Пример #1
def add_version(request, values):
    Description: Add version to specified product.

    Params:      $product - Integer/String
                            Integer: product_id of the product in the Database
                            String: Product name
                 $value   - String
                            The name of the version string.

    Returns:     Array: Returns the newly added version object, error info if failed.

    # Add version for specified product:
    >>> Product.add_version({'value': 'devel', 'product': 272})
    {'product': 'QE Test Product', 'id': '1106', 'value': 'devel', 'product_id': 272}
    # Run it again:
    >>> Product.add_version({'value': 'devel', 'product': 272})
    [['__all__', 'Version with this Product and Value already exists.']]
    from nitrate.apps.management.forms import VersionForm
    from nitrate.core import forms

    form = VersionForm(values)
    if form.is_valid():
        version = form.save()
        return version.serialize()

        return forms.errors_to_list(form)
Пример #2
def create(request, values):
    Description: Creates a new Test Plan object and stores it in the database.

    Params:      $values - Hash: A reference to a hash with keys and values
                  matching the fields of the test plan to be created.
      | Field                   | Type           | Null      | Description                        |
      | product                 | Integer        | Required  | ID of product                      |
      | name                    | String         | Required  |                                    |
      | type                    | Integer        | Required  | ID of plan type                    |
      | default_product_version | Integer        | Required  |                                    |
      | text                    | String         | Required  | Plan documents, HTML acceptable.   |
      | parent                  | Integer        | Optional  | Parent plan ID                     |
      | is_active               | Boolean        | Optional  | 0: Archived 1: Active (Default 0)  |

    Returns:     The newly created object hash.

    # Minimal test case parameters
    >>> values = {
        'product': 61,
        'name': 'Testplan foobar',
        'type': 1,
        'parent_id': 150,
        'default_product_version': 93,
        'text':'Testing TCMS',
    >>> TestPlan.create(values)
    from nitrate.core import forms
    from nitrate.apps.testplans.forms import XMLRPCNewPlanForm

    if not values.get('product'):
        raise ValueError('Value of product is required')

    form = XMLRPCNewPlanForm(values)
    form.populate(product_id = values['product'])

    if form.is_valid():
        tp = TestPlan.objects.create(
            product = form.cleaned_data['product'],
            name = form.cleaned_data['name'],
            type = form.cleaned_data['type'],
            author = request.user,
            default_product_version = form.cleaned_data['default_product_version'],
            parent = form.cleaned_data['parent'],
            is_active = form.cleaned_data['is_active']

            author = request.user,
            plan_text = values['text'],

        return tp.serialize()
        return forms.errors_to_list(form)
Пример #3
def create(request, values):
    *** It always report - ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '' ***

    Description: Creates a new Test Case Run object and stores it in the database.

    Params:      $values - Hash: A reference to a hash with keys and values
                           matching the fields of the test case to be created.
  | Field              | Type           | Null      | Description                                    |
  | run                | Integer        | Required  | ID of Test Run                                 |
  | case               | Integer        | Required  | ID of test case                                |
  | build              | Integer        | Required  | ID of a Build in plan's product                |
  | assignee           | Integer        | Optional  | ID of assignee                                 |
  | case_run_status    | Integer        | Optional  | Defaults to "IDLE"                             |
  | case_text_version  | Integer        | Optional  | Default to latest case text version            |
  | notes              | String         | Optional  |                                                |
  | sortkey            | Integer        | Optional  | a.k.a. Index, Default to 0                     |

    Returns:     The newly created object hash.

    # Minimal test case parameters
    >>> values = {
        'run': 1990,
        'case': 12345,
        'build': 123,
    >>> TestCaseRun.create(values)
    from nitrate.core import forms
    from nitrate.apps.testcases.models import TestCase
    from nitrate.apps.testruns.models import TestRun
    from nitrate.apps.testruns.forms import XMLRPCNewCaseRunForm

    form = XMLRPCNewCaseRunForm(values)

    if form.is_valid():
        tr = form.cleaned_data['run']

        tcr = tr.add_case_run(
            case = form.cleaned_data['case'],
            build = form.cleaned_data['build'],
            assignee = form.cleaned_data['assignee'],
            case_run_status = form.cleaned_data['case_run_status'],
            case_text_version = form.cleaned_data['case_text_version'],
            notes = form.cleaned_data['notes'],
            sortkey = form.cleaned_data['sortkey']
        return forms.errors_to_list(form)

    return tcr.serialize()
Пример #4
def create(request, values):
    Description: Creates a new Test Case object and stores it in the database.

    Params:      $values - Array/Hash: A reference to a hash or array of hashes with keys and values
                 matching the fields of the test case to be created.
      | Field                      | Type           | Null      | Description                 |
      | product                    | Integer        | Required  | ID of Product               |
      | category                   | Integer        | Required  | ID of Category              |
      | priority                   | Integer        | Required  | ID of Priority              |
      | summary                    | String         | Required  |                             |
      | case_status                | Integer        | Optional  | ID of case status           |
      | plan                       | Array/Str/Int  | Optional  | ID or List of plan_ids      |
      | component                  | Integer/String | Optional  | ID of Priority              |
      | default_tester             | String         | Optional  | Login of tester             |
      | estimated_time             | String         | Optional  | HH:MM:SS Format             |
      | is_automated               | Integer        | Optional  | 0: Manual, 1: Auto, 2: Both |
      | is_automated_proposed      | Boolean        | Optional  | Default 0                   |
      | script                     | String         | Optional  |                             |
      | arguments                  | String         | Optional  |                             |
      | requirement                | String         | Optional  |                             |
      | alias                      | String         | Optional  | Must be unique              |
      | action                     | String         | Optional  |                             |
      | effect                     | String         | Optional  | Expected Result             |
      | setup                      | String         | Optional  |                             |
      | breakdown                  | String         | Optional  |                             |
      | tag                        | Array/String   | Optional  | String Comma separated      |
      | bug                        | Array/String   | Optional  | String Comma separated      |
      | extra_link                 | String         | Optional  | reference link              |

    Returns:     Array/Hash: The newly created object hash if a single case was created, or
                             an array of objects if more than one was created. If any single case threw an
                             error during creation, a hash with an ERROR key will be set in its place.

    # Minimal test case parameters
    >>> values = {
        'category': 135,
        'product': 61,
        'summary': 'Testing XML-RPC',
        'priority': 1,
    >>> TestCase.create(values)
    from nitrate.core import forms
    from nitrate.apps.testcases.forms import XMLRPCNewCaseForm

    if not (values.get('category') or values.get('summary')):
        raise ValueError()

    values['component'] = pre_process_ids(values.get('component', []))
    values['plan'] = pre_process_ids(values.get('plan', []))
    values['bug'] = pre_process_ids(values.get('bug', []))

    form = XMLRPCNewCaseForm(values)

    if form.is_valid():
        # Create the case
        tc = TestCase.create(author = request.user, values = form.cleaned_data)

        # Add case text to the case
            action = form.cleaned_data['action'] or '',
            effect = form.cleaned_data['effect'] or '',
            setup = form.cleaned_data['setup'] or '',
            breakdown = form.cleaned_data['breakdown'] or '',

        # Add the case to specific plans
        for p in form.cleaned_data['plan']:
            tc.add_to_plan(plan = p)
            del p

        # Add components to the case
        for c in form.cleaned_data['component']:
            tc.add_component(component = c)
            del c

        # Add tag to the case
        for tag in TestTag.string_to_list(values.get('tag', [])):
            t, c = TestTag.objects.get_or_create(name = tag)
            tc.add_tag(tag = t)
        # Print the errors if the form is not passed validation.
        return forms.errors_to_list(form)

    return get(request, tc.case_id)
Пример #5
def update(request, case_ids, values):
    Description: Updates the fields of the selected case or cases.

    Params:      $case_ids - Integer/String/Array
                             Integer: A single TestCase ID.
                             String:  A comma separates string of TestCase IDs for batch
                             Array:   An array of case IDs for batch mode processing

                 $values   - Hash of keys matching TestCase fields and the new values
                             to set each field to.

    Returns:  Array: an array of case hashes. If the update on any particular
                     case failed, the has will contain a ERROR key and the
                     message as to why it failed.
        | Field                 | Type           | Null                                    |
        | case_status           | Integer        | Optional                                |
        | product               | Integer        | Optional(Required if changes category)  |
        | category              | Integer        | Optional                                |
        | priority              | Integer        | Optional                                |
        | default_tester        | String/Integer | Optional(str - user_name, int - user_id)|
        | estimated_time        | String         | Optional                                |
        | is_automated          | Integer        | Optional(0 - Manual, 1 - Auto, 2 - Both)|
        | is_automated_proposed | Boolean        | Optional                                |
        | script                | String         | Optional                                |
        | arguments             | String         | Optional                                |
        | summary               | String         | Optional                                |
        | requirement           | String         | Optional                                |
        | alias                 | String         | Optional                                |
        | notes                 | String         | Optional                                |
        | extra_link            | String         | Optional(reference link)

    # Update alias to 'tcms' for case 12345 and 23456
    >>> TestCase.update([12345, 23456], {'alias': 'tcms'})
    from nitrate.core import forms
    from nitrate.apps.testcases.forms import XMLRPCUpdateCaseForm

    form = XMLRPCUpdateCaseForm(values)

    if values.get('category') and not values.get('product'):
        raise ValueError('Product ID is required for category')

    if values.get('product'):
        form.populate(product_id = values['product'])

    if form.is_valid():
        tcs = TestCase.update(
            case_ids = pre_process_ids(value = case_ids),
            values = form.cleaned_data,
        return forms.errors_to_list(form)

    query = {'pk__in': tcs.values_list('pk', flat = True)}
    return TestCase.to_xmlrpc(query)
Пример #6
def update(request, plan_ids, values):
    Description: Updates the fields of the selected test plan.

    Params:      $plan_ids - Integer: A single TestPlan ID.

                 $values - Hash of keys matching TestPlan fields and the new values
                           to set each field to.
      | Field                   | Type           | Description                        |
      | product                 | Integer        | ID of product                      |
      | name                    | String         |                                    |
      | type                    | Integer        | ID of plan type                    |
      | default_product_version | Integer        |                                    |
      | parent                  | Integer        | Parent plan ID                     |
      | is_active               | Boolean        | True/False                         |
      | env_group               | Integer        |                                    |

    Returns:     Hash: The updated test plan object.

    # Update product to 61 for plan 207 and 208
    >>> TestPlan.update([207, 208], {'product': 61})
    from nitrate.core import forms
    from nitrate.apps.testplans.forms import XMLRPCEditPlanForm

    if values.get('is_active') in (False, True):
        if values.get('is_active') == False:
            values['is_active'] = 0
            values['is_active'] = 1

    form = XMLRPCEditPlanForm(values)
    if values.get('default_product_version') and not values.get('product'):
        raise ValueError('Product value is required by default product version')

    if values.get('default_product_version') and values.get('product'):
        form.populate(product_id = values['product'])

    tps = TestPlan.objects.filter(pk__in = pre_process_ids(value = plan_ids))

    if form.is_valid():
        if form.cleaned_data['name']:
            tps.update(name = form.cleaned_data['name'])

        if form.cleaned_data['type']:
            tps.update(type = form.cleaned_data['type'])

        if form.cleaned_data['product']:
            tps.update(product = form.cleaned_data['product'])

        if form.cleaned_data['default_product_version']:
            tps.update(default_product_version = form.cleaned_data['default_product_version'])

        if form.cleaned_data['parent']:
            tps.update(parent = form.cleaned_data['parent'])

        if isinstance(form.cleaned_data['is_active'], int):
            tps.update(is_active = form.cleaned_data['is_active'])

        if form.cleaned_data['env_group']:
            for tp in tps:
        return forms.errors_to_list(form)

    query = {'pk__in': tps.values_list('pk', flat = True)}
    return TestPlan.to_xmlrpc(query)
Пример #7
def update(request, case_run_ids, values):
    Description: Updates the fields of the selected case-runs.

    Params:      $caserun_ids - Integer/String/Array
                        Integer: A single TestCaseRun ID.
                        String:  A comma separates string of TestCaseRun IDs for batch
                        Array:   An array of TestCaseRun IDs for batch mode processing

                 $values - Hash of keys matching TestCaseRun fields and the new values
                 to set each field to.
                         | Field              | Type           |
                         | build              | Integer        |
                         | assignee           | Integer        |
                         | case_run_status    | Integer        |
                         | notes              | String         |
                         | sortkey            | Integer        |

    Returns:     Hash/Array: In the case of a single object, it is returned. If a
                 list was passed, it returns an array of object hashes. If the
                 update on any particular object failed, the hash will contain a
                 ERROR key and the message as to why it failed.

    # Update alias to 'tcms' for case 12345 and 23456
    >>> TestCaseRun.update([12345, 23456], {'assignee': 2206})
    from datetime import datetime
    from nitrate.core import forms
    from nitrate.apps.testruns.forms import XMLRPCUpdateCaseRunForm

    tcrs = TestCaseRun.objects.filter(
        pk__in = pre_process_ids(case_run_ids)
    form = XMLRPCUpdateCaseRunForm(values)

    if form.is_valid():
        if form.cleaned_data['build']:
            tcrs.update(build = form.cleaned_data['build'])

        if form.cleaned_data['assignee']:
            tcrs.update(assignee = form.cleaned_data['assignee'])

        if form.cleaned_data['case_run_status']:
            tcrs.update(case_run_status = form.cleaned_data['case_run_status'])
            tcrs.update(tested_by = request.user)
            tcrs.update(close_date = datetime.now())

        if values.has_key('notes'):
            if values['notes'] in (None, ''):
                tcrs.update(notes = values['notes'])
            if form.cleaned_data['notes']:
                tcrs.update(notes = form.cleaned_data['notes'])

        if form.cleaned_data['sortkey']:
            tcrs.update(sortkey = form.cleaned_data['sortkey'])
        return forms.errors_to_list(form)

    query = {'pk__in': tcrs.values_list('pk', flat = True)}
    return TestCaseRun.to_xmlrpc(query)
Пример #8
def update(request, run_ids, values):
    Description: Updates the fields of the selected test run.

    Params:      $run_ids - Integer/Array/String: An integer or alias representing the ID in the database,
                            an array of run_ids, or a string of comma separated run_ids.

                 $values - Hash of keys matching TestRun fields and the new values
                           to set each field to. See params of TestRun.create for description
                 | Field             | Type           | Description              |
                 | plan              | Integer        | TestPlan.plan_id         |
                 | product           | Integer        | Product.id               |
                 | build             | Integer        | Build.id                 |
                 | errata_id         | Integer        | Errata.id                |
                 | manager           | Integer        | Auth.User.id             |
                 | default_tester    | Intege         | Auth.User.id             |
                 | summary           | String         |                          |
                 | estimated_time    | TimeDelta      | MM/DD/YYYY               |
                 | product_version   | Integer        |                          |
                 | plan_text_version | Integer        |                          |
                 | notes             | String         |                          |
                 | status            | Integer        | 0:RUNNING 1:FINISHED     |
                 +-------------------+----------------+ -------------------------+
    Returns:     Hash: The updated test run object.

    # Update status to finished for run 1193 and 1194
    >>> TestRun.update([1193, 1194], {'status': 1})
    from datetime import datetime
    from nitrate.core import forms
    from nitrate.apps.testruns.forms import XMLRPCUpdateRunForm

    if (values.get('product_version') and not values.get('product')):
        raise ValueError('Field "product" is required by product_version')

    form = XMLRPCUpdateRunForm(values)
    if values.get('product_version'):
        form.populate(product_id = values['product'])

    if form.is_valid():
        trs = TestRun.objects.filter(pk__in = pre_process_ids(value = run_ids))

        if form.cleaned_data['plan']:
            trs.update(plan = form.cleaned_data['plan'])

        if form.cleaned_data['build']:
            trs.update(build = form.cleaned_data['build'])

        if form.cleaned_data['errata_id']:
            trs.update(errata_id = form.cleaned_data['errata_id'])

        if form.cleaned_data['manager']:
            trs.update(manager = form.cleaned_data['manager'])
        if values.has_key('default_tester'):
            if values.get('default_tester') and form.cleaned_data['default_tester']:
                trs.update(default_tester = form.cleaned_data['default_tester'])
                trs.update(default_tester = None)
        if form.cleaned_data['summary']:
            trs.update(summary = form.cleaned_data['summary'])

        if form.cleaned_data['estimated_time']:
            trs.update(estimated_time = form.cleaned_data['estimated_time'])

        if form.cleaned_data['product_version']:
            trs.update(product_version = form.cleaned_data['product_version'])

        if values.has_key('notes'):
            if values['notes'] in (None, ''):
                trs.update(notes = values['notes'])
            if form.cleaned_data['notes']:
                trs.update(notes = form.cleaned_data['notes'])

        if form.cleaned_data['plan_text_version']:
            trs.update(plan_text_version = form.cleaned_data['plan_text_version'])

        if isinstance(form.cleaned_data['status'], int):
            if form.cleaned_data['status']:
                trs.update(stop_date = datetime.now())
                trs.update(stop_date = None)
        return forms.errors_to_list(form)

    query = {'pk__in': trs.values_list('pk', flat=True)}
    return TestRun.to_xmlrpc(query)
Пример #9
def create(request, values):
    Description: Creates a new Test Run object and stores it in the database.

    Params:      $values - Hash: A reference to a hash with keys and values
                           matching the fields of the test run to be created.
      | Field             | Type           | Null      | Description                        |
      | plan              | Integer        | Required  | ID of test plan                    |
      | build             | Integer/String | Required  | ID of Build                        |
      | errata_id         | Integer        | Optional  | ID of Errata                       |
      | manager           | Integer        | Required  | ID of run manager                  |
      | summary           | String         | Required  |                                    |
      | product           | Integer        | Required  | ID of product                      |
      | product_version   | Integer        | Required  | ID of product version              |
      | default_tester    | Integer        | Optional  | ID of run default tester           |
      | plan_text_version | Integer        | Optional  |                                    |
      | estimated_time    | TimeDelta      | Optional  | HH:MM:MM                           |
      | notes             | String         | Optional  |                                    |
      | status            | Integer        | Optional  | 0:RUNNING 1:STOPPED  (default 0)   |
      | case              | Array/String   | Optional  | list of case ids to add to the run |
      | tag               | Array/String   | Optional  | list of tag to add to the run      |

    Returns:     The newly created object hash.

    >>> values = {'build': 384,
        'manager': 137,
        'plan': 137,
        'errata_id': 124,
        'product': 61,
        'product_version': 93,
        'summary': 'Testing XML-RPC for TCMS',
    >>> TestRun.create(values)
    from datetime import datetime
    from nitrate.core import forms
    from nitrate.apps.testruns.forms import XMLRPCNewRunForm

    if not values.get('product'):
        raise ValueError('Value of product is required')

    if values.get('case'):
        values['case'] = pre_process_ids(value = values['case'])

    form = XMLRPCNewRunForm(values)
    form.populate(product_id = values['product'])

    if form.is_valid():
        tr = TestRun.objects.create(
            product_version = form.cleaned_data['product_version'],
            plan_text_version = form.cleaned_data['plan_text_version'],
            stop_date = form.cleaned_data['status'] and datetime.now() or None,
            summary = form.cleaned_data['summary'],
            notes = form.cleaned_data['notes'],
            estimated_time = form.cleaned_data['estimated_time'],
            plan = form.cleaned_data['plan'],
            build = form.cleaned_data['build'],
            errata_id = form.cleaned_data['errata_id'],
            manager = form.cleaned_data['manager'],
            default_tester = form.cleaned_data['default_tester'],

        if form.cleaned_data['case']:
            for c in form.cleaned_data['case']:
                tr.add_case_run(case = c)
                del c

        if form.cleaned_data['tag']:
            tags = form.cleaned_data['tag']
            if isinstance(tags, str):
                tags = [c.strip() for c in tags.split(',') if c]

            for tag in tags:
                t, c = TestTag.objects.get_or_create(name = tag)
                tr.add_tag(tag = t)
                del tag, t, c
        return forms.errors_to_list(form)

    return tr.serialize()