Пример #1
def _arrange_data_in_bins(bins_data, bin_edges):
    Given bins data, as it comes from :func:`_collect_bins_data`, and bin edges
    from :func:`_define_bins`, create a normalized 6d disaggregation matrix.
    mags, dists, lons, lats, joint_probs, tect_reg_types, trt_bins = bins_data
    mag_bins, dist_bins, lon_bins, lat_bins, eps_bins, trt_bins = bin_edges
    shape = (len(mag_bins) - 1, len(dist_bins) - 1, len(lon_bins) - 1,
             len(lat_bins) - 1, len(eps_bins) - 1, len(trt_bins))
    diss_matrix = numpy.zeros(shape)

    for i_mag in xrange(len(mag_bins) - 1):
        mag_idx = mags <= mag_bins[i_mag + 1]
        if i_mag != 0:
            mag_idx &= mags > mag_bins[i_mag]

        for i_dist in xrange(len(dist_bins) - 1):
            dist_idx = dists <= dist_bins[i_dist + 1]
            if i_dist != 0:
                dist_idx &= dists > dist_bins[i_dist]

            for i_lon in xrange(len(lon_bins) - 1):
                extents = get_longitudinal_extent(lons, lon_bins[i_lon + 1])
                lon_idx = extents >= 0
                if i_lon != 0:
                    extents = get_longitudinal_extent(lon_bins[i_lon], lons)
                    lon_idx &= extents > 0

                for i_lat in xrange(len(lat_bins) - 1):
                    lat_idx = lats <= lat_bins[i_lat + 1]
                    if i_lat != 0:
                        lat_idx &= lats > lat_bins[i_lat]

                    for i_eps in xrange(len(eps_bins) - 1):

                        for i_trt in xrange(len(trt_bins)):
                            trt_idx = tect_reg_types == i_trt

                            prob_idx = mag_idx & dist_idx & lon_idx \
                                       & lat_idx & trt_idx
                            diss_idx = i_mag, i_dist, i_lon, \
                                       i_lat, i_eps, i_trt

                            diss_matrix[diss_idx] = numpy.sum(
                                joint_probs[prob_idx, i_eps]

    diss_matrix /= numpy.sum(diss_matrix)

    return diss_matrix
Пример #2
def _arrange_data_in_bins(bins_data, bin_edges):
    Given bins data, as it comes from :func:`_collect_bins_data`, and bin edges
    from :func:`_define_bins`, create a normalized 6d disaggregation matrix.
    mags, dists, lons, lats, joint_probs, tect_reg_types, trt_bins = bins_data
    mag_bins, dist_bins, lon_bins, lat_bins, eps_bins, trt_bins = bin_edges
    shape = (len(mag_bins) - 1, len(dist_bins) - 1, len(lon_bins) - 1,
             len(lat_bins) - 1, len(eps_bins) - 1, len(trt_bins))
    diss_matrix = numpy.zeros(shape)

    for i_mag in xrange(len(mag_bins) - 1):
        mag_idx = mags <= mag_bins[i_mag + 1]
        if i_mag != 0:
            mag_idx &= mags > mag_bins[i_mag]

        for i_dist in xrange(len(dist_bins) - 1):
            dist_idx = dists <= dist_bins[i_dist + 1]
            if i_dist != 0:
                dist_idx &= dists > dist_bins[i_dist]

            for i_lon in xrange(len(lon_bins) - 1):
                extents = get_longitudinal_extent(lons, lon_bins[i_lon + 1])
                lon_idx = extents >= 0
                if i_lon != 0:
                    extents = get_longitudinal_extent(lon_bins[i_lon], lons)
                    lon_idx &= extents > 0

                for i_lat in xrange(len(lat_bins) - 1):
                    lat_idx = lats <= lat_bins[i_lat + 1]
                    if i_lat != 0:
                        lat_idx &= lats > lat_bins[i_lat]

                    for i_eps in xrange(len(eps_bins) - 1):

                        for i_trt in xrange(len(trt_bins)):
                            trt_idx = tect_reg_types == i_trt

                            prob_idx = mag_idx & dist_idx & lon_idx \
                                       & lat_idx & trt_idx
                            diss_idx = i_mag, i_dist, i_lon, \
                                       i_lat, i_eps, i_trt

                            diss_matrix[diss_idx] = numpy.sum(
                                joint_probs[prob_idx, i_eps])

    diss_matrix /= numpy.sum(diss_matrix)

    return diss_matrix
Пример #3
    def test_polygon_on_international_date_line(self):
        MESH_SPACING = 10
        bl = geo.Point(177, 40)
        bml = geo.Point(179, 40)
        bmr = geo.Point(-179, 40)
        br = geo.Point(-177, 40)
        tr = geo.Point(-177, 43)
        tmr = geo.Point(-179, 43)
        tml = geo.Point(179, 43)
        tl = geo.Point(177, 43)
        poly = geo.Polygon([bl, bml, bmr, br, tr, tmr, tml, tl])
        mesh = list(poly.discretize(mesh_spacing=MESH_SPACING))

        west = east = mesh[0]
        for point in mesh:
            if geo_utils.get_longitudinal_extent(point.longitude,
                                                 west.longitude) > 0:
                west = point
            if geo_utils.get_longitudinal_extent(point.longitude,
                                                 east.longitude) < 0:
                east = point

        self.assertLess(west.longitude, 177.15)
        self.assertGreater(east.longitude, -177.15)
Пример #4
    def test_polygon_on_international_date_line(self):
        MESH_SPACING = 10
        bl = geo.Point(177, 40)
        bml = geo.Point(179, 40)
        bmr = geo.Point(-179, 40)
        br = geo.Point(-177, 40)
        tr = geo.Point(-177, 43)
        tmr = geo.Point(-179, 43)
        tml = geo.Point(179, 43)
        tl = geo.Point(177, 43)
        poly = geo.Polygon([bl, bml, bmr, br, tr, tmr, tml, tl])
        mesh = list(poly.discretize(mesh_spacing=MESH_SPACING))

        west = east = mesh[0]
        for point in mesh:
            if geo_utils.get_longitudinal_extent(point.longitude,
                                                 west.longitude) > 0:
                west = point
            if geo_utils.get_longitudinal_extent(point.longitude,
                                                 east.longitude) < 0:
                east = point

        self.assertLess(west.longitude, 177.15)
        self.assertGreater(east.longitude, -177.15)
Пример #5
    def discretize(self, mesh_spacing):
        Get a mesh of uniformly spaced points inside the polygon area
        with distance of ``mesh_spacing`` km between.

            An instance of :class:`~nhlib.geo.mesh.Mesh` that holds
            the points data. Mesh is created with no depth information
            (all the points are on the Earth surface).

        west, east, north, south = self._bbox

        lons = []
        lats = []

        # we cover the bounding box (in spherical coordinates) from highest
        # to lowest latitude and from left to right by longitude. we step
        # by mesh spacing distance (linear measure). we check each point
        # if it is inside the polygon and yield the point object, if so.
        # this way we produce an uniformly-spaced mesh regardless of the
        # latitude.
        latitude = north
        while latitude > south:
            longitude = west
            while utils.get_longitudinal_extent(longitude, east) > 0:
                # we use Cartesian space just for checking if a point
                # is inside of the polygon.
                x, y = self._projection(longitude, latitude)
                if self._polygon2d.contains(shapely.geometry.Point(x, y)):

                # move by mesh spacing along parallel...
                longitude, _, = geodetic.point_at(longitude, latitude, 90,
            # ... and by the same distance along meridian in outer one
            _, latitude = geodetic.point_at(west, latitude, 180, mesh_spacing)

        lons = numpy.array(lons)
        lats = numpy.array(lats)

        return Mesh(lons, lats, depths=None)
Пример #6
    def discretize(self, mesh_spacing):
        Get a mesh of uniformly spaced points inside the polygon area
        with distance of ``mesh_spacing`` km between.

            An instance of :class:`~nhlib.geo.mesh.Mesh` that holds
            the points data. Mesh is created with no depth information
            (all the points are on the Earth surface).

        west, east, north, south = self._bbox

        lons = []
        lats = []

        # we cover the bounding box (in spherical coordinates) from highest
        # to lowest latitude and from left to right by longitude. we step
        # by mesh spacing distance (linear measure). we check each point
        # if it is inside the polygon and yield the point object, if so.
        # this way we produce an uniformly-spaced mesh regardless of the
        # latitude.
        latitude = north
        while latitude > south:
            longitude = west
            while utils.get_longitudinal_extent(longitude, east) > 0:
                # we use Cartesian space just for checking if a point
                # is inside of the polygon.
                x, y = self._projection(longitude, latitude)
                if self._polygon2d.contains(shapely.geometry.Point(x, y)):

                # move by mesh spacing along parallel...
                longitude, _, = geodetic.point_at(longitude, latitude,
                                                  90, mesh_spacing)
            # ... and by the same distance along meridian in outer one
            _, latitude = geodetic.point_at(west, latitude, 180, mesh_spacing)

        lons = numpy.array(lons)
        lats = numpy.array(lats)

        return Mesh(lons, lats, depths=None)
Пример #7
def _define_bins(bins_data, mag_bin_width, dist_bin_width,
                 coord_bin_width, truncation_level, n_epsilons):
    Define bin edges for disaggregation histograms.

    Given bins data as provided by :func:`_collect_bins_data`, this function
    finds edges of histograms, taking into account maximum and minimum values
    of magnitude, distance and coordinates as well as requested sizes/numbers
    of bins.
    mags, dists, lons, lats, _joint_probs, tect_reg_types, trt_bins = bins_data

    mag_bins = mag_bin_width * numpy.arange(
        int(numpy.floor(mags.min() / mag_bin_width)),
        int(numpy.ceil(mags.max() / mag_bin_width) + 1)

    dist_bins = dist_bin_width * numpy.arange(
        int(numpy.floor(dists.min() / dist_bin_width)),
        int(numpy.ceil(dists.max() / dist_bin_width) + 1)

    west, east, north, south = get_spherical_bounding_box(lons, lats)
    west = numpy.floor(west / coord_bin_width) * coord_bin_width
    east = numpy.ceil(east / coord_bin_width) * coord_bin_width
    lon_extent = get_longitudinal_extent(west, east)
    lon_bins, _, _ = npoints_between(
        west, 0, 0, east, 0, 0,
        numpy.round(lon_extent / coord_bin_width) + 1

    lat_bins = coord_bin_width * numpy.arange(
        int(numpy.floor(south / coord_bin_width)),
        int(numpy.ceil(north / coord_bin_width) + 1)

    eps_bins = numpy.linspace(-truncation_level, truncation_level,
                              n_epsilons + 1)

    return mag_bins, dist_bins, lon_bins, lat_bins, eps_bins, trt_bins
Пример #8
def _define_bins(bins_data, mag_bin_width, dist_bin_width, coord_bin_width,
                 truncation_level, n_epsilons):
    Define bin edges for disaggregation histograms.

    Given bins data as provided by :func:`_collect_bins_data`, this function
    finds edges of histograms, taking into account maximum and minimum values
    of magnitude, distance and coordinates as well as requested sizes/numbers
    of bins.
    mags, dists, lons, lats, _joint_probs, tect_reg_types, trt_bins = bins_data

    mag_bins = mag_bin_width * numpy.arange(
        int(numpy.floor(mags.min() / mag_bin_width)),
        int(numpy.ceil(mags.max() / mag_bin_width) + 1))

    dist_bins = dist_bin_width * numpy.arange(
        int(numpy.floor(dists.min() / dist_bin_width)),
        int(numpy.ceil(dists.max() / dist_bin_width) + 1))

    west, east, north, south = get_spherical_bounding_box(lons, lats)
    west = numpy.floor(west / coord_bin_width) * coord_bin_width
    east = numpy.ceil(east / coord_bin_width) * coord_bin_width
    lon_extent = get_longitudinal_extent(west, east)
    lon_bins, _, _ = npoints_between(
        west, 0, 0, east, 0, 0,
        numpy.round(lon_extent / coord_bin_width) + 1)

    lat_bins = coord_bin_width * numpy.arange(
        int(numpy.floor(south / coord_bin_width)),
        int(numpy.ceil(north / coord_bin_width) + 1))

    eps_bins = numpy.linspace(-truncation_level, truncation_level,
                              n_epsilons + 1)

    return mag_bins, dist_bins, lon_bins, lat_bins, eps_bins, trt_bins
Пример #9
    def test_international_date_line(self):
        self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(-178.3, 177.7), -4)
        self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(177.7, -178.3), 4)

        self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(95, -180 + 94), 179)
        self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(95, -180 + 96), -179)
Пример #10
 def test_negative(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(20, 10), -10)
     self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(-10, -15), -5)
Пример #11
 def test_positive(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(10, 20), 10)
     self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(-120, 30), 150)
Пример #12
    def test_international_date_line(self):
        self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(-178.3, 177.7), -4)
        self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(177.7, -178.3), 4)

        self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(95, -180 + 94), 179)
        self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(95, -180 + 96), -179)
Пример #13
 def test_negative(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(20, 10), -10)
     self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(-10, -15), -5)
Пример #14
 def test_positive(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(10, 20), 10)
     self.assertEqual(utils.get_longitudinal_extent(-120, 30), 150)