Пример #1
def test_iconic():
    """ Test the iconic registration class.
    I = Image(make_data_int16(), dummy_affine)
    J = Image(I.data.copy(), dummy_affine)
    regie = IconicRegistration(I, J)
    assert_raises(ValueError, regie.set_source_fov, spacing=[0,1,3])
def test_histogram_registration():
    """ Test the histogram registration class.
    I = AffineImage(make_data_int16(), dummy_affine, 'ijk')
    J = AffineImage(I.get_data().copy(), dummy_affine, 'ijk')
    R = HistogramRegistration(I, J)
    assert_raises(ValueError, R.subsample, spacing=[0,1,3])
Пример #3
def test_iconic():
    """ Test the iconic class.
    I = Image(make_data_int16())
    J = Image(I.array.copy())
    IM = IconicMatcher(I.array, J.array, I.toworld, J.toworld)
    assert_raises(ValueError, IM.set_field_of_view, subsampling=[0,1,3])
Пример #4
def test_calling_shapes():
    cs2d = CS("ij")
    cs1d = CS("i")
    cm2d = CoordinateMap(cs2d, cs2d, lambda x: x + 1)
    cm1d2d = CoordinateMap(cs1d, cs2d, lambda x: np.concatenate((x, x), axis=-1))
    at2d = AffineTransform(cs2d, cs2d, np.array([[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1]]))
    at1d2d = AffineTransform(cs1d, cs2d, np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1]]))
    # test coordinate maps and affine transforms
    for xfm2d, xfm1d2d in ((cm2d, cm1d2d), (at2d, at1d2d)):
        arr = np.array([0, 1])
        yield assert_array_equal(xfm2d(arr), [1, 2])
        # test lists work too
        res = xfm2d([0, 1])
        yield assert_array_equal(res, [1, 2])
        # and return arrays (by checking shape attribute)
        yield assert_equal(res.shape, (2,))
        # maintaining input shape
        arr_long = arr[None, None, :]
        yield assert_array_equal(xfm2d(arr_long), arr_long + 1)
        # wrong shape array raises error
        yield assert_raises(CoordinateSystemError, xfm2d, np.zeros((3,)))
        yield assert_raises(CoordinateSystemError, xfm2d, np.zeros((3, 3)))
        # 1d to 2d
        arr = np.array(1)
        yield assert_array_equal(xfm1d2d(arr), [1, 1])
        arr_long = arr[None, None, None]
        yield assert_array_equal(xfm1d2d(arr_long), np.ones((1, 1, 2)))
        # wrong shape array raises error.  Note 1d input requires size 1
        # as final axis
        yield assert_raises(CoordinateSystemError, xfm1d2d, np.zeros((3,)))
        yield assert_raises(CoordinateSystemError, xfm1d2d, np.zeros((3, 2)))
Пример #5
def test_PCAMask():
    # for 2 and 4D case
    ntotal = data['nimages'] - 1
    ncomp = 5
    arr4d = data['fmridata']
    mask3d = data['mask']
    arr2d = arr4d.reshape((-1, data['nimages']))
    mask1d = mask3d.reshape((-1))
    for arr, mask in (arr4d, mask3d), (arr2d, mask1d):
        p = pca(arr, -1, mask, ncomp=ncomp)
        assert_equal(p['basis_vectors'].shape, (data['nimages'], ntotal))
        assert_equal(p['basis_projections'].shape, mask.shape + (ncomp,))
        assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
        assert_almost_equal(p['pcnt_var'].sum(), 100.)
    # Any reasonable datatype for mask
    for dt in ([np.bool_] +
               np.sctypes['int'] +
               np.sctypes['uint'] +
        p = pca(arr4d, -1, mask3d.astype(dt), ncomp=ncomp)
        assert_equal(p['basis_vectors'].shape, (data['nimages'], ntotal))
        assert_equal(p['basis_projections'].shape, mask3d.shape + (ncomp,))
        assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
        assert_almost_equal(p['pcnt_var'].sum(), 100.)
    # Mask data shape must match
    assert_raises(ValueError, pca, arr4d, -1, mask1d)
Пример #6
def test_badfile():
    filename = "bad_file.foo"
    # nibabel prior 2.1.0 was throwing a ImageFileError for the not-recognized
    # file type.  >=2.1.0 give a FileNotFoundError.
        from nibabel.py3k import FileNotFoundError
    except ImportError:
        FileNotFoundError = IOError
    assert_raises((ImageFileError, FileNotFoundError), load_image, filename)
Пример #7
def test_badfile():
    filename = "bad_file.foo"
    # nibabel prior 2.1.0 was throwing a ImageFileError for the not-recognized
    # file type.  >=2.1.0 give a FileNotFoundError.
        from nibabel.py3k import FileNotFoundError
    except ImportError:
        FileNotFoundError = IOError
    assert_raises((ImageFileError, FileNotFoundError), load_image, filename)
Пример #8
def test_output_dtypes():
    shape = (4, 2, 3)
    rng = np.random.RandomState(19441217) # IN-S BD
    data = rng.normal(4, 20, size=shape)
    aff = np.diag([2.2, 3.3, 4.1, 1])
    cmap = vox2mni(aff)
    img = Image(data, cmap)
    fname_root = 'my_file'
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        for ext in 'img', 'nii':
            out_fname = fname_root + '.' + ext
            # Default is for data to come from data dtype
            save_image(img, out_fname)
            img_back = load_image(out_fname)
            hdr = img_back.metadata['header']
            assert_dt_no_end_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), np.float)
            del img_back # lets window re-use the file
            # All these types are OK for both output formats
            for out_dt in 'i2', 'i4', np.int16, '<f4', '>f8':
                # Specified output dtype
                save_image(img, out_fname, out_dt)
                img_back = load_image(out_fname)
                hdr = img_back.metadata['header']
                assert_dt_no_end_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), out_dt)
                del img_back # windows file re-use
                # Output comes from data by default
                data_typed = data.astype(out_dt)
                img_again = Image(data_typed, cmap)
                save_image(img_again, out_fname)
                img_back = load_image(out_fname)
                hdr = img_back.metadata['header']
                assert_dt_no_end_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), out_dt)
                del img_back
                # Even if header specifies otherwise
                in_hdr = Nifti1Header()
                img_more = Image(data_typed, cmap, metadata={'header': in_hdr})
                save_image(img_more, out_fname)
                img_back = load_image(out_fname)
                hdr = img_back.metadata['header']
                assert_dt_no_end_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), out_dt)
                del img_back
                # But can come from header if specified
                save_image(img_more, out_fname, dtype_from='header')
                img_back = load_image(out_fname)
                hdr = img_back.metadata['header']
                assert_dt_no_end_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), 'c8')
                del img_back
        # u2 only OK for nifti
        save_image(img, 'my_file.nii', 'u2')
        img_back = load_image('my_file.nii')
        hdr = img_back.metadata['header']
        assert_dt_no_end_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), 'u2')
        # Check analyze can't save u2 datatype
        assert_raises(HeaderDataError, save_image, img, 'my_file.img', 'u2')
        del img_back
Пример #9
def test_output_dtypes():
    shape = (4, 2, 3)
    rng = np.random.RandomState(19441217)  # IN-S BD
    data = rng.normal(4, 20, size=shape)
    aff = np.diag([2.2, 3.3, 4.1, 1])
    cmap = vox2mni(aff)
    img = Image(data, cmap)
    fname_root = 'my_file'
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        for ext in 'img', 'nii':
            out_fname = fname_root + '.' + ext
            # Default is for data to come from data dtype
            save_image(img, out_fname)
            img_back = load_image(out_fname)
            hdr = img_back.metadata['header']
            assert_dt_no_end_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), np.float)
            del img_back  # lets window re-use the file
            # All these types are OK for both output formats
            for out_dt in 'i2', 'i4', np.int16, '<f4', '>f8':
                # Specified output dtype
                save_image(img, out_fname, out_dt)
                img_back = load_image(out_fname)
                hdr = img_back.metadata['header']
                assert_dt_no_end_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), out_dt)
                del img_back  # windows file re-use
                # Output comes from data by default
                data_typed = data.astype(out_dt)
                img_again = Image(data_typed, cmap)
                save_image(img_again, out_fname)
                img_back = load_image(out_fname)
                hdr = img_back.metadata['header']
                assert_dt_no_end_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), out_dt)
                del img_back
                # Even if header specifies otherwise
                in_hdr = Nifti1Header()
                img_more = Image(data_typed, cmap, metadata={'header': in_hdr})
                save_image(img_more, out_fname)
                img_back = load_image(out_fname)
                hdr = img_back.metadata['header']
                assert_dt_no_end_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), out_dt)
                del img_back
                # But can come from header if specified
                save_image(img_more, out_fname, dtype_from='header')
                img_back = load_image(out_fname)
                hdr = img_back.metadata['header']
                assert_dt_no_end_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), 'c8')
                del img_back
        # u2 only OK for nifti
        save_image(img, 'my_file.nii', 'u2')
        img_back = load_image('my_file.nii')
        hdr = img_back.metadata['header']
        assert_dt_no_end_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), 'u2')
        # Check analyze can't save u2 datatype
        assert_raises(HeaderDataError, save_image, img, 'my_file.img', 'u2')
        del img_back
Пример #10
def test_image_list():
    img = load_image(funcfile)
    exp_shape = (17, 21, 3, 20)
    imglst = ImageList.from_image(img, axis=-1)
    # Test empty ImageList
    emplst = ImageList()
    yield assert_equal(len(emplst.list), 0)

    # Test non-image construction
    a = np.arange(10)
    yield assert_raises(ValueError, ImageList, a)
    yield assert_raises(ValueError, ImageList.from_image, img, None)

    # check all the axes
    for i in range(4):
        order = range(4)
        img_re_i = img.reordered_reference(order).reordered_axes(order)
        imglst_i = ImageList.from_image(img, axis=i)

        yield assert_equal(imglst_i.list[0].shape, img_re_i.shape[1:])
        # check the affine as well

        yield assert_almost_equal(imglst_i.list[0].affine, 

    yield assert_equal(img.shape, exp_shape)

    # length of image list should match number of frames
    yield assert_equal(len(imglst.list), img.shape[3])

    # check the affine
    A = np.identity(4)
    A[:3,:3] = img.affine[:3,:3]
    A[:3,-1] = img.affine[:3,-1]
    yield assert_almost_equal(imglst.list[0].affine, A)

    # Slicing an ImageList should return an ImageList
    sublist = imglst[2:5]
    yield assert_true(isinstance(sublist, ImageList))
    # Except when we're indexing one element
    yield assert_true(isinstance(imglst[0], Image))
    # Verify array interface
    # test __array__
    yield assert_true(isinstance(np.asarray(sublist), np.ndarray))
    # Test __setitem__
    sublist[2] = sublist[0]
    yield assert_equal(np.asarray(sublist[0]).mean(),
    # Test iterator
    for x in sublist:
        yield assert_true(isinstance(x, Image))
        yield assert_equal(x.shape, exp_shape[:3])
Пример #11
def test_drop_io_dim():
    aff = np.diag([1,2,3,1])
    in_dims = list('ijk')
    out_dims = list('xyz')
    cm = Affine.from_params(in_dims, out_dims, aff)
    yield assert_raises(ValueError, drop_io_dim, cm, 'q')
    for i, d in enumerate(in_dims):
        cm2 = drop_io_dim(cm, d)
        yield assert_equal(cm2.ndim, (2,2))
        ods = out_dims[:]
        ids = in_dims[:]
        yield assert_equal(ods, cm2.output_coords.coord_names)
        yield assert_equal(ids, cm2.input_coords.coord_names)
        a2 = cm2.affine
        yield assert_equal(a2.shape, (3,3))
        ind_a = np.ones((4,4), dtype=np.bool)
        ind_a[:,i] = False
        ind_a[i,:] = False
        aff2 = cm.affine[ind_a].reshape((3,3))
        yield assert_array_equal(aff2, a2)
        # Check non-orth case
        waff = np.diag([1,2,3,1])
        wrong_i = (i+1) % 3
        waff[wrong_i,i] = 2 # not OK if in same column as that being removed
        wcm = Affine.from_params(in_dims, out_dims, waff)
        yield assert_raises(ValueError, drop_io_dim, wcm, d)
        raff = np.diag([1,2,3,1])
        raff[i,wrong_i] = 2 # is OK if in same row
        rcm = Affine.from_params(in_dims, out_dims, raff)
        cm2 = drop_io_dim(rcm, d)
    # dims out of range give error
    yield assert_raises(ValueError, drop_io_dim, cm, 'p')
    # only works for affine case
    cm = CoordinateMap(lambda x:x, cm.input_coords, cm.output_coords)
    yield assert_raises(AttributeError, drop_io_dim, cm, 'i')
    # Check non-square case
    aff = np.array([[1.,0,0,0],
    cm = Affine.from_params(in_dims, out_dims + ['t'], aff)
    cm2 = drop_io_dim(cm, 'i')
    yield assert_array_equal(cm2.affine,
    yield assert_raises(ValueError, drop_io_dim, cm, 't')
Пример #12
def test_input_effects():
    # Test effects of axis specifications
    ntotal = data['nimages'] - 1
    # return full rank - mean PCA over last axis
    p = pos1pca(data['fmridata'], -1)
    assert_equal(p['basis_vectors'].shape, (data['nimages'], ntotal))
    assert_equal(p['basis_projections'].shape, data['mask'].shape + (ntotal,))
    assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
    # Reconstructed data lacks only mean
    rarr = reconstruct(p['basis_vectors'], p['basis_projections'], -1)
    rarr = rarr + data['fmridata'].mean(-1)[...,None]
    # same effect if over axis 0, which is the default
    arr = data['fmridata']
    arr = np.rollaxis(arr, -1)
    # Same basis once we've normalized the signs
    pr = pos1pca(arr)
    out_arr = np.rollaxis(pr['basis_projections'], 0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(out_arr, p['basis_projections'])
    assert_almost_equal(p['basis_vectors'], pr['basis_vectors'])
    assert_almost_equal(p['pcnt_var'], pr['pcnt_var'])
    # Check axis None raises error
    assert_raises(ValueError, pca, data['fmridata'], None)
Пример #13
def test_call():
    value = 10
    yield assert_true(np.allclose(E.a(value), 2*value))
    yield assert_true(np.allclose(E.b(value), 2*value))
    # FIXME: this shape just below is not
    # really expected for a CoordinateMap
    yield assert_true(np.allclose(E.b([value]), 2*value))
    yield assert_true(np.allclose(E.c(value), value/2))
    yield assert_true(np.allclose(E.d(value), value/2))
    value = np.array([1., 2., 3.])
    yield assert_true(np.allclose(E.e(value), value))
    # check that error raised for wrong shape
    value = np.array([1., 2.,])
    yield assert_raises(CoordinateSystemError, E.e, value)
Пример #14
def test_input_effects():
    ntotal = data['nimages'] - 1
    # return full rank - mean PCA over last axis
    p = pca(data['fmridata'], -1)
    yield assert_equal(
        (data['nimages'], ntotal))
    yield assert_equal(
        data['mask'].shape + (ntotal,))
    yield assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
    # Reconstructed data lacks only mean
    rarr = reconstruct(p['basis_vectors'], p['basis_projections'], -1)
    rarr = rarr + data['fmridata'].mean(-1)[...,None]
    # same effect if over axis 0, which is the default
    arr = data['fmridata']
    arr = np.rollaxis(arr, -1)
    pr = pca(arr)
    out_arr = np.rollaxis(pr['basis_projections'], 0, 4)
    yield assert_array_equal(out_arr, p['basis_projections'])
    yield assert_array_equal(p['basis_vectors'], pr['basis_vectors'])
    yield assert_array_equal(p['pcnt_var'], pr['pcnt_var'])
    # Check axis None raises error
    yield assert_raises(ValueError, pca, data['fmridata'], None)
Пример #15
def test_badfile():
    filename = "bad_file.foo"
    # nibabel prior 2.1.0 was throwing ImageFileError and then more specific
    # FileNotFileNotFoundError which should be a subclass of IOError.
    # To not mess with version specific imports, checking for IOError
    assert_raises((ImageFileError, IOError), load_image, filename)
Пример #16
def test_func_smooth():
    func = load_image(funcfile)
    smoother = LinearFilter(func.coordmap, func.shape)
    # should work, but currently broken : sfunc = smoother.smooth(func)
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, smoother.smooth, func)
Пример #17
def test_no_minc():
    # We can't yet get good axis names for MINC files. Check we reject these
    assert_raises(ValueError, load_image, 'nofile.mnc')
    data_path = pjoin(dirname(nib.__file__), 'tests', 'data')
    assert_raises(ValueError, load_image, pjoin(data_path, 'tiny.mnc'))
Пример #18
def test_no_minc():
    # We can't yet get good axis names for MINC files. Check we reject these
    assert_raises(ValueError, load_image, 'nofile.mnc')
    data_path = pjoin(dirname(nib.__file__), 'tests', 'data')
    assert_raises(ValueError, load_image, pjoin(data_path, 'tiny.mnc'))
Пример #19
def test_badfile():
    filename = "bad_file.foo"
    assert_raises(ImageFileError, load_image, filename)
Пример #20
def test_badfile():
    filename = "bad_file.foo"
    assert_raises(ImageFileError, load_image, filename)