Пример #1
def test_smooth_img():
    # This function only checks added functionalities compared
    # to _smooth_array()
    shapes = ((10, 11, 12), (13, 14, 15))
    lengths = (17, 18)
    fwhm = (1., 2., 3.)

    img1, mask1 = testing.generate_fake_fmri(shape=shapes[0],
    img2, mask2 = testing.generate_fake_fmri(shape=shapes[1],

    for create_files in (False, True):
        with testing.write_tmp_imgs(img1, img2,
                                    create_files=create_files) as imgs:
            # List of images as input
            out = image.smooth_img(imgs, fwhm)
            assert_true(isinstance(out, list))
            assert_true(len(out) == 2)
            for o, s, l in zip(out, shapes, lengths):
                assert_true(o.shape == (s + (l,)))

            # Single image as input
            out = image.smooth_img(imgs[0], fwhm)
            assert_true(isinstance(out, nibabel.Nifti1Image))
            assert_true(out.shape == (shapes[0] + (lengths[0],)))
Пример #2
def test_smooth_img():
    # This function only checks added functionalities compared
    # to _smooth_array()
    shapes = ((10, 11, 12), (13, 14, 15))
    lengths = (17, 18)
    fwhm = (1., 2., 3.)

    img1, mask1 = testing.generate_fake_fmri(shape=shapes[0],
    img2, mask2 = testing.generate_fake_fmri(shape=shapes[1],

    for create_files in (False, True):
        with testing.write_tmp_imgs(img1, img2,
                                    create_files=create_files) as imgs:
            # List of images as input
            out = image.smooth_img(imgs, fwhm)
            assert_true(isinstance(out, list))
            assert_true(len(out) == 2)
            for o, s, l in zip(out, shapes, lengths):
                assert_true(o.shape == (s + (l, )))

            # Single image as input
            out = image.smooth_img(imgs[0], fwhm)
            assert_true(isinstance(out, nibabel.Nifti1Image))
            assert_true(out.shape == (shapes[0] + (lengths[0], )))

    # Check corner case situations when fwhm=0, See issue #1537
    # Test whether function smooth_img raises a warning when fwhm=0.
    assert_warns(UserWarning, image.smooth_img, img1, fwhm=0.)

    # Test output equal when fwhm=None and fwhm=0
    out_fwhm_none = image.smooth_img(img1, fwhm=None)
    out_fwhm_zero = image.smooth_img(img1, fwhm=0.)
    assert_array_equal(out_fwhm_none.get_data(), out_fwhm_zero.get_data())
Пример #3
def test_smooth_img():
    # This function only checks added functionalities compared
    # to _smooth_array()
    shapes = ((10, 11, 12), (13, 14, 15))
    lengths = (17, 18)
    fwhm = (1., 2., 3.)

    img1, mask1 = data_gen.generate_fake_fmri(shape=shapes[0],
    img2, mask2 = data_gen.generate_fake_fmri(shape=shapes[1],

    for create_files in (False, True):
        with testing.write_tmp_imgs(img1, img2,
                                    create_files=create_files) as imgs:
            # List of images as input
            out = image.smooth_img(imgs, fwhm)
            assert_true(isinstance(out, list))
            assert_true(len(out) == 2)
            for o, s, l in zip(out, shapes, lengths):
                assert_true(o.shape == (s + (l,)))

            # Single image as input
            out = image.smooth_img(imgs[0], fwhm)
            assert_true(isinstance(out, nibabel.Nifti1Image))
            assert_true(out.shape == (shapes[0] + (lengths[0],)))

    # Check corner case situations when fwhm=0, See issue #1537
    # Test whether function smooth_img raises a warning when fwhm=0.
    assert_warns(UserWarning, image.smooth_img, img1, fwhm=0.)

    # Test output equal when fwhm=None and fwhm=0
    out_fwhm_none = image.smooth_img(img1, fwhm=None)
    out_fwhm_zero = image.smooth_img(img1, fwhm=0.)
    assert_array_equal(out_fwhm_none.get_data(), out_fwhm_zero.get_data())

    data1 = np.zeros((10, 11, 12))
    data1[2:4, 1:5, 3:6] = 1
    data2 = np.zeros((13, 14, 15))
    data2[2:4, 1:5, 3:6] = 9
    img1_nifti2 = nibabel.Nifti2Image(data1, affine=np.eye(4))
    img2_nifti2 = nibabel.Nifti2Image(data2, affine=np.eye(4))
    out = image.smooth_img([img1_nifti2, img2_nifti2], fwhm=1.)
Пример #4
def test_smooth_img():
    # This function only checks added functionalities compared
    # to _smooth_array()
    shapes = ((10, 11, 12), (13, 14, 15))
    lengths = (17, 18)
    fwhm = (1., 2., 3.)

    img1, mask1 = data_gen.generate_fake_fmri(shape=shapes[0],
    img2, mask2 = data_gen.generate_fake_fmri(shape=shapes[1],

    for create_files in (False, True):
        with testing.write_tmp_imgs(img1, img2,
                                    create_files=create_files) as imgs:
            # List of images as input
            out = image.smooth_img(imgs, fwhm)
            assert isinstance(out, list)
            assert len(out) == 2
            for o, s, l in zip(out, shapes, lengths):
                assert o.shape == (s + (l, ))

            # Single image as input
            out = image.smooth_img(imgs[0], fwhm)
            assert isinstance(out, nibabel.Nifti1Image)
            assert out.shape == (shapes[0] + (lengths[0], ))

    # Check corner case situations when fwhm=0, See issue #1537
    # Test whether function smooth_img raises a warning when fwhm=0.
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        image.smooth_img(img1, fwhm=0.)

    # Test output equal when fwhm=None and fwhm=0
    out_fwhm_none = image.smooth_img(img1, fwhm=None)
    out_fwhm_zero = image.smooth_img(img1, fwhm=0.)
    assert_array_equal(get_data(out_fwhm_none), get_data(out_fwhm_zero))

    data1 = np.zeros((10, 11, 12))
    data1[2:4, 1:5, 3:6] = 1
    data2 = np.zeros((13, 14, 15))
    data2[2:4, 1:5, 3:6] = 9
    img1_nifti2 = nibabel.Nifti2Image(data1, affine=np.eye(4))
    img2_nifti2 = nibabel.Nifti2Image(data2, affine=np.eye(4))
    out = image.smooth_img([img1_nifti2, img2_nifti2], fwhm=1.)