Пример #1
 def compare_templates(self):
     for i, t in enumerate([
         print "\nTEMPLATE {}==================\n".format(i)
def get_braupt_tagger():
    conll_sents = nltk.corpus.conll2000.tagged_sents()
    # conll_sents = nltk.corpus.conll2002.tagged_sents()

    word_patterns = get_word_patterns()
    raubt_tagger = backoff_tagger(conll_sents, [
        nltk.tag.AffixTagger, nltk.tag.UnigramTagger, nltk.tag.BigramTagger,

    templates = brill.brill24()

    trainer = BrillTaggerTrainer(raubt_tagger, templates)
    braubt_tagger = trainer.train(conll_sents, max_rules=100, min_score=3)
    return braubt_tagger
Пример #3
def postag(
    Brill Tagger Demonstration
    :param templates: how many sentences of training and testing data to use
    :type templates: list of Template

    :param tagged_data: maximum number of rule instances to create
    :type tagged_data: C{int}

    :param num_sents: how many sentences of training and testing data to use
    :type num_sents: C{int}

    :param max_rules: maximum number of rule instances to create
    :type max_rules: C{int}

    :param min_score: the minimum score for a rule in order for it to be considered
    :type min_score: C{int}

    :param min_acc: the minimum score for a rule in order for it to be considered
    :type min_acc: C{float}

    :param train: the fraction of the the corpus to be used for training (1=all)
    :type train: C{float}

    :param trace: the level of diagnostic tracing output to produce (0-4)
    :type trace: C{int}

    :param randomize: whether the training data should be a random subset of the corpus
    :type randomize: C{bool}

    :param ruleformat: rule output format, one of "str", "repr", "verbose"
    :type ruleformat: C{str}

    :param incremental_stats: if true, will tag incrementally and collect stats for each rule (rather slow)
    :type incremental_stats: C{bool}

    :param template_stats: if true, will print per-template statistics collected in training and (optionally) testing
    :type template_stats: C{bool}

    :param error_output: the file where errors will be saved
    :type error_output: C{string}

    :param serialize_output: the file where the learned tbl tagger will be saved
    :type serialize_output: C{string}

    :param learning_curve_output: filename of plot of learning curve(s) (train and also test, if available)
    :type learning_curve_output: C{string}

    :param learning_curve_take: how many rules plotted
    :type learning_curve_take: C{int}

    :param baseline_backoff_tagger: the file where rules will be saved
    :type baseline_backoff_tagger: tagger

    :param separate_baseline_data: use a fraction of the training data exclusively for training baseline
    :type separate_baseline_data: C{bool}

    :param cache_baseline_tagger: cache baseline tagger to this file (only interesting as a temporary workaround to get
                                  deterministic output from the baseline unigram tagger between python versions)
    :type cache_baseline_tagger: C{string}

    Note on separate_baseline_data: if True, reuse training data both for baseline and rule learner. This
    is fast and fine for a demo, but is likely to generalize worse on unseen data.
    Also cannot be sensibly used for learning curves on training data (the baseline will be artificially high).

    # defaults
    baseline_backoff_tagger = baseline_backoff_tagger or REGEXP_TAGGER
    if templates is None:
        from nltk.tag.brill import describe_template_sets, brill24
        # some pre-built template sets taken from typical systems or publications are
        # available. Print a list with describe_template_sets()
        # for instance:
        templates = brill24()
    (training_data, baseline_data, gold_data, testing_data) = \
       _demo_prepare_data(tagged_data, train, num_sents, randomize, separate_baseline_data)

    # creating (or reloading from cache) a baseline tagger (unigram tagger)
    # this is just a mechanism for getting deterministic output from the baseline between
    # python versions
    if cache_baseline_tagger:
        if not os.path.exists(cache_baseline_tagger):
            baseline_tagger = UnigramTagger(baseline_data, backoff=baseline_backoff_tagger)
            with open(cache_baseline_tagger, 'w') as print_rules:
                pickle.dump(baseline_tagger, print_rules)
            print("Trained baseline tagger, pickled it to {0}".format(cache_baseline_tagger))
        with open(cache_baseline_tagger, "r") as print_rules:
            baseline_tagger= pickle.load(print_rules)
            print("Reloaded pickled tagger from {0}".format(cache_baseline_tagger))
        baseline_tagger = UnigramTagger(baseline_data, backoff=baseline_backoff_tagger)
        print("Trained baseline tagger")
    if gold_data:
        print("    Accuracy on test set: {0:0.4f}".format(baseline_tagger.evaluate(gold_data)))

    # creating a Brill tagger
    tbrill = time.time()
    trainer = BrillTaggerTrainer(baseline_tagger, templates, trace, ruleformat=ruleformat)
    print("Training tbl tagger...")
    brill_tagger = trainer.train(training_data, max_rules, min_score, min_acc)
    print("Trained tbl tagger in {0:0.2f} seconds".format(time.time() - tbrill))
    if gold_data:
        print("    Accuracy on test set: %.4f" % brill_tagger.evaluate(gold_data))

    # printing the learned rules, if learned silently
    if trace == 1:
        print("\nLearned rules: ")
        for (ruleno, rule) in enumerate(brill_tagger.rules(),1):
            print("{0:4d} {1:s}".format(ruleno, rule.format(ruleformat)))

    # printing template statistics (optionally including comparison with the training data)
    # note: if not separate_baseline_data, then baseline accuracy will be artificially high
    if  incremental_stats:
        print("Incrementally tagging the test data, collecting individual rule statistics")
        (taggedtest, teststats) = brill_tagger.batch_tag_incremental(testing_data, gold_data)
        print("    Rule statistics collected")
        if not separate_baseline_data:
            print("WARNING: train_stats asked for separate_baseline_data=True; the baseline "
                  "will be artificially high")
        trainstats = brill_tagger.train_stats()
        if template_stats:
        if learning_curve_output:
            _demo_plot(learning_curve_output, teststats, trainstats, take=learning_curve_take)
            print("Wrote plot of learning curve to {0}".format(learning_curve_output))
        print("Tagging the test data")
        taggedtest = brill_tagger.batch_tag(testing_data)
        if template_stats:

    # writing error analysis to file
    if error_output is not None:
        with open(error_output, 'w') as f:
            f.write('Errors for Brill Tagger %r\n\n' % serialize_output)
            for e in error_list(gold_data, taggedtest):
        print("Wrote tagger errors including context to {0}".format(error_output))

    # serializing the tagger to a pickle file and reloading (just to see it works)
    if serialize_output is not None:
        taggedtest = brill_tagger.batch_tag(testing_data)
        with open(serialize_output, 'w') as print_rules:
            pickle.dump(brill_tagger, print_rules)
        print("Wrote pickled tagger to {0}".format(serialize_output))
        with open(serialize_output, "r") as print_rules:
            brill_tagger_reloaded = pickle.load(print_rules)
        print("Reloaded pickled tagger from {0}".format(serialize_output))
        taggedtest_reloaded = brill_tagger.batch_tag(testing_data)
        if taggedtest == taggedtest_reloaded:
            print("Reloaded tagger tried on test set, results identical")
            print("PROBLEM: Reloaded tagger gave different results on test set")
Пример #4
def postag(
    Brill Tagger Demonstration
    :param templates: how many sentences of training and testing data to use
    :type templates: list of Template

    :param tagged_data: maximum number of rule instances to create
    :type tagged_data: C{int}

    :param num_sents: how many sentences of training and testing data to use
    :type num_sents: C{int}

    :param max_rules: maximum number of rule instances to create
    :type max_rules: C{int}

    :param min_score: the minimum score for a rule in order for it to be considered
    :type min_score: C{int}

    :param min_acc: the minimum score for a rule in order for it to be considered
    :type min_acc: C{float}

    :param train: the fraction of the the corpus to be used for training (1=all)
    :type train: C{float}

    :param trace: the level of diagnostic tracing output to produce (0-4)
    :type trace: C{int}

    :param randomize: whether the training data should be a random subset of the corpus
    :type randomize: C{bool}

    :param ruleformat: rule output format, one of "str", "repr", "verbose"
    :type ruleformat: C{str}

    :param incremental_stats: if true, will tag incrementally and collect stats for each rule (rather slow)
    :type incremental_stats: C{bool}

    :param template_stats: if true, will print per-template statistics collected in training and (optionally) testing
    :type template_stats: C{bool}

    :param error_output: the file where errors will be saved
    :type error_output: C{string}

    :param serialize_output: the file where the learned tbl tagger will be saved
    :type serialize_output: C{string}

    :param learning_curve_output: filename of plot of learning curve(s) (train and also test, if available)
    :type learning_curve_output: C{string}

    :param learning_curve_take: how many rules plotted
    :type learning_curve_take: C{int}

    :param baseline_backoff_tagger: the file where rules will be saved
    :type baseline_backoff_tagger: tagger

    :param separate_baseline_data: use a fraction of the training data exclusively for training baseline
    :type separate_baseline_data: C{bool}

    :param cache_baseline_tagger: cache baseline tagger to this file (only interesting as a temporary workaround to get
                                  deterministic output from the baseline unigram tagger between python versions)
    :type cache_baseline_tagger: C{string}

    Note on separate_baseline_data: if True, reuse training data both for baseline and rule learner. This
    is fast and fine for a demo, but is likely to generalize worse on unseen data.
    Also cannot be sensibly used for learning curves on training data (the baseline will be artificially high).

    # defaults
    baseline_backoff_tagger = baseline_backoff_tagger or REGEXP_TAGGER
    if templates is None:
        from nltk.tag.brill import describe_template_sets, brill24
        # some pre-built template sets taken from typical systems or publications are
        # available. Print a list with describe_template_sets()
        # for instance:
        templates = brill24()
    (training_data, baseline_data, gold_data, testing_data) = \
       _demo_prepare_data(tagged_data, train, num_sents, randomize, separate_baseline_data)

    # creating (or reloading from cache) a baseline tagger (unigram tagger)
    # this is just a mechanism for getting deterministic output from the baseline between
    # python versions
    if cache_baseline_tagger:
        if not os.path.exists(cache_baseline_tagger):
            baseline_tagger = UnigramTagger(baseline_data, backoff=baseline_backoff_tagger)
            with open(cache_baseline_tagger, 'w') as print_rules:
                pickle.dump(baseline_tagger, print_rules)
            print("Trained baseline tagger, pickled it to {0}".format(cache_baseline_tagger))
        with open(cache_baseline_tagger, "r") as print_rules:
            baseline_tagger= pickle.load(print_rules)
            print("Reloaded pickled tagger from {0}".format(cache_baseline_tagger))
        baseline_tagger = UnigramTagger(baseline_data, backoff=baseline_backoff_tagger)
        print("Trained baseline tagger")
    if gold_data:
        print("    Accuracy on test set: {0:0.4f}".format(baseline_tagger.evaluate(gold_data)))

    # creating a Brill tagger
    tbrill = time.time()
    trainer = BrillTaggerTrainer(baseline_tagger, templates, trace, ruleformat=ruleformat)
    print("Training tbl tagger...")
    brill_tagger = trainer.train(training_data, max_rules, min_score, min_acc)
    print("Trained tbl tagger in {0:0.2f} seconds".format(time.time() - tbrill))
    if gold_data:
        print("    Accuracy on test set: %.4f" % brill_tagger.evaluate(gold_data))

    # printing the learned rules, if learned silently
    if trace == 1:
        print("\nLearned rules: ")
        for (ruleno, rule) in enumerate(brill_tagger.rules(),1):
            print("{0:4d} {1:s}".format(ruleno, rule.format(ruleformat)))

    # printing template statistics (optionally including comparison with the training data)
    # note: if not separate_baseline_data, then baseline accuracy will be artificially high
    if  incremental_stats:
        print("Incrementally tagging the test data, collecting individual rule statistics")
        (taggedtest, teststats) = brill_tagger.batch_tag_incremental(testing_data, gold_data)
        print("    Rule statistics collected")
        if not separate_baseline_data:
            print("WARNING: train_stats asked for separate_baseline_data=True; the baseline "
                  "will be artificially high")
        trainstats = brill_tagger.train_stats()
        if template_stats:
        if learning_curve_output:
            _demo_plot(learning_curve_output, teststats, trainstats, take=learning_curve_take)
            print("Wrote plot of learning curve to {0}".format(learning_curve_output))
        print("Tagging the test data")
        taggedtest = brill_tagger.tag_sents(testing_data)
        if template_stats:

    # writing error analysis to file
    if error_output is not None:
        with open(error_output, 'w') as f:
            f.write('Errors for Brill Tagger %r\n\n' % serialize_output)
            f.write(u'\n'.join(error_list(gold_data, taggedtest)).encode('utf-8') + '\n')
        print("Wrote tagger errors including context to {0}".format(error_output))

    # serializing the tagger to a pickle file and reloading (just to see it works)
    if serialize_output is not None:
        taggedtest = brill_tagger.tag_sents(testing_data)
        with open(serialize_output, 'w') as print_rules:
            pickle.dump(brill_tagger, print_rules)
        print("Wrote pickled tagger to {0}".format(serialize_output))
        with open(serialize_output, "r") as print_rules:
            brill_tagger_reloaded = pickle.load(print_rules)
        print("Reloaded pickled tagger from {0}".format(serialize_output))
        taggedtest_reloaded = brill_tagger.tag_sents(testing_data)
        if taggedtest == taggedtest_reloaded:
            print("Reloaded tagger tried on test set, results identical")
            print("PROBLEM: Reloaded tagger gave different results on test set")
Пример #5
				(r'.*ed$', 'VBD'),
				(r'.*ness$', 'NN'),
				(r'.*ment$', 'NN'),
				(r'.*ful$', 'JJ'),
				(r'.*ious$', 'JJ'),
				(r'.*ble$', 'JJ'),
				(r'.*ic$', 'JJ'),
				(r'.*ive$', 'JJ'),
				(r'.*ic$', 'JJ'),
				(r'.*est$', 'JJ'),
				(r'^a$', 'PREP'),
			raubt_tagger = backoff_tagger(train_sents, [nltk.tag.AffixTagger, nltk.tag.UnigramTagger, nltk.tag.BigramTagger, nltk.tag.TrigramTagger], backoff=nltk.tag.RegexpTagger(word_patterns))
			Service.logger.debug("Raubt tagger ready!")
			trainer = brill_trainer.BrillTaggerTrainer(raubt_tagger, brill.brill24())
			pos_tagger = trainer.train(train_sents, max_rules=500, min_score=3)
		Service.logger.debug("Storing POS tagger model to %s" % storedModel)
		modelFile = open(storedModel, "wb")
		cPickle.dump(pos_tagger, modelFile, -1)

# Define harvesting process

# 'content' is the text to harvest terms from
# 'lang' is the target language
# 'prods' is a list of product codes on NeXLT
# example for a string that is in an Inventor product: Getterms("Define user-specific information %d", 'jpn', 'INV'])
def Getterms(content, lang, prods, returnJSON):
Пример #6
def entrenar_bill(initial_tagger,tagger_name):
    brill_tagger = BrillTaggerTrainer(initial_tagger=initial_tagger,templates=brill.brill24())
    tagger1 = brill_tagger.train(train_reducido[:1000])
    evaluacion = tagger1.evaluate(test_reducido[:1000])
    xlabels.append("Brill Tagger "+tagger_name)
Пример #7
 def compare_templates(self):
     for i, t in enumerate([brill.nltkdemo18(), brill.nltkdemo18plus(),
                            brill.brill24(), brill.fntbl37()]):
         print "\nTEMPLATE {}==================\n".format(i)