Пример #1
def validate_dicom(fl, dcmfilter):
    Parse DICOM attributes. Returns None if not valid.
    mw = dw.wrapper_from_file(fl, force=True, stop_before_pixels=True)
    # clean series signature
    for sig in ('iop', 'ICE_Dims', 'SequenceName'):
            del mw.series_signature[sig]
        except KeyError:
    # Workaround for protocol name in private siemens csa header
    if not getattr(mw.dcm_data, 'ProtocolName', '').strip():
        mw.dcm_data.ProtocolName = parse_private_csa_header(
            mw.dcm_data, 'ProtocolName', 'tProtocolName') if mw.is_csa else ''
        series_id = (int(mw.dcm_data.SeriesNumber), mw.dcm_data.ProtocolName)
    except AttributeError as e:
        lgr.warning('Ignoring %s since not quite a "normal" DICOM: %s', fl, e)
    if dcmfilter is not None and dcmfilter(mw.dcm_data):
        lgr.warning("Ignoring %s because of DICOM filter", fl)
    if mw.dcm_data[0x0008, 0x0016].repval in (
            'Raw Data Storage', 'GrayscaleSoftcopyPresentationStateStorage'):
        file_studyUID = mw.dcm_data.StudyInstanceUID
    except AttributeError:
        lgr.info("File {} is missing any StudyInstanceUID".format(fl))
        file_studyUID = None
    return mw, series_id, file_studyUID
Пример #2
def infotoids(seqinfos, outdir):

    seqinfo = next(seqinfos.__iter__())
    ex_dcm = nb_dw.wrapper_from_file(seqinfo.example_dcm_file_path)

    # pi = str(ex_dcm.dcm_data.ReferringPhysicianName)
    pi = str(seqinfo.referring_physician_name)
    # study_name = str(ex_dcm.dcm_data.StudyDescription)
    study_name = str(seqinfo.study_description)

    patient_name = str(ex_dcm.dcm_data.PatientName)

    study_path = study_name.split("^")

    rema = re.match("(([^_]*)_)?(([^_]*)_)?p([0-9]*)_([a-z]*)([0-9]*)",

    locator = os.path.join(pi, *study_path)

    study_name = rema.group(1)
    sub_study_name = rema.group(3)
    subject_id = rema.group(5)
    session_type = rema.group(6)
    session_id = rema.group(7)

    return {
        "locator": locator,
        # Sessions to be deduced yet from the names etc TODO
        "session": session_id,
        "subject": subject_id,
def nki_pre_preprocess(root_dir, path_of_interest, extraction_bool,

    ##take as command line argument the directory/list of .dcm files
    #output directory as a command line argument
    #specific to our case only,
    if extraction_bool:
        with zipfile.ZipFile(path_of_interest, 'r') as zip_ref:
        created_files = os.listdir(dir_to_be_extracted)
        #os.rename('/mnt/project1/data/fMRI/raw/nki-rs/nanditha/nki', '/mnt/project1/data/fMRI/raw/nki-rs/nanditha/nki_{0}'.format(path_of_interest[51]+path_of_interest[52]+path_of_interest[53]))

#     except zipfile.BadZipfile:
#            pass
        created_files = os.listdir(root_dir)

    list_of_timings = []
    count = 0
    paths = []
    for created_file in created_files:
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(created_file):
            #if not os.path.exists('{0}/slice_timings.txt'.format(dirpath)):
            for files in filenames:
                if files.endswith('.dcm'):
                    file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, files)
                    a = nnd.wrapper_from_file(file_path)
                    imp = a.csa_header['tags']['MosaicRefAcqTimes']
                    list_of_timings = imp['items']
                    with open('{0}/slice_timings.txt'.format(dirpath),
                              'w') as f:
                        for elem in list_of_timings:
                            f.write("%s\n" % elem)
                    count += 1
    paths = set(paths)
    paths = (list(paths))
    for i in range(len(paths)):
        source = paths[i]
        dcm_to_nii = nipype.interfaces.dcm2nii.Dcm2niix()
        dcm_to_nii.inputs.source_dir = source
        dcm_to_nii.inputs.bids_format = True
        dcm_to_nii.inputs.output_dir = source
    if memory_control_bool:
        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(created_file):
            for files in filenames:
                if files.endswith('.dcm'):
                    file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, files)
Пример #4
def test_read_single():
    """Test reading a single combined DICOM
    test_file = 'tests/data/siemens/3/S8457LTU_2_3_00001_00001_173218510000__1263534865.dcm'
    data_file = siemens.Siemens(test_file)
    svs_file = data_file.get_svsdata()

    data_dir = siemens.Siemens('tests/data/siemens/3')
    svs_dir = data_dir.get_svsdata()

    # is it the right size?
    assert data_file.data.shape == data_dir.data.shape == (1, 1, 1, 1, 2048)

    dcm = dcmwrapper.wrapper_from_file(test_file)
    packed = dcm.get((0x7fe1, 0x1010)).value
    data = struct.unpack("<%df" % (len(packed) / 4), packed)
    cmplx = [data[i]+data[i+1]*1j for i in range(0, len(data), 2)]

    assert (data_file.data == np.conj(cmplx)).all()
    assert (data_file.data == data_dir.data).all()
Пример #5
    def walk_path(self, base_dir):
        # walk through all sub-folders
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir):

            if len(files) > 1:

                # pool multi-file images
                all_files = [self.dicom_regex.match(i).group('File') for i in files]

                all_extensions = [self.dicom_regex.match(i).group('Ext') for i in files]
                duplicates = set([x for x in all_files if all_files.count(x) > 1])

                if len(duplicates) > 0:
                    for dup in duplicates:
                        if dup is not None:
                            same = list(map(lambda x: (x.startswith(dup)), files))
                            ext = set([x for (x, v) in zip(all_extensions, same) if v])

                            # validate that all files have same extension
                            if len(ext) == 1:
                                str_nbr = ([(self.dicom_regex.match(i).group('Nbr')) for (i, v) in zip(files, same) if v])
                                i_nbr = [int(x) for x in str_nbr]

                                # remove matching file-names from the files list
                                files = [i for (i, v) in zip(files, same) if not v]
                                all_extensions = [i for (i, v) in zip(all_extensions, same) if not v]
                                files.append(dup + str_nbr[i_nbr.index(min(i_nbr))] + list(ext)[0])
                                # files.append(dup + '[' + str_nbr[i_nbr.index(min(i_nbr))] + '-' + str_nbr[
                                #    i_nbr.index(max(i_nbr))] + ']' + list(ext)[0])

            for file in files:
                # get file extension
                file_ext = ''.join(pathlib.Path(file).suffixes)
                file_name = file.replace(file_ext, '')

                files_to_append = []
                formats_to_append = []

                # no file extension, but DICOMDIR
                if file_ext.lower() in ['.dcm', ''] and file_name.upper() in ['DICOMDIR'] or \
                        file_name[0:3].upper() in ['KEY']:
                    wrapper = dicom_wrap.wrapper_from_file(os.path.join(root, file))
                    temp_dicom = dict()
                    for temp in wrapper.dcm_data.DirectoryRecordSequence._list:
                        if temp.DirectoryRecordType == 'IMAGE':
                            match = dicom_regex.match(os.path.join(root, *temp.ReferencedFileID))
                            if match.group('File') not in temp_dicom and match.group('File') is not None:
                                temp_dicom[match.group('File')] = [int(match.group('Nbr')), match.group('Ext')]
                            elif match.group('File') in temp_dicom and int(match.group('Nbr')) > \
                                temp_dicom[match.group('File')] = [int(match.group('Nbr')), match.group('Ext')]
                    files_to_append = []
                    formats_to_append = []
                    for keys, values in temp_dicom.items():
                # DICOM file
                elif file_ext.lower() in ['.dcm', '']:

                    # validate dicom format
                    invalid = False
                        dicom_wrap.wrapper_from_file(os.path.join(root, file))
                        invalid = True

                    if not invalid:
                        files_to_append = [os.path.join(root, file)]
                        formats_to_append = ['dicom']

                # nifti or compressed nifti
                elif file_ext.lower() in ['.nii', '.nii.gz']:
                    files_to_append = [os.path.join(root, file)]
                    formats_to_append = ['nifti']

                elif file_ext.lower() in ['.json']:
                    files_to_append = [os.path.join(root, file)]
                    formats_to_append = ['json']

                # append data to structure
                for i, to_append in enumerate(files_to_append):
                    if to_append not in self.file_names:
Пример #6
def infotodict(seqinfo):
    """Heuristic evaluator for determining which runs belong where

    allowed template fields - follow python string module:

    item: index within category
    subject: participant id
    seqitem: run number during scanning
    subindex: sub index within group
    session: scan index for longitudinal acq

    lgr.info("Processing %d seqinfo entries", len(seqinfo))

    # for s in seqinfo:
    #    print(s)

    info = OrderedDict()
    skipped, skipped_unknown = [], []
    current_run = 0
    run_label = None  # run-
    dcm_image_iod_spec = None
    skip_derived = True

    outtype = ("nii.gz", )
    sbref_as_fieldmap = True  # duplicate sbref in fmap dir to be used by topup
    prefix = ""

    fieldmap_runs = {}

    for s in seqinfo:

        ex_dcm = nb_dw.wrapper_from_file(s.example_dcm_file_path)

        bids_info = get_seq_bids_info(s, ex_dcm)

        # XXX: skip derived sequences, we don't store them to avoid polluting
        # the directory, unless it is the motion corrected ones
        # (will get _rec-moco suffix)
        if (skip_derived and (s.is_derived or ("MPR" in s.image_type))
                and not s.is_motion_corrected and not "UNI" in s.image_type):
            lgr.debug("Ignoring derived data %s", s.series_id)

        seq_type = bids_info["type"]
        seq_label = bids_info["label"]

        if (seq_type == "fmap"
                and seq_label == "epi") or (sbref_as_fieldmap
                                            and seq_label == "sbref"):
            pe_dir = bids_info.get("dir", None)
            if not pe_dir in fieldmap_runs:
                fieldmap_runs[pe_dir] = 0
            fieldmap_runs[pe_dir] += 1
            # override the run number
            run_id = fieldmap_runs[pe_dir]

            # duplicate sbref to be used as fieldmap
            if sbref_as_fieldmap and seq_label == "sbref":
                suffix_parts = [
                    None if not bids_info.get("ce") else "ce-%s" %
                    None if not pe_dir else "dir-%s" % bids_info["dir"],
                    "run-%02d" % run_id,
                suffix = "_".join(filter(bool, suffix_parts))
                template = create_key("fmap",
                if template not in info:
                    info[template] = []

        show_dir = seq_type in ["fmap", "dwi"]

        # print(bids_info)
        suffix_parts = [
            None if not bids_info.get("task") else "task-%s" %
            None if not bids_info.get("acq") else "acq-%s" % bids_info["acq"],
            None if not bids_info.get("ce") else "ce-%s" % bids_info["ce"],
            None if not (bids_info.get("dir") and show_dir) else "dir-%s" %
            None if not bids_info.get("inv") else "inv-%d" % bids_info["inv"],
            None if not bids_info.get("part") else "part-%s" %
            None if not bids_info.get("tsl") else "tsl-%d" % bids_info["tsl"],
            None if not bids_info.get("loc") else "loc-%s" % bids_info["loc"],
            None if not bids_info.get("run") else "run-%02d" %
            None if not bids_info.get("bp") else "bp-%s" % bids_info["bp"],
            None if not bids_info.get("echo") else "echo-%d" %
        # filter those which are None, and join with _
        suffix = "_".join(filter(bool, suffix_parts))

        # if "_Scout" in s.series_description or \
        #        (seqtype == 'anat' and seqtype_label and seqtype_label.startswith('scout')):
        #    outtype = ('dicom',)
        # else:
        #    outtype = ('nii.gz', 'dicom')

        template = create_key(seq_type, suffix, prefix=prefix, outtype=outtype)

        # we wanted ordered dict for consistent demarcation of dups
        if template not in info:
            info[template] = []
            # maybe images are exported with different reconstruction parameters.
            if bids_info.get("rec") and not any([]):
                # insert the rec-
                suffix_parts.insert(7, "rec-%s" % bids_info["rec"])
                # filter those which are None, and join with _
                suffix = "_".join(filter(bool, suffix_parts))
                template = create_key(seq_type,
                info[template] = []


    if skipped:
        lgr.info("Skipped %d sequences: %s" % (len(skipped), skipped))
    if skipped_unknown:
        lgr.warning("Could not figure out where to stick %d sequences: %s" %
                    (len(skipped_unknown), skipped_unknown))

    info = get_dups_marked(info)  # mark duplicate ones with __dup-0x suffix

    info = dict(
    )  # convert to dict since outside functionality depends on it being a basic dict

    for k, i in info.items():
        print(k, i)
    return info
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, path):
        """Initialize a Siemens object from a DICOM file or directory.
        If a directory is given, read the first DICOM file in the directory.

            path (str): The path to a Siemens SVS DICOM file or directory of
                DICOM files.

        self.path = os.path.realpath(path)
        dcmfile = None
        if os.path.isdir(self.path):
            # find the first dicom file to read meta data from
            files = os.listdir(self.path)
            # exclude any non dicoms
            files = [
                f for f in files
                if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path, f)) and f.endswith((
                    '.DCM', '.dcm', '.ima', '.IMA')) and not f.startswith('.'))
            if len(files) == 0:
                raise FileNotFoundError('No DICOM files found')

            self.files = sorted(files)

            dcmfile = os.path.join(self.path, files[0])

            # a single file, change the path
            if len(files) == 1:
                path = os.path.join(self.path, files[0])
                self.path = path

            if not (dcmfile):
                raise FileNotFoundError('No DICOM files found')

            dcmfile = path

        dcm = dcmwrapper.wrapper_from_file(dcmfile)
        self.csa = csareader.get_csa_header(dcm.dcm_data)

        scalar_fields = [
            'MagneticFieldStrength', 'ImagingFrequency', 'MixingTime',
            'EchoTime', 'RepetitionTime', 'ImaCoilString', 'SequenceName',
            'VoiReadoutFoV', 'VoiPhaseFoV', 'VoiThickness',
            'VoiInPlaneRotation', 'DataPointColumns', 'RealDwellTime',
            'PixelBandwidth', 'ImagedNucleus'

        for k in scalar_fields:
            self.meta[k] = csareader.get_scalar(self.csa, k)

        self.meta['ImagePositionPatient'] = \
            csareader.get_vector(self.csa, 'ImagePositionPatient', 3)
        self.meta['VoiPosition'] = csareader.get_vector(
            self.csa, 'VoiPosition', 3)
        self.meta['VoiOrientation'] = csareader.get_vector(
            self.csa, 'VoiOrientation', 3)
        self.meta['ImageOrientationPatient'] = \
            csareader.get_vector(self.csa, 'ImageOrientationPatient', 6)
Пример #8
    def read_data(self, conj=True):
        """Read the associated fids.
        If the instance was initialized with a directory, the directory is assumed
        to contain a single series in order.

        Dimensions are channel x rep x mega x isis x t

        print('Reading data...')
        if os.path.isfile(self.path):
            dcm = dcmwrapper.wrapper_from_file(self.path)
            data = np.array(_read_fid(dcm), ndmin=5)
            self.dcm_data = dcm.dcm_data

        elif os.path.isdir(self.path):
            # read a directory of DICOMS, each containing one fid
            # the directory must contain more than one file, as this is checked
            # in the class constructor

            channels = []

            # find the instance number of the last dicom to calculate data size
            # this assumes different interleaved acquisitions have the same
            # (0020, 0012) Acquisition Number
            # true for eja sequences
            lastdcmfile = os.path.join(self.path, self.files[-1])
            lastdcm = dcmwrapper.wrapper_from_file(lastdcmfile)
            self.dcm_data = lastdcm.dcm_data
            lastinstance = int(lastdcm.get((0x0020, 0x0013)).value)

            # figure out which channels are on
            csa_series = csareader.get_csa_header(lastdcm.dcm_data, 'series')
            csa_image = csareader.get_csa_header(lastdcm.dcm_data, 'image')
            siemens_hdr = csa_series['tags']['MrPhoenixProtocol']['items'][0]
            m = re.findall(
                r"""sCoilSelectMeas.aRxCoilSelectData\[0\].asList\[(?P<coilnum>\d+)\].sCoilElementID.tElement\t = \t""(?P<coilname>[HENC]+\d+)"""
                "", siemens_hdr)
            channels = dict(m)
            channels = dict(zip(channels.values(), channels.keys()))
            n_channels = len(channels)
            self.channels = channels

            # is the data combined over channels?
            # mri_probedicom reports ucUncombImages, but where is this in the CSA?

            # the first two instances of uncombined eja sequences are single channels
            # TODO: figure out what they are
            # Assume the first match the last two, which are missing the same channel
            n_reps = lastinstance - 2

            is_combined = False
            # TODO: handle channel combined data
            if len(self.files) != (n_reps * (n_channels + 1)):
                # not enough files for uncombined data
                if len(self.files) == lastinstance:
                    warnings.warn('Assuming channels are combined')
                    n_reps = lastinstance
                    n_channels = 1
                    is_combined = True

                    raise Exception(
                        'Expected n_reps[%d] * (n_channels[%d] + 1 files' %
                        (n_reps, n_channels))

            data = np.zeros(
                (n_channels, n_reps, 1, 1,
                 int(csareader.get_scalar(csa_image, 'DataPointColumns'))),

            for fi in range(len(self.files)):
                dcmfile = os.path.join(self.path, self.files[fi])
                dcm = dcmwrapper.wrapper_from_file(dcmfile)
                csa = csareader.get_csa_header(dcm.dcm_data)
                fid = np.array(_read_fid(dcm), ndmin=5)
                channel = csareader.get_scalar(csa, 'ImaCoilString')
                inst = int(dcm.get((0x0020, 0x0013)).value)

                if not is_combined:
                    if inst <= 2:
                        ri = n_reps - inst
                        ri = inst - 2 - 1
                    ri = inst - 1

                # there are combined coils (HC1-7) in the dicoms?
                # make sure this channel is one that is turned on
                if not is_combined:
                    if channel in channels.keys():
                        ci = int(channels[channel])
                        data[ci, ri, 0, 0, :] = fid
                    data[0, ri, 0, 0, :] = fid

            print('Read %d acquisitions from %d channels' %
                  (n_reps, n_channels))
        # take the complex conjugate, which Tarquin seems to expect
        if conj:
            data = np.conj(data)

        # permute data for SPECIAL and MEGA

        if self.get_parameter('SequenceName') in [
                'eja_svs_mpress', 'eja_svs_mslaser'
            data_on = data[:, 0:int(n_reps / 2.), 0, ::]
            data_off = data[:, int(n_reps / 2.):n_reps, 0, ::]
            data = np.stack((data_off, data_on), 2)
            #data = np.reshape(data, (n_channels, int(n_reps/2.), 2, 1, self.get_parameter('DataPointColumns')))

        self.data = data
        return (data)
Пример #9
    def fallback_dcmstack(self, fnames):
        Create NIFTI from DCM files. Quick and dirty method
        for when DCMSTACK does not exist or fails.

        Basically we determine the sequence using the InstanceNumber tag
        but make sure we put slices together into volumes using the SliceLocation tag
        import nibabel.nicom.dicomwrappers as nib_dcm
        ignored_files = []
        first = True
        dcms = []
        slices = set()
        ss, rs, ri = 1, 1, 0  # Pixel value scaling
        sys.stdout.write("  0%")
        for idx, fname in enumerate(fnames):
                dcm = dicom.read_file(fname)

            if first:
                dcm1 = nib_dcm.wrapper_from_file(fname)
                dcm_affine = dcm1.get_affine()
                    # Need all three of these to be of use
                    ss = dcm[0x2005, 0x100e].value
                    rs = dcm[0x2005, 0x140a].value
                    ri = dcm[0x2005, 0x1409].value
                first = False

            percent = 100 * float(idx + 1) / len(fnames)
            sys.stdout.write("\b\b\b\b%3i%%" % int(percent))

        if len(slices) < 0:
            raise QpException("This doesn't seem to be a DICOM folder")

        n_vols = int(len(dcms) / len(slices))
        if n_vols * len(slices) != len(dcms):
            raise QpException(
                "Could not parse DICOMS - unable to determine fixed number of volumes"

        print("%i Volumes" % n_vols)
        print("Ignored (non-DICOM) files: %i" % len(ignored_files))
        print("Slice locations are: " + ", ".join([str(s) for s in slices]))
        print("RescaleSlope: %f" % rs)
        print("RescaleIntercept: %f" % ri)
        print("ScaleSlope: %f" % ss)
        for sidx, s in enumerate(sorted(slices)):
            for idx, dcm in enumerate(
                    sorted([d for d in dcms if d.SliceLocation == s],
                           key=lambda x: x.InstanceNumber)):
                dcm.GlobalIndex = sidx + len(slices) * idx

        print("Creating NIFTI...")
        data = np.zeros([
            dcm1.image_shape[0], dcm1.image_shape[1],
        sidx, vidx = 0, 0
        for dcm in sorted(dcms, key=lambda x: x.GlobalIndex):
            data[:, :, sidx,
                 vidx] = (np.squeeze(dcm.pixel_array) * rs + ri) / ss
            sidx += 1
            if sidx == len(slices):
                sidx = 0
                vidx += 1

        nii = nib.Nifti1Image(data, dcm_affine)
        return nii
Пример #10
    print('%s exists!' % filename)

    # Now we have a dicom we can work with.  Let's try loading it with
    # pydicom, the obvious choice
    pydicom_dataset = pydicom.dcmread(filename)
    im0 = pydicom_dataset.pixel_array

    # prove it's numpy array
    assert isinstance(im0, np.ndarray), 'I should be a numpy array!'

    # Let's visually inspect it -- looks good!
    plt.imshow(im0, cmap='gray')
    plt.title('Look at me! I\'m a numpy array!')

    # Now let's try it a little different -- use nibabel!
    nibabel_dataset = wrapper_from_file(filename)
    im1 = nibabel_dataset.get_pixel_array()

    # Prove it's a numpy array
    assert isinstance(im1, np.ndarray), 'I should be a numpy array!'

    # Again, take a look:
    plt.imshow(im1, cmap='gray')
    plt.title('Look at me! I came from a nifti library!')

    # Prove that we get the same data either way:
    assert np.all(im0 == im1), (
        'I should have loaded the same data both times!')
Пример #11
PatientName = []
DICOMPath = []
EchoTime = []
InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection = []
ImageType = []
MB = []
PhaseEncodingDirectionPositive = []
for d in dirs:
    #fieldmaps are sometimes stored in the same sequence-this will glob only 1 echo
    #this gets handled later in the dicom conversion
    imgs = glob.glob(join(dicom_path, d, 'IM-*[0-9]*.dcm'))

    if len(imgs) > 0:
        dcm = dicom.read_file(imgs[0])
        dcm_w = dcmwrappers.wrapper_from_file(imgs[0])
        if ('ORIGINAL' in dcm.ImageType) and ('CSA REPORT'
                                              not in dcm.ImageType):
            nimages = nimages + [len(imgs)]
            ProtocolName = ProtocolName + [dcm.ProtocolName]
            SeriesNumber = SeriesNumber + [int(dcm.SeriesNumber)]
            AcquisitionDate = AcquisitionDate + [int(dcm.AcquisitionDate)]
            AcquisitionTime = AcquisitionTime + [float(dcm.AcquisitionTime)]
            PatientID = PatientID + [dcm.PatientID]
            PatientName = PatientName + [dcm.PatientName]
            DICOMPath = DICOMPath + [join(dicom_path, d)]
            EchoTime = EchoTime + [float(dcm.EchoTime)]
            if 'InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection' in dcm.dir():
                InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection = InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection + [