Пример #1
def perform_estimation(residuals, residuals_posterior, tracker, H_arr, Ks):
    cor = Correlator(residuals)
    correlation = cor.autocorrelation(used_taps)
    R_mehra = estimate_noise_mehra(correlation, Ks[-1], tracker.F, H_arr[-1])
    R_extended = estimate_noise_extended(correlation, Ks, tracker.F, H_arr)
    R_approx = estimate_noise_approx(correlation[0], H_arr[-1], tracker.P)
    cor_posterior = Correlator(residuals_posterior)
    correlation_posterior = cor_posterior.autocorrelation(used_taps)
    R_approx_posterior = estimate_noise_approx(correlation_posterior[0],
                                               H_arr[-1], tracker.P,

    truth = R_proto * measurement_var
    error_extended = matrix_error(R_extended, truth)
    error_mehra = matrix_error(R_mehra, truth)
    error_approx = matrix_error(R_approx, truth)
    error_approx_posterior = matrix_error(R_approx_posterior, truth)

    print("Extended estimation:")
    print("\tEstimated R:", R_extended)
    print("\tError: %.6f" % error_extended)
    print("Mehra estimation:")
    print("\tEstimated R:", R_mehra)
    print("\tError: %.6f" % error_mehra)
    print("Approximate estimation:")
    print("\tEstimated R:", R_approx)
    print("\tError: %.6f" % error_approx)
    print("Approximate estimation (posterior):")
    print("\tEstimated R:", R_approx_posterior)
    print("\tError: %.6f" % error_approx_posterior)

    return (error_extended, error_mehra, error_approx, error_approx_posterior)
Пример #2
def run_tracker():
    sim, tracker = setup()
    readings, truths, filtered, residuals = filtering(sim, tracker)
    # plot_results(readings, filtered, residuals)

    # perform estimation
    cor = Correlator(residuals[-sample_size:])
    correlation = cor.autocorrelation(used_taps)
    R_mehra = estimate_noise_mehra(correlation, tracker.K, tracker.F,
    R_approx = estimate_noise_approx(correlation[0], tracker.H, tracker.P)
    abs_err_approx = R_approx - measurement_var
    rel_err_approx = abs_err_approx / measurement_var
    abs_err_mehra = R_mehra - measurement_var
    rel_err_mehra = abs_err_mehra / measurement_var
    print("True: %.6f" % measurement_var)
    print("Filter: %.6f" % tracker.R)

    print("Estimated (approximation): %.6f" % R_approx)
    print("Absolute error: %.6f" % abs_err_approx)
    print("Relative error: %.6f %%" % (rel_err_approx * 100))

    print("Estimated (mehra): %.6f" % R_mehra)
    print("Absolute error: %.6f" % abs_err_mehra)
    print("Relative error: %.6f %%" % (rel_err_mehra * 100))
    print("-" * 15)
    return (abs_err_mehra, rel_err_mehra, abs_err_approx, rel_err_approx)
Пример #3
def perform_estimation(residuals, tracker, F_arr, K_arr):
    cor = Correlator(residuals)
    C_arr = cor.autocorrelation(used_taps)
    # R = estimate_noise_mehra(C_arr, tracker.K, tracker.F, tracker.H)
    R_approx = estimate_noise_approx(C_arr[0], tracker.H, tracker.P)
    # R_extended = estimate_noise_extended(C_arr, K_arr, F_arr, tracker.H)
    return R_approx
Пример #4
def perform_estimation(residuals, tracker):
    cor = Correlator(residuals)
    C_arr = cor.autocorrelation(used_taps)
    print("Truth:\n", sim_var)
    R = estimate_noise_mehra(C_arr, tracker.K, tracker.F, tracker.H)
    print("Mehra Method:\n", R)
    R_approx = estimate_noise_approx(C_arr[0], tracker.H, tracker.P)
    print("Approximated Method:\n", R_approx)
Пример #5
def perform_estimation(residuals, tracker, sample_size):
    used_taps = int(sample_size / 2)
    cor = Correlator(residuals)
    correlation = cor.autocorrelation(used_taps)
    # R_mehra = estimate_noise_mehra(
    #     correlation, tracker.K, tracker.F, tracker.H)
    R_approx = estimate_noise_approx(correlation[0], tracker.H, tracker.P)
    # R_approx_posterior = estimate_noise_approx(
    #     correlation[0], tracker.H, tracker.P, "posterior")
    return R_approx
def perform_estimation(residuals, tracker, F_arr, K_arr):
    cor = Correlator(residuals)
    C_arr = cor.autocorrelation(used_taps)
    print("Simulated:\n", R_proto * sim_var)
    R = estimate_noise_mehra(C_arr, tracker.K, tracker.F, tracker.H)
    print("Mehra:\n", R)
    R_approx = estimate_noise_approx(C_arr[0], tracker.H, tracker.P)
    print("Approximation:\n", R_approx)
    R_extended = estimate_noise_extended(C_arr, K_arr, F_arr, tracker.H)
    print("Extended:\n", R_extended)
Пример #7
def perform_estimation(residuals, tracker, H, F_arr, K_arr):
    cor = Correlator(residuals)
    correlation = cor.autocorrelation(used_taps)
    R_extended = estimate_noise_extended(correlation, K_arr, F_arr, H)
    R_mehra = estimate_noise_mehra(correlation, K_arr[-1], F_arr[-1], H)
    R_approx = estimate_noise_approx(correlation[0], H, tracker.P)
    truth = R_proto * measurement_var
    error_extended = matrix_error(R_extended, truth)
    error_mehra = matrix_error(R_mehra, truth)
    error_approx = matrix_error(R_approx, truth)
    return (error_extended, error_mehra, error_approx)
Пример #8
def run_tracker():
    # parameters
    filter_misestimation_factor = 1.0
    sample_size = 100
    used_taps = int(sample_size * 0.5)
    measurement_std = 3.5

    # set up sensor simulator
    dt = 0.1
    measurement_std_list = np.asarray([measurement_std] * sample_size)
    sim = SensorSim(0, 0.1, measurement_std_list, 1, timestep=dt)

    # set up kalman filter
    tracker = KalmanFilter(dim_x=2, dim_z=1)
    tracker.F = np.array([[1, dt], [0, 1]])
    q = Q_discrete_white_noise(dim=2, dt=dt, var=0.01)
    tracker.Q = q
    tracker.H = np.array([[1, 0]])
    tracker.R = measurement_std**2 * filter_misestimation_factor
    tracker.x = np.array([[0, 0]]).T
    tracker.P = np.eye(2) * 500

    # perform sensor simulation and filtering
    readings = []
    truths = []
    mu = []
    residuals = []
    for _ in measurement_std_list:
        reading, truth = sim.read()
        residual_posterior = reading - np.dot(tracker.H, tracker.x)

    # error = np.asarray(truths) - mu
    # plot_results(readings, mu, error, residuals)

    # perform estimation
    cor = Correlator(residuals)
    correlation = cor.autocorrelation(used_taps)
    R_approx = estimate_noise_approx(correlation[0], tracker.H, tracker.P,
    abs_err = measurement_std**2 - R_approx
    rel_err = abs_err / measurement_std**2
    print("True: %.3f" % measurement_std**2)
    print("Filter: %.3f" % tracker.R)
    print("Estimated (approximation): %.3f" % R_approx)
    print("Absolute error: %.3f" % abs_err)
    print("Relative error: %.3f %%" % (rel_err * 100))
    print("-" * 15)
    return rel_err
Пример #9
def perform_estimation(residuals, tracker, F_arr, Ks):
    residuals = residuals - np.average(residuals, axis=0)
    cor = Correlator(residuals)
    C_arr = cor.autocorrelation(used_taps)
    truth = R_proto * (sim_var + measurement_var)
    R = estimate_noise_mehra(C_arr, tracker.K, tracker.F, tracker.H)
    error_mehra = matrix_error(R, truth)
    R_approx = estimate_noise_approx(C_arr[0], tracker.H, tracker.P)
    error_approx = matrix_error(R_approx, truth)
    R_extended = estimate_noise_extended(C_arr, Ks, F_arr, tracker.H)
    error_extended = matrix_error(R_extended, truth)
    return (error_mehra, error_approx, error_extended)
Пример #10
def perform_estimation(residuals, tracker, lags):
    cor = Correlator(residuals[-sample_size:])
    correlation = cor.autocorrelation(lags)
    R_mehra = estimate_noise_mehra(correlation, tracker.K, tracker.F,
    R_approx = estimate_noise_approx(correlation[0], tracker.H, tracker.P,
    truth = R_proto * measurement_var
    error_mehra = matrix_error(R_mehra, truth)
    error_approx = matrix_error(R_approx, truth)
    print("Truth:\n", truth)
    print("Estimation Mehra:\n", R_mehra)
    print("Error Mehra:\n", error_mehra)
    print("Estimation Mohamed:\n", R_approx)
    print("Error Mohamed:\n", error_approx)
    print("-" * 15)
    return (error_mehra, error_approx)
Пример #11
def perform_estimation(residuals, tracker, F_arr, K_arr):
    cor = Correlator(residuals)
    correlation = cor.autocorrelation(used_taps)
    R_extended = estimate_noise_extended(correlation, K_arr, F_arr, tracker.H)
    R_mehra = estimate_noise_mehra(correlation, K_arr[-1], F_arr[-1],
    R_approx = estimate_noise_approx(correlation[0], tracker.H, tracker.P)
    truth = R_proto * measurement_var
    print("Truth:\n", truth)
    print("Extended Estimation:\n", R_extended)
    print("Error:\n", matrix_error(R_extended, truth))
    print("Mehra estimation:\n", R_mehra)
    print("Error:\n", matrix_error(R_mehra, truth))
    print("Approximated estimation:\n", R_approx)
    print("Error:\n", matrix_error(R_approx, truth))
    print("-" * 15)
    error = matrix_error(R_extended, truth)
    return error
Пример #12
def perform_estimation(residuals, tracker, F_arr, K_arr):
    residuals = residuals - np.average(residuals, axis=0)
    cor = Correlator(residuals)
    C_arr = cor.autocorrelation(used_taps)
    truth = R_proto * sim_var
    matrix_size = matrix_error(truth, 0)
    print("Truth:\n", truth)
    R = estimate_noise_mehra(C_arr, tracker.K, tracker.F, tracker.H)
    error_R = matrix_error(R, truth)
    print("Mehra:\n", R)
    print("\t Relative error: %.6f" % (error_R / matrix_size))
    R_extended = estimate_noise_extended(C_arr, K_arr, F_arr, tracker.H)
    error_R_extended = matrix_error(R_extended, truth)
    print("Extended:\n", R_extended)
    print("\t Relative error: %.6f" % (error_R_extended / matrix_size))
    R_approx = estimate_noise_approx(C_arr[0], tracker.H, tracker.P)
    error_R_approx = matrix_error(R_approx, truth)
    print("Approximation:\n", R_approx)
    print("\t Relative error: %.6f" % (error_R_approx / matrix_size))
def run_tracker():
    # parameters
    measurement_std = 3.5
    filter_misestimation_factor = 1.0
    sample_size = 2000
    estimation_sample_size = 80
    used_taps = int(estimation_sample_size * 0.5)

    # set up sensor simulator
    dt = 0.1
    # measurement_std_list = np.asarray([measurement_std] * sample_size)
    measurement_std_list = np.linspace(measurement_std / 5,
                                       measurement_std * 1, sample_size / 2)
    measurement_std_list = np.concatenate(
        (measurement_std_list, list(reversed(measurement_std_list))))
    sim = SensorSim(0, 0.1, measurement_std_list, 1, timestep=dt)

    # set up kalman filter
    tracker = KalmanFilter(dim_x=2, dim_z=1)
    tracker.F = np.array([[1, dt], [0, 1]])
    q = Q_discrete_white_noise(dim=2, dt=dt, var=0.01)
    tracker.Q = q
    tracker.H = np.array([[1, 0]])
    tracker.R = measurement_std**2 * filter_misestimation_factor
    tracker.x = np.array([[0, 0]]).T
    tracker.P = np.eye(2) * 500

    # perform sensor simulation and filtering
    readings = []
    truths = []
    mu = []
    residuals = []
    Rs = []
    for idx, _ in enumerate(measurement_std_list):
        reading, truth = sim.read()

        if (idx < estimation_sample_size
                or idx % (estimation_sample_size / 10) != 0):
        cor = Correlator(residuals[-estimation_sample_size:])
        used_taps = int(estimation_sample_size / 2)
        correlation = cor.autocorrelation(used_taps)
        R = estimate_noise(correlation, tracker.K, tracker.F, tracker.H)
        R_approx = estimate_noise_approx(correlation[0], tracker.H, tracker.P)
        abs_err = measurement_std**2 - R
        rel_err = abs_err / measurement_std**2
        print("True: %.3f" % measurement_std**2)
        print("Filter: %.3f" % tracker.R)
        print("Estimated: %.3f" % R)
        print("Estimated (approximation): %.3f" % R_approx)
        print("Absolute error: %.3f" % abs_err)
        print("Relative error: %.3f %%" % (rel_err * 100))
        print("-" * 15)
        if (R > 0):
            tracker.R = R
        # if(R_approx > 0):
        #     tracker.R = R_approx

    # error = np.asarray(truths) - mu

    plot_results(readings, mu, Rs, measurement_std_list)
Пример #14
 def test_approximate_estimate(self):
     C = [[31.371682426081264]]
     H = np.array([[1, 0]])
     P = np.array([[1, 0.2], [0, 0.1]])
     R = estimate_noise_approx(C, H, P)
     assert R.shape == (1, 1)