Пример #1
def demo():
    from pprint import pprint
    from nltk.corpus import framenet as fn

    # It is not necessary to explicitly build the indexes by calling
    # buildindexes(). We do this here just for demo purposes. If the
    # indexes are not built explicitely, they will be built as needed.
    print('Building the indexes...')

    # Get some statistics about the corpus
    print('Number of Frames:', len(fn.frames()))
    print('Number of Lexical Units:', len(fn.lexical_units()))
    print('Number of annotated documents:', len(fn.documents()))

    # Frames
    print('getting frames whose name matches the (case insensitive) regex: "(?i)medical"')
    medframes = fn.frames(r'(?i)medical')
        'Found {0} Frames whose name matches "(?i)medical":'.format(len(medframes)))
    print([(f.name, f.ID) for f in medframes])

    # store the first frame in the list of frames
    tmp_id = medframes[0].ID
    m_frame = fn.frame(tmp_id)  # reads all info for the frame

    # get the frame relations
        '\nNumber of frame relations for the "{0}" ({1}) frame:'.format(m_frame.name,
    for fr in m_frame.frameRelation:
        print('   ', fr.type + ":", fr.relatedFrame)

    # get the names of the Frame Elements
        '\nNumber of Frame Elements in the "{0}" frame:'.format(m_frame.name),
    print('   ', [x.name for x in m_frame.FE])

    # get the names of the "Core" Frame Elements
        '\nThe "core" Frame Elements in the "{0}" frame:'.format(m_frame.name))
    print('   ', [x.name for x in m_frame.FE if x.coreType == "Core"])

    # get all of the Lexical Units that are incorporated in the
    # 'Ailment' FE of the 'Medical_conditions' frame (id=239)
    print('\nAll Lexical Units that are incorporated in the "Ailment" FE:')
    m_frame = fn.frame(239)
    ailment_lus = [x for x in m_frame.lexUnit if x.incorporatedFE == 'Ailment']
    print([x.name for x in ailment_lus])

    # get all of the Lexical Units for the frame
    print('\nNumber of Lexical Units in the "{0}" frame:'.format(m_frame.name),
    print('  ', [x.name for x in m_frame.lexUnit[:5]], '...')

    # get basic info on the second LU in the frame
    tmp_id = m_frame.lexUnit[1].ID  # grab the id of the second LU
    luinfo = fn.lu_basic(tmp_id)  # get basic info on the LU
    print('\nInformation on the LU: {0}'.format(luinfo.name))

    # Get a list of all of the corpora used for fulltext annotation
    print('\nNames of all of the corpora used for fulltext annotation:')
    allcorpora = set([x.corpname for x in fn.documents()])

    # Get the names of the annotated documents in the first corpus
    firstcorp = list(allcorpora)[0]
    firstcorp_docs = fn.documents(firstcorp)
        '\nNames of the annotated documents in the "{0}" corpus:'.format(firstcorp))
    pprint([x.filename for x in firstcorp_docs])

    # Search for frames containing LUs whose name attribute matches a
    # regexp pattern.
    # Note: if you were going to be doing a lot of this type of
    #       searching, you'd want to build an index that maps from
    #       lemmas to frames because each time frames_by_lemma() is
    #       called, it has to search through ALL of the frame XML files
    #       in the db.
    print('\nSearching for all Frames that have a lemma that matches the regexp: "^run.v$":')
Пример #2
def demo():
    from pprint import pprint
    from nltk.corpus import framenet as fn

    # It is not necessary to explicitly build the indexes by calling
    # buildindexes(). We do this here just for demo purposes. If the
    # indexes are not built explicitely, they will be built as needed.
    print('Building the indexes...')

    # Get some statistics about the corpus
    print('Number of Frames:', len(fn.frames()))
    print('Number of Lexical Units:', len(fn.lexical_units()))
    print('Number of annotated documents:', len(fn.documents()))

    # Frames
        'getting frames whose name matches the (case insensitive) regex: "(?i)medical"'
    medframes = fn.frames(r'(?i)medical')
    print('Found {0} Frames whose name matches "(?i)medical":'.format(
    print([(f.name, f.ID) for f in medframes])

    # store the first frame in the list of frames
    tmp_id = medframes[0].ID
    m_frame = fn.frame(tmp_id)  # reads all info for the frame

    # get the frame relations
        '\nNumber of frame relations for the "{0}" ({1}) frame:'.format(
            m_frame.name, m_frame.ID), len(m_frame.frameRelation))
    for fr in m_frame.frameRelation:
        print('   ', fr.type + ":", fr.relatedFrame)

    # get the names of the Frame Elements
        '\nNumber of Frame Elements in the "{0}" frame:'.format(m_frame.name),
    print('   ', [x.name for x in m_frame.FE])

    # get the names of the "Core" Frame Elements
    print('\nThe "core" Frame Elements in the "{0}" frame:'.format(
    print('   ', [x.name for x in m_frame.FE if x.coreType == "Core"])

    # get all of the Lexical Units that are incorporated in the
    # 'Ailment' FE of the 'Medical_conditions' frame (id=239)
    print('\nAll Lexical Units that are incorporated in the "Ailment" FE:')
    m_frame = fn.frame(239)
    ailment_lus = [x for x in m_frame.lexUnit if x.incorporatedFE == 'Ailment']
    print([x.name for x in ailment_lus])

    # get all of the Lexical Units for the frame
    print('\nNumber of Lexical Units in the "{0}" frame:'.format(m_frame.name),
    print('  ', [x.name for x in m_frame.lexUnit[:5]], '...')

    # get basic info on the second LU in the frame
    tmp_id = m_frame.lexUnit[1].ID  # grab the id of the second LU
    luinfo = fn.lu_basic(tmp_id)  # get basic info on the LU
    print('\nInformation on the LU: {0}'.format(luinfo.name))

    # Get a list of all of the corpora used for fulltext annotation
    print('\nNames of all of the corpora used for fulltext annotation:')
    allcorpora = set([x.corpname for x in fn.documents()])

    # Get the names of the annotated documents in the first corpus
    firstcorp = list(allcorpora)[0]
    firstcorp_docs = fn.documents(firstcorp)
    print('\nNames of the annotated documents in the "{0}" corpus:'.format(
    pprint([x.filename for x in firstcorp_docs])

    # Search for frames containing LUs whose name attribute matches a
    # regexp pattern.
    # Note: if you were going to be doing a lot of this type of
    #       searching, you'd want to build an index that maps from
    #       lemmas to frames because each time frames_by_lemma() is
    #       called, it has to search through ALL of the frame XML files
    #       in the db.
        '\nSearching for all Frames that have a lemma that matches the regexp: "^run.v$":'
Пример #3
for f in fn.lus('look.n'):
    print f.frame.name

result = fn.frames(r'(?i)erception')

print result
f = fn.frame(1301)

for u in f.lexUnit:
    print u


from pattern.en import wordnet

[x for x in f.FE]

all_lu = set()
for f in fn.frames():    
    lus = [ lu.split('.')[1] for lu in fn.frame(f.ID).lexUnit ]
    for lu in lus:

Пример #4

from nltk.stem.lancaster import LancasterStemmer
st = LancasterStemmer()


frames = fn.frames_by_lemma(r'skin')
for f in frames:
    print '%s - %s\n' % (f.name, f.definition)

fn.frames_by_lemma(r'(?i)a little')    

for f in ('reflect', 'bank'):
    taxonomy.append(f, type='angle')

for f in ('bank', 'financial-institution'):
    taxonomy.append(f, type='finance')

t = parsetree('A field of daffodils is white.', lemmata=True)