Пример #1
def createVariables(givenBoardCondition, k):
    #creating dictionaries for each resource to hold their resources
    whVariables = {}
    brVariables = {}
    woVariables = {}
    shVariables = {}
    variableDictionary = {}

    #Running through each list value in the given board condition and splitting them based on the operators to just leave variable names ie. W_31
    #Then creating a dictionary key value pair where the key is the variable name and the value is a Var with the variable name used as the
    # constructor value
    for node in givenBoardCondition:
        parts = node.replace(">>",
                             " ").replace("&", " ").replace("|", " ").replace(
                                 "(", " ").replace(")", " ").split()
        for variable in parts:
            #if variables are greater than k, they are not included in the final dictionary
            if (int(variable[3]) <= k + 1):
                if "wh" in variable.lower():
                    whVariables[variable] = Var(variable)
                if "wo" in variable.lower():
                    woVariables[variable] = Var(variable)
                if "br" in variable.lower():
                    brVariables[variable] = Var(variable)
                if "sh" in variable.lower():
                    shVariables[variable] = Var(variable)

    #Merging variable dictionaries into 1 master dictionary containing all variables
    variableDictionary = mergeDictionaries(variableDictionary, whVariables,
                                           woVariables, shVariables,
    return variableDictionary
Пример #2
def _parse_cnf(tokens: t.Iterable[str]) -> And[Or[Var]]:
    clauses = set()  # type: t.Set[Or[Var]]
    clause = set()  # type: t.Set[Var]
    for token in tokens:
        if token == '0':
            clause = set()
        elif token == '%':
            # Some example files end with:
            # 0
            # %
            # 0
            # I don't know why.
        elif token.startswith('-'):
            clause.add(Var(_parse_int(token[1:]), False))
    if clause:
        # A file may or may not end with a 0
        # Adding an empty clause is not desirable
    sentence = And(clauses)
    NNF._is_CNF_loose.set(sentence, True)
    return sentence
Пример #3
def load(fp: t.TextIO,
         var_labels: t.Optional[t.Dict[int, Name]] = None) -> NNF:
    """Load a sentence from an open file.

    An optional ``var_labels`` dictionary can map integers to other names.
    def decode_name(num: int) -> Name:
        if var_labels is not None:
            return var_labels[num]
        return num

    fmt, nodecount, edges, varcount = fp.readline().split()
    node_specs = dict(enumerate(line.split() for line in fp))
    assert fmt == 'nnf'
    nodes = {}  # type: t.Dict[int, NNF]
    for num, spec in node_specs.items():
        if spec[0] == 'L':
            if spec[1].startswith('-'):
                nodes[num] = Var(decode_name(int(spec[1][1:])), False)
                nodes[num] = Var(decode_name(int(spec[1])))
        elif spec[0] == 'A':
            nodes[num] = And(nodes[int(n)] for n in spec[2:])
        elif spec[0] == 'O':
            nodes[num] = Or(nodes[int(n)] for n in spec[3:])
            raise ValueError("Can't parse line {}: {}".format(num, spec))
    if int(nodecount) == 0:
        raise ValueError("The sentence doesn't have any nodes.")
    return nodes[int(nodecount) - 1]
Пример #4
def create_variables(givenBoardCondition):
    #creating dictionaries for each resource to hold their resources
    whVariables = {}
    brVariables = {}
    woVariables = {}
    shVariables = {}
    variableDictionary = {}

    #Running through each list value in the given board condition and splitting them based on the operators to just leave variable names ie. W_31
    #Then creating a dictionary key value pair where the key is the variable name and the value is a Var with the variable name used as the
    # constructor value
    for node in givenBoardCondition:
        parts = node.replace(">>",
                             " ").replace("&", " ").replace("|", " ").replace(
                                 "(", " ").replace(")", " ").split()
        for variable in parts:
            if "wh" in variable.lower():
                whVariables[parts[variable]] = Var(parts[variable])
            if "wo" in variable.lower():
                woVariables[parts[variable]] = Var(parts[variable])
            if "br" in variable.lower():
                brVariables[parts[variable]] = Var(parts[variable])
            if "sh" in variable.lower():
                shVariables[parts[variable]] = Var(parts[variable])

    #Merging variable dictionaries into 1 master dictionary containing all variables
    variableDictionary = merge_dictionaries(merge_dictionaries, whVariables)
    variableDictionary = merge_dictionaries(merge_dictionaries, whVariables)
    variableDictionary = merge_dictionaries(merge_dictionaries, whVariables)
    variableDictionary = merge_dictionaries(merge_dictionaries, whVariables)

    return variableDictionary
Пример #5
def test_implicates_implicants_negation_rule_example():
    """These failed an old version of the previous test. See issue #3."""
    sentence = Or({And({~Var(1), Var(2)}), And({~Var(3), Var(1)})})
    assert (sentence.negate().implicants().negate().children >=
    assert (sentence.negate().implicates().negate().children <=
Пример #6
def set_initial_state(grid_setup):
    Sets the inital state of a grid

    @param grid_setup: a 5x5 2-dimensional list of a grid state
    grid_range = range(5)  # A range variable used to iterate through the grid

    # Instantiates Var objects for u, m and s cases for the 5x5 grid
    for i in grid_range:
        for j in grid_range:
            # These create objects for each condition and state in the form
            # mij, uij and sij. For example, m12 would be the condition that
            # the square at coordinates (1, 2) is a bomb (coords start at (0, 0))
            m[i].append(Var('m' + str(i) + str(j)))
            u[i].append(Var('u' + str(i) + str(j)))
            s[i].append(Var('s' + str(i) + str(j)))

            # Each square's state is checked and constraints are added
            # The if conditional is used to ignore the center square since
            # we don't need constrainsts for it
            if not (i == 2 and j == 2):
                state = grid_setup[i][j]
                # Raises an exception if a square has an illegal value
                if not (-2 <= state <= 8):
                    raise Exception(
                        'error: each square of the grid must have a'
                        ' value between -2 and 8 inclusive. Square '
                        '[%d][%d] has a value of %d' % (i, j, state))

                if state == -2:  # mine

                if state == -1:  # unknown

                if state > -1:  # revealed square

    # Initializing x and y cases
    for i in grid_range:
        for j in grid_range:
            # We are only initializing the x and y truth values for the inner
            # 9 squares
            # The outer ring of squares can sometimes be determined for x and
            # y values, but that is beyond our scope
            if 0 < i < 4 and 0 < j < 4:
                set_X_truth(grid_setup, i, j)
                set_Y_truth(grid_setup, i, j)
                x[i].append(Var("x" + str(i) + str(j)))
                y[i].append(Var("y" + str(i) + str(j)))
Пример #7
def rand_var(multi, sets=[1, 1, 2], val=None):
    x = 100000000

    if multi == sets[0]:
        return Var(str(rand(x))) | Var(str(rand(x)))  # 75%
    elif multi > sets[2]:
        return Var(str(rand(x))) & Var(str(rand(x)))  # 25%

    return val  # 50%
Пример #8
 def __init__(self,size,id):
     self.position = {}  # Position of the final ships
     self.startPosition = {}  # Used to determine the independent positions of the starting ships
     self.hInterPosition = {}  # Board for a ship's placed position that are not the starting position
     self.vInterPosition = {}  # Board for a ship's placed position that are not the starting position
     # Sizes of ship (only one can be true per ship object)
     self.size2 = Var("%d%s" % (id, "size2"))  # Destroyer
     self.size3 = Var("%d%s" % (id, "size3"))  # Cruiser or Submarine
     self.size4 = Var("%d%s" % (id, "size4"))  # Battleship
     # self.size5 = Var("%d%s" % (id, "size5"))
     self.horizontal = Var("%d%s" % (id, "horizontal"))  # Horizontal if true, vertical if false
     self.vertical = Var("%d%s" % (id,"vertical"))  # Vertical if true, horizontal if false (redundant but both vars exist to help with more readable code)
     for i in range(size):
         for j in range(size):
             # var for coordinate should be true if the starting ship coordinate is at that (x, y) position
             self.startPosition[(i + 1,j + 1)] = Var("%ds(%d,%d)" % (id, i + 1, j + 1))
     for i in range(size):
         for j in range(size):
             # var for coordinate should be true if the remainder of the ships's coordinates are at that (x, y) position and the ship is placed horizontally
             self.hInterPosition[(i + 1,j + 1)] = Var("%dh(%d,%d)" % (id, i + 1, j + 1))
     for i in range(size):
         for j in range(size):
             # var for coordinate should be true if the remainder of the ships's coordinates are at that (x, y) position and the ship is placed vertically
             self.vInterPosition[(i + 1,j + 1)] = Var("%dv(%d,%d)" % (id, i + 1, j + 1))
     for i in range(size):
         for j in range(size):
             # var for coordinate should be true if there is a ship part on the coordinate's (x, y) position
             self.position[(i + 1,j + 1)] = Var("(%d,%d)" % (i + 1, j + 1))
Пример #9
def count_builder(name):
  Count = []
  for i in range(BOARD_SIZE**2):
    for j in range((BOARD_SIZE**2)+1):

  Total_Count = []
  for i in range(BOARD_SIZE**2+1):
  return Count, Total_Count
Пример #10
    def check_correct(self):
        var = []
        ret_string = ""
        chars = list(self.characters.keys())
        sentence_vals = {x: False for x in chars}


        for char in chars:

        weapon = self.characters['weapon'].goals['murderweapon'].points
        sus_weapon = self.characters['weapon'].goals['suspectedweapon'].points
        location = self.characters['location'].goals['murderlocation'].points
        sus_location = self.characters['location'].goals['suspectedlocation'].points

        for char in chars:
            if self.characters[char].goals['issuspect'].points == 1:
                sus_killer = char
            if self.characters[char].goals['iskiller'].points == 1:
                killer = char

        w = Var('weapon')
        l = Var('location')

        sentence = And({w, l, Or(tuple(var))})

        if killer == sus_killer:
            sentence_vals[killer] = True
            ret_string += "You got the killer!\n"
            ret_string += "The killer got away!\n"

        if weapon == sus_weapon:
            sentence_vals['weapon'] = True
            ret_string += "You correctly identified the weapon!\n"
            ret_string += "You didn't identify the murder weapon correctly.\n"

        if location == sus_location:
            sentence_vals['location'] = True
            ret_string += "You deduced the correct location!\n\n"
            ret_string += "The murder took place in another location.\n\n"

        if sentence.satisfied_by(sentence_vals):
            ret_string += "Congratulations, you solved the mystery!\n"
            ret_string += "Unfortunately, you didn't solve the mystery completely.\n"

        return ret_string
Пример #11
    def process_node(node: NNF) -> Var:

        if isinstance(node, Var):
            return node

        assert isinstance(node, Internal)

        children = {process_node(c) for c in node.children}

        if len(children) == 1:
            [child] = children
            return child

        aux = Var.aux()

        if any(~var in children for var in children):
            if isinstance(node, And):

        elif isinstance(node, And):
            clauses.append(Or({~c for c in children} | {aux}))
            for c in children:
                clauses.append(Or({~aux, c}))

        elif isinstance(node, Or):
            clauses.append(Or(children | {~aux}))
            for c in children:
                clauses.append(Or({~c, aux}))

            raise TypeError(node)

        return aux
Пример #12
def _parse_sat(tokens: 't.Deque[str]') -> NNF:
    cur = tokens.popleft()
    if cur == '(':
        content = _parse_sat(tokens)
        close = tokens.popleft()
        if close != ')':
            raise DecodeError(
                "Expected closing paren, found {!r}".format(close))
        return content
    elif cur == '-':
        content = _parse_sat(tokens)
        if not isinstance(content, Var):
            raise DecodeError(
                "Only variables can be negated, not {!r}".format(content))
        return ~content
    elif cur == '*(':
        children = []
        while tokens[0] != ')':
        if children:
            return And(children)
            return true
    elif cur == '+(':
        children = []
        while tokens[0] != ')':
        if children:
            return Or(children)
            return false
        return Var(_parse_int(cur))
Пример #13
def set_Y_truth(grid_setup, i, j):
    Sets the y truth values a given square in a grid

    @param grid_setup: 5x5 2-dimensional list of a grid state
           i: row number of the square
           j: column number of the square

    # This constant list is used to quickly get the coordinates of adjacent squares
    coords = [[i - 1, j - 1], [i - 1, j], [i - 1, j + 1], [i, j - 1],
              [i, j + 1], [i + 1, j - 1], [i + 1, j], [i + 1, j + 1]]
    counter = 0  # Used for counting the number of adjacent mines or unknown squares

    for n in range(len(coords)):
        adjacent_square = grid_setup[coords[n][0]][coords[n][1]]
        # The following conditional checks if the nth adjacent square is a mine
        # or unknown
        if adjacent_square == -1 or adjacent_square == -2:
            counter += 1

    # Instantiates the y condition at the given coordinate and sets a constraint
    # for it
    y[i].append(Var("y" + str(i) + str(j)))
    if grid_setup[i][j] == counter:
Пример #14
def set_X_truth(grid_setup, i, j):
    Sets the x truth values a given square in a grid

    @param grid_setup: 5x5 2-dimensional list of a grid state
           i: row number of the square
           j: column number of the square

    # This constant list is used to quickly get the coordinates of adjacent squares
    coords = [[i - 1, j - 1], [i - 1, j], [i - 1, j + 1], [i, j - 1],
              [i, j + 1], [i + 1, j - 1], [i + 1, j], [i + 1, j + 1]]
    counter = 0  # Used for counting the number of adjacent mines

    for n in range(len(coords)):
        adjacent_row = coords[n][0]
        adjacent_col = coords[n][1]
        # The following conditional checks if the nth adjacent square is a mine
        if grid_setup[adjacent_row][adjacent_col] == -2:
            counter += 1

    # Instantiates a Var object for the x condition at the given coordinate and
    # sets a constraint for it
    x[i].append(Var("x" + str(i) + str(j)))
    if grid_setup[i][j] == counter:
Пример #15
def unpack_variables(T, propositions) -> list:
    """ Returns a list of all variable inputs for building a constraint

    T : tuple
    propositions : defaultdict(weakref.WeakValueDictionary)

    inputs : list
        List of inputs with only unqiue variables returned.

    inputs = set()

    for var in T:

        if hasattr(var, '__qualname__'):
            if var.__qualname__ in propositions:
                cls = var.__qualname__
                for instance_id in propositions[cls]:

            elif classname(var) in propositions:
                cls = classname(var)
                for instance_id in propositions[cls]:
                    obj = propositions[cls][instance_id]
                    # apply method to object to get return values
                    ret = set(flatten([var(obj)]))
                    # check return values are valid inputs
                    res = unpack_variables(ret, propositions)
                    # add nnf.Var attribute of object

        # if object, add its nnf.Var attribute
        elif hasattr(var, '_var'):

        # if nnf.Var object
        elif isinstance(var, Var):

        elif isinstance(var, (list, tuple, set)):
            inputs.update(unpack_variables(var, propositions))
            if isinstance(var, core.CustomNNF):
                    f"Provided input {var} is a literal, not a variable.")
                # convert to nnf.Var
            except Exception as e:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Provided input {var} is not of an annotated class or method,"
                    " instance of such as class or method, or of type nnf.Var."
                    " Attempted conversion of {var} to nnf.Var also failed and"
                    f" yielded the following error message: {e}")
    return list(inputs)
Пример #16
def clone_varset(models, model_vars, varset):
    clones = {}
    for m in models:
        bitvec = model_to_bitvec(m, model_vars)
        clones[bitvec] = {}
        for v in varset:
            clones[bitvec][v] = Var(model_to_varclone(m, model_vars, v))
    return clones
Пример #17
def init_vars(name):
  grid = []
  for i in range(size):
    row = []
    for j in range(size):
  return grid
Пример #18
 def __init__(self, size):
     # Player board standardized to 6x6 for now due to computing limitations
     # May be used for any encoding assessing hits
     self.hit_board = {}
     for i in range(size):
         for j in range(size):
             # var for coordinate is true if the (x, y) position is hit
             self.hit_board[(i + 1,j + 1)] = Var("(%d,%d)" % (i + 1,j + 1))
Пример #19
 def test_dsharp_compile_converting_names(sentence: And[Or[Var]]):
     sentence = And(
         Or(Var(str(var.name), var.true) for var in clause)
         for clause in sentence)
     compiled = dsharp.compile(sentence)
     assert all(isinstance(name, str) for name in compiled.vars())
     if sentence.satisfiable():
         assert sentence.equivalent(compiled)
Пример #20
def example_theory():
    variables = createVariables(givenBoardCondition, k)

    #overall variables for overall node types and winning condition
    Wh = Var("Wh")
    Wo = Var("Wo")
    Sh = Var("Sh")
    Br = Var("Br")
    W = Var("W")

    #create variable arrays
    wood, wheat, sheep, brick = createVariableLists(variables)
    tree = buildTree(variables, createImplicationList(givenBoardCondition, k))
    rowVariables = variablesToRows(variables)

    E = Encoding()
    #Making Constraints based on board condition
    E = createBoardConstraints(givenBoardCondition, variables, E, k)
    #Adding constraint for winning condition
    E.add_constraint(W.negate() | (Wh & Wo & Sh & Br))
    #Setting W to always true so that the solver tries to find a winning model

    E = setOverallVariablesTrueOrFalse(Wh, Wo, Br, Sh, variables, wood, wheat,
                                       sheep, brick, E, S)
    E = leaf_constraints(
            findAllParents(tree, createImplicationList(givenBoardCondition,
                                                       k))), E, variables)
    E = implementRequiredNodes(S, E, Wo, Wh, Sh, Br)
    E = rowVariablesToConstraints(rowVariables, E)
    return E
Пример #21
def kemeny(votes):
    labels = collections.Counter()
    for vote in votes:
        for name, truthiness in order_to_model(vote).items():
            labels[Var(name, truthiness)] += 1
    return {
        for model in amc.maxplus_reduce(lin(votes[0]), labels).models()
Пример #22
    def __init__(self):
        self.schedule = {}

        for time in range(num_time_slots):
            for processor in range(num_processors):
                for process in range(num_processes):
                    self.schedule[time, processor,
                                  process] = Var('schedule_' + str(time) +
                                                 '_' + str(processor) + '_' +
Пример #23
def slater(votes):
    totals = collections.Counter()
    for vote in votes:
        for name, truthiness in order_to_model(vote).items():
            totals[Var(name, truthiness)] += 1
    labels = {}
    for var in totals:
        labels[var] = 1 if totals[var] > totals[~var] else 0
    return {
        for model in amc.maxplus_reduce(lin(votes[0]), labels).models()
Пример #24
def set_up_props():
    """Initializes the propositions to be used by the model"""
    #loop through all stops
    for i in range(len(stop_info)):
        #set up propositions for travel
        location = stop_info[i]["location"]
        drive[location] = Var('drive from ' + location)
        transit[location] = Var('take transit from ' + location)
        plane[location] = Var('take a plane from ' + location)
        #set up other delay propositions
        roadwork[location] = Var('roadwork happening on the path from ' +
        accident[location] = Var('accident on the path from ' + location)
        toll[location] = Var('tolls on the path from ' + location)
        #set up weather propositions
        sunny[location] = Var('sunny from ' + location)
        rainy[location] = Var('rainy from ' + location)
        snowstorm[location] = Var('snowstorm from ' + location)
 def build_negated_solution_nnf(self):
     nnf = None
     # Suppose our solution is {a=True, b=False, c=True}.
     # We could construct ~(a&~b&c), but the NNF library
     # would then have to perform the outer negation for us.
     # We can instead construct something that's already
     # in NNF, which is equivalent to what the NNF library
     # would give us: ~a|b|~c
     for prop,assignment in self.soln.items():
         var = Var(prop, true=not assignment)
         if nnf is None:
             nnf = var
             nnf |= var
     return nnf
Пример #26
    def __init__(self, pilot_id, start):
        # Name the pilots starting at A, B, ...
        self.pilot_id = chr(pilot_id + 65)
        self.starting_airport = start

        # Increase static counter
        Pilot.count += 1

        self.location = []

        # Initialize array of Var's for each pilot representing their location
        for timestep in range(N_TIMESTEPS):
            airports = []
            for num in range(N_AIRPORTS):
                airport = Airport(num)
Пример #27
def test_dimacs_cnf_serialize():
    sample_input = """c Example CNF format file
p cnf 4 3
1 3 -4 0
4 0 2
    assert dimacs.loads(sample_input) == And(
        {Or({Var(1), Var(3), ~Var(4)}),
         Or({Var(2), ~Var(3)})})
Пример #28
def test_forget(sentence: nnf.NNF):
    # Assumption to reduce the time in testing
    assume(sentence.size() <= 15)

    # Test that forgetting a backbone variable doesn't change the theory
    T = sentence & Var('added_var')
    assert sentence.equivalent(T.forget({'added_var'}))

    # Test the tseitin projection
    assert sentence.equivalent(sentence.to_CNF().forget_aux())

    # Test that models of a projected theory are consistent with the original
    names = list(sentence.vars())[:2]
    T = sentence.forget(names)
    assert not any([v in T.vars() for v in names])

    for m in T.models():
        assert sentence.condition(m).satisfiable()
Пример #29
def test_dimacs_sat_serialize():
    # http://www.domagoj-babic.com/uploads/ResearchProjects/Spear/dimacs-cnf.pdf
    sample_input = """c Sample SAT format
p sat 4
(*(+(1 3 -4)
   +(2 3)))
    assert dimacs.loads(sample_input) == And(
        {Or({Var(1), Var(3), ~Var(4)}),
         Or({Var(2), Var(3)})})
Пример #30
def test_storing_function_constraint():
    # assert failures when creating,
    # add_method(e) with no arguments
    # add_implies_all(e) with no left or right
    # add_at_most_k with incorrect k
    test = Var('test')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        constraint.add_at_most_k(b, 0)
        constraint.add_implies_all(b, left=[], right=[test])
    assert len(b.constraints) == 0

    constraint.add_implies_all(b, left=test, right=test)
    assert len(b.constraints) == 1
    for c in b.constraints:
        assert c._constraint is cbuilder.implies_all
        assert c._left == c._right
        assert c._left == (test, )