def startElementNS(self, ns_and_name, qname, attrs): ns, name = ns_and_name if ns == nevow.namespace: if name == 'invisible': name = '' elif name == 'slot': el = slot(attrs[(None, 'name')]) self.stack.append(el) self.current.append(el) self.current = el.children return attrs = dict(attrs) specials = {} attributes = self.attributeList directives = self.directiveMapping for k, v in attrs.items(): att_ns, nons = k if att_ns != nevow.namespace: continue if nons in directives: ## clean this up by making the names more consistent specials[directives[nons]] = directive(v) del attrs[k] if nons in attributes: specials[nons] = v del attrs[k] no_ns_attrs = {} for (attrNs, attrName), v in attrs.items(): nsPrefix = self.prefixMap.get(attrNs) if nsPrefix is None: no_ns_attrs[attrName] = v else: no_ns_attrs['%s:%s' % (nsPrefix, attrName)] = v if ns == nevow.namespace and name == 'attr': if not self.stack: # TODO: define a better exception for this? raise AssertionError('<nevow:attr> as top-level element') if 'name' not in no_ns_attrs: # TODO: same here raise AssertionError('<nevow:attr> requires a name attribute') el = Tag('', specials=specials) self.stack[-1].attributes[no_ns_attrs['name']] = el self.stack.append(el) self.current = el.children return # Apply any xmlns attributes if self.xmlnsAttrs: no_ns_attrs.update(dict(self.xmlnsAttrs)) self.xmlnsAttrs = [] el = Tag(name, attributes=dict(no_ns_attrs), specials=specials) self.stack.append(el) self.current.append(el) self.current = el.children
def term(t): """stan xml node for the given rdflib term""" if isinstance(t, URIRef): return Tag("uri")[t] elif isinstance(t, Literal): ret = Tag("literal")[t] if t.datatype is not None: ret.attributes['datatype'] = t.datatype return ret elif isinstance(t, BNode): return Tag("bnode")[t] else: raise TypeError("unknown term type %r" % t)
def canvas(width, height, delegate, useCGI=False): C = cookie() if useCGI: global _canvasCGIService if _canvasCGIService is None: from nevow import appserver from twisted.internet import reactor _canvasCGIService = reactor.listenTCP( 0, appserver.NevowSite(Canvas(docFactory=canvasServerMessage))) _canvasCGIService.dispatchMap = {} port = _canvasCGIService.getHost().port prefix = '/' movie_url ='/').secure(False, port) else: movie_url = port = lambda c, d: inevow.IRequest(c).transport.server.port def prefix(c, d): pre = inevow.IRequest(c).path if pre.endswith('/'): return pre return pre + '/' _hookup[C] = delegate handlerInfo = [] for handlerName in [ 'onMouseMove', 'onMouseDown', 'onMouseUp', 'onKeyDown', 'onKeyUp' ]: if getattr(delegate, handlerName, None) is not None: handlerInfo.append((handlerName, 1)) movie_url = movie_url.child('nevow_canvas_movie.swf').add('cookie', C).add( 'port', port).add('prefix', prefix) for (k, v) in handlerInfo: movie_url = movie_url.add(k, v) return tags._object( classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000", codebase= ",0,0,0", width=width, height=height, id=("Canvas-", C), align="middle" )[tags.param(name="allowScriptAccess", value="sameDomain"), tags.param(name="movie", value=movie_url), tags.param(name="quality", value="high"), tags.param(name="scale", value="noscale"), tags.param(name="bgcolor", value="#ffffff"), Tag('embed')(src=movie_url, quality="high", scale="noscale", bgcolor="#ffffff", width=width, height=height, name=("Canvas-", C), align="middle", allowScriptAccess="sameDomain", type="application/x-shockwave-flash", pluginspage="")]
def MicroDomElementSerializer(element, context): directiveMapping = { 'render': 'render', 'data': 'data', 'macro': 'macro', } attributeList = [ 'pattern', 'key', ] name = element.tagName if name.startswith('nevow:'): _, name = name.split(':') if name == 'invisible': name = '' elif name == 'slot': return slot(element.attributes['name'])[precompile( serialize(element.childNodes, context), context)] attrs = dict(element.attributes) # get rid of CaseInsensitiveDict specials = {} attributes = attributeList directives = directiveMapping for k, v in list(attrs.items()): # I know, this is totally not the way to do xml namespaces but who cares right now ## I'll fix it later -dp ### no you won't *I'll* fix it later -glyph if isinstance(k, tuple): if k[0] != '': continue else: nons = k[1] elif not k.startswith('nevow:'): continue else: _, nons = k.split(':') if nons in directives: ## clean this up by making the names more consistent specials[directives[nons]] = directive(v) del attrs[k] if nons in attributes: specials[nons] = v del attrs[k] # TODO: there must be a better way than this ... # Handle any nevow:attr elements. If we don't do it now then this tag will # be serialised and it will too late. childNodes = [] for child in element.childNodes: if getattr(child, 'tagName', None) == 'nevow:attr': attrs[child.attributes['name']] = child.childNodes else: childNodes.append(child) tag = Tag(name, attributes=attrs, children=childNodes, specials=specials) return serialize(tag, context)
def xmlResults(resultRows): """xml text for a list of sparql results. These rows are a list of dicts with variable names as keys, rdflib objects as values. Values of None, as rdflib returns if your selection variable doesn't appear in your query, are omitted. For example, running this: SELECT ?x ?unused { ?x :y :z} will return bindings for ?x only, just as if you never included ?unused. The sparql engine should probably error on that case, in which case this handler will stop getting used. But note that if there was an OPTIONAL { ?unused ... } in the query, then there's no error but some rows won't get a <binding>. See _addOptionalVars in This is the inverse of parseSparqlResults. """ # this is redundant with a version in rdflib already, although # mine uses a default xml namespace that saves quite a few bytes # in one test, getQuery spends 27% in queryd and 71% in this function! return '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' + flat.flatten( Tag("sparql")(xmlns=RESULTS_NS) [Tag("head")[Tag("variable")(name="notimplemented")], Tag("results")(ordered="notimplemented", distinct="notimplemented")[ (Tag("result")[(Tag("binding")(name=k)[term(v)] for k, v in row.items() if v is not None)] for row in resultRows)]])
def __call__(self, *args, **kw): for a in args: if isinstance(a, PrimaryNamespace): self.attributes['xmlns'] = a.uri elif isinstance(a, TagNamespace): self.attributes['xmlns:'+a.namespace] = a.uri for k,v in kw.items(): if isinstance(v, PrimaryNamespace): self.attributes['xmlns'] = v.uri elif isinstance(v, TagNamespace): self.attributes['xmlns:'+k] = v.uri v.namespace = k del kw[k] return Tag.__call__(self, **kw)
def startElementNS(self, ns_and_name, qname, attrs): filename = self.sourceFilename lineNumber = self.locator.getLineNumber() columnNumber = self.locator.getColumnNumber() ns, name = ns_and_name if ns == nevow.namespace: if name == 'invisible': name = '' elif name == 'slot': try: # Try to get the default value for the slot default = attrs[(None, 'default')] except KeyError: # If there wasn't one, then use None to indicate no # default. default = None el = slot( attrs[(None, 'name')], default=default, filename=filename, lineNumber=lineNumber, columnNumber=columnNumber) self.stack.append(el) self.current.append(el) self.current = el.children return attrs = dict(attrs) specials = {} attributes = self.attributeList directives = self.directiveMapping for k, v in list(attrs.items()): att_ns, nons = k if att_ns != nevow.namespace: continue if nons in directives: ## clean this up by making the names more consistent specials[directives[nons]] = directive(v) del attrs[k] if nons in attributes: specials[nons] = v del attrs[k] no_ns_attrs = {} for (attrNs, attrName), v in list(attrs.items()): nsPrefix = self.prefixMap.get(attrNs) if nsPrefix is None: no_ns_attrs[attrName] = v else: no_ns_attrs['%s:%s'%(nsPrefix,attrName)] = v if ns == nevow.namespace and name == 'attr': if not self.stack: # TODO: define a better exception for this? raise AssertionError( '<nevow:attr> as top-level element' ) if 'name' not in no_ns_attrs: # TODO: same here raise AssertionError( '<nevow:attr> requires a name attribute' ) el = Tag('', specials=specials, filename=filename, lineNumber=lineNumber, columnNumber=columnNumber) self.stack[-1].attributes[no_ns_attrs['name']] = el self.stack.append(el) self.current = el.children return # Apply any xmlns attributes if self.xmlnsAttrs: no_ns_attrs.update(dict(self.xmlnsAttrs)) self.xmlnsAttrs = [] # Add the prefix that was used in the parsed template for non-Nevow # namespaces (which Nevow will consume anyway). if ns != nevow.namespace and ns is not None: prefix = self.prefixMap[ns] if prefix is not None: name = '%s:%s' % (self.prefixMap[ns],name) el = Tag( name, attributes=dict(no_ns_attrs), specials=specials, filename=filename, lineNumber=lineNumber, columnNumber=columnNumber) self.stack.append(el) self.current.append(el) self.current = el.children
def xmlCountResults(count): """a made-up format for count query results""" return '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' + flat.flatten( Tag("sparql")(xmlns=RESULTS_NS, **{ 'xmlns:ext': EXTENDED_NS })[Tag("results")[Tag("ext:count")[count], ]])