Пример #1
    def read_all(self):
        batch = []
        max_len = 0
        for ex in self.data:
            if min(len(ex.x), len(ex.y)) == 0:
                log.warning("Skipping a record,  either source or target is empty")

            this_len = max(len(ex.x), len(ex.y))
            if (len(batch) + 1) * max(max_len, this_len) <= self.max_toks and len(batch) < self.max_sents :
                batch.append(ex)  # this one can go in
                max_len = max(max_len, this_len)
                if this_len > self.max_toks:
                    raise Exception(f'Unable to make a batch of {self.max_toks} toks'
                                    f' with a seq of x_len:{len(ex.x)} y_len:{len(ex.y)}')
                # yield the current batch
                yield Batch(batch, sort_dec=self.sort_desc, batch_first=self.batch_first,
                batch = [ex]  # new batch
                max_len = this_len
        if batch:
            log.debug(f"\nLast batch, size={len(batch)}")
            yield Batch(batch, sort_dec=self.sort_desc, batch_first=self.batch_first,
Пример #2
    def get_init_vocab(cls,
                       coverage: float = 0,
        vocab = Reseved.with_reserved_types()
        res_stats = {
            r_type.name: term_freqs.pop(r_type.name)
            for r_type in vocab if r_type.name in term_freqs
        if res_stats:
            log.warning(f"Found reserved types in corpus: {res_stats}")
        # Order of trimming techs: 1. coverage, 2. min freqs, 3. size cut off
        unk_count = 0
        if coverage:
            assert 0 < coverage <= 1
            term_freqs, coverage_unk_count = filter_types_coverage(
                term_freqs, coverage=coverage)
            unk_count += coverage_unk_count
        term_freqs = sorted(term_freqs.items(),
                            key=lambda x: x[1],
        if min_freq and min_freq > 1:
                f"Excluding terms with freq < {min_freq}; |freq >= 1|: {len(term_freqs):,}"
            unk_count += sum(f for t, f in term_freqs if f < min_freq)
            term_freqs = [(t, f) for t, f in term_freqs if f >= min_freq]
            log.info(f"|freq >= {min_freq}| : {len(term_freqs):,}")

        if vocab_size > 0 and len(vocab) + len(term_freqs) > vocab_size:
            log.info(f"Truncating vocab at size={vocab_size}")
            unk_count += sum(f
                             for t, f in term_freqs[vocab_size - len(vocab):])
            term_freqs = term_freqs[:vocab_size - len(vocab)]

        # update reserved types with corpus freqs
        for idx, t in enumerate(vocab):
            freq = 0
            if t.name in res_stats:
                freq = res_stats.pop(t.name)
            if idx == Reseved.UNK_IDX:
                freq += unk_count
            if idx in {Reseved.BOS_IDX, Reseved.EOS_IDX, Reseved.CLS_IDX
                       } and line_count:
                freq += line_count
            if freq:
                    f"Update frequency for reserved type {t} with {freq}")
                vocab[idx] = t.copy(freq=freq)
        vocab += [
            Type(name=name, idx=idx, freq=freq, level=cls.level)
            for idx, (name, freq) in enumerate(term_freqs, start=len(vocab))
        log.info(f"Total {cls} vocab size {len(vocab):,}")
        return vocab
Пример #3
def filter_types_coverage(types: Dict[str, int], coverage=1.0) -> Tuple[Dict[str, int], int]:
    assert  0 < coverage <= 1
    tot = sum(types.values())
    includes = {}
    cum = 0
    types  = sorted(types.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    for t, f in types:
        cum += f / tot
        includes[t] = f
        if cum >= coverage:
    log.info(f'Coverage={cum:g}; requested={coverage:g}')
    excludes = {ch: ct for ch, ct in types if ch not in includes}
    unk_count = sum(excludes.values())
    log.warning(f'UNKed total toks:{unk_count} types={len(excludes)} from types:{excludes}')
    return includes, unk_count
Пример #4
 def __init__(self,
              field_names: List[str],
     self.field_names = field_names
     path = as_path(path)
     if path.exists() and len(os.listdir(path)) > 0:
         if overwrite:
             log.warning(f"Removing existing data at {path}")
             raise Exception(
                 f'{path} already exists. not overwriting it')
     path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
     self.path = path
     self.part_path_pad = part_path_pads(max_parts)
Пример #5
    def learn_subwords(cls,
                       term_freqs: Dict[str, int],
                       vocab_size: int,
                       min_co_evidence: int = DEF_MIN_CO_EV,
                       init_vocab_factory=None) -> List[Type]:
        :param term_freqs:
        :param vocab_size: final vocab size: reserved + chars + user_specified  + merges;
          special case, when `vocab_size=-1` the returned vocab will have just reserved + chars
        :param min_co_evidence: min co evidence for pair merges
        :param char_coverage: percentage of characters to be covered by inital char_freqs
        :param word_min_freq: words below this frequency will be excluded for learning BPE
        :return: List of Type

        log.info(f"Total types: {len(term_freqs)}")
        term_freqs = {
            cls.prepare_word(word): freq
            for word, freq in term_freqs.items()

        char_freqs = coll.defaultdict(int)
        for term, freq in term_freqs.items():
            for ch in term:
                char_freqs[ch] += freq
            """TODO: test this behavior; similar to subword-nmt v0.2
            for ch in term[:-2]:  # skip the last two: ending and the whitespace marker
                char_freqs[ch] += freq
            char_freqs[term[-2:]] += freq  # ending + whitespace marker go together as a single byte
        init_vocab = init_vocab_factory(
            char_freqs)  # create an initial vocabulary of chars
        if vocab_size == -1:
                f'Since vocab_size={vocab_size}; not going to do any L1 merges'
            log.info(f'Found initial vocab size of {len(init_vocab)}')
            return init_vocab

        return cls._learn_codes(term_freqs,
Пример #6
    def _make_eq_len_batch_ids(self, max_toks, max_sents, min_len=1):
        fields = list(self.fields.values())
        rows = []
        skip_counter = defaultdict(int)
        for _id in self.ids:
            lens = tuple(field.get_len(_id) for field in fields)
            if min(lens) < min_len:
                skip_counter[f'len < {min_len}'] += 1
                rows.append((_id, max(lens)))
        if len(skip_counter) > 0:
            log.warning(f"Skipped :: {skip_counter}")
        rows = np.array(rows)  # id, len
        )  # in-place, along the first axis; for extra rand within len group
        rows = rows[rows[:, 1].argsort()]  # sort by second col wiz len
        batches = []
        batch = []
        max_len = 0
        for _id, _len in rows:
            if _len < 1:
                    f"Skipping record {_id}, either source or target is empty")

            if (len(batch) + 1) * max(
                    max_len, _len) > max_toks or len(batch) > max_sents:
                if _len > max_toks:
                    raise Exception(
                        f'Unable to make a batch of {max_toks} toks'
                        f' with a seq of len:{_len}')
                batch = []  # new batch
                max_len = 0

            batch.append(_id)  # this one can go in
            max_len = max(max_len, _len)
        if batch:
        return batches
Пример #7
    def create_index(self, seqs):
            "Going to build corpus stats index; This might take lot of time and memory"
        n_seqs, n_ignored, n_replaced, bar_msg = 0, 0, 0, ''
        with tqdm(enumerate(seqs),
                  mininterval=1) as data_bar:
            for idx, seq in data_bar:
                freq = 1  # default = 1 freq
                if isinstance(seq, tuple):  # if freq is available
                    seq, freq = seq

                n_seqs += 1
                if idx == 0:  # basic validation
                    assert isinstance(seq, list)  # first sequence, tokenized
                    assert isinstance(
                        int)  # sequence's item, should be an int or codepoint
                if not seq:
                    log.warning(f"Skipping empty sequence at idx {idx + 1}")

                nodes = LnNode.from_seq(seq, freq=freq)
                assert len(seq) == len(nodes)

                for i in range(len(seq) - 1):  # the last position left out
                    bigm = (seq[i], seq[i + 1])
                    self.bi[bigm] += freq
                    assert nodes[i] not in self.bi_ixs[bigm]
                    self.bi_ixs[bigm].add(nodes[i])  # bigm found at node i
                    self.uni[seq[i]] += freq
                    -1]] += freq  # the last unigram count; not covered in the above loop
                bar_msg = f'MaxRSS={max_RSS()[1]}'
                data_bar.set_postfix_str(bar_msg, refresh=False)
        log.info(f"Created index; {bar_msg}")
Пример #8
    def learn_codes(self, n_merges: int, min_co_evidence,
                    code_level: int) -> List[Type]:
        :param n_merges: how many more merges
        :param min_co_evidence: min evidence (co-occurrence frequency);
         causes early stop upon failure
        :param code_level: what level to use for new code types created during merge
            for instance level=1 for word bpe; level=2 for seq bpe
        uni, bi_ixs = self.uni, self.bi_ixs
        heap = MaxHeap(self.bi)
        heap_dirty = coll.defaultdict(
            int)  # subtractions aren't updated in max-heap, they are here
        vocab = self.vocab
        for i in range(n_merges):
            # Using MaxHeap for faster lookup of max. But heap gets a bit dirty, so a bit of cleanup
            max_pair, pair_freq = heap.pop()
            while max_pair in heap_dirty:  # clean all max [airs until a clean value
                freq_update = heap_dirty.pop(max_pair)
                assert freq_update < 0  # only decrements are valid. increments make this wrong
                corr_freq = pair_freq + freq_update  # correct value
                assert corr_freq >= 0, f'{max_pair}:{pair_freq}, Δ={freq_update} = {corr_freq}'
                if corr_freq > 0:  # exclude zero count
                    heap.push(max_pair, corr_freq)
                max_pair, pair_freq = heap.pop()

            # here the  actual loop begins
            if pair_freq < min_co_evidence:
                log.warning(f"Early stop; max evidence found is {pair_freq} "
                            f"but min required is {min_co_evidence}")

            new_type_idx = len(vocab)
            a, b = max_pair
                f"{(100 * i / n_merges):.2f}% :: {new_type_idx} || {a:4}:{uni[a]:5}"
                f" || {b:4}:{uni[b]:5} || {pair_freq:,} || {vocab[a].name} {vocab[b].name}"

            # code -> bigram   (flatten out bigram;  resolve interim codes
            new_type = Type(vocab[a].name + vocab[b].name,
                            kids=(vocab[a], vocab[b]))

            # updates: update bigram and unigram counts
            uni[new_type_idx] = pair_freq  # this bigram is now a new unigram
            # unigram counts drop ; since some of their bigrams are removed
            uni[a] -= pair_freq
            uni[b] -= pair_freq
            heap_deltas = coll.defaultdict(int)
            update_nodes = bi_ixs.pop(max_pair)  # also removed from bi_ixs
            for node in update_nodes:
                # -- x a b y --
                x_node, b_node = node.left, node.right
                if node.is_unlinked or (a == b and new_type.idx
                                        in (node.val, b_node.val)):
                    # this happens in the cases like "x a a a a y"
                    uni[a] += node.freq
                    uni[b] += node.freq
                    uni[new_type.idx] -= node.freq

                y_node = b_node.right
                dirty = node.val != a or b_node.val != b  # check that the linked list is proper
                if dirty:
                        f'Expected {a, b} but found {node.val, b_node.val}'
                        f'\n {node, b_node}'
                        f'\n--{vocab[a].signature()} =='
                        f' {vocab[node.val].signature() if node.val != a else "OK"}'
                        f'\n--{vocab[b].signature()} =='
                        f' {vocab[b_node.val].signature() if b_node.val != b else "OK"}'
                        f"a={a}, b={b} || a_node={node}, b_node={b_node}")
                assert not dirty
                assert node.freq == b_node.freq

                # update : x a b y => x R y
                )  # delete() takes care of linking a → y and a ← y
                new_node = node  # reuse a node as new_node/R
                new_node.val = new_type_idx  # reuse a as new_node/R
                # Note: the above edits to a and b nodes do-not/should-not change __hash__

                if x_node:
                    # remove (x_node_val, a) from bi and bi_ixs
                    heap_deltas[(x_node.val, a)] -= x_node.freq
                    if bi_ixs.get((x_node.val, a)):
                        # not sure why 'if' needed here;
                        bi_ixs[(x_node.val, a)].remove(x_node)

                    # add (x_node_val, R) to bi and bi_ixs
                    heap_deltas[(x_node.val, new_type_idx)] += x_node.freq
                    bi_ixs[(x_node.val, new_type_idx)].add(x_node)
                if y_node:
                    # remove (b, y_node.val) from bi and bi_ixs
                    heap_deltas[(b, y_node.val)] -= b_node.freq
                    if bi_ixs.get((b, y_node.val)):
                        # not sure why 'if' needed here;
                        bi_ixs[(b, y_node.val)].remove(b_node)

                    # add (R, y_node.val) to bi and bi_ixs
                    heap_deltas[(new_type_idx, y_node.val)] += b_node.freq
                    bi_ixs[(new_type_idx, y_node.val)].add(new_node)

            # however; the counts shouldn't go negative
            assert uni[a] >= 0
            assert uni[b] >= 0

            for pair, delta in heap_deltas.items():
                if delta > 0:  # these are new insertions, and they can go directly to heap
                    assert new_type_idx in pair
                    heap.push(pair, delta)
                elif delta < 0:  # one of those subtractions, which cant be directly updated
                    assert new_type_idx not in pair
                    heap_dirty[pair] += delta

        return vocab