Пример #1
def test_parse_bids_filename():
    fields = ['sub', 'ses', 'task', 'lolo']
    labels = ['01', '01', 'langloc', 'lala']
    file_name = 'sub-01_ses-01_task-langloc_lolo-lala_bold.nii.gz'
    file_path = os.path.join('dataset', 'sub-01', 'ses-01', 'func', file_name)
    file_dict = parse_bids_filename(file_path)
    for fidx, field in enumerate(fields):
        assert file_dict[field] == labels[fidx]
    assert file_dict['file_type'] == 'nii.gz'
    assert file_dict['file_tag'] == 'bold'
    assert file_dict['file_path'] == file_path
    assert file_dict['file_basename'] == file_name
    assert file_dict['file_fields'] == fields
Пример #2
def first_level_from_bids(dataset_path, task_label, space_label=None,
                          img_filters=None, t_r=None, slice_time_ref=0.,
                          hrf_model='glover', drift_model='cosine',
                          high_pass=.01, drift_order=1, fir_delays=[0],
                          min_onset=-24, mask_img=None,
                          target_affine=None, target_shape=None,
                          smoothing_fwhm=None, memory=Memory(None),
                          memory_level=1, standardize=False,
                          signal_scaling=0, noise_model='ar1',
                          verbose=0, n_jobs=1,
    """Create FirstLevelModel objects and fit arguments from a BIDS dataset.

    It t_r is not specified this function will attempt to load it from a
    bold.json file alongside slice_time_ref. Otherwise t_r and slice_time_ref
    are taken as given.

    dataset_path: str
        Directory of the highest level folder of the BIDS dataset. Should
        contain subject folders and a derivatives folder.

    task_label: str
        Task_label as specified in the file names like _task-<task_label>_.

    space_label: str, optional
        Specifies the space label of the preprocessed bold.nii images.
        As they are specified in the file names like _space-<space_label>_.

    img_filters: list of tuples (str, str), optional (default: None)
        Filters are of the form (field, label). Only one filter per field
        allowed. A file that does not match a filter will be discarded.
        Possible filters are 'acq', 'ce', 'dir', 'rec', 'run', 'echo', 'res',
        'den', and 'desc'. Filter examples would be ('desc', 'preproc'),
        ('dir', 'pa') and ('run', '10').

    derivatives_folder: str, optional
        derivatives and app folder path containing preprocessed files.
        Like "derivatives/FMRIPREP". default is simply "derivatives".

    All other parameters correspond to a `FirstLevelModel` object, which
    contains their documentation. The subject label of the model will be
    determined directly from the BIDS dataset.

    models: list of `FirstLevelModel` objects
        Each FirstLevelModel object corresponds to a subject. All runs from
        different sessions are considered together for the same subject to run
        a fixed effects analysis on them.

    models_run_imgs: list of list of Niimg-like objects,
        Items for the FirstLevelModel fit function of their respective model.

    models_events: list of list of pandas DataFrames,
        Items for the FirstLevelModel fit function of their respective model.

    models_confounds: list of list of pandas DataFrames or None,
        Items for the FirstLevelModel fit function of their respective model.
    # check arguments
    img_filters = img_filters if img_filters else []
    if not isinstance(dataset_path, str):
        raise TypeError(
            'dataset_path must be a string, instead %s was given' %
    if not os.path.exists(dataset_path):
        raise ValueError('given path do not exist: %s' % dataset_path)
    if not isinstance(task_label, str):
        raise TypeError('task_label must be a string, instead %s was given' %
    if space_label is not None and not isinstance(space_label, str):
        raise TypeError('space_label must be a string, instead %s was given' %
    if not isinstance(img_filters, list):
        raise TypeError('img_filters must be a list, instead %s was given' %
    for img_filter in img_filters:
        if (not isinstance(img_filter[0], str)
                or not isinstance(img_filter[1], str)):
            raise TypeError('filters in img filters must be (str, str), '
                            'instead %s was given' % type(img_filter))
        if img_filter[0] not in ['acq', 'ce', 'dir', 'rec', 'run',
                                 'echo', 'desc', 'res', 'den',
            raise ValueError(
                "field %s is not a possible filter. Only "
                "'acq', 'ce', 'dir', 'rec', 'run', 'echo', "
                "'desc', 'res', 'den' are allowed." % img_filter[0])

    # check derivatives folder is present
    derivatives_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, derivatives_folder)
    if not os.path.exists(derivatives_path):
        raise ValueError('derivatives folder does not exist in given dataset')

    # Get acq specs for models. RepetitionTime and SliceTimingReference.
    # Throw warning if no bold.json is found
    if t_r is not None:
        warn('RepetitionTime given in model_init as %d' % t_r)
        warn('slice_time_ref is %d percent of the repetition '
             'time' % slice_time_ref)
        filters = [('task', task_label)]
        for img_filter in img_filters:
            if img_filter[0] in ['acq', 'rec', 'run']:

        img_specs = get_bids_files(derivatives_path, modality_folder='func',
                                   file_tag='bold', file_type='json',
        # If we dont find the parameter information in the derivatives folder
        # we try to search in the raw data folder
        if not img_specs:
            img_specs = get_bids_files(dataset_path, modality_folder='func',
                                       file_tag='bold', file_type='json',
        if not img_specs:
            warn('No bold.json found in derivatives folder or '
                 'in dataset folder. t_r can not be inferred and will need to'
                 ' be set manually in the list of models, otherwise their fit'
                 ' will throw an exception')
            specs = json.load(open(img_specs[0], 'r'))
            if 'RepetitionTime' in specs:
                t_r = float(specs['RepetitionTime'])
                warn('RepetitionTime not found in file %s. t_r can not be '
                     'inferred and will need to be set manually in the '
                     'list of models. Otherwise their fit will throw an '
                     ' exception' % img_specs[0])
            if 'SliceTimingRef' in specs:
                slice_time_ref = float(specs['SliceTimingRef'])
                warn('SliceTimingRef not found in file %s. It will be assumed'
                     ' that the slice timing reference is 0.0 percent of the '
                     'repetition time. If it is not the case it will need to '
                     'be set manually in the generated list of models' %

    # Infer subjects in dataset
    sub_folders = glob.glob(os.path.join(derivatives_path, 'sub-*/'))
    sub_labels = [os.path.basename(s[:-1]).split('-')[1] for s in sub_folders]
    sub_labels = sorted(list(set(sub_labels)))

    # Build fit_kwargs dictionaries to pass to their respective models fit
    # Events and confounds files must match number of imgs (runs)
    models = []
    models_run_imgs = []
    models_events = []
    models_confounds = []
    for sub_label in sub_labels:
        # Create model
        model = FirstLevelModel(
            t_r=t_r, slice_time_ref=slice_time_ref, hrf_model=hrf_model,
            drift_model=drift_model, high_pass=high_pass,
            drift_order=drift_order, fir_delays=fir_delays,
            min_onset=min_onset, mask_img=mask_img,
            target_affine=target_affine, target_shape=target_shape,
            smoothing_fwhm=smoothing_fwhm, memory=memory,
            memory_level=memory_level, standardize=standardize,
            signal_scaling=signal_scaling, noise_model=noise_model,
            verbose=verbose, n_jobs=n_jobs,
            minimize_memory=minimize_memory, subject_label=sub_label)

        # Get preprocessed imgs
        if space_label is None:
            filters = [('task', task_label)] + img_filters
            filters = [('task', task_label),
                       ('space', space_label)] + img_filters
        imgs = get_bids_files(derivatives_path, modality_folder='func',
                              file_tag='bold', file_type='nii*',
                              sub_label=sub_label, filters=filters)
        # If there is more than one file for the same (ses, run), likely we
        # have an issue of underspecification of filters.
        run_check_list = []
        # If more than one run is present the run field is mandatory in BIDS
        # as well as the ses field if more than one session is present.
        if len(imgs) > 1:
            for img in imgs:
                img_dict = parse_bids_filename(img)
                if (
                    '_ses-' in img_dict['file_basename']
                    and '_run-' in img_dict['file_basename']
                    if (img_dict['ses'], img_dict['run']) in run_check_list:
                        raise ValueError(
                            'More than one nifti image found '
                            'for the same run %s and session %s. '
                            'Please verify that the '
                            'desc_label and space_label labels '
                            'corresponding to the BIDS spec '
                            'were correctly specified.' %
                            (img_dict['run'], img_dict['ses']))

                elif '_ses-' in img_dict['file_basename']:
                    if img_dict['ses'] in run_check_list:
                        raise ValueError(
                            'More than one nifti image '
                            'found for the same ses %s, while '
                            'no additional run specification present'
                            '. Please verify that the desc_label and '
                            'space_label labels '
                            'corresponding to the BIDS spec '
                            'were correctly specified.' %

                elif '_run-' in img_dict['file_basename']:
                    if img_dict['run'] in run_check_list:
                        raise ValueError(
                            'More than one nifti image '
                            'found for the same run %s. '
                            'Please verify that the desc_label and '
                            'space_label labels '
                            'corresponding to the BIDS spec '
                            'were correctly specified.' %

        # Get events and extra confounds
        filters = [('task', task_label)]
        for img_filter in img_filters:
            if img_filter[0] in ['acq', 'rec', 'run']:

        # Get events files
        events = get_bids_files(dataset_path, modality_folder='func',
                                file_tag='events', file_type='tsv',
                                sub_label=sub_label, filters=filters)
        if events:
            if len(events) != len(imgs):
                raise ValueError('%d events.tsv files found for %d bold '
                                 'files. Same number of event files as '
                                 'the number of runs is expected' %
                                 (len(events), len(imgs)))
            events = [pd.read_csv(event, sep='\t', index_col=None)
                      for event in events]
            raise ValueError('No events.tsv files found')

        # Get confounds. If not found it will be assumed there are none.
        # If there are confounds, they are assumed to be present for all runs.
        confounds = get_bids_files(derivatives_path, modality_folder='func',
                                   file_type='tsv', sub_label=sub_label,

        if confounds:
            if len(confounds) != len(imgs):
                raise ValueError('%d confounds.tsv files found for %d bold '
                                 'files. Same number of confound files as '
                                 'the number of runs is expected' %
                                 (len(events), len(imgs)))
            confounds = [pd.read_csv(c, sep='\t', index_col=None)
                         for c in confounds]

    return models, models_run_imgs, models_events, models_confounds