Пример #1
 def stash_kw(self, job_id):
     Stash the kwargs and return the redis key.
     kw_key = "{}:{}".format(copy.copy(self.kw_prefix), job_id)
     kw = copy.copy(self.sous_chef_kwargs)
     rds.set(kw_key, obj_to_pickle(kw), ex=self.kw_ttl)
     return kw_key
Пример #2
 def stash_kw(self, job_id):
     Stash the kwargs and return the redis key.
     kw_key = "{}:{}".format(copy.copy(self.kw_prefix), job_id)
     kw = copy.copy(self.sous_chef_kwargs)
     rds.set(kw_key, obj_to_pickle(kw), ex=self.kw_ttl)
     return kw_key
Пример #3
def bulkload(data, **kw):
    Bulk Load any data.
    kw['src'] = kw.pop('q_src', kw.pop('src', None))
    if not kw['src']:
        raise ValueError('Missing src.')

    job_id = gen_uuid()

    # set queue defaults
    qkw = dict(
        queued=kw.pop('queued', True),
        timeout=kw.pop('q_timeout', 1000),
        serializer=kw.pop('q_serializer', 'json'),
        result_ttl=kw.pop('q_result_ttl', 60),
        kwargs_ttl=kw.pop('q_kwargs_ttl', 120),
        name=kw.pop('q_name', 'bulk'),
        max_workers=kw.pop('q_max_workers', MAX_WORKERS),
        job_key_fmt=kw.pop('q_job_key', 'rq:{src}:bulk:'.format(**kw)+"{}"),
        chunk_size=kw.pop('q_chunk_size', MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)
    kw.update({'queued': qkw.get('queued', True)})

    # if this is not a queued job, just run ingest.
    if not qkw.get('queued'):
        return ingest.source(data, **kw)

    q = queues.get(qkw.pop('name', 'bulk'))

    # store the data + kwargs in redis temporarily
    # this makes the enqueuing process much, much more
    # efficient by allowing us to only pass a single key
    # into the queue rather than a massive dump of data
    # however it also means that all kwargs must be
    # json serializable
    job_key = qkw['job_key_fmt'].format(job_id)
    job = {'data': data, 'kw': kw}

    if qkw['serializer'] == 'json':
        job = obj_to_json(job)

    elif qkw['serializer'] == 'pickle':
        job = obj_to_pickle(job)

    rds.set(job_key, job, ex=qkw['kwargs_ttl'])

    q.enqueue(bulkworker, job_id, **qkw)
    return job_id
Пример #4
def bulkload(data, **kw):
    Bulk Load any data.
    kw['src'] = kw.pop('q_src', kw.pop('src', None))
    if not kw['src']:
        raise ValueError('Missing src.')

    job_id = gen_uuid()

    # set queue defaults
    qkw = dict(queued=kw.pop('queued', True),
               timeout=kw.pop('q_timeout', 1000),
               serializer=kw.pop('q_serializer', 'json'),
               result_ttl=kw.pop('q_result_ttl', 60),
               kwargs_ttl=kw.pop('q_kwargs_ttl', 120),
               name=kw.pop('q_name', 'bulk'),
               max_workers=kw.pop('q_max_workers', MAX_WORKERS),
                                  'rq:{src}:bulk:'.format(**kw) + "{}"),
               chunk_size=kw.pop('q_chunk_size', MAX_CHUNK_SIZE))
    kw.update({'queued': qkw.get('queued', True)})

    # if this is not a queued job, just run ingest.
    if not qkw.get('queued'):
        return ingest.source(data, **kw)

    q = queues.get(qkw.pop('name', 'bulk'))

    # store the data + kwargs in redis temporarily
    # this makes the enqueuing process much, much more
    # efficient by allowing us to only pass a single key
    # into the queue rather than a massive dump of data
    # however it also means that all kwargs must be
    # json serializable
    job_key = qkw['job_key_fmt'].format(job_id)
    job = {'data': data, 'kw': kw}

    if qkw['serializer'] == 'json':
        job = obj_to_json(job)

    elif qkw['serializer'] == 'pickle':
        job = obj_to_pickle(job)

    rds.set(job_key, job, ex=qkw['kwargs_ttl'])

    q.enqueue(bulkworker, job_id, **qkw)
    return job_id