Пример #1
def test_as_coordinate_map():

    ijk = CoordinateSystem('ijk')
    xyz = CoordinateSystem('xyz')

    A = np.random.standard_normal((4,4))

    # bottom row of A is not [0,0,0,1]
    yield assert_raises, ValueError, AffineTransform, ijk, xyz, A

    A[-1] = [0,0,0,1]

    aff = AffineTransform(ijk, xyz, A)
    _cmapA = _as_coordinate_map(aff)
    yield assert_true, isinstance(_cmapA, CoordinateMap)
    yield assert_true, _cmapA.inverse_function != None

    # a non-invertible one

    B = A[1:]
    xy = CoordinateSystem('xy')
    affB = AffineTransform(ijk, xy, B)
    _cmapB = _as_coordinate_map(affB)

    yield assert_true, isinstance(_cmapB, CoordinateMap)
    yield assert_true, _cmapB.inverse_function == None
Пример #2
def test_shift_origin():
    CS = CoordinateSystem

    A = np.random.standard_normal((5,6))
    A[-1] = [0,0,0,0,0,1]

    aff1 = AffineTransform(CS('ijklm', 'oldorigin'), CS('xyzt'), A)
    difference = np.random.standard_normal(5)
    point_in_old_basis = np.random.standard_normal(5)

    for aff in [aff1, _as_coordinate_map(aff1)]:
        # The same affine transforation with a different origin for its domain

        shifted_aff = shifted_domain_origin(aff, difference, 'neworigin')

        # This is the relation ship between coordinates in old and new origins

        yield assert_true, np.allclose(shifted_aff(point_in_old_basis), aff(point_in_old_basis+difference))

        yield assert_true, np.allclose(shifted_aff(point_in_old_basis-difference), aff(point_in_old_basis))

    # OK, now for the range

    A = np.random.standard_normal((5,6))
    A[-1] = [0,0,0,0,0,1]
    aff2 = AffineTransform(CS('ijklm', 'oldorigin'), CS('xyzt'), A)

    difference = np.random.standard_normal(4)

    for aff in [aff2, _as_coordinate_map(aff2)]:
    # The same affine transforation with a different origin for its domain

        shifted_aff = shifted_range_origin(aff, difference, 'neworigin')

        # Let's check that things work

        point_in_old_basis = np.random.standard_normal(5)

        # This is the relation ship between coordinates in old and new origins

        yield assert_true, np.allclose(shifted_aff(point_in_old_basis), aff(point_in_old_basis)-difference)

        yield assert_true, np.allclose(shifted_aff(point_in_old_basis)+difference, aff(point_in_old_basis))