Пример #1
class UpdateTermReadme():

    def __init__(self, owl_file):
        self.owl = OwlReader(owl_file)

    # Write out Readme
    def write_readme(self, readme_file, readme_txt):
        readme_file_open = open(readme_file, 'w')

    def create_term_row(self, term_name, definition, same_as, editor, note, 
        color, range_value=None, domain=None, indiv_type=None):
        img_color = ""        
        if color:
            img_color = '<img src="../../../doc/content/specs/img/'+color+'.png?raw=true"/>  ' 

        if same_as:
            same_as = "(same as: <a href="+same_as+">"+same_as+"</a>)"

        range_domain_type = ""
        if range_value is not None:
            range_domain_type = """

        if indiv_type is not None:
            range_domain_type += """

        # Github mardow-like links 
        nidm_repo = "https://github.com/incf-nidash/nidm/"
        stato_repo = "https://github.com/ISA-tools/stato/"

        nidm_pr_issue = re.compile(nidm_repo+r'[a-zA-Z]*/(\d+)')
        note = nidm_pr_issue.sub(r'<a href="'+nidm_repo+r'pull/\1">'+r'#\1</a>', note)

        stato_pr_issue = re.compile(stato_repo+r'[a-zA-Z]*/(\d+)')
        note = stato_pr_issue.sub(r'<a href="'+stato_repo+r'pull/\1">'+r'ISA-tools/stato#\1</a>', note)

        if note:
            note = note+"<br/>"

        # Add a search link (to check current state of the repo)
        if "Under discussion" in note:
            search_text = "more"
            search_text = "find issues/PR"

        note = note+"<a href=\""+nidm_repo+"/issues?&q="+term_name.split(":")[1]+"\"> ["+search_text+"] </a>"        

        term_row = """
    <td><b>"""+term_name+""": </b>"""+definition+same_as+editor+"""</td>"""+range_domain_type+"""
        return term_row

    def create_curation_legend(self, order):
        curation_legend = "<b>Curation status</b>: \n"
        curation_colors_sorted = [(key, CURATION_COLORS.get(key)) for key in order]

        covered_colors = list()
        for curation_color in curation_colors_sorted:
            # curation_status =  str(self.owl.qname(curation_color[0]))
            # curation_status_labels = self.owl.objects(curation_color[0], RDFS['label'])
            # curation_status = ", ".join(list(curation_status_labels))

            color =  curation_color[1]
            if not color in covered_colors:
                curation_legend = curation_legend+'<img src="../../../doc/content/specs/img/'+color+'.png?raw=true"/>&nbsp;'+\
        return curation_legend

    # Get README text according to owl file information
    def update_readme(self, readme_file): 
        class_terms = dict()
        prpty_terms = dict()
        indiv_terms = dict()
        definitions = dict()
        editors = dict()
        notes = dict()
        ranges = dict()
        domains = dict()
        sameas = dict()
        types = dict()

        for owl_term in self.owl.classes.union(self.owl.properties).union(self.owl.individuals):
            curation_status = self.owl.get_curation_status(owl_term)
            definition = self.owl.get_definition(owl_term)
            if definition == "":
                definition = "&lt;undefined&gt;"
            editor = self.owl.get_editor(owl_term)
            note = self.owl.get_editor_note(owl_term)
            range_value = self.owl.get_range(owl_term)
            domain = self.owl.get_domain(owl_term)
            same = self.owl.get_same_as(owl_term)
            indiv_type = self.owl.get_individual_type(owl_term)
            if curation_status:
                curation_key = curation_status
                term_key = self.owl.get_label(owl_term)

                if term_key.startswith("nidm") or term_key.startswith("spm") or\
                    term_key.startswith("fsl") or term_key.startswith("afni"):
                    if owl_term in self.owl.classes:
                        class_terms.setdefault(curation_key, list()).append(term_key)
                        if owl_term in self.owl.properties:
                            prpty_terms.setdefault(curation_key, list()).append(term_key)
                            if owl_term in self.owl.individuals:
                                indiv_terms.setdefault(curation_key, list()).append(term_key)
                    definitions[term_key] = definition
                    editors[term_key] = editor
                    notes[term_key] = note
                    ranges[term_key] = range_value
                    domains[term_key] = domain
                    sameas[term_key] = same
                    types[term_key] = indiv_type

        # Include missing keys and do not display ready for release terms
        order=CURATION_ORDER+(list(set(class_terms.keys()).union(set(prpty_terms.keys())) - set(CURATION_ORDER+list([OBO_READY]))))
        class_terms_sorted = [(key, class_terms.get(key)) for key in order]
        prpty_terms_sorted = [(key, prpty_terms.get(key)) for key in order]
        indiv_terms_sorted = [(key, indiv_terms.get(key)) for key in order]

        class_table_txt = "<h2>Classes</h2>\n<table>\n<tr><th>Curation Status</th><th>Issue/PR</th><th>Term</th></tr>"
        for tuple_status_term in class_terms_sorted:
            curation_status = tuple_status_term[0]
            class_names = tuple_status_term[1]

            if class_names:
                for class_name in sorted(class_names):
                    class_table_txt += self.create_term_row(class_name, \
                        definitions[class_name], \
                        sameas[class_name], \
                        editors[class_name], \
                        notes[class_name], \
                        CURATION_COLORS.setdefault(curation_status, ""))
        class_table_txt = class_table_txt+"\n</table>"

        prpty_table_txt = "<h2>Properties</h2>\n<table>\n<tr><th>Curation Status</th><th>Issue/PR</th><th>Term</th><th>Domain</th><th>Range</th></tr>"
        for tuple_status_term in prpty_terms_sorted:
            curation_status = tuple_status_term[0]
            term_names = tuple_status_term[1]

            if term_names:
                for term_name in sorted(term_names):
                    prpty_table_txt += self.create_term_row(term_name, \
                        definitions[term_name], \
                        sameas[term_name], \
                        editors[term_name], \
                        notes[term_name], \
                        CURATION_COLORS.setdefault(curation_status, ""), \
                        ranges[term_name], \
        prpty_table_txt = prpty_table_txt+"\n</table>"

        indiv_table_txt = "<h2>Individuals</h2>\n<table>\n<tr><th>Curation Status</th><th>Issue/PR</th><th>Term</th><th>Type</th></tr>"
        for tuple_status_term in indiv_terms_sorted:
            curation_status = tuple_status_term[0]
            term_names = tuple_status_term[1]

            if term_names:
                for term_name in sorted(term_names):
                    indiv_table_txt += self.create_term_row(term_name, \
                        definitions[term_name], \
                        sameas[term_name], \
                        editors[term_name], \
                        notes[term_name], \
                        CURATION_COLORS.setdefault(curation_status, ""), \
                        None, None,
        indiv_table_txt = indiv_table_txt+"\n</table>"

        curation_legend = self.create_curation_legend(order)
        title = "<h1>NIDM-Results Terms curation status</h1>"
        intro = """You will find below a listing of the NIDM-Results terms that \
need to be curated. If you would like **to help with the curation of a term, \
please follow those steps**:
 1. Check if the terms is already under discussion in an issue.
 2. If not, create a new issue including the current definition (available in\
  the table below) and your proposed update.

If possible, priority should be given to uncurated terms (in red).

Thank you in advance for taking part in NIDM-Results term curation!\n\n"""
        self.write_readme(readme_file, title+intro+\
Пример #2
def main(sid, aid, owl_file, template_files, script_files,
    owl_txt = get_file_text(owl_file)

    templates_txt = dict()
    for template_file in template_files:
        templates_txt[template_file] = get_file_text(template_file)

    scripts_txt = dict()
    for script_file in script_files:
        scripts_txt[script_file] = get_file_text(script_file)

    cst_txt = get_file_text(constants_file)

    sid_name = sid.split(":")[1]
    sid_namespace = sid.split(":")[0]
    if sid_namespace == "nidm":
        uri = NIDM[sid_name]
        pref = "NIDM"
    elif sid_namespace == "fsl":
        uri = FSL[sid_name]
        pref = "FSL"
    elif sid_namespace == "spm":
        uri = SPM[sid_name]
        pref = "SPM"

    # If alphanumeric identifier was not defined, find the next available
    if aid is None:
        before_alnum = sid_namespace + ":" + pref + "_"

        # Find all alphanumeric identifiers in the owl file
        alphanum_ids = set(re.findall("("+before_alnum+'\d+)\s+', owl_txt))

        # Get identifier number for next alphanumeric identifier
        last_id = sorted(list(alphanum_ids))[-1]
        new_id_num = int(last_id.replace(before_alnum, ""))+1

        aid = before_alnum+"{0:0>7}".format(new_id_num)

    owl = OwlReader

    owl = OwlReader(owl_file)
    label = owl.get_label(uri).split(":")[1].replace("'", "")

    # Replace all occurences of semantic id
    owl_txt = owl_txt.replace(sid+" ", aid+" ")
    # Replace ids in templates
    for tpl, tpl_txt in templates_txt.items():
        templates_txt[tpl] = tpl_txt.replace(sid+" ", aid+" ")
    for scr, scr_txt in scripts_txt.items():
        scripts_txt[scr] = scr_txt.replace('"'+sid+'"', '"'+aid+'"')

    new_constant = pref + "_" + \
        label.upper().replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_") + \
        " = " + pref + "['"+aid.replace(sid_namespace + ":", "")+"']"
    cst_txt = cst_txt.replace("# NIDM constants",
                              "# NIDM constants\n"+new_constant)

    replace_file_txt(owl_file, owl_txt)
    replace_file_txt(constants_file, cst_txt)
    for tpl, tpl_txt in templates_txt.items():
        replace_file_txt(tpl, tpl_txt)
    for scr, scr_txt in scripts_txt.items():
        replace_file_txt(scr, scr_txt)
Пример #3
class UpdateExpTermReadme():

    def __init__(self, owl_file):
        self.owl = OwlReader(owl_file)

    # Write out Readme
    def write_readme(self, readme_file, readme_txt):
        readme_file_open = open(readme_file, 'w')

    def create_term_row(self, term_name, definition, same_as, editor, note, 
        color, range_value=None, domain=None, indiv_type=None):
        img_color = ""        
        if color:
            img_color = '<img src="../../../doc/content/specs/img/'+color+'.png?raw=true"/>  ' 

        if same_as:
            same_as = "(same as: <a href="+same_as+">"+same_as+"</a>)"

        range_domain_type = ""
        if range_value is not None:
            range_domain_type = """

        if indiv_type is not None:
            range_domain_type += """

        # Github mardow-like links 
        nidm_repo = "https://github.com/incf-nidash/nidm/"
        #stato_repo = "https://github.com/ISA-tools/stato/"

        nidm_pr_issue = re.compile(nidm_repo+r'[a-zA-Z]*/(\d+)')
        note = nidm_pr_issue.sub(r'<a href="'+nidm_repo+r'pull/\1">'+r'#\1</a>', note)

        #stato_pr_issue = re.compile(stato_repo+r'[a-zA-Z]*/(\d+)')
        #note = stato_pr_issue.sub(r'<a href="'+stato_repo+r'pull/\1">'+r'ISA-tools/stato#\1</a>', note)

        if note:
            note = note+"<br/>"

        # Add a search link (to check current state of the repo)
        if "Under discussion" in note:
            search_text = "more"
            search_text = "find issues/PR"

        note = note+"<a href=\""+nidm_repo+"/issues?&q="+term_name.split(":")[1]+"\"> ["+search_text+"] </a>"        

        term_row = """
    <td><b>"""+term_name+""": </b>"""+definition+same_as+editor+"""</td>"""+range_domain_type+"""
        return term_row

    def create_curation_legend(self, order):
        curation_legend = "<b>Curation status</b>: \n"
        curation_colors_sorted = [(key, CURATION_COLORS.get(key)) for key in order]

        covered_colors = list()
        for curation_color in curation_colors_sorted:
            # curation_status =  str(self.owl.qname(curation_color[0]))
            # curation_status_labels = self.owl.objects(curation_color[0], RDFS['label'])
            # curation_status = ", ".join(list(curation_status_labels))

            color =  curation_color[1]
            if not color in covered_colors:
                curation_legend = curation_legend+\
                '<img src="../../../doc/content/specs/img/'+color+\
        return curation_legend

    # Get README text according to owl file information
    def update_readme(self, readme_file): 
        class_terms = dict()
        prpty_terms = dict()
        indiv_terms = dict()
        definitions = dict()
        editors = dict()
        notes = dict()
        ranges = dict()
        domains = dict()
        sameas = dict()
        types = dict()

        for owl_term in self.owl.classes.union(self.owl.properties).union(self.owl.individuals):
            curation_status = self.owl.get_curation_status(owl_term)
            definition = self.owl.get_definition(owl_term)
            if definition == "":
                definition = "&lt;undefined&gt;"
            editor = self.owl.get_editor(owl_term)
            note = self.owl.get_editor_note(owl_term)
            range_value = self.owl.get_range(owl_term)
            domain = self.owl.get_domain(owl_term)
            same = self.owl.get_same_as(owl_term)
            indiv_type = self.owl.get_individual_type(owl_term)
            if curation_status:
                curation_key = curation_status
                term_key = self.owl.get_label(owl_term)

                if term_key.startswith("nidm"):
                    if owl_term in self.owl.classes:
                        class_terms.setdefault(curation_key, list()).append(term_key)
                        if owl_term in self.owl.properties:
                            prpty_terms.setdefault(curation_key, list()).append(term_key)
                            if owl_term in self.owl.individuals:
                                indiv_terms.setdefault(curation_key, list()).append(term_key)
                    definitions[term_key] = definition
                    editors[term_key] = editor
                    notes[term_key] = note
                    ranges[term_key] = range_value
                    domains[term_key] = domain
                    sameas[term_key] = same
                    types[term_key] = indiv_type

        # Include missing keys and do not display ready for release terms
        order=CURATION_ORDER+(list(set(class_terms.keys()).union(set(prpty_terms.keys())) - set(CURATION_ORDER+list([OBO_READY]))))
        print 'order = ', order
        class_terms_sorted = [(key, class_terms.get(key)) for key in order]
        prpty_terms_sorted = [(key, prpty_terms.get(key)) for key in order]
        indiv_terms_sorted = [(key, indiv_terms.get(key)) for key in order]

        class_table_txt = "<h2>Classes</h2>\n<table>\n<tr><th>Curation Status</th><th>Issue/PR</th><th>Term</th></tr>"
        for tuple_status_term in class_terms_sorted:
            curation_status = tuple_status_term[0]
            class_names = tuple_status_term[1]

            if class_names:
                for class_name in sorted(class_names):
                    class_table_txt += self.create_term_row(class_name, \
                        definitions[class_name], \
                        sameas[class_name], \
                        editors[class_name], \
                        notes[class_name], \
                        CURATION_COLORS.setdefault(curation_status, ""))
        class_table_txt = class_table_txt+"\n</table>"

        prpty_table_txt = "<h2>Properties</h2>\n<table>\n<tr><th>Curation Status</th><th>Issue/PR</th><th>Term</th><th>Domain</th><th>Range</th></tr>"
        for tuple_status_term in prpty_terms_sorted:
            curation_status = tuple_status_term[0]
            term_names = tuple_status_term[1]

            if term_names:
                for term_name in sorted(term_names):
                    prpty_table_txt += self.create_term_row(term_name, \
                        definitions[term_name], \
                        sameas[term_name], \
                        editors[term_name], \
                        notes[term_name], \
                        CURATION_COLORS.setdefault(curation_status, ""), \
                        ranges[term_name], \
        prpty_table_txt = prpty_table_txt+"\n</table>"

        indiv_table_txt = "<h2>Individuals</h2>\n<table>\n<tr><th>Curation Status</th><th>Issue/PR</th><th>Term</th><th>Type</th></tr>"
        for tuple_status_term in indiv_terms_sorted:
            curation_status = tuple_status_term[0]
            term_names = tuple_status_term[1]

            if term_names:
                for term_name in sorted(term_names):
                    indiv_table_txt += self.create_term_row(term_name, \
                        definitions[term_name], \
                        sameas[term_name], \
                        editors[term_name], \
                        notes[term_name], \
                        CURATION_COLORS.setdefault(curation_status, ""), \
                        None, None,
        indiv_table_txt = indiv_table_txt+"\n</table>"

        curation_legend = self.create_curation_legend(order)
        title = "<h1>NIDM-Experiment Terms curation status</h1>"
        intro = """You will find below a listing of the NIDM-Experiment terms that \
need to be curated. If you would like to help with the curation of a term, \
please follow those steps: first, check if the term is already under discussion in an \ 
issue and if it is please contribute to the discussion there. If not, create a new issue, \
including the current definition (available in\
  the table below) and your proposed update.

If possible, priority should be given to uncurated terms (in red).

Thank you in advance for taking part in NIDM-Experiment term curation!\n\n"""
        self.write_readme(readme_file, title+intro+\
Пример #4
class OwlSpecification(object):

    def __init__(self, owl_file, import_files, spec_name, subcomponents=None,
                 used_by=None, generated_by=None, derived_from=None,
                 attributed_to=None, prefix=None, commentable=False,
        self.owl = OwlReader(owl_file, import_files)
        self.owl.graph.bind('nidm', 'http://purl.org/nidash/nidm#')
        self.owl.graph.bind('sio', 'http://semanticscience.org/resource/')
        self.owl.graph.bind('onli', 'http://neurolog.unice.fr/ontoneurolog/v3.0/instrument.owl#')
        self.name = spec_name
        self.component = self.name.lower().replace("-", "_")
        self.section_open = 0
        self.already_defined_classes = list()
        self.commentable = commentable

        self.attributes_done = set()
        self.text = ""
        self.create_specification(subcomponents, used_by, generated_by,
                                  derived_from, attributed_to, prefix, intro)

    def create_specification(self, subcomponents, used_by, generated_by,
                             derived_from, attributed_to, prefix, intro=None):
        self.create_title(self.name+": Types and relations", "definitions")

        if intro is not None:
            self.text += intro

        table_num = 3
        for subcomponent_name, classes in subcomponents.items():
            classes_by_types = self.owl.get_class_names_by_prov_type(
                prefix=prefix, but=self.already_defined_classes)
            self.already_defined_classes += classes

            self.create_subcomponent_table(classes_by_types, table_num,
            table_num = table_num + 1
            all_classes = \
                classes_by_types[PROV['Activity']] + \
                classes_by_types[PROV['Entity']] + \
                classes_by_types[PROV['Agent']] + \

            for class_name in all_classes:
                    self.owl.attributes.setdefault(class_name, None),
                    used_by, generated_by, derived_from, attributed_to,
                    children=not (
                        self.owl.get_prov_class(class_name) == PROV['Entity']))

            if subcomponent_name:
                self.text += """


    def create_subcomponent_table(self, classes, table_num,
        if subcomponent_name:
            self.text += """
            # Check if there is a header file to include here
            fname = os.path.join(
                self.component+"_" +
                subcomponent_name.split(" ")[0].lower()+".html")
            if os.path.isfile(fname):
                fid = open(fname, "r")
                self.text += fid.read()

            subcomponent_name = ""

        # Did not find how to handle table numbering and ids with Respec as we
        # did for figures?
        table_id = "prov-mapping-"""+subcomponent_name.lower()
        self.text += """
        <div style="text-align: left;">
            <table class="thinborder" \
            style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
                <caption id=\""""+table_id+"""\">\
                <a class="internalDFN" href=\"#"""+table_id+"""\">\
                Table """+str(table_num)+"""</a>:"""+self.name+"""\
                """+subcomponent_name + """ Concepts</caption> \
                        <th align="center"><b>"""+self.name+""" Concept</b>\
                        <th align="center"><b>PROV type</b></th>
                        <th align="center"><b>Identifier</b></th>

        self.text += """
        <!-- HERE ------------- Beginning of PROV Entities ------------- -->

        for prov_class in list([
            sorted_classes = classes[prov_class]
            for class_uri in sorted_classes:
                self.text += """

                # First iteration
                if class_uri is sorted_classes[0]:
                    self.text += """
                                <td rowspan=\""""+str(len(sorted_classes)) + \
                        """\" style="text-align: center;"> """ + \
                        self.owl.get_label(prov_class) + \

                self.text += """
                                <td>"""+self.owl.graph.qname(class_uri) + \

        self.text += """

    def create_title(self, title, id=None):
        if id is None:
            self.text += """
            self.text += """
        <section id=\""""+id+"""\">
        self.text += """
        self.section_open += 1

    def _format_markdown(self, text):
        # Replace links specified in markdown by html
        text = markdown2.markdown(text).replace("<p>", "").replace("</p>", "")
        # Remove trailing new line
        text = text[0:-1]
        return text

    def format_definition(self, definition):
        # Capitalize first letter, format markdown and end with dot
        if definition:
            definition = definition[0].upper() + definition[1:]
            definition = self._format_markdown(definition)
            definition += "."

        return definition

    def linked_listing(self, uri_list, prefix="", suffix="", sort=True):
        linked_listing = prefix

        if sort:
            uri_list = self.owl.sorted_by_labels(uri_list)

        for i, uri in enumerate(uri_list):
            if i == 0:
                sep = ""
            elif i == len(uri_list):
                sep = " and "
                sep = ", "
            linked_listing += sep+self.term_link(uri)

        return linked_listing+suffix

    def term_link(self, term_uri, tag="a", text=None):
        href = ""
        if self.owl.is_external_namespace(term_uri):
            href = " href =\""+str(term_uri)+"\""

        if text is None:
            text = self.owl.get_label(term_uri)

        term_link = "<" + tag + " title=\"" + self.owl.get_name(term_uri) + \
                    "\"" + href + ">" + text+"</"+tag+">"

        # # This could be handled by Respec, here we overwrite the id and href
        # # fields in order to be able to have an id that is not generated from
        # # the title field. e.g. title = nidm_0000001 (nidm:Map) and
        # # id = nidm_0000001
        # name_lw = self.owl.get_name(term_uri).lower()
        # if tag is "dfn":
        #     link_info = " id=\"dfn-" + name_lw + "\""
        # elif tag is "a":
        #     link_info = " href=\"#dfn-" + name_lw + "\""

        # term_link = "<" + tag + link_info + \
        #             "  class=\"internalDFN\"" + \
        #             " title=\"" + self.owl.get_name(term_uri) + \
        #             " (" + self.owl.get_label(term_uri) + ")" + \
        #             "\"" + href + ">" + text + "</" + tag + ">"

        if tag is "dfn":
            issue_url = "https://github.com/incf-nidash/nidm/issues"

            # Add link to current definition
            term_link = self.term_link(term_uri, text=term_link)

            if self.commentable:
                term_link = term_link + \
                    " <a href=\""+issue_url+"?&q=is%3Aopen+'" + text + \
                    "'\"\"><sup>&#9734;</sup></a>" + \
                    "<a href=\""+issue_url+"/new\";\"><sup>+</sup></a>"

        return term_link

    def create_class_section(self, class_uri, definition, attributes,
                             used_by=None, generated_by=None,
                             derived_from=None, attributed_to=None,
        class_label = self.owl.get_label(class_uri)
        class_name = self.owl.get_name(class_uri)

        definition = self.format_definition(definition)

        self.text += """
            <!-- """+class_label+""" ("""+class_name+""")"""+""" -->
            <section id="section-"""+class_label+"""">
                <h1 label=\""""+class_name+"""\">"""+class_label+"""</h1>
                <div class="glossary-ref">
                    """+self.term_link(class_uri, "dfn") + ": " + definition

        self.text += "<p> "+self.term_link(class_uri)+" is"

        nidm_class = self.owl.get_nidm_parent(class_uri)
        if nidm_class:
            self.text += " a "+self.term_link(nidm_class)
            prov_class = self.owl.get_prov_class(class_uri)
            if prov_class:
                self.text += " a "+self.owl.get_label(prov_class)

        found_used_by = False
        if used_by:
            if class_uri in used_by:
                self.text += self.linked_listing(used_by[class_uri],
                                                 " used by ")
                found_used_by = True
            used_entities = list()

            for used_entity, used_activities in used_by.items():
                for used_act in used_activities:
                    if used_act == class_uri:
            if used_entities:
                self.text += self.linked_listing(used_entities,
                                                 " that uses ",
                                                 " entities")

        found_attr_to = False
        if attributed_to:
            if class_uri in attributed_to:
                if found_used_by:
                    self.text += " and "
                self.text += self.linked_listing(attributed_to[class_uri],
                                                 " attributed to ")
                found_attr_to = True

        found_generated_by = False
        if generated_by:
            if class_uri in generated_by:
                if found_used_by or found_generated_by:
                    self.text += " and "

                self.text += self.linked_listing(
                    list([generated_by[class_uri]]), " generated by ")

                found_generated_by = True

            if class_uri in generated_by.values():
                generated_entities = list()
                for generated_entity, generated_act in generated_by.items():
                    if generated_act == class_uri:

                if generated_entities:
                    self.text += self.linked_listing(
                        ". This activity generates ", " entities")

        if derived_from:
            if class_uri in derived_from:
                if found_used_by or found_generated_by or found_attr_to:
                    self.text += " and "

                self.text += self.linked_listing(
                    list([derived_from[class_uri]]), " derived from ")

        class_children = self.owl.get_direct_children(class_uri)
        if class_children:
            if found_used_by or found_generated_by or found_attr_to:
                self.text += ". It "
                self.text += " and "
            self.text += " has the following child"
            if len(class_children) > 1:
                self.text += "ren"
            self.text += ": " + \

        self.text += "."
        self.text += "</p>"

        range_classes = list()

        self.text += """

        if attributes and (attributes != set([CRYPTO['sha512']])):
            self.text += """
                <div class="attributes" id="attributes-"""+class_label + \
                """"> A """ + \
                self.term_link(class_uri)+""" has attributes:
                    <li><span class="attribute" id=\"""" + \
                class_label+""".label">rdfs:label</span>: \
                    (<em class="rfc2119" title="OPTIONAL">OPTIONAL</em>) """\
            """Human readable description of the """ + \

            for att in sorted(attributes):

                # Do not display prov relations as attributes
                # (except prov:atLocation...)
                if not self.owl.is_prov(att) or (att == PROV['atLocation']):
                    if att not in self.attributes_done:
                        # First definition of this attribute
                        att_tag = "dfn"
                        att_tag = "a"


                    # if att_label.startswith("nidm:"):
                    att_def = self.owl.get_definition(att)
                    self.text += """
                        <li>"""+self.term_link(att, att_tag) + \
                        '</span>: (<em class="rfc2119" title="OPTIONAL">' + \
                        'OPTIONAL</em>) ' + self.format_definition(att_def)

                    if att in self.owl.parent_ranges:
                        child_ranges = list()
                        for parent_range in self.owl.parent_ranges[att]:
                            child_ranges += self.owl.get_direct_children(
                            if self.owl.get_label(parent_range).\
                        child_ranges = sorted(child_ranges)

                        # if nidm_namespace:
                        child_range_txt = ""
                        if child_ranges:
                            # Get all child ranges
                            child_range_txt = self.linked_listing(
                                child_ranges, " such as ")

                        self.text += self.linked_listing(
                            " (range ", child_range_txt+")")
                        self.text += "."

                        self.text += "</li>"

            self.text += """

        BASE_REPOSITORY = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/" + \
        for title, example in self.owl.get_example(class_uri, BASE_REPOSITORY):
            self.text += """
                <pre class='example highlight' title=\""""+title+"""\">""" + \
                cgi.escape(example) + """</pre>"""

        # For object property list also children (in sub-sections)
        if children:
            direct_children = self.owl.sorted_by_labels(
            for child in direct_children:
                if not child in self.already_defined_classes:
                        self.owl.attributes.setdefault(child, None),

        # Display individuals
        individuals = self.owl.sorted_by_labels(
        if individuals:
            self.text += \
                " Examples of "+self.term_link(class_uri)+" includes " + \

            for indiv in individuals:
                self.text += "<li>" + self.term_link(indiv, "dfn") + ": " + \
                                 self.owl.get_definition(indiv)) + \

            self.text += "</ul>"

        if is_range:
            self.text += """

        for range_name in self.owl.sorted_by_labels(range_classes):
            if not range_name in self.already_defined_classes:
                    self.owl.attributes.setdefault(range_name, None),
                    children=True, is_range=True)

        if not is_range:
            self.text += """

    def close_sections(self):
        for x in range(0, self.section_open):
            self.text += "\t"*x+"</section>\n"

    # Write out specification
    def write_specification(self, spec_file=None, component=None,
        if component and version:
            spec_file = os.path.join(DOC_FOLDER, component+"_"+version+".html")

        spec_open = codecs.open(spec_file, 'w', "utf-8")

    def _header_footer(self, prev_file=None, follow_file=None, component=None,

        release_notes = None
        if component:
            prev_file = os.path.join(
                INCLUDE_FOLDER, component+"_"+version+"_head.html")
            if not os.path.isfile(prev_file):
                prev_file = os.path.join(
                    INCLUDE_FOLDER, component+"_head.html")
            follow_file = os.path.join(
                INCLUDE_FOLDER, component+"_"+version+"_foot.html")
            if not os.path.isfile(follow_file):
                follow_file = os.path.join(
                    INCLUDE_FOLDER, component+"_foot.html")
            if version:
                release_notes = os.path.join(
                if not os.path.isfile(release_notes):
                    release_notes = None

        if prev_file is not None:
            prev_file_open = open(prev_file, 'r')
            self.text = prev_file_open.read().decode('utf-8')+self.text
        if release_notes is not None:
            release_note_open = open(release_notes, 'r')
            self.text = self.text+release_note_open.read()
        if follow_file is not None:
            follow_file_open = open(follow_file, 'r')
            self.text = self.text+follow_file_open.read()
Пример #5
class OwlSpecification(object):

    def __init__(self, owl_file, import_files, spec_name, subcomponents=None,
                 used_by=None, generated_by=None, derived_from=None,
                 attributed_to=None, prefix=None, commentable=False,
        self.owl = OwlReader(owl_file, import_files)
        self.owl.graph.bind('nidm', 'http://purl.org/nidash/nidm#')
        self.name = spec_name
        self.component = self.name.lower().replace("-", "_")
        self.section_open = 0
        self.already_defined_classes = list()
        self.commentable = commentable

        self.attributes_done = set()
        self.text = ""
        self.create_specification(subcomponents, used_by, generated_by,
                                  derived_from, attributed_to, prefix, intro)

    def create_specification(self, subcomponents, used_by, generated_by,
                             derived_from, attributed_to, prefix, intro=None):
        self.create_title(self.name+": Types and relations", "definitions")

        if intro is not None:
            self.text += intro

        table_num = 3
        for subcomponent_name, classes in subcomponents.items():
            classes_by_types = self.owl.get_class_names_by_prov_type(
                prefix=prefix, but=self.already_defined_classes)
            self.already_defined_classes += classes

            self.create_subcomponent_table(classes_by_types, table_num,
            table_num = table_num + 1
            all_classes = \
                classes_by_types[PROV['Activity']] + \
                classes_by_types[PROV['Entity']] + \
                classes_by_types[PROV['Agent']] + \

            for class_name in all_classes:
                    self.owl.attributes.setdefault(class_name, None),
                    used_by, generated_by, derived_from, attributed_to,
                    children=not (
                        self.owl.get_prov_class(class_name) == PROV['Entity']))

            if subcomponent_name:
                self.text += """


    def create_subcomponent_table(self, classes, table_num,
        if subcomponent_name:
            self.text += """
            # Check if there is a header file to include here
            fname = os.path.join(
                self.component+"_" +
                subcomponent_name.split(" ")[0].lower()+".html")
            if os.path.isfile(fname):
                fid = open(fname, "r")
                self.text += fid.read()

            subcomponent_name = ""

        # Did not find how to handle table numbering and ids with Respec as we
        # did for figures?
        table_id = "prov-mapping-"""+subcomponent_name.lower()
        self.text += """
        <div style="text-align: left;">
            <table class="thinborder" \
            style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
                <caption id=\""""+table_id+"""\">\
                <a class="internalDFN" href=\"#"""+table_id+"""\">\
                Table """+str(table_num)+"""</a>:"""+self.name+"""\
                """+subcomponent_name + """ Concepts</caption> \
                        <th align="center"><b>"""+self.name+""" Concept</b>\
                        <th align="center"><b>PROV type</b></th>
                        <th align="center"><b>Identifier</b></th>

        self.text += """
        <!-- HERE ------------- Beginning of PROV Entities ------------- -->

        for prov_class in list([
            sorted_classes = classes[prov_class]
            for class_uri in sorted_classes:
                self.text += """

                # First iteration
                if class_uri is sorted_classes[0]:
                    self.text += """
                                <td rowspan=\""""+str(len(sorted_classes)) + \
                        """\" style="text-align: center;"> """ + \
                        self.owl.get_label(prov_class) + \

                self.text += """
                                <td>"""+self.owl.graph.qname(class_uri) + \

        self.text += """

    def create_title(self, title, id=None):
        if id is None:
            self.text += """
            self.text += """
        <section id=\""""+id+"""\">
        self.text += """
        self.section_open += 1

    def _format_markdown(self, text):
        # Replace links specified in markdown by html
        text = markdown2.markdown(text).replace("<p>", "").replace("</p>", "")
        # Remove trailing new line
        text = text[0:-1]
        return text

    def format_definition(self, definition):
        # Capitalize first letter, format markdown and end with dot
        if definition:
            definition = definition[0].upper() + definition[1:]
            definition = self._format_markdown(definition)
            definition += "."

        return definition

    def linked_listing(self, uri_list, prefix="", suffix="", sort=True):
        linked_listing = prefix

        if sort:
            uri_list = self.owl.sorted_by_labels(uri_list)

        for i, uri in enumerate(uri_list):
            if i == 0:
                sep = ""
            elif i == len(uri_list):
                sep = " and "
                sep = ", "
            linked_listing += sep+self.term_link(uri)

        return linked_listing+suffix

    def term_link(self, term_uri, tag="a", text=None):
        href = ""
        if self.owl.is_external_namespace(term_uri):
            href = " href =\""+str(term_uri)+"\""

        if text is None:
            text = self.owl.get_label(term_uri)

        term_link = "<" + tag + " title=\"" + self.owl.get_name(term_uri) + \
                    "\"" + href + ">" + text+"</"+tag+">"

        # # This could be handled by Respec, here we overwrite the id and href
        # # fields in order to be able to have an id that is not generated from
        # # the title field. e.g. title = nidm_0000001 (nidm:Map) and
        # # id = nidm_0000001
        # name_lw = self.owl.get_name(term_uri).lower()
        # if tag is "dfn":
        #     link_info = " id=\"dfn-" + name_lw + "\""
        # elif tag is "a":
        #     link_info = " href=\"#dfn-" + name_lw + "\""

        # term_link = "<" + tag + link_info + \
        #             "  class=\"internalDFN\"" + \
        #             " title=\"" + self.owl.get_name(term_uri) + \
        #             " (" + self.owl.get_label(term_uri) + ")" + \
        #             "\"" + href + ">" + text + "</" + tag + ">"

        if tag is "dfn":
            issue_url = "https://github.com/incf-nidash/nidm/issues"

            # Add link to current definition
            term_link = self.term_link(term_uri, text=term_link)

            if self.commentable:
                term_link = term_link + \
                    " <a href=\""+issue_url+"?&q=is%3Aopen+'" + text + \
                    "'\"\"><sup>&#9734;</sup></a>" + \
                    "<a href=\""+issue_url+"/new\";\"><sup>+</sup></a>"

        return term_link

    def create_class_section(self, class_uri, definition, attributes,
                             used_by=None, generated_by=None,
                             derived_from=None, attributed_to=None,
        class_label = self.owl.get_label(class_uri)
        class_name = self.owl.get_name(class_uri)

        definition = self.format_definition(definition)

        self.text += """
            <!-- """+class_label+""" ("""+class_name+""")"""+""" -->
            <section id="section-"""+class_label+"""">
                <h1 label=\""""+class_name+"""\">"""+class_label+"""</h1>
                <div class="glossary-ref">
                    """+self.term_link(class_uri, "dfn") + ": " + definition

        self.text += "<p> "+self.term_link(class_uri)+" is"

        nidm_class = self.owl.get_nidm_parent(class_uri)
        if nidm_class:
            self.text += " a "+self.term_link(nidm_class)
            prov_class = self.owl.get_prov_class(class_uri)
            if prov_class:
                self.text += " a "+self.owl.get_label(prov_class)

        found_used_by = False
        if used_by:
            if class_uri in used_by:
                self.text += self.linked_listing(used_by[class_uri],
                                                 " used by ")
                found_used_by = True
            used_entities = list()

            for used_entity, used_activities in used_by.items():
                for used_act in used_activities:
                    if used_act == class_uri:
            if used_entities:
                self.text += self.linked_listing(used_entities,
                                                 " that uses ",
                                                 " entities")

        found_attr_to = False
        if attributed_to:
            if class_uri in attributed_to:
                if found_used_by:
                    self.text += " and "
                self.text += self.linked_listing(attributed_to[class_uri],
                                                 " attributed to ")
                found_attr_to = True

        found_generated_by = False
        if generated_by:
            if class_uri in generated_by:
                if found_used_by or found_generated_by:
                    self.text += " and "

                self.text += self.linked_listing(
                    list([generated_by[class_uri]]), " generated by ")

                found_generated_by = True

            if class_uri in generated_by.values():
                generated_entities = list()
                for generated_entity, generated_act in generated_by.items():
                    if generated_act == class_uri:

                if generated_entities:
                    self.text += self.linked_listing(
                        ". This activity generates ", " entities")

        if derived_from:
            if class_uri in derived_from:
                if found_used_by or found_generated_by or found_attr_to:
                    self.text += " and "

                self.text += self.linked_listing(
                    list([derived_from[class_uri]]), " derived from ")

        class_children = self.owl.get_direct_children(class_uri)
        if class_children:
            if found_used_by or found_generated_by or found_attr_to:
                self.text += ". It "
                self.text += " and "
            self.text += " has the following child"
            if len(class_children) > 1:
                self.text += "ren"
            self.text += ": " + \

        self.text += "."
        self.text += "</p>"

        range_classes = list()

        self.text += """

        if attributes and (attributes != set([CRYPTO['sha512']])):
            self.text += """
                <div class="attributes" id="attributes-"""+class_label + \
                """"> A """ + \
                self.term_link(class_uri)+""" has attributes:
                    <li><span class="attribute" id=\"""" + \
                class_label+""".label">rdfs:label</span>: \
                    (<em class="rfc2119" title="OPTIONAL">OPTIONAL</em>) """\
            """Human readable description of the """ + \

            for att in sorted(attributes):

                # Do not display prov relations as attributes
                # (except prov:atLocation...)
                if not self.owl.is_prov(att) or (att == PROV['atLocation']):
                    if att not in self.attributes_done:
                        # First definition of this attribute
                        att_tag = "dfn"
                        att_tag = "a"


                    # if att_label.startswith("nidm:"):
                    att_def = self.owl.get_definition(att)
                    self.text += """
                        <li>"""+self.term_link(att, att_tag) + \
                        '</span>: (<em class="rfc2119" title="OPTIONAL">' + \
                        'OPTIONAL</em>) ' + self.format_definition(att_def)

                    if att in self.owl.parent_ranges:
                        child_ranges = list()
                        for parent_range in self.owl.parent_ranges[att]:
                            child_ranges += self.owl.get_direct_children(
                            if self.owl.get_label(parent_range).\
                        child_ranges = sorted(child_ranges)

                        # if nidm_namespace:
                        child_range_txt = ""
                        if child_ranges:
                            # Get all child ranges
                            child_range_txt = self.linked_listing(
                                child_ranges, " such as ")

                        self.text += self.linked_listing(
                            " (range ", child_range_txt+")")
                        self.text += "."

                        self.text += "</li>"

            self.text += """

        BASE_REPOSITORY = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/" + \
        for title, example in self.owl.get_example(class_uri, BASE_REPOSITORY):
            self.text += """
                <pre class='example highlight' title=\""""+title+"""\">""" + \
                cgi.escape(example) + """</pre>"""

        # For object property list also children (in sub-sections)
        if children:
            direct_children = self.owl.sorted_by_labels(
            for child in direct_children:
                if not child in self.already_defined_classes:
                        self.owl.attributes.setdefault(child, None),

        # Display individuals
        individuals = self.owl.sorted_by_labels(
        if individuals:
            self.text += \
                " Examples of "+self.term_link(class_uri)+" includes " + \

            for indiv in individuals:
                self.text += "<li>" + self.term_link(indiv, "dfn") + ": " + \
                                 self.owl.get_definition(indiv)) + \

            self.text += "</ul>"

        if is_range:
            self.text += """

        for range_name in self.owl.sorted_by_labels(range_classes):
            if not range_name in self.already_defined_classes:
                    self.owl.attributes.setdefault(range_name, None),
                    children=True, is_range=True)

        if not is_range:
            self.text += """

    def close_sections(self):
        for x in range(0, self.section_open):
            self.text += "\t"*x+"</section>\n"

    # Write out specification
    def write_specification(self, spec_file=None, component=None,
        if component and version:
            spec_file = os.path.join(DOC_FOLDER, component+"_"+version+".html")

        spec_open = codecs.open(spec_file, 'w', "utf-8")

    def _header_footer(self, prev_file=None, follow_file=None, component=None,

        release_notes = None
        if component:
            prev_file = os.path.join(
                INCLUDE_FOLDER, component+"_"+version+"_head.html")
            if not os.path.isfile(prev_file):
                prev_file = os.path.join(
                    INCLUDE_FOLDER, component+"_head.html")
            follow_file = os.path.join(
                INCLUDE_FOLDER, component+"_"+version+"_foot.html")
            if not os.path.isfile(follow_file):
                follow_file = os.path.join(
                    INCLUDE_FOLDER, component+"_foot.html")
            if version:
                release_notes = os.path.join(
                if not os.path.isfile(release_notes):
                    release_notes = None

        if prev_file is not None:
            prev_file_open = open(prev_file, 'r')
            self.text = prev_file_open.read().decode('utf-8')+self.text
        if release_notes is not None:
            release_note_open = open(release_notes, 'r')
            self.text = self.text+release_note_open.read()
        if follow_file is not None:
            follow_file_open = open(follow_file, 'r')
            self.text = self.text+follow_file_open.read()
def main(sid, aid, owl_file, template_files, script_files, constants_file):
    owl_txt = get_file_text(owl_file)

    templates_txt = dict()
    for template_file in template_files:
        templates_txt[template_file] = get_file_text(template_file)

    scripts_txt = dict()
    for script_file in script_files:
        scripts_txt[script_file] = get_file_text(script_file)

    cst_txt = get_file_text(constants_file)

    sid_name = sid.split(":")[1]
    sid_namespace = sid.split(":")[0]
    if sid_namespace == "nidm":
        uri = NIDM[sid_name]
        pref = "NIDM"
    elif sid_namespace == "fsl":
        uri = FSL[sid_name]
        pref = "FSL"
    elif sid_namespace == "spm":
        uri = SPM[sid_name]
        pref = "SPM"

    # If alphanumeric identifier was not defined, find the next available
    if aid is None:
        before_alnum = sid_namespace + ":" + pref + "_"

        # Find all alphanumeric identifiers in the owl file
        alphanum_ids = set(re.findall("(" + before_alnum + '\d+)\s+', owl_txt))

        # Get identifier number for next alphanumeric identifier
        last_id = sorted(list(alphanum_ids))[-1]
        new_id_num = int(last_id.replace(before_alnum, "")) + 1

        aid = before_alnum + "{0:0>7}".format(new_id_num)

    owl = OwlReader

    owl = OwlReader(owl_file)
    label = owl.get_label(uri).split(":")[1].replace("'", "")

    # Replace all occurences of semantic id
    owl_txt = owl_txt.replace(sid + " ", aid + " ")
    # Replace ids in templates
    for tpl, tpl_txt in templates_txt.items():
        templates_txt[tpl] = tpl_txt.replace(sid + " ", aid + " ")
    for scr, scr_txt in scripts_txt.items():
        scripts_txt[scr] = scr_txt.replace('"' + sid + '"', '"' + aid + '"')

    new_constant = pref + "_" + \
        label.upper().replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_") + \
        " = " + pref + "['"+aid.replace(sid_namespace + ":", "")+"']"
    cst_txt = cst_txt.replace("# NIDM constants",
                              "# NIDM constants\n" + new_constant)

    replace_file_txt(owl_file, owl_txt)
    replace_file_txt(constants_file, cst_txt)
    for tpl, tpl_txt in templates_txt.items():
        replace_file_txt(tpl, tpl_txt)
    for scr, scr_txt in scripts_txt.items():
        replace_file_txt(scr, scr_txt)