Пример #1
def test_apply_affine():
    XYZ = (100*(np.random.rand(10,11,12,3)-.5)).astype('int')
    T = np.eye(4)
    T[0:3,0:3] = np.random.rand(3,3)
    T[0:3,3] = 100*(np.random.rand(3)-.5)
    _XYZ = apply_affine(inverse_affine(T), apply_affine(T, XYZ))
    assert_almost_equal(_XYZ, XYZ)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, image, control_points, sigma, grid_coords=False, affine=None):
        control_points: a Nx3 array of world coordinates

        if grid_coords is True, both `control_points` and `sigma` are
        interpreted in voxel coordinates.
        nparams = np.prod(control_points.shape)
        self._generic_init(image, affine, nparams)
        fromworld = inverse_affine(self._toworld)
        if grid_coords:
            self._control_points = apply_affine(self._toworld, control_points)
            tmp = control_points
            self._control_points = np.asarray(control_points)
            tmp = apply_affine(fromworld, control_points)
        # TODO : make sure the control point indices fall within the
        # subgrid and maybe raise a warning if rounding is too severe

        tmp = np.round(tmp).astype('int')
        self._idx_control_points = tuple([tmp[:,:,:,i] for i in range(tmp.shape[3])])
        self._sigma = sigma*np.ones(3) 
        self._grid_sigma = np.abs(np.diagonal(fromworld)[0:-1]*sigma)
        self._norma = np.prod(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*self._grid_sigma)
Пример #3
 def eval(self, T):
     if isinstance(T, GridTransform): 
         # TODO: make sure T.shape matches self._source_image.shape
         affine = 0 
         Tv = apply_affine(self._target_fromworld, T[self._slices])
         affine = 1
         Tv = np.dot(self._target_fromworld, np.dot(T, self._source_toworld)) 
     seed = self._interp
     if self._interp < 0:
         seed = - np.random.randint(maxint)
                      self._source.flat, ## array iterator
     #self.source_hist = np.sum(self._joint_hist, 1)
     #self.target_hist = np.sum(self._joint_hist, 0)
     return _similarity(self._joint_hist, 
Пример #4
 def _sample_affine(self): 
     if self._sampled == None: 
         self._sampled = apply_affine(self._grid_affine, self.IJK())
         self._sampled[:] = apply_affine(self._grid_affine, self.IJK())
Пример #5
 def __call__(self, xyz): 
     return apply_affine(self.__array__(), xyz)
Пример #6
def grid_coords(xyz, affine, from_world, to_world):
    Tv = np.dot(from_world, np.dot(affine, to_world))
    XYZ = apply_affine(Tv, xyz)
    return XYZ[:,0], XYZ[:,1], XYZ[:,2]
Пример #7
def cluster_stats(zimg, mask, height_th, height_control='fpr', 
                  cluster_th=0, nulls={}):
    Return a list of clusters, each cluster being represented by a
    dictionary. Clusters are sorted by descending size order. Within
    each cluster, local maxima are sorted by descending depth order.

    zimg: z-score image
    mask: mask image 
    height_th: cluster forming threshold
    height_control: string 
            false positive control meaning of cluster forming 
            threshold: 'fpr'|'fdr'|'bonferroni'|'none'
    cluster_th: cluster size threshold
    null_s : cluster-level calibration method: None|'rft'|array

    This works only with three dimsnionsla data
    # Masking
    if len(mask.get_shape())>3:
        xyz = np.where((mask.get_data()>0).squeeze())
        zmap = zimg.get_data().squeeze()[xyz]
        xyz = np.where(mask.get_data()>0)
        zmap = zimg.get_data()[xyz]

    xyz = np.array(xyz).T
    nvoxels = np.size(xyz, 0)

    # Thresholding 
    if height_control == 'fpr':
        zth = sp_stats.norm.isf(height_th)
    elif height_control == 'fdr':
        zth = emp_null.FDR(zmap).threshold(height_th)
    elif height_control == 'bonferroni':
        zth = sp_stats.norm.isf(height_th/nvoxels)
    else: ## Brute-force thresholding 
        zth = height_th
    pth = sp_stats.norm.sf(zth)
    above_th = zmap>zth
    if len(np.where(above_th)[0]) == 0:
        return None, None ## FIXME
    zmap_th = zmap[above_th]
    xyz_th = xyz[above_th,:]

    # Clustering
    ## Extract local maxima and connex components above some threshold
    ff = Field(np.size(zmap_th), field=zmap_th)
    ff.from_3d_grid(xyz_th, k=18)
    maxima, depth = ff.get_local_maxima(th=zth)
    labels = ff.cc()
    ## Make list of clusters, each cluster being a dictionary 
    clusters = []
    for k in range(labels.max() + 1):
        s = np.sum(labels == k)
        if s >= cluster_th:
            in_cluster = labels[maxima] == k
            m = maxima[in_cluster]
            d = depth[in_cluster]
            sorted = d.argsort()[::-1]
            clusters.append({'size':s, 'maxima':m[sorted], 'depth':d[sorted]}) 

    ## Sort clusters by descending size order
    def smaller(c1, c2):
        return int(np.sign(c2['size']-c1['size']))

    # FDR-corrected p-values
    fdr_pvalue = emp_null.FDR(zmap).all_fdr()[above_th]

    # Default "nulls"
    if not nulls.has_key('zmax'):
        nulls['zmax'] = 'bonferroni'
    if not nulls.has_key('smax'):
        nulls['smax'] = None
    if not nulls.has_key('s'):
        nulls['s'] = None

    # Report significance levels in each cluster 
    for c in clusters:
        maxima = c['maxima']
        zscore = zmap_th[maxima]
        pval = sp_stats.norm.sf(zscore)
        # Replace array indices with real coordinates
        c['maxima'] = apply_affine(zimg.get_affine(), xyz_th[maxima]) 
        c['zscore'] = zscore
        c['pvalue'] = pval
        c['fdr_pvalue'] = fdr_pvalue[maxima]

        # Voxel-level corrected p-values
        p = None
        if nulls['zmax'] == 'bonferroni':
            p = bonferroni(pval, nvoxels) 
        elif isinstance(nulls['zmax'], np.ndarray):
            p = simulated_pvalue(zscore, nulls['zmax'])
        c['fwer_pvalue'] = p

        # Cluster-level p-values (corrected)
        p = None
        if isinstance(nulls['smax'], np.ndarray):
            p = simulated_pvalue(c['size'], nulls['smax'])
        c['cluster_fwer_pvalue'] = p

        # Cluster-level p-values (uncorrected)
        p = None
        if isinstance(nulls['s'], np.ndarray):
            p = simulated_pvalue(c['size'], nulls['s'])
        c['cluster_pvalue'] = p

    # General info
    info = {'nvoxels': nvoxels,
            'threshold_z': zth,
            'threshold_p': pth,
            'threshold_pcorr': bonferroni(pth, nvoxels)}

    return clusters, info