def registry(): """ This function pass to the noodles infrascture all the information related to the Structure of the Package object that is schedule. This *Registry* class contains hints that help Noodles to encode and decode this Package object. """ return Registry(parent=serial.base() + arrays_to_hdf5(), types={ Package: AsDict(Package), Package_pyfrag: AsDict(Package_pyfrag), Path: SerPath(), plams.Molecule: SerMolecule(), Chem.Mol: SerMol(), Result: SerStorable(Result), Settings: SerSettings() })
def registry(): """ This function pass to the noodles infrascture all the information related to the Structure of the Package object that is schedule. This *Registry* class contains hints that help Noodles to encode and decode this Package object. """ return Registry(parent=serial.base() + arrays_to_hdf5(), types={ Package: AsDict(Package), Path: SerPath(), plams.Molecule: SerMolecule(), Chem.Mol: SerMol(), Result: AsDict(Result), Settings: SerSettings(), plams.KFFile: SerReasonableObject(plams.KFFile), plams.KFReader: SerReasonableObject(plams.KFReader), np.floating: SerNumpyScalar(), np.integer: SerNumpyScalar() })
echo_log=False) #: A :class:`Registry` instance to-be returned by :func:`registry`. REGISTRY: Registry = Registry(parent=serial.base() + arrays_to_hdf5(), types={ Package: SerReduce(Package), Path: SerPath(), plams.Molecule: SerMolecule(), Chem.Mol: SerMol(), Result: AsDict(Result), Settings: SerSettings(), plams.KFFile: SerReasonableObject(plams.KFFile), plams.KFReader: SerReasonableObject(plams.KFReader), np.floating: SerNumpyScalar(), np.integer: SerNumpyScalar(), pd.DataFrame: SerNDFrame(pd.DataFrame), pd.Series: SerNDFrame(pd.Series), })
def registry(): reg = Registry(parent=serial.base()) reg[A] = AsDict(A) return reg