def updatable_args2body(parsed_args, body, for_create=True, ip_version=None): if parsed_args.disable_dhcp and parsed_args.enable_dhcp: raise exceptions.CommandError(_( "You cannot enable and disable DHCP at the same time.")) if parsed_args.no_gateway: body['gateway_ip'] = None elif parsed_args.gateway: body['gateway_ip'] = parsed_args.gateway if body['name'] = if parsed_args.disable_dhcp: body['enable_dhcp'] = False if parsed_args.enable_dhcp: body['enable_dhcp'] = True if parsed_args.allocation_pools: body['allocation_pools'] = parsed_args.allocation_pools if parsed_args.host_routes: body['host_routes'] = parsed_args.host_routes if parsed_args.dns_nameservers: body['dns_nameservers'] = parsed_args.dns_nameservers if for_create and parsed_args.ipv6_ra_mode: if ip_version == 4: raise exceptions.CommandError(_("--ipv6-ra-mode is invalid " "when --ip-version is 4")) body['ipv6_ra_mode'] = parsed_args.ipv6_ra_mode if for_create and parsed_args.ipv6_address_mode: if ip_version == 4: raise exceptions.CommandError(_("--ipv6-address-mode is " "invalid when --ip-version " "is 4")) body['ipv6_address_mode'] = parsed_args.ipv6_address_mode
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): add_updatable_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( '--ip-version', type=int, default=4, choices=[4, 6], help=_('IP version to use, default is 4.')) parser.add_argument( '--ip_version', type=int, choices=[4, 6], help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( 'network_id', metavar='NETWORK', help=_('Network ID or name this subnet belongs to.')) parser.add_argument( 'cidr', metavar='CIDR', help=_('CIDR of subnet to create.')) parser.add_argument( '--ipv6-ra-mode', choices=['dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless', 'slaac'], help=_('IPv6 RA (Router Advertisement) mode.')) parser.add_argument( '--ipv6-address-mode', choices=['dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless', 'slaac'], help=_('IPv6 address mode.'))
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): """Adds to parser arguments common to create and update commands.""" parser.add_argument( '--name', help=_('Name of the BGP VPN')) parser.add_argument( '--route-targets', help=_('Route Targets list to import/export for this BGP ' 'VPN. Usage: -- --route-targets ' 'list=true <asn1>:<nn1> <asn2>:<nn2> ...')) parser.add_argument( '--import-targets', help=_('List of additional Route Targets to import from.' ' Usage: -- --import-targets list=true ' '<asn1>:<nn1> <asn2>:<nn2> ...')) parser.add_argument( '--export-targets', help=_('List of additional Route Targets to export to. Usage: -- ' '--export-targets list=true <asn1>:<nn1> <asn2>:<nn2> ...')) parser.add_argument( '--route-distinguishers', help=_('List of RDs that will be used to advertize VPN routes.' 'Usage: -- --route-distinguishers list=true ' '<asn1>:<nn1> <asn2>:<nn2> ...'))
def _networktemplateassignment_updatable_args(parser): parser.add_argument( 'template_id', metavar='template-id', help=_('ID of the network template associated with this tenant.')) parser.add_argument( 'stack_id', metavar='stack-id', help=_('ID of the heat template associated with this tenant.'))
def _add_updatable_args(parser): parser.add_argument( '--name', help=_('Name of this router type.')) parser.add_argument( '--description', help=_('Description of this router type.')) parser.add_argument( '--ha-enabled', dest='ha_enabled_by_default', action='store_true', help=_('Make HA enabled for the router type.'), default=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--ha_enabled', dest='ha_enabled_by_default', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--unshared', dest='shared', action='store_false', help=_('Make router type NOT shared among tenants.'), default=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--slot-need', help=_('Number of slots routers of this type consumes.')) parser.add_argument( '--slot_need', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): _add_updatable_args(parser) parser.add_argument( '--admin-state-down', dest='admin_state', action='store_false', help=_('Set admin state up to false.')) parser.add_argument( '--admin_state_down', dest='admin_state', action='store_false', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--mac-address', help=_('MAC address of this port.')) parser.add_argument( '--mac_address', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--vnic-type', metavar='<direct | macvtap | normal>', choices=['direct', 'macvtap', 'normal'], help=_('VNIC type for this port.')) parser.add_argument( '--vnic_type', choices=['direct', 'macvtap', 'normal'], help=argparse.SUPPRESS) self.add_arguments_secgroup(parser) self.add_arguments_extradhcpopt(parser) parser.add_argument( 'network_id', metavar='NETWORK', help=_('Network ID or name this port belongs to.'))
def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(CreatePortPairGroup, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( 'name', metavar='NAME', help=_('Name of the Port Pair Group.')) parser.add_argument( '--description', help=_('Description for the Port Pair Group.')) parser.add_argument( '--port-pair', metavar='PORT-PAIR', dest='port_pairs', default=[], action='append', help=_('ID or name of the Port Pair.' 'This option can be repeated.')) parser.add_argument( '--port-pair-group-parameters', metavar='[lb_fields=LB_FIELDS]', type=nc_utils.str2dict_type(optional_keys=['lb_fields']), help=_('Dictionary of Port pair group parameters. ' 'Currently, only \'&\' separated string of the lb_fields ' 'are supported.')) return parser
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( '--name', help=_('Name of security group.')) parser.add_argument( '--description', help=_('Description of security group.'))
def add_bandwidth_limit_arguments(parser): parser.add_argument( '--max_kbps', help=_('max bandwidth in kbps.')) parser.add_argument( '--max_burst_kbps', help=_('Max burst bandwidth in kbps.'))
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( '--name', help=_('Name of this router.')) utils.add_boolean_argument( parser, '--admin-state-up', dest='admin_state', help=_('Specify the administrative state of the router' ' (True meaning "Up")')) utils.add_boolean_argument( parser, '--admin_state_up', dest='admin_state', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) utils.add_boolean_argument( parser, '--distributed', dest='distributed', help=_('True means this router should operate in' ' distributed mode.')) routes_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() routes_group.add_argument( '--route', metavar='destination=CIDR,nexthop=IP_ADDR', action='append', dest='routes', type=utils.str2dict, help=_('Route to associate with the router.' ' You can repeat this option.')) routes_group.add_argument( '--no-routes', action='store_true', help=_('Remove routes associated with the router.'))
def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(CreatePortChain, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( 'name', metavar='NAME', help=_('Name of the Port Chain.')) parser.add_argument( '--description', help=_('Description for the Port Chain.')) parser.add_argument( '--port-pair-group', metavar='PORT-PAIR-GROUP', dest='port_pair_groups', required=True, action='append', help=_('ID or name of the Port Pair Group. ' 'This option can be repeated.')) parser.add_argument( '--flow-classifier', default=[], metavar='FLOW-CLASSIFIER', dest='flow_classifiers', action='append', help=_('ID or name of the Flow Classifier.' 'This option can be repeated.')) parser.add_argument( '--chain-parameters', metavar='[correlation=CORRELATION_TYPE, symmetric=BOOLEAN_TYPE]', type=nc_utils.str2dict_type(optional_keys=['correlation', 'symmetric']), help=_('Dictionary of chain parameters. Supports ' 'correlation=mpls and symmetric=true|false')) return parser
def _add_updatable_args(parser): parser.add_argument( '--name', help=_('Name of this port.')) parser.add_argument( '--fixed-ip', metavar='subnet_id=SUBNET,ip_address=IP_ADDR', action='append', help=_('Desired IP and/or subnet for this port: ' 'subnet_id=<name_or_id>,ip_address=<ip>. ' 'You can repeat this option.')) parser.add_argument( '--fixed_ip', action='append', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--device-id', help=_('Device ID of this port.')) parser.add_argument( '--device_id', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--device-owner', help=_('Device owner of this port.')) parser.add_argument( '--device_owner', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( '--servicetype', dest='service_type', help=_('Service type ID or the Service Type name')) parser.add_argument( '--config', help=_('Service Configuration for the Service Chain Node.'))
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("name", metavar="NAME", help=_("Name of the Port Chain.")) parser.add_argument("--description", help=_("Description for the Port Chain.")) parser.add_argument( "--port-pair-group", metavar="PORT-PAIR-GROUP", dest="port_pair_groups", default=[], required=True, action="append", help=_("ID or name of the Port Pair Group. " "This option can be repeated."), ) parser.add_argument( "--flow-classifier", default=[], metavar="FLOW-CLASSIFIER", dest="flow_classifiers", action="append", help=_("ID or name of the Flow Classifier." "This option can be repeated."), ) parser.add_argument( "--chain-parameters", metavar="type=TYPE[,correlation=CORRELATION_TYPE]", type=utils.str2dict, help=_("Dictionary of chain parameters. Currently, only " "correlation=mpls is supported by default."), )
def add_updatable_arguments(parser): parser.add_argument("--min-prefixlen", type=int, help=_("Subnetpool minimum prefix length.")) parser.add_argument("--max-prefixlen", type=int, help=_("Subnetpool maximum prefix length.")) parser.add_argument("--default-prefixlen", type=int, help=_("Subnetpool default prefix length.")) parser.add_argument( "--pool-prefix", action="append", dest="prefixes", help=_("Subnetpool prefixes (This option can be repeated).") )
def updatable_args2body(parsed_args, body, for_create=True, ip_version=None): if parsed_args.disable_dhcp and parsed_args.enable_dhcp: raise exceptions.CommandError(_("You cannot enable and disable DHCP at the same time.")) if parsed_args.no_gateway: body["subnet"].update({"gateway_ip": None}) elif parsed_args.gateway: body["subnet"].update({"gateway_ip": parsed_args.gateway}) if body["subnet"].update({"name":}) if parsed_args.disable_dhcp: body["subnet"].update({"enable_dhcp": False}) if parsed_args.enable_dhcp: body["subnet"].update({"enable_dhcp": True}) if parsed_args.allocation_pools: body["subnet"]["allocation_pools"] = parsed_args.allocation_pools if parsed_args.host_routes: body["subnet"]["host_routes"] = parsed_args.host_routes if parsed_args.dns_nameservers: body["subnet"]["dns_nameservers"] = parsed_args.dns_nameservers if for_create and parsed_args.ipv6_ra_mode: if ip_version == 4: raise exceptions.CommandError(_("--ipv6-ra-mode is invalid " "when --ip-version is 4")) body["subnet"]["ipv6_ra_mode"] = parsed_args.ipv6_ra_mode if for_create and parsed_args.ipv6_address_mode: if ip_version == 4: raise exceptions.CommandError(_("--ipv6-address-mode is " "invalid when --ip-version " "is 4")) body["subnet"]["ipv6_address_mode"] = parsed_args.ipv6_address_mode
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): # adding admin_state_up here so that it is available for update only # as it is True by default and not meaningful in the create operation parser.add_argument( '--admin-state-up', dest='admin_state_up', action='store_true', help=_('Set hosting device administratively up.'), default=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--admin_state_up', dest='admin_state_up', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=argparse.SUPPRESS) # adding no_auto_delete here so that it is available for update only # as auto_delete is False by default and not meaningful in the create # operation parser.add_argument( '--no-auto-delete', dest='auto_delete', action='store_false', help=_('Exempt hosting device from automated life cycle ' 'management.'), default=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--no_auto_delete', dest='auto_delete', action='store_false', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=argparse.SUPPRESS) _add_updatable_args(parser)
def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(CreatePortPair, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( 'name', metavar='NAME', help=_('Name of the Port Pair.')) parser.add_argument( '--description', help=_('Description for the Port Pair.')) parser.add_argument( '--ingress', required=True, help=_('ID or name of the ingress neutron port.')) parser.add_argument( '--egress', required=True, help=_('ID or name of the egress neutron port.')) parser.add_argument( '--service-function-parameter', metavar='[correlation=CORRELATION_TYPE, weight=WEIGHT]', type=nc_utils.str2dict_type(optional_keys=['correlation', 'weight']), help=_('Dictionary of Service function parameters. ' 'Currently, only correlation=None and weight ' 'is supported. Weight is an integer that influences ' 'the selection of a port pair within a port pair group ' 'for a flow. The higher the weight, the more flows will ' 'hash to the port pair. The default weight is 1.')) return parser
def validate_dpd_dict(dpd_dict): for key, value in dpd_dict.items(): if key not in dpd_supported_keys: message = _( "DPD Dictionary KeyError: " "Reason-Invalid DPD key : " "'%(key)s' not in %(supported_key)s ") % { 'key': key, 'supported_key': dpd_supported_keys} raise exceptions.CommandError(message) if key == 'action' and value not in dpd_supported_actions: message = _( "DPD Dictionary ValueError: " "Reason-Invalid DPD action : " "'%(key_value)s' not in %(supported_action)s ") % { 'key_value': value, 'supported_action': dpd_supported_actions} raise exceptions.CommandError(message) if key in ('interval', 'timeout'): try: if int(value) <= 0: raise ValueError() except ValueError: message = _( "DPD Dictionary ValueError: " "Reason-Invalid positive integer value: " "'%(key)s' = %(value)s ") % { 'key': key, 'value': value} raise exceptions.CommandError(message) else: dpd_dict[key] = int(value) return
def validate_lifetime_dict(lifetime_dict): for key, value in lifetime_dict.items(): if key not in lifetime_keys: message = _( "Lifetime Dictionary KeyError: " "Reason-Invalid unit key : " "'%(key)s' not in %(supported_key)s ") % { 'key': key, 'supported_key': lifetime_keys} raise exceptions.CommandError(message) if key == 'units' and value not in lifetime_units: message = _( "Lifetime Dictionary ValueError: " "Reason-Invalid units : " "'%(key_value)s' not in %(supported_units)s ") % { 'key_value': key, 'supported_units': lifetime_units} raise exceptions.CommandError(message) if key == 'value': try: if int(value) < 60: raise ValueError() except ValueError: message = _( "Lifetime Dictionary ValueError: " "Reason-Invalid value should be at least 60:" "'%(key_value)s' = %(value)s ") % { 'key_value': key, 'value': value} raise exceptions.CommandError(message) else: lifetime_dict['value'] = int(value) return
def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(UpdatePolicyProfileV2, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument("--add-tenant", help=_("Add tenant to the policy profile.")) parser.add_argument("--remove-tenant", help=_("Remove tenant from the policy profile.")) return parser
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--nodes", type=string.split, help=_("List of Service Chain Node IDs or names of the Service " "Chain Nodes"), ) parser.add_argument("--shared", type=bool, help=_("Shared flag"))
def _networktemplate_updatable_args(parser): parser.add_argument( 'name', help=_('Name of this network template.')) parser.add_argument( 'body', help=_('Body of this network template.'))
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): _add_updatable_args(parser) parser.add_argument( '--id', help=_('Id for this hosting device.')) parser.add_argument( '--management-port', help=_('Neutron port used for management of hosting device.')) parser.add_argument( '--management_port', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--cfg-agent-id', help=_('Config agent to handle the hosting device.')) parser.add_argument( '--cfg_agent_id', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( 'name', metavar='NAME', help=_('Name of hosting device to create.')) parser.add_argument( 'template_id', metavar='TEMPLATE', help=_('Hosting device template template to associate ' 'hosting device with.'))
def _add_updatable_args(parser): parser.add_argument( '--name', help=_('Name of this Tap service.')) parser.add_argument( '--description', help=_('Description for this Tap service.'))
def retry_request(self, method, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None): """Call do_request with the default retry configuration. Only idempotent requests should retry failed connection attempts. :raises: ConnectionFailed if the maximum # of retries is exceeded """ max_attempts = self.retries + 1 for i in range(max_attempts): try: return self.do_request(method, action, body=body, headers=headers, params=params) except exceptions.ConnectionFailed: # Exception has already been logged by do_request() if i < self.retries: _logger.debug('Retrying connection to Neutron service') time.sleep(self.retry_interval) elif self.raise_errors: raise if self.retries: msg = (_("Failed to connect to Neutron server after %d attempts") % max_attempts) else: msg = _("Failed to connect Neutron server") raise exceptions.ConnectionFailed(reason=msg)
def run(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug('run(%s)', parsed_args) self.set_extra_attrs(parsed_args) neutron_client = self.get_client() neutron_client.format = parsed_args.request_format _extra_values = parse_args_to_dict(self.values_specs) _merge_args(self, parsed_args, _extra_values, self.values_specs) body = self.args2body(parsed_args) if self.resource in body: body[self.resource].update(_extra_values) else: body[self.resource] = _extra_values if not body[self.resource]: raise exceptions.CommandError( _("Must specify new values to update %s") % self.cmd_resource) if self.allow_names: _id = find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( neutron_client, self.resource,, cmd_resource=self.cmd_resource, parent_id=self.parent_id) else: _id = find_resourceid_by_id( neutron_client, self.resource,, self.cmd_resource, self.parent_id) obj_updater = getattr(neutron_client, "update_%s" % self.cmd_resource) if self.parent_id: obj_updater(_id, self.parent_id, body) else: obj_updater(_id, body) print((_('Updated %(resource)s: %(id)s') % {'id':, 'resource': self.resource}), return
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( '--name', metavar='NAME', help=_('Name of the Flow Classifier.')) parser.add_argument( '--description', help=_('Description for the Flow Classifier.'))
def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(SetGatewayRouter, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument("router_id", metavar="router-id", help=_("ID of the router.")) parser.add_argument( "external_network_id", metavar="external-network-id", help=_("ID of the external network for the gateway.") ) parser.add_argument("--disable-snat", action="store_true", help=_("Disable source NAT on the router gateway.")) return parser
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( '--qos-policy', help=_('Attach QoS policy ID or name to the network.')) parser.add_argument( '--no-qos-policy', action='store_true', help=_('Detach QoS policy from the network.'))
def run(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug('run(%s)' % parsed_args) neutron_client = self.get_client() neutron_client.format = parsed_args.request_format (gateway_id, network_id) = self.retrieve_ids(neutron_client, parsed_args) neutron_client.disconnect_network_gateway( gateway_id, { 'network_id': network_id, 'segmentation_type': parsed_args.segmentation_type, 'segmentation_id': parsed_args.segmentation_id }) # TODO(Salvatore-Orlando): Do output formatting as # any other command print(_('Disconnected network from gateway %s') % gateway_id,
def _validate_protocol(self, protocol): if not protocol or protocol == 'action=clear': return try: protocol = int(protocol, 0) if 0 <= protocol <= 255: return except ValueError: # Use string as a protocol name # Exact check will be done in the server side. return msg = (_('protocol %s should be either of name ' '(tcp, udp, icmp, arp; ' 'case insensitive) or integer [0:255] (decimal or hex).') % protocol) raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): outputs = [] max_len = 0 app = self.default parser.print_help(app.stdout) app.stdout.write(_('\nCommands for API v%s:\n') % app.api_version) command_manager = app.command_manager for name, ep in sorted(command_manager): factory = ep.load() cmd = factory(self, None) one_liner = cmd.get_description().split('\n')[0] outputs.append((name, one_liner)) max_len = max(len(name), max_len) for (name, one_liner) in outputs: app.stdout.write(' %s %s\n' % (name.ljust(max_len), one_liner)) sys.exit(0)
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( '--admin-state-down', dest='admin_state', action='store_false', help=_('Set admin state up to false.')) parser.add_argument( '--connection-limit', help=_('The maximum number of connections per second allowed for ' 'the vip. Positive integer or -1 for unlimited (default).')) parser.add_argument( '--description', help=_('Description of the listener.')) parser.add_argument( '--name', help=_('The name of the listener.')) parser.add_argument( '--default-tls-container-id', dest='default_tls_container_id', help=_('Default TLS container ID to retrieve TLS information.')) parser.add_argument( '--sni-container-ids', dest='sni_container_ids', nargs='+', help=_('List of TLS container IDs for SNI.')) parser.add_argument( '--loadbalancer', required=True, metavar='LOADBALANCER', help=_('ID or name of the load balancer.')) parser.add_argument( '--protocol', required=True, choices=['TCP', 'HTTP', 'HTTPS', 'TERMINATED_HTTPS'], help=_('Protocol for the listener.')) parser.add_argument( '--protocol-port', dest='protocol_port', required=True, metavar='PORT', help=_('Protocol port for the listener.'))
def get_data(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug('run(%s)' % parsed_args) neutron_client = self.get_client() neutron_client.format = parsed_args.request_format _id_hd = neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( neutron_client, 'hosting_device', parsed_args.hosting_device) _id_r = neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( neutron_client, 'router', parsed_args.router) self.add_router_to_hosting_device(neutron_client, _id_hd, {'router_id': _id_r}) print(_('Added router \'%(router)s\' to hosting device \'%(hd)s\'') % { 'router': parsed_args.router, 'hd': parsed_args.hosting_device },, end='') return [], []
def get_data(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug('run(%s)' % parsed_args) neutron_client = self.get_client() neutron_client.format = parsed_args.request_format _id_hd = neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( neutron_client, 'hosting_device', parsed_args.hosting_device) self.associate_hosting_device_with_config_agent( neutron_client, parsed_args.config_agent_id, {'hosting_device_id': _id_hd}) print(_('Associated hosting device \'%(hd)s\' with Cisco ' 'configuration agent \'%(agent)s\'') % { 'hd': parsed_args.hosting_device, 'agent': parsed_args.config_agent_id },, end='') return [], []
def run(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug('run(%s)' % parsed_args) neutron_client = self.get_client() neutron_client.format = parsed_args.request_format data = {self.resource: parse_args_to_dict(parsed_args)} if parsed_args.add_tenant: data[self.resource]['add_tenant'] = parsed_args.add_tenant if parsed_args.remove_tenant: data[self.resource]['remove_tenant'] = parsed_args.remove_tenant neutron_client.update_policy_profile(, {self.resource: data}) print((_('Updated %(resource)s: %(id)s') % { 'id':, 'resource': self.resource }), return
def _process_previous_argument(current_arg, _value_number, current_type_str, _list_flag, _values_specs, _clear_flag, values_specs): if current_arg is not None: if _value_number == 0 and (current_type_str or _list_flag): # This kind of argument should have value raise exceptions.CommandError( _("Invalid values_specs %s") % ' '.join(values_specs)) if _value_number > 1 or _list_flag or current_type_str == 'list': current_arg.update({'nargs': '+'}) elif _value_number == 0: if _clear_flag: # if we have action=clear, we use argument's default # value None for argument _values_specs.pop() else: # We assume non value argument as bool one current_arg.update({'action': 'store_true'})
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('--admin-state-down', dest='admin_state', action='store_false', help=_('Set admin state up to false.')) parser.add_argument( '--expected-codes', help=_('The list of HTTP status codes expected in ' 'response from the member to declare it healthy. This ' 'attribute can contain one value, ' 'or a list of values separated by comma, ' 'or a range of values (e.g. "200-299"). If this attribute ' 'is not specified, it defaults to "200".')) parser.add_argument( '--http-method', help=_('The HTTP method used for requests by the monitor of type ' 'HTTP.')) parser.add_argument( '--url-path', help=_('The HTTP path used in the HTTP request used by the monitor' ' to test a member health. This must be a string ' 'beginning with a / (forward slash).')) parser.add_argument( '--delay', required=True, help=_('The time in seconds between sending probes to members.')) parser.add_argument( '--max-retries', required=True, help=_('Number of permissible connection failures before changing ' 'the member status to INACTIVE. [1..10]')) parser.add_argument( '--timeout', required=True, help=_('Maximum number of seconds for a monitor to wait for a ' 'connection to be established before it times out. The ' 'value must be less than the delay value.')) parser.add_argument( '--type', required=True, choices=['PING', 'TCP', 'HTTP', 'HTTPS'], help=_('One of the predefined health monitor types.'))
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('name', metavar='NAME', help=_('Name of queue.')) parser.add_argument('--min', help=_('Minimum rate.')), parser.add_argument('--max', help=_('Maximum rate.')), parser.add_argument('--qos-marking', help=_('QOS marking as untrusted or trusted.')), parser.add_argument( '--default', default=False, help=_('If true all created ports will be the size of this queue, ' 'if queue is not specified')), parser.add_argument('--dscp', help=_('Differentiated Services Code Point.')),
def args2body(self, parsed_args): _network_id = neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( self.get_client(), 'network', parsed_args.network_id) body = {'network_id': _network_id} if parsed_args.prefixlen: body['prefixlen'] = parsed_args.prefixlen ip_version = parsed_args.ip_version if parsed_args.subnetpool: if parsed_args.subnetpool == 'None': _subnetpool_id = None else: _subnetpool = neutronV20.find_resource_by_name_or_id( self.get_client(), 'subnetpool', parsed_args.subnetpool) _subnetpool_id = _subnetpool['id'] # Now that we have the pool_id - let's just have a check on the # ip version used in the pool ip_version = _subnetpool['ip_version'] body['subnetpool_id'] = _subnetpool_id # IP version needs to be set as IP version can be # determined by subnetpool. body['ip_version'] = ip_version if parsed_args.cidr: # With subnetpool, cidr is now optional for creating subnet. cidr = parsed_args.cidr body['cidr'] = cidr unusable_cidr = '/32' if ip_version == 4 else '/128' if cidr.endswith(unusable_cidr): self.log.warning( _("An IPv%(ip)d subnet with a %(cidr)s CIDR " "will have only one usable IP address so " "the device attached to it will not have " "any IP connectivity.") % { "ip": ip_version, "cidr": unusable_cidr }) updatable_args2body(parsed_args, body, ip_version=ip_version) if parsed_args.tenant_id: body['tenant_id'] = parsed_args.tenant_id return {'subnet': body}
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('--name', help=_('Name for the Service Profile.')) parser.add_argument('--description', help=_('Description of the Service Profile.')) n_utils.add_boolean_argument(parser, '--shared', dest='shared', help=_('Shared flag')) parser.add_argument('--vendor', help=_('Vendor providing the service node')) parser.add_argument('--insertion-mode', help=_('Insertion mode of the service')) parser.add_argument('--servicetype', dest='service_type', help=_('Type of the service')) parser.add_argument('--service-flavor', help=_('Flavor of the service'))
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('--admin-state-down', dest='admin_state', action='store_false', help=_('Set admin state up to false.')) parser.add_argument('--admin_state_down', dest='admin_state', action='store_false', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--shared', action='store_true', help=_('Set the network as shared.'), default=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--router:external', action='store_true', help=_('Set network as external, it is only available for admin'), default=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--provider:network_type', metavar='<network_type>', help=_('The physical mechanism by which the virtual network' ' is implemented.')) parser.add_argument( '--provider:physical_network', metavar='<physical_network_name>', help=_('Name of the physical network over which the virtual' ' network is implemented.')) parser.add_argument( '--provider:segmentation_id', metavar='<segmentation_id>', help=_('VLAN ID for VLAN networks or tunnel-id for GRE/VXLAN' ' networks.')) utils.add_boolean_argument( parser, '--vlan-transparent', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help=_('Create a vlan transparent network.')) parser.add_argument('name', metavar='NAME', help=_('Name of network to create.'))
def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(NeutronCommand, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( '--request-format', help=_('The XML or JSON request format.'), default='json', choices=[ 'json', 'xml', ], ) parser.add_argument('--request_format', choices=[ 'json', 'xml', ], help=argparse.SUPPRESS) return parser
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('security_group_id', metavar='SECURITY_GROUP', help=_('Security group name or ID to add rule.')) parser.add_argument('--direction', default='ingress', choices=['ingress', 'egress'], help=_('Direction of traffic: ingress/egress.')) parser.add_argument('--ethertype', default='IPv4', help=_('IPv4/IPv6')) parser.add_argument('--protocol', help=_('Protocol of packet.')) parser.add_argument('--port-range-min', help=_('Starting port range.')) parser.add_argument('--port_range_min', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--port-range-max', help=_('Ending port range.')) parser.add_argument('--port_range_max', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--remote-ip-prefix', help=_('CIDR to match on.')) parser.add_argument('--remote_ip_prefix', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--remote-group-id', metavar='REMOTE_GROUP', help=_('Remote security group name or ID to apply rule.')) parser.add_argument('--remote_group_id', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('--description', help=_('Description of the load balancer.')) parser.add_argument('--admin-state-down', dest='admin_state', action='store_false', help=_('Set admin state up to false.')) parser.add_argument('--name', metavar='NAME', help=_('Name of the load balancer.')) parser.add_argument('--provider', help=_('Provider name of load balancer service.')) parser.add_argument('--flavor', help=_('ID or name of flavor.')) parser.add_argument('--vip-address', help=_('VIP address for the load balancer.')) parser.add_argument('vip_subnet', metavar='VIP_SUBNET', help=_('Load balancer VIP subnet.'))
def get_data(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug('get_data(%s)' % parsed_args) neutron_client = self.get_client() neutron_client.format = parsed_args.request_format _extra_values = parse_args_to_dict(self.values_specs) _merge_args(self, parsed_args, _extra_values, self.values_specs) body = self.args2body(parsed_args) body[self.resource].update(_extra_values) obj_creator = getattr(neutron_client, "create_%s" % self.cmd_resource) if self.parent_id: data = obj_creator(self.parent_id, body) else: data = obj_creator(body) self.format_output_data(data) info = self.resource in data and data[self.resource] or None if info: print(_('Created a new %s:') % self.resource, else: info = {'': ''} return zip(*sorted(six.iteritems(info)))
class NeutronException(Exception): """Base Neutron Exception. To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor. """ message = _("An unknown exception occurred.") def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): if message: self.message = message try: self._error_string = self.message % kwargs except Exception: # at least get the core message out if something happened self._error_string = self.message def __str__(self): return self._error_string
def run_subcommand(self, argv): subcommand = self.command_manager.find_command(argv) cmd_factory, cmd_name, sub_argv = subcommand cmd = cmd_factory(self, self.options) try: self.prepare_to_run_command(cmd) full_name = (cmd_name if self.interactive_mode else ' '.join( [self.NAME, cmd_name])) cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser(full_name) return run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, sub_argv) except SystemExit: print(_("Try 'neutron help %s' for more information.") % cmd_name, file=sys.stderr) raise except Exception as e: if self.options.verbose_level >= self.DEBUG_LEVEL: self.log.exception("%s", e) raise self.log.error("%s", e) return 1
def get_client_class(api_name, version, version_map): """Returns the client class for the requested API version. :param api_name: the name of the API, e.g. 'compute', 'image', etc :param version: the requested API version :param version_map: a dict of client classes keyed by version :rtype: a client class for the requested API version """ try: client_path = version_map[str(version)] except (KeyError, ValueError): msg = _("Invalid %(api_name)s client version '%(version)s'. must be " "one of: %(map_keys)s") msg = msg % { 'api_name': api_name, 'version': version, 'map_keys': ', '.join(version_map.keys()) } raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(msg) return importutils.import_class(client_path)
def args2body(self, parsed_args): _vpnservice_id = neutronv20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( self.get_client(), 'vpnservice', parsed_args.vpnservice_id) _ikepolicy_id = neutronv20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( self.get_client(), 'ikepolicy', parsed_args.ikepolicy_id) _ipsecpolicy_id = neutronv20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( self.get_client(), 'ipsecpolicy', parsed_args.ipsecpolicy_id) if int(parsed_args.mtu) < 68: message = _("Invalid MTU value: MTU must be " "greater than or equal to 68") raise exceptions.CommandError(message) body = { 'ipsec_site_connection': { 'vpnservice_id': _vpnservice_id, 'ikepolicy_id': _ikepolicy_id, 'ipsecpolicy_id': _ipsecpolicy_id, 'peer_address': parsed_args.peer_address, 'peer_id': parsed_args.peer_id, 'mtu': parsed_args.mtu, 'initiator': parsed_args.initiator, 'psk': parsed_args.psk, 'admin_state_up': parsed_args.admin_state_down, }, } if body['ipsec_site_connection'].update({'name':}) if parsed_args.description: body['ipsec_site_connection'].update( {'description': parsed_args.description}) if parsed_args.tenant_id: body['ipsec_site_connection'].update( {'tenant_id': parsed_args.tenant_id}) if parsed_args.dpd: vpn_utils.validate_dpd_dict(parsed_args.dpd) body['ipsec_site_connection'].update({'dpd': parsed_args.dpd}) if parsed_args.peer_cidrs: body['ipsec_site_connection'][ 'peer_cidrs'] = parsed_args.peer_cidrs return body
def args2body(self, parsed_args): _network_id = neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( self.get_client(), 'network', parsed_args.network_id) body = { 'subnet': { 'network_id': _network_id, 'ip_version': parsed_args.ip_version, }, } if parsed_args.cidr: # With subnetpool, cidr is now optional for creating subnet. cidr = parsed_args.cidr body['subnet'].update({'cidr': cidr}) unusable_cidr = '/32' if parsed_args.ip_version == 4 else '/128' if cidr.endswith(unusable_cidr): self.log.warning( _("An IPv%(ip)d subnet with a %(cidr)s CIDR " "will have only one usable IP address so " "the device attached to it will not have " "any IP connectivity.") % { "ip": parsed_args.ip_version, "cidr": unusable_cidr }) if parsed_args.prefixlen: body['subnet'].update({'prefixlen': parsed_args.prefixlen}) if parsed_args.subnetpool: if parsed_args.subnetpool == 'None': _subnetpool_id = None else: _subnetpool_id = neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( self.get_client(), 'subnetpool', parsed_args.subnetpool) body['subnet'].update({'subnetpool_id': _subnetpool_id}) updatable_args2body(parsed_args, body) if parsed_args.tenant_id: body['subnet'].update({'tenant_id': parsed_args.tenant_id}) return body
def args2body(self, parsed_args): if parsed_args.ip_version == 4 and parsed_args.cidr.endswith('/32'): self.log.warning( _("An IPv4 subnet with a /32 CIDR will have " "only one usable IP address so the device " "attached to it will not have any IP " "connectivity.")) _network_id = neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( self.get_client(), 'network', parsed_args.network_id) body = { 'subnet': { 'cidr': parsed_args.cidr, 'network_id': _network_id, 'ip_version': parsed_args.ip_version, }, } updatable_args2body(parsed_args, body) if parsed_args.tenant_id: body['subnet'].update({'tenant_id': parsed_args.tenant_id}) return body
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): _add_updatable_args(parser) parser.add_argument( '--id', help=_('Id for this hosting device template.')) parser.add_argument( '--slot-capacity', help=_('Capacity (in slots) for hosting devices based on this ' 'template.')) parser.add_argument( '--slot_capacity', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--desired-slots-free', help=_('Number of slots to keep available in hosting devices ' 'based on this template.')) parser.add_argument( '--desired_slots_free', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--device-driver', help=_('Device driver module to use for hosting devices based on ' 'this template.')) parser.add_argument( '--device_driver', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--plugging-driver', help=_('Plugging driver module to use for hosting devices based ' 'on this template.')) parser.add_argument( '--plugging_driver', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( 'name', metavar='NAME', help=_('Name of this hosting device template.')) parser.add_argument( 'host_category', metavar='HOST_CATEGORY', help=_('Host category for this hosting device template. One of ' 'VM, Hardware, or, Network_Node.'))
def _reachabilitytest_updatable_args(parser): parser.add_argument('name', help=_('Name of this reachability test.')) parser.add_argument('src_tenant_name', metavar='src-tenant-name', help=_('Tenant name of the src-ip.')) parser.add_argument('src_segment_name', metavar='src-segment-name', help=_('Network name of the src-ip.')) parser.add_argument('src_ip', metavar='src-ip', help=_('Source IP of the reachability test.')) parser.add_argument('dst_ip', metavar='dst-ip', help=_('Destination IP of the reachability test.')) parser.add_argument('expected_result', metavar='expected-result', help=_('Expected result of the test.'))
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( '--policy', metavar='POLICY', help=_('Optimizer policy name or ID.')) #OaaS parser.add_argument( '--solowan', dest='solowan', metavar="service True| False", help=_("Set the state of solowan's service")) parser.add_argument( '--local_id', dest='local_id', metavar="local_id IP", help=_("Set the local_id IP of Optimizer")) parser.add_argument( '--action', dest='action', metavar="action 'optimization (compression|deduplication|combined)'", help=_("Set the action")) parser.add_argument( '--pkt', dest='num_pkt_cache_size', metavar="pkt integer'", help=_("Set the hash table max number of packets")) router_sg = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() router_sg.add_argument( '--router', dest='routers', metavar='ROUTER', action='append', help=_('Optimizer associated router names or IDs (requires OaaS ' 'router insertion extension, this option can be repeated)')) router_sg.add_argument( '--no-routers', action='store_true', help=_('Associate no routers with the optimizer (requires OaaS ' 'router insertion extension)'))
def find_resourceid_by_id(client, resource, resource_id, cmd_resource=None, parent_id=None): if not cmd_resource: cmd_resource = resource cmd_resource_plural = _get_resource_plural(cmd_resource, client) resource_plural = _get_resource_plural(resource, client) obj_lister = getattr(client, "list_%s" % cmd_resource_plural) # perform search by id only if we are passing a valid UUID match = re.match(UUID_PATTERN, resource_id) collection = resource_plural if match: if parent_id: data = obj_lister(parent_id, id=resource_id, fields='id') else: data = obj_lister(id=resource_id, fields='id') if data and data[collection]: return data[collection][0]['id'] not_found_message = (_("Unable to find %(resource)s with id " "'%(id)s'") % {'resource': resource, 'id': resource_id}) # 404 is used to simulate server side behavior raise exceptions.NeutronClientException( message=not_found_message, status_code=404)
def add_known_arguments(self, parser): add_updatable_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument('--ip-version', type=int, default=4, choices=[4, 6], help=_( 'IP version to use, default is 4. ' 'Note that when subnetpool is specified, ' 'IP version is determined from the subnetpool ' 'and this option is ignored.')) parser.add_argument('--ip_version', type=int, choices=[4, 6], help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( 'network_id', metavar='NETWORK', help=_('Network ID or name this subnet belongs to.')) parser.add_argument('cidr', nargs='?', metavar='CIDR', help=_('CIDR of subnet to create.')) parser.add_argument( '--ipv6-ra-mode', choices=['dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless', 'slaac'], help=_('IPv6 RA (Router Advertisement) mode.')) parser.add_argument( '--ipv6-address-mode', choices=['dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless', 'slaac'], help=_('IPv6 address mode.')) parser.add_argument( '--subnetpool', metavar='SUBNETPOOL', help=_('ID or name of subnetpool from which this subnet ' 'will obtain a CIDR.')) parser.add_argument( '--prefixlen', metavar='PREFIX_LENGTH', help=_('Prefix length for subnet allocation from subnetpool.'))
def run(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug('run(%s)' % parsed_args) neutron_client = self.get_client() if '=' in parsed_args.interface: resource, value = parsed_args.interface.split('=', 1) if resource not in ['subnet', 'port']: exceptions.CommandError(_('You must specify either subnet or ' 'port for INTERFACE parameter.')) else: resource = 'subnet' value = parsed_args.interface _router_id = neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( neutron_client, self.resource, parsed_args.router) _interface_id = neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( neutron_client, resource, value) body = {'%s_id' % resource: _interface_id} portinfo = self.call_api(neutron_client, _router_id, body) print(self.success_message(parsed_args.router, portinfo),
def args2body_extradhcpopt(self, parsed_args, port): ops = [] if parsed_args.extra_dhcp_opts: # the extra_dhcp_opt params (opt_name & opt_value) # must come in pairs, if there is a parm error # both must be thrown out. opt_ele = {} edo_err_msg = _("Invalid --extra-dhcp-opt option, can only be: " "opt_name=<dhcp_option_name>,opt_value=<value>," "ip_version={4,6}. " "You can repeat this option.") for opt in parsed_args.extra_dhcp_opts: opt_ele.update(utils.str2dict(opt)) if ('opt_name' in opt_ele and ('opt_value' in opt_ele or 'ip_version' in opt_ele)): if opt_ele.get('opt_value') == 'null': opt_ele['opt_value'] = None ops.append(opt_ele) opt_ele = {} else: raise exceptions.CommandError(edo_err_msg) if ops: port['extra_dhcp_opts'] = ops