Пример #1
def network_size_weights():
    Return total number of weights and network size (for weights) in KBytes
    kbytes = None
    num_params = None

    # get all parameters
    ps = nn.get_parameters()
    for p in ps:
        if ((p.endswith("quantized_conv/W") or p.endswith("quantized_conv/b")
             or p.endswith("quantized_affine/W")
             or p.endswith("quantized_affine/b"))):
            _num_params = np.prod(ps[p].shape)

            if cfg.w_quantize is not None:
                if cfg.w_quantize in [
                        'parametric_fp_b_xmax', 'parametric_fp_d_b',
                        'parametric_pow2_b_xmax', 'parametric_pow2_b_xmin'
                    # parametric quantization
                    n_p = p + "quant/" + cfg.w_quantize + "/n"
                    n = F.round(
                        clip_scalar(ps[n_p], cfg.w_bitwidth_min,
                elif cfg.w_quantize == 'parametric_fp_d_xmax':
                    # this quantization methods do not have n, so we need to compute it
                    d = ps[p + "quant/" + cfg.w_quantize + "/d"]
                    xmax = ps[p + "quant/" + cfg.w_quantize + "/xmax"]

                    # ensure that stepsize is in specified range and a power of two
                    d_q = quantize_pow2(
                        clip_scalar(d, cfg.w_stepsize_min, cfg.w_stepsize_max))

                    # ensure that dynamic range is in specified range
                    xmax = clip_scalar(xmax, cfg.w_xmax_min, cfg.w_xmax_max)

                    # compute real `xmax`
                    xmax = F.round(xmax / d_q) * d_q

                    # we do not clip to `cfg.w_bitwidth_max` as xmax/d_q could correspond to more than 8 bit
                    n = F.maximum_scalar(F.ceil(log2(xmax / d_q + 1.0) + 1.0),
                elif cfg.w_quantize == 'parametric_pow2_xmin_xmax':
                    # this quantization methods do not have n, so we need to compute it
                    xmin = ps[p + "quant/" + cfg.w_quantize + "/xmin"]
                    xmax = ps[p + "quant/" + cfg.w_quantize + "/xmax"]

                    # ensure that minimum dynamic range is in specified range and a power-of-two
                    xmin = quantize_pow2(
                        clip_scalar(xmin, cfg.w_xmin_min, cfg.w_xmin_max))

                    # ensure that maximum dynamic range is in specified range and a power-of-two
                    xmax = quantize_pow2(
                        clip_scalar(xmax, cfg.w_xmax_min, cfg.w_xmax_max))

                    # use ceil to determine bitwidth
                    n = F.maximum_scalar(
                        F.ceil(log2(log2(xmax / xmin) + 1.0) + 1.),
                elif cfg.w_quantize == 'fp' or cfg.w_quantize == 'pow2':
                    # fixed quantization
                    n = nn.Variable((), need_grad=False)
                    n.d = cfg.w_bitwidth
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'Unknown quantization method {cfg.w_quantize}')
                # float precision
                n = nn.Variable((), need_grad=False)
                n.d = 32.

            if kbytes is None:
                kbytes = n * _num_params / 8. / 1024.
                num_params = _num_params
                kbytes += n * _num_params / 8. / 1024.
                num_params += _num_params
    return num_params, kbytes
Пример #2
def network_size_activations():
    Returns total number of activations
    and size in KBytes (NNabla variable using `max` or `sum` operator)
    kbytes = []
    num_activations = 0

    # get all parameters
    ps = nn.get_parameters(grad_only=False)
    for p in ps:
        if "Asize" in p:

            num_activations += ps[p].d

            if cfg.a_quantize is not None:
                if cfg.a_quantize in ['fp_relu', 'pow2_relu']:
                    # fixed quantization
                    n = nn.Variable((), need_grad=False)
                    n.d = cfg.a_bitwidth
                elif cfg.a_quantize in [
                        'parametric_fp_relu', 'parametric_fp_b_xmax_relu',
                    # parametric quantization
                    s = p.replace(
                        "/Asize", "/Aquant/" +
                        cfg.a_quantize.replace("_relu", "") + "/n")
                    n = F.round(
                        clip_scalar(ps[s], cfg.a_bitwidth_min,
                elif cfg.a_quantize in ['parametric_fp_d_xmax_relu']:
                    # these quantization methods do not have n, so we need to compute it!
                    # parametric quantization
                    d = ps[p.replace(
                        "/Asize", "/Aquant/" +
                        cfg.a_quantize.replace("_relu", "") + "/d")]
                    xmax = ps[p.replace(
                        "/Asize", "/Aquant/" +
                        cfg.a_quantize.replace("_relu", "") + "/xmax")]

                    # ensure that stepsize is in specified range and a power of two
                    d_q = quantize_pow2(
                        clip_scalar(d, cfg.a_stepsize_min, cfg.a_stepsize_max))

                    # ensure that dynamic range is in specified range
                    xmax = clip_scalar(xmax, cfg.a_xmax_min, cfg.a_xmax_max)

                    # compute real `xmax`
                    xmax = F.round(xmax / d_q) * d_q

                    n = F.maximum_scalar(F.ceil(log2(xmax / d_q + 1.0)),
                elif cfg.a_quantize in ['parametric_pow2_xmin_xmax_relu']:
                    # these quantization methods do not have n, so we need to compute it!
                    # parametric quantization
                    xmin = ps[p.replace(
                        "/Asize", "/Aquant/" +
                        cfg.a_quantize.replace("_relu", "") + "/xmin")]
                    xmax = ps[p.replace(
                        "/Asize", "/Aquant/" +
                        cfg.a_quantize.replace("_relu", "") + "/xmax")]

                    # ensure that dynamic ranges are in specified range and a power-of-two
                    xmin = quantize_pow2(
                        clip_scalar(xmin, cfg.a_xmin_min, cfg.a_xmin_max))
                    xmax = quantize_pow2(
                        clip_scalar(xmax, cfg.a_xmax_min, cfg.a_xmax_max))

                    # use ceil rounding
                    n = F.maximum_scalar(
                        F.ceil(log2(log2(xmax / xmin) + 1.) + 1.),
                    raise ValueError("Unknown quantization method {}".format(
                # float precision
                n = nn.Variable((), need_grad=False)
                n.d = 32.

                F.reshape(n * ps[p].d / 8. / 1024., (1, ), inplace=False))

    if cfg.target_activation_type == 'max':
        _kbytes = F.max(F.concatenate(*kbytes))
    elif cfg.target_activation_type == 'sum':
        _kbytes = F.sum(F.concatenate(*kbytes))
    return num_activations, _kbytes
Пример #3
    def _build(self):
        # infer variable
        self.infer_obs_t = infer_obs_t = nn.Variable((1, 4, 84, 84))
        # inference output
        self.infer_probs_t, _ = self.q_function(infer_obs_t, self.num_actions,
                                                self.min_v, self.max_v,
                                                self.num_bins, 'q_func')
        self.infer_t = F.sink(self.infer_q_t, self.infer_probs_t)

        # train variables
        self.obss_t = nn.Variable((self.batch_size, 4, 84, 84))
        self.acts_t = nn.Variable((self.batch_size, 1))
        self.rews_tp1 = nn.Variable((self.batch_size, 1))
        self.obss_tp1 = nn.Variable((self.batch_size, 4, 84, 84))
        self.ters_tp1 = nn.Variable((self.batch_size, 1))

        # training output
        q_t, probs_t, dists = self.q_function(self.obss_t, self.num_actions,
                                              self.min_v, self.max_v,
                                              self.num_bins, 'q_func')
        q_tp1, probs_tp1, _ = self.q_function(self.obss_tp1, self.num_actions,
                                              self.min_v, self.max_v,
                                              self.num_bins, 'target_q_func')

        expand_last = lambda x: F.reshape(x, x.shape + (1, ))
        flat = lambda x: F.reshape(x, (-1, 1))

        # extract selected dimension
        a_t_one_hot = expand_last(F.one_hot(self.acts_t, (self.num_actions, )))
        probs_t_selected = F.max(probs_t * a_t_one_hot, axis=1)
        # extract max dimension
        _, indices = F.max(q_tp1, axis=1, keepdims=True, with_index=True)
        a_tp1_one_hot = expand_last(F.one_hot(indices, (self.num_actions, )))
        probs_tp1_best = F.max(probs_tp1 * a_tp1_one_hot, axis=1)

        # clipping reward
        clipped_rews_tp1 = clip_by_value(self.rews_tp1, -1.0, 1.0)

        disc_q_tp1 = F.reshape(dists, (1, -1)) * (1.0 - self.ters_tp1)
        t_z = clip_by_value(clipped_rews_tp1 + self.gamma * disc_q_tp1,
                            self.min_v, self.max_v)

        # update indices
        b = (t_z - self.min_v) / ((self.max_v - self.min_v) /
                                  (self.num_bins - 1))
        l = F.floor(b)
        l_mask = F.reshape(F.one_hot(flat(l), (self.num_bins, )),
                           (-1, self.num_bins, self.num_bins))
        u = F.ceil(b)
        u_mask = F.reshape(F.one_hot(flat(u), (self.num_bins, )),
                           (-1, self.num_bins, self.num_bins))

        m_l = expand_last(probs_tp1_best * (1 - (b - l)))
        m_u = expand_last(probs_tp1_best * (b - l))
        m = F.sum(m_l * l_mask + m_u * u_mask, axis=1)
        m.need_grad = False

        self.loss = -F.mean(F.sum(m * F.log(probs_t_selected + 1e-10), axis=1))

        # optimizer
        self.solver = S.RMSprop(self.lr, 0.95, 1e-2)

        # weights and biases
        with nn.parameter_scope('q_func'):
            self.params = nn.get_parameters()
        with nn.parameter_scope('target_q_func'):
            self.target_params = nn.get_parameters()

        # set q function parameters to solver