Пример #1
def absvrt(uwnd, vwnd, lon, lat, xdim, ydim, cyclic=True, sphere=True):
    Calculate absolute vorticity.

    :param uwnd: ndarray, u-component wind.
    :param vwnd: ndarray, v-component wind.
    :param lon: array_like, longitude.
    :param lat: array_like, latitude.
    :param xdim: the longitude dimension index
    :param ydim: the latitude dimension index
    :param cyclic: east-west boundary is cyclic
    :param sphere: sphere coordinate

    u, v = np.ma.getdata(uwnd), np.ma.getdata(vwnd)
    mask = np.ma.getmask(uwnd) | np.ma.getmask(vwnd)
    ndim = u.ndim

    vor = rot(u, v, lon, lat, xdim, ydim, cyclic=cyclic, sphere=sphere)
    f = arr.expand(constants.earth_f(lat), ndim, axis=ydim)
    out = f + vor

    out = np.ma.array(out, mask=mask)
    out = arr.mrollaxis(out, ydim, 0)
    out[0, ...] = np.ma.masked
    out[-1, ...] = np.ma.masked
    out = arr.mrollaxis(out, 0, ydim + 1)

    return out
Пример #2
def ertelpv(uwnd, vwnd, temp, lon, lat, lev, xdim, ydim, zdim,
            cyclic=True, punit=100., sphere=True):
    Calculate Ertel potential vorticity.
    Hoskins, B.J., M.E. McIntyre and A.E. Robertson, 1985:
      On the use and significance of isentropic potential
      vorticity maps, `QJRMS`, 111, 877-946,

    :param uwnd: ndarray, u component wind [m/s].
    :param vwnd: ndarray, v component wind [m/s].
    :param temp: ndarray, temperature [K].
    :param lon: array_like, longitude [degrees].
    :param lat: array_like, latitude [degrees].
    :param lev: array_like, pressure level [punit*Pa].
    :param xdim: west-east axis
    :param ydim: south-north axis
    :param zdim: vertical axis
    :param cyclic: west-east cyclic boundary
    :param punit: pressure level unit
    :param sphere: sphere coordinates.

    u, v, t = np.ma.getdata(uwnd), np.ma.getdata(vwnd), np.ma.getdata(temp)
    mask = np.ma.getmask(uwnd) | np.ma.getmask(vwnd) | np.ma.getmask(temp)
    ndim = u.ndim

    # potential temperature
    theta = pottemp(t, lev, zdim, punit=punit)

    # partial derivation
    dthdp = dvardp(theta, lev, zdim, punit=punit)
    dudp = dvardp(u, lev, zdim, punit=punit)
    dvdp = dvardp(v, lev, zdim, punit=punit)

    dthdx = dvardx(theta, lon, lat, xdim, ydim, cyclic=cyclic, sphere=sphere)
    dthdy = dvardy(theta, lat, ydim, sphere=sphere)

    # absolute vorticity
    vor = rot(u, v, lon, lat, xdim, ydim, cyclic=cyclic, sphere=sphere)
    f = arr.expand(constants.earth_f(lat), ndim, axis=ydim)
    avor = f + vor

    out = -g * (avor*dthdp - (dthdx*dvdp-dthdy*dudp))

    out = np.ma.array(out, mask=mask)
    out = arr.mrollaxis(out, ydim, 0)
    out[0, ...] = np.ma.masked
    out[-1, ...] = np.ma.masked
    out = arr.mrollaxis(out, 0, ydim+1)

    return out
Пример #3
def vmean(var, bottom, top, lev, zdim):
    Calculate vertical mean.

    :param var: array_like.
    :param bottom: bottom boundary of integration.
    :param top: top boundary of integration.
    :param lev: isobaric levels.
    :param zdim: vertical dimension.
    :return: array_like.

    var = np.ma.asarray(var)
    lev = np.asarray(lev)
    ndim = var.ndim

    lev = lev[(lev <= bottom) & (lev >= top)]
    lev_m = np.r_[bottom, (lev[1:] + lev[:-1]) / 2., top]
    dp = lev_m[:-1] - lev_m[1:]

    # roll lat dim axis to last
    var = arr.mrollaxis(var, zdim, ndim)
    out = var[..., (lev <= bottom) & (lev >= top)] * dp
    out = out.sum(axis=-1) / (dp.sum())

    return out