Пример #1
""" Test the nipype interface caching mechanism

from tempfile import mkdtemp
from shutil import rmtree

from nose.tools import assert_equal

from nipype.caching import Memory
from nipype.pipeline.tests.test_engine import TestInterface
from nipype.utils.config import NipypeConfig
config = NipypeConfig()

nb_runs = 0

class SideEffectInterface(TestInterface):

    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        global nb_runs
        nb_runs += 1
        runtime.returncode = 0
        return runtime

def test_caching():
    temp_dir = mkdtemp(prefix='test_memory_')
    old_rerun = config.get('execution', 'stop_on_first_rerun')
        # Prevent rerun to check that evaluation is computed only once
Пример #2
""" Test the nipype interface caching mechanism

from tempfile import mkdtemp
from shutil import rmtree

from nose.tools import assert_equal

from nipype.caching import Memory
from nipype.pipeline.tests.test_engine import TestInterface
from nipype.utils.config import NipypeConfig
config = NipypeConfig()

nb_runs = 0

class SideEffectInterface(TestInterface):
    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        global nb_runs
        nb_runs += 1
        runtime.returncode = 0
        return runtime

def test_caching():
    temp_dir = mkdtemp(prefix='test_memory_')
    old_rerun = config.get('execution', 'stop_on_first_rerun')
        # Prevent rerun to check that evaluation is computed only once
        config.set('execution', 'stop_on_first_rerun', 'true')