def __init__(self, rom_file: str): super().__init__() self.rom_file = rom_file self.segments = Signal(8) self.anodes = Signal(8) self.ibus = Record(wishbone.wishbone_layout) self.dbus = Record(wishbone.wishbone_layout)
class Peripherals(Elaboratable): def __init__(self, rom_file: str): super().__init__() self.rom_file = rom_file self.segments = Signal(8) self.anodes = Signal(8) self.ibus = Record(wishbone.wishbone_layout) self.dbus = Record(wishbone.wishbone_layout) def elaborate(self, _: Optional[Platform]) -> Module: m = Module() # Set up ROM/RAM peripherals m.submodules.rom = rom = XilinxDualPortBRAM(read_only=True, init_file=self.rom_file) m.submodules.ram = ram = XilinxDualPortBRAM() # Set up the display peripheral bank = seven_segment.DisplayBank() m.d.comb += self.segments.eq(bank.segments) m.d.comb += self.anodes.eq(bank.anodes) m.submodules.sseg = sseg = SevenSegmentDisplay(bank) # Connect peripherals to the instruction and data buses m.d.comb += self.ibus.connect(rom.abus) m.submodules.dmux = dmux = WishboneMux(( ('rom', 0x00000000, 4 * 1024, rom.bbus), ('ram', 0x00001000, 4 * 1024, ram.abus), ('sseg', 0x00002000, 0x100, sseg.wbus), )) m.d.comb += self.dbus.connect(dmux.wbus) return m
def __init__(self, *, read_only: bool = False, init_file: Optional[str] = None, init: Optional[bytes] = None): super().__init__() self.read_only = read_only self.bytes = self._init_bytes(init_file, init) self.abus = Record(wishbone.wishbone_layout) self.bbus = Record(wishbone.wishbone_layout)
def elaborate(self, _: Optional[Platform]) -> Module: m = Module() addressed_signals = [] for port in self.ports: # Better debug naming pbus =, m.d.comb += pbus.connect(port.wbus) mask32 = ~(port.size - 1) mask30 = mask32 >> 2 addressed = Signal(name=f'addressed_{}') m.d.comb += addressed.eq((self.wbus.adr & mask30) == port.start >> 2) addressed_signals.append(addressed) m.d.comb += [ pbus.adr.eq(self.wbus.adr), pbus.dat_w.eq(self.wbus.dat_w), pbus.sel.eq(self.wbus.sel), pbus.stb.eq(self.wbus.stb), pbus.we.eq(self.wbus.we), pbus.cti.eq(self.wbus.cti), pbus.bte.eq(self.wbus.bte), ] with m.If(addressed): m.d.comb += [ pbus.cyc.eq(self.wbus.cyc), self.wbus.dat_r.eq(pbus.dat_r), self.wbus.ack.eq(pbus.ack), self.wbus.err.eq(pbus.err), ] with m.If(self.wbus.cyc & ~Cat(*addressed_signals).any()): m.d.comb += self.wbus.err.eq(1) return m
def __init__(self): # Create a stand-in for our UART. self.uart_pins = Record([('rx', [('i', 1)]), ('tx', [('o', 1)])]) # Create our SoC... self.soc = soc = SimpleSoC() soc.add_rom("eptri_example.bin", 0x4000) # ... add some bulk RAM ... soc.add_ram(0x4000) # ... add a UART ... self.uart = uart = AsyncSerialPeripheral(divisor=int(60e6 // 115200), pins=self.uart_pins) soc.add_peripheral(uart) # ... add a timer, to control our LED blinkies... self.timer = timer = TimerPeripheral(24) soc.add_peripheral(timer) # ... a core USB controller ... self.controller = USBDeviceController() soc.add_peripheral(self.controller) # ... and add our eptri peripherals. self.setup = SetupFIFOInterface() soc.add_peripheral(self.setup, as_submodule=False) self.in_ep = InFIFOInterface() soc.add_peripheral(self.in_ep, as_submodule=False) self.out_ep = OutFIFOInterface() soc.add_peripheral(self.out_ep, as_submodule=False)
def __init__(self, size: int, regs: Iterable['WishboneRegisters.RegLike'] = ()): super().__init__() self.size = size self.registers = [] self.wbus = Record(wishbone.wishbone_layout) self._by_name = {} for reg in regs: self.add_register(reg)
def __init__(self): # Create a stand-in for our UART. self.uart_pins = Record([('rx', [('i', 1)]), ('tx', [('o', 1)])]) # Create our SoC... self.soc = soc = SimpleSoC() soc.add_bios_and_peripherals(uart_pins=self.uart_pins) # ... add some bulk RAM ... soc.add_ram(0x4000) # ... and add our LED peripheral. leds = LEDPeripheral() soc.add_peripheral(leds)
class SevenSegmentDisplay(Elaboratable): def __init__(self, output: seven_segment.DisplayBank): super().__init__() self.output = output self.wbus = Record(wishbone.wishbone_layout) def elaborate(self, _: Optional[Platform]) -> Module: m = Module() m.submodules.regs = regs = WishboneRegisters(size=0x100, regs=[('data', 0x00, 4, 0x0000_0000)]) m.d.comb += self.wbus.connect(regs.wbus) m.submodules.digit = digit = seven_segment.HexDigitLUT() digits = Array([4 * i:4 * (i + 1)] for i in range(8)) m.submodules.mux = mux = seven_segment.DisplayMultiplexer(self.output) m.d.comb += digit.input.eq(digits[]) m.d.comb += mux.segments.eq(digit.output) m.d.comb += mux.duty_cycle.eq(-1) return m
def __init__(self): clock_freq = 60e6 # Create our SoC... self.soc = soc = SimpleSoC() soc.add_rom('hello_world.bin', size=0x1000) soc.add_ram(0x1000) # ... add our UART peripheral... self.uart_pins = Record([('rx', [('i', 1)]), ('tx', [('o', 1)])]) self.uart = uart = AsyncSerialPeripheral(divisor=int(clock_freq // 115200), pins=self.uart_pins) soc.add_peripheral(uart) # ... add a timer, to control our LED blinkies... self.timer = timer = TimerPeripheral(24) soc.add_peripheral(timer) # ... and add our LED peripheral. leds = LEDPeripheral() soc.add_peripheral(leds)
def elaborate(self, platform): m = Module() frame = Record(_frame_layout) bitno = self.bitno = Signal(range(12)) setup = Signal() shift = Signal() input = Signal() with m.If(setup): m.d.sync += self.bus.data_o.eq(frame[0]) with m.If(shift): m.d.sync += [ frame.eq(Cat(frame[1:], input)), bitno.eq(bitno + 1), ] with m.FSM(): with m.State("IDLE"): with m.If(self.en): m.d.sync += [ *_prepare_frame(frame, self.i_data), self.bus.clock_o.eq(1), bitno.eq(0), ] with m.If(self.i_valid): m.d.comb += [ setup.eq(1), shift.eq(1), ] = "SEND-BIT" with m.Else(): = "RECV-BIT" with m.Else(): m.d.sync += [ # Inhibit clock self.bus.clock_o.eq(0), self.bus.data_o.eq(1), ] with m.State("SEND-BIT"): m.d.comb += [ input.eq(1), setup.eq(self.bus.falling), shift.eq(self.bus.rising), ] with m.If(bitno == 12): m.d.comb += self.stb.eq(1) m.d.sync += [ bitno.eq(0), # Device acknowledgement ("line control" bit) self.i_ack.eq(~self.bus.data_i), ] = "RECV-BIT" with m.If(~self.en): = "IDLE" with m.State("RECV-BIT"): m.d.comb += [ input.eq(self.bus.data_i), shift.eq(self.bus.falling), ] with m.If(bitno == 11): m.d.comb += self.stb.eq(1), m.d.sync += [ bitno.eq(0), self.o_valid.eq(_verify_frame(frame)), self.o_data.eq(, ] with m.If(~self.en): = "IDLE" return m
def __init__(self, output: seven_segment.DisplayBank): super().__init__() self.output = output self.wbus = Record(wishbone.wishbone_layout)
def __init__(self, ports: Iterable['WishboneMux.PortLike'] = ()): super().__init__() self.ports = [] self.wbus = Record(wishbone.wishbone_layout) for port in ports: self.add_port(port)
def __init__(self, data_w, addr_w, **kargs): layout = get_axilite_layout('slave', data_w, addr_w) Record.__init__(self, layout, **kargs)
def __init__(self, data_w, addr_w, id_w, user_w=0, **kargs): layout = get_axi_layout('master', data_w, addr_w, id_w, user_w) Record.__init__(self, layout, **kargs)
def elaborate(self, platform): m = Module() m.submodules.output = output = VGAOutput(self.pads) = cd_pix = ClockDomain(reset_less=True) m.submodules += PLL(f_in=platform.default_clk_frequency, f_out=self.pix_clk_freq, odomain="pix") platform.add_clock_constraint(cd_pix.clk, self.pix_clk_freq) h_total = self.h_front + self.h_sync + self.h_back + self.h_active v_total = self.v_front + self.v_sync + self.v_back + self.v_active h_ctr = Signal(range(h_total)) v_ctr = Signal(range(v_total)) pix = Record([ ("r", 1), ("g", 1), ("b", 1), ]) h_en = Signal() v_en = Signal() h_stb = Signal() v_stb = Signal() m.d.comb += [ h_stb.eq(h_ctr == self.h_active), v_stb.eq(h_stb & (v_ctr == self.v_active)), ] with m.If(h_ctr == h_total - 1): with m.If(v_ctr == v_total - 1): m.d.pix += v_ctr.eq(0) with m.Else(): m.d.pix += v_ctr.eq(v_ctr + 1) m.d.pix += h_ctr.eq(0) with m.Else(): m.d.pix += h_ctr.eq(h_ctr + 1) with m.If(h_ctr == 0): m.d.pix += h_en.eq(1) with m.Elif(h_ctr == self.h_active): m.d.pix += h_en.eq(0) with m.Elif(h_ctr == self.h_active + self.h_front): m.d.pix += output.hs.eq(1) with m.Elif(h_ctr == self.h_active + self.h_front + self.h_sync): m.d.pix += output.hs.eq(0) with m.If(v_ctr == 0): m.d.pix += v_en.eq(1) with m.Elif(v_ctr == self.v_active): m.d.pix += v_en.eq(0) with m.Elif(v_ctr == self.v_active + self.v_front): m.d.pix += output.vs.eq(1) with m.Elif(v_ctr == self.v_active + self.v_front + self.v_sync): m.d.pix += output.vs.eq(0) with m.If(v_en & h_en): m.d.pix += [ output.r.eq(pix.r), output.g.eq(pix.g), output.b.eq(pix.b), ] with m.Else(): m.d.pix += [ output.r.eq(0), output.g.eq(0), output.b.eq(0), ] m.d.comb += \ Cat(pix.r, pix.g, pix.b) \ .eq(h_ctr[5:] + v_ctr[5:]) return m