title='Surface right hemisphere: fine mesh', threshold=1., bg_map=big_fsaverage.sulc_right) ############################################################################## # Plot multiple views of the 3D volume on a surface # ------------------------------------------------- # # :func:`~nilearn.plotting.plot_img_on_surf` takes a statistical map and # projects it onto a surface. It supports multiple choices of orientations, # and can plot either one or both hemispheres. If no ``surf_mesh`` is given, # :func:`~nilearn.plotting.plot_img_on_surf` projects the images onto # `FreeSurfer <https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/>`_\'s fsaverage5. plotting.plot_img_on_surf(stat_img, views=['lateral', 'medial'], hemispheres=['left', 'right'], colorbar=True) plotting.show() ############################################################################## # 3D visualization in a web browser # --------------------------------- # # An alternative to :func:`nilearn.plotting.plot_surf_stat_map` is to use # :func:`nilearn.plotting.view_surf` or # :func:`nilearn.plotting.view_img_on_surf` that give more interactive # visualizations in a web browser. See :ref:`interactive-surface-plotting` for # more details. view = plotting.view_surf(fsaverage.infl_right, texture,
files = [ files for files in os.listdir(base_dir) if ('masked.nii.gz' in files) and (not '._' in files) ] paths = [base_dir + '/' + s for s in files] for i in range(len(paths)): img = load_img(paths[i]) data = img.get_fdata() min_thr = min(abs(data[abs(data) > 0])) title = files[i].replace('_masked.nii.gz', '').replace('results_', '') view = plotting.view_img_on_surf(img, threshold=min_thr, title=title) out_file = base_dir + '/results_images/' + files[i].replace( '.nii.gz', '.html') view.save_as_html(out_file) for i in range(len(paths)): img = load_img(paths[i]) data = img.get_fdata() min_thr = min(abs(data[abs(data) > 0])) title = files[i].replace('_masked.nii.gz', '').replace('results_', '') out_file = base_dir + '/results_images/' + files[i].replace( '.nii.gz', '.svg') plotting.plot_img_on_surf(img, views=['lateral', 'medial'], hemispheres=['left', 'right'], colorbar=True, threshold=min_thr, output_file=out_file, title=title)