Пример #1
def test_basic_slicing():
    t = ts.TimeArray(list(range(4)))

    for x in range(3):
        ep  = ts.Epochs(.5,x+.5)
        npt.assert_equal(len(t[ep]), x)

    # epoch starts before timeseries
    npt.assert_equal(len(t[ts.Epochs(-1,3)]), len(t)-1)
    # epoch ends after timeseries
    npt.assert_equal(len(t[ts.Epochs(.5,5)]), len(t)-1)
    # epoch starts before and ends after timeseries
    npt.assert_equal(len(t[ts.Epochs(-1,100)]), len(t))
    ep  = ts.Epochs(20,100)
    npt.assert_equal(len(t[ep]), 0)
Пример #2
def test_Epochs_duration_after_slicing():
    "some attributes which get set on read should be reset after slicing"
    e = ts.Epochs(list(range(10)),duration=.1)
    npt.assert_equal(len(e.duration), len(e))
    slice_of_e = e[:3]
    npt.assert_equal(len(slice_of_e.duration), len(slice_of_e))
Пример #3
def test_Events():

    # time has to be one-dimensional
    nt.assert_raises(ValueError, ts.Events, np.zeros((2, 2)))

    t = ts.TimeArray([1, 2, 3], time_unit='ms')
    x = [1, 2, 3]
    y = [2, 4, 6]
    z = [10., 20., 30.]
    i0 = [0, 0, 1]
    i1 = [0, 1, 2]
    for unit in [None, 's', 'ns', 'D']:
        # events with data
        ev1 = ts.Events(t, time_unit=unit, i=x, j=y, k=z)

        # events with indices
        ev2 = ts.Events(t, time_unit=unit, indices=[i0, i1])

        # events with indices and labels
        ev3 = ts.Events(t, time_unit=unit, labels=['trial', 'other'],
                        indices=[i0, i1])

        # Note that the length of indices and labels has to be identical:
        nt.assert_raises(ValueError, ts.Events, t, time_unit=unit,
                                                       indices=[i0])# Only
                                                                    # one of
                                                                    # the
                                                                    # indices!

        # make sure the time is retained
        npt.assert_equal(ev1.time, t)
        npt.assert_equal(ev2.time, t)

        # make sure time unit is correct
        if unit is not None:
            npt.assert_equal(ev1.time_unit, unit)
            npt.assert_equal(ev2.time_unit, unit)
            npt.assert_equal(ev1.time_unit, t.time_unit)
            npt.assert_equal(ev2.time_unit, t.time_unit)

        # make sure we can extract data
        npt.assert_equal(ev1.data['i'], x)
        npt.assert_equal(ev1.data['j'], y)
        npt.assert_equal(ev1.data['k'], z)

        # make sure we can get the indices by label
        npt.assert_equal(ev3.index.trial, i0)
        npt.assert_equal(ev3.index.other, i1)

        # make sure we can get the indices by position
        npt.assert_equal(ev2.index.i0, i0)
        npt.assert_equal(ev2.index.i1, i1)

        #make sure slicing works
        #one_event = ts.Events(t[[0]],time_unit=unit,i=[x[0]],j=[y[0]],k=[z[0]])
        #regular indexing
        npt.assert_equal(ev1[0].data['i'], x[0])
        npt.assert_equal(ev1[0:2].data['i'], x[0:2])

        # indexing w/ time
        npt.assert_equal(ev1[0.].data['i'], x[0])

        # indexing w/ epoch
        ep = ts.Epochs(start=0, stop=1.5, time_unit='ms')
        npt.assert_equal(ev1[ep].data['i'], x[0])

        # fancy indexing (w/ boolean mask)
        npt.assert_equal(ev1[ev3.index.trial == 0].data['j'], y[0:2])

        # len() function is implemented and working
        assert len(t) == len(ev1) == len(ev2) == len(ev3)
Пример #4
def test_Epochs():
    tms = ts.TimeArray(data=list(range(100)), time_unit='ms')
    tmin = ts.TimeArray(data=list(range(100)), time_unit='m')
    tsec = ts.TimeArray(data=list(range(100)), time_unit='s')

    utms = ts.UniformTime(length=100, sampling_interval=1, time_unit='ms')
    utmin = ts.UniformTime(length=100, sampling_interval=1, time_unit='m')
    utsec = ts.UniformTime(length=100, sampling_interval=1, time_unit='s')

    tsms = ts.TimeSeries(data=list(range(100)), sampling_interval=1, time_unit='ms')
    tsmin = ts.TimeSeries(data=list(range(100)), sampling_interval=1, time_unit='m')
    tssec = ts.TimeSeries(data=list(range(100)), sampling_interval=1, time_unit='s')

    # one millisecond epoch
    e1ms = ts.Epochs(0, 1, time_unit='ms')
    e09ms = ts.Epochs(0.1, 1, time_unit='ms')
    msg = "Seems like a problem with copy=False in TimeArray constructor."
    npt.assert_equal(e1ms.duration, ts.TimeArray(1, time_unit='ms'), msg)

    # one day
    e1d = ts.Epochs(0, 1, time_unit='D')
    npt.assert_equal(e1d.duration, ts.TimeArray(1, time_unit='D'), msg)

    e1ms_ar = ts.Epochs([0, 0], [1, 1], time_unit='ms')

    for t in [tms, tmin, tsec, utms, utmin, utsec]:

        # the sample time arrays are all at least 1ms long, so this should
        # return a timearray that has exactly one time point in it
        npt.assert_equal(len(t.during(e1ms)), 1)

        # this time epoch should not contain any point
        npt.assert_equal(len(t.during(e09ms)), 0)

        # make sure, slicing doesn't change the class
        npt.assert_equal(type(t), type(t.during(e1ms)))

    for t in [tsms, tsmin, tssec]:
        # the sample time series are all at least 1ms long, so this should
        # return a timeseries that has exactly one time point in it
        npt.assert_equal(len(t.during(e1ms)), 1)

        # make sure, slicing doesn't change the class
        npt.assert_equal(type(t), type(t.during(e1ms)))

        # same thing but now there's an array of epochs
        e2 = ts.Epochs([0, 10], [10, 20], time_unit=t.time_unit)

        # make sure, slicing doesn't change the class for array of epochs
        npt.assert_equal(type(t), type(t.during(e2)))

        # Indexing with an array of epochs (all of which are the same length)
        npt.assert_equal(t[e2].data.shape, (2, 10))
        npt.assert_equal(len(t.during(e2)), 10)
        npt.assert_equal(t[e2].data.ndim, 2)
        # check the data at some timepoints (a dimension was added)
        npt.assert_equal(t[e2][0], (0, 10))
        npt.assert_equal(t[e2][1], (1, 11))
        # check the data for each epoch
        npt.assert_equal(t[e2].data[0], list(range(10)))
        npt.assert_equal(t[e2].data[1], list(range(10, 20)))
        npt.assert_equal(t[e2].duration, e2[0].duration)

        # slice with Epochs of different length (not supported for timeseries,
        # raise error, though future jagged array implementation could go here)
        ejag = ts.Epochs([0, 10], [10, 40], time_unit=t.time_unit)
        # next line is the same as t[ejag]
        npt.assert_raises(ValueError, t.__getitem__, ejag)

        # if an epoch lies entirely between samples in the timeseries,
        # return an empty array
        eshort = ts.Epochs(2.5, 2.7, time_unit=t.time_unit)
        npt.assert_equal(len(t[eshort].data), 0)

        e1ms_outofrange = ts.Epochs(200, 300, time_unit=t.time_unit)
        # assert that with the epoch moved outside of the time range of our
        # data, slicing with the epoch now yields an empty array
        npt.assert_raises(ValueError, t.during, dict(e=e1ms_outofrange))

        # the sample timeseries are all shorter than a day, so this should
        # raise an error (instead of padding, or returning a shorter than
        # expected array.
        npt.assert_raises(ValueError, t.during, dict(e=e1d))