def decodeHeader(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I") -> None: if self.headerChunk is not None: return # Header already set for decoded in self.degreeToPacket[1]: if decoded.get_used_packets().issubset({0}): self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk( decoded, last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format)
def saveDecodedFile(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I", null_is_terminator: bool = False, print_to_output: bool = False) -> None: assert self.is_decoded(), "Can not save File: Unable to reconstruct." if self.use_headerchunk: self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk( OnlinePacket(self.GEPP.b[0], self.number_of_chunks, self.quality, self.epsilon, 0, {0}, self.dist, read_only=True), last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) file_name = "DEC_" + os.path.basename( self.file) if self.file is not None else "ONLINE.BIN" output_concat = b"" if self.headerChunk is not None: file_name = self.headerChunk.get_file_name().decode("utf-8") file_name = file_name.split("\x00")[0] with open(file_name, "wb") as f: # for decoded in sorted(self.degreeToPacket[1]): for x in self.GEPP.result_mapping: if 0 != x or not self.use_headerchunk: if x == self.number_of_chunks - 1 and self.use_headerchunk: output = self.GEPP.b[x][0][0:self.headerChunk. get_last_chunk_length()] output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) else: if null_is_terminator: splitter = self.GEPP.b[x].tostring().decode( ).split("\x00") output = splitter[0].encode() output_concat += output f.write(output) if len(splitter) > 1: break # since we are in null-terminator mode, we exit once we see the first 0-byte else: output = self.GEPP.b[x] try: output_concat += output.tobytes() except TypeError as te: raise te f.write(output) print("Saved file as '" + str(file_name) + "'") if print_to_output: print("Result:") print(output_concat.decode("utf-8"))
def saveDecodedFile(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I", null_is_terminator: bool = False, print_to_output: bool = True) -> None: assert self.is_decoded(), "Can not save File: Unable to reconstruct." file_name: str = "DEC_" + self.file.split("\x00")[0] # split is needed for weird MAC / Windows bugs... sort_list: typing.List = sorted(self.degreeToPacket[1]) if 0 in sort_list[0].get_used_packets() and self.use_headerchunk: self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk(sort_list[0]) output_concat: bytes = b"" if self.headerChunk is not None: file_name = self.headerChunk.get_file_name().decode("utf-8") with open(file_name, "wb") as f: for decoded in sort_list: if 0 in decoded.get_used_packets() and self.use_headerchunk: self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk(decoded, last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) else: if self.number_of_chunks - 1 in decoded.get_used_packets() and self.use_headerchunk: output = decoded.get_data()[0: self.headerChunk.get_last_chunk_length()] if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) else: if null_is_terminator: data = decoded.get_data() if type(data) == bytes: splitter = data.decode().split("\x00") else: splitter = data.tostring().decode().split("\x00") output = splitter[0].encode() output_concat += output f.write(output) if len(splitter) > 1: break # since we are in null-terminator mode, we exit once we see the first 0-byte else: output = decoded.get_data() if type(output) == np.ndarray or type(output) != bytes: output_concat += output.tobytes() else: output_concat += output f.write(output) print("Saved file as '" + str(file_name) + "'") if print_to_output: print("Result:") print(output_concat.decode("utf-8"))
def saveDecodedFile(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I", null_is_terminator: bool = False, print_to_output: bool = True) -> None: assert self.is_decoded(), "Can not save File: Unable to reconstruct." if self.use_headerchunk: self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk(Packet(self.GEPP.b[0], {0}, self.number_of_chunks, read_only=True), last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) file_name = "DEC_" + os.path.basename(self.file) if self.file is not None else "LT.BIN" if self.headerChunk is not None: file_name = self.headerChunk.get_file_name().decode("utf-8") output_concat: bytes = b"" file_name: str = file_name.split("\x00")[0] try: with open(file_name, "wb") as f: for x in self.GEPP.result_mapping: if 0 != x or not self.use_headerchunk: if self.number_of_chunks - 1 == x and self.use_headerchunk: output: typing.Union[bytes, np.array] = self.GEPP.b[x][0][ 0: self.headerChunk.get_last_chunk_length()] output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) else: if null_is_terminator: splitter: str = self.GEPP.b[x].tostring().decode().split("\x00") output = splitter[0].encode() if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) if len(splitter) > 1: break # since we are in null-terminator mode, we exit once we see the first 0-byte else: output = self.GEPP.b[x] output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) print("Saved file as '" + str(file_name) + "'") except Exception as ex: raise ex if print_to_output: print("Result:") print(output_concat.decode("utf-8"))
class OnlineDecoder(Decoder): def __init__(self, file: typing.Optional[str] = None, error_correction: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], typing.Any] = nocode, use_headerchunk: bool = True, static_number_of_chunks: typing.Optional[int] = None, read_all=True): super().__init__(file) self.debug: bool = False self.isPseudo: bool = False self.file: str = file self.decodedPackets: typing.Set[OnlinePacket] = set() self.degreeToPacket: typing.Dict[int, typing.Set[OnlinePacket]] = {} if file is not None: self.isFolder: bool = os.path.isdir(file) if not self.isFolder: self.f = open(self.file, "rb") self.correct: int = 0 self.corrupt: int = 0 self.rng: numpy.random = numpy.random self.number_of_chunks: int = 1000000 self.headerChunk: typing.Optional[HeaderChunk] = None self.auxBlockNumbers: typing.Dict[int, typing.Set[int]] = dict() self.auxBlocks: typing.Dict[int, OnlineAuxPacket] = dict() self.GEPP: typing.Optional[GEPP] = None self.dist: typing.Optional[typing.Union[OnlineDistribution, Distribution]] = None self.read_all_before_decode: bool = read_all self.numberOfDecodedAuxBlocks: int = 0 self.do_count: bool = True self.counter: typing.Dict[int, int] = dict() self.error_correction: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], typing.Any] = error_correction self.use_headerchunk: bool = use_headerchunk self.static_number_of_chunks: int = static_number_of_chunks self.EOF: bool = False self.quality: int = 0 self.epsilon: float = 0.0 def decodeFolder(self, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", quality_len_format: str = "I", epsilon_len_format: str = "f", check_block_number_len_format: str = "I"): decoded: bool = False self.EOF: bool = False if self.static_number_of_chunks is not None: self.number_of_chunks = self.static_number_of_chunks number_of_chunks_len_format = "" # if we got static number_of_chunks we do not need it in struct string for dir_file in os.listdir(self.file): if dir_file.endswith(".ONLINE") or dir_file.endswith("DNA"): self.EOF = False if dir_file.endswith("DNA"): self.f = quat_file_to_bin(self.file + "/" + dir_file) else: self.f = open(self.file + "/" + dir_file, "rb") new_pack = self.getNextValidPacket( True, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, quality_len_format=quality_len_format, epsilon_len_format=epsilon_len_format, check_block_number_len_format=check_block_number_len_format ) if new_pack is not None: decoded = self.input_new_packet(new_pack) if decoded: break print("Decoded Packets: " + str(self.correct)) print("Corrupt Packets : " + str(self.corrupt)) if self.GEPP is not None and self.GEPP.isPotentionallySolvable(): decoded = self.GEPP.solve() if hasattr(self, "f"): self.f.close() if not decoded and self.EOF: print("Unable to retrieve File from Chunks. Too much errors?") return -1 def decodeFile(self, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", quality_len_format: str = "I", epsilon_len_format: str = "f", check_block_number_len_format: str = "I"): if self.static_number_of_chunks is not None: self.number_of_chunks = self.static_number_of_chunks number_of_chunks_len_format = "" # if we got static number_of_chunks we do not need it in struct string decoded: bool = False self.EOF: bool = False if self.file.lower().endswith("fasta"): self.f.close() self.f = open(self.file, "r") raw_packet_list = [] while not (decoded or self.EOF): line = self.f.readline() if not line: self.EOF = True break try: error_prob, seed = line[1:].replace("\n", "").split("_") except: error_prob, seed = "0", "0" line = self.f.readline() if not line: self.EOF = True break dna_str = line.replace("\n", "") raw_packet_list.append((error_prob, seed, dna_str)) new_pack = self.parse_raw_packet( BytesIO(tranlate_quat_to_byte(dna_str)).read(), crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, epsilon_len_format=epsilon_len_format, quality_len_format=quality_len_format, check_block_number_len_format=check_block_number_len_format ) decoded = self.input_new_packet(new_pack) if self.progress_bar is not None: self.progress_bar.update(self.correct, Corrupt=self.corrupt) else: while not (decoded or self.EOF): new_pack = self.getNextValidPacket( False, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, quality_len_format=quality_len_format, epsilon_len_format=epsilon_len_format, check_block_number_len_format= check_block_number_len_format) if new_pack is None: break decoded = self.input_new_packet(new_pack) ## print("Decoded Packets: " + str(self.correct)) print("Corrupt Packets : " + str(self.corrupt)) if self.GEPP.isPotentionallySolvable(): return self.GEPP.solve() self.f.close() if not decoded and self.EOF: print("Unable to retrieve File from Chunks. Too much errors?") return -1 def createAuxBlocks(self) -> None: assert self.number_of_chunks is not None, "createAuxBlocks can only be called AFTER first Packet" self.rng.seed(self.number_of_chunks) if self.debug: print("We should have " + str(self.getNumberOfAuxBlocks()) + " Aux-Blocks and " + str(self.number_of_chunks) + " normal Chunks (+ 1 HeaderChunk)") for i in range(0, self.getNumberOfAuxBlocks()): self.auxBlockNumbers[i] = set() for chunk_no in range( 0, self.number_of_chunks ): # + (1 if self.use_headerchunk else 0)): # + 1 for HeaderChunk # Insert this Chunk into quality different Aux-Packets for i in range(0, self.quality): # uniform choose a number of aux blocks aux_no = self.rng.randint(0, self.getNumberOfAuxBlocks()) self.auxBlockNumbers[aux_no].add(chunk_no) # XOR all Chunks into the corresponding AUX-Block for aux_number in self.auxBlockNumbers.keys(): self.auxBlocks[aux_number] = OnlineAuxPacket( b"", self.auxBlockNumbers[aux_number], aux_number=aux_number, total_number_of_chunks=self.number_of_chunks ) # , numberOfAuxPackets=self.getNumberOfAuxBlocks()) # We will add the Data once we have it. def getAuxPacketListFromPacket( self, packet: OnlinePacket) -> typing.List[typing.List[bool]]: res: typing.List[typing.List[bool]] = [] aux_used_packets = packet.getBoolArrayAuxPackets() i = 0 for aux in aux_used_packets: if aux: res.append(self.auxBlocks[i].get_bool_array_used_packets()) i += 1 return res def removeAndXorAuxPackets( self, packet: OnlinePacket) -> typing.List[typing.List[bool]]: aux_mapping = self.getAuxPacketListFromPacket(packet) aux_mapping.append(packet.get_bool_array_used_packets()) return logical_xor(aux_mapping) def input_new_packet(self, packet: OnlinePacket) -> bool: if self.isPseudo and self.auxBlocks == dict(): self.number_of_chunks = packet.get_total_number_of_chunks() self.quality = packet.getQuality() self.epsilon = round(packet.getEpsilon(), 6) self.dist: Distribution = OnlineDistribution(self.epsilon) self.createAuxBlocks() removed: typing.List[typing.List[bool]] = self.removeAndXorAuxPackets( packet) if self.do_count: for i in range(len(removed)): if i in self.counter.keys(): if removed[i]: self.counter[i] += 1 else: self.counter[i] = 1 if self.GEPP is None: self.GEPP: GEPP = GEPP( numpy.array([removed], dtype=bool), numpy.array([[packet.get_data()]], dtype=bytes), ) else: self.GEPP.addRow( self.removeAndXorAuxPackets(packet), numpy.frombuffer(packet.get_data(), dtype="uint8"), ) if self.isPseudo and not self.read_all_before_decode and ( self.GEPP.isPotentionallySolvable() and self.GEPP.n % 25 == 0): if self.debug: print("current size: " + str(self.GEPP.n)) return self.GEPP.solve(partial=False) return False def solve(self) -> bool: return self.GEPP.solve() def getSolvedCount(self) -> int: return self.GEPP.getSolvedCount() def is_decoded(self) -> bool: return self.GEPP is not None and self.GEPP.isPotentionallySolvable( ) and self.GEPP.isSolved() def getNextValidPacket( self, from_multiple_files: bool = False, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", quality_len_format: str = "I", epsilon_len_format: str = "f", check_block_number_len_format: str = "I" ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, OnlinePacket]]: if not from_multiple_files: packet_len ="<" + packet_len_format)) packet_len = struct.unpack("<" + packet_len_format, packet_len)[0] packet = else: packet = packet_len = len(packet) if not packet or not packet_len: # EOF self.EOF: bool = True self.f.close() return None res = self.parse_raw_packet( packet, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, quality_len_format=quality_len_format, epsilon_len_format=epsilon_len_format, check_block_number_len_format=check_block_number_len_format) if res == "CORRUPT": res = self.getNextValidPacket( from_multiple_files, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, quality_len_format=quality_len_format, epsilon_len_format=epsilon_len_format, check_block_number_len_format=check_block_number_len_format) return res def parse_raw_packet(self, packet: bytes, crc_len_format="L", number_of_chunks_len_format="I", quality_len_format="I", epsilon_len_format="f", check_block_number_len_format="I") -> \ typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, OnlinePacket]]: crc_len = -struct.calcsize("<" + crc_len_format) if self.error_correction.__code__.co_name == crc32.__code__.co_name: payload = packet[:crc_len] crc: int = struct.unpack("<" + crc_len_format, packet[crc_len:])[0] calced_crc: int = calc_crc(payload) if crc != calced_crc: # If the Packet is corrupt, try next one print("[-] CRC-Error - " + str(hex(crc)) + " != " + str(hex(calced_crc))) self.corrupt += 1 return "CORRUPT" else: crc_len = None try: packet = self.error_correction(packet) except: return "CORRUPT" # if RS or other error correction cannot reconstruct this packet struct_str: str = "<" + number_of_chunks_len_format + quality_len_format + epsilon_len_format + check_block_number_len_format struct_len: int = struct.calcsize(struct_str) data: bytes = packet[struct_len:crc_len] len_data: typing.Union[typing.Tuple[int, int, float, int], typing.Tuple[int, float, int]] = struct.unpack( struct_str, packet[0:struct_len]) if self.static_number_of_chunks is None: number_of_chunks, quality, self.epsilon, check_block_number = len_data self.number_of_chunks = xor_mask(number_of_chunks, number_of_chunks_len_format) else: quality, self.epsilon, check_block_number = len_data self.epsilon = round(self.epsilon, 6) self.quality = xor_mask(quality, quality_len_format) if self.dist is None: self.dist = OnlineDistribution(self.epsilon) if self.correct == 0: self.createAuxBlocks() # Create MockUp AuxBlocks with the given Pseudo-Random Number -> we will know which Packets are Encoded in which AuxBlock self.correct += 1 res = OnlinePacket( data, self.number_of_chunks, self.quality, self.epsilon, check_block_number, dist=self.dist, read_only=True, error_correction=self.error_correction, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, quality_len_format=quality_len_format, epsilon_len_format=epsilon_len_format, check_block_number_len_format=check_block_number_len_format, save_number_of_chunks_in_packet=self.static_number_of_chunks is None) return res def decodeHeader(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I") -> None: if self.headerChunk is not None: return # Header already set for decoded in self.degreeToPacket[1]: if decoded.get_used_packets().issubset({0}): self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk( decoded, last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) def saveDecodedFile(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I", null_is_terminator: bool = False, print_to_output: bool = False) -> None: assert self.is_decoded(), "Can not save File: Unable to reconstruct." if self.use_headerchunk: self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk( OnlinePacket(self.GEPP.b[0], self.number_of_chunks, self.quality, self.epsilon, 0, {0}, self.dist, read_only=True), last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) file_name = "DEC_" + os.path.basename( self.file) if self.file is not None else "ONLINE.BIN" output_concat = b"" if self.headerChunk is not None: file_name = self.headerChunk.get_file_name().decode("utf-8") file_name = file_name.split("\x00")[0] with open(file_name, "wb") as f: # for decoded in sorted(self.degreeToPacket[1]): for x in self.GEPP.result_mapping: if 0 != x or not self.use_headerchunk: if x == self.number_of_chunks - 1 and self.use_headerchunk: output = self.GEPP.b[x][0][0:self.headerChunk. get_last_chunk_length()] output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) else: if null_is_terminator: splitter = self.GEPP.b[x].tostring().decode( ).split("\x00") output = splitter[0].encode() output_concat += output f.write(output) if len(splitter) > 1: break # since we are in null-terminator mode, we exit once we see the first 0-byte else: output = self.GEPP.b[x] try: output_concat += output.tobytes() except TypeError as te: raise te f.write(output) print("Saved file as '" + str(file_name) + "'") if print_to_output: print("Result:") print(output_concat.decode("utf-8")) def getNumberOfAuxBlocks(self) -> int: return ceil(0.55 * self.quality * self.epsilon * self.number_of_chunks)
class LTBPDecoder(BPDecoder): def __init__(self, file: typing.Optional[str] = None, error_correction: typing.Callable = nocode, use_headerchunk: bool = True, static_number_of_chunks: typing.Optional[int] = None, implicit_mode: bool = True, dist: typing.Optional[Distribution] = None): super().__init__(file, error_correction, use_headerchunk, static_number_of_chunks) self.implicit_mode: bool = implicit_mode self.use_headerchunk: bool = use_headerchunk self.file: str = file self.decodedPackets: typing.Dict = {} self.degreeToPacket: typing.Dict[int, typing.Set] = {} if file is not None: self.isFolder: bool = os.path.isdir(file) if not self.isFolder: self.f = open(self.file, "rb") self.correct: int = 0 self.corrupt: int = 0 self.number_of_chunks: int = 1000000 self.headerChunk: typing.Optional[HeaderChunk] = None self.queue: deque = deque() self.error_correction: typing.Callable = error_correction self.static_number_of_chunks: int = static_number_of_chunks self.dist: typing.Optional[Distribution] = dist # if implicit_mode is True, dist MUST be != None def decodeFolder(self, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", degree_len_format: str = "I", seed_len_format: str = "I", last_chunk_len_format: str = "I") -> typing.Optional[int]: decoded: bool = False self.EOF: bool = False if self.static_number_of_chunks is not None: self.number_of_chunks = self.static_number_of_chunks number_of_chunks_len_format = "" # if we got static number_of_chunks we do not need it in struct string if self.implicit_mode: degree_len_format = "" for file in os.listdir(self.file): if file.endswith(".LT") or file.endswith("DNA"): self.EOF = False if file.endswith("DNA"): self.f = quat_file_to_bin(self.file + "/" + file) else: self.f = open(self.file + "/" + file, "rb") new_pack = self.getNextValidPacket(True, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, degree_len_format=degree_len_format, seed_len_format=seed_len_format, last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) if new_pack is not None: ## koennte durch input_new_packet ersetzt werden: self.addPacket(new_pack) decoded = self.updatePackets(new_pack) if decoded: break ## print("Decoded Packets: " + str(self.correct)) print("Corrupt Packets : " + str(self.corrupt)) if hasattr(self, "f"): self.f.close() if not decoded and self.EOF: print("Unable to retrieve File from Chunks. Too much errors?") return -1 def decodeFile(self, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", degree_len_format: str = "I", seed_len_format: str = "I", last_chunk_len_format: str = "I") -> typing.Optional[int]: decoded: bool = False self.EOF: bool = False if self.static_number_of_chunks is not None: self.number_of_chunks = self.static_number_of_chunks number_of_chunks_len_format = "" # if we got static number_of_chunks we do not need it in struct string if self.implicit_mode: degree_len_format = "" while not (decoded or self.EOF): new_pack: Packet = self.getNextValidPacket(False, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, degree_len_format=degree_len_format, seed_len_format=seed_len_format, last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) if new_pack is None: break ## koennte durch input_new_packet ersetzt werden: self.addPacket(new_pack) decoded = self.updatePackets(new_pack) ## print("Decoded Packets: " + str(self.correct)) print("Corrupt Packets : " + str(self.corrupt)) self.f.close() if not decoded and self.EOF: print("Unable to retrieve File from Chunks. Too much errors?") return -1 def input_new_packet(self, packet: Packet) -> bool: """ Used for easy PseudoDecode """ if not isinstance(packet, DecodePacket): packet: Packet = DecodePacket.from_packet(packet) self.addPacket(packet) return self.updatePackets(packet) def addPacket(self, packet: Packet) -> None: if (packet.get_degree() not in self.degreeToPacket) or ( not isinstance(self.degreeToPacket[packet.get_degree()], set)): self.degreeToPacket[packet.get_degree()] = set() self.number_of_chunks = packet.get_total_number_of_chunks() self.degreeToPacket[packet.get_degree()].add(packet) def updatePackets(self, packet: Packet) -> bool: self.queue.append(packet) finished: bool = False while len(self.queue) > 0 and not finished: finished = self.reduceAll(self.queue.popleft()) return finished def compareAndReduce(self, packet: Packet, other: Packet) -> typing.Union[bool, int]: if self.file is None: # In case of PseudoDecode: DO NOT REALLY COMPUTE XOR packet.remove_packets(other.get_used_packets()) else: packet.xor_and_remove_packet(other) degree = packet.get_degree() if (degree not in self.degreeToPacket) or (not isinstance(self.degreeToPacket[degree], set)): self.degreeToPacket[degree] = set() self.degreeToPacket[degree].add(packet) if self.is_decoded(): return True self.queue.append(packet) return degree """def reduceAll(self, packet: Packet) -> bool: # looup all packets for this to solve with ( when this packet has a subset of used Packets) fin: bool = False lookup: typing.List[int] = [i for i in self.degreeToPacket.keys() if packet.get_degree() < i] for i in lookup: if not isinstance(self.degreeToPacket[i], set): self.degreeToPacket[i] = set() for p in self.degreeToPacket[i].copy(): p_used = p.get_used_packets() pack_used = packet.get_used_packets() if len(pack_used) < len(p_used) and pack_used.issubset(p_used): self.degreeToPacket[i].remove(p) degree = self.compareAndReduce(p, packet) if isinstance(degree, bool) and degree: return degree degree = packet.get_degree() lookup = [i for i in self.degreeToPacket.keys() if packet.get_degree() > i] for i in lookup: if not isinstance(self.degreeToPacket[i], set): self.degreeToPacket[i] = set() for p in self.degreeToPacket[i].copy(): p_used = p.get_used_packets() pack_used = packet.get_used_packets() if len(pack_used) > len(p_used) and p_used.issubset(pack_used): try: self.degreeToPacket[degree].remove(packet) degree = self.compareAndReduce(packet, p) if isinstance(degree, bool) and degree: return degree except Exception: continue return fin or self.is_decoded()""" def is_decoded(self) -> bool: return (1 in self.degreeToPacket and len( self.degreeToPacket[1]) == self.number_of_chunks) # self.number_of_chunks def getSolvedCount(self) -> int: return len(self.degreeToPacket[1]) def getNextValidPacket(self, from_multiple_files: bool = False, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", degree_len_format: str = "I", seed_len_format: str = "I", last_chunk_len_format: str = "I") -> typing.Optional[Packet]: if not from_multiple_files: packet_len: typing.Union[bytes, int] ="<" + packet_len_format)) packet_len = struct.unpack("<" + packet_len_format, packet_len)[0] packet: bytes = else: packet = packet_len = len(packet) if not packet or not packet_len: # EOF self.EOF: bool = True self.f.close() return None crc_len: typing.Optional[int] = -struct.calcsize("<" + crc_len_format) if self.error_correction.__code__.co_name == crc32.__code__.co_name: payload = packet[:crc_len] # instead of typing.Any we would have _SupportsIndex: crc: typing.Union[int, typing.Any] = struct.unpack("<" + crc_len_format, packet[crc_len:])[0] calced_crc = calc_crc(payload) if crc != calced_crc: # If the Packet is corrupt, try next one print("[-] CRC-Error - " + str(hex(crc)) + " != " + str(hex(calced_crc))) self.corrupt += 1 return self.getNextValidPacket(from_multiple_files, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, degree_len_format=degree_len_format, seed_len_format=seed_len_format, last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) else: crc_len = None try: packet = self.error_correction(packet) except: self.corrupt += 1 return self.getNextValidPacket(from_multiple_files) struct_str = "<" + number_of_chunks_len_format + degree_len_format + seed_len_format struct_len = struct.calcsize(struct_str) len_data = struct.unpack(struct_str, packet[0:struct_len]) degree = None if self.static_number_of_chunks is None: if self.implicit_mode: number_of_chunks, seed = len_data else: number_of_chunks, degree, seed = len_data self.number_of_chunks = xor_mask(number_of_chunks, number_of_chunks_len_format) else: if self.implicit_mode: seed, = len_data else: degree, seed = len_data seed = xor_mask(seed, seed_len_format) if degree is None: self.dist.set_seed(seed) degree = self.dist.getNumber() else: degree = xor_mask(degree, degree_len_format) used_packets = self.choose_packet_numbers(degree, seed=seed) data = packet[struct_len:crc_len] self.correct += 1 res = DecodePacket(data, used_packets, error_correction=self.error_correction, number_of_chunks=self.number_of_chunks) if used_packets.issubset({0}) and self.headerChunk is None and self.use_headerchunk: self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk(res) return res def choose_packet_numbers(self, degree: int, seed: int = 0) -> typing.Set: assert degree <= self.number_of_chunks res = set() rng = np.random rng.seed(seed) for _ in range(0, degree): tmp = rng.choice(range(0, self.number_of_chunks)) while tmp in res: tmp = rng.choice(range(0, self.number_of_chunks)) res.add(tmp) return res def saveDecodedFile(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I", null_is_terminator: bool = False, print_to_output: bool = True) -> None: assert self.is_decoded(), "Can not save File: Unable to reconstruct." file_name: str = "DEC_" + self.file.split("\x00")[0] # split is needed for weird MAC / Windows bugs... sort_list: typing.List = sorted(self.degreeToPacket[1]) if 0 in sort_list[0].get_used_packets() and self.use_headerchunk: self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk(sort_list[0]) output_concat: bytes = b"" if self.headerChunk is not None: file_name = self.headerChunk.get_file_name().decode("utf-8") with open(file_name, "wb") as f: for decoded in sort_list: if 0 in decoded.get_used_packets() and self.use_headerchunk: self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk(decoded, last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) else: if self.number_of_chunks - 1 in decoded.get_used_packets() and self.use_headerchunk: output = decoded.get_data()[0: self.headerChunk.get_last_chunk_length()] if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) else: if null_is_terminator: data = decoded.get_data() if type(data) == bytes: splitter = data.decode().split("\x00") else: splitter = data.tostring().decode().split("\x00") output = splitter[0].encode() output_concat += output f.write(output) if len(splitter) > 1: break # since we are in null-terminator mode, we exit once we see the first 0-byte else: output = decoded.get_data() if type(output) == np.ndarray or type(output) != bytes: output_concat += output.tobytes() else: output_concat += output f.write(output) print("Saved file as '" + str(file_name) + "'") if print_to_output: print("Result:") print(output_concat.decode("utf-8"))
def getNextValidPacket(self, from_multiple_files: bool = False, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", degree_len_format: str = "I", seed_len_format: str = "I", last_chunk_len_format: str = "I") -> typing.Optional[Packet]: if not from_multiple_files: packet_len: typing.Union[bytes, int] ="<" + packet_len_format)) packet_len = struct.unpack("<" + packet_len_format, packet_len)[0] packet: bytes = else: packet = packet_len = len(packet) if not packet or not packet_len: # EOF self.EOF: bool = True self.f.close() return None crc_len: typing.Optional[int] = -struct.calcsize("<" + crc_len_format) if self.error_correction.__code__.co_name == crc32.__code__.co_name: payload = packet[:crc_len] # instead of typing.Any we would have _SupportsIndex: crc: typing.Union[int, typing.Any] = struct.unpack("<" + crc_len_format, packet[crc_len:])[0] calced_crc = calc_crc(payload) if crc != calced_crc: # If the Packet is corrupt, try next one print("[-] CRC-Error - " + str(hex(crc)) + " != " + str(hex(calced_crc))) self.corrupt += 1 return self.getNextValidPacket(from_multiple_files, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, degree_len_format=degree_len_format, seed_len_format=seed_len_format, last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) else: crc_len = None try: packet = self.error_correction(packet) except: self.corrupt += 1 return self.getNextValidPacket(from_multiple_files) struct_str = "<" + number_of_chunks_len_format + degree_len_format + seed_len_format struct_len = struct.calcsize(struct_str) len_data = struct.unpack(struct_str, packet[0:struct_len]) degree = None if self.static_number_of_chunks is None: if self.implicit_mode: number_of_chunks, seed = len_data else: number_of_chunks, degree, seed = len_data self.number_of_chunks = xor_mask(number_of_chunks, number_of_chunks_len_format) else: if self.implicit_mode: seed, = len_data else: degree, seed = len_data seed = xor_mask(seed, seed_len_format) if degree is None: self.dist.set_seed(seed) degree = self.dist.getNumber() else: degree = xor_mask(degree, degree_len_format) used_packets = self.choose_packet_numbers(degree, seed=seed) data = packet[struct_len:crc_len] self.correct += 1 res = DecodePacket(data, used_packets, error_correction=self.error_correction, number_of_chunks=self.number_of_chunks) if used_packets.issubset({0}) and self.headerChunk is None and self.use_headerchunk: self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk(res) return res
class OnlineBPDecoder(BPDecoder): def __init__(self, file: str, error_correction: typing.Callable = nocode, use_headerchunk: bool = True, static_number_of_chunks: typing.Optional[int] = None): super().__init__(file, error_correction, use_headerchunk, static_number_of_chunks) self.use_headerchunk: bool = use_headerchunk self.file: str = file if file is not None: self.isFolder: bool = os.path.isdir(file) if not self.isFolder: self.f = open(self.file, "rb") self.rng: numpy.random = numpy.random self.auxBlockNumbers: typing.Dict[int, typing.Set[int]] = dict() self.error_correction: typing.Callable = error_correction self.static_number_of_chunks: int = static_number_of_chunks self.epsilon = None self.quality = None def decodeFolder(self, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", quality_len_format: str = "I", epsilon_len_format: str = "f", check_block_number_len_format: str = "I") -> int: decoded: bool = False self.EOF: bool = False if self.static_number_of_chunks is not None: self.number_of_chunks: int = self.static_number_of_chunks number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "" # if we got static number_of_chunks we do not need it in struct string for dir_file in os.listdir(self.file): if dir_file.endswith(".ONLINE") or dir_file.endswith("DNA"): self.EOF = False if dir_file.endswith("DNA"): self.f = quat_file_to_bin(self.file + "/" + dir_file) else: self.f = open(self.file + "/" + dir_file, "rb") new_pack = self.getNextValidPacket( True, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, quality_len_format=quality_len_format, epsilon_len_format=epsilon_len_format, check_block_number_len_format=check_block_number_len_format ) if new_pack is not None: # koennte durch input_new_packet ersetzt werden: self.addPacket(new_pack) decoded = self.updatePackets(new_pack) if decoded: break print("Decoded Packets: " + str(self.correct)) print("Corrupt Packets : " + str(self.corrupt)) if hasattr(self, "f"): self.f.close() if not decoded and self.EOF: print("Unable to retrieve File from Chunks. Too much errors?") return -1 def decodeFile(self, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", quality_len_format: str = "I", epsilon_len_format: str = "f", check_block_number_len_format: str = "I") -> int: if self.static_number_of_chunks is not None: self.number_of_chunks = self.static_number_of_chunks number_of_chunks_len_format = "" # if we got static number_of_chunks we do not need it in struct string decoded = False self.EOF: bool = False while not (decoded or self.EOF): new_pack = self.getNextValidPacket( False, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, quality_len_format=quality_len_format, epsilon_len_format=epsilon_len_format, check_block_number_len_format=check_block_number_len_format) if new_pack is None: break self.addPacket(new_pack) decoded = self.updatePackets(new_pack) ## print("Decoded Packets: " + str(self.correct)) print("Corrupt Packets : " + str(self.corrupt)) self.f.close() if not decoded and self.EOF: print("Unable to retrieve File from Chunks. Too much errors?") return -1 def input_new_packet(self, packet: OnlinePacket, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I") -> bool: self.number_of_chunks = packet.total_number_of_chunks self.quality: int = packet.quality self.epsilon: float = packet.epsilon if self.headerChunk is None and self.use_headerchunk: self.decodeHeader() if self.correct == 0: self.createAuxBlocks() self.correct += 1 self.addPacket(packet) return self.updatePackets(packet) def getAuxPacketListFromPacket( self, packet: OnlinePacket) -> typing.List[typing.List[bool]]: res: typing.List[typing.List[bool]] = [] aux_used_packets = packet.getBoolArrayAuxPackets() i = 0 for aux in aux_used_packets: if aux: res.append(self.auxBlocks[i].get_bool_array_used_packets()) i += 1 return res def removeAndXorAuxPackets(self, packet: OnlinePacket) -> typing.List[bool]: aux_mapping = self.getAuxPacketListFromPacket(packet) aux_mapping.append(packet.get_bool_array_used_packets()) return logical_xor(aux_mapping) def createAuxBlocks(self) -> None: assert self.number_of_chunks is not None, "createAuxBlocks can only be called AFTER first Packet" # self.dist.update_number_of_chunks(self.number_of_chunks) self.rng.seed(self.number_of_chunks) if self.debug: print("We should have " + str(self.getNumberOfAuxBlocks()) + " Aux-Blocks and " + str(self.number_of_chunks) + " normal Chunks (+ 1 HeaderChunk)") for i in range(0, self.getNumberOfAuxBlocks()): self.auxBlockNumbers[i] = set() for chunk_no in range( 0, self.number_of_chunks ): # + (1 if self.use_headerchunk else 0)): # + 1 for HeaderChunk # Insert this Chunk into quality different Aux-Packets for i in range(0, self.quality): # uniform choose a number of aux blocks aux_no = self.rng.randint(0, self.getNumberOfAuxBlocks()) self.auxBlockNumbers[aux_no].add(chunk_no) # XOR all Chunks into the corresponding AUX-Block for aux_number in self.auxBlockNumbers.keys(): self.auxBlocks[aux_number] = OnlineAuxPacket( b"", self.auxBlockNumbers[aux_number], aux_number=aux_number, total_number_of_chunks=self.number_of_chunks ) # , numberOfAuxPackets=self.getNumberOfAuxBlocks()) # We will add the Data once we have it. def solve(self): if self.use_headerchunk and self.headerChunk is None: self.decodeHeader() # Decoder.solve(self) super(OnlineBPDecoder, self).solve() def is_decoded(self) -> bool: return self.getSolvedCount() >= self.number_of_chunks def getSolvedCount(self) -> int: return len( self.decodedPackets) + (1 if self.headerChunk is not None else 0) def getNextValidPacket( self, from_multiple_files: bool = False, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", quality_len_format: str = "I", epsilon_len_format: str = "f", check_block_number_len_format: str = "I" ) -> typing.Optional[OnlinePacket]: if not from_multiple_files: packet_len ="<" + packet_len_format)) packet_len = struct.unpack("<" + packet_len_format, packet_len)[0] packet: bytes = else: packet = packet_len = len(packet) if not packet or not packet_len: # EOF self.EOF = True self.f.close() return None crc_len: typing.Optional[int] = struct.calcsize("<" + crc_len_format) if self.error_correction.__code__.co_name == crc32.__code__.co_name: payload = packet[:crc_len] crc = struct.unpack("<L", packet[crc_len:])[0] calced_crc = calc_crc(payload) if crc != calced_crc: # If the Packet is corrupt, try next one print("[-] CRC-Error - " + str(hex(crc)) + " != " + str(hex(calced_crc))) self.corrupt += 1 return self.getNextValidPacket(from_multiple_files) else: crc_len = None try: packet = self.error_correction(packet) except: self.corrupt += 1 return self.getNextValidPacket(from_multiple_files) struct_str: str = "<" + number_of_chunks_len_format + quality_len_format + epsilon_len_format + check_block_number_len_format struct_len: int = struct.calcsize(struct_str) data = packet[struct_len:crc_len] len_data: typing.Union[typing.Tuple[int, float, int], typing.Tuple[int, int, float, int]] = struct.unpack( struct_str, packet[0:struct_len]) if self.static_number_of_chunks is None: number_of_chunks, quality, self.epsilon, check_block_number = len_data self.number_of_chunks = xor_mask(number_of_chunks, number_of_chunks_len_format) else: quality, self.epsilon, check_block_number = len_data self.quality = xor_mask(quality, quality_len_format) if self.dist is None: self.dist = OnlineDistribution(self.epsilon) if self.correct == 0: # Create MockUp AuxBlocks with the given Pseudo-Random Number -> we will know which Packets are Encoded in which AuxBlock self.createAuxBlocks() self.correct += 1 res = OnlinePacket( data, self.number_of_chunks, self.quality, self.epsilon, check_block_number, read_only=True, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, quality_len_format=quality_len_format, epsilon_len_format=epsilon_len_format, check_block_number_len_format=check_block_number_len_format, save_number_of_chunks_in_packet=self.static_number_of_chunks is None) return res def decodeHeader(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I") -> None: if self.headerChunk is not None or 1 not in self.degreeToPacket.keys(): return # Header already set or no chunks decoded so far for decoded in self.degreeToPacket[1]: if decoded.get_used_packets().issubset({0}): self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk( decoded, last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) return def saveDecodedFile(self, null_is_terminator: bool = False, print_to_output: bool = True) -> None: assert self.is_decoded(), "Can not save File: Unable to reconstruct." if self.use_headerchunk: self.decodeHeader() file_name = "DEC_" + self.file.split("\x00")[ 0] # split is needed for weird MAC / Windows bugs... output_concat = b"" if self.headerChunk is not None: file_name = self.headerChunk.get_file_name().decode("utf-8") with open(file_name, "wb") as f: a = [] for decoded in sorted(self.decodedPackets): [num] = decoded.get_used_packets() if 0 != num or not self.use_headerchunk or self.number_of_chunks - 1 == 0: if isinstance(decoded, OnlineAuxPacket): a.append(num) if self.number_of_chunks - 1 == num and self.use_headerchunk: output: typing.Union[ bytes, numpy.array] = decoded.get_data( )[0:self.headerChunk.get_last_chunk_length()] if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) else: if null_is_terminator: data = decoded.get_data() if type(data) == bytes: splitter = data.decode().split("\x00") else: splitter = data.tostring().decode().split( "\x00") output = splitter[0].encode() if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) if len(splitter) > 1: break # since we are in null-terminator mode, we exit once we see the first 0-byte else: output = decoded.get_data() if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) print("Saved file as '" + str(file_name) + "'") if print_to_output: print("Result:") print(output_concat.decode("utf-8")) def getNumberOfAuxBlocks(self) -> int: return int( ceil(0.55 * self.quality * self.epsilon * self.number_of_chunks))
class RU10BPDecoder(BPDecoder): def __init__(self, file: typing.Optional[str] = None, error_correction=nocode, use_headerchunk: bool = True, static_number_of_chunks: typing.Optional[int] = None, use_method: bool = False): super().__init__() self.file: typing.Optional[str] = file self.use_method: bool = use_method if file is not None: self.isFolder = os.path.isdir(file) if not self.isFolder: self.f = open(self.file, "rb") self.number_of_chunks: int = 1000000 self.s: int = -1 self.h: int = -1 self.error_correction: typing.Callable = error_correction self.use_headerchunk: bool = use_headerchunk self.static_number_of_chunks: typing.Optional[ int] = static_number_of_chunks def decodeFolder(self, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "I", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", id_len_format: str = "I"): """ Decodes the information from a folder if self.file represents a folder and the packets were saved in multiple files and prints the number of decoded and corrupted packets. :param packet_len_format: Format of the packet length :param crc_len_format: Format of the crc length :param number_of_chunks_len_format: Format of the number of chunks length :param id_len_format: Format of the ID length :return: -1 if the decoding wasn't successful """ decoded = False self.EOF = False if self.static_number_of_chunks is not None: self.number_of_chunks = self.static_number_of_chunks number_of_chunks_len_format = "" # if we got static number_of_chunks we do not need it in struct string for file in os.listdir(self.file): if file.endswith(".RU10") or file.endswith("DNA"): self.EOF = False if file.endswith("DNA"): if self.error_correction.__name__ == 'dna_reed_solomon_decode': try: self.f = quad_file_to_bytes(self.file + "/" + file) except TypeError: print( "skipping CORRUPT file - contains illegal character(s)" ) self.corrupt += 1 continue else: try: self.f = quat_file_to_bin(self.file + "/" + file) except TypeError: print( "skipping CORRUPT file - contains illegal character(s)" ) self.corrupt += 1 continue else: self.f = open(self.file + "/" + file, "rb") new_pack = self.getNextValidPacket( True, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, id_len_format=id_len_format) if new_pack is not None: # koennte durch input_new_packet ersetzt werden: # self.addPacket(new_pack) decoded = self.input_new_packet(new_pack) if decoded: break ## print("Decoded Packets: " + str(self.correct)) print("Corrupt Packets: " + str(self.corrupt)) if hasattr(self, "f"): self.f.close() if not decoded and self.EOF: print("Unable to retrieve File from Chunks. Too many errors?") return -1 def decodeFile(self, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", id_len_format: str = "I"): """ Decodes the information from a file if self.file represents a file and the packets were saved in a single file. :param packet_len_format: Format of the packet length :param crc_len_format: Format of the crc length :param number_of_chunks_len_format: Format of the number of chunks length :param id_len_format: Format of the ID length :return: -1 if the decoding wasn't successful """ decoded = False self.EOF = False if self.file.lower().endswith("dna"): try: self.f.close() self.f = quat_file_to_bin(self.file) except TypeError: print("skipping CORRUPT file - contains illegal character(s)") self.corrupt += 1 if self.static_number_of_chunks is not None: self.number_of_chunks = self.static_number_of_chunks number_of_chunks_len_format = "" # if we got static number_of_chunks we do not need it in struct string if self.file.lower().endswith("fasta"): self.f.close() self.f = open(self.file, "r") raw_packet_list = [] while not (decoded or self.EOF): line = self.f.readline() if not line: self.EOF = True break try: error_prob, seed = line[1:].replace("\n", "").split("_") except: error_prob, seed = "0", "0" line = self.f.readline() if not line: self.EOF = True break dna_str = line.replace("\n", "") raw_packet_list.append((error_prob, seed, dna_str)) new_pack = self.parse_raw_packet( BytesIO(tranlate_quat_to_byte(dna_str)).read(), crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, id_len_format=id_len_format) decoded = self.input_new_packet(new_pack) else: while not (decoded or self.EOF): new_pack = self.getNextValidPacket( False, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, id_len_format=id_len_format) if new_pack is None: break decoded = self.input_new_packet(new_pack) print("Decoded Packets: " + str(self.correct)) print("Corrupt Packets : " + str(self.corrupt)) if not decoded and self.EOF: print("Unable to retrieve File from Chunks. Too much errors?") return -1 def getNumberOfLDPCBlocks(self): return self.s def getNumberOfHalfBlocks(self): return self.h def getNumberOfRepairBlocks(self): return self.getNumberOfHalfBlocks() + self.getNumberOfLDPCBlocks() def removeAndXorAuxPackets(self, packet: RU10Packet) -> typing.List[bool]: """ Removes auxpackets (LDCP and Half) from a given packet to get the packets data. :param packet: Packet to remove auxpackets from :return: The data without the auxpackets """ aux_mapping = self.getHalfPacketListFromPacket( packet) # Enthaelt Data + LDPC Nummern aux_mapping.append(packet.get_bool_array_used_and_ldpc_packets()) xored_list = logical_xor(aux_mapping) tmp = set(from_true_false_list( xored_list)) # Nur noch Data + LDPC sind vorhanden if self.debug: print(tmp) tmp = type(packet)("", tmp, self.number_of_chunks,, packet.dist, read_only=True) aux_mapping = self.getAuxPacketListFromPacket(tmp) aux_mapping.append( tmp.get_bool_array_used_packets()) # [-len(self.auxBlocks):]) return logical_xor(aux_mapping) def input_new_packet(self, packet: RU10Packet): """ Removes auxpackets (LDPC and Half) and adds the remaining data to the GEPP matrix. :param packet: A Packet to add to the GEPP matrix :return: True: If solved. False: Else. """ if self.auxBlocks == dict() and self.dist is None: # self.isPseudo and self.dist = RaptorDistribution(self.number_of_chunks) self.number_of_chunks = packet.get_total_number_of_chunks() _, self.s, self.h = intermediate_symbols(self.number_of_chunks, self.dist) self.createAuxBlocks() # we need to do it twice sine half symbols may contain ldpc symbols (which by definition are repair codes.) if self.debug: print("----") print("Id = " + str( print(packet.used_packets) removed = self.removeAndXorAuxPackets(packet) if self.debug: print(from_true_false_list(removed)) print(packet.get_error_correction()) print("----") packet.set_used_packets(set(from_true_false_list(removed))) if self.count: for i in range(len(removed)): if i in self.counter.keys(): if removed[i]: self.counter[i] += 1 else: self.counter[i] = 1 self.addPacket(packet) return self.updatePackets(packet) def createAuxBlocks(self): """ Reconstructs the auxblocks to be able to remove them afterwards. :return: """ assert (self.number_of_chunks is not None ), "createAuxBlocks can only be called AFTER first Packet" if self.debug: print("We should have " + str(self.getNumberOfLDPCBlocks()) + " LDPC-Blocks, " + str(self.getNumberOfHalfBlocks()) + " Half-Blocks and " + str(self.number_of_chunks) + " normal Chunks (including 1 HeaderChunk)") for i in range(0, self.getNumberOfRepairBlocks()): self.repairBlockNumbers[i] = set() i = 0 for group in self.generateIntermediateBlocksFormat( self.number_of_chunks): for elem in group: self.repairBlockNumbers[i] = elem i += 1 # XOR all Chunks into the corresponding AUX-Block for aux_number in self.repairBlockNumbers.keys(): self.auxBlocks[aux_number] = RU10IntermediatePacket( "", self.repairBlockNumbers[aux_number], total_number_of_chunks=self.number_of_chunks, id=aux_number, dist=self.dist) # # We will add the Data once we have it. if self.debug: print( str(aux_number) + " : " + str(self.auxBlocks[aux_number].used_packets)) # Correct def getAuxPacketListFromPacket(self, packet: RU10Packet): """ Creates a list for a packet with information about whether auxpackets have been used for that packet. :param packet: The packet to check. :return: Information about used auxpackets. """ res = [] aux_used_packets = packet.get_bool_array_repair_packets() for i in range(len(aux_used_packets)): if aux_used_packets[i]: res.append((self.auxBlocks[i].get_bool_array_used_packets())) return res def getHalfPacketListFromPacket( self, packet: RU10Packet) -> typing.List[typing.List[bool]]: """ Generates a list of halfpackets from a packet. :param packet: The packet to get the list from :return: List of halfpackets """ res: typing.List[typing.List[bool]] = [] aux_used_packets = packet.get_bool_array_half_packets() for i in range(len(aux_used_packets)): if aux_used_packets[i]: res.append( (self.auxBlocks[packet.get_number_of_ldpc_blocks() + i].get_bool_array_used_and_ldpc_packets())) return res def solve(self): if self.use_headerchunk and self.headerChunk is None: self.decodeHeader() # Decoder.solve(self) super(self.__class__, self).solve() def is_decoded(self) -> bool: return self.getSolvedCount() >= self.number_of_chunks def getSolvedCount(self) -> int: return len( self.decodedPackets) + (1 if self.headerChunk is not None else 0) def getNextValidPacket( self, from_multiple_files: bool = False, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", id_len_format: str = "I") -> typing.Optional[RU10Packet]: """ Takes a raw packet from a file and calls @parse_raw_packet to get a RU10 packet. If the packet is corrupt the next one will be taken. :param from_multiple_files: True: The packets were saved in multiple files. False: Packets were saved in one file. :param packet_len_format: Format of the packet length :param crc_len_format: Format of the crc length :param number_of_chunks_len_format: Format of the number of chunks length :param id_len_format: Format of the ID length :return: RU10Packet """ if not from_multiple_files: packet_len ="<" + packet_len_format)) try: packet_len = struct.unpack("<" + packet_len_format, packet_len)[0] packet = except: return None else: packet = packet_len = len(packet) if not packet or not packet_len: # EOF self.EOF = True try: self.f.close() except: return None return None res = self.parse_raw_packet( packet, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, id_len_format=id_len_format) if res == "CORRUPT": res = self.getNextValidPacket( from_multiple_files, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, id_len_format=id_len_format) return res def parse_raw_packet( self, packet, crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "L", packet_len_format: str = "I", id_len_format: str = "L") -> typing.Union[RU10Packet, str]: """ Creates a RU10 packet from a raw given packet. Also checks if the packet is corrupted. If any method was used to create packets from specific chunks, set self.use_method = True. This will treat the last byte of the raw packet data as the byte that contains the information about the used method ("even", "odd", "window_30 + window" or "window_40 + window". See RU10Encoder.create_new_packet_from_chunks for further information. :param packet: A raw packet :param packet_len_format: Format of the packet length :param crc_len_format: Format of the crc length :param number_of_chunks_len_format: Format of the number of chunks length :param id_len_format: Format of the ID length :return: RU10Packet or an error message """ struct_str = "<" + number_of_chunks_len_format + id_len_format struct_len = struct.calcsize(struct_str) """" if self.error_correction.__code__.co_name == crc32.__code__.co_name: crc_len = -struct.calcsize("<" + crc_len_format) payload = packet[:crc_len] crc = struct.unpack("<" + crc_len_format, packet[crc_len:])[0] calced_crc = calc_crc(payload) if crc != calced_crc: # If the Packet is corrupt, try next one print("[-] CRC-Error - " + str(hex(crc)) + " != " + str(hex(calced_crc))) self.corrupt += 1 return "CORRUPT" else: """ try: packet = self.error_correction(packet) except: self.corrupt += 1 return "CORRUPT" data = packet[struct_len:] if self.use_method: method_data = bin(data[-1])[2:] while len(method_data) < 8: method_data = '0' + method_data data = data[:-1] if method_data.startswith('00'): chunk_lst = [ ch for ch in range(0, self.number_of_chunks + 1) if ch % 2 == 0 ] elif method_data.startswith('01'): chunk_lst = [ ch for ch in range(0, self.number_of_chunks + 1) if ch % 2 != 0 ] elif method_data.startswith('10'): window = int(method_data[2:], 2) window_size = 30 start = window * (window_size - 10) chunk_lst = [ ch for ch in range(start, start + window_size) if ch <= self.number_of_chunks ] elif method_data.startswith('11'): window = int(method_data[2:], 2) window_size = 40 start = window * (window_size - 10) chunk_lst = [ ch for ch in range(start, start + window_size) if ch <= self.number_of_chunks ] else: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid method_data: %s" % method_data) len_data = struct.unpack(struct_str, packet[0:struct_len]) if self.static_number_of_chunks is None: self.number_of_chunks = xor_mask(len_data[0], number_of_chunks_len_format) unxored_id = xor_mask(len_data[1], id_len_format) else: unxored_id = xor_mask(len_data[0], id_len_format) if self.dist is None: self.dist = RaptorDistribution(self.number_of_chunks) _, self.s, self.h = intermediate_symbols(self.number_of_chunks, self.dist) if self.correct == 0: self.createAuxBlocks() self.correct += 1 if self.use_method: numbers = choose_packet_numbers(len(chunk_lst), unxored_id, self.dist, systematic=False, max_l=len(chunk_lst)) used_packets = set([chunk_lst[i] for i in numbers]) else: used_packets = set( choose_packet_numbers(self.number_of_chunks, unxored_id, self.dist, systematic=False)) res = RU10Packet( data, used_packets, self.number_of_chunks, unxored_id, read_only=True, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, id_len_format=id_len_format, save_number_of_chunks_in_packet=self.static_number_of_chunks is None) return res def generateIntermediateBlocksFormat( self, number_of_chunks: int ) -> typing.List[typing.List[typing.List[int]]]: """ Generates the format of the intermediate blocks from the number of used chunks. :param number_of_chunks: The number of used chunks. :return: """ compositions: typing.List[typing.List[int]] = [[] for _ in range(self.s)] for i in range(0, number_of_chunks): a = 1 + (int(floor(np.float64(i) / np.float64(self.s))) % (self.s - 1)) b = int(i % self.s) compositions[b].append(i) b = (b + a) % self.s compositions[b].append(i) b = (b + a) % self.s compositions[b].append(i) hprime: int = int(ceil(np.float64(self.h) / 2)) m = buildGraySequence(number_of_chunks + self.s, hprime) hcompositions: typing.List[typing.List[int]] = [[] for _ in range(self.h)] for i in range(0, self.h): hcomposition = [] for j in range(0, number_of_chunks + self.s): if bitSet(np.uint32(m[j]), np.uint32(i)): hcomposition.append(j) hcompositions[i] = hcomposition res = [compositions, hcompositions] return res def decodeHeader(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I") -> None: if self.headerChunk is not None or 1 not in self.degreeToPacket.keys(): return # Header already set for decoded in self.degreeToPacket[1]: if decoded.get_used_packets().issubset({0}): self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk( decoded, last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) return def saveDecodedFile(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I", null_is_terminator: bool = False, print_to_output: bool = True, return_file_name=False) -> typing.Union[bytes, str]: """ Saves the file - if decoded. The filename is either taken from the headerchunk or generated based on the input filename. :param return_file_name: if set to true, this function will return the filename under which the file as been saved :param last_chunk_len_format: Format of the last chunk length :param null_is_terminator: True: The file is handled as null-terminated C-String. :param print_to_output: True: Result we be printed to the command line. :return: """ assert self.is_decoded(), "Can not save File: Unable to reconstruct." if self.use_headerchunk: self.decodeHeader() file_name = "DEC_" + os.path.basename( self.file) if self.file is not None else "RU10.BIN" output_concat = b"" if self.headerChunk is not None: file_name = self.headerChunk.get_file_name().decode("utf-8") file_name = file_name.split("\x00")[0] with open(file_name, "wb") as f: a = [] for decoded in sorted(self.decodedPackets): [num] = decoded.get_used_packets() if 0 != num or not self.use_headerchunk or self.number_of_chunks - 1 == 0: if isinstance(decoded, RU10IntermediatePacket): a.append(num) if self.number_of_chunks - 1 == num and self.use_headerchunk: output: typing.Union[ bytes, np.array] = decoded.get_data( )[0:self.headerChunk.get_last_chunk_length()] if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) else: if null_is_terminator: data = decoded.get_data() if type(data) == bytes: splitter = data.decode().split("\x00") else: splitter = data.tostring().decode().split( "\x00") output = splitter[0].encode() if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) if len(splitter) > 1: break # since we are in null-terminator mode, we exit once we see the first 0-byte else: output = decoded.get_data() if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) print("Saved file as '" + str(file_name) + "'") if print_to_output: print("Result:") print(output_concat.decode("utf-8")) if return_file_name: return file_name def mode_1_bmp_decode(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I"): dec_out = self.saveDecodedFile( last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format, null_is_terminator=False, print_to_output=False) return self.bytes_to_bitmap(dec_out) def bytes_to_bitmap(self, img_byt: bytes): width, height = struct.unpack('>H', img_byt[:2])[0], struct.unpack( '>H', img_byt[2:4])[0] unpack = np.unpackbits( np.frombuffer(img_byt, dtype=np.uint8, count=int((width * height) / 8), offset=4)).reshape(height, width).transpose() flip_bits = np.logical_not(unpack).astype(int) new_img = self.draw_img(flip_bits, width, height) tmp_file_name = os.path.basename(self.file) + ".bmp" file_name = "DEC_" + tmp_file_name if self.file is not None else "RU10.BIN.bmp" return file_name @staticmethod def draw_img(unpacked_flipped_bits, width: int, height: int) -> Image: new_img ='1', (width, height)) pixels = new_img.load() for i in range(new_img.size[0]): for j in range(new_img.size[1]): pixels[i, j] = int(unpacked_flipped_bits[i, j]) return new_img
def saveDecodedFile(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I", null_is_terminator: bool = False, print_to_output: bool = True, return_file_name=False, partial_decoding: bool = True) -> \ typing.Union[bytes, str]: """ Saves the file - if decoded. The filename is either taken from the headerchunk or generated based on the input filename. :param partial_decoding: perform partial decoding if full decoding failed, missing parts will be filled with "\x00" :param return_file_name: if set to true, this function will return the filename under which the file as been saved :param last_chunk_len_format: Format of the last chunk length :param null_is_terminator: True: The file is handled as null-terminated C-String. :param print_to_output: True: Result we be printed to the command line. :return: """ assert self.is_decoded( ) or partial_decoding, "Can not save File: Unable to reconstruct. You may try saveDecodedFile(partial_decoding=True)" if partial_decoding: self.solve(partial=True) dirty = False if self.use_headerchunk: header_row = self.GEPP.result_mapping[0] if header_row >= 0: self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk( Packet(self.GEPP.b[header_row], {0}, self.number_of_chunks, read_only=True), last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) file_name = "DEC_" + os.path.basename( self.file) if self.file is not None else "RU10.BIN" output_concat = b"" if self.headerChunk is not None: try: file_name = self.headerChunk.get_file_name().decode("utf-8") except Exception as ex: print("Warning:", ex) file_name = file_name.split("\x00")[0] with open(file_name, "wb") as f: for x in self.GEPP.result_mapping: if x < 0: f.write(b"\x00" * len(self.GEPP.b[x][0])) dirty = True continue if 0 != x or not self.use_headerchunk: if self.number_of_chunks - 1 == x and self.use_headerchunk: output = self.GEPP.b[x][0][0:self.headerChunk. get_last_chunk_length()] output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) else: if null_is_terminator: splitter = self.GEPP.b[x].tostring().decode( ).split("\x00") output = splitter[0].encode() if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) if len(splitter) > 1: break # since we are in null-terminator mode, we exit once we see the first 0-byte else: output = self.GEPP.b[x] if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) print("Saved file as '" + str(file_name) + "'") if dirty: print( "Some parts could not be restored, file WILL contain sections with \\x00 !" ) if print_to_output: print("Result:") print(output_concat.decode("utf-8")) if self.progress_bar is not None: self.progress_bar.update(self.number_of_chunks, Corrupt=self.corrupt) if return_file_name: return file_name return output_concat
class RU10Decoder(Decoder): def __init__(self, file: typing.Optional[str] = None, error_correction=nocode, use_headerchunk: bool = True, static_number_of_chunks: typing.Optional[int] = None, use_method: bool = False): self.debug = False super().__init__() self.isPseudo: bool = False self.file: typing.Optional[str] = file self.degreeToPacket: dict = {} self.use_method: bool = use_method if file is not None: self.isFolder = os.path.isdir(file) self.isZip = file.endswith(".zip") if not self.isFolder: self.f = open(self.file, "rb") self.correct: int = 0 self.corrupt: int = 0 self.number_of_chunks: int = 1000000 self.headerChunk: typing.Optional[HeaderChunk] = None self.GEPP: typing.Optional[GEPP] = None self.pseudoCount: int = 0 self.ldpcANDhalf: typing.Dict[int, RU10IntermediatePacket] = dict() self.repairBlockNumbers: dict = dict() self.s: int = -1 self.h: int = -1 self.distribution: typing.Optional[Distribution] = None self.EOF: bool = False self.counter: dict = dict() self.count: bool = True self.error_correction: typing.Callable = error_correction self.use_headerchunk: bool = use_headerchunk self.static_number_of_chunks: typing.Optional[ int] = static_number_of_chunks def decodeZip(self, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "I", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", id_len_format: str = "I"): if hasattr(self, "f"): self.f.close() decoded = False self.EOF = False if self.static_number_of_chunks is not None: self.number_of_chunks = self.static_number_of_chunks number_of_chunks_len_format = "" # if we got static number_of_chunks we do not need it in struct string archive = ZipFile(self.file, 'r') namelist = archive.namelist() try: nam = [x.split("_") for x in namelist] sorted_by_second = sorted(nam, key=lambda tup: float(tup[1]), reverse=False) namelist = [x[0] + "_" + x[1] for x in sorted_by_second] except Exception: pass for name in namelist: self.f = io.BytesIO( new_pack = self.getNextValidPacket( True, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, id_len_format=id_len_format) if hasattr(self, "f"): self.f.close() if new_pack is None: break # koennte durch input_new_packet ersetzt werden: # self.addPacket(new_pack) if new_pack != "CORRUPT": decoded = self.input_new_packet(new_pack) else: if DEBUG: print(f"Packet with name={name} corrupt.") if decoded: break if self.progress_bar is not None: self.progress_bar.update(self.correct, Corrupt=self.corrupt) ## print("Decoded Packets: " + str(self.correct)) print("Corrupt Packets: " + str(self.corrupt)) if self.GEPP is None: print("No Packet was correctly decoded. Check your configuration.") return -1 if self.GEPP.isPotentionallySolvable(): decoded = self.GEPP.solve() if not decoded and self.EOF: print("Unable to retrieve File from Chunks. Too many errors?") return -1 def decodeFolder(self, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "I", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", id_len_format: str = "I"): """ Decodes the information from a folder if self.file represents a folder and the packets were saved in multiple files and prints the number of decoded and corrupted packets. :param packet_len_format: Format of the packet length :param crc_len_format: Format of the crc length :param number_of_chunks_len_format: Format of the number of chunks length :param id_len_format: Format of the ID length :return: -1 if the decoding wasn't successful """ decoded = False self.EOF = False if self.static_number_of_chunks is not None: self.number_of_chunks = self.static_number_of_chunks number_of_chunks_len_format = "" # if we got static number_of_chunks we do not need it in struct string for file_in_folder in os.listdir(self.file): if file_in_folder.endswith(".RU10") or file_in_folder.endswith( "DNA"): self.EOF = False if file_in_folder.endswith("DNA"): if self.error_correction.__name__ == 'dna_reed_solomon_decode': try: self.f = quad_file_to_bytes(self.file + "/" + file_in_folder) except TypeError: print( "skipping CORRUPT file - contains illegal character(s)" ) self.corrupt += 1 continue else: try: self.f = quat_file_to_bin(self.file + "/" + file_in_folder) except TypeError: print( "skipping CORRUPT file - contains illegal character(s)" ) self.corrupt += 1 continue else: self.f = open(self.file + "/" + file_in_folder, "rb") new_pack = self.getNextValidPacket( True, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, id_len_format=id_len_format) if new_pack is not None and new_pack != "CORRUPT": # koennte durch input_new_packet ersetzt werden: # self.addPacket(new_pack) decoded = self.input_new_packet(new_pack) if decoded: break if self.progress_bar is not None: self.progress_bar.update(self.correct, Corrupt=self.corrupt) ## print("Decoded Packets: " + str(self.correct)) print("Corrupt Packets: " + str(self.corrupt)) if hasattr(self, "f"): self.f.close() if self.GEPP is None: print("No Packet was correctly decoded. Check your configuration.") return -1 if self.GEPP.isPotentionallySolvable(): decoded = self.GEPP.solve() if not decoded and self.EOF: print("Unable to retrieve File from Chunks. Too many errors?") return -1 def decodeFile(self, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", id_len_format: str = "I"): """ Decodes the information from a file if self.file represents a file and the packets were saved in a single file. :param packet_len_format: Format of the packet length :param crc_len_format: Format of the crc length :param number_of_chunks_len_format: Format of the number of chunks length :param id_len_format: Format of the ID length :return: -1 if the decoding wasn't successful """ decoded = False self.EOF = False if self.file.lower().endswith("dna"): try: self.f.close() self.f = quat_file_to_bin(self.file) except TypeError: print("skipping CORRUPT file - contains illegal character(s)") self.corrupt += 1 if self.static_number_of_chunks is not None: self.number_of_chunks = self.static_number_of_chunks number_of_chunks_len_format = "" # if we got static number_of_chunks we do not need it in struct string if self.file.lower().endswith("fasta"): self.f.close() self.f = open(self.file, "r") raw_packet_list = [] while not (decoded or self.EOF): line = self.f.readline() if not line: self.EOF = True break try: error_prob, seed = line[1:].replace("\n", "").split("_") except: error_prob, seed = "0", "0" line = self.f.readline() if not line: self.EOF = True break dna_str = line.replace("\n", "") raw_packet_list.append((error_prob, seed, dna_str)) try: new_pack = self.parse_raw_packet( BytesIO(tranlate_quat_to_byte(dna_str)).read(), crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, id_len_format=id_len_format) except Exception: new_pack = "CORRUPT" if new_pack != "CORRUPT": decoded = self.input_new_packet(new_pack) if self.progress_bar is not None: self.progress_bar.update(self.correct, Corrupt=self.corrupt) else: while not (decoded or self.EOF): new_pack = self.getNextValidPacket( False, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, id_len_format=id_len_format) if new_pack is None: break # koennte durch input_new_packet ersetzt werden: # self.addPacket(new_pack) if new_pack != "CORRUPT": decoded = self.input_new_packet(new_pack) # print("Decoded Packets: " + str(self.correct)) print("Corrupt Packets : " + str(self.corrupt)) if self.GEPP.isPotentionallySolvable(): return self.GEPP.solve() if not decoded and self.EOF: print("Unable to retrieve File from Chunks. Too much errors?") return -1 # self.f.close() def getNumberOfLDPCBlocks(self): return self.s def getNumberOfHalfBlocks(self): return self.h def getNumberOfRepairBlocks(self): return self.getNumberOfHalfBlocks() + self.getNumberOfLDPCBlocks() def input_new_packet(self, packet: RU10Packet): """ Removes auxpackets (LDPC and Half) and adds the remaining data to the GEPP matrix. :param packet: A Packet to add to the GEPP matrix :return: True: If solved. False: Else. """ if self.ldpcANDhalf == dict( ) and self.distribution is None: # self.isPseudo and self.distribution = RaptorDistribution(self.number_of_chunks) self.number_of_chunks = packet.get_total_number_of_chunks() _, self.s, self.h = intermediate_symbols(self.number_of_chunks, self.distribution) self.createAuxBlocks() self.progress_bar = self.create_progress_bar( self.number_of_chunks + 0.02 * self.number_of_chunks) # we need to do it twice sine half symbols may contain ldpc symbols (which by definition are repair codes.) if self.debug: print("----") print("Id = " + str( print(packet.used_packets) removed = self.removeAndXorAuxPackets(packet) if self.debug: print(from_true_false_list(removed)) print(packet.get_error_correction()) print("----") if self.count: for i in range(len(removed)): if i in self.counter.keys(): if removed[i]: self.counter[i] += 1 else: self.counter[i] = 1 if self.GEPP is None: self.GEPP = GEPP( np.array([removed], dtype=bool), np.array([[packet.get_data()]], dtype=bytes), ) else: self.GEPP.addRow( np.array(removed, dtype=bool), np.frombuffer(packet.get_data(), dtype="uint8"), ) if (self.isPseudo or not self.read_all_before_decode ) and self.GEPP.isPotentionallySolvable(): # and self.GEPP.n % 5 == 0: # Nur alle 5 Packete versuch starten if self.debug: print("current size: " + str(self.GEPP.n)) return self.GEPP.solve(partial=False) return False # Correct def removeAndXorAuxPackets(self, packet: RU10Packet): """ Removes auxpackets (LDCP and Half) from a given packet to get the packets data. :param packet: Packet to remove auxpackets from :return: The data without the auxpackets """ aux_mapping = self.getHalfPacketListFromPacket( packet) # Enthaelt Data + LDPC Nummern aux_mapping.append(packet.get_bool_array_used_and_ldpc_packets()) xored_list = logical_xor(aux_mapping) del aux_mapping tmp = from_true_false_list( xored_list) # Nur noch Data + LDPC sind vorhanden if self.debug: print(tmp) tmp = RU10Packet("", tmp, self.number_of_chunks,, packet.dist, read_only=True) aux_mapping = self.getAuxPacketListFromPacket(tmp) aux_mapping.append( tmp.get_bool_array_used_packets()) # [-len(self.auxBlocks):]) res = logical_xor(aux_mapping) del tmp, aux_mapping return res def createAuxBlocks(self): """ Reconstructs the auxblocks to be able to remove them afterwards. :return: """ assert (self.number_of_chunks is not None ), "createAuxBlocks can only be called AFTER first Packet" if self.debug: print("We should have " + str(self.getNumberOfLDPCBlocks()) + " LDPC-Blocks, " + str(self.getNumberOfHalfBlocks()) + " Half-Blocks and " + str(self.number_of_chunks) + " normal Chunks (including 1 HeaderChunk)") for i in range(0, self.getNumberOfRepairBlocks()): self.repairBlockNumbers[i] = set() i = 0 for group in self.generateIntermediateBlocksFormat( self.number_of_chunks): for elem in group: self.repairBlockNumbers[i] = elem i += 1 # XOR all Chunks into the corresponding AUX-Block for aux_number in self.repairBlockNumbers.keys(): self.ldpcANDhalf[aux_number] = RU10IntermediatePacket( "", self.repairBlockNumbers[aux_number], total_number_of_chunks=self.number_of_chunks, id=aux_number, dist=self.distribution) if self.debug: print( str(aux_number) + " : " + str(self.ldpcANDhalf[aux_number].used_packets)) # Correct def getAuxPacketListFromPacket(self, packet: RU10Packet): """ Creates a list for a packet with information about whether auxpackets have been used for that packet. :param packet: The packet to check. :return: Information about used auxpackets. """ res = [] aux_used_packets = packet.get_bool_array_repair_packets() for i in range(len(aux_used_packets)): if aux_used_packets[i]: res.append((self.ldpcANDhalf[i].get_bool_array_used_packets())) return res def getHalfPacketListFromPacket( self, packet: RU10Packet) -> typing.List[typing.List[bool]]: """ Generates a list of halfpackets from a packet. :param packet: The packet to get the list from :return: List of halfpackets """ res: typing.List[typing.List[bool]] = [] aux_used_packets = packet.get_bool_array_half_packets() for i in range(len(aux_used_packets)): if aux_used_packets[i]: res.append((self.ldpcANDhalf[ packet.get_number_of_ldpc_blocks() + i].get_bool_array_used_and_ldpc_packets())) return res def solve(self, partial=False) -> bool: """ Calls GEPP.solve() :return: True: If GEPP was able to solve the matrix. False: Else. """ return self.GEPP.solve(partial=partial) def getSolvedCount(self) -> int: return self.GEPP.getSolvedCount() def is_decoded(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the data is decoded. :return: True: If the decoding was successfull. False: Else. """ return self.GEPP is not None and self.GEPP.isPotentionallySolvable( ) and self.GEPP.isSolved() def getNextValidPacket( self, from_multiple_files: bool = False, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", id_len_format: str = "I") -> typing.Optional[RU10Packet]: """ Takes a raw packet from a file and calls @parse_raw_packet to get a RU10 packet. If the packet is corrupt the next one will be taken. :param from_multiple_files: True: The packets were saved in multiple files. False: Packets were saved in one file. :param packet_len_format: Format of the packet length :param crc_len_format: Format of the crc length :param number_of_chunks_len_format: Format of the number of chunks length :param id_len_format: Format of the ID length :return: RU10Packet """ if not from_multiple_files: packet_len ="<" + packet_len_format)) try: packet_len = struct.unpack("<" + packet_len_format, packet_len)[0] packet = except: return None else: packet = packet_len = len(packet) if not packet or not packet_len: # EOF self.EOF = True try: self.f.close() except: return None return None res = self.parse_raw_packet( packet, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, id_len_format=id_len_format) if res == "CORRUPT" and not from_multiple_files: res = self.getNextValidPacket( from_multiple_files, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, id_len_format=id_len_format) return res def parse_raw_packet( self, packet, crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "L", packet_len_format: str = "I", id_len_format: str = "L") -> typing.Union[RU10Packet, str]: """ Creates a RU10 packet from a raw given packet. Also checks if the packet is corrupted. If any method was used to create packets from specific chunks, set self.use_method = True. This will treat the last byte of the raw packet data as the byte that contains the information about the used method ("even", "odd", "window_30 + window" or "window_40 + window". See RU10Encoder.create_new_packet_from_chunks for further information. :param packet: A raw packet :param packet_len_format: Format of the packet length :param crc_len_format: Format of the crc length :param number_of_chunks_len_format: Format of the number of chunks length :param id_len_format: Format of the ID length :return: RU10Packet or an error message """ struct_str = "<" + number_of_chunks_len_format + id_len_format struct_len = struct.calcsize(struct_str) try: packet = self.error_correction(packet) except: self.corrupt += 1 return "CORRUPT" data = packet[struct_len:] chunk_lst = [] if self.use_method: method_data = bin(data[-1])[2:] while len(method_data) < 8: method_data = '0' + method_data data = data[:-1] if method_data.startswith('00'): chunk_lst = [ ch for ch in range(0, self.number_of_chunks + 1) if ch % 2 == 0 ] elif method_data.startswith('01'): chunk_lst = [ ch for ch in range(0, self.number_of_chunks + 1) if ch % 2 != 0 ] elif method_data.startswith('10'): window = int(method_data[2:], 2) window_size = 30 start = window * (window_size - 10) chunk_lst = [ ch for ch in range(start, start + window_size) if ch <= self.number_of_chunks ] elif method_data.startswith('11'): window = int(method_data[2:], 2) window_size = 40 start = window * (window_size - 10) chunk_lst = [ ch for ch in range(start, start + window_size) if ch <= self.number_of_chunks ] else: raise RuntimeError("Not a valid start:", method_data) len_data = struct.unpack(struct_str, packet[0:struct_len]) if self.static_number_of_chunks is None: self.number_of_chunks = xor_mask(len_data[0], number_of_chunks_len_format) unxored_id = xor_mask(len_data[1], id_len_format) else: unxored_id = xor_mask(len_data[0], id_len_format) if self.distribution is None: self.distribution = RaptorDistribution(self.number_of_chunks) _, self.s, self.h = intermediate_symbols(self.number_of_chunks, self.distribution) self.progress_bar = self.create_progress_bar( self.number_of_chunks + 0.02 * self.number_of_chunks) if self.correct == 0: self.createAuxBlocks() self.correct += 1 if self.use_method: numbers = choose_packet_numbers(len(chunk_lst), unxored_id, self.distribution, systematic=False, max_l=len(chunk_lst)) used_packets = [chunk_lst[i] for i in numbers] else: used_packets = choose_packet_numbers(self.number_of_chunks, unxored_id, self.distribution, systematic=False) res = RU10Packet( data, used_packets, self.number_of_chunks, unxored_id, read_only=True, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, id_len_format=id_len_format, save_number_of_chunks_in_packet=self.static_number_of_chunks is None) return res def generateIntermediateBlocksFormat( self, number_of_chunks: int ) -> typing.List[typing.List[typing.List[int]]]: """ Generates the format of the intermediate blocks from the number of used chunks. :param number_of_chunks: The number of used chunks. :return: """ compositions: typing.List[typing.List[int]] = [[] for _ in range(self.s)] for i in range(0, number_of_chunks): a = 1 + (int(floor(np.float64(i) / np.float64(self.s))) % (self.s - 1)) b = int(i % self.s) compositions[b].append(i) b = (b + a) % self.s compositions[b].append(i) b = (b + a) % self.s compositions[b].append(i) hprime: int = int(ceil(np.float64(self.h) / 2)) m = buildGraySequence(number_of_chunks + self.s, hprime) hcompositions: typing.List[typing.List[int]] = [[] for _ in range(self.h)] for i in range(0, self.h): hcomposition = [] for j in range(0, number_of_chunks + self.s): if bitSet(np.uint32(m[j]), np.uint32(i)): hcomposition.append(j) hcompositions[i] = hcomposition res = [compositions, hcompositions] return res def saveDecodedFile(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I", null_is_terminator: bool = False, print_to_output: bool = True, return_file_name=False, partial_decoding: bool = True) -> \ typing.Union[bytes, str]: """ Saves the file - if decoded. The filename is either taken from the headerchunk or generated based on the input filename. :param partial_decoding: perform partial decoding if full decoding failed, missing parts will be filled with "\x00" :param return_file_name: if set to true, this function will return the filename under which the file as been saved :param last_chunk_len_format: Format of the last chunk length :param null_is_terminator: True: The file is handled as null-terminated C-String. :param print_to_output: True: Result we be printed to the command line. :return: """ assert self.is_decoded( ) or partial_decoding, "Can not save File: Unable to reconstruct. You may try saveDecodedFile(partial_decoding=True)" if partial_decoding: self.solve(partial=True) dirty = False if self.use_headerchunk: header_row = self.GEPP.result_mapping[0] if header_row >= 0: self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk( Packet(self.GEPP.b[header_row], {0}, self.number_of_chunks, read_only=True), last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) file_name = "DEC_" + os.path.basename( self.file) if self.file is not None else "RU10.BIN" output_concat = b"" if self.headerChunk is not None: try: file_name = self.headerChunk.get_file_name().decode("utf-8") except Exception as ex: print("Warning:", ex) file_name = file_name.split("\x00")[0] with open(file_name, "wb") as f: for x in self.GEPP.result_mapping: if x < 0: f.write(b"\x00" * len(self.GEPP.b[x][0])) dirty = True continue if 0 != x or not self.use_headerchunk: if self.number_of_chunks - 1 == x and self.use_headerchunk: output = self.GEPP.b[x][0][0:self.headerChunk. get_last_chunk_length()] output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) else: if null_is_terminator: splitter = self.GEPP.b[x].tostring().decode( ).split("\x00") output = splitter[0].encode() if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) if len(splitter) > 1: break # since we are in null-terminator mode, we exit once we see the first 0-byte else: output = self.GEPP.b[x] if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) print("Saved file as '" + str(file_name) + "'") if dirty: print( "Some parts could not be restored, file WILL contain sections with \\x00 !" ) if print_to_output: print("Result:") print(output_concat.decode("utf-8")) if self.progress_bar is not None: self.progress_bar.update(self.number_of_chunks, Corrupt=self.corrupt) if return_file_name: return file_name return output_concat def mode_1_bmp_decode(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I"): dec_out = self.saveDecodedFile( last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format, null_is_terminator=False, print_to_output=False) return self.bytes_to_bitmap(dec_out) def bytes_to_bitmap(self, img_byt: bytes): width, height = struct.unpack('>H', img_byt[:2])[0], struct.unpack( '>H', img_byt[2:4])[0] unpack = np.unpackbits( np.frombuffer(img_byt, dtype=np.uint8, count=int((width * height) / 8), offset=4)).reshape(height, width).transpose() flip_bits = np.logical_not(unpack).astype(int) new_img = self.draw_img(flip_bits, width, height) tmp_file_name = os.path.basename(self.file) + ".bmp" file_name = "DEC_" + tmp_file_name if self.file is not None else "RU10.BIN.bmp" return file_name @staticmethod def draw_img(unpacked_flipped_bits, width: int, height: int) -> Image: new_img ='1', (width, height)) pixels = new_img.load() for i in range(new_img.size[0]): for j in range(new_img.size[1]): pixels[i, j] = int(unpacked_flipped_bits[i, j]) return new_img
class LTDecoder(Decoder): def __init__(self, file: typing.Optional[str] = None, error_correction: typing.Callable = nocode, use_headerchunk: bool = True, static_number_of_chunks: typing.Optional[int] = None, implicit_mode: bool = True, dist: typing.Optional[Distribution] = None): super().__init__(file) self.use_headerchunk: bool = use_headerchunk self.isPseudo: bool = False self.file: typing.Optional[str] = file self.degreeToPacket: typing.Dict[int, Packet] = {} if file is not None: self.isFolder: bool = os.path.isdir(file) if not self.isFolder: self.f = open(self.file, "rb") self.correct: int = 0 self.corrupt: int = 0 self.number_of_chunks: int = 1000000 self.headerChunk: typing.Optional[HeaderChunk] = None self.GEPP: typing.Optional[GEPP] = None self.pseudoCount: int = 0 self.read_all_before_decode: bool = True self.count: bool = True self.counter: typing.Dict[int, int] = dict() self.error_correction: typing.Callable = error_correction self.static_number_of_chunks: int = static_number_of_chunks self.implicit_mode: bool = implicit_mode self.dist: typing.Optional[Distribution] = dist self.EOF: bool = False def decodeFolder(self, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", degree_len_format: str = "I", seed_len_format: str = "I", last_chunk_len_format: str = "I") -> typing.Optional[int]: decoded: bool = False self.EOF: bool = False if self.static_number_of_chunks is not None: self.number_of_chunks = self.static_number_of_chunks number_of_chunks_len_format = "" # if we got static number_of_chunks we do not need it in struct string for file in os.listdir(self.file): if file.endswith(".LT") or file.endswith("DNA"): self.EOF = False if file.endswith("DNA"): self.f = quat_file_to_bin(self.file + "/" + file) else: self.f = open(self.file + "/" + file, "rb") new_pack = self.getNextValidPacket(True, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, degree_len_format=degree_len_format, seed_len_format=seed_len_format, last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) if new_pack is not None: decoded = self.input_new_packet(new_pack) if decoded: break self.EOF = True print("Decoded Packets: " + str(self.correct)) print("Corrupt Packets : " + str(self.corrupt)) if self.GEPP.isPotentionallySolvable(): decoded = self.GEPP.solve() if hasattr(self, "f"): self.f.close() if not decoded and self.EOF: print("Unable to retrieve File from Chunks. Too much errors?") return -1 def decodeFile(self, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", degree_len_format: str = "I", seed_len_format: str = "I", last_chunk_len_format: str = "I") -> typing.Optional[int]: decoded: bool = False self.EOF: bool = False if self.static_number_of_chunks is not None: self.number_of_chunks = self.static_number_of_chunks number_of_chunks_len_format = "" # if we got static number_of_chunks we do not need it in struct string if self.file.lower().endswith("fasta"): self.f.close() self.f = open(self.file, "r") raw_packet_list = [] while not (decoded or self.EOF): line = self.f.readline() if not line: self.EOF = True break try: error_prob, seed = line[1:].replace("\n", "").split("_") except: error_prob, seed = "0", "0" line = self.f.readline() if not line: self.EOF = True break dna_str = line.replace("\n", "") raw_packet_list.append((error_prob, seed, dna_str)) new_pack = self.parse_raw_packet(BytesIO(tranlate_quat_to_byte(dna_str)).read(), crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, degree_len_format=degree_len_format, seed_len_format=seed_len_format) decoded = self.input_new_packet(new_pack) if self.progress_bar is not None: self.progress_bar.update(self.correct, Corrupt=self.corrupt) else: while not (decoded or self.EOF): new_pack = self.getNextValidPacket(False, packet_len_format=packet_len_format, crc_len_format=crc_len_format, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, degree_len_format=degree_len_format, seed_len_format=seed_len_format, last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) if new_pack is None: break # koennte durch input_new_packet ersetzt werden: # self.addPacket(new_pack) decoded = self.input_new_packet(new_pack) ## print("Decoded Packets: " + str(self.correct)) print("Corrupt Packets : " + str(self.corrupt)) self.f.close() if self.GEPP.isPotentionallySolvable(): return self.GEPP.solve() if not decoded and self.EOF: print("Unable to retrieve File from Chunks. Too much errors?") return -1 def input_new_packet(self, packet: Packet) -> bool: self.pseudoCount += 1 packets: typing.List[bool] = packet.get_bool_array_used_packets() if self.count: for i in range(len(packets)): if i in self.counter.keys(): if packets[i]: self.counter[i] += 1 else: self.counter[i] = 1 if self.GEPP is None: self.GEPP = GEPP(np.array([packet.get_bool_array_used_packets()], dtype=bool), np.array([[packet.get_data()]], dtype=bytes), ) else: self.GEPP.addRow(packet.get_bool_array_used_packets(), np.frombuffer(packet.get_data(), dtype="uint8"), ) if self.isPseudo and not self.read_all_before_decode and self.GEPP.isPotentionallySolvable(): return self.GEPP.solve(partial=False) return False def solve(self) -> bool: return self.GEPP.solve() def getSolvedCount(self) -> int: return self.GEPP.getSolvedCount() def choose_packet_numbers(self, degree: int, seed: int = 0) -> typing.Set[int]: assert degree <= self.number_of_chunks res: typing.Set[int] = set() rng = np.random rng.seed(seed) for _ in range(0, degree): tmp = rng.choice(range(0, self.number_of_chunks)) while tmp in res: tmp = rng.choice(range(0, self.number_of_chunks)) res.add(tmp) return res def is_decoded(self) -> bool: return self.GEPP is not None and self.GEPP.isPotentionallySolvable() and self.GEPP.isSolved() def getNextValidPacket(self, from_multiple_files: bool = False, packet_len_format: str = "I", crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", degree_len_format: str = "I", seed_len_format: str = "I", last_chunk_len_format: str = "I") -> typing.Optional[Packet]: if not from_multiple_files: packet_len: typing.Union[int, bytes] ="<" + packet_len_format)) packet_len = struct.unpack("<" + packet_len_format, packet_len)[0] packet: bytes = else: packet = packet_len = len(packet) if not packet or not packet_len: # EOF self.EOF: bool = True self.f.close() return None res = self.parse_raw_packet(packet, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, degree_len_format=degree_len_format, seed_len_format=seed_len_format) if res == "CORRUPT": res = self.getNextValidPacket(from_multiple_files=from_multiple_files, number_of_chunks_len_format=number_of_chunks_len_format, degree_len_format=degree_len_format, seed_len_format=seed_len_format) return res def saveDecodedFile(self, last_chunk_len_format: str = "I", null_is_terminator: bool = False, print_to_output: bool = True) -> None: assert self.is_decoded(), "Can not save File: Unable to reconstruct." if self.use_headerchunk: self.headerChunk = HeaderChunk(Packet(self.GEPP.b[0], {0}, self.number_of_chunks, read_only=True), last_chunk_len_format=last_chunk_len_format) file_name = "DEC_" + os.path.basename(self.file) if self.file is not None else "LT.BIN" if self.headerChunk is not None: file_name = self.headerChunk.get_file_name().decode("utf-8") output_concat: bytes = b"" file_name: str = file_name.split("\x00")[0] try: with open(file_name, "wb") as f: for x in self.GEPP.result_mapping: if 0 != x or not self.use_headerchunk: if self.number_of_chunks - 1 == x and self.use_headerchunk: output: typing.Union[bytes, np.array] = self.GEPP.b[x][0][ 0: self.headerChunk.get_last_chunk_length()] output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) else: if null_is_terminator: splitter: str = self.GEPP.b[x].tostring().decode().split("\x00") output = splitter[0].encode() if type(output) == bytes: output_concat += output else: output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) if len(splitter) > 1: break # since we are in null-terminator mode, we exit once we see the first 0-byte else: output = self.GEPP.b[x] output_concat += output.tobytes() f.write(output) print("Saved file as '" + str(file_name) + "'") except Exception as ex: raise ex if print_to_output: print("Result:") print(output_concat.decode("utf-8")) def parse_raw_packet(self, packet: bytes, crc_len_format: str = "L", number_of_chunks_len_format: str = "I", degree_len_format: str = "I", seed_len_format: str = "I") -> typing.Union[str, Packet]: crc_len = -struct.calcsize("<" + crc_len_format) if self.error_correction.__code__.co_name == crc32.__code__.co_name: payload: bytes = packet[:crc_len] crc: int = struct.unpack("<" + crc_len_format, packet[crc_len:])[0] calced_crc: int = calc_crc(payload) if crc != calced_crc: # If the Packet is corrupt, try next one print("[-] CRC-Error - " + str(hex(crc)) + " != " + str(hex(calced_crc))) self.corrupt += 1 return "CORRUPT" else: crc_len = None try: packet = self.error_correction(packet) except: self.corrupt += 1 return "CORRUPT" if self.implicit_mode: degree_len_format = "" struct_str: str = "<" + number_of_chunks_len_format + degree_len_format + seed_len_format struct_len: int = struct.calcsize(struct_str) len_data: typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple[int, int], typing.Tuple[int, int, int]] = struct.unpack(struct_str, packet[ 0:struct_len]) degree: typing.Optional[int] = None if self.static_number_of_chunks is None: if self.implicit_mode: number_of_chunks, seed = len_data else: number_of_chunks, degree, seed = len_data self.number_of_chunks = xor_mask(number_of_chunks, number_of_chunks_len_format) else: if self.implicit_mode: seed = len_data else: degree, seed = len_data seed: int = xor_mask(seed, seed_len_format) if degree is None: self.dist.set_seed(seed) degree: int = self.dist.getNumber() else: degree: int = xor_mask(degree, degree_len_format) used_packets = self.choose_packet_numbers(degree, seed) data = packet[struct_len:crc_len] self.correct += 1 return Packet(data, used_packets, self.number_of_chunks, read_only=True, error_correction=self.error_correction, save_number_of_chunks_in_packet=self.static_number_of_chunks is None)