async def _(session: CommandSession): print('session', session) # 去掉消息首尾的空白符 stripped_arg = session.current_arg.strip() pattern = re.compile('[1-9]([0-9]{4,10})') stripped_arg = if session.is_first_run: # 该命令第一次运行(第一次进入命令会话) if stripped_arg: # 第一次运行参数不为空,意味着用户直接将城市名跟在命令名后面,作为参数传入 # 例如用户可能发送了:天气 南京 session.state['member'] = stripped_arg return if not stripped_arg: # 用户没有发送有效的城市名称(而是发送了空白字符),则提示重新输入 # 这里 session.pause() 将会发送消息并暂停当前会话(该行后面的代码不会被运行) session.pause('你想喷谁呢?') # 如果当前正在向用户询问更多信息(例如本例中的要查询的城市),且用户输入有效,则放入会话状态 session.state[session.current_key] = stripped_arg
async def netease_music(session: CommandSession): # 从会话状态(session.state)中获取城市名称(city),如果当前不存在,则询问用户 # await session.send("在使用 mirai 的情况下无法发送自定义的音乐消息,所以该功能已停用。") # return song_name = session.get('arg', prompt='乐曲名?') # 获取城市的天气预报 result = await get_163_music_(song_name) if result == -114514: await session.send("似乎没有找到") elif result == -114513: await session.send("根本什么都没有") elif result == -114512: await session.send("和服务器的连接可能发生错误,请稍后再试") else: await session.send("[CQ:music,type=163,id=" + str(result) + "]")
async def _(session: CommandSession): stripped_arg = session.current_arg_text.split(' ') if session.ctx['message_type'] == 'group': session.state['type'] = 2 else: session.state['type'] = 1 if stripped_arg and len(stripped_arg) == 2: session.state['rank'] = int(stripped_arg[0]) session.state['value'] = int(stripped_arg[1]) if session.state['rank'] not in (1, 2, 3, 10, 100, 2500, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000): session.finish( 'rank错误,可用的rank包括1, 2, 3, 10, 100, 2500, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000' ) else: session.finish('格式错误,请使用档线预警 Rank 设定值的格式设定。\n例: \ 【档线报警 2500 300000】表示在Rank2500的档线达到300000以上时进行通知')
async def run(session: CommandSession): supported_languages = ", ".join(sorted(SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES.keys())) language = session.get('language', prompt='你想运行的代码是什么语言?\n' f'目前支持 {supported_languages}') code = session.get('code', prompt='你想运行的代码是?') await session.send('正在运行,请稍等……') resp = await RUN_API_URL_FORMAT.format(language), json={ 'files': [{ 'name': (SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[language].get('name', 'main') + f'.{SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES[language]["ext"]}'), "content": code }], 'stdin': '', 'command': '' }) if not resp.ok: session.finish('运行失败,服务可能暂时不可用,请稍后再试') payload = await resp.json() if not isinstance(payload, dict): session.finish('运行失败,服务可能暂时不可用,请稍后再试') sent = False for k in ['stdout', 'stderr', 'error']: v = payload.get(k) lines = v.splitlines() lines, remained_lines = lines[:10], lines[10:] out = '\n'.join(lines) out, remained_out = out[:60 * 10], out[60 * 10:] if remained_lines or remained_out: out += f'\n(输出过多,已忽略剩余内容)' out = message_escape(out) if out: await session.send(f'{k}:\n\n{out}') sent = True if not sent: session.finish('运行成功,没有任何输出')
async def _(session: CommandSession): qq = session.ctx.get('user_id') setting = session.get('bind_info', prompt='使用QQ当图床请输入0\n使用时光机当图床请输入1') try: setting = int(setting) con = sqlite3.connect('bind_info.sqlite') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('update user set setting = ? where qq = ?', (setting, qq)) cur.close() con.commit() con.close() except Exception as e: await session.send('发生错误') else: await session.send('图床已更改')
async def QandA(session: CommandSession): # 从会话状态(session.state)中获取城市名称(city),如果当前不存在,则询问用户 QA = session.get('QA', prompt='请输入问题与回答') if (QA.find(' ') != 0): preque = QA[0:QA.find(' ')] #判断QA表中是否已经存在 if (question.count(preque) != 0): #问题已经存在 index = question.index(preque) answer[index] = QA[QA.find(' ') + 1:] await session.send('答案已覆盖') else: #问题还未存在 question.append(QA[0:QA.find(' ')]) answer.append(QA[QA.find(' ') + 1:]) await session.send('设置完成')
async def generalDeposit(session: CommandSession): if len(session.argv) == 2: price = int(eval(session.argv[1]) * 100) if session.argv[0] in ('支付宝', 'zfb', 'ZFB'): qrcode = await pay.getPayQRcode(price=repr(price), type='2', orderuid=repr( session.ctx['user_id']), goodsname='支付宝充值') if qrcode: msg = {'type': 'image', 'data': {'file': 'base64://' + qrcode}} else: msg = '获取支付宝二维码错误,请重试或联系群主。' elif session.argv[0] in ('微信', 'wx', 'WX'): qrcode = await pay.getPayQRcode(price=repr(price), type='1', orderuid=repr( session.ctx['user_id']), goodsname='微信充值') if qrcode: msg = {'type': 'image', 'data': {'file': 'base64://' + qrcode}} await bot.send_group_msg_rate_limited( group_id=config.notice_group, message=str(session.ctx['user_id']) + '获取了' + session.argv[0] + session.argv[1] + '元二维码') str(session.ctx['user_id']) + '获取了' + session.argv[0] + session.argv[1] + '元二维码') else: msg = '获取微信二维码错误,请重试或联系群主。' else: msg = '快速充值用法:发送 充值 微信/支付宝 金额' session.finish(msg) else: session.finish( '充值命令用法:请向我发送“充值 微信/支付宝 金额”,例如您想用微信充值100元,请发送“充值 微信 100”')
async def note_remove(session: CommandSession): ctx_id = context_id(session.ctx) count = await note_count(ctx_id) if count == 0: await session.send(expr(e.LIST_EMPTY)) return id_ = session.get('id', prompt=expr(e.DEL_WHICH_ID)) note_ = await Note.query.where((Note.context_id == ctx_id) & ( == id_)).gino.first() if note_ is None: await session.send(expr(e.DEL_ID_NOT_EXISTS, id=id_)) else: await note_.delete() await session.send(expr(e.DEL_SUCCESS, id=id_, content=note_.content))
async def item(session: CommandSession): is_format = session.get('format') if not is_format: await session.send('/item 格式错误!./item QQ ± 物品名') return # 格式正确 change_qq = int(session.get('change_qq')) op_type = session.get('op_type') item_name = session.get('item_name') # 在游戏中则寻找状态卡,不存在发送错误 if find_pc(change_qq) is not True: await session.send(str(session.event.sender['card']) + ' ' + id_pc_not_find) return # 存在状态卡 try: result_str = update_item(change_qq, op_type, item_name) except Exception: await session.send(state_file_used) return card = None try: bot = get_bot() member_list = await bot.get_group_member_list(group_id=session.event['group_id']) for member in member_list: if str(member['user_id']) == str(change_qq): card = member['card'] except Exception: card = str(change_qq) if result_str == 'Have': await session.send('[' + card + ']' + item_add_have) if result_str == 'Not have': await session.send('[' + card + ']' + item_remove_not_have) if result_str == 'Succeed': await session.send('[' + card + ']' + item_update_succeed) return
async def run_script(session: CommandSession): global lastCall if time() - lastCall <= COOLDOWN: await session.send(f'技能冷却中…… ({COOLDOWN}s)') return log.logger.debug( f'user {session.event["user_id"]} is trying to run a script') code: str = session.get('code') async with async_timeout.timeout(300): try: await runScriptLang(code, session) except asyncio.CancelledError: await session.send('任务超时,已经停止.', at_sender=True) finally: lastCall = time()
def wikipedia(session: CommandSession): keyword = session.get("keyword") session.send(f"开始Wiki搜索:{keyword}") pages = getWiki(keyword)["query"]["pages"] finalResult = {"keyword": keyword, "size": len(pages)} finalResult["result"] = [] for page in pages.values(): finalResult["result"].append( { "title": page["title"], "introduce": page["extract"], "link": NetworkUtils.shortLink([page["fullurl"]])[page["fullurl"]], } ) repeatMessage = [ str(CONFIG_READ.customize.repeat).format(**result) for result in finalResult["result"] ] fullMessage = ( str(CONFIG_READ.customize.prefix).format(**finalResult) + "".join(repeatMessage[: CONFIG_READ.size]) + str(CONFIG_READ.customize.suffix).format(**finalResult) ) return fullMessage
async def ban_someone(session: nonebot.CommandSession): ctx = session.ctx.copy() if get_privilege(ctx['user_id'], perm.ADMIN): try: user_id = int(session.get('user_id', prompt='请输入要封禁的qq')) except ValueError: await session.send('输入非QQ号,发生错误!') return user_control_module.set_user_privilege(str(user_id), 'BANNED', True) await session.send('Done!!') else: await session.send('您无权进行该操作') return
async def delete_admin(session: nonebot.CommandSession): ctx = session.ctx.copy() if not get_privilege(ctx['user_id'], perm.OWNER): await session.finish('您无权使用该功能') user_id = session.get('user_id', prompt='请输入要添加的qq号') try: user_id = int(user_id) except ValueError: await session.send('主人啊,这是数字么?') return user_control_module.set_user_privilege(user_id, 'ADMIN', False) user_control_module.set_user_privilege(user_id, 'WHITELIST', False) await session.send('移除完成')
async def _(session: CommandSession): stripped_arg = session.current_arg_text.strip() if session.is_first_run: match = re.match(r'^(\d+)(?:\-(\d+)(?:\-(\d+))?)?$', stripped_arg) if match: year = month = day = if year: year = int(year) if month: month = int(month) if day: day = int(day) session.state['year'] = year session.state['month'] = month session.state['day'] = day return if not stripped_arg: session.pause('你什么都不输入我怎么知道呢!') # 检查输入参数是不是数字 session.state[session.current_key] = to_number(stripped_arg, session)
async def EMMAAAA(session: CommandSession): global RepoList h_type = session.event.detail_type msg = session.current_arg.strip() user = session.event.user_id group = session.event.group_id if not msg: msg = session.get('message', prompt='请键入需要反馈的信息') RepoList.append(user) if countX(RepoList, user) == 5: session.finish('您今天已经喝了5杯红茶啦!明天再来吧!') if h_type == 'group': await bot.send_private_msg( user_id=master, message=f"来自群[{group}],用户[{user}]的反馈:\n{msg}") # type: ignore elif h_type == 'private': await bot.send_private_msg(user_id=master, message=f"来自用户[{user}]的反馈:\n{msg}" ) # type: ignore
async def music(session: CommandSession): # 和炸毛互动 if session.ctx['message_type'] == 'group' and \ and \ session.ctx['group_id'] in \ and \ not session.get_optional('from_nlp'): ts = int(time.time() / 30) if ts % 2 == 1: # 奇数炸毛发,奶茶附和 await asyncio.sleep(2) session.finish('炸毛哥哥已经回复你啦~') keyword = session.get('keyword', prompt='你想听什么歌呢?') song_id = await search_song_id(keyword) if song_id is None: session.finish('没有找到这首歌呢') session.finish('qq', song_id))
async def lib_command(session: CommandSession): lib_name = session.get_optional('lib') if not lib_name: message = "标准库链接:\n镜像链接:{}\n官方链接:{}".format(LOCAL_LIB_URL, LIB_URL) await session.send(message) return lib = find_lib(lib_name) if lib: message = "{}链接:{}".format( lib.comment, lib.url.replace(DOC_ROOT_URL, LOCAL_DOC_ROOT_URL)) await session.send(message) else: # message = await spider_third_lib(lib_name) message = "未找到" await session.send(message)
async def weather_command(session: CommandSession): location = session.get('location', prompt=expr(e.WHERE)) if location.province and not and not location.district: # there is no city or district, ask the user for more info! if 'location_more' in session.state: del session.state['location_more'] session.get('location_more', prompt=expr(e.WHERE_IN_PROVINCE, location.province)) logger.debug(f'Location: {location}') final_loc = location.heweather_format() weathers = await get_weather(final_loc) if len(weathers) > 1: await session.send(f'查询到 {len(weathers)} 个同名地区') elif len(weathers) == 0: session.finish(f'没有查询到{location.short_format()}的天气哦') for weather in weathers: basic = weather['basic'] location_name = basic['admin_area'] if basic['admin_area'] != basic['parent_city']: location_name += basic['parent_city'] if basic['parent_city'] != basic['location']: location_name += basic['location'] report_now = expr(e.REPORT_NOW, **weather['now']) report_today = expr(e.REPORT_FUTURE_DAY, '今天', **weather['daily_forecast'][0]) report_tomorrow = expr(e.REPORT_FUTURE_DAY, '明天', **weather['daily_forecast'][1]) report_after_tomorrow = expr(e.REPORT_FUTURE_DAY, '后天', **weather['daily_forecast'][2]) await session.send(f'{location_name}\n\n' f'{report_now}\n\n' f'{report_today}\n\n' f'{report_tomorrow}\n\n' f'{report_after_tomorrow}')
async def CurriculumSchedule(session: CommandSession): localtime = if 'from_schedule' in session.args.keys(): result = "☕ 以下课程即将开始上课:\n" else: result = "课程信息:\n" if 'week' not in session.args.keys() and \ 'weekday' not in session.args.keys() and \ 'classnums' not in session.args.keys() and \ 'next_class' not in session.args.keys(): session.get('classnums', prompt='你要查询今天的第几节课?') if 'weekday' not in session.args.keys(): session.args['weekday'] = localtime.weekday() if 'week' not in session.args.keys(): session.args['week'] = get_session_week(localtime) if 'group_id' not in session.ctx.keys(): group_id = await get_user_group(session.ctx['user_id']) else: group_id = session.ctx['group_id'] result += await ClassInfo(**session.args, group_id=group_id,) await session.send(result)
async def sign_in(session: CommandSession): ctx_id = context_id(session.ctx, mode='user') my_data = data[ctx_id] today = if my_data['last_signin_date'] and \ today - my_data['last_signin_date'] < timedelta(days=1): session.finish('你今天已经签过到啦\n明天再来吧~') my_data['last_signin_date'] = today my_data['signin_count'] += 1 earned = random.randint(1, 100) data[ctx_id]['wealth'] += earned url = QQ_AVATAR_URL_FORMAT.format(session.ctx['user_id']) reply = str(MessageSegment.image(url)) if session.ctx['message_type'] != 'private': reply += '\n' + str(['user_id'])) reply += f'\n你已经累计签到了{my_data["signin_count"]}次\n' \ f'本次签到获得了{earned}个金币~' session.finish(reply)
async def alarm(session: CommandSession): time: datetime = session.get("time") target: str = session.get("target") # 过滤时间 now = # 过去的时间 if time <= now: session.finish(render_expression(EXPR_COULD_NOT)) time_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") await add_job( remind, trigger="date", run_date=time, id=make_job_id( PLUGIN_NAME, session.event, (random_string(1, string.ascii_lowercase) + random_string(7, string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits)), ), args=[target, session.event], kwargs={"remark": target}, ) cmd, current_arg = CommandManager().parse_command(, target) if cmd: tmp_session = CommandSession(, session.event, cmd, current_arg=current_arg) if await, dry=True): await add_scheduled_commands( ScheduledCommand(, current_arg), job_id=make_job_id( PLUGIN_NAME, session.event, (random_string(1, string.ascii_lowercase) + random_string(7, string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits)), ), event=session.event, trigger="date", run_date=time, replace_existing=True, ) session.finish( render_expression( EXPR_OK, time=time_str, action=target, escape_args=False) + f"\n提醒创建成功:\n" f"> 提醒时间:{time_str}\n" f"> 内容:{target}")
async def _(session: CommandSession): args = session.current_arg_text.strip().split() if len(args) == 1: session.state['type'] = 'geocoding' session.state['addr'] = args[0] elif len(args) == 2: session.state['type'] = 'place' session.state['query'], session.state['region'] = args else: session.finish('参数格式错误!')
async def Medusa(session: CommandSession): city = session.get('city', prompt='呐呐呐!对方的域名呐?') Url = city[7:] user_qq_id = session.self_id #获取用户QQ url_refining = tldextract.extract(Url) if url_refining.suffix != "" and url_refining.domain != "": #判断提炼出来的东西是否符合二级域名 token = hashlib.md5( str(user_qq_id).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() #获取对方QQ的MD5加密 await session.send("您的Key:" + token + "\r\n您的目标:" + Url) medusa_scan_success = await MedusaScan(Url, token) if medusa_scan_success == "1": await session.send( ) #艾特用户表示扫描完成科研查询了 else: await session.send("")
async def entertain_switch(session: nonebot.CommandSession): ctx = session.ctx.copy() id_num = str(ctx['user_id']) if not get_privilege(id_num, perm.WHITELIST): await session.finish('您无权进行该操作') group_id = session.get('group_id', prompt='请输入要禁用所有功能的qq群') if not str(group_id).isdigit(): await session.finish('这不是qq号哦~') if admin_control.get_data(group_id, 'enabled'): admin_control.set_data(group_id, 'enabled', False) await session.finish('已禁用娱乐功能!') else: admin_control.set_data(group_id, 'enabled', True) await session.finish('已开启娱乐功能!')
async def av_validator(session: nonebot.CommandSession): ctx = session.ctx.copy() if get_privilege(ctx['user_id'], perm.BANNED): await session.finish('略略略,我主人把你拉黑了。哈↑哈↑哈') if not admin_control.get_data(ctx['group_id'], 'R18'): await session.finish('请联系BOT管理员开启本群R18权限') key_word = session.get('key_word', prompt='在?你要让我查什么啊baka') validator = shadiao.Avalidator(text=key_word) await validator.get_page_text() if 'group_id' in ctx: sanity_meter.set_usage(ctx['group_id'], tag='yanche') sanity_meter.set_user_data(ctx['user_id'], 'yanche') await session.finish(await validator.get_content())
async def weather(session: CommandSession): city: str = session.get('city') isChinese: bool = util.isChinese(city) # AMAP if isChinese and util.isAmapSupported(city): weatherReport = await amap_weather(city) # OpenWeatherMap (delete block if you do not need) else: # openweathermap needs an English city name city = (city, util.translate2Eng(city))[isChinese] weatherReport = await openweathermap_weather(city) #log.logger.debug(city) await session.send(weatherReport) log.logger.debug(f'weather called: {weatherReport[:20]}...')
async def user_find_item(session: CommandSession): key_word = session.get('key_word', prompt=message.find_item.item_name_msg) if '全部' in key_word or '所有' in key_word: key_word = None if 'page' not in session.args.keys(): session.args['page'] = 1 if 'type' not in session.args.keys(): session.args['type'] = "sell" if not 'continue' in session.args.keys(): msg = await print_item_list_from_keys(key_word, session.args['page'], session.args['type']) await session.send(msg + message.find_item.item_list_msg) session.args['continue'] = True while True: cmd = session.get('cmd') if '下一页' in cmd or 'n' in cmd: session.args['page'] += 1 session.args.pop('cmd') try: session.args.pop('continue') except Exception: pass await user_find_item(session) return elif '上一页' in cmd or 'n' in cmd: session.args['page'] -= 1 session.args.pop('cmd') try: session.args.pop('continue') except Exception: pass await user_find_item(session) return else: try: id = int(cmd[0]) except Exception: await session.send("已退出本次会话,请 @我 输入指令信息") session.finish() return await session.send(await print_item_info(id) + message.find_item.item_detail_more) session.args.pop('cmd') session.args['continue'] = True
async def add_blacklist_word(session: nonebot.CommandSession): key_word = session.get('key_word', prompt='要加什么进来呢?') ctx = session.ctx.copy() if not get_privilege(ctx['user_id'], perm.OWNER): await session.finish('您无权使用本命令') keyWords = key_word.split() if len(keyWords) != 2: await session.finish('参数有误。应为!添加拉黑词 关键词 理智消耗倍数') try: sanity_meter.add_bad_word_dict(keyWords[0], int(keyWords[1])) await session.finish('Done!') except ValueError: await session.finish('第二输入非数字。')
async def call_admin(session: CommandSession): user_id = session.event['user_id'] info = session.get('info', prompt='请输入要发送的消息')"Get Information: {} from ID: {}".format(info, user_id)) sender_info = "\n\n——@{}({}) | {}".format( session.event['sender']['nickname'], user_id, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(session.event['time']))) await helpers.send_to_superusers(nonebot.get_bot(), message=("Message received:\n\n " + info + sender_info)) await session.send("消息发送成功 :)")"Send message to admin successfully")
async def game(session: CommandSession): question = init_game() message = session.get( 'message', prompt='舰长想玩24点游戏了吗,用我给的4个数字通过加减乘除算出24点就是舰长赢了哦\n(๑> ₃ <)' + '这次的4个数字是:' + question + '\n舰长做完记得@我回复完整的表达式哦,觉得无解的话回复“end”可以结束游戏。') nickname = session.ctx.sender.get('nickname') response = '' game_result = await wait_for_judge(message) if game_result == 1: response = nickname + '舰长答对了,真是太厉害了!\n(●・◡・●)ノ♥' elif game_result == 2: response = nickname + '舰长结束了游戏。' else: response = nickname + '舰长答错了,游戏结束,下次要加油哦。' await session.send(response)