Пример #1
def import_and_index_data_from_place_table(context):
    """ Import data previously set up in the place table.
    nctx = context.nominatim

    tokenizer = tokenizer_factory.create_tokenizer(nctx.get_test_config())

    # XXX use tool function as soon as it is ported
    with context.db.cursor() as cur:
        with (context.nominatim.src_dir / 'lib-sql' / 'postcode_tables.sql').open('r') as fd:
            INSERT INTO location_postcode
             (place_id, indexed_status, country_code, postcode, geometry)
            SELECT nextval('seq_place'), 1, country_code,
                   upper(trim (both ' ' from address->'postcode')) as pc,
              FROM placex
             WHERE address ? 'postcode' AND address->'postcode' NOT SIMILAR TO '%(,|;)%'
                   AND geometry IS NOT null
             GROUP BY country_code, pc""")

    # Call directly as the refresh function does not include postcodes.
    indexer.Indexer(context.nominatim.get_libpq_dsn(), tokenizer, 1).index_full(analyse=False)

Пример #2
def test_index_reopen_connection(test_db, threads, monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(indexer.WorkerPool, "REOPEN_CONNECTIONS_AFTER", 15)

    for _ in range(1000):
        test_db.add_place(rank_address=30, rank_search=30)

    idx = indexer.Indexer('dbname=test_nominatim_python_unittest', threads)
    idx.index_by_rank(28, 30)

    assert 0 == test_db.placex_unindexed()
Пример #3
def test_index_postcodes(test_db, threads):
    for postcode in range(1000):
        test_db.add_postcode('de', postcode)
    for postcode in range(32000, 33000):
        test_db.add_postcode('us', postcode)

    idx = indexer.Indexer('dbname=test_nominatim_python_unittest', threads)

    assert 0 == test_db.scalar("""SELECT count(*) FROM location_postcode
                                  WHERE indexed_status != 0""")
Пример #4
def test_index_full(test_db, analyse):
    for rank in range(4, 10):
        test_db.add_admin(rank_address=rank, rank_search=rank)
    for rank in range(31):
        test_db.add_place(rank_address=rank, rank_search=rank)
    for postcode in range(1000):
        test_db.add_postcode('de', postcode)

    idx = indexer.Indexer('dbname=test_nominatim_python_unittest', 4)

    assert 0 == test_db.placex_unindexed()
    assert 0 == test_db.osmline_unindexed()
    assert 0 == test_db.scalar("""SELECT count(*) FROM location_postcode
                                  WHERE indexed_status != 0""")
Пример #5
def test_index_all_by_rank(test_db, threads, test_tokenizer):
    for rank in range(31):
        test_db.add_place(rank_address=rank, rank_search=rank)

    assert test_db.placex_unindexed() == 31
    assert test_db.osmline_unindexed() == 1

    idx = indexer.Indexer('dbname=test_nominatim_python_unittest',
                          test_tokenizer, threads)
    idx.index_by_rank(0, 30)

    assert test_db.placex_unindexed() == 0
    assert test_db.osmline_unindexed() == 0

    assert test_db.scalar("""SELECT count(*) from placex
                             WHERE indexed_status = 0 and indexed_date is null"""
                          ) == 0
    # ranks come in order of rank address
    assert test_db.scalar("""
        SELECT count(*) FROM placex p WHERE rank_address > 0
          AND indexed_date >= (SELECT min(indexed_date) FROM placex o
                               WHERE p.rank_address < o.rank_address)""") == 0
    # placex rank < 30 objects come before interpolations
    assert test_db.scalar(
        """SELECT count(*) FROM placex WHERE rank_address < 30
             AND indexed_date >
                   (SELECT min(indexed_date) FROM location_property_osmline)"""
    ) == 0
    # placex rank = 30 objects come after interpolations
    assert test_db.scalar(
        """SELECT count(*) FROM placex WHERE rank_address = 30
             AND indexed_date <
                   (SELECT max(indexed_date) FROM location_property_osmline)"""
    ) == 0
    # rank 0 comes after rank 29 and before rank 30
    assert test_db.scalar(
        """SELECT count(*) FROM placex WHERE rank_address < 30
             AND indexed_date >
                   (SELECT min(indexed_date) FROM placex WHERE rank_address = 0)"""
    ) == 0
    assert test_db.scalar(
        """SELECT count(*) FROM placex WHERE rank_address = 30
             AND indexed_date <
                   (SELECT max(indexed_date) FROM placex WHERE rank_address = 0)"""
    ) == 0
Пример #6
def test_index_partial_with_30(test_db, threads, test_tokenizer):
    for rank in range(31):
        test_db.add_place(rank_address=rank, rank_search=rank)

    assert test_db.placex_unindexed() == 31
    assert test_db.osmline_unindexed() == 1

    idx = indexer.Indexer('dbname=test_nominatim_python_unittest', test_tokenizer, threads)
    idx.index_by_rank(28, 30)

    assert test_db.placex_unindexed() == 27
    assert test_db.osmline_unindexed() == 0

    assert test_db.scalar("""
                    SELECT count(*) FROM placex
                      WHERE indexed_status = 0 AND rank_address between 1 and 27""") == 0
Пример #7
def test_index_partial_without_30(test_db, threads):
    for rank in range(31):
        test_db.add_place(rank_address=rank, rank_search=rank)

    assert 31 == test_db.placex_unindexed()
    assert 1 == test_db.osmline_unindexed()

    idx = indexer.Indexer('dbname=test_nominatim_python_unittest', threads)
    idx.index_by_rank(4, 15)

    assert 19 == test_db.placex_unindexed()
    assert 1 == test_db.osmline_unindexed()

    assert 0 == test_db.scalar("""
                    SELECT count(*) FROM placex
                      WHERE indexed_status = 0 AND not rank_address between 4 and 15"""
Пример #8
def test_index_boundaries(test_db, threads):
    for rank in range(4, 10):
        test_db.add_admin(rank_address=rank, rank_search=rank)
    for rank in range(31):
        test_db.add_place(rank_address=rank, rank_search=rank)

    assert 37 == test_db.placex_unindexed()
    assert 1 == test_db.osmline_unindexed()

    idx = indexer.Indexer('dbname=test_nominatim_python_unittest', threads)
    idx.index_boundaries(0, 30)

    assert 31 == test_db.placex_unindexed()
    assert 1 == test_db.osmline_unindexed()

    assert 0 == test_db.scalar("""
                    SELECT count(*) FROM placex
                      WHERE indexed_status = 0 AND class != 'boundary'""")