Пример #1
def plusMinusAverage(*args, **kwargs):
    from nodex.core import Nodex
    d = kwargs.pop("dimensions", None)
    o = kwargs.pop("operation", 1)
    name = kwargs.pop("name", "plusMinusAverage")
    output = kwargs.pop("output3D", None)

    # Get dimensions from input Nodex
    if d is None:
        d = max(x.dimensions() for x in args)

    if d > 3:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Can't use plusMinusAverage with higher dimensions than 3")

    # Get corresponding output attribute/length for the current dimension
    resultAttrs = {1: "output1D", 2: "output2D", 3: "output3D"}
    resultAttr = resultAttrs[d]

    n = pm.createNode("plusMinusAverage", name=name)
    n.operation.set(o)  # average
    for i, v in enumerate(args):
        n_input_attr = n.attr("input{dimension}D[{index}]".format(dimension=d,

    result = Nodex(n.attr(resultAttr))
    if output is not None:

    return result
Пример #2
def plusMinusAverage(*args, **kwargs):
    from nodex.core import Nodex
    d = kwargs.pop("dimensions", None)
    o = kwargs.pop("operation", 1)
    name = kwargs.pop("name", "plusMinusAverage")
    output = kwargs.pop("output3D", None)

    # Get dimensions from input Nodex
    if d is None:
        d = max(x.dimensions() for x in args)

    if d > 3:
        raise RuntimeError("Can't use plusMinusAverage with higher dimensions than 3")

    # Get corresponding output attribute/length for the current dimension
    resultAttrs = {1: "output1D", 2: "output2D", 3: "output3D"}
    resultAttr = resultAttrs[d]

    n = pm.createNode("plusMinusAverage", name=name)
    n.operation.set(o) # average
    for i, v in enumerate(args):
        n_input_attr = n.attr("input{dimension}D[{index}]".format(dimension=d, index=i))

    result = Nodex(n.attr(resultAttr))
    if output is not None:

    return result
Пример #3
    def test_scene1(self):
        mc.file(new=True, force=True)
        sphere1 = pymel.core.polySphere()[0]
        sphere1.setTranslation((10, 0, 0))
        sphere2 = pymel.core.polySphere()[0]

        print sphere1.getTranslation()

        from nodex.core import Nodex, Math

        # free position
        target = Nodex('pSphere1.translate')

        # limited position (5.0 units from origin)
        targetMax = target.normal() * 5.0

        # add a condition (so we use the limited targetMax position if the target is further away than 5.0 units)
        distanceFromOrigin = target.length()
        conditionOutput = Math.greaterThan(distanceFromOrigin,


        print sphere2.getTranslation()
Пример #4
    def test_long_array(self):
        """ This is a good test since each element within the Array gets converted to a single Nodex() element.
            So it calls the Nodex __new__ method many times.
        with speedMeasure(0.4, msg="array: list multiplied"):
            Nodex([1] * 10000)

        with speedMeasure(0.4, msg="array: range"):
Пример #5
    def test_iter(self):

        # iterable
        iterable = [0, 0, 0.0, True, 0, 0]
        n = Nodex(iterable)
        for nodex, real_value in zip(n, iterable):
            self.assertEqual(nodex.value(), real_value)

        iterable = [-19, False, 0.0]
        n = Nodex(iterable)
        for nodex, real_value in zip(n, iterable):
            self.assertEqual(nodex.value(), real_value)
Пример #6
    def test_slicing(self):
        # slicing
        iterable = [-19, False, 0.0]
        n = Nodex(iterable)
        self.assertEqual(n[0:].dimensions(), len(iterable[0:]))
        self.assertEqual(n[1:].dimensions(), len(iterable[1:]))
        self.assertEqual(n[2:].dimensions(), len(iterable[2:]))

        iterable = [0, 0, 0.0, True, 0, 0, 21, 12, 59, 10, 19, -12, 4, 5, 9, 0]
        n = Nodex(iterable)
        self.assertEqual(n[0:].dimensions(), len(iterable[0:]))
        self.assertEqual(n[1:].dimensions(), len(iterable[1:]))
        self.assertEqual(n[2:].dimensions(), len(iterable[2:]))
Пример #7
    def test_matrix_init(self):
        import maya.OpenMaya
        import maya.api.OpenMaya

        # Pymel
        m = Nodex(pymel.core.datatypes.Matrix())
        self.assertIsInstance(m, nodex.datatypes.Matrix)
        m = Nodex(pymel.core.datatypes.FloatMatrix())
        self.assertIsInstance(m, nodex.datatypes.Matrix)

        # Maya Python API
        m = Nodex(maya.OpenMaya.MFloatMatrix())
        self.assertIsInstance(m, nodex.datatypes.Matrix)
        m = Nodex(maya.OpenMaya.MMatrix())
        self.assertIsInstance(m, nodex.datatypes.Matrix)

        # Maya Python API 2.0
        m = Nodex(maya.api.OpenMaya.MFloatMatrix())
        self.assertIsInstance(m, nodex.datatypes.Matrix)
        m = Nodex(maya.api.OpenMaya.MMatrix())
        self.assertIsInstance(m, nodex.datatypes.Matrix)
        m = Nodex(maya.OpenMaya.MFloatMatrix())
        self.assertIsInstance(m, nodex.datatypes.Matrix)

        # nested list
        mat = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
        m = Nodex(mat)
        self.assertIsInstance(m, nodex.datatypes.Matrix)

        # list
        mat = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        self.assertIsInstance(m, nodex.datatypes.Matrix)
Пример #8
def nodeHelper(nodeType,
    from nodex.core import Nodex

    # ensure nodex
    inputs = tuple(
         attrValue) if isinstance(attrValue, Nodex) else (attrName,
        for attrName, attrValue in inputs if attrValue is not None)

    outputs = tuple(
         attrValue) if isinstance(attrValue, Nodex) else (attrName,
        for attrName, attrValue in outputs if attrValue is not None)

    # highest dimensions among inputs
    dim = max(y.dimensions() for x, y in inputs)

    # create node
    createKwargs = {}
    name = kwargs.pop('name', None)
    if name:
        createKwargs['name'] = name

    n = pm.createNode(nodeType, **createKwargs)

    for attrName, attrValue in setAttr:
            attrValue)  # without nodex (optimization for static values)

    # check input dimensions
    for attrName, attrValue in inputs:
        attrNodex = Nodex(n.attr(attrName))
        if dim < attrNodex.dimensions():
            if dim == 1:
                attrNodex = attrNodex[0]
                attrNodex = attrNodex[:dim]

    # result chain
    result = Nodex(n.attr(chainAttr))

    # if dimensions mismatch give resulting dimensions lowest dimensions (if minimalOutput)
    if minimalOutput and dim != 0:
        if result.dimensions() > dim:
            if dim == 1:
                result = result[0]
                result = result[:dim]

    return result
Пример #9
    def test_many_matrices(self):

        l = [0]*16
        with speedMeasure(0.08, msg="init matrices"):
            for x in range(250):
                m = Nodex(l)

        with speedMeasure(0.30, msg="init matrices & getting values"):
            for x in range(50):
                m = Nodex(l)

        with speedMeasure(0.08, msg="init matrices explicit"):
            for x in range(250):
                m = nodex.datatypes.Matrix(l)
Пример #10
 def test_dimensions(self):
     self.assertEqual(Nodex(1).dimensions(), 1)
     self.assertEqual(Nodex([1, 1]).dimensions(), 2)
     self.assertEqual(Nodex([1, 1, 1]).dimensions(), 3)
     self.assertEqual(Nodex([1, 1, 1, 1]).dimensions(), 4)
     self.assertEqual(Nodex([1] * 10).dimensions(), 10)
     self.assertEqual(Nodex("pSphere1.t").dimensions(), 3)
     self.assertEqual(Nodex("pSphere1.tx").dimensions(), 1)
     self.assertEqual(Nodex("pSphere1.v").dimensions(), 1)
Пример #11
    def test_matrix_constraint(self):
            Let's put another sphere to the same position as the original sphere
            even if the spheres are not under the same parent by using the worldMatrix
            and the parentInverseMatrix
        # Create some test nodes
        src = pymel.core.polySphere(name='src')[0]  # the source will
        target = pymel.core.polySphere(name='target')[0]  # move to this target
        srcGrp = pymel.core.group(src)
        targetGrp = pymel.core.group(srcGrp)

        # Some randomly chosen translate values
        srcGrp.setTranslation((0, 10, 0))
        targetGrp.setTranslation((0.5, 14.0, -129))
        target.setTranslation((0.1, -0.3, 0.8))

        # The actual node creation (sweet-sweet-Nodex shows its power here!)
        targetMat = Nodex(target.attr("worldMatrix[0]"))
        srcParentInvMat = Nodex(src.attr("parentInverseMatrix[0]"))

        localMat = targetMat * srcParentInvMat

        # Let's test!
        # Now the world position should always match even if grp was moved
        # We need a tolerance because Matrix math and computers are not 100% exact due to floating point precision
        # errors. (This is not a fault in Nodex, it's just the way computers work thus also the Maya matrix nodes!)
        tolerance = 1e-10

        targetPos = target.getTranslation(space='world')
        srcPos = src.getTranslation(space='world')
        self.assertTrue(targetPos.isEquivalent(srcPos, tol=tolerance))

        # With non-uniform scaled group above src
        srcGrp.setScale((0.1, 10, 10))
        targetPos = target.getTranslation(space='world')
        srcPos = src.getTranslation(space='world')
        self.assertTrue(targetPos.isEquivalent(srcPos, tol=tolerance))

        # With rotated parent group above target
        targetGrp.setRotation((-0.25241, 45, 90))
        targetPos = target.getTranslation(space='world')
        srcPos = src.getTranslation(space='world')
        self.assertTrue(targetPos.isEquivalent(srcPos, tol=tolerance))

        pymel.core.delete([src, target, srcGrp, targetGrp])
Пример #12
def nodeHelper(nodeType, chainAttr, inputs=(), outputs=(), minimalOutput=True, setAttr=(), **kwargs):
    from nodex.core import Nodex

    # ensure nodex
    inputs = tuple((attrName, attrValue) if isinstance(attrValue, Nodex) else (attrName, Nodex(attrValue))
               for attrName, attrValue in inputs if attrValue is not None)

    outputs = tuple((attrName, attrValue) if isinstance(attrValue, Nodex) else (attrName, Nodex(attrValue))
               for attrName, attrValue in outputs if attrValue is not None)

    # highest dimensions among inputs
    dim = max(y.dimensions() for x, y in inputs)

    # create node
    createKwargs = {}
    name = kwargs.pop('name', None)
    if name:
        createKwargs['name'] = name

    n = pm.createNode(nodeType, **createKwargs)

    for attrName, attrValue in setAttr:
        n.attr(attrName).set(attrValue)     # without nodex (optimization for static values)

    # check input dimensions
    for attrName, attrValue in inputs:
        attrNodex = Nodex(n.attr(attrName))
        if dim < attrNodex.dimensions():
            if dim == 1:
                attrNodex = attrNodex[0]
                attrNodex = attrNodex[:dim]

    # result chain
    result = Nodex(n.attr(chainAttr))

    # if dimensions mismatch give resulting dimensions lowest dimensions (if minimalOutput)
    if minimalOutput and dim != 0:
        if result.dimensions() > dim:
            if dim == 1:
                result = result[0]
                result = result[:dim]

    return result
Пример #13
    def test_getitem(self):
        n = Nodex("pSphere1.t")
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0, 1, 2), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(n[0].dimensions(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(n[:-1].dimensions(), 2)
        self.assertEqual(n[:-1].value(), (0, 1))

        # This is a tricky one since the slicing returns a one tuple referencing Nodex.
        # once grabbing the value it returns it within the one tuple.
        # TODO: Decide whether this is expected behavior; if not we need to redesign that part of the
        #       __getitem__ implementation
        self.assertEqual(n[1:-1].dimensions(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(n[1:-1].value(), (1.0, ))

        # Check if long arrays work as execpted
        self.assertEqual(Nodex([1] * 10000).value(), tuple([1] * 10000))
        v = tuple(range(150))
        self.assertEqual(Nodex(v).value(), v)
Пример #14
    def test_abs(self):
        v = Nodex(-15.0)
        v = Math.abs(v)
        self.assertEqual(v.value(), 15)

        v = Nodex([-23, -100, -45])
        v = Math.abs(v)
        self.assertTrue(v.value().isEquivalent(pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(23, 100, 45)))

        v = Nodex([12.5, -9999, -9.9])
        v = Math.abs(v)
        print v.value()
        self.assertTrue(v.value().isEquivalent(pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(12.5, 9999, 9.9), tol=0.01))
Пример #15
def doubleLinear(input1=None,
    from nodex.core import Nodex

    name = kwargs.pop("name", "clamp")
    n = pm.createNode(nodeType, name=name)

    if input1 is not None:

    if input2 is not None:

    if output is not None:

    return Nodex(n.attr("output"))
Пример #16
    def test_scene1(self):
        mc.file(new=True, force=True)
        sphere1 = pymel.core.polySphere()[0]
        sphere1.setTranslation((10, 0, 0))
        sphere2 = pymel.core.polySphere()[0]

        print sphere1.getTranslation()

        from nodex.core import Nodex, Math

        # free position
        target = Nodex('pSphere1.translate')

        # limited position (5.0 units from origin)
        targetMax = target.normal() * 5.0

        # add a condition (so we use the limited targetMax position if the target is further away than 5.0 units)
        distanceFromOrigin = target.length()
        conditionOutput = Math.greaterThan(distanceFromOrigin, 5.0, ifTrue=targetMax, ifFalse=target)


        print sphere2.getTranslation()
Пример #17
    def test_vector_normal(self):

        v1 = Nodex((100, 0, 0))
        normal = v1.normal()
        self.assertTrue(normal.value().isEquivalent(pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(1, 0, 0)))

        v1 = Nodex((100, 0, 100))
        normal = v1.normal()
        self.assertTrue(normal.value().isEquivalent(pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0.707, 0, 0.707), tol=1e-3))

        v1 = Nodex((0, -100, 0))
        normal = v1.normal()
        self.assertTrue(normal.value().isEquivalent(pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0, -1, 0)))

        v1 = Nodex((100, -100, -100))
        normal = v1.normal()
        self.assertTrue(normal.value().isEquivalent(pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0.577, -0.577, -0.577), tol=1e-3))
Пример #18
    def test_vector_distanceTo(self):

        v1 = Nodex((1, 0, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((-2, 0, 0))
        distance = v1.distanceTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(distance.value(), 3.0, places=7)

        v1 = Nodex((0.707, 0.707, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((-0.707, -0.707, 0))
        distance = v1.distanceTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(distance.value(), 2.0, places=2)

        v1 = Nodex((1200, 0, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((-59.6, 0, 0))
        distance = v1.distanceTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(distance.value(), 1259.6, places=7)

        v1 = Nodex((-123.3, 51.5, 720))
        v2 = Nodex((-123.3, 51.5, 550))
        distance = v1.distanceTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(distance.value(), 720-550, places=7)
Пример #19
    def test_vector_dot(self):
        v1 = Nodex([1, 0, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 1, 0])
        v3 = v1.dot(v2)
        self.assertEqual(v3.value(), 0.0)

        v1 = Nodex([1, 0, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([1, 0, 0])
        v3 = v1.dot(v2)
        self.assertEqual(v3.value(), 1.0)

        v1 = Nodex([0.707, 0.707, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 1, 0])
        v3 = v1.dot(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(v3.value(), 0.707, places=3)
Пример #20
    def test_many_matrices(self):

        l = [0] * 16
        with speedMeasure(0.08, msg="init matrices"):
            for x in range(250):
                m = Nodex(l)

        with speedMeasure(0.30, msg="init matrices & getting values"):
            for x in range(50):
                m = Nodex(l)

        with speedMeasure(0.08, msg="init matrices explicit"):
            for x in range(250):
                m = nodex.datatypes.Matrix(l)
Пример #21
def clamp(input=None, min=None, max=None, output=None, **kwargs):
    # TODO: Revise utils.clamp to work with the new Nodex class

    name = kwargs.pop("name", "clamp")
    suffices = ["R", "G", "B"]

    n = pm.createNode("clamp", name=name)

    if input is not None:
        connectOrSetVector(n, "input", input, suffices=suffices)

    if min is not None:
        connectOrSetVector(n, "min", min, suffices=suffices)

    if max is not None:
        connectOrSetVector(n, "max", max, suffices=suffices)

    if output is not None:
        connectOutputVector(n, "output", output, suffices=suffices)

    return Nodex(n.attr('output'))
Пример #22
    def test_vector_angleTo(self):

        v1 = Nodex((1, 0, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((0, 1, 0))
        angleTo = v1.angleTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(angleTo.value(), 90.0, places=7)

        v1 = Nodex((1, 0, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((0.707, 0.707, 0))
        angleTo = v1.angleTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(angleTo.value(), 45.0, places=7)

        # Check whether non-normalized vectors behave normally
        v1 = Nodex((100, 0, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((100, 100, 0))
        angleTo = v1.angleTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(angleTo.value(), 45.0, places=7)
Пример #23
    def test_matrix_inverse(self):

        # Create some test nodes
        src = pymel.core.polySphere(name='src')[0]
        srcGrp = pymel.core.group(src)

        # Some randomly chosen translate values
        srcGrp.setTranslation((9, 15, 0.01))

        m = Nodex(src.attr('worldMatrix[0]'))
        m_inv = m.inverse()
        parent_m = Nodex(srcGrp.attr('worldMatrix[0]'))
        parent_m_inv = parent_m.inverse()
        parent_m_inv_inv = parent_m_inv.inverse()

        # Check outputs
        tolerance = 1e-10

        m1 = parent_m_inv.value()
        m2 = Nodex(src.attr('parentInverseMatrix[0]')).value()
        self.assertTrue(m1.isEquivalent(m2, tol=tolerance))
        m1 = parent_m_inv_inv.value()
        m2 = Nodex(parent_m.value()).value()
        self.assertTrue(m1.isEquivalent(m2, tol=tolerance))

        # Update the nodes
        old_parent_m_inv_inv_value = m1
        src.setRotation((9, 15, 0.01))
        srcGrp.setScale((9, 15, 0.01))

        m1 = parent_m_inv.value()
        m2 = Nodex(src.attr('parentInverseMatrix[0]')).value()
        self.assertTrue(m1.isEquivalent(m2, tol=tolerance))
        m1 = parent_m_inv_inv.value()
        m2 = Nodex(parent_m.value()).value()
        self.assertTrue(m1.isEquivalent(m2, tol=tolerance))

        # Ensure the output of the nodes has actually changed
        new_parent_m_inv_inv_value = m1

        pymel.core.delete([src, srcGrp])
Пример #24
    def test_abs(self):
        v = Nodex(-15.0)
        v = Math.abs(v)
        self.assertEqual(v.value(), 15)

        v = Nodex([-23, -100, -45])
        v = Math.abs(v)
            pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(23, 100, 45)))

        v = Nodex([12.5, -9999, -9.9])
        v = Math.abs(v)
        print v.value()
            12.5, 9999, 9.9),
Пример #25
    def test_vector_length(self):

        v1 = Nodex((100, 0, 0))
        length = v1.length()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(length.value(), 100.0, places=5)

        v1 = Nodex(
            (0.707, 0, 0.707))  # this is rough approximation of a unit vector
        length = v1.length()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(length.value(), 1.0, places=2)

        # Check distance in two ways and check if is equal
        v1 = Nodex((100, 0, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((24, 25, 10))
        diff = v1 - v2
        distance = diff.length()
        distance_direct = v1.distanceTo(v2)

        # Set some random vectors, normalize and check whether length == 1.0
        v = Nodex((2154.0, 2315.98, -918))
        normal_length = v.normal().length()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(normal_length.value(), 1.0, places=5)

        v = Nodex((500, 0.7, 50))
        normal_length = v.normal().length()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(normal_length.value(), 1.0, places=5)

        v = Nodex((-4, 9, -7))
        normal_length = v.normal().length()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(normal_length.value(), 1.0, places=5)

        # squared length
        v = Nodex((-4, 9, -7))
        lengthSquared = v.length() ^ 2
        lengthSquaredMethod = v.squareLength()
Пример #26
    def test_comparisons(self):
            Test if the comparisons have the correct outputs.
        n = (Nodex(3) == Nodex(2))
        self.assertEqual(n.value(), 0.0)

        n = (Nodex(2) == Nodex(2))
        self.assertEqual(n.value(), 1.0)

        # ==
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(3, 3, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        n = (Nodex("pSphere1.tx") == Nodex("pSphere1.ty"))
        self.assertEqual(n.value(), 1)
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(3, 4, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(n.value(), 0)

        # !=
        x_not_y = (Nodex("pSphere1.tx") != Nodex("pSphere1.ty"))
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0, 0, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(x_not_y.value(), 0)
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0, 1, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(x_not_y.value(), 1)

        # >
        x_bigger_y = (Nodex("pSphere1.tx") > Nodex("pSphere1.ty"))
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0.5, 0.1, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(x_bigger_y.value(), 1)
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0.1, 0.5, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(x_bigger_y.value(), 0)
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0, 5, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(x_bigger_y.value(), 0)
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(-49, -50, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(x_bigger_y.value(), 1)

        # <
        x_smaller_y = (Nodex("pSphere1.tx") < Nodex("pSphere1.ty"))
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(-5, 0, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(x_smaller_y.value(), 1)
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(1.1, 1, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(x_smaller_y.value(), 0)
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0, 0.1, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(x_smaller_y.value(), 1)
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(-50, -49, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(x_smaller_y.value(), 1)

        # Graph: Check if x, y, z are all the same value
        xy = (Nodex("pSphere1.tx") == Nodex("pSphere1.ty"))
        yz = (Nodex("pSphere1.ty") == Nodex("pSphere1.tz"))
        xz = (Nodex("pSphere1.tx") == Nodex("pSphere1.tz"))
        sum = Math.sum(xy, yz, xz)  # sum in a single node
        cond_all = (sum == 3)

        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0, 0, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(cond_all.value(), 1)
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(1, 0, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(cond_all.value(), 0)
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0, 1, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(cond_all.value(), 0)
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0, 0, 1), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)

        self.assertEqual(cond_all.value(), 0)
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(15, 15, 15), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(cond_all.value(), 1)
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0.001, 0, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
        self.assertEqual(cond_all.value(), 0)

        # Reset the sphere
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0, 0, 0), absolute=True, objectSpace=True)
Пример #27
    def test_vector_angleTo(self):

        v1 = Nodex((1, 0, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((0, 1, 0))
        angleTo = v1.angleTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(angleTo.value(), 90.0, places=7)

        v1 = Nodex((1, 0, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((0.707, 0.707, 0))
        angleTo = v1.angleTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(angleTo.value(), 45.0, places=7)

        # Check whether non-normalized vectors behave normally
        v1 = Nodex((100, 0, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((100, 100, 0))
        angleTo = v1.angleTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(angleTo.value(), 45.0, places=7)
Пример #28
    def test_vector_normal(self):

        v1 = Nodex((100, 0, 0))
        normal = v1.normal()
            pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(1, 0, 0)))

        v1 = Nodex((100, 0, 100))
        normal = v1.normal()
            pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0.707, 0, 0.707), tol=1e-3))

        v1 = Nodex((0, -100, 0))
        normal = v1.normal()
            pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0, -1, 0)))

        v1 = Nodex((100, -100, -100))
        normal = v1.normal()
            pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0.577, -0.577, -0.577), tol=1e-3))
Пример #29
def condition(firstTerm=None,
    from nodex.core import Nodex
    o = kwargs.pop("operation", 0)
    name = kwargs.pop("name", "condition")
    d = kwargs.pop("dimensions", None)
    output = kwargs.pop("output", None)

    # Ensure inputs are Nodex
    if firstTerm is not None and not isinstance(firstTerm, Nodex):
        firstTerm = Nodex(firstTerm)
    if secondTerm is not None and not isinstance(secondTerm, Nodex):
        secondTerm = Nodex(secondTerm)
    if ifTrue is not None and not isinstance(ifTrue, Nodex):
        ifTrue = Nodex(ifTrue)
    if ifFalse is not None and not isinstance(ifFalse, Nodex):
        ifFalse = Nodex(ifFalse)

    # Get dimensions from input Nodex
    if d is None:
        d = max(x.dimensions()
                for x in [firstTerm, secondTerm, ifTrue, ifFalse]
                if not x is None)

    if d > 3:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Can't use plusMinusAverage with higher dimensions than 3")

    suffices = ["R", "G", "B"]

    n = pm.createNode("condition", name=name)

    # region define output attribute
    # Get corresponding output attribute/length for the current dimension
    outputAttrs = {
        1: "outColorR",
        2: ["outColorR", "outColorG"],
        3: "outColor"
    outputAttr = outputAttrs[d]
    # use node name plus attribute to identify output so we can use it as the nodex directly
    if isinstance(outputAttr, list):
        outputAttr = ["{0}.{1}".format(n.name(), x) for x in outputAttr]
        outputAttr = "{0}.{1}".format(n.name(), outputAttr)
    # endregion

    if firstTerm is not None:

    if secondTerm is not None:

    if ifTrue is not None:
        n.attr("colorIfTrue").set((1, 1, 1))

    if ifFalse is not None:
        n.attr("colorIfFalse").set((0, 0, 0))

    if output is not None:

    return Nodex(outputAttr)
Пример #30
    def test_vector_distanceTo(self):

        v1 = Nodex((1, 0, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((-2, 0, 0))
        distance = v1.distanceTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(distance.value(), 3.0, places=7)

        v1 = Nodex((0.707, 0.707, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((-0.707, -0.707, 0))
        distance = v1.distanceTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(distance.value(), 2.0, places=2)

        v1 = Nodex((1200, 0, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((-59.6, 0, 0))
        distance = v1.distanceTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(distance.value(), 1259.6, places=7)

        v1 = Nodex((-123.3, 51.5, 720))
        v2 = Nodex((-123.3, 51.5, 550))
        distance = v1.distanceTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(distance.value(), 720 - 550, places=7)
Пример #31
    def test_vector_dot(self):
        v1 = Nodex([1, 0, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 1, 0])
        v3 = v1.dot(v2)
        self.assertEqual(v3.value(), 0.0)

        v1 = Nodex([1, 0, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([1, 0, 0])
        v3 = v1.dot(v2)
        self.assertEqual(v3.value(), 1.0)

        v1 = Nodex([0.707, 0.707, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 1, 0])
        v3 = v1.dot(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(v3.value(), 0.707, places=3)
Пример #32
    def test_vector_cross(self):

        v1 = Nodex([1, 0, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 1, 0])
        v3 = v1.cross(v2)
        self.assertEqual(v3.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0, 0, 1))

        v1 = Nodex([1, 0, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 0, 1])
        v3 = v1.cross(v2)
        self.assertEqual(v3.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0, -1, 0))

        v1 = Nodex([0, 1, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 0, 1])
        v3 = v1.cross(v2)
        self.assertEqual(v3.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(1, 0, 0))

        v1 = Nodex([0, 0, 1])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 1, 0])
        v3 = v1.cross(v2)
        self.assertEqual(v3.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(-1, 0, 0))

        v1 = Nodex([1, 0, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 0, 1])
        v3 = v1.cross(v2)
        v4 = v2.cross(v3)  # this should be v1 again
        self.assertEqual(v4.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(v1.value()))
        v5 = v3.cross(v1)  # this should be v2 again
        self.assertEqual(v5.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(v2.value()))

        # crossing two non-normalized vectors
        # - without normalized output
        v1 = Nodex([12, 0, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 14, 0])
        v3 = v1.cross(v2)
            pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0, 0, 12 * 14)))
        v4 = v1.cross(v2, normalizeOutput=True)
            pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0, 0, 1)))
Пример #33
    def test_vector_cross(self):

        v1 = Nodex([1, 0, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 1, 0])
        v3 = v1.cross(v2)
        self.assertEqual(v3.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0, 0, 1))

        v1 = Nodex([1, 0, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 0, 1])
        v3 = v1.cross(v2)
        self.assertEqual(v3.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0, -1, 0))

        v1 = Nodex([0, 1, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 0, 1])
        v3 = v1.cross(v2)
        self.assertEqual(v3.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(1, 0, 0))

        v1 = Nodex([0, 0, 1])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 1, 0])
        v3 = v1.cross(v2)
        self.assertEqual(v3.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(-1, 0, 0))

        v1 = Nodex([1, 0, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 0, 1])
        v3 = v1.cross(v2)
        v4 = v2.cross(v3)   # this should be v1 again
        self.assertEqual(v4.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(v1.value()))
        v5 = v3.cross(v1)   # this should be v2 again
        self.assertEqual(v5.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(v2.value()))

        # crossing two non-normalized vectors
        # - without normalized output
        v1 = Nodex([12, 0, 0])
        v2 = Nodex([0, 14, 0])
        v3 = v1.cross(v2)
        self.assertTrue(v3.value().isEquivalent(pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0, 0, 12*14)))
        v4 = v1.cross(v2, normalizeOutput=True)
        self.assertTrue(v4.value().isEquivalent(pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0, 0, 1)))
Пример #34
    def test_vector_length(self):

        v1 = Nodex((100, 0, 0))
        length = v1.length()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(length.value(), 100.0, places=5)

        v1 = Nodex((0.707, 0, 0.707)) # this is rough approximation of a unit vector
        length = v1.length()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(length.value(), 1.0, places=2)

        # Check distance in two ways and check if is equal
        v1 = Nodex((100, 0, 0))
        v2 = Nodex((24, 25, 10))
        diff = v1 - v2
        distance = diff.length()
        distance_direct = v1.distanceTo(v2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(distance.value(), distance_direct.value(), places=5)

        # Set some random vectors, normalize and check whether length == 1.0
        v = Nodex((2154.0, 2315.98, -918))
        normal_length = v.normal().length()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(normal_length.value(), 1.0, places=5)

        v = Nodex((500, 0.7, 50))
        normal_length = v.normal().length()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(normal_length.value(), 1.0, places=5)

        v = Nodex((-4, 9, -7))
        normal_length = v.normal().length()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(normal_length.value(), 1.0, places=5)

        # squared length
        v = Nodex((-4, 9, -7))
        lengthSquared = v.length() ^ 2
        lengthSquaredMethod = v.squareLength()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(lengthSquared.value(), lengthSquaredMethod.value(), places=5)
Пример #35
    def test_matrix_inverse(self):

        # Create some test nodes
        src = pymel.core.polySphere(name='src')[0]
        srcGrp = pymel.core.group(src)

        # Some randomly chosen translate values
        srcGrp.setTranslation((9, 15, 0.01))

        m = Nodex(src.attr('worldMatrix[0]'))
        m_inv = m.inverse()
        parent_m = Nodex(srcGrp.attr('worldMatrix[0]'))
        parent_m_inv = parent_m.inverse()
        parent_m_inv_inv = parent_m_inv.inverse()

        # Check outputs
        tolerance = 1e-10

        m1 = parent_m_inv.value()
        m2 = Nodex(src.attr('parentInverseMatrix[0]')).value()
        self.assertTrue(m1.isEquivalent(m2, tol=tolerance))
        m1 = parent_m_inv_inv.value()
        m2 = Nodex(parent_m.value()).value()
        self.assertTrue(m1.isEquivalent(m2, tol=tolerance))

        # Update the nodes
        old_parent_m_inv_inv_value = m1
        src.setRotation((9, 15, 0.01))
        srcGrp.setScale((9, 15, 0.01))

        m1 = parent_m_inv.value()
        m2 = Nodex(src.attr('parentInverseMatrix[0]')).value()
        self.assertTrue(m1.isEquivalent(m2, tol=tolerance))
        m1 = parent_m_inv_inv.value()
        m2 = Nodex(parent_m.value()).value()
        self.assertTrue(m1.isEquivalent(m2, tol=tolerance))

        # Ensure the output of the nodes has actually changed
        new_parent_m_inv_inv_value = m1

        pymel.core.delete([src, srcGrp])
Пример #36
 def test_len(self):
     # __len__ and dimensions
     n = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 123, 3213, 125, 245]
     n = Nodex(n)
     self.assertEqual(n.dimensions(), len(n))
Пример #37
    def test_type_init(self):
        # boolean
        self.assertEqual(type(Nodex(True)), nodex.datatypes.Boolean)
        self.assertEqual(type(Nodex(False)), nodex.datatypes.Boolean)

        # float
        self.assertEqual(type(Nodex(0.1)), nodex.datatypes.Float)
        self.assertEqual(type(Nodex(1.0)), nodex.datatypes.Float)
        self.assertEqual(type(Nodex(-0.595412)), nodex.datatypes.Float)

        # integer
        self.assertEqual(type(Nodex(1)), nodex.datatypes.Integer)
        self.assertEqual(type(Nodex(-9)), nodex.datatypes.Integer)
        self.assertEqual(type(Nodex(1231)), nodex.datatypes.Integer)

        # array
        with self.assertRaises(UndefinedNodexError):

        self.assertEqual(type(Nodex([10] * 10)), nodex.datatypes.Array)

        # TODO: Enable Vector type tests when Vector is implemented
        self.assertEqual(type(Nodex([1, 2, 3])), nodex.datatypes.Vector)

        # matrix
        self.assertEqual(type(Nodex([0] * 16)), nodex.datatypes.Matrix)

        # none-types
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

        # default values
Пример #38
    def test_additions(self):
        s = Nodex(1.0) + Nodex(2.0)
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), 3.0)
        s += Nodex(5.0)
        self.assertEquals(s.value(), 8.0)
        s = s + Nodex(3.0) - Nodex(9.0)
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), 2.0)

        s = Nodex([0, 1, 2]) + Nodex([0, 2, 1])
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0.0, 3.0, 3.0))
        s += Nodex("pSphere1.t")
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0, 0, 0), ws=1)
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0.0, 3.0, 3.0))

        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(-4.5, 7.0, 0.5), ws=1)
                         pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(-4.5, 10.0, 3.5))

        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(-10.0, 5.0, 1000.0), ws=1)
                         pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(-10.0, 8.0, 1003.0))

        v = s.value()
        s -= Nodex(v)
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

        s += [3, 3, 3]  # implicit conversion to Nodex()
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(3.0, 3.0, 3.0))
Пример #39
 def test_len(self):
     # __len__ and dimensions
     n = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 123, 3213, 125, 245]
     n = Nodex(n)
     self.assertEqual(n.dimensions(), len(n))
Пример #40
def condition(firstTerm=None, secondTerm=None, ifTrue=None, ifFalse=None, output=None, **kwargs):
    from nodex.core import Nodex
    o = kwargs.pop("operation", 0)
    name = kwargs.pop("name", "condition")
    d = kwargs.pop("dimensions", None)
    output = kwargs.pop("output", None)

    # Ensure inputs are Nodex
    if firstTerm is not None and not isinstance(firstTerm, Nodex):
        firstTerm = Nodex(firstTerm)
    if secondTerm is not None and not isinstance(secondTerm, Nodex):
        secondTerm = Nodex(secondTerm)
    if ifTrue is not None and not isinstance(ifTrue, Nodex):
        ifTrue = Nodex(ifTrue)
    if ifFalse is not None and not isinstance(ifFalse, Nodex):
        ifFalse = Nodex(ifFalse)

    # Get dimensions from input Nodex
    if d is None:
        d = max(x.dimensions() for x in [firstTerm, secondTerm, ifTrue, ifFalse] if not x is None)

    if d > 3:
        raise RuntimeError("Can't use plusMinusAverage with higher dimensions than 3")

    suffices = ["R", "G", "B"]

    n = pm.createNode("condition", name=name)

    # region define output attribute
    # Get corresponding output attribute/length for the current dimension
    outputAttrs = {1: "outColorR", 2: ["outColorR", "outColorG"], 3: "outColor"}
    outputAttr = outputAttrs[d]
    # use node name plus attribute to identify output so we can use it as the nodex directly
    if isinstance(outputAttr, list):
        outputAttr = ["{0}.{1}".format(n.name(), x) for x in outputAttr]
        outputAttr = "{0}.{1}".format(n.name(), outputAttr)
    # endregion

    if firstTerm is not None:

    if secondTerm is not None:

    if ifTrue is not None:
        n.attr("colorIfTrue").set((1, 1, 1))

    if ifFalse is not None:
        n.attr("colorIfFalse").set((0, 0, 0))

    if output is not None:

    return Nodex(outputAttr)
Пример #41
    def test_additions(self):
        s = Nodex(1.0) + Nodex(2.0)
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), 3.0)
        s += Nodex(5.0)
        self.assertEquals(s.value(), 8.0)
        s = s + Nodex(3.0) - Nodex(9.0)
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), 2.0)

        s = Nodex([0, 1, 2]) + Nodex([0, 2, 1])
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0.0, 3.0, 3.0))
        s += Nodex("pSphere1.t")
        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(0, 0, 0), ws=1)
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0.0, 3.0, 3.0))

        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(-4.5, 7.0, 0.5), ws=1)
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(-4.5, 10.0, 3.5))

        mc.xform("pSphere1", t=(-10.0, 5.0, 1000.0), ws=1)
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(-10.0, 8.0, 1003.0))

        v = s.value()
        s -= Nodex(v)
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

        s += [3, 3, 3]   # implicit conversion to Nodex()
        self.assertEqual(s.value(), pymel.core.datatypes.Vector(3.0, 3.0, 3.0))