Пример #1
def test_subspectrum_data(ss1, vars_1):
    """Test that subspectrum_data returns a tuple of the current
    subspectrum's (model, vars)
    # GIVEN a history with a non-default subspectrum
    history = History()
    history._subspectra[0] = ss1

    # WHEN history is asked for subspectrum model data
    # THEN the subspectrum's (model, vars) data are returned as a tuple
    assert history.subspectrum_data() == ('first_order', vars_1)
Пример #2
def test_current_subspectrum_returns_Subspectrum_object():
    """Test whether history.current_subspectrum returns a Subspectrum instance.

    Whether it returns the *correct* subspectrum is determined by other tests,
    such as test_back and test_forward.
    # GIVEN a history object
    history = History()

    # WHEN asked for the current subspectrum
    # THEN a Subspectrum object is returned
    assert isinstance(history.current_subspectrum(), Subspectrum)
Пример #3
def test_total_lineshape(x1, y_total):
    """Finish the test!"""
    # GIVEN a history instance with total lineshape data
    history = History()
    history.total_x, history.total_y = x1, y_total

    # WHEN asked for the total lineshape
    x, y = history.total_lineshape()

    # THEN the correct data is returned
    assert np.array_equal(x, x1)
    assert np.array_equal(y, y_total)
Пример #4
def test_delete_stops_at_one_subspectrum():
    """Test that no delete occurs if there is only one subspectrum left."""
    # GIVEN a history instance with only one subspectrum
    history = History()
    current_ss = history.current_subspectrum()
    # WHEN asked to delete the current subspectrum
    action = history.delete()

    # THEN no change occurs
    assert len(history._subspectra) == 1
    assert history.current == 0
    assert history.current_subspectrum() is current_ss
    assert not action
Пример #5
def test_save_total_linshape():
    """Test that two linspaces are saved as history.total_x, history.total_y.
    # GIVEN a history with a single subspectrum
    history = History()

    # WHEN history is told to save lineshape data for the total spectrum
    history.save_total_lineshape(x2, y2)

    # THEN the lineshape x and y data are stored by the history object
    x, y = history.total_x, history.total_y
    assert np.array_equal(x, x2)
    assert np.array_equal(y, y2)
Пример #6
def test_change_toolbar():
    """Test that history.toolbar can be changed via method call.

    This may not be necessary, unless at some point a setter method is
    actually required instead of direct access to the attribute.
    # Given a history instance and a toolbar instance
    history = History()
    toolbar = FirstOrderBar(callback=fake_callback)

    # WHEN given a toolbar and told to change to it

    # THEN history._toolbar now points to that _toolbar
    assert history._toolbar is toolbar
Пример #7
def test_current_lineshape(ss1, x1, y1):
    """Test that history returns a tuple of the current subspectrum's
    lineshape data.
    # GIVEN a history instance, with a subspectrum having lineshape data
    history = History()
    history._subspectra[0] = ss1
    ss1.x, ss1.y = x1, y1
    assert np.array_equal(history.current_subspectrum().x, x1)
    assert np.array_equal(history.current_subspectrum().y, y1)

    # WHEN asked for the current lineshape
    # THEN a tuple of the subspectrum's lineshape data is returned
    x, y = history.current_lineshape()
    assert np.array_equal(x, x1)
    assert np.array_equal(y, y1)
Пример #8
def test_save_alerts_if_no_toolbar(capsys):
    """Test that history.save gracefully handles having no history.toolbar.

    Only expect this scenario to occur during tests, not in working code.
    # GIVEN a History instance with no toolbar recorded
    history = History()
    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()  # capture any print statements before save

    # WHEN told to save toolbar state

    # THEN a helpful error message is printed
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out.startswith("HISTORY TOOLBAR ERROR")
Пример #9
def test_add_subspectrum():
    """Test that a new, different subspectrum is added to the
    history._subspectra list."""
    # TODO need multiple tests
    # GIVEN a newly instantiated History object
    history = History()
    history._toolbar = FirstOrderBar(callback=fake_callback)

    # WHEN a new subspectrum is added to it
    initial_counter = history.current
    final_counter = history.current
    assert history._subspectra[final_counter] is not history._subspectra[

    # THEN its counter is incremented by 1
    assert final_counter - initial_counter == 1
Пример #10
def test_save_current_linshape(x1, y1):
    """Test that two linespaces are saved as subspectrum.x, subspectrum.y"""
    # GIVEN a history with a single subspectrum
    history = History()

    # WHEN history is told to save lineshape data
    history.save_current_lineshape(x1, y1)

    # THEN this data is added to the subspectrum object
    x, y = history.current_subspectrum().x, history.current_subspectrum().y
    assert np.array_equal(x, x1)
    assert np.array_equal(y, y1)
Пример #11
def test_delete_last_subspectrum(ss1, ss2):
    """Test that, when a last subspectrum is deleted, it is removed from
    history._subspectra and history is reset to the previous subspectrum.
    # GIVEN a history instance with two complete subspectra objects and
    # pointing to the second subspectrum
    toolbar = FirstOrderBar(callback=fake_callback)
    history = History()
    history._toolbar = toolbar
    history._subspectra[history.current] = ss1
    history.current = 1
    assert history.current_subspectrum() is ss2

    # WHEN history is told to delete the subspectrum

    # THEN current subspectrum set to previous subspectrum
    assert history._subspectra == [ss1]
    assert history.current_subspectrum() is ss1
Пример #12
def test_back_restores_toolbar_state(ss1, vars_1, ss2):
    """Test that the previous subspectrum is restored."""
    # GIVEN a history instance with two complete subspectra objects and
    # pointing to the more recent subspectrum
    toolbar = FirstOrderBar(callback=fake_callback)
    history = History()
    history._toolbar = toolbar
    history._subspectra[history.current] = ss1
    history.current = 1
    assert history.current_subspectrum() is ss2
    assert history._subspectra[history.current - 1] is not ss2

    # WHEN history is told to go back

    # THEN the subspectrum is restored
    ss = history.current_subspectrum()
    assert ss is ss1
    assert ss.vars == vars_1
Пример #13
def test_delete_updates_total(ss1, ss2, x1, x2, y1, y2, y_total):
    """Test that deleting an active subspectrum also deletes its contribution
    from the total spectrum.
    # GIVEN a history instance with two active subspectra objects  pointing
    # to the second subspectrum, and with .total_y of their sum:
    ss1.x, ss1.y = x1, y1
    ss1.active = True
    ss2.x, ss2.y = x2, y2
    ss2.active = True
    history = History()
    history._subspectra = [ss1, ss2]
    history.total_y = y_total
    history.current = 1
    assert np.array_equal(history.current_subspectrum().y, y2)

    # WHEN told to delete the current spectrum

    # THEN history.total_y has had the deleted spectrum's y subtracted from it
    assert np.allclose(history.total_y, y1)
Пример #14
def test_update_vars(vars_1):
    """Test that the current subspectrum is correctly updated with supplied
    model and vars.
    # GIVEN a history object with a blank subspectrum
    history = History()
    assert history.current_subspectrum().model is None
    assert history.current_subspectrum().vars is None

    # WHEN history asked to update data with supplied model and vars
    history._update_vars('first_order', vars_1)

    # THEN the history object has its .model and .vars correctly updated
    assert history.current_subspectrum().model == 'first_order'
    assert history.current_subspectrum().vars == vars_1
Пример #15
def test_back_updates_history_toolbar(ss1, ss2):
    """Test that, after going back one subspectrum, the history's toolbar
    reference is updated."""
    # GIVEN a history instance with two complete subspectra objects and
    # pointing to the more recent subspectrum
    toolbar = FirstOrderBar(callback=fake_callback)
    history = History()
    history._toolbar = toolbar
    history._subspectra[history.current] = ss1
    history.current = 1

    previous_ss = history._subspectra[history.current - 1]
    assert previous_ss.toolbar is not history._toolbar

    # WHEN history is told to go back

    # THEN history._toolbar was updated
    assert history._toolbar is history.current_subspectrum().toolbar
Пример #16
def test_save(vars_default):
    """Test that a current subspectrum input state is recorded to the current
    # GIVEN a history with a toolbar reference and a blank subspectrum
    history = History()
    history._toolbar = FirstOrderBar(callback=fake_callback)

    # WHEN told to save state

    # THEN the subspectrum's model, vars and toolbar are updated
    ss = history.current_subspectrum()
    assert ss.model == 'first_order'
    assert ss.vars == vars_default
    assert ss.vars is not history._toolbar.vars  # must be a copy to save state
    assert ss.toolbar is history._toolbar
Пример #17
def test_all_spec_data(ss1, ss2, vars_1, vars_2):
    """Test that all_spec_data is iterable and yields spec data for each
    subspectrum in order.
    # Given a history with two subspectra, each with references to toolbars
    # and lineshape data
    history = History()
    history._subspectra[history.current] = ss1
    assert history._toolbar is history.current_subspectrum().toolbar
    assert history.current_subspectrum() is ss1
    assert history._subspectra[history.current + 1] is ss2
    assert ss1 is not ss2

    # WHEN asked for subspectra data
    all_spec_data = [data for data in history.all_spec_data()]
    expected_data = [('first_order', vars_1), ('first_order', vars_2)]

    # THEN the correct data is yielded
    assert all_spec_data == expected_data
Пример #18
def test_delete_inactive_does_not_change_total(ss1, ss2, x1, x2, y1, y2):
    """Test that deleting an inactive subspectrum does not change
    # GIVEN a history instance with two subspectra objects (the first active,
    # the second inactive) pointing to the second subspectrum, and with
    # .total_y only equal to the first subspectrum's y
    ss1.x, ss1.y = x1, y1
    ss1.active = True
    ss2.x, ss2.y = x2, y2
    ss2.active = False
    history = History()
    history._subspectra = [ss1, ss2]
    history.total_y = y1
    history.current = 1

    # IF told to delete the current spectrum

    # THEN history.total_y has not changed
    assert np.allclose(history.total_y, y1)
Пример #19
def test_restore(ss1):
    """Test that history.toolbar can be restored from the current
    # GIVEN a history instance with a toolbar attribute,
    # and with a subspectrum containing a toolbar attribute
    history = History()
    history._toolbar = FirstOrderBar(callback=fake_callback)
    history._subspectra[0] = ss1
    assert ss1.toolbar is not history._toolbar
    assert isinstance(ss1.toolbar, FirstOrderBar)

    # WHEN history restored

    # THEN history._toolbar is updated to point to the current subspectrum
    # toolbar
    assert history._toolbar is ss1.toolbar
Пример #20
def test_delete(ss1, ss2):
    """Test that, when a non-last subspectrum is deleted, it is removed from
    # GIVEN a history instance with two complete subspectra objects and
    # pointing to the first subspectrum
    toolbar = FirstOrderBar(callback=fake_callback)
    history = History()
    history._toolbar = toolbar
    history._subspectra[history.current] = ss1
    assert history.current_subspectrum() is ss1

    # WHEN history is told to delete the subspectrum
    action = history.delete()

    # THEN current subspectrum set to next subspectrum
    assert history._subspectra == [ss2]
    assert history.current_subspectrum() is ss2
    assert action
Пример #21
def test_back_saves_toolbar_first(ss1, ss2, vars_2, vars_default):
    """Test that the current toolbar info is saved to the current subspectrum
    before moving back.
    # GIVEN a history instance with two complete subspectra objects and
    # pointing to the more recent subspectrum
    toolbar = FirstOrderBar(callback=fake_callback)
    history = History()
    history._toolbar = toolbar
    history._subspectra[history.current] = ss1
    history.current = 1
    assert history.current_subspectrum().toolbar is not history._toolbar
    assert history.current_subspectrum().vars == vars_2
    assert history._toolbar.vars == vars_default

    # WHEN history is told to go back

    # THEN the subspectrum was updated
    ss = history._subspectra[history.current + 1]
    assert ss is ss2
    assert ss.vars == vars_default
Пример #22
def test_update_all_spectra(ss1, ss2, ss3, x1, x2, y1, y2, y3, y_total):
    """Test that subspectra and total spectrum are correctly replaced."""
    # GIVEN a history object with three subspectra, the second of which is
    # inactive
    history = History()
    ss1.active = True
    ss2.active = True
    history._subspectra = [ss1, ss3, ss2]
    history._toolbar = FirstOrderBar(callback=fake_callback)

    # WHEN told to update all spectra using a blank spectrum and a list of
    # lineshape data
    blank_spectrum = (x1, [0] * 10)
    lineshapes = [(x1, y1), (x1, y3), (x2, y2)]
    history.update_all_spectra(blank_spectrum, lineshapes)

    # THEN all stored lineshapes are updated appropriately
    new_lineshapes = [(ss1.x, ss1.y), (ss3.x, ss3.y), (ss2.x, ss2.y)]
    assert np.allclose(lineshapes, new_lineshapes)
    assert np.allclose(history.total_y, y_total)
Пример #23
def test_forward_updates_history_toolbar(ss1, ss2):
    """Test that, after going forward one subspectrum, the history's toolbar
    reference is updated."""
    # GIVEN a history instance with two complete subspectra objects and
    # pointing to the first subspectrum
    toolbar = FirstOrderBar(callback=fake_callback)
    history = History()
    history._toolbar = toolbar
    history._subspectra[history.current] = ss1
    # history.current = 1

    next_ss = history._subspectra[history.current + 1]
    assert next_ss.toolbar is not history._toolbar

    # WHEN history is told to go forward

    # THEN history._toolbar was updated
    assert history._toolbar is history.current_subspectrum().toolbar
Пример #24
* View: an extension of tkinter.Frame that provides the main GUI.

# import sys  # Uncomment if debugging with trace_calls

from tkinter import *

from nmrmint.GUI.backends import MPLplot, save_as_eps, save_as_pdf
from nmrmint.GUI.frames import RadioFrame
from nmrmint.GUI.history import History
from nmrmint.GUI.toolbars import (FirstOrderBar, SecondOrderBar,
from nmrmint.GUI.widgets import (HorizontalRangeEntryFrame,
                                 HorizontalEntryFrame, SimpleVariableBox)

history = History()

class View(Frame):
    """Provides the GUI for nmrmint by extending a tkinter Frame.

    The view assumes the controller offers the following methods:
        * update_current_plot
        * lineshape_data
        * blank_total_spectrum

    The View provides the following attributes:
        spectrometer_frequency: the (proton resonance) frequency for the
        simulated spectrometer.

    The View provides the following methods:
Пример #25
def test_back_stops_at_beginning():
    """Test that if at beginning of history, don't keep moving backwards."""

    # GIVEN a history that is currently on the last of three subspectra
    history = History()
    testbar = FirstOrderBar()
    subspectra = [history.current_subspectrum()]
    for i in range(2):
        assert history.current == i + 1
        assert history.current_subspectrum() is not history._subspectra[i]

    # WHILE the history is told to move backwards
    action = history.back()

    # THEN the current history points to the previous subspectrum
    assert history.current == 1
    assert history.current_subspectrum() is subspectra[1]
    assert action

    action = history.back()
    assert history.current == 0
    assert history.current_subspectrum() is subspectra[0]
    assert action

    # UNTIL it reaches the beginning of the history, in which case there
    # is no change.
    action = history.back()
    assert history.current == 0
    assert history.current_subspectrum() is subspectra[0]
    assert not action
Пример #26
def test_remove_current_from_total(x1, y1, x2, y2, y_total):
    """Test that history.current_subspectrum().y is correctly subtracted from
    # GIVEN a history with total spectrum lineshape data,
    # and a subspectrum with current lineshape data
    history = History()
    history.save_current_lineshape(x1, y1)
    history.save_total_lineshape(x2, y_total)
    old_y1 = np.copy(history.current_subspectrum().y)
    old_total_y = np.copy(history.total_y)
    print('old_y1', old_y1)
    print('old_total_y ', old_total_y)

    # WHEN history told to remove the current subspectrum to the total

    # THEN the subspectrum's y data is subtracted from history's total y data,
    #  but x data and subspectrum data is unchanged.
    print('after removing:')
    print('old_y1: ', old_y1)
    print('history.total_y', history.total_y)
    assert np.array_equal(history.total_y, y2)
    assert not np.array_equal(history.total_y, old_total_y)
    assert np.array_equal(history.current_subspectrum().y, old_y1)
    assert np.array_equal(history.total_x, x2)
    assert np.array_equal(history.current_subspectrum().x, x1)
Пример #27
def test_add_current_to_total(x1, x2, y1, y2, y_total):
    """Test that history.current_subspectrum().y is correctly added to
    # GIVEN a history with total spectrum lineshape data, and a subspectrum
    # with current lineshape data
    history = History()
    history.save_current_lineshape(x1, y1)
    history.save_total_lineshape(x2, y2)
    old_y1 = np.copy(history.current_subspectrum().y)
    old_y2 = np.copy(history.total_y)
    print('old_y1', old_y1)
    print('old_y2 ', old_y2)

    # WHEN history told to add the current subspectrum to the total

    # THEN the subspectrum's y data is added to history's total y data, but
    # x data and subspectrum data is unchanged.
    print('after adding:')
    print('old_y2: ', old_y2)
    print('history.total_y', history.total_y)
    assert np.array_equal(history.total_y, y_total)
    assert not np.array_equal(history.total_y, old_y2)
    assert np.array_equal(history.current_subspectrum().y, old_y1)
    assert np.array_equal(history.total_x, x2)
    assert np.array_equal(history.current_subspectrum().x, x1)
Пример #28
def test_forward():
    """Test to see if history.forward moves forward 1 subspectrum in _subspectra
    # GIVEN a history with two subspectra, set to the first subspectrum
    history = History()
    testbar = FirstOrderBar()
    ss_1 = history.current_subspectrum()

    # WHEN the history is advanced forward
    action = history.forward()

    # THEN the history points to the second subspectrum
    assert history.current_subspectrum() is ss_1
    assert history.current == 1
    assert action
Пример #29
def test_back():
    """Test to see if history.back moves back 1 subspectrum in _subspectra
    # GIVEN a history with two subspectra, set to the more recent subspectrum
    history = History()
    testbar = FirstOrderBar()
    ss1 = history.current_subspectrum()
    assert ss1.toolbar is history._toolbar
    ss2 = history.current_subspectrum()
    assert ss2.toolbar is history._toolbar
    assert ss1 is not ss2

    # WHEN the history is told to move back one step
    action = history.back()

    # THEN the current_subspectrum now points to the previous subspectrum
    ss3 = history.current_subspectrum()
    assert ss1 is ss3
    assert action
Пример #30
def test_forward_stops_at_end():
    """Test that if at end of history, don't keep moving forwards."""
    # GIVEN a history containing three subspectra, set at the first subspectrum
    history = History()
    testbar = FirstOrderBar()
    subspectra = [history.current_subspectrum()]
    for i in range(2):
    for i in range(2):
    assert history.current_subspectrum() is subspectra[0]

    # WHILE the history is told to advance
    for i in range(2):
        action = history.forward()
        # THEN the history points to the next subspectrum
        assert history.current_subspectrum() is subspectra[i + 1]
        assert action
    assert history.current == 2

    # UNTIL it reaches the end of the history, in which case there is no change
    ss_2 = history.current_subspectrum()
    action = history.forward()
    assert history.current == 2
    assert history.current_subspectrum() is ss_2
    assert not action