def high_variance_confounds(file_names): """ Return confounds time series extracted from voxels with high variance. Parameters =========== filenames: list of 3d nifti or analyze files The ras (non preprocessed) dataset Notes ====== This method is related to what has been published in the literature as 'CompCorr' (Behzadi NeuroImage 2007). """ mask = np.ones(nibabel.load(filenames[0]).get_data().shape, dtype=np.bool) series, _ = mask_tools.series_from_mask( filenames, mask) for serie in series: serie[:] = signal.detrend(serie) # Retrieve the 1% high variance voxels var = np.mean(series**2, axis=-1) var_thr = stats.scoreatpercentile(var, 99) series = series[var > var_thr] u, s, v = linalg.svd(series, full_matrices=False) v = v[:10] return v
def high_variance_confounds(file_names): """ Return confounds time series extracted from voxels with high variance. Parameters =========== filenames: list of 3d nifti or analyze files The ras (non preprocessed) dataset Notes ====== This method is related to what has been published in the literature as 'CompCorr' (Behzadi NeuroImage 2007). """ mask = np.ones(nibabel.load(filenames[0]).get_data().shape, dtype=np.bool) series, _ = mask_tools.series_from_mask(filenames, mask) for serie in series: serie[:] = signal.detrend(serie) # Retrieve the 1% high variance voxels var = np.mean(series**2, axis=-1) var_thr = stats.scoreatpercentile(var, 99) series = series[var > var_thr] u, s, v = linalg.svd(series, full_matrices=False) v = v[:10] return v
def session_pca(raw_filenames, mask, smooth=False, two_levels=False, n_first_components=None): """ Do the preprocessing and calculate the PCA components for a single session. Parameters ----------- mask: 3d ndarray 3D mask array: true where a voxel should be used. smooth: False or float, optional If smooth is not False, it gives the size, in voxel of the spatial smoothing to apply to the signal. two_levels: boolean, optional If two_levels is True, the filenames are a list of filenames corresponding to various sessions, and a multi-level model is applied based on a first CCA. n_first_components: integer, optional The number of components to retain at the first level. This must be specified if two_levels is True. """ # Data preprocessing and loading. if not two_levels: series, header = mask_utils.series_from_mask(raw_filenames, mask, smooth=smooth) # XXX: this should go in series_from_mask series -= series.mean(axis=-1)[:, np.newaxis] std = series.std(axis=-1) std[std==0] = 1 series /= std[:, np.newaxis] del std # PCA components, loadings, _ = linalg.svd(series, full_matrices=False) else: if n_first_components is None: raise ValueError('If two_levels is True, n_first_components ' 'must be specified') components = list() for session_files in raw_filenames: these_components, _, header = \ session_pca(session_files, mask, smooth=smooth) components.append(these_components[:, :n_first_components]) del these_components # CCA components = np.hstack(components) components, loadings, _ = linalg.svd(components, full_matrices=False) return components, loadings, header
gm_img = as_volume_img(gm_file) epi_ref_img = as_volume_img(epi_ref_file) # Resample tissue mask to grid of epi gm_img = gm_img.resampled_to_img(epi_ref_img) # Extract tissue mask gm = gm_img.get_data() # Normalize the mask to [0,1] gm -= gm.min() gm /= gm.max() # Threshold tissue mask gm_mask = (gm > .5) # Find largest connected component gm_mask = mask_utils.largest_cc(gm_mask) # Extract graymatter voxel timecourses time_series_gm, header_gm = mask_utils.series_from_mask(epi_files, gm_mask) time_series_gm = preprocessing.standardize(time_series_gm).T n_tpts = time_series_gm.shape[0] # Load motion regressors motion_regressor = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "fmri", "rp_fga070108233-0004-00002-000002-01.txt")) motion_regressor = preprocessing.standardize(motion_regressor) # Bandpass filter to remove DC offset and low frequency drifts beta, _, _, _ = linalg.lstsq(motion_regressor,time_series_gm) time_series_gm -=,beta) f_cut = np.array([0.01, 0.1]) tr = 2.4 samp_freq = 1 / tr w_cut = f_cut * 2 / samp_freq b, a = signal.butter(5, w_cut, btype='bandpass', analog=0, output='ba') for tc in time_series_gm.T: tc[:] = signal.filtfilt(b, a, tc) # Modify timer_series_gm in place