Пример #1
    async def check_permission(cls, driver: "Driver", connection_type: str,
                               headers: dict, body: Optional[dict]) -> str:

          钉钉协议鉴权。参考 `鉴权 <https://ding-doc.dingtalk.com/doc#/serverapi2/elzz1p>`_
        timestamp = headers.get("timestamp")
        sign = headers.get("sign")

        # 检查连接方式
        if connection_type not in ["http"]:
            raise RequestDenied(
                405, "Unsupported connection type, available type: `http`")

        # 检查 timestamp
        if not timestamp:
            raise RequestDenied(400, "Missing `timestamp` Header")

        # 检查 sign
        secret = driver.config.secret
        if secret:
            if not sign:
                log("WARNING", "Missing Signature Header")
                raise RequestDenied(400, "Missing `sign` Header")
            string_to_sign = f"{timestamp}\n{secret}"
            sig = hmac.new(secret.encode("utf-8"),
                           string_to_sign.encode("utf-8"), "sha256").digest()
            if sign != base64.b64encode(sig).decode("utf-8"):
                log("WARNING", "Signature Header is invalid")
                raise RequestDenied(403, "Signature is invalid")
            log("WARNING", "Ding signature check ignored!")
        return body["chatbotUserId"]
Пример #2
    async def check_permission(cls, driver: "Driver", connection_type: str,
                               headers: dict, body: Optional[bytes]) -> str:

          钉钉协议鉴权。参考 `鉴权 <https://ding-doc.dingtalk.com/doc#/serverapi2/elzz1p>`_
        timestamp = headers.get("timestamp")
        sign = headers.get("sign")

        # 检查连接方式
        if connection_type not in ["http"]:
            raise RequestDenied(
                405, "Unsupported connection type, available type: `http`")

        # 检查 timestamp
        if not timestamp:
            raise RequestDenied(400, "Missing `timestamp` Header")

        # 检查 sign
        secret = cls.ding_config.secret
        if secret:
            if not sign:
                log("WARNING", "Missing Signature Header")
                raise RequestDenied(400, "Missing `sign` Header")
            sign_base64 = calc_hmac_base64(str(timestamp), secret)
            if sign != sign_base64.decode('utf-8'):
                log("WARNING", "Signature Header is invalid")
                raise RequestDenied(403, "Signature is invalid")
            log("WARNING", "Ding signature check ignored!")
        return json.loads(body.decode())["chatbotUserId"]
Пример #3
def get_auth_bearer(access_token: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]:
    if not access_token:
        return None
    scheme, _, param = access_token.partition(" ")
    if scheme.lower() not in ["bearer", "token"]:
        raise RequestDenied(401, "Not authenticated")
    return param
Пример #4
 async def check_permission(cls, driver: "Driver", connection_type: str,
                            headers: dict, body: Optional[dict]) -> str:
     if connection_type == 'ws':
         raise RequestDenied(
             reason='Websocket connection is not implemented')
     self_id: Optional[str] = headers.get('bot')
     if self_id is None:
         raise RequestDenied(status_code=400,
                             reason='Header `Bot` is required.')
     self_id = str(self_id).strip()
     await SessionManager.new(
         host=cls.mirai_config.host,  # type: ignore
         port=cls.mirai_config.port,  #type: ignore
         auth_key=cls.mirai_config.auth_key)  # type: ignore
     return self_id
Пример #5
    async def check_permission(cls, driver: "Driver", connection_type: str,
                               headers: dict, body: Optional[dict]) -> str:

          CQHTTP (OneBot) 协议鉴权。参考 `鉴权 <https://github.com/howmanybots/onebot/blob/master/v11/specs/communication/authorization.md>`_
        x_self_id = headers.get("x-self-id")
        x_signature = headers.get("x-signature")
        token = get_auth_bearer(headers.get("authorization"))
        cqhttp_config = CQHTTPConfig(**driver.config.dict())

        # 检查连接方式
        if connection_type not in ["http", "websocket"]:
            log("WARNING", "Unsupported connection type")
            raise RequestDenied(405, "Unsupported connection type")

        # 检查self_id
        if not x_self_id:
            log("WARNING", "Missing X-Self-ID Header")
            raise RequestDenied(400, "Missing X-Self-ID Header")

        # 检查签名
        secret = cqhttp_config.secret
        if secret and connection_type == "http":
            if not x_signature:
                log("WARNING", "Missing Signature Header")
                raise RequestDenied(401, "Missing Signature")
            sig = hmac.new(secret.encode("utf-8"),
                           json.dumps(body).encode(), "sha1").hexdigest()
            if x_signature != "sha1=" + sig:
                log("WARNING", "Signature Header is invalid")
                raise RequestDenied(403, "Signature is invalid")

        access_token = cqhttp_config.access_token
        if access_token and access_token != token:
                "WARNING", "Authorization Header is invalid"
                if token else "Missing Authorization Header")
            raise RequestDenied(
                403, "Authorization Header is invalid"
                if token else "Missing Authorization Header")
        return str(x_self_id)
Пример #6
 async def check_permission(cls, driver: "Driver", connection_type: str,
                            headers: dict,
                            body: Optional[dict]) -> NoReturn:
     raise RequestDenied(
         reason=f'Connection {connection_type} not implented')