lfp") phase_hpc = nts.Tsd(store['phase_hpc_spindles']) phase_thl = nts.Tsd(store['phase_thl_spindles']) lfp_hpc = nts.Tsd(store['lfp_hpc']) lfp_thl = nts.TsdFrame(store['lfp_thl']) store.close() ################################################################################################## # DETECTION UP/DOWN States ################################################################################################## # print("up/down states") # # bins of 5000 us # bins = np.floor(np.arange(lfp_hpc.start_time(), lfp_hpc.end_time()+5000, 5000)) # total_value = nts.Tsd(bins[0:-1]+(bins[1]-bins[0])/2, np.zeros(len(bins)-1)).restrict(sws_ep) # # each shank # for s in shankStructure['thalamus']: # neuron_index = np.where(shank == s)[0] # if len(neuron_index): # tmp = {i:spikes[i] for i in neuron_index} # frate = getFiringRate(tmp, bins)
subplot(212) plot(tuning_curve) show() # Ok it's ugly but who cares # It's just random data # This second example is about constructing a place field # so this time, the spikes times are realigned to a 2d position # Let's imagine the animal is in a circular environment this time xpos = np.cos(angle.values) + np.random.randn(len(angle)) * 0.05 ypos = np.sin(angle.values) + np.random.randn(len(angle)) * 0.05 # We can stack the x,y position in a TsdFrame position = np.vstack((xpos, ypos)).T position = nts.TsdFrame(t=angle.times(), d=position, columns=['x', 'y']) # and we can plot it figure() plot(position['x'], position['y']) show() # Now it's the same as before # except the histogram is in 2d position_spike = position.realign(spikes) xbins = np.linspace(xpos.min(), xpos.max() + 0.01, 10) ybins = np.linspace(ypos.min(), ypos.max() + 0.01, 10) spike_count2, _, _ = np.histogram2d(position_spike['y'], position_spike['x'], [ybins, xbins]) occupancy2, _, _ = np.histogram2d(position['y'], position['x'], [ybins, xbins]) spike_count2 = spike_count2 / (occupancy2 + 1)
# If you have timestamps associated with a value for example 15 points of EEG during 15seconds my_eeg = np.sin(np.arange(0, 15)) # You use a Tsd (Time series data) my_eeg = nts.Tsd(t=np.arange(15), d=my_eeg, time_units='s') # Observe your variable my_eeg # And how the software transform you timetamps in second in timestamps in microsecond # You can plot your data plot(my_eeg, 'o-') show() # Now if you are using a fancy probe and recording for example 3 channel at the same times # You use a TsdFrame my_channels = np.random.rand(15, 3) my_channels = nts.TsdFrame(t=np.arange(15), d=my_channels, time_units='s') # You can plot your data # It's always important to look at your data in the eyes plot(my_channels, 'o-') show() # Yes it's random... # If I want the data of my recording between second 5 to second 12 my_spike.as_units('s').loc[5:12] my_eeg.as_units('s').loc[5:12] my_channels.as_units('s').loc[5:12] # Shoud be the same in millisecond my_spike.as_units('ms').loc[5000:12000] my_eeg.as_units('ms').loc[5000:12000] my_channels.as_units('ms').loc[5000:12000] # And in microseconds which is the default mode
def compute_pop_pca(session): data_directory = '/mnt/DataGuillaume/MergedData/' import numpy as np import import scipy.stats import _pickle as cPickle import time import os, sys import neuroseries as nts from functions import loadShankStructure, loadSpikeData, loadEpoch, loadThetaMod, loadSpeed, loadXML, loadRipples, loadLFP, downsample, getPeaksandTroughs, butter_bandpass_filter import pandas as pd # to know which neurons to keep data_directory = '/mnt/DataGuillaume/MergedData/' datasets = np.loadtxt(data_directory + 'datasets_ThalHpc.list', delimiter='\n', dtype=str, comments='#') theta_mod, theta_ses = loadThetaMod( '/mnt/DataGuillaume/MergedData/THETA_THAL_mod.pickle', datasets, return_index=True) theta = pd.DataFrame(index=theta_ses['rem'], columns=['phase', 'pvalue', 'kappa'], data=theta_mod['rem']) tmp2 = theta.index[theta.isnull().any(1)].values tmp3 = theta.index[(theta['pvalue'] > 0.01).values].values tmp = np.unique(np.concatenate([tmp2, tmp3])) theta_modth = theta.drop(tmp, axis=0) neurons_index = theta_modth.index.values bins1 = np.arange(-1005, 1010, 25) * 1000 times = np.floor( ((bins1[0:-1] + (bins1[1] - bins1[0]) / 2) / 1000)).astype('int') premeanscore = { i: { 'rem': pd.DataFrame(index=[], columns=['mean', 'std']), 'rip': pd.DataFrame(index=times, columns=[]) } for i in range(3) } posmeanscore = { i: { 'rem': pd.DataFrame(index=[], columns=['mean', 'std']), 'rip': pd.DataFrame(index=times, columns=[]) } for i in range(3) } bins2 = np.arange(-1012.5, 1025, 25) * 1000 tsmax = {i: pd.DataFrame(columns=['pre', 'pos']) for i in range(3)} # for session in datasets: # for session in datasets[0:15]: # for session in ['Mouse12/Mouse12-120815']: start_time = time.clock() print(session) generalinfo = + session + '/Analysis/GeneralInfo.mat') shankStructure = loadShankStructure(generalinfo) if len(generalinfo['channelStructure'][0][0][1][0]) == 2: hpc_channel = generalinfo['channelStructure'][0][0][1][0][1][0][0] - 1 else: hpc_channel = generalinfo['channelStructure'][0][0][1][0][0][0][0] - 1 spikes, shank = loadSpikeData( data_directory + session + '/Analysis/SpikeData.mat', shankStructure['thalamus']) wake_ep = loadEpoch(data_directory + session, 'wake') sleep_ep = loadEpoch(data_directory + session, 'sleep') sws_ep = loadEpoch(data_directory + session, 'sws') rem_ep = loadEpoch(data_directory + session, 'rem') sleep_ep = sleep_ep.merge_close_intervals(threshold=1.e3) sws_ep = sleep_ep.intersect(sws_ep) rem_ep = sleep_ep.intersect(rem_ep) speed = loadSpeed(data_directory + session + '/Analysis/linspeed.mat').restrict(wake_ep) speed_ep = nts.IntervalSet( speed[speed > 2.5].index.values[0:-1], speed[speed > 2.5].index.values[1:]).drop_long_intervals( 26000).merge_close_intervals(50000) wake_ep = wake_ep.intersect(speed_ep).drop_short_intervals(3000000) n_channel, fs, shank_to_channel = loadXML(data_directory + session + "/" + session.split("/")[1] + '.xml') rip_ep, rip_tsd = loadRipples(data_directory + session) hd_info = + session + '/Analysis/HDCells.mat')['hdCellStats'][:, -1] hd_info_neuron = np.array([hd_info[n] for n in spikes.keys()]) all_neurons = np.array(list(spikes.keys())) mod_neurons = np.array([ int(n.split("_")[1]) for n in neurons_index if session.split("/")[1] in n ]) if len(sleep_ep) > 1: store = pd.HDFStore("/mnt/DataGuillaume/population_activity_25ms/" + session.split("/")[1] + ".h5") # all_pop = store['allwake'] pre_pop = store['presleep'] pos_pop = store['postsleep'] store.close() store = pd.HDFStore("/mnt/DataGuillaume/population_activity_100ms/" + session.split("/")[1] + ".h5") all_pop = store['allwake'] # pre_pop = store['presleep'] # pos_pop = store['postsleep'] store.close() def compute_eigen(popwak): popwak = popwak - popwak.mean(0) popwak = popwak / (popwak.std(0) + 1e-8) from sklearn.decomposition import PCA pca = PCA(n_components=popwak.shape[1]) xy = pca.fit_transform(popwak.values) pc = pca.explained_variance_ > ( 1 + np.sqrt(1 / (popwak.shape[0] / popwak.shape[1])))**2.0 eigen = pca.components_[pc] lambdaa = pca.explained_variance_[pc] return eigen, lambdaa def compute_score(ep_pop, eigen, lambdaa, thr): ep_pop = ep_pop - ep_pop.mean(0) ep_pop = ep_pop / (ep_pop.std(0) + 1e-8) a = ep_pop.values score = np.zeros(len(ep_pop)) for i in range(len(eigen)): if lambdaa[i] >= thr: score += (, eigen[i])**2.0 -**2.0, eigen[i]**2.0)) score = nts.Tsd(t=ep_pop.index.values, d=score) return score def compute_rip_score(tsd, score, bins): times = np.floor( ((bins[0:-1] + (bins[1] - bins[0]) / 2) / 1000)).astype('int') rip_score = pd.DataFrame(index=times, columns=[]) for r, i in zip(tsd.index.values, range(len(tsd))): xbins = (bins + r).astype('int') y = score.groupby( pd.cut(score.index.values, bins=xbins, labels=times)).mean() if ~y.isnull().any(): rip_score[r] = y return rip_score def get_xmin(ep, minutes): duree = (ep['end'] - ep['start']) / 1000 / 1000 / 60 tmp = ep.iloc[np.where(np.ceil(duree.cumsum()) <= minutes + 1)[0]] return nts.IntervalSet(tmp['start'], tmp['end']) pre_ep = nts.IntervalSet(sleep_ep['start'][0], sleep_ep['end'][0]) post_ep = nts.IntervalSet(sleep_ep['start'][1], sleep_ep['end'][1]) pre_sws_ep = sws_ep.intersect(pre_ep) pos_sws_ep = sws_ep.intersect(post_ep) pre_sws_ep = get_xmin(pre_sws_ep.iloc[::-1], 30) pos_sws_ep = get_xmin(pos_sws_ep, 30) if pre_sws_ep.tot_length('s') / 60 > 5.0 and pos_sws_ep.tot_length( 's') / 60 > 5.0: for hd in range(3): if hd == 0 or hd == 2: index = np.where(hd_info_neuron == 0)[0] elif hd == 1: index = np.where(hd_info_neuron == 1)[0] if hd == 0: index = np.intersect1d(index, mod_neurons) elif hd == 2: index = np.intersect1d( index, np.setdiff1d(all_neurons, mod_neurons)) allpop = all_pop[index].copy() prepop = nts.TsdFrame(pre_pop[index].copy()) pospop = nts.TsdFrame(pos_pop[index].copy()) # prepop25ms = nts.TsdFrame(pre_pop_25ms[index].copy()) # pospop25ms = nts.TsdFrame(pos_pop_25ms[index].copy()) if allpop.shape[1] and allpop.shape[1] > 5: eigen, lambdaa = compute_eigen(allpop) seuil = 1.2 if np.sum(lambdaa > seuil): pre_score = compute_score(prepop, eigen, lambdaa, seuil) pos_score = compute_score(pospop, eigen, lambdaa, seuil) prerip_score = compute_rip_score( rip_tsd.restrict(pre_sws_ep), pre_score, bins1) posrip_score = compute_rip_score( rip_tsd.restrict(pos_sws_ep), pos_score, bins1) # pre_score_25ms = compute_score(prepop25ms, eigen) # pos_score_25ms = compute_score(pospop25ms, eigen) # prerip25ms_score = compute_rip_score(rip_tsd.restrict(pre_ep), pre_score_25ms, bins2) # posrip25ms_score = compute_rip_score(rip_tsd.restrict(post_ep), pos_score_25ms, bins2) # prerip25ms_score = prerip25ms_score - prerip25ms_score.mean(0) # posrip25ms_score = posrip25ms_score - posrip25ms_score.mean(0) # prerip25ms_score = prerip25ms_score / prerip25ms_score.std(0) # posrip25ms_score = posrip25ms_score / posrip25ms_score.std(0) # prerip25ms_score = prerip25ms_score.loc[-500:500] # posrip25ms_score = posrip25ms_score.loc[-500:500] # sys.exit() # tmp = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(prerip25ms_score.idxmax().values, columns = ['pre']),pd.DataFrame(posrip25ms_score.idxmax().values, columns = ['pos'])],axis = 1) # tmp = pd.DataFrame(data = [[prerip25ms_score.mean(1).idxmax(), posrip25ms_score.mean(1).idxmax()]], columns = ['pre', 'pos']) # tsmax[hd] = tsmax[hd].append(tmp, ignore_index = True) premeanscore[hd]['rip'][session] = prerip_score.mean(1) posmeanscore[hd]['rip'][session] = posrip_score.mean(1) # if len(rem_ep.intersect(pre_ep)) and len(rem_ep.intersect(post_ep)): # premeanscore[hd]['rem'].loc[session,'mean'] = pre_score.restrict(rem_ep.intersect(pre_ep)).mean() # posmeanscore[hd]['rem'].loc[session,'mean'] = pos_score.restrict(rem_ep.intersect(post_ep)).mean() # premeanscore[hd]['rem'].loc[session,'std'] = pre_score.restrict(rem_ep.intersect(pre_ep)).std() # posmeanscore[hd]['rem'].loc[session,'std'] = pos_score.restrict(rem_ep.intersect(post_ep)).std() return [premeanscore, posmeanscore, tsmax]