Пример #1
    #         rb[0:4], rb[4:8], rb[8:12], rb[12:16], rb[16:20], rb[20:24], rb[24:28], rb[28:32]))
    #     fl.flSleep(100)

    conduit = 1
    if argList.c:
        conduit = int(argList.c[0])

    isNeroCapable = fl.flIsNeroCapable(handle)
    isCommCapable = fl.flIsCommCapable(handle, conduit)
    fl.flSelectConduit(handle, conduit)
    if argList.f and not(isCommCapable):
        raise fl.FLException("Data file load requested but device at {} does not support CommFPGA".format(vp))

    if isCommCapable and fl.flIsFPGARunning(handle):
        fpga = NodeFPGA(handle)
        #Test setting LD Bias to 0.150A (channels 26, 27)
        curr = 0.150
        code = curr/(4.096*1.1*((1/6.81)+(1/16500)))*4096
        first_byte, second_byte = code2bytes(code)
        spi_data = [first_byte, second_byte]
        update_SPI(handle, [mem_map.getAddress('LCCa'),mem_map.getAddress('LCCb')], spi_data) ####
        #Test reading LD Bias (channels 64 and 65)
        rx_bias = read_SPI(handle, [100,101])
        for r in rx_bias:
            print "Bias bytes read: ", r
        print (rx_bias[1]*256 + rx_bias[0])/4096 * (4.096*1.1*((1/6.81)+(1/16500)))

        #Test writing/reading to LD Temp
        #TODO Constants are estimated; may need to verify with vendor
        R_known = 10000
Пример #2
def SPImain():
	argList = getArgs()
	handle = fl.FLHandle()
	    vp = argList['fpga_vid_pid_did']
	    print("Attempting to open connection to FPGALink device {}...".format(vp))
	        handle = fl.flOpen(vp)
	    except fl.FLException as ex:
            ivp = argList['fpga_vid_pid']
            print("Loading firmware into {}...".format(ivp))
            fl.flLoadStandardFirmware(ivp, vp)
            mem_map = mmap.Tester(ivp, vp)

            # Long delay for renumeration
            # TODO: fix this hack.  The timeout value specified in flAwaitDevice() below doesn't seem to work
            print("Awaiting renumeration...")
            if not fl.flAwaitDevice(vp, 10000):
                raise fl.FLException("FPGALink device did not renumerate properly as {}".format(vp))

            print("Attempting to open connection to FPGALink device {} again...".format(vp))
            handle = fl.flOpen(vp)
	    # if ( argList.d ):
	    #     print("Configuring ports...")
	    #     rb = "{:0{}b}".format(fl.flMultiBitPortAccess(handle, argList.d[0]), 32)
	    #     print("Readback:   28   24   20   16    12    8    4    0\n          {} {} {} {}  {} {} {} {}".format(
	    #         rb[0:4], rb[4:8], rb[8:12], rb[12:16], rb[16:20], rb[20:24], rb[24:28], rb[28:32]))
	    #     fl.flSleep(100)

	    conduit = 1

	    isNeroCapable = fl.flIsNeroCapable(handle)
	    isCommCapable = fl.flIsCommCapable(handle, conduit)
	    fl.flSelectConduit(handle, conduit)
	    if argList['dataToWrite'] != None and not(isCommCapable):
	        raise fl.FLException("Data file load requested but device at {} does not support CommFPGA".format(vp))

	    if isCommCapable and fl.flIsFPGARunning(handle):
	        fpga = NodeFPGA(handle)
            opt = Optimizer(handle, fpga)
	        #Test setting LD Bias to 0.150A (channels 26, 27)

            #this section of code looks like setLaserCurrent()

	        curr = 0.150
	        code = curr/(4.096*1.1*((1/6.81)+(1/16500)))*4096
	        first_byte, second_byte = opt.code2bytes(code)
	        spi_data = [first_byte, second_byte]
	        updateSPI(handle, [mem_map.getAddress('LCCa'), mem_map.getAddress('LCCb')], spi_data)
	        #Test reading LD Bias (channels 64 and 65)
	        rx_bias = readSPI(handle, [mem_map.getAddress('CC3a'), mem_map.getAddress('CC3b')])
	        for r in rx_bias:
	            print ("Bias bytes read: ", r)
	        print (rx_bias[1]*256 + rx_bias[0])/4096 * (4.096*1.1*((1/6.81)+(1/16500)))

	        #Test writing/reading to LD Temp
	        #TODO Constants are estimated; may need to verify with vendor
	        R_known = 10000
	        Vcc = 0.8
	        B = 3900
	        R_0 = 10000
	        T_0 = 25 
	        #writing temp 35C
	        T = 35
	        V_set = Vcc/(((m.exp(B/T)*(R_0 * m.exp(-B/T_0)))/R_known)+1)
	        V_code = opt.voltage2code(V_set) #convert voltage to code
	        fb, sb = opt.code2byte(V_code) #convert code to bytes
	        updateSPI(handle, [mem_map.getAddress('LTSa'),mem_map.getAddress('LTSb')], [fb, sb])

	        #reading temp
	        bytes__meas = readSPI(handle, [mem_map.getAddress('LTMa'),mem_map.getAddress('LTMb')]) #read ADC value
	        code_meas = bytes_meas[1]*256 + bytes_meas[0] #convert bytes to double
			V_meas = opt.code2voltage(code_meas) #convert ADC to voltage

	        R_t = R_known * (Vcc/V_meas - 1)
	        T = B/m.log(R_t/R_0 * m.exp(-B/T_0))
	        print ("Temp read: ", T)

	        #Test reading from RTD
	        A = 3.81e-3 #from datasheet
	        B = -6.02e-7 #from datasheet
	        R_t0 = 1000
	        T_bm = readSPI(handle, [mem_map.getAddress('TE1a'),mem_map.getAddress('TE1b')]) #temp code measured
			T_cm = 256*T_bm[1] + T_bm[0] #convert bytes to double
	        T_meas = opt.code2voltage(T_cm) #convert ADC to voltage
	        R_T = R_known * (Vcc/T_meas - 1)
	        C = 1 -( R_T/R_t0)
	        T_R = (-A + (A**2-(4*B*C))**0.5) / (2*B)
	        print ("RTD temp: ", T_R)
Пример #3
def NODECTRLmain():
    argList = getArgs()
    handle = fl.FLHandle()
        vp = argList['fpga_vid_pid_did']
        print("Attempting to open connection to FPGALink device {}...".format(vp))
            handle = fl.flOpen(vp)
        except fl.FLException as ex:
            handle = ids(vp, argList)
        isNeroCapable, isCommCapable = conduitSelection(1)
        jtagChain(isNeroCapable, argList, vp, handle)
        configure(argList, isNeroCapable, handle, vp)
        if argList['dataToWrite'] != None and not isCommCapable:
            raise fl.FLException("Data file load requested but device at {} does not support CommFPGA".format(vp))

        if isCommCapable and fl.flIsFPGARunning(handle):

            fpga = NodeFPGA(handle)
            # define channels
            ##must update these channels 
            writechannel = 0x02
            statuschannel = 0x05
            resetchannel = 0x08

            writedelay,num_bytes,trackingbyte = fpga.setModulatorParams(M)

            M = int(eval(argList['ppmOrder']))
            print ("Setting PPM order to: ",M)

            if argList['dataToWrite'] == None:

            delay = int(eval(argList['tx_delay']))
            print ("Setting transmitter loopback delay to %i (0x%X)"%(delay,delay))

            if argList['dac_setting'] != None:
                dacval = int(eval(argList['dac_setting']))
                print ("Setting DAC value to %i (0x%X)"%(dacval,dacval))

            if argList['prbs']:
                print ("Enabling PRBS")

                print ("Disabling PRBS")

            if argList['peak_power'] != None:
                obslength = float(argList['peak_power'])
                print ("Measuring peak power...")
                peakDAC = fpga.binSearchPeak(M,target=1.0/M,obslength=obslength)
                print ("  DAC = %i"%peakDAC)

            if argList['ser'] != None:
                obslength = float(argList['ser'])
                print ("Measuring slot error rate...")
                cycles,errors,ones,ser = fpga.measureSER(obslength=obslength)
                print (" cycles = 0x%-12X"%(cycles))
                print (" errors = 0x%-12X"%(errors))
                print (" ones   = 0x%-12X target=0x%-12X"%(ones,cycles/M))
                print (" SlotER = %e"%(ser))

            dataToWrite(argList, fpga, writechannel, resetchannel, statuschannel, writedelay, vp, M, num_bytes)
            #alg testing goes here, but alg is not up to date!!
            #opt_alg(argList, fpga)
    except fl.FLException as ex:
Пример #4
def main():
    argList = get_args()
    print (argList)
    handle = fl.FLHandle()
        vp = argList.v[0]
        print("Attempting to open connection to FPGALink device {}...".format(vp))
            handle = fl.flOpen(vp)
        except fl.FLException as ex:
            handle = ids(vp, argList)
        if argList.c:
            isNeroCapable, isCommCapable = conduit_selection(handle, int(argList.c[0]))
            isNeroCapable, isCommCapable = conduit_selection(handle)
        jtag_chain(isNeroCapable, argList, vp, handle)
        configure(argList, isNeroCapable, handle, vp)
        if argList.f and not isCommCapable:
            raise fl.FLException("Data file load requested but device at {} does not support CommFPGA".format(vp))

        if isCommCapable and fl.flIsFPGARunning(handle):

            fpga = NodeFPGA(handle)
            if argList.debug:
                DEBUG = True

            if argList.ppm:
                M = int(eval(argList.ppm[0]))
                print ("Setting PPM order to: ",M)

            if argList.txdel:
                delay = int(eval(argList.txdel[0]))
                print ("Setting transmitter loopback delay to %i (0x%X)"%(delay,delay))

            if argList.dac:
                dacval = int(eval(argList.dac[0]))
                print ("Setting DAC value to %i (0x%X)"%(dacval,dacval))

            if argList.prbs:
                print ("Enabling PRBS")

                print ("Disabling PRBS")

            if argList.peak:
                obslength = float(argList.peak)
                print ("Measuring peak power...")
                peakDAC = fpga.binSearchPeak(M,target=1.0/M,obslength=obslength)
                print ("  DAC = %i"%peakDAC)

            #alg testing goes here, but alg is not up to date!!
            opt_alg(argList, fpga)
    except fl.FLException as ex: