Пример #1
    feature_freqdist = defaultdict(FreqDist)
    feature_values = defaultdict(set)
    num_samples = len(train_samples) / 2
    for token, counts in labeled_features.items():
        for label in ['neg','pos']:
            feature_freqdist[label, token].inc(True, count=counts[label])
            feature_freqdist[label, token].inc(None, num_samples - counts[label])
    for item in feature_freqdist.items():
        print item[0],item[1]
    feature_probdist = {}
    for ((label, fname), freqdist) in feature_freqdist.items():
        probdist = ELEProbDist(freqdist, bins=len(feature_values[fname]))
        feature_probdist[label,fname] = probdist
    return feature_probdist

labeled_features = get_labeled_features(train_samples)

label_probdist = get_label_probdist(labeled_features)

feature_probdist = get_feature_probdist(labeled_features)

classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(label_probdist, feature_probdist)

for sample in test_samples:
    print "%s | %s" % (sample, classifier.classify(gen_bow(sample)))

Пример #2
class NBClassifier(TransformerMixin):
    """Naive Bayes classifier for part-of-text classification.

    The classifier creates a wrapper around NLTK NaiveBayesClassifier
    and implements `transform` and `fit_transform` methods suitable for
    pipeline integration.

    :param label_probdist: P(label)

        The probability distribution over labels.

        It is expressed as a ``ProbDistI`` whose samples are labels.
        I.e., P(label) = ``label_probdist.prob(label)``.

    :param feature_probdist: P(fname=fval|label)

        The probability distribution for feature values, given labels.

        It is expressed as a dictionary whose keys are ``(label, fname)``
        pairs and whose values are ``ProbDistI`` objects over feature values.
        I.e., P(fname=fval|label) = ``feature_probdist[label,fname].prob(fval)``.
        If a given ``(label,fname)`` is not a key in ``feature_probdist``,
        then it is assumed that the corresponding P(fname=fval|label)
        is 0 for all values of ``fval``.
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize NBClassifier."""
        self._estimator = estimator

        # in case arguments are specified (ie. when restoring the classifier)
        if all([label_probdist, feature_probdist]):
            self._classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(
            self._classifier = None

    def features(self):
        """Return features most informative for classification."""
        if self._classifier is None:
            return None

        return self._classifier.most_informative_features()

    # noinspection PyPep8Naming, PyUnusedLocal
    def fit(
            X: typing.Iterable,  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            y=None,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """Fits the classifier to the given data set.

        :param X: Iterable, output of FeatureExtractor

            The X is expected to be an iterable of tuples (tagged_word, feature_set, label),
            where feature set is a dictionary of evaluated features.
            The format of X matches the output of `FeatureExtractor`.

        :param y: redundant (included to preserve base class method definition)
        # NLTK classifier expects stacked featuresets for the training,
        # so we need to reduce the dimenstionality
        labeled_featuresets = list()
        for entry in X:
                (featureset, feature_label)
                for _, featureset, feature_label in entry

        # initialize the NLTK classifier
        self._classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier.train(
            labeled_featuresets, estimator=self._estimator)

        return self

    # noinspection PyPep8Naming, PyUnusedLocal
    def transform(self, X):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name,unused-argument
        """Auxiliary function to be used in pipeline."""
        return self

    # noinspection PyPep8Naming
    def evaluate(
            X: typing.Iterable,  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            y: typing.Iterable,
        """Perform evaluation of the classifier instance.

        :param X: Iterable, test data

            Same shape as for `fit` and `fit_predict` methods

        :param y: Iterable, of labels
        :param sample: one of labels to get the prediction for

            For example, if labels are ['class_A', 'class_B', 'class_C'], the sample
            could be 'class_A'.

        :param n: int, number of candidates to output

        :param filter_hooks: list of hooks, will be used to filter predictions

            The hook should take a tuple of ((word, tag), score) as its parameter
            and output boolean whether or not it passes the filter.
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyTypeChecker
        if len(X) != len(y):
            raise ValueError("`X` and `y` must be of the same length.")

        candidate_arr = self.fit_predict(X,
                                         filter_hooks=filter_hooks or [])

        correctly_predicted = 0
        for candidates, label in zip(candidate_arr, y):
            pred = self._valid_candidates(candidates, label)
            correctly_predicted += int(pred)

        # return the accuracy score
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        return precision(total=len(y), correct=correctly_predicted)

    # noinspection PyPep8Naming
    def fit_predict(
            X: typing.Iterable,  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
            y=None,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """Make prediction about the given data.

        :param X: Iterable, prediction data

            The prediction data is expected to be of type
            List[(name_tuple, feature_set [,feature,label)] where feature_set
            corresponds to the output of FeatureExtractor and feature
            labels (if provided) should be None (will be ignored anyway).

        :param y: redundant (included to preserve bace class method definition)
        :param fit_params: kwargs, fit parameters

            n: number of candidates to output
            sample: one of labels to get the prediction for (for example,
            if labels are ['class_A', 'class_B', 'class_C'], the sample
            could be 'class_A'.
            filter_hooks: list of hooks, will be used to filter predictions

                The hook should take a tuple of ((word, tag), score) as its parameter
                and output boolean whether or not it passes the filter.
        # get fit parameters
        n = fit_params.get('n', 3)
        sample = fit_params.get('sample', None)

        # do not allow sample to be `None` (wouldn't be possible to sort
        # the candidates in a logical way)
        if sample is None:
            raise ValueError("`fit_parameter` `sample` was not specified."
                             " This is not allowed in `fit_predict` method")

        if not all([hasattr(var, '__len__') for var in [X, y or []]]):
            raise TypeError("`X` and `y` must implement `__len__` method")

        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        predictions = [None] * len(X)
        for i, x in enumerate(X):
            candidate_pred = [None] * len(x)
            for j, candidate in enumerate(x):
                if len(candidate) == 3:
                    # feature label was provided as part of X set (usual case), ignore it
                    name_tuple, features, _ = candidate
                    name_tuple, features = candidate
                candidate_pred[j] = (name_tuple,
                                     self.predict(features, sample=sample))

            sorted_pred = sorted(candidate_pred,
                                 key=lambda t: t[1],

            for hook in fit_params.get('filter_hooks', []):
                sorted_pred = list(filter(hook, sorted_pred))

            predictions[i] = sorted_pred[:n]

        return np.array(predictions)

    def predict(self, features: dict, sample=None) -> typing.Any:
        """Make predictions based on given features.

        :param features: dict, features to be used for prediction

            Dictionary of (feature_key, feature_value)

        :param sample:

            one of labels to get the prediction for (for example,
            if labels are ['class_A', 'class_B', 'class_C'], the sample
            could be 'class_A'.

        :returns: Union[float, dict]

            If `sample` is specified, returns P(sample|features),
            ie the probability of `sample` given features,
            where `sample` is one of labels.
            Otherwise returns dict of (label: max_prob) for all
            known labels.
        if self._classifier is None:
            raise ValueError("Unable to make predictions. "
                             "Classifier has not been trained yet!")

        prob_dist = self._classifier.prob_classify(features)
        # sort by the probability

        if sample is not None:
            probs = prob_dist.prob(sample)
            probs = {s: prob_dist.prob(s) for s in self._classifier.labels()}

        return probs

    def show_most_informative_features(self):
        """Print features most informative for classification."""
        if self._classifier is None:


    def export(self, export_dir=None, export_name=None) -> str:
        """Export timestamped pickled classifier to the given directory.

        :returns: path to the timestamped .checkpoint file
        export_dir = export_dir or 'export/'
        export_name = export_name or 'classifier'

        if export_name.endswith('.checkpoint'):
            export_name = ".".join(export_name.split('.')[:-1])

        time_stamp = str(datetime.datetime.now().timestamp())

        # create export directory
        os.makedirs(export_dir, exist_ok=True)

        time_stamped_fname = ".".join([export_name, time_stamp, 'checkpoint'])
        time_stamped_fpath = os.path.join(export_dir, time_stamped_fname)

        # pickle and export the classifier
        with open(time_stamped_fpath, 'wb') as exp_file:
            pickle.dump(self, exp_file)

        return time_stamped_fpath

    def restore(checkpoint) -> "NBClassifier":
        """Restores the classifier from a checkpoint file.

        :param checkpoint: path to directory or specific checkpoint

            If path to directory provided, the newest checkpoint
            is restored.
        def _restore_checkpoint(fp):
            with open(fp, 'rb') as checkpoint_file:
                # load the exported classifier
                return pickle.load(checkpoint_file)

        if os.path.isdir(checkpoint):
            checkpoint_dir = checkpoint
            checkpoints = [
                os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(checkpoint)
                if f.endswith('.checkpoint')
            # find the latest
            if not checkpoints:
                raise ValueError(
                    "No checkpoints were found in `{}`.".format(checkpoint))
            latest_checkpoint = sorted(checkpoints)[-1]
            clf = _restore_checkpoint(latest_checkpoint)

            clf = _restore_checkpoint(checkpoint)

        return clf

    def _valid_candidates(candidates: typing.Iterable, label):
        """Check whether the correct label is among candidates."""
        for candidate, _ in candidates:
            # FIXME: a bug here, NLTK lets weird things like '**' go through -> causes crash
            candidate_name, _ = candidate
                if re.search(candidate_name, label, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
                    return True
            except Exception:
                return False

        return False
Пример #3
                labelled_features[word.lower()][label] += features[word]

            print "Currently at %d distinct tokens and %d papers" % (
                len(labelled_features), samplecount)

    label_probdist = get_label_probdist(labelled_features)

    feature_probdist = get_feature_probdist(labelled_features)

    classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(label_probdist, feature_probdist)

    for samplefile in test_samples:
        features = {}

        p = PaperParser()

        for sentence in p.extractRawSentences():
            tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)

            for word in tokens:
                features[word] = True

        dirname = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(samplefile))
        label = labels[dirname]

        print "file: %s | actual: %s | predicted: %s" % (
            samplefile, label, classifier.classify(features))
