Пример #1
class RegAladin(NIFTYREGCommand):
    """ Use RegAladin to perform linear (rigid or affine) image registration.
    >>> from nipype.interfaces import niftyreg
    >>> aladin = niftyreg.RegAladin()
    >>> aladin.inputs.flo_image = "floating_image.nii.gz"
    >>> aladin.inputs.ref_image = "reference_image.nii.gz"
    _cmd = getNiftyRegPath('reg_aladin')
    input_spec = RegAladinInputSpec
    output_spec = RegAladinOutputSpec

    def _gen_filename(self, name):
        if name == 'aff_file':
            return self._gen_fname(self.inputs.flo_file,
        return None

    def _list_outputs(self):
        outputs = super(RegAladin, self)._list_outputs()

        if isdefined(self.inputs.aff_file):
            outputs['aff_file'] = self.inputs.aff_file
            outputs['aff_file'] = self._gen_filename('aff_file')

        # Make a list of the linear transformation file and the input image
        outputs['avg_output'] = os.path.abspath(
            outputs['aff_file']) + ' ' + os.path.abspath(self.inputs.flo_file)
        return outputs
Пример #2
class RegAverage(NIFTYREGCommand):
    """ Use RegAverage to average a set of transformations, images or both.
    >>> from nipype.interfaces import niftyreg
    >>> reg_average = niftyreg.RegAverage()
    _cmd = getNiftyRegPath('reg_average')
    input_spec = RegAverageInputSpec
    output_spec = RegAverageOutputSpec

    def _gen_filename(self, name):
        if name == 'out_file':
            return self._gen_fname('average_output', ext='.nii.gz')
        return None

    def _list_outputs(self):
        outputs = self.output_spec().get()

        if isdefined(self.inputs.out_file):
            outputs['out_file'] = self.inputs.out_file
            outputs['out_file'] = self._gen_filename('out_file')

        return outputs
Пример #3
class RegResample(NIFTYREGCommand):
    _cmd = getNiftyRegPath('reg_resample')
    input_spec = RegResampleInputSpec
    output_spec = RegResampleOutputSpec

    # Need this overload to properly constraint the interpolation type input
    def _format_arg(self, name, spec, value):
        if name == 'inter_val':
            return spec.argstr % {
                'NN': 0,
                'LIN': 1,
                'CUB': 3,
                'SINC': 5
            return super(RegResample, self)._format_arg(name, spec, value)
Пример #4
class RegF3D(NIFTYREGCommand):
    _cmd = getNiftyRegPath('reg_f3d')
    input_spec = RegF3DInputSpec
    output_spec = RegF3DOutputSpec

    def _get_basename_without_extension(self, in_file):
        ret = os.path.basename(in_file)
        ret = ret.replace('.nii.gz', '')
        ret = ret.replace('.nii', '')
        ret = ret.replace('.img.gz', '')
        ret = ret.replace('.img.bz2', '')
        ret = ret.replace('.img', '')
        ret = ret.replace('.hdr', '')
        return ret

    def _list_outputs(self):
        outputs = super(RegF3D, self)._list_outputs()
        basename = self._get_basename_without_extension(outputs['cpp_file'])
        outputs['invcpp_file'] = os.path.abspath(basename + '_backward.nii.gz')
        # Make a list of the linear transformation file and the input image
        outputs['avg_output'] = os.path.abspath(
            outputs['cpp_file']) + ' ' + os.path.abspath(self.inputs.flo_file)

        return outputs
Пример #5
class RegTransform(NIFTYREGCommand):
    * * OPTIONS * *
    -v Print the subversion revision number
    -ref <filename>
    Filename of the reference image
    The Reference image has to be specified when a cubic B-Spline parametrised control point grid is used*.
    -ref2 <filename>
    Filename of the second reference image to be used when dealing with composition
    -def <filename1> <filename2>
    Take a transformation of any recognised type* and compute the corresponding deformation field
    filename1 - Input transformation file name
    filename2 - Output deformation field file name
    -disp <filename1> <filename2>
    Take a transformation of any recognised type* and compute the corresponding displacement field
    filename1 - Input transformation file name
    filename2 - Output displacement field file name
    -flow <filename1> <filename2>
    Take a spline parametrised SVF and compute the corresponding flow field
    filename1 - Input transformation file name
    filename2 - Output flow field file name
    -comp <filename1> <filename2> <filename3>
    Compose two transformations of any recognised type* and returns a deformation field.
    Trans3(x) = Trans2(Trans1(x)).
    filename1 - Input transformation 1 file name (associated with -ref if required)
    filename2 - Input transformation 2 file name (associated with -ref2 if required)
    filename3 - Output deformation field file name
    -updSform <filename1> <filename2> <filename3>
    Update the sform of an image using an affine transformation.
    Filename1 - Image to be updated
    Filename2 - Affine transformation defined as Affine x Reference = Floating
    Filename3 - Updated image.
    -invAff <filename1> <filename2>
    Invert an affine matrix.
    filename1 - Input affine transformation file name
    filename2 - Output inverted affine transformation file name
    -invNrr <filename1> <filename2> <filename3>
    Invert a non-rigid transformation and save the result as a deformation field.
    filename1 - Input transformation file name
    filename2 - Input floating (source) image where the inverted transformation is defined
    filename3 - Output inverted transformation file name
    Note that the cubic b-spline grid parametrisations can not be inverted without approximation,
    as a result, they are converted into deformation fields before inversion.
    -half <filename1> <filename2>
    The input transformation is halfed and stored using the same transformation type.
    filename1 - Input transformation file name
    filename2 - Output transformation file name
    -makeAff <rx> <ry> <rz> <tx> <ty> <tz> <sx> <sy> <sz> <shx> <shy> <shz> <outputFilename>
    Create an affine transformation matrix
    -aff2rig <filename1> <filename2>
    Extract the rigid component from an affine transformation matrix
    filename1 - Input transformation file name
    filename2 - Output transformation file name
    -flirtAff2NR <filename1> <filename2> <filename3> <filename4>
    Convert a flirt (FSL) affine transformation to a NiftyReg affine transformation
    filename1 - Input FLIRT (FSL) affine transformation file name
    filename2 - Image used as a reference (-ref arg in FLIRT)
    filename3 - Image used as a floating (-in arg in FLIRT)
    filename4 - Output affine transformation file name
    * The supported transformation types are:
    - cubic B-Spline parametrised grid (reference image is required)
    - a dense deformation field
    - a dense displacement field
    - a cubic B-Spline parametrised stationary velocity field (reference image is required)
    - a stationary velocity deformation field
    - a stationary velocity displacement field
    - an affine matrix
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    _cmd = getNiftyRegPath('reg_transform')
    input_spec = RegTransformInputSpec
    output_spec = RegTransformOutputSpec

    _suffix = '_reg_transform'

    def _find_input(self):
        inputs = [
            self.inputs.def_input, self.inputs.disp_input,
            self.inputs.flow_input, self.inputs.comp_input,
            self.inputs.comp_input2, self.inputs.upd_s_form_input2,
            self.inputs.inv_aff_input, self.inputs.inv_nrr_input,
            self.inputs.half_input, self.inputs.make_aff_input,
            self.inputs.aff_2_rig_input, self.inputs.flirt_2_nr_input
        entries = []
        for entry in inputs:
            if isdefined(entry):
                _, _, ext = split_filename(entry)
                if ext == '.nii' or ext == '.nii.gz' or ext == '.hdr':
                    return entry
        if len(entries):
            return entries[0]
        return None

    def _gen_filename(self, name):
        if name == 'out_file':
            input_to_use = self._find_input()
            _, base, ext = split_filename(input_to_use)
            return self._gen_fname(input_to_use,
        return None

    def _list_outputs(self):
        outputs = self.output_spec().get()
        if isdefined(self.inputs.out_file):
            outputs['out_file'] = self.inputs.out_file
            outputs['out_file'] = os.path.abspath(outputs['out_file'])
            outputs['out_file'] = self._gen_filename('out_file')

        return outputs
Пример #6
class RegTools(NIFTYREGCommand):
    _cmd = getNiftyRegPath('reg_tools')
    input_spec = RegToolsInputSpec
    output_spec = RegToolsOutputSpec
Пример #7
class RegJacobian(NIFTYREGCommand):
    _cmd = getNiftyRegPath('reg_jacobian')
    input_spec = RegJacobianInputSpec
    output_spec = RegJacobianOutputSpec
    _suffix = '_jacobian_'
Пример #8
class RegMeasure(NIFTYREGCommand):
    _cmd = getNiftyRegPath('reg_measure')
    input_spec = RegMeasureInputSpec
    output_spec = RegMeasureOutputSpec