def fanchq_extract(face_type, *args, **kwargs): fanchq = self.fanchq_by_face_type.get(face_type, None) if self.fanchq_by_face_type.get(face_type, None) is None: fanchq = TernausNet("FANCHQ", self.fanchq_input_size , FaceType.toString( face_type ) ) self.fanchq_by_face_type[face_type] = fanchq return fanchq.extract(*args, **kwargs)
def fanseg_extract(face_type, *args, **kwargs): fanseg = self.fanseg_by_face_type.get(face_type, None) if self.fanseg_by_face_type.get(face_type, None) is None: fanseg = TernausNet("FANSeg", self.fanseg_input_size , FaceType.toString( face_type ) ) self.fanseg_by_face_type[face_type] = fanseg return fanseg.extract(*args, **kwargs)
def onInitialize(self): exec(nnlib.import_all(), locals(), globals()) self.set_vram_batch_requirements( {1.5:4, 11:48} ) self.resolution = 256 self.face_type = FaceType.FULL if self.options['face_type'] == 'f' else FaceType.HALF model_name = 'FANSeg' model_name = 'FANCHQ' self.fan_seg = TernausNet(model_name, self.resolution, FaceType.toString(self.face_type), load_weights=not self.is_first_run(), weights_file_root=self.get_model_root_path(), training=True) if self.is_training_mode: t = SampleProcessor.Types face_type = t.FACE_TYPE_FULL if self.options['face_type'] == 'f' else t.FACE_TYPE_HALF self.set_training_data_generators ([ SampleGeneratorFace(self.training_data_src_path, debug=self.is_debug(), batch_size=self.batch_size, sample_process_options=SampleProcessor.Options(random_flip=True), output_sample_types=[ { 'types': (t.IMG_WARPED_TRANSFORMED, face_type, t.MODE_BGR), 'resolution' : self.resolution, 'motion_blur':(25, 5), 'gaussian_blur':(25,5), 'border_replicate':False, 'random_hsv_shift' : True }, { 'types': (t.IMG_WARPED_TRANSFORMED, face_type, t.MODE_M), 'resolution': self.resolution }, ]), SampleGeneratorFace(self.training_data_dst_path, debug=self.is_debug(), batch_size=self.batch_size, sample_process_options=SampleProcessor.Options(random_flip=True ), output_sample_types=[ { 'types': (t.IMG_TRANSFORMED , face_type, t.MODE_BGR), 'resolution' : self.resolution, 'random_hsv_shift' : True}, ]) ])
def on_initialize(self, client_dict): self.type = client_dict['type'] self.image_size = client_dict['image_size'] self.face_type = client_dict['face_type'] self.max_faces_from_image = client_dict['max_faces_from_image'] self.device_idx = client_dict['device_idx'] self.cpu_only = client_dict['device_type'] == 'CPU' self.final_output_path = Path(client_dict['final_output_dir']) if 'final_output_dir' in client_dict.keys() else None self.debug_dir = client_dict['debug_dir'] #transfer and set stdin in order to work code.interact in debug subprocess stdin_fd = client_dict['stdin_fd'] if stdin_fd is not None and DEBUG: sys.stdin = os.fdopen(stdin_fd) self.cached_image = (None, None) self.e = None device_config = nnlib.DeviceConfig ( cpu_only=self.cpu_only, force_gpu_idx=self.device_idx, allow_growth=True) self.device_vram = device_config.gpu_vram_gb[0] intro_str = 'Running on %s.' % (client_dict['device_name']) if not self.cpu_only and self.device_vram <= 2: intro_str += " Recommended to close all programs using this device." self.log_info (intro_str) if 'rects' in self.type: if self.type == 'rects-mt': nnlib.import_all (device_config) self.e = facelib.MTCExtractor() elif self.type == 'rects-dlib': nnlib.import_dlib (device_config) self.e = facelib.DLIBExtractor(nnlib.dlib) elif self.type == 'rects-s3fd': nnlib.import_all (device_config) self.e = facelib.S3FDExtractor() else: raise ValueError ("Wrong type.") if self.e is not None: self.e.__enter__() elif self.type == 'landmarks': nnlib.import_all (device_config) self.e = facelib.FANExtractor() self.e.__enter__() if self.device_vram >= 2: self.second_pass_e = facelib.S3FDExtractor() self.second_pass_e.__enter__() else: self.second_pass_e = None elif self.type == 'fanseg': nnlib.import_all (device_config) self.e = TernausNet(256, FaceType.toString(FaceType.FULL) ) self.e.__enter__() elif self.type == 'final': pass
class Cli(Subprocessor.Cli): #override def on_initialize(self, client_dict): self.type = client_dict['type'] self.image_size = client_dict['image_size'] self.face_type = client_dict['face_type'] self.max_faces_from_image = client_dict['max_faces_from_image'] self.device_idx = client_dict['device_idx'] self.cpu_only = client_dict['device_type'] == 'CPU' self.final_output_path = Path( client_dict['final_output_dir'] ) if 'final_output_dir' in client_dict.keys() else None self.debug_dir = client_dict['debug_dir'] #transfer and set stdin in order to work code.interact in debug subprocess stdin_fd = client_dict['stdin_fd'] if stdin_fd is not None and DEBUG: sys.stdin = os.fdopen(stdin_fd) self.cached_image = (None, None) self.e = None device_config = nnlib.DeviceConfig(cpu_only=self.cpu_only, force_gpu_idx=self.device_idx, allow_growth=True) self.device_vram = device_config.gpu_vram_gb[0] intro_str = 'Running on %s.' % (client_dict['device_name']) if not self.cpu_only and self.device_vram <= 2: intro_str += " Recommended to close all programs using this device." self.log_info(intro_str) if 'rects' in self.type: if self.type == 'rects-mt': nnlib.import_all(device_config) self.e = facelib.MTCExtractor() elif self.type == 'rects-dlib': nnlib.import_dlib(device_config) self.e = facelib.DLIBExtractor(nnlib.dlib) elif self.type == 'rects-s3fd': nnlib.import_all(device_config) self.e = facelib.S3FDExtractor(do_dummy_predict=True) else: raise ValueError("Wrong type.") if self.e is not None: self.e.__enter__() elif self.type == 'landmarks': nnlib.import_all(device_config) self.e = facelib.FANExtractor() self.e.__enter__() if self.device_vram >= 2: self.second_pass_e = facelib.S3FDExtractor( do_dummy_predict=False) self.second_pass_e.__enter__() else: self.second_pass_e = None elif self.type == 'fanseg': nnlib.import_all(device_config) self.e = TernausNet(256, FaceType.toString(FaceType.FULL)) self.e.__enter__() elif self.type == 'final': pass #override def on_finalize(self): if self.e is not None: self.e.__exit__() #override def process_data(self, data): filename_path = Path(data.filename) filename_path_str = str(filename_path) if self.cached_image[0] == filename_path_str: image = self.cached_image[ 1] #cached image for manual extractor else: image = cv2_imread(filename_path_str) if image is None: self.log_err( 'Failed to extract %s, reason: cv2_imread() fail.' % (str(filename_path))) return data image = imagelib.normalize_channels(image, 3) h, w, ch = image.shape wm, hm = w % 2, h % 2 if wm + hm != 0: #fix odd image image = image[0:h - hm, 0:w - wm, :] self.cached_image = (filename_path_str, image) src_dflimg = None h, w, ch = image.shape if h == w: #extracting from already extracted jpg image? if filename_path.suffix == '.png': src_dflimg = DFLPNG.load(str(filename_path)) if filename_path.suffix == '.jpg': src_dflimg = DFLJPG.load(str(filename_path)) if 'rects' in self.type: if min(w, h) < 128: self.log_err('Image is too small %s : [%d, %d]' % (str(filename_path), w, h)) data.rects = [] else: for rot in ([0, 90, 270, 180]): data.rects_rotation = rot if rot == 0: rotated_image = image elif rot == 90: rotated_image = image.swapaxes(0, 1)[:, ::-1, :] elif rot == 180: rotated_image = image[::-1, ::-1, :] elif rot == 270: rotated_image = image.swapaxes(0, 1)[::-1, :, :] rects = data.rects = self.e.extract(rotated_image, is_bgr=True) if len(rects) != 0: break if self.max_faces_from_image != 0 and len(data.rects) > 1: data.rects = data.rects[0:self.max_faces_from_image] return data elif self.type == 'landmarks': if data.rects_rotation == 0: rotated_image = image elif data.rects_rotation == 90: rotated_image = image.swapaxes(0, 1)[:, ::-1, :] elif data.rects_rotation == 180: rotated_image = image[::-1, ::-1, :] elif data.rects_rotation == 270: rotated_image = image.swapaxes(0, 1)[::-1, :, :] data.landmarks = self.e.extract( rotated_image, data.rects, self.second_pass_e if (src_dflimg is None and data.landmarks_accurate) else None, is_bgr=True) if data.rects_rotation != 0: for i, (rect, lmrks) in enumerate(zip(data.rects, data.landmarks)): new_rect, new_lmrks = rect, lmrks (l, t, r, b) = rect if data.rects_rotation == 90: new_rect = (t, h - l, b, h - r) if lmrks is not None: new_lmrks = lmrks[:, ::-1].copy() new_lmrks[:, 1] = h - new_lmrks[:, 1] elif data.rects_rotation == 180: if lmrks is not None: new_rect = (w - l, h - t, w - r, h - b) new_lmrks = lmrks.copy() new_lmrks[:, 0] = w - new_lmrks[:, 0] new_lmrks[:, 1] = h - new_lmrks[:, 1] elif data.rects_rotation == 270: new_rect = (w - b, l, w - t, r) if lmrks is not None: new_lmrks = lmrks[:, ::-1].copy() new_lmrks[:, 0] = w - new_lmrks[:, 0] data.rects[i], data.landmarks[i] = new_rect, new_lmrks return data elif self.type == 'final': data.final_output_files = [] rects = data.rects landmarks = data.landmarks if self.debug_dir is not None: debug_output_file = str( Path(self.debug_dir) / (filename_path.stem + '.jpg')) debug_image = image.copy() if src_dflimg is not None and len(rects) != 1: #if re-extracting from dflimg and more than 1 or zero faces detected - dont process and just copy it print("src_dflimg is not None and len(rects) != 1", str(filename_path)) output_file = str(self.final_output_path / if str(filename_path) != str(output_file): shutil.copy(str(filename_path), str(output_file)) data.final_output_files.append(output_file) else: face_idx = 0 for rect, image_landmarks in zip(rects, landmarks): if src_dflimg is not None and face_idx > 1: #cannot extract more than 1 face from dflimg break if image_landmarks is None: continue rect = np.array(rect) if self.face_type == FaceType.MARK_ONLY: image_to_face_mat = None face_image = image face_image_landmarks = image_landmarks else: image_to_face_mat = LandmarksProcessor.get_transform_mat( image_landmarks, self.image_size, self.face_type) face_image = cv2.warpAffine( image, image_to_face_mat, (self.image_size, self.image_size), cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) face_image_landmarks = LandmarksProcessor.transform_points( image_landmarks, image_to_face_mat) landmarks_bbox = LandmarksProcessor.transform_points( [(0, 0), (0, self.image_size - 1), (self.image_size - 1, self.image_size - 1), (self.image_size - 1, 0)], image_to_face_mat, True) rect_area = mathlib.polygon_area( np.array(rect[[0, 2, 2, 0]]), np.array(rect[[1, 1, 3, 3]])) landmarks_area = mathlib.polygon_area( landmarks_bbox[:, 0], landmarks_bbox[:, 1]) if landmarks_area > 4 * rect_area: #get rid of faces which umeyama-landmark-area > 4*detector-rect-area continue if self.debug_dir is not None: LandmarksProcessor.draw_rect_landmarks( debug_image, rect, image_landmarks, self.image_size, self.face_type, transparent_mask=True) if src_dflimg is not None and filename_path.suffix == '.jpg': #if extracting from dflimg and jpg copy it in order not to lose quality output_file = str(self.final_output_path / if str(filename_path) != str(output_file): shutil.copy(str(filename_path), str(output_file)) else: output_file = '{}_{}{}'.format( str(self.final_output_path / filename_path.stem), str(face_idx), '.jpg') cv2_imwrite(output_file, face_image, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 85]) DFLJPG.embed_data( output_file, face_type=FaceType.toString(self.face_type), landmarks=face_image_landmarks.tolist(),, source_rect=rect, source_landmarks=image_landmarks.tolist(), image_to_face_mat=image_to_face_mat, pitch_yaw_roll=data.pitch_yaw_roll) data.final_output_files.append(output_file) face_idx += 1 data.faces_detected = face_idx if self.debug_dir is not None: cv2_imwrite(debug_output_file, debug_image, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 50]) return data elif self.type == 'fanseg': if src_dflimg is not None: fanseg_mask = self.e.extract(image / 255.0) src_dflimg.embed_and_set( filename_path_str, fanseg_mask=fanseg_mask, ) #overridable def get_data_name(self, data): #return string identificator of your data return data.filename
class Model(ModelBase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs, ask_enable_autobackup=False, ask_write_preview_history=False, ask_target_iter=False, ask_sort_by_yaw=False, ask_random_flip=False, ask_src_scale_mod=False) #override def onInitializeOptions(self, is_first_run, ask_override): default_face_type = 'f' if is_first_run: self.options['face_type'] = io.input_str( "Half or Full face? (h/f, ?:help skip:f) : ", default_face_type, ['h', 'f'], help_message="").lower() else: self.options['face_type'] = self.options.get( 'face_type', default_face_type) #override def onInitialize(self): exec(nnlib.import_all(), locals(), globals()) self.set_vram_batch_requirements({1.5: 4, 11: 48}) self.resolution = 256 self.face_type = FaceType.FULL if self.options[ 'face_type'] == 'f' else FaceType.HALF model_name = 'FANSeg' self.fan_seg = TernausNet(model_name, self.resolution, FaceType.toString(self.face_type), load_weights=not self.is_first_run(), weights_file_root=self.get_model_root_path(), training=True) if self.is_training_mode: t = SampleProcessor.Types face_type = t.FACE_TYPE_FULL if self.options[ 'face_type'] == 'f' else t.FACE_TYPE_HALF self.set_training_data_generators([ SampleGeneratorFace( self.training_data_src_path, debug=self.is_debug(), batch_size=self.batch_size, sample_process_options=SampleProcessor.Options( random_flip=True), output_sample_types=[ { 'types': (t.IMG_WARPED_TRANSFORMED, face_type, t.MODE_BGR), 'resolution': self.resolution, 'motion_blur': (25, 5), 'gaussian_blur': (25, 5), 'border_replicate': False, 'random_hsv_shift': True }, { 'types': (t.IMG_WARPED_TRANSFORMED, face_type, t.MODE_M), 'resolution': self.resolution }, ]), SampleGeneratorFace( self.training_data_dst_path, debug=self.is_debug(), batch_size=self.batch_size, sample_process_options=SampleProcessor.Options( random_flip=True), output_sample_types=[ { 'types': (t.IMG_TRANSFORMED, face_type, t.MODE_BGR), 'resolution': self.resolution, 'random_hsv_shift': True }, ]) ]) #override def onSave(self): self.fan_seg.save_weights() #override def onTrainOneIter(self, generators_samples, generators_list): target_src, target_src_mask = generators_samples[0] loss = self.fan_seg.train(target_src, target_src_mask) return (('loss', loss), ) #override def onGetPreview(self, sample): test_A = sample[0][0][0:4] #first 4 samples test_Am = sample[0][1][0:4] #first 4 samples test_B = sample[1][0][0:4] #first 4 samples mAA = self.fan_seg.extract(test_A) mBB = self.fan_seg.extract(test_B) test_Am = np.repeat(test_Am, (3, ), -1) mAA = np.repeat(mAA, (3, ), -1) mBB = np.repeat(mBB, (3, ), -1) st = [] for i in range(0, len(test_A)): st.append( np.concatenate(( test_A[i, :, :, 0:3], test_Am[i], mAA[i], test_A[i, :, :, 0:3] * mAA[i], ), axis=1)) st2 = [] for i in range(0, len(test_B)): st2.append( np.concatenate(( test_B[i, :, :, 0:3], mBB[i], test_B[i, :, :, 0:3] * mBB[i], ), axis=1)) return [ ('training data', np.concatenate(st, axis=0)), ('evaluating data', np.concatenate(st2, axis=0)), ]