def confusion_matrix_scores(gold_labs, pred_labs, scores=True): '''Draw a confusion matrix and calculate accuracy, precision and recall scores''' # Draw a confusion matrix if not gold_labs or not pred_labs: raise RuntimeError("One of the prediction lists is empty") if len(gold_labs) != len(pred_labs): raise RuntimeError( "The number of predictions != the number of gold labels") cm = ConfusionMatrix(gold_labs, pred_labs) print(cm.pretty_format(show_percents=False)) # calculate accuracy, precision and recall for a SICK part (not for individual problems) try: pre = (cm[('E', 'E')] + cm[('C', 'C')]) / float( sum([cm[(i, j)] for i in 'NEC' for j in 'EC'])) except: pre = 0 try: rec = (cm[('E', 'E')] + cm[('C', 'C')]) / float( sum([cm[(i, j)] for i in 'EC' for j in 'NEC'])) except: rec = 0 try: acc = (cm[('E', 'E')] + cm[('C', 'C')] + cm[('N', 'N')]) / float( cm._total) except: acc = 0 # print accuracy, precision and recall for a SICK part (not for individual problems) if scores: print("Accuracy: {:.2f}%\nPrecision: {:.2f}%\nRecall: {:.2f}%".format( acc * 100, pre * 100, rec * 100)) return (acc, pre, rec), cm
def show_results(self,gold,test): from nltk import ConfusionMatrix correct = 0 for index,result in enumerate(gold): if result == test[index]: correct +=1 print 'Accuracy: {:.2%}'.format(float(correct) / float(len(gold))) cm = ConfusionMatrix(gold, test) print cm.pp()
def my_classify_results(true_values,classified_values): cm = ConfusionMatrix(true_values, classified_values) tp,tn = cm.__getitem__(("pos","pos")),cm.__getitem__(("neg","neg")) fp,fn = cm.__getitem__(("neg","pos")),cm.__getitem__(("pos","neg")) print tp,tn,fp,fn allres = tp+fp+tn+fn precision = tp / (tp+fp) recall = tp / (tp+fn) return "Accuracy : %s\nPrecision : %s\nRecall : %s\nF-value : %s" % ((tp+tn)/allres, precision, recall, 2*precision*recall/(precision+recall))
def confusion_matrix(gold,guess): correct = 0 total = len(gold) for i in range(len(gold)): if guess[i] == gold[i]: correct += 1 accuracy = float(correct) / float(total) print('Accuracy: {:.2%}'.format(accuracy)) # Confusion Matrix cm = ConfusionMatrix(gold, guess) print (cm.pp())
def confusion_matrix(gold, guess): correct = 0 total = len(gold) for i in range(len(gold)): if guess[i] == gold[i]: correct += 1 accuracy = float(correct) / float(total) print('Accuracy: {:.2%}'.format(accuracy)) # Confusion Matrix cm = ConfusionMatrix(gold, guess) print(cm.pp())
def performance(classifier): test = [] gold = [] for i in range(len(test_features)): test.append(classifier.classify(test_features[i][0])) gold.append(test_features[i][1]) matrix = ConfusionMatrix(gold, test) labels = {"female", "male"} tp = matrix["f", "f"] fn = matrix["m", "f"] fp = matrix["f", "m"] tn = matrix["m", "m"] precision_female = tp / (tp + fp) precision_male = tn / (tn + fn) recall_female = tp / (tp + fn ) # actual female/ actual female + missed female recall_male = tn / (tn + fp) fscore_female = 2 * precision_female * recall_female / precision_female + recall_female fscore_male = 2 * precision_male * recall_male / precision_male + recall_male print(f"Precision for female names: {round(precision_female,2)}") print(f"Precision for male names: {round(precision_male,2)}") print(f"Recall for female names: {round(recall_female,2)}") print(f"Recall for male names: {round(recall_male,2)}") print(f"F-score for female names: {round(fscore_female,2)}") print(f"F-score for male names: {round(fscore_male,2)}") print("\n")
def __init__(self, X_test, conv_layers, flow, mode, path_saver, Y_test=None): """ The CNN_infer class is initialized with its arguments when its instance is created. """ _, n_H0, n_W0, n_C0 = X_test.shape if mode == 'compare': _, n_y = Y_test.shape self.X, self.Y = self._create_placeholder(n_H0, n_W0, n_C0, n_y) elif mode == "predict": self.X = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, n_H0, n_W0, n_C0]) self.parameters = self._initialize_parameters(conv_layers) self.Z_n = self._forward_propagation(flow) saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, path_saver) self.logits =, feed_dict={self.X: X_test}) if mode == 'compare': correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self.Z_n, axis=1), tf.argmax(self.Y, axis=1)) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, "float")) print("Test Accuracy : ", accuracy.eval({ self.X: X_test, self.Y: Y_test })) logits_argmax = np.argmax(self.logits, axis=1) logits_argmax = [i for i in logits_argmax] y_argmax = np.argmax(Y_test, axis=1) y_argmax = [i for i in y_argmax] print(ConfusionMatrix(y_argmax, logits_argmax)) elif mode == 'predict': prediction = np.argmax(self.logits) print("Your algorithm predicts Y = " + str(prediction))
def generate_report(gold, predict, labels, detailed=True): """ Generate the classification report :param gold: the gold label :param predict: the predict label :param labels: label sets :return: none """ if detailed: print('macro averge: %f' % precision_recall_fscore_support(gold, predict, average='macro')) print('micro average: %f' % precision_recall_fscore_support(gold, predict, average='micro')) print('weighted average: %f' % precision_recall_fscore_support(gold, predict, average='weighted')) else: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") print('accuracy: %f' % accuracy_score(gold, predict)) print(classification_report(gold, predict, target_names=labels)) print(ConfusionMatrix(gold, predict))
def __init__(self): self.dataSets = os.listdir('data/') # voor het gemak gaan we uit van twee annotators self.choice = -1 self.annotation1 = {} self.annotation2 = {} self._loadAnnotations() # in welke categorie staat het event (0,1,2,3,4,5)? self.categoryEval = [[], []] # is het een event (0) of niet (1)? self.eventEval = [[], []] self._makeAnnotationLists() self.eventKappa = self._calculateKappa(self.eventEval) self.categoryKappa = self._calculateKappa(self.categoryEval) print("\neventKappa:", self.eventKappa) print("categoryKappa:", self.categoryKappa, '\n') print(ConfusionMatrix(self.judge1, self.judge2)) print("Accuracy", accuracy(self.judge1, self.judge2))
def main(estimators=[LightGbmWithLogReg, Stacking], with_full_data_tfidf=True, cutoff=None): train_x, train_y, train_positions, train_file_names = get_data( main_dir=TRAINING_DIR) validation_x, validation_y, validation_positions, validation_file_names = get_data( main_dir=VALIDATION_DIR) if cutoff: train_x = train_x[:cutoff] validation_x = validation_x[:cutoff] train_y = train_y[:cutoff] validation_y = validation_y[:cutoff] train_positions = train_positions[:cutoff] clfs = [estimator() for estimator in estimators] predictions_df = pd.DataFrame() predictions_df['text'] = validation_x predictions_df['actual'] = validation_y for clf in clfs: t_start = time.time() if with_full_data_tfidf: clf.fit_with_test(train_x, train_y, validation_x) else:, train_y) predictions = clf.predict(validation_x) t_end = time.time() m, s = divmod(t_end - t_start, 60) print(ConfusionMatrix(validation_y, predictions)) acc = accuracy_score(validation_y, predictions) model_name = clf.params['model_description'] print(model_name) print("Done in %fm and %fs" % (round(m), round(s))) print("Accuracy:" + str(acc)) predictions_df[model_name] = predictions predictions_df.to_csv("data/output/model_predictions.csv", index=False)
def example(hmm, test_set, n1, n2): """Try to tag sentences between n1 and n2 (excluded) of the test set; just to show the result...""" estimated_tags = [] gold_tags = [] for test_sentence in test_set[n1:n2]: # the zip() function with the "*" operator can be used to unzip the list # see: # [("this","is")] [("PP","VB")] <-- zip(*(["this","PP"],["is","VB"])) unlabelled_test_sentence, test_sentence_tags = zip(*test_sentence) # decoding... test_sentence_estimated_tags = hmm.best_path(unlabelled_test_sentence) # [("this","PP"),("is","VB")] --> "this/PP is/VB" print("Test: %s" % ' '.join([word + "/" + tag for (word, tag) in test_sentence])) # e.g.: zip(["this","is"],["PP","VB"]) ---> [("this","PP"),("is","VB")] print("HMM : %s" % ' '.join([ word + "/" + tag for (word, tag) in zip( unlabelled_test_sentence, test_sentence_estimated_tags) ])) # e.g.: zip(['PP', 'NN', 'VB'],['PP', 'NN', 'NN']) --> [('PP','PP'),('NN','NN'),('VB','NN')] comparation_list = [ 1 if tag1 == tag2 else 0 for (tag1, tag2) in zip(test_sentence_tags, test_sentence_estimated_tags) ] # e.g.: --> [1, 1, 0] print("Comparation:", comparation_list) print("Accuracy : %.2f\n" % (sum(comparation_list) / len(test_sentence) * 100)) # --> sum([1, 1, 0]) / 3 = 2/3 estimated_tags += test_sentence_estimated_tags # collects estimated tags, for further use gold_tags += test_sentence_tags # collects correct tags, for further use # prints confusion matrix print(ConfusionMatrix(gold_tags, estimated_tags))
def train(train_data, valid_data, estimator=StackingSimple, cv_split=10, with_cross_validation=False, with_validation=False, with_full_data_tfidf=False, train_with_validation=True, path_to_save_model=""): train_x, train_y, train_positions = split_data(train_data) if train_with_validation: validation_x, validation_y, validation_positions = split_data( valid_data) train_x.extend(validation_x) train_y.extend(validation_y) clf, cv, val, gs = None, None, None, None if estimator: clf = estimator() if with_cross_validation: if with_full_data_tfidf: skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=cv_split, random_state=42, shuffle=True) all_acc = [] X = np.array(train_x) y = np.array(train_y) for train_index, test_index in skf.split(X, y): y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] print(X_train.shape) clf.fit_with_test(X_train.tolist(), y_train, train_positions, X_test.tolist()) predictions = clf.predict(X_test.tolist()) all_acc.append(accuracy_score(y_test, predictions)) print("Accuracies:", all_acc) print("Mean:", np.mean(all_acc)) print("Stdev:", np.std(all_acc)) else: cv = cross_validate( estimator=clf, X=train_x, y=train_y, fit_params={'train_positions': train_positions}, cv=cv_split, scoring="accuracy", n_jobs=get_n_jobs(), return_train_score=True) if with_validation: t_start = time.time() if with_full_data_tfidf: clf.fit_with_test(train_x, train_y, train_positions, validation_x) else:, train_y, train_positions) predictions = clf.predict(validation_x) t_end = time.time() print(ConfusionMatrix(validation_y, predictions)) val = { 'accuracy': accuracy_score(validation_y, predictions), 'time': t_end - t_start } print(val['accuracy']) else:, train_y) clf.save_model(path_to_save_model)
logreg_accy = round(accuracy_score(Target_pred, Target_test), 3) print(logreg_accy) ## 79.8% Accuracy ##cross validation from sklearn import metrics, cross_validation predicted_cv = cross_validation.cross_val_predict(logreg, X, Target, cv=10) metrics.accuracy_score(Target, predicted_cv) ## 86.05 % from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score accuracy_cv = cross_val_score(logreg, X, Target, cv=10, scoring='accuracy') print(accuracy_cv) print(cross_val_score(logreg, X, Target, cv=10, scoring='accuracy').mean()) from nltk import ConfusionMatrix print(ConfusionMatrix(list(Target), list(predicted_cv))) ## Decision tree ## ##Cross Validation from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier dectree = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3, class_weight='balanced', min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.01) depth = [] for i in range(3, 20): clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=i) # Perform 7-fold cross validation scores = cross_val_score(estimator=clf, X=X, y=Target, cv=7, n_jobs=4)
test_tweets = BuildFeatureVector(all_tweet_array[training_size:]) print len(test_tweets) training_set = nltk.classify.apply_features(extract_features, train_tweets) test_set = nltk.classify.apply_features(extract_features, test_tweets) NBClassifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(training_set) NBClassifier.show_most_informative_features(20) TestSet(all_tweet_array[training_size:]) print '' print 'TRAINING accuracy:', nltk.classify.accuracy(NBClassifier, training_set) print 'TEST accuracy:', nltk.classify.accuracy(NBClassifier, test_set) print '' print 'NEU precision:', precision(refSet['NEU'], testSet['NEU']) print 'NEU recall:', recall(refSet['NEU'], testSet['NEU']) print 'NEU F-measure:', f_measure(refSet['NEU'], testSet['NEU']) print '' print 'POS precision:', precision(refSet['POZ'], testSet['POZ']) print 'POS recall:', recall(refSet['POZ'], testSet['POZ']) print 'POS F-measure:', f_measure(refSet['POZ'], testSet['POZ']) print '' print 'NEG precision:', precision(refSet['NEG'], testSet['NEG']) print 'NEG recall:', recall(refSet['NEG'], testSet['NEG']) print 'NEG F-measure:', f_measure(refSet['NEG'], testSet['NEG']) print '' print ConfusionMatrix(refSetF, testSetF)
## Part 2 X = data[cols[1:-1]] y = data.binary X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=123) ## Part 3 from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression # import the estimator we want logreg = LogisticRegression() # instantiate estimator, y_train) # fit with training data preds = logreg.predict(X_test) # predict for test data probs = logreg.predict_proba(X_test) # predict probabilities for AUC print(ConfusionMatrix(list(y_test), list(preds))) # see how we did print(metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, preds)) # check accuracy (88.89%) print(metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test, probs[:,1])) # check AUC (93.98%) ## Part 4 # train first model (logistic regression): mod1 = LogisticRegression() scores1 = cross_val_score(mod1, X, y, cv=5, scoring='roc_auc') # train second model (KNN, K=1): from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier mod2 = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1) scores2 = cross_val_score(mod2, X, y, cv=5, scoring='roc_auc')
#print(features) return features random.shuffle(tweets) v_train = tweets[:2000] v_test = tweets[:2000] print("Training...") training_set = apply_features(extract_features, v_train) classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier.train(training_set) tweet = "this movie is sweet and astonishing" print(classifier.classify(extract_features(tweet))) #print(classifier.show_most_informative_features(32)) print("Test...") test_set = apply_features(extract_features, v_test) print('\nAccuracy %f\n' % accuracy(classifier, test_set)) # build confusion matrix over test set test_truth = [s for (t, s) in v_test] test_predict = [classifier.classify(t) for (t, s) in test_set] print('Confusion Matrix') print(ConfusionMatrix(test_truth, test_predict)) print("FIN")
def exercise4(dataset, runs=5, test_portion=0.50):'Building datasets...') # Build Test and Training Review Sets test_reviews = None train_reviews = None predetermined = None overall_classifications = [] accuracies = [] rmses = [] for n in range(runs): if dataset.test and dataset.train: test_reviews = dataset.test train_reviews = dataset.train predetermined = True else: test_reviews, train_reviews = dataset.make_author_test_train( test_portion) predetermined = False if not predetermined:'Run %d of %d', n + 1, runs)'Building features...') # Build Features test_features = [(extract_features4(r), for r in test_reviews] train_features = [(extract_features4(r), for r in train_reviews]'Building classifier...') # Build Classifier'Training Examples: %d', len(train_reviews))'Training Features: %d', len(train_features)) classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(train_features) #classifier = nltk.DecisionTreeClassifier.train(train_features)'Checking accuracy...') # Perform Classification classifications = [] for t in test_features: classifications.append((t[1], classifier.classify(t[0])))'Printing results...') classifications.sort() accuracy = nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier, test_features) rmse = math.sqrt( sum(1 for a, c in classifications if a != c) / len(classifications)) confusion = ConfusionMatrix([ref for ref, test in classifications], [test for ref, test in classifications]) overall_classifications.extend(classifications) if not predetermined: HEADER = ('ACTUAL', 'CLASSIFIED') col_width = max(len(a) for a, c in (classifications + [HEADER])) for a, c in ([HEADER] + classifications): print("Exercise 4: %s %s" % (a.ljust(col_width), c)) print("Exercise 4: %.3f" % (accuracy, )) print("Exercise 4: Average RMSE Error: %.3f" % (rmse, )) if predetermined: return accuracy print('Exercise 4: Confusion Matrix:\n%s' % (confusion.pretty_format( show_percents=False, values_in_chart=True), )) accuracies.append(accuracy) rmses.append(rmse) overall_confusion = ConfusionMatrix( [ref for ref, test in overall_classifications], [test for ref, test in overall_classifications]) print('Exercise 4: Overall Confusion Matrix:\n%s' % (overall_confusion.pretty_format(show_percents=False, values_in_chart=True), )) print("Exercise 4: Runs: %d Average : %.3f Max: %.3f Min: %.3f" % (runs, sum(accuracies) / len(accuracies), max(accuracies), min(accuracies))) print("Exercise 4: Runs: %d Average RMSE: %.3f Max: %.3f Min: %.3f" % (runs, sum(rmses) / len(rmses), max(rmses), min(rmses))) return accuracies
files = ["Clov","Hamm","Monologue","Nagg","Nell"] ref = "" tagged = "" index = 0 for file in listdir("C:\Users\Cassie\Google Drive\MSiA\Fall 2014\MSiA 490\hw\characters"): path = 'C:\Users\Cassie\Google Drive\MSiA\Fall 2014\MSiA 490\hw\characters' filepath = path + '\\' + file with open (filepath, "r") as myfile: index +=1 for line in myfile: ref = ref + ',' + files[index-1] tag = classi.classify(word_feats(line)) tagged = tagged + ',' + tag print ConfusionMatrix(ref.split(',')[1:], tagged.split(',')[1:]) ''' soup = BeautifulSoup(open("wiki.html")) tables = soup.findAll("table", { "class" : "wikitable sortable" }) ref = "" tagged = "" continents = ["Africa","Asia","Europe","North America","South America","Oceania","Antrctica"] index = 0 for table in tables: index +=1 for row in table.findAll('tr'): cells = row.findAll("td") if len(cells) == 5: if cells[2].find('a',text=True) is not None: b = cells[2].find('a',text=True)
def score(change): if change <-.02: return "down" elif change <.02: return "flat" else: return "up" #Generate Features & Results training_data = [(FreqDist(d["tokens"]), score(d["2-2dayPriceChange"])) for d in training] test_features = [FreqDist(d["tokens"]) for d in testing] test_results = [score(d["2-2dayPriceChange"]) for d in testing] #Train Model model = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(training_data) #Generate Predictions preds = model.classify_many(test_features) #Print Results amounts = [ (direction, len([ t for t in test_results if t ==direction])) for direction in ["down", "flat", "up"]] print(amounts) print("Majority Baseline: %.2f" % (max([b for a,b in amounts]) / len(test_results))) print("Accuracy: %.2f" % (nltk.accuracy(preds, test_results))) print(ConfusionMatrix(preds, test_results)) print(model.show_most_informative_features(10))
def test(self, lstm_pos_tagger, test_file_path): plot_confusion_matrix = False test = Conllu_Manager('test', embedding='mine', dataSetPath=test_file_path) posTaggedSentenceFilePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'output', 'pos_tagged_sentences.txt') resultFilePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'output', 'result.txt') fp_post_tagged = open(posTaggedSentenceFilePath, 'w') fp_result = open(resultFilePath, 'w') x, y = test.getSentences() y_true = [] for i in range(len(y)): y_true.extend(y[i].ravel()) y_pred = [] t = tqdm(range(len(x))) for i in t: y_sentence_pred = lstm_pos_tagger.predict(x[i]) y_pred.extend(y_sentence_pred) sentence_to_write = '' tag_predicted_to_write = '' for w in x[i]: sentence_to_write += '{} '.format(w) for t in y_sentence_pred: tag_predicted_to_write += '{} '.format(t) fp_post_tagged.write('{}\n'.format(sentence_to_write)) fp_post_tagged.write('{}\n'.format(tag_predicted_to_write)) P_, R_, F1_, S_ = precision_recall_fscore_support(y[i], y_sentence_pred, average='micro') fp_result.write( 'Precision: {} , Recall {} , F1 {} , Coverage {} \n'.format( P_, R_, F1_, 1)) fp_post_tagged.close() fp_result.close() print(ConfusionMatrix(y_true, y_pred)) P, R, F1, S = precision_recall_fscore_support(y_true, y_pred, average='micro') if plot_confusion_matrix: labels_name = [] for key in test.t2i: labels_name.append(key) cnf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) cnf_matrix = cnf_matrix.astype('float64') / cnf_matrix.sum( axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] for x in range(0, cnf_matrix.shape[0]): for y in range(0, cnf_matrix.shape[1]): if cnf_matrix[x][y] != int(cnf_matrix[x][y]): cnf_matrix[x][y] = round(cnf_matrix[x][y], 3) # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) df_cm = pd.DataFrame(cnf_matrix, index=labels_name, columns=labels_name) sn.set(font_scale=0.85) sn.heatmap(df_cm, annot=True, annot_kws={"size": 10},, square=True, linewidths=.1) figurePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'latec', 'confusionMatrix.png') plt.savefig(figurePath, dpi=300) plt.close() return dict(precision=P, recall=R, coverage=S, f1=F1)
train['60fretbinary'] = y_train_simple test = pd.DataFrame(data=X_test_simple, columns=['ZYX5minSentiment']) test['60fretbinary'] = y_test_simple #Run a logistic regression testfret_simple = LogisticRegression()[['ZYX5minSentiment']], y_train_simple) B1 = testfret_simple.coef_[0][0] B0 = testfret_simple.intercept_[0] np.exp(B1) testfret_simple.score(X_test_simple, y_test_simple) preds_simple = testfret_simple.predict(X_test_simple) print metrics.accuracy_score(y_test_simple, preds_simple) print ConfusionMatrix(list(y_test_simple), list(preds_simple)) #Now look at more variables X = data[[ 'ZYX10minSentiment', 'ZYX20minSentiment', 'ZYX30minSentiment', 'ZYX60minSentiment', 'ZYX10minTweets', 'ZYX20minTweets', 'ZYX30minTweets', 'ZYX60minTweets', 'ZYX10minPriceChange', 'ZYX20minPriceChange', 'ZYX30minPriceChange', 'ZYX60minPriceChange' ]] y = data['60fretbinary'] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=1) X = d[[ 'ZYX10minSentiment', 'ZYX20minSentiment', 'ZYX30minSentiment',
def test(hmms, test_set, index_features): total = 0 correct = 0 correct_cat = [] predicted_cat = [] for cat in test_set.keys(): for sentence in test_set[cat]: '''test_sentence = [(tuple(word),'') for word in sentence]''' '''feature subset selection''' new_sentence = [] for word in sentence: new_word = [] for feature in index_features: new_word.append(word[feature]) new_sentence.append(new_word) test_sentence = [(tuple(word), '') for word in new_sentence] if verbose: pass max_prob = -1 sentence_cat = random.choice( test_set.keys()) #assign a random category just to initialize # test the probabilities that the sentence is of a type of emotion # the higher probability is the winner #if verbose: # print "Probabilities of each hmm : " for c in hmms.keys(): sentence_prob = hmms[c].probability(test_sentence) #if verbose: # print c," : ",sentence_prob if sentence_prob > max_prob: sentence_cat = c max_prob = sentence_prob #if verbose: # print "" #print "" correct_cat.append( cat ) # we save the correct category in a list that we'll use to build ConfusionMatrix predicted_cat.append( sentence_cat ) # we save the category predicted in a list that we'll use to build ConfusionMatrix if (cat == sentence_cat): correct += 1 total += 1 try: accuracy = ((correct / total) * 100) except ZeroDivisionError: accuracy = 0 # error # the confusionMatrix function needs the list of the correct label and the list of the predicted matrix = ConfusionMatrix(correct_cat, predicted_cat) print "correct:", correct print "total:", total print "the accuracy is: %.2f%%" % accuracy print matrix return accuracy, matrix
def main(estimator=MLP, cv_split=5, with_cross_validation=True, with_validation=False, with_test=False, with_external_data=False, validate_on_external=False, with_grid_search=False, with_full_data_tfidf=False, train_with_validation=False, predict_breaches=True, train_on_breach=True, cutoff=None): if validate_on_external: train_x, validation_x, train_y, validation_y = get_external_data( TRAINING_EXTERNAL_FILE, 3000, 1500) train_positions = [] elif train_on_breach: train_x, train_y, train_positions, train_file_names = get_data( main_dir=BREACH_DIR, external_file=None, breach=True) else: train_x, train_y, train_positions, train_file_names = get_data( main_dir=TRAINING_DIR, external_file=TRAINING_EXTERNAL_FILE if with_external_data else None) # return print_splits(train_x[:3000], train_positions[:3000]) if train_with_validation: validation_x, validation_y, validation_positions, validation_file_names = get_data( main_dir=VALIDATION_DIR) train_x.extend(validation_x) train_y.extend(validation_y) if cutoff: train_x = train_x[:cutoff] train_y = train_y[:cutoff] train_positions = train_positions[:cutoff] print("Training on {0} examples".format(len(train_x))) clf, cv, val, gs = None, None, None, None if estimator: clf = estimator() if with_cross_validation: if with_full_data_tfidf: skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=cv_split, random_state=42, shuffle=True) all_acc = [] X = np.array(train_x) y = np.array(train_y) for train_index, test_index in skf.split(X, y): y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] print(X_train.shape) clf.fit_with_test(X_train.tolist(), y_train, train_positions, X_test.tolist()) predictions = clf.predict(X_test.tolist()) all_acc.append(accuracy_score(y_test, predictions)) print("Accuracies:", all_acc) print("Mean:", np.mean(all_acc)) print("Stdev:", np.std(all_acc)) elif train_on_breach: skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=cv_split, random_state=42, shuffle=True) f_scores = [] diff = [] r = [] p = [] all_acc = [] X = np.array(train_x) y = np.array(train_y) pos = np.array(train_positions) for train_index, test_index in skf.split(X, y): y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] pos_train, pos_test = pos[train_index], pos[test_index] print(X_train.shape) clf.fit_with_test(X_train.tolist(), y_train, train_positions, X_test.tolist()) change_predictions = clf.predict(X_test.tolist()) tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_test, change_predictions).ravel() print('tn: {}, fp: {}, fn: {}, tp: {}'.format(tn, fp, fn, tp)) all_acc.append(accuracy_score(y_test, change_predictions)) predictions = get_breach_predictions(clf, X_test.tolist(), change_predictions) totalWinDiff, totalWinR, totalWinP, totalWinF, outStr = evaluate( X_test, pos_test, predictions) print("%s" % outStr) diff.append(totalWinDiff) r.append(totalWinR) p.append(totalWinP) f_scores.append(totalWinF) print("Mean diff:", np.mean(diff)) print("Mean r:", np.mean(r)) print("Mean p:", np.mean(p)) print("Mean f:", np.mean(f_scores)) print("Accuracies:", all_acc) print("Mean:", np.mean(all_acc)) print("Stdev:", np.std(all_acc)) # for m in all_measures: # print("%s" % m) # print('----------------------------------') else: cv = cross_validate( estimator=clf, X=train_x, y=train_y, fit_params={'train_positions': train_positions}, cv=cv_split, scoring="accuracy", n_jobs=get_n_jobs(), return_train_score=True) if with_grid_search: clf, best_score = __grid_search(clf, clf.get_grid_params(), train_x, train_y) gs = {'accuracy': best_score} if with_validation: if not validate_on_external: validation_x, validation_y, validation_positions, validation_file_names = get_data( main_dir=VALIDATION_DIR) if cutoff: validation_x = validation_x[:cutoff] validation_y = validation_y[:cutoff] t_start = time.time() if with_full_data_tfidf: clf.fit_with_test(train_x, train_y, train_positions, validation_x) else:, train_y, train_positions) if predict_breaches: predictions = get_breach_predictions(clf, validation_x, validation_y) else: predictions = clf.predict(validation_x) t_end = time.time() if predict_breaches: persist_output(OUTPUT_DIR, predictions, validation_file_names, breach=predict_breaches) print("%s" % evaluate(validation_x, validation_positions, predictions)) else: print(ConfusionMatrix(validation_y, predictions)) val = { 'accuracy': accuracy_score(validation_y, predictions), 'time': t_end - t_start } if with_test: test(clf, train_x, train_y, train_positions, with_full_data_tfidf) results = get_results(len(train_x), clf_params=clf.params, cv=cv, val=val, gs=gs) print(results) if config_local().get('persist_results', False): write_results_to_file(results)
d_2014['probs2014'] = logReg.predict_proba(d_2014[col_c])[:, 1] df =d_2014[['player','team','pred2014','probs2014']] null = 1 - sum( / float(len( #Actuately predicting 8 award winners with a probablity 0f .5 or greater #Create predictions using the model on the test set test['pred_class'] = logReg.predict(test[col_c ]) # nicer confusion matrix from nltk import ConfusionMatrix print ConfusionMatrix(list(y_test), list(preds)) #229 possible yes; 57% ## ROC CURVE and AUC #Do I want it on X_test or 2014 data? probs = logReg.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] from sklearn import metrics # plot ROC curve fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y_test, probs) plt.plot(fpr, tpr) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
def evaluate(fragments, sumfunc, condition, normalization, verbose=True, perbook=False, topfragments=False, breakdown=True, conftable=False): green = "\033[32m" red = "\033[31m" gray = "\033[0m" # ANSI codes names = set(map(getauthor, fragments.values()[0])) results = {} # heading if verbose and not perbook: print "\n &", 21 * " ", print "&".join(a.rjust(16) for a in sorted(names)), print "&\tguess &\t\t\tconfidence\\\\" prev = "" # loop over texts to be classified for text in sorted(fragments): if perbook and getauthor(text) != getauthor(prev): print "\n &", 21 * " ", print " &".join( "\\rotatebox{45}{%s}" % a.split(" - ")[-1].split(".")[0].replace("&", "\\&") for a in sorted(fragments[text])), "\\\\" if verbose: print text.split(" - ")[-1].split(".")[0][:25].replace( "&", "\\&").ljust(25), inter = {} # loop over possible authors for author in sorted(fragments[text]): inter[author] = sum( map(sumfunc, filter(condition, fragments[text][author].items()) )) / normalization(text, author) if verbose: for author in sorted(inter): if inter[author] == max(inter.values()): l, r = "\\textbf{", "}" else: l, r = "".ljust(8), " " if isinstance(inter[author], float): print("& %s%.2f%s" % (l, inter[author], r)).rjust(16), elif isinstance(inter[author], int): print("& %s%d%s" % (l, inter[author], r)).rjust(16), else: print "& %s%s" % (l, repr(inter[author]).rjust(8), r), actualauthor = getauthor(text) guess = max(inter, key=inter.get) results.setdefault(actualauthor, []).append(guess) if verbose and not perbook: print "&", print green + "correct:" if getauthor( guess) == actualauthor else red + "wrong: ", print getauthor(guess).ljust(10), gray, try: confidence = ( 100 * (max(inter.values()) - sorted(inter.values())[-2]) / float(max(inter.values()))) except ZeroDivisionError: confidence = 0.0 except IndexError: confidence = 0.0 print "& %s%5.2f%s " % ( (red if confidence < 50 else green), confidence, gray) elif verbose: print "\\\\" prev = text if verbose: print if topfragments: print "top fragments" for name in sorted(names) if topfragments else (): for text in sorted(fragments): if not getauthor(text) == name: continue print text for label in ("(ROOT", "(S ", "(NP ", "(VP ", "(PP "): guess = max(fragments[text], key=lambda x: sum( sumfunc(a) for a in fragments[text][x].items() if condition(a)) / norm(x)) try: frag = max((a[0] for a in fragments[text][guess].iteritems() if condition(a) and a[0].startswith(label)), key=lambda x: (sumfunc((x, fragments[text][ guess][x])), fragments[text][guess][x])) except ValueError: pass else: f1 = Tree(frag) f2 = Tree(frag) print "%2d" % fragments[text][guess][frag], " ".join( a.replace(" ", "_")[:-1] for a in re.findall(r" \)|[^ )]+\)", frag)), try: f2.un_chomsky_normal_form() except: print f1.pprint(margin=9999, parens=("[", " ]")) else: print f2.pprint(margin=9999, parens=("[", " ]")) print if perbook: return if topfragments: print if conftable: print "Confusion matrix" ref = [a for a in results for b in results[a]] test = [getauthor(b) for a in results for b in results[a]] cf = ConfusionMatrix(ref, test) print '\t\t&%s\\\\' % "\t& ".join(sorted(set(test))) for a in sorted(set(ref)): print a.ljust(15), for b in sorted(set(test)): c = "& " if a == b: c = ("& \\textbf{%d}" % cf[a, b]) elif cf[a, b]: c = ("& %d" % cf[a, b]) print c.rjust(10), print r"\\" print avg = sum(1 for a in results for b in results[a] if a == getauthor(b)) / float( sum(map(len, results.values()))) if breakdown: print "Accuracy" z = [] for a in sorted(results): acc = sum(1 for b in results[a] if a == getauthor(b)) / float( len(results[a])) print getauthor(a).ljust(16), "& ", print "%.2f \\%% \\\\" % (100 * acc) z.append(acc) print "macro average:".ljust( 16), "& %6.2f \\%% \\\\" % (100 * sum(z) / float(len(z))) print "micro average:".ljust(16), "& %6.2f \\%% \\\\" % (100 * avg) else: print "average:".ljust(16), "& %6.2f \\%% \\\\" % (100 * avg)