def topup(blip_up_file, blip_down_file, blip_up_phase_enc_dir, blip_down_phase_enc_dir, outdir, fsl_sh, apply_to=None, unwarp_direction=None, dwell_time=None, verbose=0): """ Bias field correction using topup. Note: we do not set the total readout times for both acquisitons, and we expect that the readout time is identical for all acquisitions. This parameter simply serves to ensure that the estimated field is correctly scaled in Hz, but it doesn't affect the result in terms of undistorted images. We set it to 1, meaning that the field will be scaled as 'voxels displacement' instead. Parameters ---------- blip_up_file: str path to EPI file acquired in opposite phase enc. directions: blip up. blip_down_file: str path to EPI file acquired in opposite phase enc. directions: blip down. blip_up_phase_enc_dir: str the phase enc. direction for the blip up. blip_down_phase_enc_dir: str the phase enc. direction for the blip down. phase_enc_dirs: list of str the phase enc. directions. outdir: str directory for outputs. fsl_sh: str path to fsl setup sh file. apply_to: str, default None apply the topup correction to the EPI volume. unwarp_direction: str, default None apply topup correction in this direction. dwell_time: float, default None set the EPI dwell time per phase-encode line, same as echo spacing (ms). verbose: int, default 0 control the verbosity level. Returns ------- fieldmap_hz_file: str the fieldmap in Hz unwarped_epi_file: str unwarped EPI file. """ # Call topup fieldmap_hz_file, _, _ = _topup( b0s=[blip_up_file, blip_down_file], phase_enc_dirs=[blip_up_phase_enc_dir, blip_down_phase_enc_dir], readout_time=1, outroot=outdir, apply_to=None, fsl_sh=fsl_sh) # Convert the fieldmap in rad/s to Hz fieldmap_file = fieldmap_hz_file.replace(".nii.gz", "_rads.nii.gz") cmd = ["fslmaths", fieldmap_hz_file, "-mul", "6.28", fieldmap_file] fslprocess = FSLWrapper(shfile=fsl_sh) fslprocess(cmd=cmd) # Update env fslenv = environment(fsl_sh) if (fslenv["FSLDIR"] != os.environ.get("FSLDIR", "")): os.environ = concat_environment(os.environ, fslenv) # Apply topup # Unwarping an input image (fieldmap in rad/s is known) unwarp_direction = DIR_MAP[unwarp_direction] unwarped_epi_file = os.path.join(outdir, "unwarped_epi_file.nii.gz") fugue = FUGUE() fugue.inputs.in_file = apply_to fugue.inputs.fmap_in_file = fieldmap_file fugue.inputs.unwarp_direction = unwarp_direction fugue.inputs.unwarped_file = unwarped_epi_file fugue.inputs.dwell_time = dwell_time * 1e-3 fugue.inputs.output_type = "NIFTI_GZ" if verbose > 0: print(fugue.cmdline) returncode = return fieldmap_hz_file, unwarped_epi_file
def fugue(epi_file, phase_file, magnitude_file, delta_te, dwell_time, unwarp_direction, manufacturer, outdir, fsl_sh, verbose=0): """ Unwarping of an EPI image based on fieldmap data using fugue. Note: Brain extraction of the EPI image is very important and must be tight - that is, it must exclude all non-brain voxels and any voxels with only a small partial volume contribution. The reason for this is that these areas are normally very noisy in the phase image. The exclusion of brain voxels is actually fine and will have no repercussions, since the fieldmap is extrapolated beyond this mask. Note: If parallel acceleration is used in the EPI acquisition then the *effective* echo spacing (dwell time) is the actual echo spacing between acquired lines in k-space divided by the acceleration factor. Parameters ---------- epi_file: str the EPI file to unwarp. phase_file: str the phase image in the EPI space. magnitude_file: str the magnitude image in the EPI space. delta_te: float the echo time difference of the fieldmap sequence - find this out form the operator (defaults are *usually* 2.46ms on SIEMENS). dwell_time: float set the EPI dwell time per phase-encode line, same as echo spacing (ms). unwarp_direction: str specifies direction of warping: ('x' or 'y' or 'z' or 'x-' or 'y-' or 'z-') manufacturer: str must be SIEMENS. outdir: str directory for outputs. fsl_sh: str path to fsl setup sh file. verbose: int, default 0 control the verbosity level. Returns ------- magnitude_brain_mask_file: str the brain mask. vsm_file: str voxel shift map file. unwarped_epi_file: str unwarped EPI file. """ # Extract brain avgmagnitude_file = os.path.join(outdir, "avgmag.nii.gz") average_timeserie(magnitude_file, avgmagnitude_file, fslconfig=fsl_sh) outputs = bet2(avgmagnitude_file, outdir, mask=True, f=0.35, shfile=fsl_sh) #outputs = bet2(outputs[0], outdir, mask=True, f=0.6, shfile=fsl_sh) magnitude_brain_file, magnitude_brain_mask_file = outputs[:2] # Update env fslenv = environment(fsl_sh) if (fslenv["FSLDIR"] != os.environ.get("FSLDIR", "")): os.environ = concat_environment(os.environ, fslenv) # Prepare a rad/s fieldmap fieldmap_file = os.path.join(outdir, "fieldmap.nii.gz") fieldmap_file, fieldmap_hz_file = fsl_prepare_fieldmap( manufacturer=manufacturer.upper(), phase_file=phase_file, brain_magnitude_file=magnitude_brain_file, output_file=fieldmap_file, delta_te=str(delta_te), fsl_sh=fsl_sh) # Computing the vsm (unwrapped phase map is known) unwarp_direction = DIR_MAP[unwarp_direction] vsm_file = os.path.join(outdir, "vsm.nii.gz") fugue = FUGUE() fugue.inputs.fmap_in_file = fieldmap_file fugue.inputs.mask_file = magnitude_brain_mask_file fugue.inputs.dwell_time = dwell_time * 1e-3 fugue.inputs.asym_se_time = delta_te * 1e-3 fugue.inputs.unwarp_direction = unwarp_direction fugue.inputs.save_unmasked_shift = True fugue.inputs.shift_out_file = vsm_file fugue.inputs.smooth2d = 2 fugue.inputs.output_type = "NIFTI_GZ" fugue.environ = {} if verbose > 0: print(fugue.cmdline) returncode = #outputs = returncode.outputs.get() #vsm_file = outputs["shift_out_file"] # Unwarping an input image (shift map is known) unwarped_epi_file = os.path.join(outdir, "unwarped_epi_file.nii.gz") fugue = FUGUE() fugue.inputs.in_file = epi_file fugue.inputs.mask_file = magnitude_brain_mask_file fugue.inputs.shift_in_file = vsm_file fugue.inputs.unwarp_direction = unwarp_direction fugue.inputs.unwarped_file = unwarped_epi_file fugue.inputs.output_type = "NIFTI_GZ" if verbose > 0: print(fugue.cmdline) returncode = #outputs = returncode.outputs.get() #unwarped_epi_file = outputs["unwarped_file"] return magnitude_brain_mask_file, vsm_file, unwarped_epi_file