Пример #1
	def __get_field_value(self, field, klass, child, id, i):
		if isinstance(field.type, (tuple, list, set, frozenset)):
			value = self.__convert_list(klass, i, child, id, field)
		elif issubclass(field.type, Entity):
				value = self.__convert_entity(klass, child, id, field)
			except AttributeError, e:
				self.logger.exception("Unexpected error %s while unserializing %s" % (repr(e), tostring(child)))
Пример #2
	def __unserialize_entity(self, klass, child, expect, i):
		#self.logger.debug("__unserialize_entity %s %s %s %s" % (klass, child, expect, i))
		if expect != child.tag:
			raise Surprised("expected %s but list contained %s (%s)" % (expect, child.tag, tostring(child)))
			id = int(child.get("id"))
		except (TypeError, ValueError):
			raise Surprised("Illegal id at element %s: %s" % (i, child.get("id")))
		values = {}
		for field in klass.get_fields():
			values[field.name] = self.__get_field_value(field, klass, child, id, i)
		#self.logger.debug("__unserialize_entity out %s %s %s" % (klass, id, values))
		return id, values
Пример #3
	def serialize(self, e, pretty_print = True):
		assert isinstance(e, Entity)
		name = self.__get_tagname(e) + "Instance"
		parent = Element(name)
		for k, v in e._get_fields().iteritems():
			if not v and v not in (0, False):
				SubElement(parent, k)
			elif isinstance(v, (tuple, set, list, frozenset)):
				for v2 in v:
					assert isinstance(v2, Entity)
					self.__append_entity(parent, k, v2, e.__class__)
				if isinstance(v, Entity):
					self.__append_entity(parent, k, v, e.__class__)
					child = SubElement(parent, k)
					child.text = unicode(v)			
		return tostring(parent, pretty_print = pretty_print)
Пример #4
	def __convert_entity(self, klass, child, id, field):
		element = self.__get_element_by_tagname(klass, child, id, field)
		if element is None:
			if field.name == "configParamAtomic":
				element = child.find("configurationParametersAtomic")
				if element is not None:
					return self.__convert_entity(klass, element, id, field)
			return None
		expect = field.type
		value = element.get("id")

		if not value and len(element):
			if len(element) > 1:
				self.logger.warn("Found more than one of child of %s for %s-%d in %s" % (field.name, klass, id, tostring(element)))
			value = element[0].get("id")
		if value:
				cid = int(value)
			except (TypeError, ValueError):
				raise Surprised("illegal value for id on attribute %s: %s (%s)" % (field.name, value, tostring(element)))
				#print ("get", expect, value)
					if klass is expect:
						value = self.__repo._get_entity_unlocked(expect, cid)
							#raise Exception(expect, cid)
						value = self.__repo._get_entity(expect, cid)
				except NoEntityFound, e:
					self.logger.exception("Could not find referenced element %s for %s-%d in %s" % (field.name, klass, id, tostring(element)))
					raise Surprised(e)
			except Exception, e:
				if expect is ConfigParamComposite:
					#self.logger.info("Was looking for ConfigParamComposite now trying ConfigParamAtomic")
					value = self.__repo._get_entity(ConfigParamAtomic, cid)
					#self.logger.warn("ConfigParamAtomic found where ConfigParamComposite was expected. This is an error in the repo's structure. I'll try to fix things for you.")
					comp = ConfigParamComposite( fields = { "commonName": u"autogenerated-%d" % (value.id, ), "description": u"" })
					comp.configParams = [ value ]
					return comp
				self.logger.exception("error while getting %s-%s (id=%s) for %s-%s.%s: '%s' (%s)" % (field.type, value, value, klass, id, field.name, repr(e), tostring(element)))
Пример #5
	def __convert_list(self, klass, i, child, parentid, field):
		assert child is not None, "None passed as child for __convert_list"
		#self.logger.debug("__convert_list %s %s", klass, field)
		node = self.__get_element_by_tagname(klass, child, parentid, field)
		#self.logger.debug("found child: %s" % (node, ))
		if node is None:			
			raise Surprised("list attribute not found for %s-%s: %s (%s)" % (klass.__name__, parentid, field.name, tostring(child)))

		#print("__convert_list: %s %s %s %s %s" % (klass, i, child, parentid, field))

		infos = [(element.tag, element.get("id")) for element in node]
		#self.logger.debug("have nfos %s " % (infos, ))

			infos = [(name, int(id)) for name, id in infos]
		except (ValueError, TypeError):
			raise Surprised("Illegal id '%s' in %s on element %d of %s-%d (%s - %s)" % (id, field.name, i, klass.__name__, parentid, infos, tostring(child)))
		#self.logger.debug("__convert_list call %s %s", klass, infos)
		list = []
		for name, id in infos:
				list.append(self.__repo._get_entity(klass = memklass, id=id))
			except NoEntityFound:
				self.logger.exception("referenced entity not found when unserializing attribute %s of %s-%s: %s-%s" % (field.name, klass.__name__, parentid, memklass.__name__, id))
				raise Surprised("referenced entity not found when unserializing attribute %s of %s-%s: %s-%s" % (field.name, klass.__name__, parentid, memklass.__name__, id))
		#self.logger.debug("__convert_list %s %s", klass, infos)
		return list
Пример #6
		elif issubclass(field.type, Entity):
				value = self.__convert_entity(klass, child, id, field)
			except AttributeError, e:
				self.logger.exception("Unexpected error %s while unserializing %s" % (repr(e), tostring(child)))
			value = self.__get_text(child, field.name)
			if value is not None:
				if issubclass(field.type, bool):
					value = value.lower() not in ( "", "false", "f", "no", "0" )
						value = field.type(value)
					except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
						raise Surprised("illegal value for attribute %s (%s): %s (%s, %s, %s)" % (field.name, field.type, value, repr(e), type(value), tostring(child)))
		if value is None:
			if not field.nullable:
				if ((field.default is None and not isinstance(field.type, type)) or not field.coerce_none):
					raise Surprised(("attribute %s not found on element %d (id=%d - %s)" % (field.name, i, id, tostring(child))))
				#self.logger.warn("attribute %s not found on element %d (id=%d) %s %s" % (field.name, i, id, field.default, field.coerce_none))

			value = field.get_default_value()
			#if value is not None:
				#self.logger.debug("Coercing to %s" % (value, ))
		elif field.enum is not None and value not in field.enum:
			if field.name == "configParamType":
				if value == "int":
					value = "integer"
				elif value == "BOOLEAN":