Пример #1
 def kl_sparsity_loss(self,total_input,target_prob,grad=False):
     preds = nu.sigmoid(total_input)
     q = preds.mean(0)
     if (not grad):
         loss = -np.sum(target_prob*np.log(q) + (1-target_prob)*np.log(1-q))
         return loss
         dloss = preds*(1-preds)*((q - target_prob)/(q*(1-q))) / total_input.shape[0]
         return dloss
Пример #2
 def intersection_over_union_loss(self,total_input,targets,grad=False):
     preds = nu.sigmoid(total_input)
     t1 = targets*preds
     t2 = (1-targets)*preds
     if (not grad):
         loss = -np.mean(np.log(t1.sum(1)) - np.log((targets+t2).sum(1)))
         return loss
         dloss = -((1/t1.sum(1))[:,None]*t1 - (1/(targets+t2).sum(1))[:,None]*t2)*(1-preds) / targets.shape[0]
         return dloss
Пример #3
def sprbm_cd(X, **kwargs):
    print 'Training the SpRBM.'
    eta = kwargs.get('eta', 0.01)  #The learning rate, usually [1e-3,1].
    mo = kwargs.get(
        'mo', 0.9
    )  #Momentum to speed up learning (can be unstable), usually [0,0.9].
    num_hid = kwargs.get('num_hid',
                         100)  #num_hid = args.nh #The number of hidden units.
    num_iters = kwargs.get('num_iters',
                           100)  #The number of epochs of learning.
    batch_size = kwargs.get('batch_size', 100)  #The size of each mini-batch.
    kl = kwargs.get(
        1)  #The strength of the column-wise KL penalty to prevent dead units.
    l2 = kwargs.get('l2', 1e-5)  #The strength of the l2 weight-decay penalty.
    sp = kwargs.get(
        'sp', 0.1
    )  #The amount of sparsity, i.e. nh=100 and sp=0.1 means 10 hidden units will get activated.
    vistype = kwargs.get('vistype', VisTypes.BERNOULLI)
    sig = kwargs.get('sig', 1)
    save_file = kwargs.get('save_file', None)
    plotting = kwargs.get('plotting', False)

    if vistype != VisTypes.GAUSSIAN:
        sig = 1

    num_on = float(np.floor(sp * num_hid))
    p = num_on / batch_size
    num_drop = num_hid - num_on
    num_examples = X.shape[0]
    num_batches = np.ceil(np.double(num_examples) / batch_size)
    ca = caw.ChainAlg(num_hid, int(num_on), int(num_on), batch_size)

    W = 0.1 * np.random.randn(X.shape[1], num_hid)
    b = np.zeros(num_hid)
    c = np.zeros(X.shape[1])

    dW = 0
    db = 0
    dc = 0

    m = X.mean(0)
    times = []
    errs = []
    for i in range(num_iters):
        obj = 0
        randIndices = np.random.permutation(num_examples)
        for batch in range(int(num_batches)):
            print 'Iteration %d batch %d of %d\r' % (i + 1, batch + 1,
            batch_X = X[randIndices[np.mod(
                range(batch * batch_size,
                      (batch + 1) * batch_size), num_examples)]] - m

            #POSITIVE PHASE
            node_pots_h = (np.dot(batch_X, W) / sig) + b
            mh_pos = nu.sigmoid(node_pots_h)
            h_pos = np.double(mh_pos > np.random.rand(*mh_pos.shape))

            #NEGATIVE PHASE
            node_pots_v = np.dot(h_pos, W.T) + c
            if vistype == VisTypes.BERNOULLI:
                mv_neg = nu.sigmoid(node_pots_v)
                v_neg = np.double(mv_neg > np.random.rand(*mv_neg.shape))
            elif vistype == VisTypes.GAUSSIAN:
                mv_neg = node_pots_v
                v_neg = np.sqrt(sig) * np.random.randn(*mv_neg.shape) + mv_neg

            v_neg = v_neg - m

            node_pots_h = (np.dot(v_neg, W) / sig) + b
            mh_neg = nu.sigmoid(node_pots_h)
            h_neg = np.double(mh_neg > np.random.rand(*mh_neg.shape))

            #Keep a weighted running average of the hidden unit activations
            if (i > 0):
                q = 0.9 * q + 0.1 * h_pos.mean(0)
                q = h_pos.mean(0)

            dW = mo * dW + (
                eta * (np.dot(batch_X.T, h_pos) - np.dot(v_neg.T, h_neg)) /
            db = mo * db + eta * np.mean(h_pos - h_neg, 0)
            dc = mo * dc + eta * np.mean((batch_X - v_neg), 0)

            dW = dW + (eta * kl * np.dot(
                batch_X.T, np.tile(p - q, (batch_size, 1))) / batch_size)
            dW = dW - l2 * W
            db = db + eta * kl * (p - q)

            W = W + dW
            b = b + db
            c = c + dc

            obj = obj + np.sum((batch_X - v_neg)**2) / (X.shape[0])
            if obj > 1e10 or not np.isfinite(obj):
                print '\nLearning has diverged.'
                if os.path.isfile(save_file):
                    print 'Deleting %s' % save_file
                    print 'File deleted: %s' % ~os.path.isfile(save_file)
                return W, b, c
        print 'Iteration %d complete. Objective value: %s' % (i + 1, obj)

        #Save out some results about timing/reconstruction error per epoch.
        if save_file is not None:
            np.savez(save_file, W=W, b=b, c=c, times=times, errs=errs)

        #Plot some diagnostics for this epoch.
        if plotting:
            pylab.subplot(1, 2, 1)
            d.print_aligned(W[:, 0:np.minimum(100, W.shape[1])])
            pylab.subplot(1, 2, 2)
            d.print_aligned((v_neg + m).T)

    return W, b, c
Пример #4
 def nonlin(self,total_input):
     return nu.sigmoid(total_input)
Пример #5
def sprbm_cd(X,**kwargs):
    print 'Training the SpRBM.'
    eta = kwargs.get('eta',0.01) #The learning rate, usually [1e-3,1].
    mo = kwargs.get('mo',0.9) #Momentum to speed up learning (can be unstable), usually [0,0.9].
    num_hid = kwargs.get('num_hid',100) #num_hid = args.nh #The number of hidden units.
    num_iters = kwargs.get('num_iters',100) #The number of epochs of learning.
    batch_size = kwargs.get('batch_size',100) #The size of each mini-batch.
    kl = kwargs.get('kl',1) #The strength of the column-wise KL penalty to prevent dead units.
    l2 = kwargs.get('l2',1e-5) #The strength of the l2 weight-decay penalty.
    sp = kwargs.get('sp',0.1) #The amount of sparsity, i.e. nh=100 and sp=0.1 means 10 hidden units will get activated.
    vistype = kwargs.get('vistype',VisTypes.BERNOULLI)
    sig = kwargs.get('sig',1)
    save_file = kwargs.get('save_file',None)
    plotting = kwargs.get('plotting',False)

    if vistype != VisTypes.GAUSSIAN:
        sig = 1

    num_on = float(np.floor(sp*num_hid))
    p = num_on / batch_size
    num_drop = num_hid - num_on
    num_examples = X.shape[0]
    num_batches = np.ceil(np.double(num_examples)/batch_size)
    ca = caw.ChainAlg(num_hid, int(num_on), int(num_on), batch_size)

    W = 0.1*np.random.randn(X.shape[1],num_hid)
    b = np.zeros(num_hid)
    c = np.zeros(X.shape[1])

    dW = 0
    db = 0
    dc = 0

    m = X.mean(0)
    times = []
    errs = []
    for i in range(num_iters):
        obj = 0
        randIndices = np.random.permutation(num_examples)
        for batch in range(int(num_batches)):
            print 'Iteration %d batch %d of %d\r' % (i+1,batch+1,num_batches), 
            batch_X = X[randIndices[np.mod(range(batch*batch_size,(batch+1)*batch_size),num_examples)]] - m

            #POSITIVE PHASE
            node_pots_h = (np.dot(batch_X,W)/sig) + b
            mh_pos = nu.sigmoid(node_pots_h)
            h_pos = np.double(mh_pos > np.random.rand(*mh_pos.shape))
            #NEGATIVE PHASE
            node_pots_v = np.dot(h_pos,W.T)+c
            if vistype == VisTypes.BERNOULLI:
                mv_neg = nu.sigmoid(node_pots_v)
                v_neg = np.double(mv_neg > np.random.rand(*mv_neg.shape))
            elif vistype == VisTypes.GAUSSIAN:
                mv_neg = node_pots_v
                v_neg = np.sqrt(sig)*np.random.randn(*mv_neg.shape) + mv_neg

            v_neg = v_neg - m

            node_pots_h = (np.dot(v_neg,W)/sig) + b
            mh_neg = nu.sigmoid(node_pots_h)
            h_neg = np.double(mh_neg > np.random.rand(*mh_neg.shape))

            #Keep a weighted running average of the hidden unit activations
            if (i > 0):
                q = 0.9*q + 0.1*h_pos.mean(0)
                q = h_pos.mean(0)

            dW = mo*dW + (eta*(np.dot(batch_X.T,h_pos) - np.dot(v_neg.T,h_neg)) / (batch_size))
            db = mo*db + eta*np.mean(h_pos - h_neg,0)
            dc = mo*dc + eta*np.mean((batch_X - v_neg),0)

            dW = dW + (eta*kl*np.dot(batch_X.T,np.tile(p-q,(batch_size,1))) / batch_size)
            dW = dW - l2*W
            db = db + eta*kl*(p-q)

            W = W + dW
            b = b + db
            c = c + dc

            obj = obj + np.sum((batch_X - v_neg)**2) / (X.shape[0])
            if obj > 1e10 or not np.isfinite(obj):
                print '\nLearning has diverged.'
                if os.path.isfile(save_file):
                    print 'Deleting %s' % save_file
                    print 'File deleted: %s' % ~os.path.isfile(save_file)
                return W,b,c
        print 'Iteration %d complete. Objective value: %s' % (i+1,obj)

        #Save out some results about timing/reconstruction error per epoch.
        if save_file is not None:

        #Plot some diagnostics for this epoch.
        if plotting:
            d.print_aligned((v_neg + m).T)

    return W,b,c