Пример #1
def dobin(image,offset,bin,unit):
   """Combine all steps for reading a fits image and binning radially"""
   junk    = nlclib.createtempname() # list of pixel values with distances in arcsecs
   outdata = nlclib.createtempname() # binned data

   # read fits header to get crpix and cdelt
   crpix1 = crpix2 = -1
   cdelt1 = cdelt2 = -1
   header = iraf.imheader(image,Stdout=1)
   for line in header:
      if re.match(r'^CRPIX1',line):
         crpix1 = float(line.split()[2])
      elif re.match(r'^CRPIX2',line):
         crpix2 = float(line.split()[2])
      elif re.match(r'^CDELT1',line):
         cdelt1 = float(line.split()[2])
      elif re.match(r'^CDELT2',line):
         cdelt2 = float(line.split()[2])
   if crpix1 == -1 or crpix2 == -1:
      nlclib.error("Couldn't read crpix values!")
   if cdelt1 == -1 or cdelt2 == -1:
      nlclib.error("Couldn't read cdelt values!")

   # Add in offsets
   fac = abs(cdelt1)*3600 # convert pixel distances to arcsecs
   crpix1 = crpix1 - offset[0]/fac
   crpix2 = crpix2 + offset[1]/fac

   # figure out binning
   if unit == 'step':
      count = int((bin[1] - bin[0])/bin[2])
   elif unit == 'nbin':
      count = bin[2]
   if count < 0:
      nlclib.error('Number of bins is negative!')

   # get pixel values
   fp = open(junk,'w')
   x = iraf.listpixels(image,Stdout=1)
   for line in x:
      t = map(float,line.split())
      dist = fac*math.sqrt((t[0] - crpix1)**2 + (t[1] - crpix2)**2)
      fp.write('%f %f\n' %(dist,t[3]))

   # bin data
   cmd = 'dobin in=%s bin=%f:%f:%d > %s' %(junk,bin[0],bin[1],count,outdata)
   return outdata
Пример #2
   def apply(self):
      """Action to take when user clicks on 'Show' button"""

      global _circsize,_circlecolor
      _circsize = self.size.get()
      _circlecolor = self.color.get()
      os.system('xpaset -p %s regions format ds9' %self.window)
      blah = nlclib.createtempname()
         fp = open(blah,'w')
      except IOError, value:
         if "Permission denied" in value:
            nlclib.error('You do not have write permissions for %s' %os.getcwd())
            nlclib.error('Unknown problem with opening temp. region file!')
Пример #3
spec = """in   = ???   # Input polarization file
          fits = ???   # FITS image
          out  = ???   # Output file
          ext  = 0     # Extension number
          cd   = False # Set to True to use cd_matrix instead of cdelt"""

arg = ReadCmd(spec,__doc__)
infile = arg.getstr('in',exist=True)
fits   = arg.getstr('fits',exist=True)
outfile= arg.getstr('out',exist=False)
ext    = arg.getint('ext')
cdFlag = arg.getstr('cd')

import nlclib

blah = nlclib.createtempname() # new file made by rotatevector.py

# get path of this script so we can call rotatevector.py in the same dir
path,junk = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
os.system('%s/rotatevector.py in=%s fits=%s out=%s ext=%d cd=%s' %(path,

data1 = nlclib.readdata(infile)
data2 = nlclib.readdata(blah,dtype=float)

if len(data1) != len(data2):
   arg.error('Problem rotating vectors!')

fp = open(outfile,'w')
fp.write('#   x         y       Pol     dPol    Angle   dAngle     H        dH    Filename\n')
fp.write('#  (pix)    (pix)     (%)      (%)    (deg)    (deg)   (mag)     (mag)  (string)\n')