Пример #1
    def instantiate(self, dram_wr_chn, noc_wr_chn, rd_chn, glb_depth,
        self.dram_wr_chn = dram_wr_chn
        self.noc_wr_chn = noc_wr_chn
        self.rd_chn = rd_chn
        self.chn_per_word = chn_per_word
        self.name = 'psum_glb'

        self.stat_type = 'show'
        self.raw_stats = {'size': (glb_depth, chn_per_word), 'rd': 0, 'wr': 0}

        self.sram = SRAM(glb_depth, chn_per_word, nports=2, name=self.name)
        self.last_read = Channel(3, name='last_read')

        self.filter_size = (0, 0)
        self.fmap_sets = 0
        self.fmap_per_iteration = 0

        self.rd_set = 0
        self.fmap_rd_idx = 0
        self.iteration = 0

        self.wr_set = 0
        self.fmap_wr_idx = 0
        self.wr_done = False
Пример #2
    def instantiate(self, wr_chn, rd_chn, glb_depth, chn_per_word):
        self.wr_chn = wr_chn
        self.rd_chn = rd_chn
        self.chn_per_word = chn_per_word
        self.glb_depth = glb_depth
        self.name = 'ifmap_glb'

        self.stat_type = 'show'
        self.raw_stats = {
            'size': (glb_depth, chn_per_word),
            'ifmap_glb_rd': 0,
            'ifmap_glb_wr': 0

        self.sram = SRAM(glb_depth, chn_per_word)
        self.last_read = Channel(3)

        self.image_size = (0, 0)
        self.filter_size = (0, 0)
        self.fmap_sets = 0
        self.fmap_per_iteration = 0

        self.curr_set = 0
        self.fmap_idx = 0
        self.iteration = 0
        self.wr_done = False
Пример #3
    def instantiate(self, wr_chn, rd_chn, glb_depth, chn_per_word):
        self.wr_chn = wr_chn
        self.rd_chn = rd_chn
        self.chn_per_word = chn_per_word
        self.name = 'ifmap_glb'

        self.stat_type = 'show'
        self.raw_stats = {'size' : (glb_depth, chn_per_word), 'rd': 0, 'wr': 0}

        self.sram = SRAM(glb_depth, chn_per_word, name=self.name)
        self.last_read = Channel(3, name='last_read')

        self.image_size = (0, 0)
        self.filter_size = (0, 0)
        self.fmap_sets = 0
        self.full_fmap_sets = 0
        self.fmap_per_iteration = 0

        self.curr_set = 0
        self.fmap_idx = 0
        self.iteration = 0
        self.tile_in = 0
        self.tile_out = 0
        self.wr_done = False
        self.task_done = True
Пример #4
    def instantiate(self, dram_wr_chn, noc_wr_chn, rd_chn, glb_depth,
                    block_size, num_nonzero):
        self.dram_wr_chn = dram_wr_chn
        self.noc_wr_chn = noc_wr_chn
        self.rd_chn = rd_chn
        self.name = 'psum_glb'
        self.block_size = block_size
        self.num_nonzero = num_nonzero

        self.stat_type = 'show'
        self.raw_stats = {'size': (glb_depth, block_size), 'rd': 0, 'wr': 0}

        self.sram = SRAM(glb_depth, block_size, nports=2, dtype=np.float16)
        self.last_read = Channel(3)

        self.filter_size = (0, 0)
        self.fmap_sets = 0
        self.fmap_per_iteration = 0

        self.rd_set = 0
        self.fmap_rd_idx = 0
        self.iteration = 0

        self.wr_set = 0
        self.fmap_wr_idx = 0
        self.wr_done = False
Пример #5
    def instantiate(self, wr_chn, rd_chn, glb_depth, block_size):
        self.wr_chn = wr_chn
        self.rd_chn = rd_chn
        self.name = 'weight_glb'

        self.filter_size = (0, 0)
        self.image_size = (0, 0)
        self.wr_done = False
        self.iteration = 0
        self.addr = 0
        self.in_chn = 0
        self.out_chn = 0
        #self.arr_y = 0
        #self.out_sets = 0
        self.block_size = block_size

        self.sram = SRAM(glb_depth, block_size)
        self.last_read = Channel(3)

        self.stat_type = 'show'
        self.raw_stats = {'size': (glb_depth, block_size), 'rd': 0, 'wr': 0}
Пример #6
    def instantiate(self, wr_chn, rd_chn, arr_y, glb_depth, block_size,
        self.wr_chn = wr_chn
        self.rd_chn = rd_chn
        self.arr_y = arr_y
        self.block_size = block_size
        self.num_nonzero = num_nonzero
        self.name = 'ifmap_glb'

        self.stat_type = 'show'
        self.raw_stats = {'size': (glb_depth, num_nonzero), 'rd': 0, 'wr': 0}

        self.sram = SRAM(glb_depth, num_nonzero * 3)
        self.last_read = Channel(3)
        self.glb_depth = glb_depth

        self.image_size = (0, 0)
        self.filter_size = (0, 0)
        self.fmap_sets = 0
        self.fmap_per_iteration = 0

        self.curr_set = 0
        self.fmap_idx = 0
        self.iteration = 0
        self.wr_done = False

        # For managing convolution
        self.curr_x = 0
        self.curr_y = 0
        self.curr_chn = 0
        self.request_idx = 0
        self.send_idx = 0
        #self.curr_filt_x = 0
        #self.curr_filt_y = 0
        self.ifmap_done = False

        self.needed_addr = 0
        self.ready_to_output = False  # ready to output a filter_size block of inputs
        self.curr_data = [0 for i in range(3 * num_nonzero)]
        self.data_idx = num_nonzero  # block other operations while actively working through data
Пример #7
    def instantiate(self, ifmap_wr_chn, ifmap_rd_chn, weights_wr_chn, weights_rd_chn,\
            arr_y, ifmap_glb_depth, weights_glb_depth, \
            block_size, num_nonzero):
        self.ifmap_wr_chn = ifmap_wr_chn
        self.ifmap_rd_chn = ifmap_rd_chn
        self.weights_wr_chn = weights_wr_chn
        self.weights_rd_chn = weights_rd_chn
        self.arr_y = arr_y
        self.block_size = block_size
        self.num_nonzero = num_nonzero
        self.name = 'ifmap_weights_glb'

        self.in_chn = 0
        self.out_chn = 0

        self.stat_type = 'show'
        self.raw_stats = {
            'size': (ifmap_glb_depth, num_nonzero * 3),
            'rd': 0,
            'wr': 0

        self.isram = SRAM(ifmap_glb_depth, num_nonzero * 3, dtype=np.float16)
        self.ilast_read = Channel(3)
        self.ifmap_glb_depth = ifmap_glb_depth

        self.wsram = SRAM(weights_glb_depth, block_size, dtype=np.float16)
        self.wlast_read = Channel(1)
        # Channel depth of one here prevents SRAM reads from colliding
        # was having issues with a later read 'replacing' an earlier one
        # and thus getting the wrong data
        # having only one extant write on an SRAM at a time prevents this
        self.weights_glb_depth = weights_glb_depth

        # Channel to hold indices of weights that need to be sent
        # to NoC
        self.weights_to_send = Channel(3)

        self.image_size = (0, 0)
        self.filter_size = (0, 0)
        self.fmap_sets = 0
        self.fmap_per_iteration = 0

        self.curr_set = 0
        self.fmap_idx = 0
        self.iteration = 0
        self.iwr_done = False
        self.wwr_done = False

        # For managing convolution
        self.curr_x = 0
        self.curr_y = 0
        self.curr_chn = 0
        self.request_idx = 0
        self.send_idx = 0
        #self.curr_filt_x = 0
        #self.curr_filt_y = 0
        self.ifmap_done = False

        # for weights
        self.addr = 0
        self.base_addr = 0  # to store values from self.weights_to_send
        self.base_addr_wo_chn = -1  # to keep track of current position within 3x3 filter

        # invalid weights and inputs to use at the end to flush out last outputs
        self.weights_to_flush = 0
        self.inputs_to_flush = 0

        self.needed_addr = 0
        self.ready_to_output = False  # ready to output a filter_size block of inputs
        self.curr_data = [0 for i in range(3 * num_nonzero)]
        self.curr_weights = [0 for i in range(block_size)]
        self.data_idx = num_nonzero  # block other operations while actively working through data