class Postcode(db.Model): """ Postcodes with coordinates, derived from the NSPL data. """ __tablename__ = "postcode" index = db.Column(db.VARCHAR(7), primary_key=True) text = db.Column(db.VARCHAR(8), index=True, unique=True, nullable=False) admin_area_ref = db.Column( db.VARCHAR(3), db.ForeignKey("admin_area.code", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True ) district_ref = db.Column( db.VARCHAR(3), db.ForeignKey("district.code", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True ) latitude = db.Column(db.Float, nullable=False) longitude = db.Column(db.Float, nullable=False) easting = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)) northing = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)) def __repr__(self): return f"<Postcode({self.text!r})>" def stops_in_range(self, *options): """ Returns a list of all stop points within range. :param options: Options for loading model instances, eg load_only :returns: List of StopPoint objects with distance attribute added and sorted. """ return StopPoint.in_range(self.latitude, self.longitude, *options)
class District(db.Model): """ NPTG district. """ __tablename__ = "district" code = db.Column(db.VARCHAR(3), primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, index=True) admin_area_ref = db.Column( db.VARCHAR(3), db.ForeignKey("admin_area.code", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True ) modified = db.deferred(db.Column(db.DateTime)) localities = db.relationship("Locality", backref="district", order_by="", lazy="raise") postcodes = db.relationship("Postcode", backref="district", order_by="Postcode.text", lazy="raise") def __repr__(self): return f"<District({self.code!r})>" def list_localities(self): """ Queries all localities containing active stops. """ query_local = ( Locality.query .filter(Locality.district_ref == self.code, Locality.stop_points.any( .order_by( ) return query_local.all()
class Operator(db.Model): """ Bus/metro service operator. """ __tablename__ = "operator" SPLIT_ADDRESS = re.compile(r"\s*,\s*") code = db.Column(db.Text, primary_key=True) region_ref = db.Column( db.VARCHAR(2), db.ForeignKey("region.code", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True ) name = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) mode = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=False, index=True ) licence_name = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True)) email = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Text), group="contacts") address = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Text), group="contacts") website = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Text), group="contacts") twitter = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Text), group="contacts") local_codes = db.relationship( "LocalOperator", backref=db.backref("operator", innerjoin=True, uselist=False), order_by="LocalOperator.code", lazy="raise" ) patterns = db.relationship( "JourneyPattern", backref=db.backref("operator", innerjoin=True, viewonly=True, uselist=False), secondary="local_operator", viewonly=True, lazy="raise" ) @property def split_address(self): if "address" not in db.inspect(self).unloaded: return self.SPLIT_ADDRESS.split(self.address) else: return None
class AdminArea(db.Model): """ NPTG administrative area. """ __tablename__ = "admin_area" code = db.Column(db.VARCHAR(3), primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, index=True) atco_code = db.deferred(db.Column(db.VARCHAR(3), unique=True, nullable=False)) region_ref = db.Column( db.VARCHAR(2), db.ForeignKey("region.code", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True ) is_live = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Boolean, default=True)) modified = db.deferred(db.Column(db.DateTime)) districts = db.relationship("District", backref="admin_area", order_by="", lazy="raise") localities = db.relationship("Locality", backref="admin_area", innerjoin=True, order_by="", lazy="raise") postcodes = db.relationship("Postcode", backref="admin_area", innerjoin=True, order_by="Postcode.text", lazy="raise") stop_points = db.relationship( "StopPoint", backref="admin_area", innerjoin=True, order_by=", StopPoint.short_ind", lazy="raise" ) stop_areas = db.relationship("StopArea", backref="admin_area", innerjoin=True, order_by="", lazy="raise") def __repr__(self): return f"<AdminArea({self.code!r})>" def list_localities(self): """ Queries all localities containing active stops. """ query_local = ( Locality.query .filter(Locality.admin_area_ref == self.code, Locality.stop_points.any( .order_by( ) return query_local.all()
class StopArea(db.Model): """ NaPTAN stop areas, eg bus interchanges. """ __tablename__ = "stop_area" code = db.Column(db.VARCHAR(12), primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, index=True) admin_area_ref = db.Column( db.VARCHAR(3), db.ForeignKey("admin_area.code", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True ) locality_ref = db.Column( db.VARCHAR(8), db.ForeignKey("locality.code", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True ) stop_area_type = db.Column(db.VARCHAR(4), nullable=False) active = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, index=True) latitude = db.Column(db.Float, nullable=False) longitude = db.Column(db.Float, nullable=False) easting = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)) northing = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)) modified = db.deferred(db.Column(db.DateTime)) # Number of stop points associated with this stop area stop_count = db.deferred([db.cast(db.func.count(), db.Text)]) .where((_stop_point.c.stop_area_ref == code) & .scalar_subquery() ) stop_points = db.relationship( "StopPoint", backref="stop_area", order_by=", StopPoint.short_ind", lazy="raise" ) def __repr__(self): return f"<StopArea({self.code!r})>"
class Region(db.Model): """ NPTG region. """ __tablename__ = "region" code = db.Column(db.VARCHAR(2), primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, index=True) modified = db.deferred(db.Column(db.DateTime)) areas = db.relationship("AdminArea", backref="region", innerjoin=True, order_by="", lazy="raise") patterns = db.relationship("JourneyPattern", backref="region", innerjoin=True, lazy="raise") def __repr__(self): return f"<Region({self.code!r})>"
class Service(db.Model): """ Service group. """ __tablename__ = "service" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False) code = db.Column(db.Text, index=True, nullable=True, unique=True) filename = db.Column(db.Text) line = db.Column(db.Text(collation="utf8_numeric"), nullable=False) description = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) short_description = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) mode = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=False, index=True ) # Get mode name for service mode_name = db.deferred([]) .where( == mode) .scalar_subquery() ) patterns = db.relationship("JourneyPattern", backref="service", innerjoin=True, lazy="raise") operators = db.relationship( "Operator", backref=db.backref("services", uselist=True, viewonly=True, order_by="Service.line, Service.description"), primaryjoin=" == JourneyPattern.service_ref", secondary="join(JourneyPattern, LocalOperator, " "(JourneyPattern.local_operator_ref == LocalOperator.code) & " "(JourneyPattern.region_ref == LocalOperator.region_ref))", secondaryjoin="LocalOperator.operator_ref == Operator.code", order_by="", viewonly=True, lazy="raise" ) regions = db.relationship( "Region", backref=db.backref("services", uselist=True, order_by="Service.line, Service.description"), primaryjoin=" == JourneyPattern.service_ref", secondary="journey_pattern", secondaryjoin="JourneyPattern.region_ref == Region.code", order_by="", lazy="raise" ) def has_mirror(self, selected=None): """ Checks directions for all patterns for a service and return the right one. :param selected: Direction initially selected. :returns: New direction based on initial direction or new one if no mirror exists, and boolean indicating a mirror exists. """ set_dir = {p.direction for p in self.patterns} if set_dir == {True, False}: reverse = bool(selected) if selected is not None else False has_mirror = True else: reverse = set_dir.pop() has_mirror = False return reverse, has_mirror def similar(self, direction=None, threshold=None): """ Find all services sharing stops with this service in a direction. :param direction: Service direction, or None to include both. :param threshold: Minimum similarity value, or None to include all. """ id_ = db.bindparam("id", similar0 = ( db.session.query(_pair.c.service0.label("id"), _pair.c.direction0.label("direction")) .filter(_pair.c.service1 == id_) ) similar1 = ( db.session.query(_pair.c.service1.label("id"), _pair.c.direction1.label("direction")) .filter(_pair.c.service0 == id_) ) if direction is not None: dir_ = db.bindparam("dir", direction) similar0 = similar0.filter(_pair.c.direction1 == dir_) similar1 = similar1.filter(_pair.c.direction0 == dir_) if threshold is not None: value = db.bindparam("threshold", threshold) similar0 = similar0.filter(_pair.c.similarity > value) similar1 = similar1.filter(_pair.c.similarity > value) service = db.aliased(Service, name="service") similar = db.union_all(similar0, similar1).alias() return ( db.session.query( service, JourneyPattern.direction, db.func.string_agg(JourneyPattern.origin.distinct(), ' / ') .label("origin"), db.func.string_agg(JourneyPattern.destination.distinct(), ' / ') .label("destination") ) .join(similar, == .join(JourneyPattern, ( == JourneyPattern.service_ref) & (similar.c.direction == JourneyPattern.direction)) .group_by(service, similar.c.direction, JourneyPattern.direction) .order_by(service.line, service.description, similar.c.direction) .all() )
class StopPoint(db.Model): """ NaPTAN stop points, eg bus stops. """ __tablename__ = "stop_point" atco_code = db.Column(db.VARCHAR(12), primary_key=True) naptan_code = db.Column(db.VARCHAR(9), index=True, unique=True, nullable=False) name = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, index=True) landmark = db.Column(db.Text) street = db.Column(db.Text) crossing = db.Column(db.Text) indicator = db.Column(db.Text, default="", nullable=False) short_ind = db.Column( db.Text(collation="utf8_numeric"), index=True, default="", nullable=False ) locality_ref = db.Column( db.VARCHAR(8), db.ForeignKey("locality.code", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True ) admin_area_ref = db.Column( db.VARCHAR(3), db.ForeignKey("admin_area.code", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True ) stop_area_ref = db.Column( db.VARCHAR(12), db.ForeignKey("stop_area.code", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True ) stop_type = db.Column(db.VARCHAR(3), nullable=False) active = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, index=True) bearing = db.Column(db.VARCHAR(2)) latitude = db.Column(db.Float, nullable=False, index=True) longitude = db.Column(db.Float, nullable=False, index=True) easting = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)) northing = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)) modified = db.deferred(db.Column(db.DateTime)) # Distinct list of lines serving this stop lines = db.deferred(_array_lines(atco_code)) locality = db.relationship("Locality", uselist=False, back_populates="stop_points", lazy="raise") other_stops = db.relationship( "StopPoint", primaryjoin=( db.foreign(stop_area_ref).isnot(None) & (db.remote(stop_area_ref) == db.foreign(stop_area_ref)) & (db.remote(atco_code) != db.foreign(atco_code)) & db.remote(active) ), uselist=True, order_by=", StopPoint.short_ind", lazy="raise" ) links = db.relationship("JourneyLink", backref="stop_point", lazy="raise") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Declared in case it needs to be defined for stops near a point distance = None def __repr__(self): if "atco_code" in self.__dict__: repr_text = f"<StopPoint(atco_code={self.atco_code!r})>" else: repr_text = f"<StopPoint(naptan_code={self.naptan_code!r})>" return repr_text @property def long_name(self): if self.indicator: return f"{} ({self.indicator})" else: return @classmethod def from_list(cls, list_naptan_codes): """ Finds all stops from a list of NaPTAN codes, ordered using the same list. :param list_naptan_codes: List of NaPTAN/SMS codes. :returns: Ordered list of StopPoint objects. """ if list_naptan_codes: def _stop_index(stop): return list_naptan_codes.index(stop.naptan_code) stops = ( cls.query .options(db.joinedload(cls.locality, innerjoin=True)) .filter(cls.naptan_code.in_(list_naptan_codes)) .all() ) stops.sort(key=_stop_index) else: stops = [] return stops @classmethod def within_box(cls, box, *options, active_only=True): """ Finds all stop points within a box with latitude and longitude coordinates for each side. :param box: BoundingBox object with north, east, south and west attributes :param options: Options for loading model instances, eg load_only :param active_only: Active stops only :returns: Unordered list of StopPoint objects """ query = cls.query if options: query = query.options(*options) if active_only: query = query.filter( try: nearby_stops = query.filter( db.between(cls.latitude, box.south, box.north), db.between(cls.longitude, box.west, box.east) ) except AttributeError: raise TypeError(f"Box {box!r} is not a valid BoundingBox object.") return nearby_stops.all() @classmethod def in_range(cls, latitude, longitude, *options, active_only=True): """ Finds stop points in range of lat/long coordinates. Returns an ordered list of stop points and their distances from said coordinates. :param latitude: Latitude of centre point :param longitude: Longitude of centre point :param options: Options for loading model instances, eg load_only :param active_only: Active stops only :returns: List of StopPoint objects with distance attribute added and sorted. """ box = location.bounding_box(latitude, longitude, MAX_DIST) nearby_stops = cls.within_box(box, *options, active_only=active_only) stops = [] for stop in nearby_stops: dist = location.get_distance((latitude, longitude), (stop.latitude, stop.longitude)) if dist < MAX_DIST: stop.distance = dist stops.append(stop) return sorted(stops, key=lambda s: s.distance) def to_geojson(self): """ Outputs stop point data in GeoJSON format. :returns: JSON-serializable dict. """ geojson = { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [self.longitude, self.latitude] }, "properties": { "atcoCode": self.atco_code, "smsCode": self.naptan_code, "title": self.long_name, "name":, "indicator": self.short_ind, "street": self.street, "bearing": self.bearing, "stopType": self.stop_type, "locality":, "adminAreaRef": self.admin_area_ref, } } return geojson def get_services(self): """ Queries and returns two datasets for services and operators at this stoplist including the origin and destination of these services, grouped by service ID and direction. Services are also checked for whether they terminate at this stop or not. Operators are returned as a dict of local operator codes and operator names. """ # Checks if associated link is not last in sequence link = db.aliased(JourneyLink) next_link = ( db.session.query( .filter(link.pattern_ref == JourneyLink.pattern_ref, link.sequence == JourneyLink.sequence + 1) .as_scalar() ) # Give service instance name in keyed tuple object service = db.aliased(Service, name="service") operator = pg.array(( LocalOperator.code, db.func.coalesce(, )) query_services = ( db.session.query( service, JourneyPattern.direction, db.func.string_agg(JourneyPattern.origin.distinct(), ' / ') .label("origin"), db.func.string_agg(JourneyPattern.destination.distinct(), ' / ') .label("destination"), (db.func.count(next_link) == 0).label("terminates"), pg.array_agg(db.distinct(operator)).label("operators") ) .join(service.patterns) .join(JourneyPattern.links) .join(JourneyPattern.local_operator) .outerjoin(LocalOperator.operator) .filter(JourneyLink.stop_point_ref == self.atco_code) .group_by(, JourneyPattern.direction) .order_by(service.line, service.description, JourneyPattern.direction) ) services = query_services.all() operators = {} for sv in services: operators.update(sv.operators) return services, operators def to_full_json(self): """ Produces full data for stop point in JSON format, including services and locality data. """ services, operators = self.get_services() json = { "atcoCode": self.atco_code, "smsCode": self.naptan_code, "title": self.long_name, "name":, "indicator": self.short_ind, "street": self.street, "crossing": self.crossing, "landmark": self.landmark, "bearing": self.bearing, "stopType": self.stop_type, "adminAreaRef": self.admin_area_ref, "latitude": self.latitude, "longitude": self.longitude, "active":, "adminArea": { "code": self.admin_area.code, "name":, }, "district": { "code": self.locality.district.code, "name":, } if self.locality.district is not None else None, "locality": { "code": self.locality.code, "name":, }, "services": [{ "code": s.service.code, "shortDescription": s.service.short_description, "line": s.service.line, "direction": "inbound" if s.direction else "outbound", "reverse": s.direction, "origin": s.origin, "destination": s.destination, "terminates": s.terminates, "operatorCodes": list(operators) } for s in services], "operators": [{ "code": code, "name": name } for code, name in operators.items()] } return json
class Locality(db.Model): """ NPTG locality. """ __tablename__ = "locality" code = db.Column(db.VARCHAR(8), primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, index=True) parent_ref = db.deferred(db.Column(db.VARCHAR(8), index=True)) admin_area_ref = db.Column( db.VARCHAR(3), db.ForeignKey("admin_area.code", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True ) district_ref = db.Column(db.VARCHAR(3), db.ForeignKey("district.code", ondelete="CASCADE"), index=True) latitude = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Float, nullable=False), group="coordinates") longitude = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Float, nullable=False), group="coordinates") easting = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)) northing = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)) modified = db.deferred(db.Column(db.DateTime)) stop_points = db.relationship( "StopPoint", order_by=", StopPoint.short_ind", back_populates="locality", lazy="raise" ) stop_areas = db.relationship("StopArea", backref="locality", order_by="", lazy="raise") def __repr__(self): return f"<Locality({self.code!r})>" def list_stops(self, group_areas=True): """ Queries all stop areas and stop points (those not already in stop areas) within locality, ordered by name and indicator. :param group_areas: Consolidate stops into stop areas. """ stops = ( db.session.query( utils.table_name(StopPoint).label("table_name"), StopPoint.atco_code.label("code"),"name"), StopPoint.short_ind.label("short_ind"), StopPoint.admin_area_ref.label("admin_area_ref"), StopPoint.stop_type.label("stop_type"), StopArea.code.label("stop_area_ref") ) .select_from(StopPoint) .outerjoin( StopArea, (StopPoint.stop_area_ref == StopArea.code) & ) .filter(StopPoint.locality_ref == self.code, ) if group_areas: stops_outside_areas = stops.filter( StopPoint.stop_area_ref.is_(None) | db.not_( | (StopArea.locality_ref != self.code) ) stop_areas = ( db.session.query( utils.table_name(StopArea).label("table_name"), StopArea.code.label("code"),"name"), StopArea.stop_count.label("short_ind"), StopArea.admin_area_ref.label("admin_area_ref"), StopArea.stop_area_type.label("stop_type"), db.literal_column("NULL").label("stop_area_ref") ) .join(StopArea.stop_points) .group_by(StopArea.code) .filter(StopArea.locality_ref == self.code, ) subquery = stops_outside_areas.union(stop_areas).subquery() query = ( db.session.query(subquery) .order_by(, subquery.c.short_ind) ) else: query = stops.order_by(, StopPoint.short_ind) return query.all()
class Journey(db.Model): """ Individual vehicle journey for a service. Calculating the run times for a journey requires joining journey pattern links multiple times which can be computationally and memory-intensive. Use a JSONB column to store this data after population. """ __tablename__ = "journey" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False) pattern_ref = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False, index=True ) start_run = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=True, index=True ) end_run = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=True, index=True ) departure = db.Column(db.Time, nullable=False) # Add frequency? # Use bitwise operators for ISO day of week (1-7) and week of month (0-4) days = db.Column(db.SmallInteger, db.CheckConstraint("days < 256"), nullable=False) weeks = db.Column(db.SmallInteger, db.CheckConstraint("weeks < 32")) # Include and exclude bank holidays with bit arrays include_holidays = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) exclude_holidays = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) note_code = db.Column(db.Text) note_text = db.Column(db.Text) data = db.deferred(db.Column(pg.JSONB, nullable=True)) include_holiday_dates = db.relationship( "BankHolidayDate", foreign_keys=[include_holidays], primaryjoin="Journey.include_holidays.op('&', is_comparison=True)(" "literal(1).op('<<')(BankHolidayDate.holiday_ref)) > 0", viewonly=True, lazy="raise" ) exclude_holiday_dates = db.relationship( "BankHolidayDate", foreign_keys=[exclude_holidays], primaryjoin="Journey.exclude_holidays.op('&', is_comparison=True)(" "literal(1).op('<<')(BankHolidayDate.holiday_ref)) > 0", viewonly=True, lazy="raise" ) special_days = db.relationship("SpecialPeriod", backref="journey", lazy="raise") @classmethod def record_set(cls, column=None): """ Get the defined record set from the JSON data in the links column. """ return ( db.func.jsonb_to_recordset(column or .table_valued( db.column("stop_point_ref", db.Text), db.column("timing_point", db.Boolean), db.column("stopping", db.Boolean), db.column("sequence", db.Integer), db.column("arrive", db.Interval), db.column("depart", db.Interval) ) .render_derived("data", with_types=True) )