def find_feasible(self): """Obtain `x_feasible` satisfying the constraints. `rhs` must have been specified. """ n = self.n self.log.debug('Obtaining feasible solution...') self.t_feasible = cputime() self.rhs[n:] = self.b self.proj.solve(self.rhs) self.x_feasible = self.proj.x[:n].copy() self.t_feasible = cputime() - self.t_feasible self.check_accurate() self.log.debug('... done (%-5.2fs)' % self.t_feasible) return
def perform_factorization(self): """Assemble projection matrix and factorize it. P = [ G A^T ] [ A 0 ], where G is the preconditioner, or the identity matrix if no preconditioner was given. """ if self.A is None: raise ValueError('No linear equality constraints were specified') # Form projection matrix P = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(self.n + self.m, self.nnzA + self.n) if self.precon is not None: P[:self.n, :self.n] = self.precon else: r = range(self.n) P.put(1, r, r) # for i in range(self.n): # P[i,i] = 1 P[self.n:, :self.n] = self.A # Add regularization if requested. if self.dreg > 0.0: r = range(self.n, self.n + self.m) P.put(-self.dreg, r, r) msg = 'Factorizing projection matrix ' msg += '(size %-d, nnz = %-d)...' % (P.shape[0], P.nnz) self.log.debug(msg) self.t_fact = cputime() self.proj = LBLContext(P) self.t_fact = cputime() - self.t_fact self.log.debug('... done (%-5.2fs)' % self.t_fact) self.factorized = True return
def solve(self, **kwargs): """Solve. :keywords: :maxiter: maximum number of iterations. All other keyword arguments are passed directly to the constructor of the trust-region solver. """ nlp = self.nlp # Gather initial information. self.f = self.nlp.obj(self.x) self.f0 = self.f self.g = self.nlp.grad(self.x) self.g_old = self.g self.gNorm = norms.norm2(self.g) self.g0 = self.gNorm = min(max(0.1 * self.gNorm, 1.0), 100) cgtol = 1.0 if self.inexact else -1.0 stoptol = max(self.abstol, self.reltol * self.g0) step_status = None exitUser = False exitOptimal = self.gNorm <= stoptol exitIter = self.iter >= self.maxiter status = "" # Initialize non-monotonicity parameters. if not self.monotone: fMin = fRef = fCan = self.f0 l = 0 sigRef = sigCan = 0 t = cputime() # Print out header and initial log. if self.iter % 20 == 0:, self.iter, self.f, self.gNorm, "", "", "",, "") while not (exitUser or exitOptimal or exitIter): self.iter += 1 self.alpha = 1.0 if self.save_g: self.g_old = self.g.copy() # Iteratively minimize the quadratic model in the trust region # min m(s) := g's + ½ s'Hs # Note that m(s) does not include f(x): m(0) = 0. if self.inexact: cgtol = max(stoptol, min(0.7 * cgtol, 0.01 * self.gNorm)) qp = QPModel(self.g, self.nlp.hop(self.x, self.nlp.pi0)) self.solver = TrustRegionSolver(qp, self.tr_solver) self.solver.solve(prec=self.precon,, reltol=cgtol) step = self.solver.step snorm = self.solver.step_norm cgiter = self.solver.niter # Obtain model value at next candidate m = self.solver.m if m is None: m = qp.obj(step) self.total_cgiter += cgiter x_trial = self.x + step f_trial = nlp.obj(x_trial) rho =, f_trial, m) if not self.monotone: rhoHis = (fRef - f_trial) / (sigRef - m) rho = max(rho, rhoHis) step_status = "Rej" self.step_accepted = False if rho >= # Trust-region step is accepted., snorm) self.x = x_trial self.f = f_trial self.g = nlp.grad(self.x) self.gNorm = norms.norm2(self.g) self.dvars = step if self.save_g: self.dgrad = self.g - self.g_old step_status = "Acc" self.step_accepted = True # Update non-monotonicity parameters. if not self.monotone: sigRef = sigRef - m sigCan = sigCan - m if f_trial < fMin: fCan = f_trial fMin = f_trial sigCan = 0 l = 0 else: l = l + 1 if f_trial > fCan: fCan = f_trial sigCan = 0 if l == self.n_non_monotone: fRef = fCan sigRef = sigCan else: # Trust-region step is rejected. if self.ny: # Backtracking linesearch a la Nocedal & Yuan. slope =, step) bk = 0 armijo = self.f + 1.0e-4 * self.alpha * slope while bk < self.nbk and f_trial >= armijo: bk = bk + 1 self.alpha /= 1.2 x_trial = self.x + self.alpha * step f_trial = nlp.obj(x_trial) self.x = x_trial self.f = f_trial self.g = nlp.grad(self.x) self.gNorm = norms.norm2(self.g) = self.alpha * snorm snorm /= self.alpha step_status = "N-Y" self.step_accepted = True self.dvars = self.alpha * step if self.save_g: self.dgrad = self.g - self.g_old else:, snorm) self.step_status = step_status self.radii.append( status = "" try: self.post_iteration() except UserExitRequest: status = "usr" # Print out header, say, every 20 iterations if self.iter % 20 == 0: pstatus = step_status if step_status != "Acc" else "" % (self.iter, self.f, self.gNorm, cgiter, rho, snorm,, pstatus)) exitOptimal = self.gNorm <= stoptol exitIter = self.iter > self.maxiter exitUser = status == "usr" self.tsolve = cputime() - t # Solve time # Set final solver status. if status == "usr": pass elif self.gNorm <= stoptol: status = "opt" else: # self.iter > self.maxiter: status = "itr" self.status = status
def solve(self, **kwargs): """Solve method. All keyword arguments are passed directly to the constructor of the bound constraint solver. """ al_model = self.model slack_model = self.model.model on = slack_model.original_n # Move starting point into the feasible box self.x = project(self.x, al_model.Lvar, al_model.Uvar) # "Smart" initialization of slack variables using the magical step # function that is already available (self.x, m_step_init) = self.model.magical_step(self.x) dL = al_model.dual_feasibility(self.x) self.f = self.f0 = self.model.model.model.obj(self.x[:on]) PdL = self.project_gradient(self.x, dL) Pmax = np.max(np.abs(PdL)) self.pg0 = self.pgnorm = Pmax # Specific handling for the case where the original NLP is # unconstrained if slack_model.m == 0: max_cons = 0. else: max_cons = np.max(np.abs(slack_model.cons(self.x))) cons_norm_ref = max_cons self.cons0 = max_cons = self.omega_init self.eta = self.eta_init self.omega_opt = self.omega_rel * self.pg0 + self.omega_abs self.eta_opt = self.eta_rel * max_cons + self.eta_abs self.iter = 0 self.inner_fail_count = 0 self.niter_total = 0 infeas_iter = 0 exitIter = False exitTime = False # Convergence check exitOptimal = (Pmax <= self.omega_opt and max_cons <= self.eta_opt) if exitOptimal: self.status = "opt" tick = cputime() # Print out header and initial log. if self.iter % 20 == 0:, self.iter, self.f, self.pg0, self.cons0, al_model.penalty, "", "",, self.eta) while not (exitOptimal or exitIter or exitTime): self.iter += 1 # Perform bound-constrained minimization # TODO: set appropriate stopping conditions bc_solver = self.setup_bc_solver() bc_solver.solve() self.x = bc_solver.x.copy() # may not be useful. self.niter_total += bc_solver.iter + 1 dL = al_model.dual_feasibility(self.x) PdL = self.project_gradient(self.x, dL) Pmax = np.max(np.abs(PdL)) convals = slack_model.cons(self.x) # Specific handling for the case where the original NLP is # unconstrained if slack_model.m == 0: max_cons = 0. else: max_cons = np.max(np.abs(convals)) self.f = self.model.model.model.obj(self.x[:on]) self.pgnorm = Pmax # Print out header, say, every 20 iterations. if self.iter % 20 == 0: % (self.iter, self.f, self.pgnorm, max_cons, al_model.penalty, bc_solver.iter, bc_solver.status,, self.eta)) # Update penalty parameter or multipliers based on result if max_cons <= np.maximum(self.eta, self.eta_opt): # Update convergence check if max_cons <= self.eta_opt and Pmax <= self.omega_opt: exitOptimal = True break self.update_multipliers(convals, bc_solver.status) # Update reference constraint norm on successful reduction cons_norm_ref = max_cons infeas_iter = 0 # If optimality of the inner loop is not achieved within 10 # major iterations, exit immediately if self.inner_fail_count == 10: if max_cons <= self.eta_opt: self.status = "feas" self.log.debug("cannot improve current point, exiting") else: self.status = "fail" self.log.debug("cannot improve current point, exiting") break self.log.debug("updating multipliers estimates") else: self.update_penalty_parameter() self.log.debug("keeping current multipliers estimates") if max_cons > 0.99 * cons_norm_ref and self.iter != 1: infeas_iter += 1 else: cons_norm_ref = max_cons infeas_iter = 0 if infeas_iter == 10: self.status = "stal" self.log.debug("problem appears infeasible, exiting") break # Safeguard: tightest tolerance should be near optimality to # prevent excessive inner loop iterations at the end of the # algorithm if < self.omega_opt: = self.omega_opt if self.eta < self.eta_opt: self.eta = self.eta_opt try: self.post_iteration() except UserExitRequest: self.status = "usr" exitIter = self.niter_total > self.maxiter or self.iter > self.maxupdate exitTime = (cputime() - tick) > self.maxtime self.tsolve = cputime() - tick # Solve time # Solution output, etc. if exitOptimal: self.status = "opt" self.log.debug("optimal solution found") elif not exitOptimal and exitTime: self.status = "time" self.log.debug("maximum run time exceeded") elif not exitOptimal and exitIter: self.status = "iter" self.log.debug("maximum number of iterations reached")"f = %12.8g" % self.f) if slack_model.m != 0:"pi_max = %12.8g" % np.max(al_model.pi))"max infeas. = %12.8g" % max_cons)
def solve(self): """Solve.""" n = self.n x_norm2 = 0.0 # Squared norm of current iterate x, not counting x_feas # Obtain initial projected residual self.t_solve = cputime() if self.qp.A is not None: if self.factorize and not self.factorized: self.perform_factorization() if self.b is not None: self.rhs[:n] = self.qp.grad(self.x_feasible) self.rhs[n:] = 0.0 else: self.rhs[:n] = self.qp.c self.proj.solve(self.rhs) r = g = self.proj.x[:n] self.v = self.proj.x[n:] # self.CheckAccurate() else: g = self.qp.c r = g.copy() # Initialize search direction p = -g pHp = None self.resid_norm0 =, g) rg = self.resid_norm0 threshold = max(self.abstol, self.reltol * sqrt(self.resid_norm0)) iter = 0 on_boundary = False'-' * len(self.header)), iter, rg) while sqrt(rg) > threshold and iter < self.maxiter and not on_boundary: Hp = self.qp.H * p pHp =, Hp) # Display current iteration info, iter, rg, pHp) if self.radius is not None: # Compute steplength to the boundary sigma = to_boundary(self.x, p, self.radius, xx=x_norm2) if (self.btol is not None) and (self.cur_iter is not None): sigma = min(sigma, self.ftb(self.x, p)) elif pHp <= 0.0: self.log.error('Problem is not second-order sufficient') status = 'problem not SOS' self.inf_descent = True self.inf_descent_dir = p continue alpha = rg / pHp if pHp != 0.0 else np.inf if self.radius is not None and (pHp <= 0.0 or alpha > sigma): # p is a direction of singularity or negative curvature or # next iterate will lie past the boundary of the trust region # Move to boundary of trust-region self.x += sigma * p x_norm2 = self.radius * self.radius status = u'on boundary (σ = %g)' % sigma self.inf_descent = (pHp <= 0.0) on_boundary = True continue # Make sure nonnegativity bounds remain enforced, if requested if (self.btol is not None) and (self.cur_iter is not None): step_bnd = self.ftb(self.x, p) if step_bnd < alpha: self.x += step_bnd * p status = 'on boundary' on_boundary = True continue # Move on self.x += alpha * p r += alpha * Hp if self.qp.A is not None: # Project current residual self.rhs[:n] = r self.proj.solve(self.rhs) # Perform actual iterative refinement, if necessary # self.proj.refine(self.rhs, nitref=self.max_itref, # tol=self.itref_tol) # Obtain new projected gradient g = self.proj.x[:n] if self.precon is not None: # Prepare for iterative semi-refinement self.qp.jtprod(self.proj.x[n:], self.v) else: g = r rg_next =, g) beta = rg_next / rg p = -g + beta * p if self.precon is not None: # Perform iterative semi-refinement r = r - self.v else: r = g rg = rg_next if self.radius is not None: x_norm2 =, self.x) iter += 1 # Output info about the last iteration if iter > 0:, iter, rg, pHp) # Obtain final solution x self.x_norm2 = x_norm2 self.step_norm = sqrt(x_norm2) if self.x_feasible is not None: self.x += self.x_feasible if self.qp.A is not None: # Find (weighted) least-squares Lagrange multipliers self.rhs[:n] = -self.qp.grad(self.x) self.rhs[n:] = 0.0 self.proj.solve(self.rhs) self.v = self.proj.x[n:].copy() self.t_solve = cputime() - self.t_solve self.step = self.x # Alias for consistency with TruncatedCG. self.on_boundary = on_boundary self.converged = (iter < self.maxiter) if iter < self.maxiter and not on_boundary: status = 'residual small' elif iter >= self.maxiter: status = 'max iter' self.iter = iter self.n_matvec = iter self.resid_norm = sqrt(rg) self.status = status return
def solve(self): """Solve method. All keyword arguments are passed directly to the constructor of the trust-region solver. """ self.log.debug("entering solve") model = self.model ls_fmt = "%7.1e %8.1e" # Project the initial point into [l,u]. self.x = project(self.x, model.Lvar, model.Uvar) # Gather initial information. self.f = model.obj(self.x) self.f0 = self.f self.g = model.grad(self.x) # Current gradient self.g_old = self.g.copy() self.x_old = self.x.copy() pgnorm = projected_gradient_norm2(self.x, self.g, model.Lvar, model.Uvar) self.pg0 = pgnorm cgtol = self.cgtol cg_iter = 0 cgitermax = model.n # Initialize the trust region radius = min(max(0.1 * self.pg0, 1.0), 100) # Test for convergence or termination stoptol = max(self.gabstol, self.greltol * self.pg0) # stoptol = self.greltol * pgnorm exitUser = False exitOptimal = pgnorm <= stoptol exitIter = self.iter >= self.maxiter exitFunCall = model.obj.ncalls >= self.maxfuncall status = "" tick = cputime() # Print out header and initial log. if self.iter % 20 == 0:, self.iter, self.f, pgnorm, "", "", "",, "") while not (exitUser or exitOptimal or exitIter or exitFunCall): self.iter += 1 self.step_accepted = False if self.save_g: self.g_old = self.g.copy() self.x_old = self.x.copy() # Wrap Hessian into an operator. H = model.hop(self.x.copy()) # Compute the Cauchy step and store in s. (s, self.alphac) = self.cauchy(self.x, self.g, H, model.Lvar, model.Uvar,, self.alphac) # Compute the projected Newton step. (x, s, cg_iter, _) = self.projected_newton_step(self.x, self.g, H,, model.Lvar, model.Uvar, s, cgtol, cgitermax) snorm = norms.norm2(s) self.total_cgiter += cg_iter # Compute the predicted reduction. m =, self.g) + .5 *, H * s) # Evaluate actual objective. x_trial = project(self.x + s, model.Lvar, model.Uvar) f_trial = model.obj(x_trial) # Incorporate a magical step to further improve the trial # (if possible) and modify the predicted reduction to # take the extra improvement into account if "magical_step" in dir(model): (x_trial, s_magic) = model.magical_step(x_trial) if s_magic is not None: s += s_magic m -= f_trial f_trial = model.obj(x_trial) m += f_trial # Evaluate the step and determine if the step is successful. # Compute the actual reduction. rho =, f_trial, m) ared = self.f - f_trial # On the first iteration, adjust the initial step bound. snorm = norms.norm2(s) if self.iter == 1: = min(, snorm) # Update the trust region bound slope =, s) if f_trial - self.f - slope <= 0: alpha = else: alpha = max(, -0.5 * (slope / (f_trial - self.f - slope))) # Update the trust region bound according to the ratio # of actual to predicted reduction, snorm, alpha) # Update the iterate. if rho > # Successful iterate # Trust-region step is accepted. self.x = x_trial self.f = f_trial self.g = model.grad(self.x) step_status = "Acc" self.step_accepted = True self.dvars = s if self.save_g: self.dgrad = self.g - self.g_old elif self.ny: try: # Trust-region step is rejected; backtrack. line_model = C1LineModel(model, self.x, s) ls = ArmijoLineSearch(line_model, bkmax=5, decr=1.75) for step in ls: self.log.debug(ls_fmt, step, ls.trial_value) ared = self.f - ls.trial_value self.x = ls.iterate self.f = ls.trial_value self.g = model.grad(self.x) snorm *= ls.step = snorm step_status = "N-Y" self.dvars = ls.step * s self.step_accepted = True if self.save_g: self.dgrad = self.g - self.g_old except (LineSearchFailure, ValueError): step_status = "Rej" else: # Fall back on trust-region rule. step_status = "Rej" self.step_status = step_status status = "" try: self.post_iteration() except UserExitRequest: status = "usr" # Print out header, say, every 20 iterations if self.iter % 20 == 0: pstatus = step_status if step_status != "Acc" else "" # Test for convergence. pgnorm = projected_gradient_norm2(self.x, self.g, model.Lvar, model.Uvar) if pstatus == "" or pstatus == "N-Y": if pgnorm <= stoptol: exitOptimal = True status = "gtol" elif abs(ared) <= self.abstol and -m <= self.abstol: exitOptimal = True status = "fatol" elif abs(ared) <= self.reltol * abs(self.f) and \ (-m <= self.reltol * abs(self.f)): exitOptimal = True status = "frtol" else: self.iter -= 1 # to match TRON iteration number exitIter = self.iter > self.maxiter exitFunCall = model.obj.ncalls >= self.maxfuncall exitUser = status == "usr", self.iter, self.f, pgnorm, cg_iter, rho, snorm,, pstatus) self.tsolve = cputime() - tick # Solve time self.pgnorm = pgnorm # Set final solver status. if status == "usr": pass elif self.iter > self.maxiter: status = "itr" elif status == "": # corner case; initial guess was optimal status = "gtol" self.status = status"final status: %s", self.status)
def solve(self): """Solve model with the L-BFGS method.""" model = self.model x = self.x tstart = cputime() self.f0 = self.f = f = model.obj(x) self.g = g = model.grad(x) self.g_norm0 = g_norm = norms.norm2(g) stoptol = max(self.abstol, self.reltol * self.g_norm0) exitUser = False exitLS = False exitOptimal = g_norm <= stoptol exitIter = self.iter >= self.maxiter status = "" while not (exitUser or exitOptimal or exitIter or exitLS): # Obtain search direction H = model.hop(x) d = -(H * g) # Prepare for modified linesearch step0 = max(1.0e-3, 1.0 / g_norm) if self.iter == 0 else 1.0 line_model = C1LineModel(self.model, x, d) ls = self.setup_linesearch(line_model, step0) try: for step in ls: self.logger.debug(self.ls_fmt, step, ls.trial_value) except LineSearchFailure: exitLS = True continue, self.iter, f, g_norm, ls.slope, ls.step) # Prepare new pair {s,y} to be inserted into L-BFGS operator. self.s = ls.step * d x = ls.iterate g_next = line_model.gradval self.y = g_next - g status = "" try: self.post_iteration() except UserExitRequest: status = "usr" # Prepare for next round. g = g_next g_norm = norms.norm2(g) f = ls.trial_value self.iter += 1 exitOptimal = g_norm <= stoptol exitIter = self.iter >= self.maxiter exitUser = status == "usr" self.tsolve = cputime() - tstart, self.iter, f, g_norm) self.x = x self.f = f self.g = g self.g_norm = g_norm # Set final solver status. if status == "usr": pass elif self.g_norm <= stoptol: status = "opt" elif exitLS: status = "lsf" else: # self.iter > self.maxiter: status = "itr" self.status = status
def solve(self, **kwargs): """Solve current problem with trust-funnel framework. :keywords: :ny: Enable Nocedal-Yuan backtracking linesearch. :returns: This method sets the following members of the instance: :f: Final objective value :optimal: Flag indicating whether normal stopping conditions were attained :p_resid: Final primal residual :d_resid: Final dual residual :niter: Total number of iterations :tsolve: Solve time. Warning: backtracking after rejected trust-region steps fails with a "Not a descent direction" flag. """ ny = kwargs.get('ny', False) reg = kwargs.get('reg', 0.0) tsolve = cputime() # Set some shortcuts. model = self.model n = model.n m = model.m x = self.x f = self.f c = model.cons_pos(x) y = model.pi0.copy() # Initialize some constants. kappa_n = 1.0e+2 # Factor of p_norm in normal step TR radius. kappa_b = 0.99 # Fraction of TR to compute tangential step. kappa_delta = 0.1 # Progress factor to compute tangential step. # Trust-region parameters. eta_1 = 1.0e-5 eta_2 = 0.95 eta_3 = 0.5 gamma_1 = 0.25 gamma_3 = 2.5 kappa_tx1 = 0.9 # Factor of theta_max in max acceptable infeasibility. kappa_tx2 = 0.5 # Convex combination factor of theta and theta_trial. # Compute constraint violation. theta = 0.5 *, c) # Set initial funnel radius. kappa_ca = 1.0e+3 # Max initial funnel radius. kappa_cr = 2.0 # Infeasibility tolerance factor. theta_max = max(kappa_ca, kappa_cr * theta) # Evaluate first-order derivatives. g = model.grad(x) J = model.jac(x) Jop = model.jop(x) # Initial radius for f- and c-iterations. radius_f = max(self.radius_f, .1 * np.linalg.norm(g)) radius_c = max(self.radius_c, .1 * sqrt(2 * theta)) # Reset initial multipliers to least-squares estimates by # approximately solving: # [ I Jᵀ ] [ w ] [ -g ] # [ J 0 ] [ y ] = [ 0 ]. # This is equivalent to solving # minimize |g + J'y|. if m > 0: y, _, _ = self.lsq(Jop.T, -g, reg=reg) p_norm = c_norm = 0 if m > 0: p_norm = np.linalg.norm(c) c_norm = np.linalg.norm(c, np.inf) grad_lag = g + Jop.T * y else: grad_lag = g.copy() d_norm = np.linalg.norm(grad_lag) / (1 + np.linalg.norm(y)) # Display current info if requested., 0, ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', f, p_norm, d_norm, radius_f, radius_c, theta_max, 0) # Compute primal stopping tolerance. stop_p = max(self.atol, self.stop_p * p_norm) self.log.debug('p_norm=%7.1e, c_norm=%7.1e, d_norm=%7.1e', p_norm, c_norm, d_norm) optimal = (p_norm <= stop_p) and (d_norm <= self.stop_d) self.log.debug('optimal: %s', repr(optimal)) # Start of main iteration. while not optimal and (self.iter < self.maxiter): self.iter += 1 radius = min(radius_f, radius_c) cgiter = 0 # 1. Compute normal step as an (approximate) solution to # minimize |c + J n| subject to |n| <= min(radius_c, kN |c|). if self.iter > 1 and \ p_norm <= stop_p and \ d_norm >= 1.0e+4 * self.stop_d: self.log.debug('Setting step_n=0 b/c must work on optimality') step_n = np.zeros(n) step_n_norm = 0.0 status_n = '0' m_xpn = 0 # Model value at x+n. else: step_n_max = min(radius_c, kappa_n * p_norm) step_n, step_n_norm, lsq_status = self.lsq(Jop, -c, radius=step_n_max, reg=reg) if lsq_status == 'residual small': status_n = 'r' elif lsq_status == 'trust-region boundary active': status_n = 'b' else: status_n = '?' # Evaluate the model of the obective after the normal step. _Hv = model.hprod(x, -y, step_n) # H*step_n m_xpn =, step_n) + 0.5 *, _Hv) self.log.debug('Normal step norm = %8.2e', step_n_norm) self.log.debug('Model value: %9.2e', m_xpn) # 2. Compute tangential step if normal step is not too long. if step_n_norm <= kappa_b * radius: # 2.1. Compute Lagrange multiplier estimates and dual residuals # by minimizing |(g + H n) + J'y| if step_n_norm == 0.0: g_n = g # Just a pointer ; g will not be modified below. else: g_n = g + _Hv y_new, _, _ = self.lsq(Jop.T, -g_n, reg=reg) r = g_n + Jop.T * y_new # Here Nick does iterative refinement to improve r and y_new... # Compute dual optimality measure. resid_norm = np.linalg.norm(r) pi = 0.0 if resid_norm > 0: pi = abs(, r)) / resid_norm # 2.2. If the dual residuals are large, compute a suitable # tangential step as a solution to: # minimize g't + 1/2 t' H t # subject to Jt = 0, |n+t| <= radius. if pi > self.forcing(3, theta): self.log.debug('Computing step_t...') radius_within = radius - step_n_norm Hop = model.hop(x, -y_new) qp = QPModel(g_n, Hop, A=J.matrix) # PPCG = ProjectedCG(g_n, Hop, # A=J.matrix if m > 0 else None, # radius=radius_within, dreg=reg) PPCG = ProjectedCG(qp, radius=radius_within, dreg=reg) PPCG.solve() step_t = PPCG.step step_t_norm = PPCG.step_norm cgiter = PPCG.iter self.log.debug(u'‖t‖ = %8.2e', step_t_norm) if PPCG.status == 'residual small': status_t = 'r' elif PPCG.on_boundary and not PPCG.inf_descent: status_t = 'b' elif PPCG.inf_descent: status_t = '-' elif PPCG.status == 'max iter': status_t = '>' else: status_t = '?' # Compute total step and model decrease. step = step_n + step_t step_norm = np.linalg.norm(step) # _Hv = model.hprod(x, -y, step) # y or y_new? # m_xps =, step) + 0.5 *, _Hv) m_xps = qp.obj(step) else: self.log.debug('Setting step_t=0 b/c pi sufficiently' + 'small') step_t_norm = 0 status_t = '0' step = step_n step_norm = step_n_norm m_xps = m_xpn y = y_new else: # No need to compute a tangential step. self.log.debug('Setting step_t=0 b/c normal step too large') status_t = '0' y = np.zeros(m) step_t_norm = 0.0 step = step_n step_norm = step_n_norm m_xps = m_xpn self.log.debug('Model decrease = %9.2e', m_xps) # Compute trial point and evaluate local data. x_trial = x + step f_trial = model.obj(x_trial) c_trial = model.cons_pos(x_trial) theta_trial = 0.5 *, c_trial) delta_f = -m_xps # Overall improvement in the model. delta_ft = m_xpn - m_xps # Improvement due to tangential step. Jspc = c + Jop * step # Compute improvement in linearized feasibility. delta_feas = theta - 0.5 *, Jspc) # Decide whether to consider the current iteration # an f- or a c-iteration. if step_t_norm > 0 and (delta_f >= self.forcing(2, theta)) and \ delta_f >= kappa_delta * delta_ft and \ theta_trial <= theta_max: # Step 3. Consider that this is an f-iteration. it_type = 'f' # Decide whether trial point is accepted. ratio = (f - f_trial) / delta_f self.log.debug('f-iter ratio = %9.2e', ratio) if ratio >= eta_1: # Successful step. suc = 's' x = x_trial f = f_trial c = c_trial self.step = step.copy() theta = theta_trial self.log.debug('stepnorm = %8.2e %8.2e', step_norm, radius_f) # Decide whether to update f-trust-region radius. if ratio >= eta_2: suc = 'v' radius_f = min(max(radius_f, gamma_3 * step_norm), 1.0e+10) # Decide whether to update c-trust-region radius. if theta_trial < eta_3 * theta_max: ns = step_n_norm if step_n_norm > 0 else radius_c radius_c = min(max(radius_c, gamma_3 * ns), 1.0e+10) self.log.debug('New radius_f = %8.2e', radius_f) self.log.debug('New radius_c = %8.2e', radius_c) else: # Unsuccessful step (ratio < eta_1). attempt_soc = True suc = 'u' if attempt_soc: self.log.debug(' Attempting second-order correction') # Attempt a second-order correction by solving # minimize |c_trial + J n| subject to |n| <= radius_c. step_soc, _, status_soc = \ self.lsq(Jop, -c_trial, radius=radius_c, reg=reg) self.log.debug("lsq status: %20s", status_soc) if status_soc != 'trust-region boundary active': # Consider SOC step as candidate step. x_soc = x_trial + step_soc f_soc = model.obj(x_soc) c_soc = model.cons_pos(x_soc) theta_soc = 0.5 *, c_soc) ratio = (f - f_soc) / delta_f # Decide whether to accept SOC step. if ratio >= eta_1 and theta_soc <= theta_max: suc = '2' x = x_soc f = f_soc c = c_soc theta = theta_soc self.step = step + step_soc else: # Backtracking linesearch a la Nocedal & Yuan. # Abandon SOC step. Backtrack from x+step. if ny: (x, f, alpha) = self.nyf(x, f, f_trial, g, step) # g = model.grad(x) c = model.cons_pos(x) theta = 0.5 *, c) self.step = step + alpha * step_soc radius_f = min(alpha, .8) * step_norm suc = 'y' else: radius_f = gamma_1 * radius_f else: # SOC step lies on boundary of trust region. radius_f = gamma_1 * radius_f else: # SOC step not attempted. # Backtracking linesearch a la Nocedal & Yuan. if ny: (x, f, alpha) = self.nyf(x, f, f_trial, g, step) c = model.cons_pos(x) theta = 0.5 *, c) self.step = alpha * step radius_f = min(alpha, .8) * step_norm suc = 'y' else: radius_f = gamma_1 * radius_f else: # Step 4. Consider that this is a c-iteration. it_type = 'c' # Display information. self.log.debug('c-iteration because ') if step_t_norm == 0.0: self.log.debug('|t|=0') if delta_f < self.forcing(2, theta): self.log.debug('delta_f=%8.2e < forcing=%8.2e', delta_f, self.forcing(2, theta)) if delta_f < kappa_delta * delta_ft: self.log.debug('delta_f=%8.2e < frac * delta_ft=%8.2e', delta_f, delta_ft) if theta_trial > theta_max: self.log.debug('theta_trial=%8.2e > theta_max=%8.2e', theta_trial, theta_max) # Step 4.1. Check trial point for acceptability. if delta_feas < 0: self.log.debug(' !!! Warning: delta_feas is negative !!!') ratio = (theta - theta_trial + 1.e-16) / (delta_feas + 1.e-16) self.log.debug('c-iter ratio = %9.2e', ratio) if ratio >= eta_1: # Successful step. x = x_trial f = f_trial c = c_trial self.step = step.copy() suc = 's' # Step 4.2. Update radius_c. if ratio >= eta_2: # Very successful step. ns = step_n_norm if step_n_norm > 0 else radius_c radius_c = min(max(radius_c, gamma_3 * ns), 1.0e+10) suc = 'v' # Step 4.3. Update maximum acceptable infeasibility. theta_max = max( kappa_tx1 * theta_max, kappa_tx2 * theta + (1 - kappa_tx2) * theta_trial) theta = theta_trial else: # Unsuccessful step. # Backtracking linesearch a la Nocedal & Yuan. ns = step_n_norm if step_n_norm > 0 else radius_c if ny: (x, c, theta, alpha) =, theta, theta_trial, c, Jop.T * c, step) f = model.obj(x) self.step = alpha * step radius_c = min(alpha, .8) * ns suc = 'y' else: radius_c = gamma_1 * ns suc = 'u' self.log.debug('New radius_c = %8.2e', radius_c) self.log.debug('New theta_max = %8.2e', theta_max) # Step 5. Book keeping. if ratio >= eta_1 or ny: if self.save_g: self.g_old = g.copy() g = model.grad(x) self.dgrad = g - self.g_old else: g = model.grad(x) J = model.jac(x) Jop = model.jop(x) try: self.post_iteration() except UserExitRequest: self.status = "usr" p_norm = c_norm = 0 if m > 0: p_norm = np.linalg.norm(c) c_norm = np.linalg.norm(c, np.inf) grad_lag = g + Jop.T * y else: grad_lag = g.copy() d_norm = np.linalg.norm(grad_lag) / (1 + np.linalg.norm(y)) if self.iter % 20 == 0:, self.iter, it_type, suc, status_n, status_t, f, p_norm, d_norm, radius_f, radius_c, theta_max, cgiter) optimal = (p_norm <= stop_p) and (d_norm <= self.stop_d) # End while. self.tsolve = cputime() - tsolve # Set final solver status. if self.status == "usr": pass elif optimal: self.status = "opt" # Successful solve.'Found an optimal solution! Yeah!') else: # self.iter > self.maxiter: self.status = "itr" self.x = x self.f = f self.optimal = optimal self.p_resid = p_norm self.d_resid = d_norm return